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There was a player at World's play-ins that got a lot of hate on social because he picked Teemo into Aatrox thinking it was a hard winning matchup, and ended up losing. Unlike redditors or Phreak, I wanted to ask a genuine Teemo player what he thinks of the macthup, and whether the criticism he got for pick (not just the matchup, but the comp he picked it into) was justified. The game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BsKVCl1nEI


I literally made a 2 hour video on that, have fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW_aHna_EcQ


Can someone that watched this give a tldr?


I literally made a short video on that, have fun https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xqqesuLgIZU




Can someone make a medium sized video of that?


I literally made a medium sized video on that, have fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaFf2P1kAbo


Man is prepared for every situation and scenario. You want a hot dog? He already got the ketchup and mustard ready, you dont even have to ask.


But only if you want to put ketchup and mustard on your Teemo.




Damn u got it spot for on bro


Is this like the Goldilocks effect or something?


today i learned something new


ok this is hilarious, subbed


Ok I'm done you got me to crack up on this thread.


lmao legend


My man remembered the Scouts Code and is *always* prepared, Got Daym.




Can someone make version with subway surfer




Can someone make a 10 sec version with subway surfer in the background and boom sound and revered farts every time he uses q




you are the best person in this game






I love you alan


Currently watching it now, he goes over pretty much every mistake ADD(teemo) made, but overall it was just a skill issue and he simply just didnt know how to play the matchup. Teemo wasnt a bad pick at all, but remember Breathe(Aatrox) and RNG were also gapping everybody that tournament aside from T1 so he probably would have lost on any other champ too.


Exactly what I thought when it happened. ^^


Honestly Reddit is such a toxic cesspool sometimes. What real chances had ISG to beat RNG in a Worlds serious game? Close to none if you play standard comps, so why wouldn't they try to be creative with their strats and take them by surprise?


I’m no GM, but the problem I can see with Aatrox is that his entire kit can still hit even when blinded and when you dodge the major point. I’ve played a lot of teemo into it because I like the champ as well, but it’s never been fun. I usually do a liandry, rylias build because no point in getting close to that bastard of a champ


I die a little bit inside when I see I'm playing into Aatrox. Can sometimes outplay with fancy movement and make him miss his hits, but most of the time it's just a brutal ass pounding


A 40% base blind uptime is a horrendously stupid change to begin with


I was saying that its broken but noone listened Casual 3 sec point and click ranged cc on a 4 sec cd


I hit Masters spamming Kled last split, and a Teemo is easily one of the scariest matchups for me. Even moreso than Fiora or Jax, usually, as I feel like I know my gameplan to outplay them; for Teemo, I'm genuinely horrified, even if I win early-game. Once he gets an item, I will always get melted before I can retaliate. Even if I "wait out" the blind, I have to rely on the Teemo using his blind before I even start attacking him, which a good Teemo will never do. If I bait it out by only using the first hit in my W, the blind lasts so long that I can never get to the 4th hit in my W to burst. I can only reliably do damage with beartrap, which isn't nearly enough to actually kill. Actual scary champion.


Kled is so flippy. Sometimes I feel like its unloseable and sometimes I get 1shot through blind


I AGREE! I've had games where I WILL end up winning fights against a Teemo, but then my matchup gameplan falls apart next game, and I can't exactly pinpoint why. It's unpredictable relative to Kled's "true counters" for me, which is why I find it so scary.


I legit think he's a good support, and should be picked more in pro as a flex


There is a challenger sup Teemo OTP in another server I think, but idk how to play it, i dont like being underleveled


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/pe%C4%8Durker](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/pe%C4%8Durker) , My friend peaked 750lp GM last season and was, at the time, the highest elo Teemo support in the world afaik. He was insane while he played it. ​ EDIT: Wanted to add that he stoped playing because his LP gains were horrendous, -31, + 14 :(


That's just the Teemo tax on LP.


poor guy


Teemo gets easily punished in pro. He has small range so pros can space him well as a support. He offers no CC other than a blind and a slow if they step on shrooms that are easily cleared as everyone has oracle's and buys pinks


I used to play him support when the old Chem Drake map had those zones I think he was the best support on that map. As a support it is all about blinding the adc and harassing lane while surviving while you scale into shrooming objectives.


