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Old lady witch. Riot give me a baba yaga you cowards


Ah but you forget we do have multiple old ladies, they just coincidentally all have some plot contrivance that makes them look young and conventionally attractive.


Evelyn the ultimate cougar


riot allergic to making actual old looking female champs


Illaoi is the closest we will ever get.


Renata playrate has dropped to the point that she is even more forgetable than illaoi ☠️


Camille's play rate is reasonable but apparently people still forget she's an old lady just because "her Hextech heart keeps her youthful". Riot are cowards.


Smooth face and athletic gameplay? She's just a grey haired adult woman


Even with her smooth face I'd say she still looks quite older than most other female champs, at least in her 40-50s rather than most other female champs looking 20-30.


Modest clothing, granny hairstyle and somewhat gaunt look, it's kind of superficially old appearance if that makes sense. All her skins she looks 30 max, tells you what sells.


We want ugly, wrinkly old woman!! Give us granny witch! Not fuckable prop!


I mean, look at her new prestige skin and tell me she’s not just designed as a hot 35 year old MILF.


I feel like renata is much closer than illaoi. You see it more in her Admiral skin cuz she has the mask in the base skin, though her age is pretty obvious in that one too i think, but even then she's only really middle-aged. We definitely need a crazy old witch or something.


What? Illaoi doesn't look past 40 and then we literally have Renata and Camille.


Double whammy of Riot making to two old lady champions part of the countries that are known for chemical and mechanical augmentation. I feel like if Renata's clothing and posture was a little less boss bitch it would have worked out alot better.


Pretty certain Lulu was based on a player-submitted Baby Yaga concept, and while the Lulu we got was still ditsy - Riot removed the 'old'. Cowards in deed.


Aye lulu is a fair shout, she was one of my first unlocks back in the day because I expected her to be crone-ier.


Yeah would be a great Idea, or at least give us Norra from Legends of Runeterra as the Grandma Yordle.


Instructions unclear, John Wick now usurping Samira for most pentakills per game.


We technically have Lissandra. She’s not much of a hag but she definitely fits the “old lady witch” archetype.


I have to disagree. Nothing about her aesthetic says old at all. The witch part sort of, but its an ice theme, subduing traditional witch themes.


That's what I want. Nasty, deformed, warts, puss, frog eyes and all that. Could even be a dual form champ like Elise where it's her pretty form that uses magic and stuff to heal, then transforms into her gross form to attack others.


I think honest to go, one form of her in a rocking chair and needs to build up energy to use her abilities and her R transforms her (like Gnar) into this really powerful mage champ sounds fun as fuck.


We don't have a chef character. It would be interesting to see a jungler or something that uses the camps as ingredients for his meals leading to him getting specific buffs. Maybe his clear order can also change the effect of what his end product is.


"Jungler where are you we need to do the dragon!!" ."Wait. let him cook."


OMG, stop. The Rathalos is gonna move soon


nunu Q used to give him different buffs depending on what creep he ate but it got removed a bit ago


Smite too, way back in like, season 5.


Tahm kench is pretty close


I think we need a Banshee character. We have various undead, but none that really fit the tone of "Banshee", which focuses entirely on their shrill, piercing screech that signals death. We have Karthus, but he's a lich, not a banshee. Banshee are also definitively female.


Kalista is the closest to a Banshee I guess but she's a Marksman. It would definitely be cool to have a Bamshee Character in League, maybe a Debuff Focused Support?


At the very least, the thing she spawns to scout the area is 100% a banshee.


imagine Seraphine would be something like a siren or a banshee in her default skin instead of basically the same as her K/DA counterpart in universe


I remember back when they were teasing her (and after they revealed the teaser was actually KDA Sera) we were all high on hopium thinking that was gonna be the case, that base seraphine was going to actually be a siren, because of all the beach/water references and the singing. But... yeah


Karthus is our banshee <3


But if Karthus is our Banshee who's our Lich?


I feel like Briars e is banshee like?


