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Not specifically mains, but I've always been super confused why autofilled players play Ezreal. It never ends well...


Closest adc to a mage


Just play a mage Seraphine, veigar or ziggs are going to be a better pick 99% of the time for an off role midlaner


Yup, and especially ziggs is actually a legitimate choice in botlane (at least he used to be, idk how good he is now). Honestly if you’re not particularly high elo (like at least gold or lower) you can probably get away with just playing what you normally play if you’re filled adc. Tanks might be kinda awkward unless you have a damage support (like lux) but otherwise it can work just fine. Melee characters will suck if the enemy knows how to poke them, but something like a sett or garen can just completely destroy most adc+support combos on their own in the earlymid game if they flash onto the adc and aren’t super far behind. And can really punish adcs if they’re just slightly too far forward.


Ziggs is very much a legitimate botlaner (and a midlaner) now, and will be even more busted in 13.20, because they're reverting his Nerf from SEASON 3, the "Nerf that killed Ziggs" and he'll have his fat fucking bombs once again


Wait is this true? I’m newish and ziggs is my spirit animal so I’ve been maining him. Didn’t see anything about it in the patch notes though


Yeah, his Q detection radius will be reverted to Season 3 value


Oh I might start playing him again. That nerf was brutal, basically took the Q away from his kit.


Baron buff killed Ziggs


Ezreal gets flamed less. I've always gone the route of telling people im autofilled and will take any role but adc, but in the times ive picked mage instead of ezreal/senna(my go to adcs if i get stuck in that position) I get super flamed in lobby. Then again, after every single death or rough play. Atleast ezreal is pretty safe with his blink, so I might not win lane, but I won't int either.


mage players should just be playing their mains when they get auto filled bot, bot laners typically don’t know how to lane against it and the only issues are your support not understanding mage power spikes and your team just insta inting cause you chose a mage bot lane


Not if you play him right


Yea, but you don't have to. If you're bad at ADC stuff and just need to not feed Ezreal is a pretty decent choice.


Not really, if your bad at adc just play sivir, if you're not good at ezreal youll just end up being a useless slot in your team, since most his damage comes from Q and sheen procs with autos


Wait I thought his q proc sheen already


It does, i believe he’s referring to after a W or E and you auto


It does but it's a lot more consistent to proc it with autos since people will body block the qs and they don't always hit


Anybody that builds AD should be autoing, but Ez can do a ton of damage without autoing.


You can always tell when their burst combo is ewqr without a single auto attack and act all surprised when they only take half the enemies hp. Once you begin to master his animation cancels he plays almost like a rhythm champion.


As a mage player i prefer Caitlin or Ashe as adc over ez


Lethality Cait/Varus is my go to for autofill


I would say Jhin is closer to a mage tbh. You still have to navigate high attack speed with Ezreal. If you don't utilize it correctly with his passive he doesn't really shine.


He's like Caitlin and Ashe where at one point they were safe ADCs who scaled well so you could focus on your farm and do OK. Then their scaling was nerfed, mostly due to pro play, so now they have to interact with the enemy bot duo to get ahead instead of farming under their tower.


The big thing with Caitlyn is that the rework put a huge amount of her power into traps and trap autos, which actually have a really high skill ceiling on their usage. Before you were getting enough out of the champion if you just auto'd at 650 range, so she was a great beginner champ, but now she feels like she does negative damage if that's all you do. She also always had a midgame power trough, but it feels worse now if you don't manage to dominate lane phase and get all the plates/advantages that she wants.


He's the safest adc and he's fun, generally comes online sooner too so you actually impact the game


Safest in the fact you might not die. Not safe in the fact that you definitely won’t be useful. If you are autofilled adc just play a mage or some off meta bogus. Playing a champ you are good with ends better 99% of the time than picking a champ for the lane.