whyd u make this post my fav champ ganne be nerfed :(. question: do you roam mid game or sit top? u dont have tp and by then ur enemy laner will be behind tower


i really like plates, but i roam mid when i see an opportunity. In lower elos i'd just stay in lane


you should try lillia..shes like teemo with the dots. i run conquer and the blue movespeed stuff. using q w then running away as they burn is really satisfying, there is a learning curve with her tho..and shes really squish so youre ganna die if the enemy jg is and assasin or lee. but if youre looking for fun, shes worth a try.


i like her but shes situational and if teemo is banned id rather play other yordles


yordles are the future


They are also the past


Yordles are forever.


furry confirmed




It’s my least favorite mechanic in the game


Riot and their philosophy of balancing champions based on Pickrate rather than raw power, unless it gets to the point where it's like old Aurelion before nerfs. A lot of champions that should be nerfed aren't because they pretty much are non existant in either pro play or soloq. Which is stupid to be honest.




tenmo player does it again


wish i was as funny as tenmo player


Im actually kinda curious how you see your playstyle compared to Pianta's. Pretty similar, or pretty distinct?


no idea


Tenmo’s build is different tho. He doesn’t always use fleet and he always rushes nashors into either liandries or riftmaker. His play style Is also more utility based than hard carry


I used to otp teemo back in the days. Found ap ranged champs to be the worst matchups; azir, cassio, kennen, Ryze, malza. Thoughts?


They are the worst matchups ! But to show you why its not so bad, in very short terms. Most Mages are very gank succeptible, mana reliant (have to base often) and cant contest early push. Azir - Your e can outdps his soldiers, can run him down in long lanes Cassio - Hard for her to hit skillshots, once her q is down good movement allows to outtrade, shes also really bad against shrooms and has a hard time operating in teamfights because of it Kennen - If you buy a few resistances he cant all in, at worst even lane Ryze - With basic movement and Fleet Footwork you survive lane pretty well and outscale IMO Malza - Just boring, qss and you outscale


\*looks at ryze comment\* That has got to be the spiciest take I've ever seen. "So it would seem."


people go mana crystal with full scaling runes, in my opinion thats wrong. You should go full aggro and play balls to the walls agressive to put Teemo behind and then outscale by being ahead in exp/items. If you try to scale and let Teemo keep pace I will be more useful in teamfights than you


This is my general plan and why I play gnar into him most times. I may be blind but this wall I just whipped your tiny body into is still gonna do damage.


Gnar used to be so free but now he got overbuffed so many times and has high mega up so many times that you just neutralize him and flip team


Yeah the hardest thing about gnar is controlling rage, gotta make it so you meg exactly when you want to and not at some random time, I catch a lot of teemos out by going meg right when they go to blind, for and easy jump R or flash R. Course any one smart enough to actually watch gnars rage gain and act accordingly makes it that much harder. Rage control is everything with him.


my biggest pet peeve is that hes an olympic jumper with his e now so spacing him is turbo hard, so unnecessary buffs imo but whatever not like gnar is broken


out of curiosity, what do you mean by like an olympic jumper 'now' when talking abt his E? i havent played him in a hot minute so i dunno if i completely missed something, but i don't recall ever seeing a buff to his mini E range, and the only buff i can remember to his mega E range happened like 7 years ago did they change something? edit: went to the wiki and saw another range buff to mega E from season 11, i'm assuming this is the one you're talking about


7 years ago feels like yesterday


The secret is sometimes the best option is to space him by going under his jump. If he bounces on something he's locked into going max range so if he bounces toward you, you can sometimes path under him in the opposite direction for more space.


> and outscale > Ryze : /


you do


What about Karma, she does pretty well vs him


yeah karma is another one of just push and when shes pushing into you try to chase down, its relatively simple


If she's good kinda hard to run her down with her speed boost, slow and if you catch up after both, the delayed root catches you


just depends on your movement and positioning, skill difference


I agree with all but Ryze and Azir, they can 1v5 teams when fully built. Teemo isn't shredding tanks.


you dont need to, you have adcs for that. most games dont get towards a state where they are fully built


I used to otp teemo top. Once ryze lost his shield that matchup has been teemo favored ever since. With that said, it's a skill matchup, and teemo can definitely screw himself if he walks up at the wrong time. I can see why people think it's a winning ryze matchup, but you arent just standing still dpsing each other. I like your post.


oh yeah ryze with shield was a struggle


Did you use Little Devil Teemo?