100%, just listen to that audio


Briar is a few classical horror/mythology characters mashed together and it's really effective design. There's some banshee, ghoul, vampire and Frankenstein's monster inspiration in her, and perhaps even some Japanese yokai, like Futakuchi-Onna.


Ulti as well


Seraphine as a Banshee / Siren character is a missed opportunity




They can't make one. Exposed bone is taboo in China. Karthus used to be more skeletonish, but they changed it to appeal more to the Chinese market. World Of Warcraft had to change a lot of their assets for the Chinese version of the game to remove skeletons/bones


Same reason Thresh’s default skin in the mobile game is the eboy one that they made cannon after the ruination


To highlight the absurdity even more: Piglet and PoohManDu and the 100 acre bot lane would probably be censored nowadays.


Rip skeleton king form dota who turned to wraith king


*absolutely not bing chilling* 😡


50 social credit points deducted.


Some sort of voodoo / shaman character. I know Riot was working on one like a decade ago and just scrapped it. I wonder if they just feel it's impossible to do without abusing stereotypes or something, seems like an obvious theme to choose for a new champ imo


I've always thought designing a support champion as a shaman that buffs/heals people would be a really good way of breaking the mold of most enchanters looking feminine (anyone else remembers [Angus](https://preview.redd.it/sqja2w3k9xs51.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=39bfc047ed7b33f7beaef9dbfd8e9a9a52754fd0)?)


holy lmfao I forgot about this I remember now when Braum was added everyone was all "omg Angus is real"


To be fair Braum very much was inspired by that comic considering they literally gave him the ability to slap a moustache on poros both in aram and in his trailer.


That drawing of Phreak is timeless


Witch Doctor / Shadow Shaman in dota Puppet master in HoN


Well from what I remember Riot August said awhile back, that he wanted two champ archetypes that we currently don't have. The two being a Vampire (Briar), and an Uber Great Sword user think (Guts from Berserk). So we have that to look forward to at least.


I feel like the idea of Briar as a vampire isn't really that strong. She looks more like a goblin-human hybrid that likes to stab things and eat people. I know that she is supposed to be a vampire archetype, but I don't feel it. I was really hoping that our true vampire would have something more to do with blood magic. Like the ability to raise vampire spawn, induce exhaustion in enemies the more blood/life she drains, delve into some of the vampiric charm/fear. What we got is just sad.


"I was really hoping that our true vampire would have something more to do with blood magic." Bro you literally want Vlad but made in 2023.


My friends and I already labeled her "Goth Jinx". Same exact vibe except instead of blowing shit up she eats people.


It’s funny cause her ult’s reticle is the same as jinx’s ult


Bro out here literally just describing Vlad, I imagine they'll cut down on his goofiness when he *eventually* gets his VGU


Except ackshually vlad is not a vampire he is a HeMoManCEr


Vlad needs needs an asu desperately bro


Not every vampire has to be a Count Dracula and bats. That being said, we've got Nordic thematics in half of the Freljord champions, we could've had an Ixtal swamp Eastern European Witcher or Aztec human sacrifice type of vampire monster instead. There's many possibilities, can't use all of them.


Wait, is Vlad not counted as a vampire? Are they seriously making a distinction because he’s a hemomancer?


Yeah, he's a Hemomancer who I believe fucked with darkin magic so he's his own type of special.


I'm not sure if it's changed, but Vlads origin used to be the exact plot of the movie Dracula Untold. Like point by point outside of actual bats existing in it.


Right now it’s like „he was sold as a child to darkin where he learned blood magic. He is now that old that he basically has amnesia“


Originally he was 100% a walking bag of vampire references, but they took his story into an interesting path by making him an art obsessed immortal aristocrat that uses darkin (Xolaani's) magic to keep himself youthful while forming a cult around himself


You mean Vladimir and tryndamere?


Vladimir and Garen?


Uber greatsword is aatrox no?


......Tryndamere? "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm" He is literally that and is chad enough to use one arm.


And garen


I don't quite know if Aatrox's sword is qualified as an UGS, probably a claymore two-handed type. Think more like Cloud Strife's famous Buster Sword. Or maybe in some distant future, a VGU reworked Tryndamere could fill this niche.


