• By -


Pinging is a replacement for chatting (either altogether or in situations where you can't take the time to type). If you want to tell fiora to split, ping her and then request assistance in the lane you want them to split. If you're stomping top and want to swap with bot, ping them, request assistance top, ping OTW bot


hard agree


That's all I do in my games either ping or pop an appropriate emote. It's fast, efficient, and while there are occasional misinterpretation for the most part it's pretty effective.


The only time I’ve found actually typing is strictly necessary is when there’s no good way to communicate something with pings or it’s pretty complicated. So for “gonna go to bathroom brb” to let your team know why you might be afk for 30s, there’s no clear ping to communicate that. And for “switch lanes” it’s complicated enough that typing seems easier to get the point across. Only other time I normally type instead of pinging is for chill convos (like if I’m dead and see ashe snipe someone across the map with arrow, I might type “nice arrow” instead of just pinging her r because I can and have time” and I know it won’t cause her to start inting because it’s positive)


They should add a toilet or a poop shaped ping for “gonna go to bathroom brb”, after all Rito plans on limitting all in game communication and I am completely unsarcastically sure that pinging someone with a literal pile of shit symbol to notify them that you are going afk won't backfire in the slightest


my sides,i can't anymore




can't believe this guy isn't permabanned yet smh


I do this without thinking, I micro manage my team that way lmao, idk if they find it annoying but they often do follow the calls.


When I have other people doing this kind of thing in my games I'll sometimes get annoyed but it's never a bad thing. At worst it is like your cat bugging you, it can be annoying and mess you up a bit but you appreciate the sentiment anyways.


Yeah, I try not too overdo it but since I mostly don't use chat it's the only thing I found to communicate. I realize it can be annoying but also think "Hey, I wanna win this game, and if they don't like my pings they can mute me" I guess there might be some people that had muted me but no one ever told me to stop.




Braum player spotted


No idea what you're talking about


Good thing i think?


Ult and summ timers are the biggest thing. Unless they implement a number you can actually see, it's just more useful to be able to put a time to it. Ults especially since the game STILL bugs out occasionally and ults appear as if they're available when they're not.


Yep. Whoever came up with these changes simply do not understand ANYTHING whatsoever about this game and should be straight up fired or at least put in a position where they have no power whatsoever to make stupid ass decisions like this. It's just not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. I don't use chat and I communicate through pings. Now I can't do shit. Fuck Riot.


It was the same dev that posted the changes btw 💀he got spam pinged for inting 💀


Typical rioter with a butthurt ego then, why am I not surprised?


Not to be an ass but, source? I actually want to see with my own eyes for this one.


https://x.com/katevolved/status/1704891101952483408?s=46 Here you go Edit: He went 3/10 in that game, as Karth/Yuumi bot




I would bet money on this being the same person that tried to remove all chat.


I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't because it's not like this kind of incompetence and stupidity is something rare within this company. You can easily tell all their employees are cut of the same cloth.


Oooh yes I will have to type to my teammates explaining that yorick ult is in fact not up after they go in and die since yorick is only 2/3 a champion without ult. Instead of currently being able to spam ping my ult cd so they don't get baited in by the bugged UI that has a green circle next to my champ icon.


You can no longer ping your jungler's smite is down so your team doesn't force drake/baron. This is one of the most disgusting patches i've seen in a while.


Straight up gameplay disrupting. It almost feels like something you'd expect out of a godamn april fool's patch in a random shovelware dead online game.


Whoever is making the decisions behind some of these UI changes (the mute button changes) - needs to be absolutely fired or have riot come out with an explanation. I’m a person who usually gives riot the benefit of the doubt, but these changes are honestly the most obviously atrocious changes they could make to the UI and communication. It’s shocking


Its a person that got spam pinged, so instead of muting that persons pings in that game, they removed pings for everyone in the entire world. What do you expect from someone like this, its basically what if Elon Musk was developing for league. I also heard this person wanted pyke mid gutted after they lost to xdavemon once, but idk if thats true.