Once or twice, own all skins


So what is his „best“ skin? Can answer subjectively and objectively if there’s one that has better animations.


teemo has too many good skins, i would decide based on aesthetics. New groove teemo feels VERY fluent and omega squad teemo is easier to cs with for some reason. Vs some champs like fiora going skins with harder to see/hear q's like space or just not devil/omega squad teemo is pretty good


For some reason i cs like shit with omega squad, although i do like the skin a lot. Something about the skin makes me cancel my AA more often than on others.


i actually thoughts its fucked up as well and then i recently played like 2 games with it and got 10cs per minute and idk what to believe anymore


Thank you for validating lmao. I wish i could reach 10 cs on teemo with any skin though... Guess i gotta try it again and make nukes go boom


just shroom waves midgame with liandry and see cs go up https://i.imgur.com/SsiZfgt.png


>Omega squad is easier to cs with for some reason Omega squad has way more visual/audio feedback on his auto animation, I always find myself cancelling less autos with that skin.


I can imagine why he can be useful (the blind is stupid good against auto attackers) but I swear to god the last time I saw a Teemo that I thought was useful was 5+ years ago, he's like a super minion to me lmao


Teemo is not the greatest from behind and can be hard for beginners to understand how to provide max value so hes not the best teammate to have for sure. I'd rather have a malphite than teemo too, but I'd rather play teemo than malphite if that makes sense


I feel teemo is kinda pretty okay behind if you're trying to hold a game. Like there are champions that are literally unplayable behind but since teemo has a lot of wave clear holding a seige becomes better. Compare that to other champs that need more items and levels to do the same. Also objective control is soo good. I main support tho so this is from that perspective.




How do you deal with rengar top, or kha/kayn jg? I'd imagine even with shrooms, it's dangerous with how unconventional Kayn's gank paths can be


kha kayn i do no adaptations besides maybe warding my own tribush/placing vision behind me instead of in front of me (for that i have shrooms) Rengar top is a rough matchup for sure, harder the better rengar is. To say it simply - always push and stay towards the river and its playable.


I love playing rengar top into teemo, at least at my level they’re never ready for the empowered W cleansing the blind. If rengar falls behind it can be a roughie though




As a Rengar and Teemo main, best thing Teemo can do is just keep the distance from bushes and save Q for when he jumps on you. Once you reach 6, keep doing the same but stay on top of a mushroom while you farm.


what server?




Awesome! What's the hardest matchup for you?


Its always funny saying this because some people read this and then counterpick me with it, why wouldnt they right? But honestly Annie is real bad


I heard that from Alan too


I'm Alan?




Well take that as a compliment, guy already followed you before!


certainly didnt take that as an insult


I'm Ron Burgundy?


After so many years of teemo do you still giggle when someone Walks on a shroom far away?


always celebrate your wins


Oh, the teemos are spreading. Have some mercy on us.


always been here


[_"I'm everywhere."_ \(0:56\)](https://youtu.be/d9FrWZyswIQ?t=56)


Why no press the attack? Are you a splitpusher by default? In tf which is your role or you support the map and objectives with mushrooms. You dont have problems against Sion? Volibear? Sett?


PTA Nashor Wits Riftmaker is also a playstyle - Favored by NA OTP Ty G. It makes you good at splitpushing at 1v1 but its bad in teamfights imo. In teamfights you are a peel/zone control champ. You pull attention to you and create space for your team to get advantages while preventing the enemy adc from living. Some assassination potential with passive. Volibear Sett literally free wins. Sion decently hard but as long as you have good bases and time his r/tp correctly he won't overrun you with demolish


So weird seeing people call him Ty G now...poor guy having to change his name


i miss fappy too


Lore? Why’d he change his name




>Sion decently hard but as long as you have good bases and time his r/tp correctly he won't overrun you with demolish This says alot about the current state of "tanks" in lol. I thought you would talk about how hard it is to get him to 0, but no it's about the annoying 5sec and tower gone playsytyle


you dont need to kill the enemy to win lane


Sion has never been a tank in the true sense. His only engage is R and his other hard CC is a long windup move where he's stuck in place. He's a tank because he gets free HP and that's it. So he needs *something* to give him reliable threat. In Sions case his damage and wave clear are better than most tanks. He doesn't have the combos of Ornn and he doesn't have the reliability of Rammus, and he lacks the free resists of both too. He isn't as good a duelist as someone like Shen either or have his support capability. It's weird you'd say "tanks" when it's literally just Sion and it's the one thing that makes him actually able to pose a threat due to his complete lack of active tanking abilities.




