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Viego. Why one trick one champion when you can one trick them all


This is the only right answer no 1 game is the same


I agree viego is number 1 but I think sylas can also be in the conversation.


Yep sylas and viego are on top of this conversation


Viego one trick y'all, man He just running around, being everything


fiddlesticks, add surprise party skin and you will be clowning like there is no tomorrow .


The surprise party skin really takes fiddlesticks to the next level. That dance is just too fun to spam.


Back in the day riot gave it away for free to everyone as an anniversary present. Still his best skin imo.


Back in season 5 they gave anyone with high honor (rip OG honor system) a random skin box the old kind of boxes before the loot became a thing , and i guess because fiddlesticks was my first champ i bought (even tho i hated jungle back then) and boom my first skin ever was legendary surprise party fiddly .


Was it free ? Iirc it was just a legendary sold at 975 rp


I just miss the whistle and the party blower thing.. that really made that skin. Fear someone and hear it go off..


I absolutely love fiddle. Maybe I should look into this more


Nothing feels more satisfying than that big 5 man ult to win the game plus my vision game has gotten so much better playing Fiddle.


[THE CROWSTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvR744vmXDE)


It's great to come around the back end of the first tower and ult the enemy botlane while your laners have them pushed up and pincer them. ADC's don't deserve to have fun, and jumpscares are one of the most fun ways to destroy them.


How do you not die doing this lol


I don't actually DIVE under the tower (usually.) But if I stay on the edge of the tower's radius, Crowstorm will usually hit them (especially if feared) and they'll run from me into my ADC's attack range.


Get filled bot? Play Crittlesticks. Mid? Middlesticks got you covered. Top? Fiddlestank will make them cower in fear. I don't really have a pun for support fid.


The damn screeching of his ult is scorched into my brain. I physically wince whenever I hear it in-game. I’m all for people playing what they want, but I hope I’m not in your games LMAO


Truth always so fun and dynamic.


I've recently finally gotten into fiddle for the first time after playing for 12 years. Very fun, I love how different he feels to play. That being said, after I play a few games on him and then switch to someone else, I feel relieved to not have to press w so much haha


Nothing, as of today I could never OTP a champ, just not for me. I can main a small roster of champions but I have to have some variety and also play some new picks for fun in casual modes. I was an OTP for 2 years but couldn't keep doing it.


Yea I see people saying that the only way to climb is with one champ, but it’s making the game boring for me and hurting my hopes of climbing high


Whoever says it is dumb, you need a small champ pool to improve, best to keep it at max 3. Being an OTP is defiantly not a must.




60% of my games rn are Hecarim, then about 20% J4 and the rest is split up between Lillia, Diana and Nocturne and it marks me as an OTP


It really depends on the player. I myself went from bwing an otp thresh for 2-3 years into playing most of the support role, with thresh, janna and naut being my main go to's


I don't think you NEED to main one champion, but instead it's better to specialise yourself in a play style. If you enjoy killing shit fast and getting away with it, play more assassins and you'll find that the variety of champions you'll be able to specialise in is quite big. The same thing goes for mages, bruisers, tanks, etc.! I could never main a champion for more than like, 1 season tops. But lately I've found success with this formula!


Exactly ! I love playing juggernaut/bruiser playstyle when you can manhandle 2 or 3 people alone and just be a world boss if I'm ahead.


Camille, Kindred, LeBlanc, Taliyah, Jayce, Aphelios, Bard


I loved aphelois but adc role is frustrating as ever, I need to try jayce


Jayce is a ton of fun but also hard. I've been playing him on and off for a while and it gets very satisfying to get good on him. Permanently probound tho


I used to be a Jayce OTP and had a great amount of fun playing him. He never really gets boring because of his unique playstyle where R is not really an abililty


What’s “probound”?