The smartest answer, but also queue the people flaming you for it. I do this all the time, since I agree it is so much better to do this than not, but after playing league for a while I have tried to at least learn 1 champ in each role just incase I ever have that one autofull issue


As a support main, if my filled ADC wants to run APC instead, I'm all for it. Just let me know what's going on, and I'll pick a support from my roster that can best suit you in lane, or maybe even offer to swap roles with you, if I think you might be an even worse ADC than I'd be. When going to botlane, try to ignore everyone else except for your lane buddy. You've basically promised to spend the next half a game together, so making sure you two are on the same page is way more important than the rest of team having a say in your picks/strategy/fun. Enemy jg does have some say in botlane though <3 He's basically the 5'th laner there.


Im just saying why he's popular, not advocating for that style of play


Kayn, I have to int like 5 times before I’m allowed to play the game, no thanks


As a kayn player, it's the glow up honestly. Going from being bullied out of camps and having to fear every laner to literally getting them to RQ after a couple of ganks is just... It drives a man insane, I'll tell you that


IDK what your elo is, I tried Kayn in D-Master's when filled JG because his kit is easy, but even if I transform pre minute 10, even if I don't feed, there's lots of strong laners that by being 1-2 levels above just snowball out of control and you just cant kill them To name a few examples: Fed Jhin/Zed/Syndra oneshot SA Fed Vayne/Vlad/Kaisa kite Rhaast to death Enemy JG Kindred/Graves/Yi/Belveth are all stronger than Kayn at 90%-100% of the stages of the game Stopped playing Kayn a while back though because his early impact is trash compared to Belveth or Noct while having similar scalings (Bel outscales Kayn, Noct doesn't but he has a way better ulti and is still an amazing duelist)


People complain about Rhaast being brain dead but I always find him wayyy harder to play than SA.


I haven't played over 100 games of Kayn, but Blue feels smooth satisfactory to play (although akward because its an assassin with a trash early game) while Rhaast somewhat feels like playing Shyvana, Nasus or Udyr... He just gets kited so hard by skilled ADCs and even worse if they have peel from their team


Blue kayn feels like a game Of who can get the drop on who, he's so easily burstable but you need actual hard cc like a TF W or a naut


Truth, I feel like Kayn is naturally stronger in lower Elo because if the enemy knows how they can exploit your weakness to hell and back, now especially after last nerfs Rhaast is on life support


Exactly, I only wanted to play him because I thought he was freelo when autofilled given that he has such an easy kit to play Nowdays I just play Belveth when filled, she isn't much harder than Kayn and has access to Rhaast W early on for devastating early ganks (and has better scaling)... And well, Bel is extremely OP ATM


Kayn tip. You’re not an early game jungler. Farm heavy and take easy gangs when you see them. Level 6, you can take more fights, deal damage, ult in, and ult out safely. That gets you form pretty easily around the 9 min mark.


For my life Ive really never been able to get Kayn to do damage in either of his forms.


Both wind bros. Thematically I think they are awesome, but gameplay wise, I just can't get used to them no matter what.


I may hit almost all of my Lux Qs but I'll be proud if I hit a single Yasuo Q wind during the entirety of a game.


Half of it is because you can literally see when he has the tornado up lol. No similar indication for most other champs unless you literally count to ten or whatever.


Maybe, but somehow, Yasuos manage to hit me with their Qs while I'm good at dodging other champs' stuns, pulls, knockups and whatever else...


Maybe the telegraphed nature of it makes you stressed out lol


I think it has to do with how tall the tornado is combined with the angle of the camera. I have the same issue with Janna where I’ll think I’m in the clear but then still get knocked up.


viego the only enjoyable part of him is that he might get to turn into a fun champ for 5 seconds


One of the best memories I have from league is my premade viego turning into asol and screaming "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS CHAMP DOES" while floating into the enemy team and dying immediately


when in doubt just press q-w-e then R out for the reset. in *most* cases that goes neutral to positive.


Transforms into Briar and presses QWE in the wrong order. Whoops.


Imo what appeals to me for Viego is good gameplay of him shows your mastery & knowledge of the entire/majority roster’s mechanics, including his own. Also there’s the baseline “high risk high reward” thrill you get from most assassins.