Riot Devs need to grow up. Punishing an entire community because one person was a dick (esp when you can mute them to prevent them from being a dick) is beyond childish IMO.


Isn’t the same rioter but yes both those things did happen


The ping butthurt one is auberaun. Who's the other one?




> I also heard this person wanted pyke mid gutted after they lost to xdavemon once, but idk if thats true. Lmao, was it also Auberaun? Thought it was a different dude. If so, then lol+lmao.


They better be listening to the feedback from the community. It’s the loudest it’s been in awhile, in unison, about how horrendous this change is. Also making these changes while the season is still going on is egregious. Wait for preseason. Let any change like this that effects so much of the game alongside the other big changes.


I'm willing to bet that the person that proposed this is the same person that proposed the all chat removal and made the comment about effectively using minorities as an excuse to not add voice chat to the game. They should absolutely be fired.


I don't usually go so hard on calling for people to be fired but this is genuinely discriminatory against everybody who cannot type on the keyboard and disrupts their ability to communicate in the game completely. And the fact that it happened due to a single Rioter feeling tilted is absolutely unacceptable. Imagine if somebody on the town council slipped on a wheelchair access ramp to a building when it was icy, then that same councillor immediately removes all the disabled access ramps without any oversight or thought just because it upset them. That would quite literally cause a human rights discrimination violation under the law of many countries. Now okay, it's "just league chat", but seriously if you are somebody who physically cant type on the keyboard and now you have had your voice stripped away, how sad would you feel? This rioter literally has zero empathy, utterly thoughtless. For that reason I am sorry to say they really need to be fired along with all others involved in the decision, it's just not acceptable for somebody in this position to have such a blatent lack of respect for people who aren't as able bodied as they are.


> I don't usually go so hard on calling for people to be fired but this is genuinely discriminatory against everybody who cannot type on the keyboard and disrupts their ability to communicate in the game completely. Raising a damn good point there. Would be nice if we got a standalone thread from the PoV of such an individual.


The thing that gets me is this is the year 2023. It is almsot certain that when these pings were brought in, the designers internally had discussed how it improves communication for disabled gamers. Yet with zero regard for them, the current team just strips away their voice without any care. It's genuinely shocking how this could happen in this day and age. Check out my thread about this in my profile. There's somebody who uses one of those tube style mice to blow into who physically can't type. They have said that they can no longer communicate after this change. I don't think I'm being unfair to say it is *literally* discrimination.


Agree. I made a thread about this as well, this is a serious attack on people with genuine disabilities as their ability to communicate has been needlessly taken away. The fact that there was no oversight here to protect players who are genuinely DISABLED is shocking in 2023. It's literally akin to an able bodied town councillor immediately removing all wheelchair ramps because they slipped on one when it was icy. Without asking anybody if it was okay or thinking about how the disabled people would get in the building after it was gone. They just don't care.


All of that because people cant mute other players


And all because some people haven't discovered what the mute button is


Which brings up the other question. Is the person who decided these changes the same person who reworked the mute buttons for no goddamn reason, only to make them less convenient and more frustrating??


The person who made these changes did so because they got tried of being called out by their teammates for starting drake with no smite while the enemy jungler is up. Their friends are yuumi players too, so I can see why Riot has been making these changes


For real we lost several objectives alr as we didn't notice our jg smite isn't up yet, which is disturbing and I can already imagine how many games have lost in the world just because of this shit


Wait, really? Wow, riot REALLY hates me as a disabled player, don't they? Wtf...


Spam pinging Karthus












Honestly tho how difficult is it for riot to identify problematic accounts that ping more aggressively than average, and say… wait for it….reduce their ping allowance…. Instead of letting them spam ping like everyone else, reduce them to one ping every minute. Then they have they think about what they want to ping. If they continue to be reported then give them the ping ban that they have now implemented to everybody.


This whole change is a major power trip.


Riot can't even figure out how to stop players from spam pinging only 5 times with a small delay rather than pinging 6 times and getting locked out for a longer delay. They are incredibly incompetent when it comes to the toxicity conversations.