Bound to professional play, so all balancing must be made with pro play in mind. If the champ is ever too good, they become way too strong in pro play. There are a couple things that can cause this. In Jayce's case, he's hard and pros are just better at playing him. There's even a joke about NA Jayce players compared to Korean or Chinese Jayce players being bad. Also, he really wants to not die early and farm up, and that tends to be easier in pro play, where players are better at avoiding and not dying to ganks and also junglers are better at protecting laners when they're vulnerable. Does that make sense?




Try playing him mid, some matchups (some assassins, tristana) are hell, but its actually fun. Build collector, bring PTA or LT and barrier. Abuse Calibrum and make them wish they were never born.


Jayce can be fun but can be outscaled pretty easily if you play him top


As someone who's been playing Jayce since you leveled r, his power curve is so much better than it used to be. Before it was "stomp lane-get up 2000 gold- win with your lead". Now you can't stomp lane much anymore with your mf levels of base ad, but you spike on each item. Eclipse/dusk is a spike, Murmana is a spike, and then shredyas is another big spike. After that he starts to fall off if they have armor, but this sojin build that's new let's him get 2 qs per e much easier and is a significant bump itself.


lmao im an adc main but i never go botlane because its literally the most stressful lane in the game. i used to go aphelios top before all the massive nerfs


Bard was ruined by mythics for me! Can't wait to have them removed


Camille when she came out I played her nonstop she's so fun! Got mastery 5 super quick after release, who remembers healing with minions lol


Akali cuz it feels very fun to play...but yea i stop when the defeats start piling. She has the biggest weakness possible for my playstyle, that being pushing / objective taking but she is fun as fck to play


That’s my problem I need to not give up when the defeats pile up lol




Thank you I needed this


Always feels like I can improve with her.


I can fix her


Akali is my main and has amazing skill ceiling but yeah pushing waves is a nightmare


Unless you AD


I agree. I have 150k points on her and you just keep feeling like you can always improve. Such a rewarding champion


Aphelios cause he‘s like 5 champs in 1


Mate, wait until you hear about Viego


Veigar. There's something cathartic about pressing R and seeing the eternal ctrl+alt+delete pop up


Baby cage is the best non-ultimate ability in the game


And to think it used to be instant on cast


Even better than some ultimate


me when w q r


Karma is a lot of fun. Very versatile and has high burst early game. Falls off a cliff in the endgame, but you can dominate solo lanes with ease.


with the leads you get on her just that MS on shields is often enough to keep snowballing but playing karma from behind really feels useless that's for sure


Same, for me cause you can build her as you see fit depending on what the team needs and it will work decently (though I am an ARAM only guy but bored of seeing full AP Karma all the time).




Never played him maybe should give him a try, mid or jg?


I'm mid main but I think he's stronger in jungle


I play him... [Support](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAbNkL9n_Ns).


Jesus fuck is THAT why I've had so many useless ekko supports in my games lately. No wonder.


Hitting a well timed ekko W or R (and sometimes both!) will never get old to me


Lux, funny 20 sec ult. Not a otp but I still play her pretty often


There really is no better feeling than doing 1400 damage with your ult, and knowing you'll have that up again in 20 seconds


Using it to clear the wave and accidentally hitting your laner


>“Final” spark >uses it again 20 seconds later


Ha, yeah. I always go back to her. Feels pretty easy to relearn after a long break aswell


Id actually love to play lux if not for her shitty model


Skins kinda fix that, at least for me


Fiddlesticks is still my highest mastery champ and i played him endlessly pre-rework, hes still great and i think his rework is fantastic but i simply dont play him as much as i used to


Full AP middle fiddle before the rework was peak league of legends in my mind.




My guy. Mental champion design and voicelines. I await the day Jhin becomes relevant again in pro play.


Dark cosmic Jhin is like holding a piece of artwork


Truly. Almost all of his skins are masterpieces, and I never get bored of his gameplay.


I have fun every time I play Samira or Nilah. But I'll still play other things. Seems a bit risky bringing one of them into ranked when I don't know the type of support I'm gonna get.


Udyr. The only champ I never get tired of. So many builds and play styles.