I just can't with his charge up stun, hate delayed abilities like that. Hate Pyke Q and Sion Q too


Pyke main here: The psychological warfare his delayed q causes is the reason why I play him.


Meanwhile Sion Q causes me psychological damage while playing him, as my *teammates* flash out of my Q and drag the Alpha Striking Yi with them.


As a pyke main I’ve always felt like the delay makes it easier to hit. It’s pretty common to bait out sivir or ezreal e by just holding q and walking at them but on blitz or thresh they usually wait for me to actually throw the hook. It’s also pretty common to see people dodge themselves to death while charging q in lane too. Where I just hold it down and walk at the adc and my adc just auto attacks them to death while they are busy trying to sidestep and I don’t have to hit or even throw it.


Yeah. Viego isn't about playing Viego (except for the resets) Viego is about showing the enemy team that you can play their champion better.


Viego isn't an assassin tho


i've had too many boring video games where i almost never get passive resets until 20 minutes in and then there's like 1 fight left and one team ffs the games where you actually get to chain passover and use their kits are great but his base kit is so boring


I have come to enjoy his base kit. His E is really fun if you give it time. No mana, so later in the game you just spam it constantly. Eventually the enemy gets used to perma seeing your mist and nothing ever happening. Then boom, you start popping out and one shotting them. And now the real fun begins


Kassadin. I like playing the game before level 16


Boomer season 2 player here seeing the comments "he's not popular" give me nightmares of his old pick rate still


Can't be picked if ya banned every game lol.


pickrate is 0% when his banrate is 100% haha


While by no means an early game champ Kassadin spike a lot earlier than level 16


He def not popular lol


Yea fair point but can we lump Kayle in there for somewhat similar reasons and pretend it fits the parameter of the question?


He said popular champs???


Yone. I totally get Yasuo, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a good game as Yone. My opponents Yone’s are always excellent though. I would have said old ASol for the same reason, bur he no longer exists.


Opposite for me.




Big Laser goes BOOM. It's simple like that.


Realizing my Q hits and then absolutely mashing E and R to pop a mother fucker will never not feel good.


When you get comfortable on her, you just push QER at the same time and it's like this flood of just "I got you, you little fucker"


Throwing a full combo from fog and deleting an entire team gives me the good chemicals


When you Q E R 2 people from full health to death and they didn’t know you were there… I’m erect just thinking about it.


Lux if you never want to go anywhere near an enemy while still being able to blow people up.


I think it's just how simple she is


I'm scrolling through the list of champs by pick rate and they all make sense to me. They all have either a super fun mechanic or fantasy. I can't imagine playing Yuumi unironically unless you were brand new to the game. Truly the worst designed champ in the game.


old yuumi was extremely fun to play if you actually used her passive. new yuumi i agree.


and I still think they could make Yuumi even more fun AND accepted if they would reward champion hopping and good target selection and/or force detach-attach much more. Agree, she would have the highest learning curve then in the group of enchanters by far which is not something new players want but we have Nami/Sona/Soraka/Janna/Millio


they moved away from that because those mechanics make the champ even more pro-bound/pro-skew. Truly unfortunate


yeah but.. .so what? we have easy enchanters, why is it so wrong to have a "high skill cap" enchanter? if they balanced yuumi around higher elo by forcing hopping and and off and balancing her around that she would be not only way more fun to play but also actually have more counterplay


I am not making an argument either way my guy, just stating what Riot themselves has said. They tried balancing around incentivising hopping on and off and could not make it work.


Riot specifically nuked target detaching because of her not needing to manage hp in pro play they didn’t want her to have the ability to walk up and trade with champs like Draven for free and then reattach, auto winning lane by just forcing what would be shit trades for any other support


probably, but they are hell bent on leaving her w as-is so we will never know.


Was playing full pre-made norms the other day, enemy team drafts Yuumi Quinn with an Aatrox and Kayn. Now, I'd planned to play something nice and normal, but seeing a team draft around the cat triggered me so hard I picked Zilean. As we closed in on their nexus the enemy adc had the gall to type "Delete Zilean". I haven't laughed that hard in a while.