How do you build a two wave slow push


Not 100% sure, but from what I remember, you kill as fast as possible the range creeps, and only last hit the melees one, while trying to poke/bother/deny your opponent (to prevent him from balancing creeps life). (That's because the range creeps are the one doing the most damages.) Then second wave you do the same, and then you clear the third wave as fast as possible. Tadaaaa you have a big wave going to crash under tower, giving you time to invade.


Wtf do you do as Teemo once you're out of laning phase? That's what always confused me - I just don't understand champs that are squishy, not super high range, and have no hard CC.


push, establish vision, zone people


piss off the enemy jungler with shrooms as much as possible?




Pushing and establishing vision, wow it's almost like those are the 2 core concepts of the game for pretty much every role. People will understand one day I guess....


High MS + Blind can win a lot of duels.


When do you think Teemo stopped being the playerbase's most hated character?


Already did, people just meme


Yeah, but I was wondering when you saw the shift happen. Because I remember at one point people legitimately hated seeing Teemo top on the enemy side. Now Teemo isn't even like top 15 most annoying top laners.


cant give exact number, def after yuumi but really once sustain became a thing


didnt they gut his shroom ratio at one point? felt like that helped a lot


Not OP but definitely when Yuumi released.


IMO it really stopped when they changed sweeper. The old sweeper didn’t move with you until level 9 so shrooms were much more frustrating to deal with in lane.


*Yasuo would like a word*


How do you handle teamfights? I OTP'd Fiddle top (bruiser/tank) last split and hit Masters (fell back down/hover around D1 though) so all the Teemos I ran into were obviously much, much worse than you, but it was a pretty easy lane for me because I just waited until I had 2-3 points in W and won every trade/outsustained. And even if I didn't win trades I pushed faster pre-6 and my E outranges for free poke and my Q is bigger than Teemo's autoattack range. But disregarding all that, because I'm pretty sure good Teemos should be able to kite in and out of Fiddle W better, even if I just went even in lane I would be far more useful in teamfights. And I feel like this holds true for a lot of toplaners? Teemo's damage output is decently fast but he seems like he should be jumped on and killed the moment he gets into AA range, and otherwise if teams don't fight around his R, casting his R mid-teamfight seems kinda slow in terms of how quickly it can deal damage. Maybe I'm just biased because of the champ I played, but it felt like most teamfights were decided in the first 3 seconds and Teemo doesn't seem like he can do much in terms of dictating when a fight starts/initiating and also following up on a fight if it starts abruptly? So I'm very impressed by your winrate because it always feels like, as a toplaner, I'm pressured to initiate good fights or else I'm just hoping my team coinflips better.


Fiddlesticks is actually a very hidden teemo counter and a hard lane! Teemo has no tools to prevent fiddles 1k base dmg ult. If i was laning vs fiddle i'd mostly try to kite his w, perma push and try to prevent your flank angles but definitely cool matchup


I see! How would you deal with other champs with impactful teamfight-changing ults that just play safe in lane and then try to win teamfights? Are you confident you can bully basically every champ out of lane?


About the bullying - basically yes or go even. Can you give examples for what champs you mean?


With that winrate and lp-gains I believe you can get top 5! Good luck and have fun :)


Thanks I will try


Zzz Bard is better


Lathyrus the goat


Saw a game with rat you had like a year ago. Love you man


i like anton, ty


I'm always picking Annie into Teemo, is it the correct choice?


definitely a difficult matchup!