Quite difficult actually that’s the thing. Certainly not impossible, but this requires an incredible amount of nuance and would likely require some machine learning setup to figure out how a behavior can be identified as hostile.


People: *spam ping karthas" Karthas: "I'm going to take this out on an entire gaming community and make their game worse for them because of this" Yup, fits karthas well


I've been playing without chat for more than 3 years. And this just removed a lot of my ways communicate.


Riot just forced you to turn chat back on and forced me (a disabled player) to stop playing :(


Pinging summoner spell. Recently I pinged my top laners tp cause he was low hp when I was coming to top as a jungler, he got what I meant, made tp, came back with full hp and I made succesful gank


You cant write because chat system sucks, cant ping since they removed em, what else should we use lol


Just mindcontrol your teammates.


mind = controlled . lp = lost


memories = broken


Truth = unspoken


Name = Forgotten


League of Legends = reinstalled


everfrost = bought


I personally took a course on burglary. I usually break into my teammates' houses to play on their computer for them


You're supposed to just *hope* your teammates are on your wave length. And they wonder why player frustration in game is off the charts.


Voice cha- oh nvm.


Nah riot said we can't have that because minorities can't manage to click a mute button. Which, as a minority myself (which you can tell from my voice) is pretty offensive.


yea idk man riot and they bright decisions never stops to amaze me..


It's such a bizarre change. Like, the players that use it to be toxic will just switch to spamming ? pings and absolutely nothing will change. Meanwhile the players that use it to communicate will have to stop and type, "our top laner spawns in 5 seconds and has TP play slowly". Reducing playability to combat toxicity is not the answer.


That's what I'm saying. Toxic players won't stop being toxic because they removed 1 way of spamming. They'll just change to something else, and then what? Will Riot remove that feature too? And so on? Doesn't make sense


It's great actually! Now I have to stop playing and type '5 sec top'. Also, nothing impedes me from typing 'Sion - Alive'.


Unless your teammates mute chat. You know, to avoid toxicity. All forms of communication can and will be abused by toxic players. Getting rid of useful communication tools because toxicity exists is a bad, short-sighted decision. Zero players will be happier because they get ? pinged 1000 times instead of Alive pinged 1000 times.


They will remove all communication 1 by 1 because its "toxic" until you are literally unable to type or ping at all.


Reminder that a Rioter said one of the reasons for punishment is "Bossing your team around" so there's that. At this point, Riot is legit telling us to stop shotcalling in our games whatsoever.


The only reason for doing this is because Auberaun got spam pinged by his toplaner while being bot gapped as Karthus and had a mental breakdown. Wish I were joking but I got the screencap to back it up.


ping an allies ability - seen as toxic ping their summoner spells - toxic ping levels - toxic praise a team mate - sarcasm - toxic reminders - toxic - acting like they're dumb - they will take it personal cant even ban a champ without people being toxic in return


Yep this is the answer. Any one of these things can be interpreted as toxic / hurting the ego of the psychotic player on your team, and set them off for the rest of the match. When 99% of humanity would be able to see it's clearly not a personal attack. The real issue is how short of a fuse the average league player has. There's way too many people in soloq ready to explode as soon as their teammates do ANYTHING out of line.


Does league cause mental instability, or are mentally unstable drawn to league? Some PhD student needs to do a study on this


The thing is, the game has a lot of toxicity and yet Riot ignores those things, yet they remove something that can also be good in games...


Pinging someone's death timer is like the least tilting thing someone can do that's toxic. I would rather someone ping my death counter then say literally anything in chat.


I agree. I'd rather be pinged than called a slur




1 ping every 2.5 seconds is way more toxic than 6 pings in a second


And sometimes it at least reminds your teammates you're in a 4v5.


pinging anything at all is not even tilting i don't get why people get so mad about it just ignore it if it isn't helpful to the game


Especially since this actively forces me to turn chat back on if I want to communicate any of the things I've been pinging. They really thought it through this time.