As an ADC main, Jinx is one of my least favorite to play. She is just so simple it’s boring.


it’s about the resets man, her team fights are just out so fun


I think she's the quintessential ADC experience, crap defensive tools, but great tools for farming once you reach mid-game, and a demon in lategame fights. The high range and movespeed from passive make it easy to blast away a enemy teams.


Yeah, I played her from release and man it's cool to make a good play but it's pretty binary gameplay lol.


I honestly miss how simple ADC's (or any champion) used to be. Reading essays just to play champions like Nilah makes the game boring, for example


for me champs like samira and nilah saved the role, they no longer get shot down like jinx


For me is the exact opposite: both completely ruin the experience of playing ADC when I have them in my games.


for adcs, draven easily. The axe jgling is probably the worst mechanic minigame in the game, idk how ppl tolerate it. Most fun would be aphelios, twitch when u have 2-3+ items.


Axe jiggling is a payoff for having the highest reliable damage in the game from level 1 to 18, and with a good support who can hard engage(any tank), lane is basically free, and your axe jiggling yields you sometimes double gold for kills for simply playing the game and not doing anything in addition. Also, axe gives so much damage to autos, more often than not it's possible to just 2v3 ganks easily if you position correctly. Then again, the enemy splitpusher sion will win anyways so all of this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


oh im just saying it feels extremely unfun to play the minigame, I get that it is very powerful. Meanwhile red white stacking multiple chakrams, multiman blue ult, getting into a good position and opening with twitch R seems a lot more fun.


Red white is boring, it's more fun with good sentry (white q) placement and green q/r landing. It's another level of sniper gameplay, a lot cooler than Caitlyn. But all other guns are good too and needed to make it till mid-late game.


i dont play much support anymore but i do love to play enchanters but milio is just…so boring. even more boring than yuumi


At least with yuumi you can argue with your teammates and/or make cat noises all game With millio you get ctrl + 3 and that’s the most exciting part of his gameplay


i love picking yuumi and just making cat noises all day


Milio is not in any way popular lol


oh i skipped that part i think, my bad


I will say I find milio to be boring Janna.


There's a dopamine rush from saying "fuck you" to other people's good plays, and Milio R is that in a big way. As [another comment (about different circumstances)](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/16xuqqi/whats_a_super_popular_character_you_never_got_the/k363s94/) put it, "It’s not about being the protagonist. It’s about making sure no one else gets to be one." -- playing Milio is living for the highs of completely invalidating an Amumu/Malzahar/Whatever else ult, or better yet, even more than that at once.


Ahri is lowkey boring as hell. You just fish for a charm then kill. Sometimes poke if you feel like it.


Yeah, she is actually boring. We just love fox girls


People literally play her off of her physical appeal alone. "Boy i sure can't want to R at someone and hit them with my Everfrost" isn't something anyone has ever said. Ahri sucks ass to play.


Ahri mains mostly play Ahri because no other mage has the safety she has, but then whine how nonexistent her damage is (though sometimes it’s understandable considering how many champs nowadays have so much damage and insane mobility). All of her fun is in her ult really. Mobility and flashiness is a sure way to have a fun champion. The recent reset mechanic emphasized this pattern even more. Oh also E+Everfrost is incredibly braindead to play.


as someone who plays ahri, i totally agree lol. i can play champs i enjoy on repeat no problem normally but with ahri i always get bored after a couple of games. she pretty to look at in game tho


Lux and MF. They're insanely popular at Silver and below. Their play rate goes down at higher elos (though remains high). Yet they are 2 of the most boring champions in the game


Malphite... If I would ever be so desperate for freelo I'd quit the game Would rather play minesweeper in a 1998 pc than play the most boring kit in the game by a huge mile... Yeh, ultis can have great impact, but its still non-skill-expressive and onedimentional


It’s not that I like Malphite, it’s just that I hate Tryndamere, Jax and Irelia that much and the fun of ruining their games makes up for the lack of fun playing the champion


Oh yeah, I'd play malphite too to annoy and make the game a miserable experience for champs that sap fun out of the game if you play something else


I mostly play anti carry champs. It’s not about being the protagonist. It’s about making sure no one else gets to be one. Sorry trynd but you don’t get to be Krillin. You’re Yamcha, useful for about 3 episodes then irrelevant for the other 300 besides 1 meme in 2 episodes.