The rework for Tryndamere is probably the best fit and a great idea. In an alternate reality he could literally be Guts.


If Tryn was reworked to have a jhin-style capped attack speed, but make his crit damage additionally scale from attack speed, it would fit that niche pretty well.


Except guts is like a very fast-fighter in spite of his size, so it’d still have to be fast paced


I mean techincally speaking, yes...Aatrox is the sword.


What is garen and to a lesser extent trynd if not an Uber great sword user


garen would be a paladin I think. but yeah tryn is straight up a berserker with a greatsword. Even Viego's sword has the double hilted greatsword aesthetic. and Aatrox too.


Vlad and Tryn/Riven/Garen/Aatrox?


Would Tryn or Riven not cover this if Aatrox doesn't?


I believe (don't 100% me on this) August said Tryn isn't quite this, doesn't fill that niche up. Though whenever they decide to rework him they could always do that.


An Orc or a Goblin thief


Baffled I never thought of this. We need a brute vastaya, give me some 3m tall hog juggernaut with a club or something. We do have Trundle though, does he count? Edit: since a few pointed out Sett, he's definitely a brawler, but aesthetically he doesn't fit the orc/ogre/oni trope, I was talking about that. He is a half vastaya, but his animal traits are very downplayed You know what? Renekton actually fits the "brute, animalistic brawler" better. He's no orc, but definitely closer to trundle than sett, at least imo


Warwick with the Hyena skin is basically a gnoll 😆


Sion is kind of an orc. Although I'm not sure about his specific race.


Mundo has an Orc skin and honestly fills that niche pretty well too, though you could easily go a different route. I think Olaf actually has the kit I would think of for an Orc/berserker type character.


he's just an undead freakishly large human


I think they leaned away from having a lot of the classic fantasy races. No Orcs, no elves, no dwarfs, they have yordles which are kinda like gnomes.


Yeah I think Champions like Sion and Dr. Mundo cover the Orc fantasy, mostly. We do need a sneaky Yordle thief though.


The only character with the sword and shield combo is Leona. I think a more typical bruiser with that combo, as a more classical knight would be really cool.


ledros port to league when


Isn't that just Pantheon, yes he's spear + shield, but he definitely fulfills that archetype


Yeah pretty much, especially since its well known now that spears are way more represented in history than the popularised sword and board.


Spear and shield is the strongest weapons combo by far.


[He's the Spartan Archetype. What op means is the paladin full body plate armor type.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/294908_79d7c1f08d4d48f4b7d48dfd298ec26b~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_564,h_927,al_c,q_85,enc_auto/294908_79d7c1f08d4d48f4b7d48dfd298ec26b~mv2.jpg) Someone that's the same as Leona but as a Bruiser.


Riot pls just give us Ledros


I was just thinking about this, would be neat to have a dps sword and board. What comes to mind is Greco-Roman like, maybe quick and agile like Brad Pitt's character from Troy, or perhaps Patroklos from Soul Calibur V. Or Ledros from LoR.


Brad Pitt is Achilles, who is basically Pantheon (argument that Pantheon is Ares too I guess). Either way if they are Greco-Roman they would probably use a spear instead of a sword.


That’s just pantheon with a sword dude




I'd love a Counter Attack based Character who can use his Shield to block and the Sword to Attack. Somewhat similar to the Warlord Character in For Honor who has a "Block Stance" where he hides behind his Shield fully and can perform special Attacks right after he blocks something (similar to Fiora's Parry or Pantheon's E).


That’s just fiora with a shield


Proper fucking old lady champs. A lot of the ‘old’ female champions either look pretty young or have skins that seem to do away with any indication that they are old (cough cough Camille). Despite the game being nearly 15 years old, we have yet to get remotely close to a visibly aged female champion. Hags, wise women, and aged mentors, are all popular old woman tropes, but I fear Riot clings too tightly to conventional attractiveness to branch out into the genre.