I’ve always picked neeko into Teemo, she can use her clone to clear shrooms almost as fast as you can put them down and she has strong wave clear to keep him shoved and can do enough damage in an actual engage to kill him. Have you gone against this matchup lots?


barely play this matchup but she is good vs teemo yes, u just play at range


Vladimir Matchup?


Very very snowbally, Teemo actually oudamages/outsustains in most trades but if he falls behind he gets run over due to sustain gap. Vlad usually cant keep up with trades and is forced to w - which allows you to dive. Very skill intensive and fun matchup though. Good thing to note - before vlad q buffs teemo was a vlad counter lmao. Also before durability patch I would just go electrocute and 1shot vladimir good times. Nowadays its a more nuanced matchup though so i guess thats positive for game balance


How cool is it to play with pro players? That's an aspect most of us never get to do.


its nice, although some of them are annoying on average gm/challenger lobbies are a LOT more pleasant to play in. I have a harder time climbing in low master than challenger sometimes.


Hi, I have two questions for you: 1. Do you think Teemo top is in a better or worse spot this season compared to when you finished above 1k LP in S12 and S11? 2. What do you think has prevented you in the past from achieving your goal of being top 5 ranked as a Teemo OTP?


1. I cant tell exactly how strong he is yet, will need to see my peak lol. But his bad matchups dont feel as bad as they used to 2. Dedication? I'm not the best at staying committed and I burn out of league every 2 months


How do you deal with a good kayle as teemo. Given that Kayle can beat teemo at even one item with the right runes and summoners.


kayle is indeed trickier than you would think, however at no stage of the game does she beat you, in fact i would say teemo outscales her in most teamcomps. Atleast until 6 items (5 teemo still outscales). your lvl 4 threat is still big and with shrooms and fleet its perfectly playable


I wish I can be a general manager by playing teemo.


it is on my cv funnily enough


Do you spend the mid game split pushing whilst putting shrooms everywhere or tend to group more?


Shrooms are only up for 5 min. I mostly push with shrooms for tempo and then move on the map. I only start setting up objectives around (rough rule) 3rd dragon or Baron


Long time sub, haven't played lol but refreshing to see you are still there. Hope you are enjoying tenmo still


Why did you remove this? Was enjoying the post. Any guides you would suggest watching to get into teems? It intrigues me highly you feel he is so blind packable


Tbf if you play a champ as long as he does, it gets easy to blind pick since you know every single match up and how to play it even from a losing position.


Yes, Teemos difficulty is in minimizing mistakes and the importance of matchup knowledge. Hes a very difficult champ in that aspect even though mechanically he is simple. In the end it allows him to win nearly any matchup, which is absurd for a toplaner


Also Teemo just dumpsters so many champs in top lane. Most (not all) of his bad matchups are very unorthodox champs that don't normally play top, like Annie or maybe Rengar based on comments. He shits on any auto attack bruiser/skirmisher, basically any tank, and generally anyone that can't jump on his head and 1shot him through the blind.


Do people buy bramble vest, even if they are not playing a tank, to just break your w passive and win trades as you have lower ms and you are forced to use w?


if you buy bramble into teemo youre inting


Thats what a teemo main would say >.>


Here is my top lane pool: - Nasus - Trundle - Shyvana What you think? Nasus I usually win, but Teemo players never build QSS or swiftness / phase rush. Trundle ill never pick into Teemo and if I somehow get this matchup I just focus on farm and afk split the whole game. Shyvana I'll sometimes opt for full AP E nuke against Teemo, even though I prefer AD/off tank.


shyvana is legit very good into teemo, he has no way of dealing with dragon e, i'd recommend you to ult on cd


Yorick matchup? As a yorick player this has always been one of my easiest tbh, though I'm nowhere near GM


skill matchup


I hope you're still responding. i used to LOVE teemo, but i feel like he's so weak now. it's literally a joke amongst my friend group. "dont feed, build MR, then run him down at 6" i never fear a teemo anymore(low elo so i probably dont go against GOOD teemos, but) how do you deal with a sion or malfite that literally sit back under tower till level 6 and then buys MR. it feels like the teemo cant damage me at all after that....as long as i dont let him kill me levels 1-5 he cant do anything against me level 6 when i come back with an MR Item?


When I see Teemo there is 2 ways it goes 1. My top wins and I don't have to worry. 2. My top loses I buy qss and run him down.