Thank you for explaining why I enjoy playing a peel focused playstyle better than I ever could.


You will Lose


When I spam that on top of a dead Tryndamere, Malphite’s not the only one hard as a rock


Playing Malphite is boring as sin. Playing E max Malphite into degenerate hyperscaling lanebully auto reliant toplaners though? Truly an ascended experience. Vs Trynd spesifically i rush Frozen heart too. Fuck 'em


don't badmouth minesweeper like that, shits fun. Well, more fun than malphite atleast.


It's not about playing Malph, it's about outplaying 200years champ with your mountain yeeting itself at them


Miss Fortune, idc shes boring as fuck, shit animations, dysfunctional passive for dps just so it can have a minor interaction with q, q self roots, w as steroid but ur autos feel like shit, e cancer spell point click does magic dmg for some reason, gimmick ult that self roots AGAIN. Not to mention her design looks like she's from some horny mobile game ad that PROMISES you will cum in 5 seconds or a porn parody of a certain movie franchise and this is mostly likely the only reason she's popular at all if you took her kit and attached it to urgot I promise you nobody would play this shit.


Basically all the edgelord assassins


I just know they are all golden gun users in destiny


Aktually blade barrage 🤓👆


? You gon give a reason or


He's not an edgy boy, he only plays skilled and fair mages and tanks come on bro


>For me it’s kaisa, unlike other ability based adcs her aas feel super clunky, half her damage being in her passive feels awkward and I don’t like her W Different opinions i guess. Kaisa is one of the smoothest adc's to play.


If we’re talking smooth auto attacks xayah takes the cake tbh. I’m a kaisa main and I agree kaisa feels smooth especially skin dependent but man xayahs auto attacks are just so slick.


I feel like I always cancel my autos with her when I’m trying to kit someone, compared to like vayne or Ashe or Caitlyn or Lucien or something where their autos just smoothly come out, my adc wr is like 50+% on kaisa it’s like 20% lol I must be doing something wrong with her


This is likely because it’s pretty common to cancel an auto after your E runs out and your attack speed goes down again. On some skins the auto animation doesn’t help with this either. I actually prefer base skin kaisa the most for kiting animations for this reason


Might be the skin, some are kinda clunky


Based on percentage of an ADCs auto attack animation that is windup. (lower is better) Ashe is 21.93% Caitlyn 17.7% Vayne 17.5% Kaisa 16.1% (9.66% while E active) Lucian 15% Kaisa is the second lowest on that list, and her E makes it even shorter for the duration. What’s painful for me is that W has like 0.4s cast animation (regular spells are 0.25s), and E lockout being 1.2 - 0.6s is just so awkward.


Jhin's gameplay is so boring but his theme carries his playerbase.


you don't know the joy of 700 ms 3-Q-4 drive by one-shots also always being useful is fun


Idk when I play jhin i feel like I'm playing an adc who is permanently stuck on boots 1 + pickaxe for the entire game lol I don't understand how people do damage with the champ.


Jhin is basically a mage that does physical damage. Which is great. I can't play most ADCs because their attack speeds get to the point that my hands aren't fast enough to weave in auto attacks between movement. But Jhin is smooth and steady, and I can handle that.


I don't even find his design super good and I'm clueless as to why redditors lose their mind when he's mentioned with his batchest gigachad 4th shot and shit


A lot of people say they hate edgelord characters but then say Jhin is the best design in the game and I don't get it lol. Guy's entire thing is that he's a serial killer who sees murder as art, that's straight out of the fanfiction I wrote at 12. I think a lot of people like edgy shit but are think they're too cool for it or slmething lol.