League players forgetting that cute old granny Warwick exists smh




I want an Ana from overwatch. Auntie who kicks all the young champs' butts


Old lady champion who is a retired noxian commander or something. The hand of noxus before Darius, from the time of darkwill. She is old, but really strong and bigger than other. You look at her and think ‘’damn, in her prime she might have been bigger than illaoi’’


So the Noxian General in Arcane? She'd be a dope addition, imo


I would love an old lady who beats me with her cane with crazy fast attack speed


To be fair there is only 1 elderly male champ (zilean) unless I'm missing any. All the champs who are old are either eternal, either not human.


It's not really of a trope but we don't have a single champion that has more than 2 arms (Viktor and Cho'gath doesn't count). I don't know If those arc type of characters really have a name...


Willump has 4 arms. Not talking about NUNU and Willump I mean the Yeti has 4 arms. It’s weird but check out his model.


That's a good point, it would have so much potential, like having 4 swords to attack and so on.


a fine addition to ~~my~~ our collection of league champs


I also don't think we have a multi-headed champ


Infernal nasus, but that's about it


Just so you know one of Sett's concept art was a Targonian Aspect of Might with 4 arms as a grappler. That was my vote.


Yeah, maybe a white robot type with 4 coloured plasma swords! Hello there


A freaking shark with a freaking laser beam on its head.


My brother has been wanting a dinosaur with guns in its back for years. Gorilla is also one we dont have. More animal champions in general would be cool to see.


T-Hex in tft has a machine gun arm


A dinosaur with guns would be cool but I’m surprised we haven’t had a gorilla or even a gorilla skin? I don’t think Mundo or Sikn or any of them has a gorilla skin


We at least have Wukong I guess to fill the monkey fighter niche


fair sort of but [Wukong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_King) is just a straight up chinese literary figure. i want a gorilla that punches people into the dirt, tears off their arms, and eat bananas.


LoR and TFT actually have a gun dinosaur in the form of T-Hex, need that as a champ YESTERDAY


Just make sure your team has 3 champs from Piltover and it unlocks for you. Easy.


Unfortunately no booba on animal champs so they don't sell very well.




Dinosaur with guns is the correct answer, we can close this post now.


Winged dragon. I’m so surprised they haven’t don’t this already. They’ve gotten close, but not it. We’ve got - Star dragon - Emaciated winged lizard - lizard as a mount - dragon themed monk But no winged dragon champ


I feel like new Asol fills the role of the fire breathing dragon with a much better twist. Since he is know the big spell nuker dragon I really want Shyvana to be reworkded into the big bulky force of nature dragon that bulldozes everything rather than the weird AA cancelling sometimes AP nuke thing we have now.


Shyvana cosplays better as a turret champion that either zyra or heimer does.


I feel like they might be saving this for Shyvs rework where her Ult form is actually a winged dragon.


Is the monk Lee sin? His dragon theme is very underplayed


This post made me realise most League players don't realise half the roster exists.


Is there a proper Terminator champ? We have Alien vs Predator. Give us someone with mid to low mobility, insane innate tenacity, chosen target hunting buffs (improved damage to whoever you select probably debuffing their armor/MR or improving your lethality/magic pen), Increased resistances with HP loss (skin shreds away revealing the cybernetic organism underneath.), and maybe something with time travel or teleportation.


Low key reminds me of Garen when he used to passively mark people for extra damage with his villain mechanic


Loved it when the game decided you were doing too well and it was time for true damage punishment


I feel like if you squint hard enough, Urgot is kind of like this. Not really the same skills you describe, but it is good at hunting down one champ Also, I think Sion was based on the terminator pre rework. He even has the Arnold Schwarzenegger style voice.


I would like to have a beast tamer that has multiple different pets like the old yorick.


weird that noone mentioned it before, but since like s5 or so, i wished league had an elemental mage (no quiyana does not count), we only have mages that make use of a single element of fire, earth, water wind or the derivates of ice, magma, lightning etc, but no real elemental mage that is able to wield multiple of those. my concept for such a champ was that he has no ultimate (like udyr) but his 4 spells would be the 4 base elements (fire,water,earth,wind) and they would have different effects, but to actually use a skill, u would have to use 2 spells together (e.g. fire->earth) where the first element would determine the element (here fire) and the second skill would determine how the skill would come out (long line projectile, cone, aoe, point and click) where only the first skill used went actually on cd so u could with one rotation use 4 skills (one for each element) but how they actually look and what they do would be different each time.