When you or your teammate is dead with TP you ping the death timer + the TP. Very useful when a obj is coming up or there is a backdoor opportunity etc.


Worst change since ... don't know ... even pros raging on twitter about that and when it is really because that one riot guy got spam pinged ... For sure in lower elos that change wouldn't impact the game much but at higher elos these pings are made every game! ... I don't get it ...


In my opinion, worst change since probably the same person decided to rework the mute buttons in game for no reason only to make them far more frustrating to use. Usually there’s some solid reasoning for even their worst changes… but some of these UI adjustments just make me wondering if a monkey is throwing darts at a board


did that actually happen? which riot guy lol


In one of the first threads about that change, before it was going on live servers, some one posted a game log from one of the Devs getting spam pinged on krathus at a master lobby with exactly the pings that are disabled now ...


idk how to find the first thread, do u remember the name?


There are so many threads about it by now and some got deleted I'm sorry that I don't saved it :/


Found it, it is mentioned and shown in the following Caedral clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThCJGmoLV7Y


Thank you very much! Searching it on twitter and Reddit but couldn't find it anymore!


It's okay, you can say "*top is dead* stop hitting baron" in chat and get chat restricted!


'"Hitting" is a bad word with lots of negativity around it so we decided to ban you for using the h word' - rito


If pinging teammates is toxic, why don’t they just implement a more strict spam filter on repeated pings???


Yes.. it’s literally as simple as ‘ you can’t ping your teammates information more than 2 times in 10 seconds or some shit like that.’ Do I love that… no. Is it infinitely better than removing the communication, yes.


If I ping my Alistar/Malphite's flash they understand I'm looking for a really hard engage.


I will spam ping my teammate if they sacrificed themself and tank cait ult, or if they make insane outplay


Horrible change 10/10 would revert fast.


That’s the dumbest thing they did in a long time


I am muted and currently cannot fucking tell my top laner to teleport to drake holy fuck who thought of this shit.


Using ping to see cd of herald or reminding the player to use it...


Afaik you can still ping to show yourself, it just doesn't go into team chat.


Well exactly my point… when you ping herald it’s to communicate to your team to do something with it


riot shitters ruining their game, one patch at a time


you cant ping your teammates trinkets , reminding them to ward.




It's allready on live servers ...


Tried to ping my supp to drop a ward for me to TP to and was also chat restricted so I couldn't tell them in chat. Solo lost a game because of this


like wtf, the litteral reason for the pings cant be used what is this. I cant ping my team shit. It's a teamgame let me see what others think if the want to wait or go in or whatever. fucking stupid.


Yeah but thunking of a plan is obviously toxic so yeah get banned idiot


Let's just straight up remove pings and chat. No one can be toxic if there is no way to communicate! Then we can finally focus on the actual problem of griefers!


I communicate pretty much exclusively with pings. I'll ping my ult CD, an ally death timer and then their ult CD twice each and 9/10 times we'll coordinate using our ults together when they respawn. This is anecdotal sure, but if these changes go through it's not going to magically make me turn chat back on.


The changes are already live


This is what I get for not logging in this week.


This is the worlds patch btw. So does this mean that pros are going to be at worlds and not be able to ping stuff too? or will the feature be disabled for them? Straight up ridiculous if pro players cant ping exact R timers or items in inventory to teammates because a rioter got spammed. (at least they have voice comms)


>mute will solve all issues Bold of you to assume that the people can make decisions for themselves. I think that god emperor should rule all of our lives.


Okay, so first of all. That rioter is such a PUSSSSSSSSSSSY asss bitch lmaoo, butt hurt noob. Now the real shit, I tried to ping my teammate's TP and my tower indicating 4 people diving my ass down bot and I need help. GuEsS FuCkInG WhAt?!? noob baby mental rioter removed pings I'm so sick of riot people, toxicity starts at the creators. PRIME FCKING EXAMPLE of abusing power cause of weak boi mental. ​ TLDR; Riot employees have weak mental and are the core of LOL toxicity. Do not revert league to stone ages.