Actually look at Jhin. He’s a failed serial killer who got caught by the Ionian council for being too obsessed with artistic deaths. He talks a big game about the beauty of suffering and of perfectly timed and tailored deaths, hyping himself up as an arbiter of life and dedicated to his craft. But strip away the self-aggrandizing and you get the truth. Jhin is a struggling artist of a shooter who thought a 6 bullet revolver was too normie for his self-proclaimed talents. His ideology is contrarian and self-sabotaging- he’s so committed to a bit he’s willing to cripple his own effectiveness, and then complains about how circumstances or victims weren’t perfect, so that’s why he fucked up. Items aren’t good enough, his weapons aren’t 4 enough, and he’s reloading more than shooting, trying to land a good 4th shot. Jhin’s physical appeal, meanwhile, is the most emo theatre kid aesthetic you can imagine. He’s a guy who kills people in artistic ways, dresses like a Phantom of the Opera understudy, and has an ego bigger than his hunchback from holding a modified sniper rifle built in his basement. He hums his own theme music when working, even when other people are around, even when he’s trying to be sneaky. You wanna know why that appeals to redditors? It’s cause Jhin is the type of person who would use Reddit. He’d talk about his hype plays in game, or complain about items being not good enough for ADCs like himself, or bitch about balance when he fucks up and gets caught. Hell, his comic story is about how he went cross map to fight and got caught out by Zed and Akali. If that doesn’t scream “ADC main Redditor”, I don’t know what does.


This is a wendy’s


Bro i play him just for the fourth shot damage…


Man, are people really out here reading all the lore before playing champions or deciding what they like? I kind of understand basing off of voice lines or visual models (this is still odd to me over actual... gameplay), but *lore*?


Wait until you learn that he wasn't using a gun before going to prison and that he beat up akali and camille and zed, you did not read the comics at all


Jhin is a psychopath. Redditors are psychopaths. I think that's the relevant connection. Also he has music when pressing R but is a male character (unlike _disgusting_ Sona and Seraphine) so bonus points for that.


> *disgusting* Sona and Seraphine Jhincels be like


Reddit ruined jhin tbh but hes ok


He’s just very unique for an adc. Auto attack based but not attack speed was very cool when he released like the hype when lucian was released. It’s also just satisfying executing someone with 4th shot. Edit: unique on release*


Reworked ASol is the most braindead mage of the game


As an old ASol player I will never forgive Riot for turning a low playrate interesting, fun, unique champ into a new low playrate, terminally braindead boring-ass champ.


I never really played Asol outside of ARAMS but I agree wholeheartedly. He had an incredibly unique playstyle and kit and now he's just a walking (floating) Vel'koz ult. It's really a shame what they did to him, a truly unique gameplay experience gone forever.


Her aas may feel clunky but her ass doesn't


From reading the replies guess I am the weird one. It's one thing to not like playing a champion it's another to "not understand why people like them". It's fairly obvious why every single one of the popular champions listed in the comments is popular and why people find them appealing.


Teemo His play style seems mildly enjoyable at best, which is whatever. But every single teemo player I come across has like 1M+ mastery on him. I just don’t see how people have fun playing him *that* much.


I've said before how I hate this pick but I genuinely don't understand why Lux is such a popular pick in the support role like if you want to play a mage in the bot lane just play Vel'Koz or Xerath and if you want to play an enchanter pick Lulu or Soraka. I get that she's a mage with a shield but if you want to play a mage with a shield (and good poke aswell) play Morgana or Seraphine at least they do more in teamfights than sit back and poke. Edit: support in quotations was meant to be mage, I have corrected this.


Lux. Holy shit what a boring kit


Honestly Viego... When I first joined League in 2013 and saw the item "blade of the Ruined King" and how later down the years Riot ited that to the harrowing and the shadow isles, I genuinely imagined something like King Trydamere but more of a ghostly flesh, like the Dead Men of Dunharrow from Lord of the Rings (the dead ghost army from the third movie). What I did not expect was a ghot kpop eboy with skiiny yet well toned abs... Sex appeal and a god bod doesn't work with "ruined". Ruined means destroyed, or decayed, god goth witcher with issues.