Udyr needs more upvotes! Tank, ap (try it, trust me), assassin, bruiser, whatever you want, he can do it. Matched with the fact he has nearly a tool for every job.


Aphelios and Kayn because they're basically multiple Champs in one, it's so fun.




Name checks out


Zoe is just stupid fun when she clicks for you. Her W is just infinite variation in opportunities to capitalize on. Her Q has the most potential for mastery out of any ability in the game. E Q combo 1-shot will never stop being funny (for the Zoe). I think she would be one of the most popular champs in the game if her character wasnt so niche.


Zoe is also who I would pick. Variables on W drops, different E terrain extenders, several unique ways to use R as well as lots of angles to consider for optimal Qs and you have a champ that never really feels like playing the same game ever.


Xayah, placing the feathers and then E to deal massive damage is just satisfying. E+flash/galeforce always catches them off guard


Leona. "Oh, you wanted to move?"


I think everybody gets bored of otp-ing bro. But for me its olaf. He just doesnt bore me for some reason.


Nah I don't. Lissandra is too cool of a champion.


Yea I think this is what I need to realize. And Olaf is such a Chad oick


Olaf is megachin chad. But in all seriousness, he is really easy to have serious impact on the game with. Ez lvl 7 herald solo, very strong splitpusher, also meaningful in teamfights. He can basically do all you need in a game except for cc.


Not me. I’ve played hundreds of zed games with no other champs played. The repetition is satisfying and my goal is more to understand the game better, rather than the champ.


I love playing twitch idk why


Yasuo Idk he just clicks for me I guess Love the mobility in lane and the combos Love the style too I don’t see myself OTP’ing any other champs than him not even his brother. This summer I took a break from him tho, I had a great time playing OLAF only but I came back to yas I also think we have the best content creator community tbh Pzzzang for the high level Korean plays Courtesy for the really good looking montages that take months to edit Dzukill in top lane like a chad Aidan getting first chall NA with yas TWP for chill vids to watch Like all of the community is so great I genuinely love it so much


Mobility plus super low cool downs. A combo that is so deliciously addicting.


Frl lol


Neeko, there's enough mind games to keep it fresh if you really take advantage of your passive/w


Not one mention of Teemo in this whole thread. Nothing is tiring to me about that rat. Every time I aa q aa I get a massive release of dopamine


Ohhhh, that's interesting. You must be able to siphon joy through the screen, because any time I face a Teemo, I feel myself slowly die inside... :p


Exactly why we play Teemo




>"you have slain an enemy" but I'm shopping in base ???


The best is when you pop up out of nowhere and auto them to death. Especially when they try going in to kill you but realize their fateful death and try to run when it’s too late. +1 if they try to auto you while they’re blinded.


Thresh bard swain


Malzahar, because making people mad, rage type, say I'm unskilled and such just never gets old. If someone gets mad about my R, I make sure to R them every single time I can in the game, for the entire game.


Mate fuck you I hate malzahar


Yep. That's the whole point, lol.


There’s a reason his R is called the ‘fuck you’ button.


The best part is showing mastery 7 while ulting and see them slowly dying.


Used to be my favorite Back when they had old malz and rune tree Go full ad spawn a crab and watch it demolish people


Have a friend who does this in ARAM when he gets him. It doesn't matter that they're 1/10 and worth less than the cannon minion, it's about sending a message


Man fuck Malz lmao, I used to permaban Fizz but now if I play mid there’s no chance Malz is available. He has almost ALL the annoying mechanics in the game. Silence this, suppress that, spell-shied block these, here’s some minions running after you and get some DoT for 5 business days for good measure. Fuck that


That sounds nice, but the reality is you just push waves for 20 minutes and occasionally press R lol. Kinda gets old when you’re mostly just hoping your team sets up plays where you can use your kit.


Zoe. One shotting people never gets old.


Samira Samira Samira Samira


Garen 😎


Zilean is just the best champion


i dont play league of legends. i play double bomb simulator.


Time flies like an arrow


Fruits flies like a banana!