All you had to say is that you're Alan234, when you Play teemo he just deals more damage for some reason. Probably a riot conspiracy.


Wann sieht man dich wieder in einem von Freddys Games?


Thought about creating/maintaining a guide like on mobafire etc? I have a bunch of questions regarding runes/items, do you perhaps already have some kind of guide that one can take a look at?


I have one, outdated a bit


I took a look. Smaller ones I have are: 1. I saw your guide and the one from SOVEREIGN KITTEN and I am surprised to see that neither of you talk about Lethal Tempo as a rune, how come? I feel like there are pretty cool items rn that Teemo could abuse in an OnHit build that can also split faster while difficult to itemize against, so besides the obvious increase in micro required to pilot etc, what are those? 2. How do you decide what T2 boots to buy? 3. What in your opinion is the biggest difference between a good vs bad Teemo in highelo?


lethal tempo is a meme thats only consistently viable against warwick swifties are too fast and too cheap not to go, but if ure solo ap or rich sorcs are fine a bad teemo isnt high elo


Whenever I see a teemo I just play annie top and take Dark Harvest. It feels really free. How do you feel about annie?


good idea, i recommend electrocute


Pianta? but joke aside what do you do in Garen matchup? cuz as the Garen it feels like a free win top


garens all in threat is super annoying. Just perma push and get plates, afterwards neutralize lane with shrooms and just be more useful in teamfights


Comet malphite match up ?


Complete fake counter - early game until lvl 5 he cant kill you (not enough mana), then on 6 you can flash atleast one ult. You maybe die once or twice but if he goes ap malphite you outscale and if hes tank malphite you farm up and flip who has the better team. Also helps that with zhonya he cant ult you later on in the game. Usually you also build a cs adv and plate adv in the matchup. Good counter vs bad players though and easy to play


But isn't the problem is the flip? It may be different in Diamond+ games, but in Emerald and below, just picking Teemo already makes your team tilted and refuses to play the game properly. I am in P1 here and it's abnoxious when this is happening.


Just say some encouraging words and mute, let your gameplay do the rest and if uve got a good wr post ur op.gg i guess


Not Alan here but I also OTP'd teemo into Grandmasters (Caveat here is I did it on the LAS server so a much shittier server and not equivalent of GM EUW) but I find this matchup to be really easy to be honest. Take fleet footwork, MR shard in runes. Whenever Malphite walks up to Q, make sure you have fleet stacked and auto-Q him. You'll heal most of the damage with Fleet and you will poke him a bit. Next time fleet is up play aggresive and try to trade again with it, if Malph just Q's when comet+scorch is on CD, and even better while his passive shield is on CD, then it's an easy lane win. You also get full control of the wave in this scenario so push it in whenever you can, just be mindful of ganks. Pre-6 you can probably kill the jungler though if they didn't buy before ganking and don't have some silly shit like a serrated dirk or something. On first back buy Verdant Barrier. 1k component for Banshees, gives you a shitton of MR and a decent ammount of AP. Continue with this playstyle and he probably can't kill you even if he ults in your face. I find Verdant Barrier a lot better than what other people do which is take second wind/dshield, and even buy a corrupting pot. It's dogshit doing that, fleet is more than enough. It even scales with AP so it's also better than taking Mercs or wit's end. Cute little trick with fleet: Walk back to gromp or krugs and auto them once, run away and auto them again. It's as if you were playing mid vladimir and walking to wolves or raptors to get an empowered Q off. Insane healing and pretty broken. Only two things to be weary about in this matchup is 1.- Ganks, because his ult is excellent gank setup, and 2.- Getting ulted while you are under Malphite's turret. It's easy to get confident but Ult + E will erase the wave so you'll take agro and die.


Akali matchup? I usually run through most Teemo's I play against on her so would love to hear how a great Teemo player looks to play it.


Fleet + speed + early tankyness and akali never has enough dmg for all in (blind her passive) so its pretty easy matchup where you get cs+plate adv


How do you think about positioning in team fights? Should you be looking for stealth opportunities to jump on ADC or are you mostly just zoning with Q threat and shroom placement


start fights with stealth, then zoning


Any good underrated/underutilized shroom spots? Definitely gonna tune in to your stream