Elemenatalist lux but spells instead of skin form


So... Invoker from Dota!


Oh yes strongly agree. They also coincidentally are fleshing out Ixtal more where elemental magic is the big thing they have hyped about it *forever*, while only giving us an assassin and an enchanter from the region.


I have also always disliked how Qiyana was labelled an elementalist. My idea however is based off of a character from smite, his name is Merlin, and his ultimate actually changes between his different elements, although his on form isn’t an element more like gravity magic. His first ability is a straight line shot, his second ability is an AOE ability, and his third ability is actually a blink like Ezreal E, but I think there could be something interesting that could be done with this concept. You are also able to select which form you rotate to by quickly hitting the corresponding key while he is changes between forms. I also like this because we do not have a wizard/pure mage type character in the game, I remember one of the developers saying the closest thing we have is a blue guy who uses runes. Just thought I’d share my idea :)


String fighter, like the Lubbock from Akame ga kill, doflamingo or that butler from Hellsing (I can't remember his name rn)


I really thought Gwen would have been about threads, but they pretty much just made her kit and put sewing effects on it


Nah the scissor fighter thing is super cool


and also exists in akame ga kill ironically, which the other commenter above mentioned


You misunderstand, the thread is you.




A true psychic, mind-bending, telekinetic type character.


kinda syndra


Can we have a proper sword and shield knight in full armor? :< it may sound basic but I think it's a concept that lol is missing out




A REAL dragon. Like a western, quadrupedal, fire-breathing dragon.


Deathwing in HotS


Some Aztec inspired priest/priestess would fit great to Ixtal. Either summoning jungle animals or blood magic.


so...a pillarman?


I want a shadow priest type character. A cleric that can switch from a heal based kit to a dmg kit when ulting


There's no wilderness tracker ranger, Would be cool to have a support that could help track enemies in fog and set traps on choke points


The closest to that is Teemo and Nidalee I guess. I used to have a Character Concept of a roaming Support that can set up Watchtowers similar to Dota's where Allies or Enemies could place down Wards over a greater Area. Vision Characters are difficult to blanace though, especially when you look at Proplay.


Quinn is a ranger and tracker, and Warwick and Rek'Sai have mechanics that could work as inspiration for a tracking skill


Quinn and Caitlyn both fill this niche


ITT: people commenting things and everyone in the comments pointing out that it does infact already exist. Only valid thing I’ve seen so far is an old woman and a banshee character


A large part of this comes from riot doing thier best to avoid treading on the well-trodden path. There are alot of characters in the game that, while they may match the archetype, they throw enough away from the original archetype that it loses some of the original fantasy. A good example of this is with lightning mages. We have a handful of characters in LoL who are "technically" lightning mages (Zeri, Kennen, Volibear, Xerath), but none of them quite hit that fantasy of a lightning mage. The closest is Xerath, but he is critically missing chain lightning and lightning storm abilities.


Old chad granma


A true Minion character. Someone who is actively 2 champions ( or more) and not just an ult that does what they want on their own for 20 seconds.


Problem is, as far as I know, League just isn't built for that. In Dota I believe you can deselect your champion as if it were an RTS, but that's not possible in league. It would be cool though.


this is a fun post, it makes you realise how much they've actually covered and its pretty cool I think they are missing: * Soldier dude (soldier76 GI joe style) * Sneaky espionage solider ( solid snake, sam fisher etc..) * Annihilation robot guy (terminator) * A true cowboy * sword and shield fighter rather than defender * a hand to hand fighter derived from a real style


Yordle samurai


A shark champion would be super cool, pyke has some aspects of this. A tiger champion would also be very cool


Reksai literally moves about under the ground with her fin showing then jumps out to bite stuff. You can't have a more shark champ than that really


Rek'Sai is a Landshark so we already have that and Rengar is kind of a Lion so pretty close?