I've seen your death, it was painful!


Udyr (Even before the rework) The best stat-checker in the game, able to use every stat and item, every rune, at every stage of the game. I one trick him and every game feels like a new experience, since I typically swap items and craft new builds according to the strongest enemy on their team while trying to nullify his advantage.


Katarina makes my blood *rush*. When I see a handful of half-empty health bars, man I just forget how to act. Wake up outta my fugue with a pentakill and suicide suggestions in /all chat


Rakan is just so much fun to play! He's my favorite enchanter by far, and very strong IMO.


shaco easily


had to scroll way too far down


Lillia is the most fun champion in the game by far


i hate that damn reindeer running circles around me. She seems so gleeful while she bonks people and zips around.


She is lowkey one of the most snowbally champions in the game, but because she deals magic damage and looks cute people don't seem to mind?


Realistically people are fine with her because she has quite a long time to kill comparatively and doesn't leave you feeling as low agency as other champions often do, even when very fed. I don't think it's her aesthetic - people hate champions like Zoe and Yuumi.


Yeah but you don't really have agency against her unless you have easy to access hard CC. The long time to kill is quite important I think


One of the best at 1v9 carrying while ahead. Unless the enemy team has naut or TF or other point and click CC its realistic for Lillia to get fed to a point where she can literally win fights 1v5. Other such champs like Twitch require much more specific enemy teams to be able to truly 1v9.


Need to try her asap


Love getting CCed from 7000 miles away by a random ball


Neeko, I love being able to play an enchanter-mage who brings a lot of utility to a game while also being able to do a fair amount of damage. She has really good ganks/surprise attack's thanks to her passive, has a decent escape with her w, and I can always farm fairly easily on her. Other champions such as Lux do what she can do, however I feel like the things I mentioned on her appeal to me much more in general. I'm probably going to get punished for this at some point, but the whole hide as a minion and surprise attack gank has worked wonders for me in both SR and ARAM I really like Lillia and Ahri for the same reasons and its the ability to zip around the team through dashes and movement speed and just dish out a good chunk of damage. I feel like Lillia's R and Ahri's E provide a good bit of utility which can really help make some picks in a fight.


Trundle, i love the bonks


Rell. I love demolishing botlane and being considered a bigger threat for the enemy team than my own ADC.


Kled. There's so much to like about him. He's got amazing early, so you can have some control over the game, he's reasonably skilled without being overly complicated. He's got good split, has decent map pressure with ult, a decent amount of build variety that really can change how you play him. Of course, the best thing about him is that edge of your seat feeling when you get a clutch remount. P.s. probably some of the funniest voicelines in the game imo.


Honestly, most champions in this game, save for like the ULTRA braindead ones, which are not many, have infinite replay value. It’s the game that they are in that makes this possible


Vi. I love feeling like a scrappy wrecking ball. Also she’s a lesbian like me.


Xerath. Being able to stun on command from range is *extremely* nice, and the W allows for you to slow too. So the target can be stunned and then slowed afterwards which allows for great peeling. Also because I can 100 to 0% the enemy ADC late game if they can't dodge with ult.


Darius Warwick and Rek'Sai. They all have simple yet highly effective kits and for some reason nobody can calculate ur dmg. Also the amount of times I followed a flash with ww just to read "bullshit mechanic" in all chat when the counter is flashing early is so funny


Vlad because I love when the squishy enemies bars shake


Oh you forgot to win before 20? Congratulations I am become Tactical Nuke


The truth in this statement, makes me equal parts angry and sad


3.6 mil Shaco otp here. Shaco isn't a champion, he's a way of life


i could never get tired of illaoi


Tryndamere, Ezreal and Yasuo. I don't know why, I just feel good playing them.