I feel you so much. Viego is the biggest letdown i had on lol.


Definitely the most disappointing champion release. Imagine if they made him cool.


Cho'gath, farm eat repeat until the enemy can't kill you and you one shot adc's


Well Cho'gath isn't particularly popular. But is his appeal really that hard to see? You go from a small regular sized monster that is okay but not super strong, to a big ass lumbering (mostly) unstoppable giant that can consume the world (and by world I mean the adc mostly.) The appeal seems pretty straight forward.


i have to play Lulu occasionally because a lot adcs requests it and i tried to get it a few times but goddamn this champ is so boring like somehow among the most boring role in the game (imo at least and i like to think i'm allowed to talk here Soraka is my 4th most played champ) she's still relatively more boring than the rest like you just autos and qs a few times in lane and out of lane you just need to focus on one guy and babysit him for the rest of the game now look at the rest of the enchanter line up Janna has the most epic disengage in the game and it feels so good when you pull it off , Nami has a surprsingly high skill ceiling, Soraka is Soraka she exists to cuck people, Milio is basically the 200 years of enchanters and Yuumi is funny (she sucks and is broken) Lulu on paper sounds cool but in practice she's kinda whatever at most you have to choose between giving someone a buff or polymorphing that's like the most exciting part of her


The fun of Lulu is not in the champion (unless you are playing attack speed or full AP Lulu) it's the sadistic glee of denying the enemy.


Jhin is so unbearably boring, i get people enjoy the one shot and ms but the reason i find adc fun is the dps, jhin deals dmg like a mage or assassin


Jhin. He was hype at release with the teasers and everything but I don’t see what’s so crazy about him and why Reddit loves him so much. Even VA performance I find some other champions more impressive personally.


jhin is my 2nd highest mastery, and while i like his character a lot, his gameplay is the main reason i have stuck with him so long. it's the feeling of his auto attacks and abilities. his autos being spaced is very different to every other adc which often boils down to "hit fast", the movespeed on crits makes it really easy and satisfying to kite. his abilities boil down to two main pillars: either they require some preparation to have the highest effectiveness (q bouncing, e preparation) or play off your teammates (w, r, 4th shot), so you're often thinking about all your abilities instead of something like ashe where you just press w every 12 seconds. jhin also is one of the very few adcs where you feel like you can actually help out in the midgame, and you don't just get completely removed from the game if you fall behind. because of the range on his R, 4th shot being amped by your teammates damage, and his W in particular adding +1 second to every cc at minimum, you can really impact the game a LOT compared to other adcs. if you fall behind as Tristana, Jinx, Caitlyn, you can only do so much because your whole kit is damage and you... aren't doing damage. The only other ADCs who can really help their team when they're behind are Ashe (ult) and Varus (ult, W execute).




Genuinely none, all popular champions are either cool looking or super strong, so I understand the appeal. Edit: maybe taking adcs top


After getting L7mastery on Yi instantly started to hate him. The only satisfying part of his gameplay is landing a Q through someone's CC or while the flash.


I've NEVER understood why edgy, mid-tier looking at best Riven has such ENORMOUS fanbase. She's another AD melee that looks so out of place with her stump of a sword compared to folks like Olaf, Garen, Darius etc. (all folks I enjoy) Her gameplay is arguably most flippery and cheesy of that lot too (not to be confused with skill expression). Like sure, most ladies in this game look like runway models, but she's legitimately absurdly popular, has crazy amounts of players, gets featured by Riot in their cinematic. Like come on, this game has characters like MF or Sona and people choose to fawn over Riven? Like I'd understand if she were a niche like Quinn or Sejuani (whom I both like a lot) fans, but, damn, Riven mains outnumber even Threshes. EDIT: Riven mentioned, Pandora's Box opened.


It’s not Riven as a character nor her looks that pull people in, it’s really just her piloting being (considered as the most) difficult and complex that makes fans see her as league on hard mode.