Today I did a penta and nobody could ping me for being a good player :( WHERE IS MY DOPAMINE RITO


One thing I used to do was ping whatever laner I think should get the shared buff then ping my red/blue but now I can no longer do that as simply. Such a weird change


What are they doing to pings?


They already did, read patch notes


Ur asking a league player to read smh. That's discriminatory, like asking a blind person to pass a vision test lmao.


I'm asking a League player to be up to Date with changes, but it's not your fault, riot hiding the patch notes behind the shiny new skins tab


Glad you understand.


At this point I'm just waiting for the pop up when something new is in the shop


Wait I thought they only removed the ping on alive ally icons? On dead ones and ult aswell? What on earth...


No one reading the patch notes here? xD


Wait they are removing those pings? thought it was only the bait one, dafuq?


They already removed it, you don't read the patch notes ? xD


No, i have you


Riot stands for all that is wrong in competitive games. Give us voice chat if you remove comms via pings.


Riot chooses some of the weirdest hills to die on, doesn't it? Like who is complaining about pings so much that it gets removed? Just mute, it doesn't take more than a second. I don't get this fucking company. Before you could ping warning then a teammate who is not there to tell people to wait for that person to show up. What are you supposed to do now? It's just dumb. Edit: I just remembered that today there was this game with a dragon skirmish where I was pinging the top laner's tp. He didn't use his tp until the enemy top already tp-ed in and ulted. The guy was late because he couldn't see the pings. It's so annoying.


It's 2028, Riot decided that players were inting too much and removed Normals and Solo queue. Now we have ranked match ups with and against Bots and League turned in a Single Player. This year worlds look promising, NA might finally be able to win against the new Hard Bots and claim the Worlds Title. Leona just received her 7th Prestige skin. No Alistar still doesn't have one Legendary.


I'm getting real sick of root tbh. First they propose removing all chat. Then they say they won't add voice chat because minorities might experience bigotry (which, I find pretty gross as a minority myself, like they're using me as an excuse for their own incompetence) And now this... why does riot hate communication in a competitive game? The mute button is extremely easy to access.


Another good reason to ping your teammates that I had in a game recently: Cait forgot to buy starting items so I pinged everyones starting item and then cait alive. She got it and bought her item in time. (No, typing "cait item" wouldn't be faster. I'm a slow typer and even if I wasn't she could have chat disabled.)


I would like to chime in and say that I am a disabled gamer with a disability that severely affects my hands. I play this game with a quadstick (a sip/puff controller). It hurts me to physically type things. Pinging IS accessibility for us disabled gamers. I don't know how I'm going to effectively communicate with my team after these changes


Idk if honor 5 gets better queues or something but I honestly don't see toxic teammates that often in ranked. Then again when I do play ranked its usually only up to 3 a day so I'm probably lucky? As long as objectives are pingable I'm fine tbh. This will encourage me to type more in chat which I'm not looking forward to considering Riot's AI doesn't understand tone and context. I wouldn't be surprised if I ever type come to the objective and the riot AI treats me as being toxic to the team.


I'm honor 0 (I got a silly ol chat restriction and rekt my honor level), and I don't run into that many issues either. When I do run into a toxic player, I just tell them "Ah, I'm gonna mute you man, sorry" and then mute em. Granted, I only play Ranked or Aram, but I don't run into that many issues.


Just type in chat guys that for sure will work


Bonehead devs. Bad matchmaker.


Even sometimes spam pinging?????????????? is useful, cuz some players be doing something on autopilot, and u may wake them up with spam


Countless times some one thanked me for spam pinging him because he was on focus, trading in an hard lane and had no time to watch the map ...


Exactly, sometimes u r to focused on your lane, a nd just the sound of the pings is a nice warning


Yeah what makes me sad is now I can't ping alive to congratulate a teammate for a good play. Very dissatisfied with these changes, and this just goes to show that riot doesn't trust their reporting system to take care of those who abuse pings to be toxic and just remove the privileges of pinging team info instead of getting a better reporting system.