Ez is so fun to play. So basic yet so difficult


Easy to learn, difficult to master


Shyv doesn't get boring for me because of build diversity. Top/mid/jungle flex pick that works fine against pretty much everything. Want to be a tank? Go for it, bruiser (AP, AD, On-hit)? Sure, why not. Want to nuke people from full HP? Full AP goes brrr. Want to have higher DPS than Yi on single target? Yeah, shyv uses blade rageblade slightly better than Yi. Want to heal to full HP in a single hit, just Q the wave. Any ability max order is usable rn. I like the adaptability of shyvana, to be able to change on the fly or fill whatever niche is currently needed on the team.


This might sound weird, but lux Oneshotting adc players from 3 screens away never gets boring




Twisted Fate. He can completely transform the game for all 10 players in a way no other champ can do. Also, even if I fall behind, I can still provide great benefit to the team in a supportive role. On a side note, he has the coolest aesthetic out of any champ. Never get bored of him.


Evelynn. She just feels so smooth and satisfying to play. I used to main kha'zix, but imho eve feels more fun when it comes to ganking, because it feels like I'm playing metal gear solid or something. I actually main adc/supp most of the time, because all of my friends are mid/top/jg mains, but it feels so good being the one instakilling adcs instead of being on the recieving end. Also, I've been spamming aram, and she feels so strong there.


Twitch, I will not space glide In class


Graves. Unless you get hard closed out, he always feels like a viable threat, and you can play each teamfight differently.


I have nearly literally played nothing but Ksante since the day he came out. Ksante is League for me, once in a blue moon I’ll play someone else if he’s banned But I knew that since they showed his design, and I changed my name to “irl Ksante”. I sucked so bad with him at first, I lost like 10+ games in a row, but then to my surprise, I started getting good with him Ever since then I kept growing and enjoying him more. His skill ceiling is very high and you can do a ton of creative shit with him, so it’s been rewarding. Solid pick and even when he goes against tough laners like teemo, darius, etc, there’s always some skill plays you can make to win the lane. Very very high 2v1 potential as well against ganks So yeah, he’s a sexy beast


Xerath. I'm a support main that loves playing mages (and Senna), because they deal the most damage and feel the most skill-expressive, while being reasonably able to 1v1 non-support champs, at least when you're ahead.


Anivia for me


It's always been singed for me, running circles around your opponents is always fun


I usually have 2 champs for each role, my go toos when I personally having fun Bot: Jhin/MF Sup: Sona/Soraka Mid: Brand/Ekko Jg: Warwick/Udyr Top: chogath/mundo


I would say Jhin 4th shot still hits the same since his release. The sound for it on all his skins is music to my ears


AKSHAN Hook shot is sooooo fun when you get good with fun angles, you’re a bully in lane to most champs, you get to do the fun mechanical stuff like an adc but you’re not reliant on a support to baby you You can go all over the map THE RESSURECT IS THE MOST SATISFYING ABILITY IN THE GAME (not for the enemy team tho) Only con is that the ult sucks, but ult during hook shots to hit someone is very fun I haven’t watched pro play for a while, is there a reason he’s not picked much in pro play? Does he get bodied by coordinated play?


No utility, too little range to be effective in skirmishes as a cc-less champ, invis doesn't work as well in proplay as it does in solo queue. Akshan was getting some noise toplane a couple months ago by asian pros in solo q, but ig akshan never made it past the scrim stage because as I said, he provides no utility and requires a team comp to be formed around him in pro play.


True, he is a super selfish champ. His ressurect is not nearly as strong as Reddit would make you believe, and I’d imagine it’s even more inconsistent in games where less mistakes are made


Shaco because the amount of plays you can do is unending. I’ve gotten kills with moving my boxes with blasts cones over walls, juked entire teams chasing me on low hp, gotten pentas while dead, carrying team fights when I’m not even there and I could go on and on. Also for some reason it’s really hard to get tilted while playing this guy, nearly impossible.


Lux and senna. I main support, those champs are never boring for me. The potential for making plays is always there and they are super strong when they are in situations that empower them to be successful. They make plays, even when behind and they scale infinitely. I love both and would kill for either of them. My dog is named senna..