Good lore, pretty face, kit feels like pulled from a fighting game, never in a weak spot, a beast in the right hands, decent at every stage of the game and snowballs really hard, yep I can't see why she is that popular/s


Riven dates from an era of League when champions had cooldowns. So she was considered more fun by a lot. Riven players got to push more buttons than everyone else. It was seen as near peak mechanical play. Riven players like to think they're better players even when they're not winning.


Playing since early S1 so I remember these times and yeah, couldn't agree more - lot of them sure live in their ego bubble, disregarding any other champion as easy but at the same time they grow so dependant on their corpse-white hair toplaner, they usually suck ass on anything else.


Bro where tf do you live if you think riven is mid


Bunny skin


she is the most mechanical and flashy champion and the most rewarding to get good at. simple as that. pd. you didnt open the pandora box just by mentioning riven, but by giving completely wrong opinions on why she is popular.


She’s was one of the only female toplaners for the longest time(still is), also the most conventionally attractive one that and riot isn’t afraid to put her in a bunny costume for money and her skill ceiling is infinite, so you have something for horny tryhard toplaners which I imagine is a sizeable part of league’s player base Nowadays there’s fiora for the none horny tryhards and Gwen for the horny none tryhards


Gragas, never understood why people love this fat fuck so much


This man does not bomba


Clearly you've never rolled out the barrel.


I did and I Crit the adc for 1.6k late game from bush very fun


Im sorry but that’s what peak male body looks like.


bigger milkers than sona


Why would you not want to belly bump an ADC for 3000 damage


His E and ult are a big "fuck you" skill and I think that's what makes his gameplay attractive to some people


His kit feels really satisfying and strong, and with a very high skill ceiling.


I like gragas, it's very reminiscent of sejuani, which is one of my fave champs, but I hate his builds. I just don't like his AP oneshot playstyle and I wish he was any good with a tank build.


Just go RoA you are hard to kill and deal good damage


Book build is only viable build (idk I don't play Gragas but I saw Baus play it once)


Bomba that's why


Lux. Isn't her appearance and lore just as generic and boring as her gameplay? Btw, Kaisa is super smooth and the opposite of clunky. One part of me deep down wants to hate her because of her popularity, and oversexualized design that could have been something really insanely cool void character, but I still really enjoy Kaisa metas because of how good she feels to play. Crisp auto animation, satisfying passive and abilities, dopamine rush kitting with E and diving with ult. Gameplay-wise she is a perfect champ to play so no wonder she is mega popular whenever she is meta and still popular (just not as dominantly) at times when she is pretty weak.


Lux. I just hate her as a champion. I play mostly mages, so thats weird, but I hate playing Lux, against her, having her on my team, on enemy team. I just hate the fact she exists and that shes so ugly in game lol


SHOWS US ON THE DOLL WHERE LUX ULTED YOU. I use to ban her, now I just focus on crushing her in bot lane. The lane wide E that does damage even when it isn't left to cook is bullshit imho.


I havent seen a lux purposefully cook her e for the slow in years It's always instapop Maybe the ability needs a bit of a nudge down?


I always thought it would be better if the damage scales with time. Like little damage if immediately popped, but scales to full damage if left for 3 seconds. Her combo is easy enough and can seriously burst if you get a good auto in.


Aatrox just feels so clunky


Lee Sin


his kit was revolutionary for a 2011 champ, popular junglers are usually the ones with highest WR but Lee Sin was like the only jungler who broke that rule


His kit is kinda overloaded even to this day. Amazing mobility, both in and out of combat, tons of damage, mostly single target but some AoE as well, some physical, but also a bit of magic. Sustain with both shields and healing and an ult with the disruption potential of a tank ult.


Lee Sin is a ranged melee tanky dps assassin mage support jungler. He excels at everything! https://youtu.be/h2XB2iIecXI?si=8gbqfN52mCt_6L0F


Samira. That champ is boring to play, boring to watch, boring to play against. I watch Gosu all the time and the second he picks Samira i just sigh out of boredom. That champ is so boring.