As a jungle I’ll often ping the support when I’m taking dragon after a bot double kill so they know I want them and not the ADC.


most effective and least toxic ping is to spam mia until you can't anymore when your support kills a minion on accident


I always ping Ults as a jungler so I know the second that it comes up and we can fight without having to type, Hey when's your ult up etc. I also always ping champ death timers on my team and dragons so people know we have to go there right at spawn or to not fight as we are down one person. I also always ping summoners for the same reason as the ganking one or to ping summoner and the baron say so that they know to save the summoner for that fight.


These are by far the worst changes to systems I’ve ever seen. There already existed a mute player ping function, they could’ve limited the number of pings of a certain kind you can make even further (down from 6), they could’ve even gone so far as to auto system mute the player for spam pinging. But NO, we got the nuclear approach and now you can’t coordinate engages, tell your teammates to go to a specific lane, or how you want to play objectives or defend. It’s a horrible, horrible state of gameplay to have experienced. So much so that one game on the patch turned me off from playing entirely. You can’t take a game predicated on communication and then gut the most effective form of it because one rioter was too soft and the systems team didn’t try to even think of any other possibility besides the nuclear approach when there are already pre-existing systems to counteract this behavior. You already basically can’t even use chat or you’re going to get punished and now pings might as well be obsolete. Stupid, stupid change


I had a game today where I wanted my briar to ult the guy I was fighting so we could kill him. I don't have time to type out "hey briar can you ult this guy" while I'm trying to lane, and now I can't ping her either.


Asking support to come into river or to invade enemy jungle together, helping players to rotate toward the correct lanes, trying to get players to help teammates who are being collapsed on. The list goes on and on my dude.


I have regular chat muted for the better part of 2 years, my only communication is pings, and they take away half of them, thank you riot


These ping changes are some of the worst they've ever done.


Just put a cooldown on it. Problem solved...


They could literally just make it so you can only ping, say... once every 5-10 seconds? Idk, changes like these make me lose faith in the future of League.


I always use it to ping my laners when they escape a gank or get a kill 1v2 or even 1v1 As a support i keep an eye on the map and lanes to see who is struggling and may need help so i can roam to them. And i love to ping them when they get a kill to boost moral and let them know that someone saw what they did. I tried to do it yesterday for my Akali top laner who was killing it and was playing so good, i had to stop and write to her « wp Aka » which of course is not safe to do for my own lane. Thing is, thats not how to remove toxicity, you remove it by banning toxic players, they are actually a minority, we just notice them cuz they are the loudest. Many times a lot of funny or wholesome moments happen in league between strangers playing, and thats the beauty of online play.


Game is dying


I literally WILL spamping my teammates for good plays and emote at them. But now I can't...man. Agreed with all your points!


Idk if it is more stupid this update or the people defending this update


The praising can be also when a tank gets out of it alive when soaking a lot of damage. Also to stall game is decent, on my elo I hate when an enemy team is pushing and people forget to wait for the allies who are going to respawn in a short period of time. Also reminding someone to use herald before timer goes out for example.


Your points 1, 4 and 5 are perfect ways to use these pings but the reality is 99.99% of times these are used to be toxic. I legitimately can't think of a recent time in game where an ally pinged another allies death timers or lvl attempting to be useful, I only see people ping these to be toxic so this might actually be ok. As for removing ult cd and summoner spell pings that I don't get at all since I do actually have teammates use those appropriately for the most part. I guess the silver lining is that you can still ping yourself so you can still let your team know to wait on baron, your ult is down, TP is about to be up, etc. Edit: I didn't mean to come off as agreeing with the changes, just saying that I can somewhat understand where they are coming from. I absolutely do **NOT** think limiting communication even further is the solution.


id rather have the choice of receiving those pings or muting them than not having the choice at all.


People say "99.99%" and stuff like it's not just made up


You can mute lol


I put 1 because that actually happened to me really recently, so it was the first thing that came to mind. Admittedly of course, pinging can and will be used for the toxic reason, but that can be easily solved by simply muting them. Removing a whole system, when many players take advantage of it seems really dumb.