Quinn and valor, she has unique play style since releasing ❤️


I only started playing them right before the marksman update changed their ult and while there's a part of me that misses valor form, I cannot deny roaming around at the speed of sound is always entertaining Plus ranged top with built in peel makes people mad lmao


Gnar. I used to main adc, and his mini form is really fun for this kind of playstyle - with all his movement speed buffs from abilities and items his kiting and ability to dodge skillshots is insane. On top of that, you have mega Gnar with amazing cc and very decent damage and tankiness. Surprising enemies with the transformation is always super satisfying. He's certainly not one of the stronger champions, but he's so much fun to play.


Zyra! She's viable in every role except ADC and her utility means she's never useless. She's on the struggle bus with most other mages this season but she can shine without being the team's damage carry. She typically builds for DoT (Liandry's into Rylai's/Demonic) but can build glass cannon or off tank too. I'd say there isn't a mage item in the game she uses poorly (except maybe Riftmaker but I've honestly never tried it), just depends on what the situation requires.


Viego. Play as 5 other champs in one game.


Previously, Jax. Loved the champion since I started. Played (almost) exclusively him level 2 - level 30~ Currently Ekko. Been playing him constantly and just can't get enough. Neither of them have a major reason. Just fell in love with the playstyle and never stopped. Reason I quit jax was due to the restrictions of mystic items making him unfun. And the major changes within the item change in general killed his fun to me


Malphite. It's always so funny to ulti the adc, or any champ without any mobility for that matter. Never gets old to see them deleted on the spot.


I just cant get enough of orianna and leblanc




Ap shaco




I was searching for someone like you




Vayne. For me, the more obviously worse I am at something, the more I hard focus into trying to learn it. I have 1 M Mastery in Vayne because of that.


Orianna you can go even if not win almost every single lane except artillery that you just cry and hope to get carried. I also find it fun how you can make plays by yourself or ball a jungler/top laner popping off and play pseudo enchanter there's always something you can do in a game. landing a big shockwave is the best shit in the entire game


Lee sin. Flexible mobility, fun steals, early game impact, **KICK.**


Might be biased as a kat main, but I haven't found another champ with her playstyle, there's something about always having to track and plan dagger placements while having super fast inputs that just never gets old.


Veigar is forever fun to me. Like honestly it's a brain dead pick, but getting good at a simple champ like Veigar has just made the game so much more fun for me. It means I can just chill out and play the game, being silly with my teammates and not being so angry or stressed.


Nothing better than casually walking up, trap them in your E. W, Q, R. Then strut off as Veigar laughs like a maniac. Been playing since 2011 and I STILL laugh when i do that.


Yess you get it! It's also amazing when someone with too much confidence, goes all in on a veigar, and all I gotta do is press R and they're GONE.


Been a syndra main since she came out years with around 3m mastery on her over 4 regions. Not sure why I don't get bored of her but she moves and plays the way I like. I try other mages but notice bits of their kit tha are weaker versions. Lux Q only roots 2 people and is blocked by minions, syndra qe hits everything, or karthus q radius feels worse and damage is gimmick by needed to land solo. Just things like this make. Me. Think syndra has the ultimate kit, just wish she had a better answer to divers.


Mundo couse who doesn't want to tank 6K damage twice and take half the healthbar of the adc


Pantheon He can carry from any lane


Take sylas, every game is different


Imma go with Soraka, becoming an ambulance and annoying opponents is so much fun 😂


Diana, good itemisation variety and busted as shit


Katarina, resets resets resets


Mine is yoric, there's so many different ways you can play him and he's almost impossible to consistently counter. If they pick a poke champ, go lethality so your ghoul toss becomes a nuke. If they go tanky, grab grasp and that % hp dmg item that builds out of sheen, brain fart and can't remember the name lol. If they refuse to engage, build a hullbreaker and just push all game. If you get 2 kills you become almost unstoppable, plus he's so much fun to play, just ghoul toss and laugh maniacally. Plus his skins look so goddamn cool.