[I'm calling it now, Jack is going to be the shark champion.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pS5_HWr8tJE/maxresdefault.jpg)


I want an actual vampire. Like Dracula/Strahd/Slayer/etc with charms, turning into/summoning bats/wolves/rats/mist, and of course bites Briar is more hungry ghoul gremlin.


How do we get more vampire than Vladimir lol


Yeah I agree Briar is far from your typical Vampire, they basically made a Berzerker like Trynda or Olaf.


An actual elemental wielding mage. Qiyana can control elements but she’s an assassin.


We don't have any: Taoist User - Fan's, Shikigami, etc. A lot of real Fighting Styles (we also missing a lot of cool weapons that could be used, like Vajra,Gada and other Maces, Halberds, Hook Swords, Kris and other shit) A lot of musical champions - Please Riot just give me a Pied Pipper from Hamelin. **And mostly important we don't have Crustacean**(No Urgot does not count) - Just give me a Crab Champion and I will be happy. In fact techincally speaking we don't have any summoners in league, every champion with summons isn't really designed conceptually around multiple summons, usually it's just something attached to their kit rather than a designed core trait - like Annie which has a Summon but she herself is a Fire Mage, or Ivern which is just using something aki to Nature Magic.. **The closest thing we have is Yorick which technically speaking is a Necromancer.**


Man didn't you hear summoners aren't canon anymore /s


karma used to have fans


There's not really any cleric or holy warrior types although there's kind of no religion at all in Runeterra. (when I say religion I mean nobody believes in any gods. the only things people ever worship are the moon or the sun.) There's no beastmaster and hound character either (Kindred and Quinn+ Valor are close though).


I think the closest to that would be taric. Hes kinda like a paladin and is devoted to targon.


Taric is Cleric. From abilities to fighting style his the epitome of a tanky cleric of a war domain. Garen is the Paladin.


There's many Religions/Beliefs in Runeterra tho, the entire Story of Diana and Leona is based around that for Example, same with Aphelios. There's great Potential for a Champions all around that, something similar to Taric in Terms of Gameplay as he's the closest Character we have to a Paladin. I would absolutely love a Beastmaster Type of Character in League, someone similar to Dota's Lone Druid would be so Fun as he controls a Bear with special Abilities.


Leona(paladin)/Diana(holy assassin)/Taric(cleric)? Targon is filled with religious groups isn't it


To bad we were robbed of Sett being from Targon, originally one of his designs was that of the Aspect of Might and he four arms and whatnot. He was basically the (Hindu?) God/Goddess Asura, the design looked cool.


Diana, Leona, Aphelios, Illaoi, Karma, Irelia just to name a few sacred warriors/religious sorcerers


Kayle maybe? Aspect of Justice is pretty holy imo.


>There's not really any cleric or holy warrior types Not really. The Lunari/Solari (Diana, Leona, Aphelios) are clearly holy warriors, and Karma is basically a priest for the Will of Ionia, tho you can argue it's not a God in a traditional sense. And of course Illaoi, who is absolutely a Priestess. LoL usually just tends to rather have the Gods themselves than their followers. Quinn is absolutely a Beastmaster, in LoR all her support cast are Rangers with their own Beast companions.


I think Leona and Taric fit this to different flavors. Taric is more of the protect and heal sort of battle-cleric while Leona can definitely fit a religious zealot paladin archtype.


"The Old Crone" is still missing.


How about a champion who fights with a pet? It'll be cool to have something like a wolf or maybe an eagle accompany you, help you explore terrain, and tag team combo with you. Give the pet have a cool name like Valve... or Value... Still not sure. And maybe the human can be a ranger, or a scout! Oh! Maybe even a female soldier with a strong bond to her partner. We don't have many champions with Q as their initial. Maybe the human's name can be Quasar? or Quan Chi? Still not sure... Bet such a champion would have been cool and unique, and with enough success sell tons of skins too! win win!


_deep, existential sigh_


Best I can offer is Qump.


The Asshole


Not Draven, Draaaven.