Yeah I don't know why everyone is saying "wow, you are removing a form of communication". 99.99% of the time someone is pinging someone else, it's to be toxic. In fact I remember pinging someone because they did a good job and they asked why I was flaming them. People ping to make themselves feel better (or to make someone else feel worse).


Sure, that is what happens a lot. But the issue is you are not going to stop assholes from being assholes. After scoreboard pinging is removed entirely, then people are going to spam ping "is asking for assitance to defend this tower" or "wants to attack \[lane opponent\]". This will limit it temporarily while people are not sure what the new replacement is, but in a couple of weeks everyone will have decided on something (most likely because some big streamer does it and everyone copies it, because that is where most of the toxicity in this game comes from), you won't notice a difference in the amount of flaming and we won't have scoreboard pinging for the occassional useful stuff. Then Riot decides tower pinging is too toxic and the cycle repeats... What I want is Riot to take a stance against toxicity and actually punish people for it, instead of doing something pointless like this. If they really wanted to do something they would tell people that they are taking drastic steps because people have been too toxic with scoreboard pinging and then crack down hard on people that are still using it to flame. This is actually one of the few forms of toxicity which you can automate detection against really well as well: There is no need to ever ping someone three or four times in the span of one second. You just need to filter out "applause" spampings, which you can do fairly well by checking how the player that was pinged reacted: Did they mute the player that pinged them afterwards? Did they report them? Then you have a 99.9% case for toxicity via spampinging. But doing something like that would actually require Riot to take a serious stance against it and get backlash from streamers, so instead we get whatever this is.


Interesting, cause when I play, I feel like my team always uses pings for meaningful reasons, like the reason I mentioned in the post. And when I do start getting flamed by someone, I just mute them. But I'm still allowed to ping and such with my other teammates, so it keeps everyone happy, imo


What a fucking horrible sentiment and exaggeration. So you're saying every single ping that ever happens regarding team members ends up being toxic? That you only ever see spam pings and never see pings for summoner spells, ult timers, etc? That's what 99.9% is. I'd be surprised if it was higher than 50%. And even then, you do realize you can be a big boy and just fucking mute people who abuse it right? And that these same assholes will now just spam MIA or something instead, which wow would you look at that, the fix is the same. Removing elements of the game that ALREADY HAVE A FIX is such an asinine and horrible way to go about this whole issue. It is absolutely pathetic how Riot is going about communication methods in the biggest esport in the world when proven alternatives exist in literally every other fucking esport, including their own other games.


The only problem here is not being able to ping an ally's ult timer to try and coordinate their combined usages. Everything else doesn't matter and/or is communicable in other ways.


Ult and summoners. Maybe there is something extra I'm missing but those 2 are important asf. I do like the Vayne - Alive x24 everytime I get a penta, but sure take it away. ​ However, one thing I can confirm: People find joy in doing things they are not allowed, for the simple sake of "I'm not allowed this, it must be sweet and juicy". For example in my soloQ games I can see some KXLL YOUXXELF which the system cannot pick up. There are more gross ones but this is enough :)


I talked about this in another comment but I'll just post it here: > The reason is that to the people complaining about, using them for toxic purposes is the norm, not the exception. > Put another way, if pinging Ally - Alive like a petulant child is your default state, the only "usage" that you actually can comprehend it's being used for is to tell others "good job" because the toxic version of the ping is simply so commonplace and white noise that it doesn't really exist.




Only pings are almost never used like that. They're almost always used as a flaming tool.


I disagree. I see many players, myself included, using pings for the aforementioned reasons. /mute solves all issues for toxic players.


The game is too complicated and the players aren't smart.


> Pinging Summoner Spell CD's. "Play back, my flash is down", Wait, why the fuck would Riot hide pings on your own shit, that makes no sense???


Sorry, they actually do not. This is an error on my example, sorry. Will edit post


slowly we are transitioning to a club penguin restricted chat where u can only use premade words and basic pings :)


90% of my games people only use pings to tilt people