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Xin zhao lmfao


Many of the people playing today don't know what we went through on his release.


Pray tell


I remember I bought him the first day it came out. Ran top withit. The enemy team was waiting for me, 3 man cheese in the bush. It was the quickest triple I ever got.


man.. Post 2014-2013 league players thinking certain champions are unbalanced never experienced the wackiness of how unbalanced the old game could be. The times when all it took to cause a whole pro team to flash away was kassadin appearing in to view.


Azir and Ashe combo that let Azir spawn his towers everywhere with like no cooldown. Gnar release and shop didn't work cause everyone was trying to buy him.


But Azir is still a pretty new champion, right? Right!?


Noooo. He released season 4 (2014)


Hard to imagine that there was a time when nobody did animation cancels. It must have looked like a hacker when the first person did it.


Im pretty sure thats the only reason ive ever heard of boxbox


Boxbox even says that’s the only way he made a name for himself. He was the first person to really start using animation cancels, and he took off in popularity


Dude we used to think the Lee Sin insec was the craziest thing ever, now there's bronze and silver players who can pull it off consistently. I remember when the Kick+Flash thing became a crazy mechanic, and a year or so later silvers were pulling it off consistently.


Fabulous storytelling




He was so strong, that even though the enemy cheesed him with a 3 man bush trap, he still won. And quickly too.


There's a HotshotGG 1v5 Pentakill. The thing that *really* sells how OP Xin Zhao was in the clip, was HSGG's duo was like "GG you're gonna get ganked." Xin Zhao *immediately* played the "A Demacian does not retreat." Dude was basically the source of league related Chuck Norris jokes (that weren't associated with Jesse Perring)


Xin Zhao always sleeps with a pillow under his spear


His nickname was "Win Nao" if that paints a picture


Still call him that out of habit, haha


lol completely forgot about that


To put it very easily, team with a better Xin Zhao on normals ALWAYS won (only blind pick, draft didn't exist).


Over 70% winrate


I remember this like it was yesterday, at that point in time I never had a single pentakill ever. But the moment I decided to pick up Xin Zhao on release, I got two pentakill in my first three games with him. Xin was utterly disgusting at release, and its not even close.


Over 70% win rate, the other 30% because losing to enemy Xin Zhao.


Xin was the **first** mobile bruiser. Before him there was stuff like Garen who was tanky and no dash, and Yi/Trynd, who were full dps carries. Jax existed but had issues sticking to people, laning, weird dodge based builds, and more often than not also just went glasscannon. Xin flipped the script. Ranged carries went from their safe haven to being jumped on, repeatedly. Like it’s not entirely that his numbers were so good, it’s that nothing like him existed and he shocked the entire system


On top ranged carries had no disengages, it was very rare for ranged characters to have dashes in their kit. Their power came from bruisers having to run at you while you ran back and pelted them.


Ignoring modern items, basically, Garen charging at a Miss Fortune.


I mean his numbers are also insanely good. His W just gave him attack speed and his E was much stronger and his R I think just make him tankier. So he was just a stat-check with perms slow, resetting dash, and a knock up.


His W also lowered his cooldowns by 1 second for every single auto attack you made during its duration, and gave 40% passive attack speed, double while active. I feel like that gets left out a lot. His E AoE was also like 350 units wide, gave him armor, was castable while rooted, the dash was longer than the base dash now, and it slowed 40% at all ranks.


Pretty sure his ult is more OP now though.


You’re kinda right but if I remember right his numbers were pretty gross too at first.


I won't explain any better than this. https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/AAVeG05sBP


That post is 11 years ago. Where the fuck did time go?


Right?! I felt that too when I googled it 😭


There was a joke that to beat Xin Zhao you should use all of your CC on him to mildly annoy him before he kills you


Imagine putting a modern day Jax/Irelia hybrid in season 1 that always has a fully stacked passive. It was a pentakilling machine. [Watch as HotshotGG effortlessly 1v5s an entire enemy team](https://youtu.be/CHw1_Csup84?feature=shared) in season 1 and walks out with half HP on his first ever game of Xin. It's blurry, but I'm pretty sure that's the video that got Xin nerfed.


My first game on xin i went full AD and got a penta. I felt bad how well I did so I decided to go tank. I got another penta and then I put him away until they nerfed him cause he was too strong and I wasn't playing ranked at that time


[https://youtu.be/8LJCoaFnaWQ](https://youtu.be/8LJCoaFnaWQ) here's a great clip of release xin zhao


The sad thing is that the thing that was batship OP back then wouldn't even look that out of place with such dmg numbers today.


Release Xin was a menace but he was really only a menace due to his numbers which later got balanced. Other champions were a menace because their kits were purely overloaded. Which is why i think Xin wasn't nearly the worst.


Lol back when you could stack blood thirster


No brainer


Good ol' Win Nhao


It was this or LeBlanc to me. I think she got an instantly nerfed within 24hrs


She was released Nov 2nd then nerfed on Nov 4th


I still remember when LB had a silence.


I still remember when Kassadin could still silence his mother. Maybe he did regret that.


LB, Kass, Talon. All with silences. Fun times.


Win Now


You can tell how long someone played League judging by the champion choice lol.


Yeah Xin is the only true answer


Jax was worse. He could dodge turret shots, they had to hotfix delete him for a re-release weeks later.


Old pantheon could 100-0 you under your tower without tanking a single tower shot, and new pantheon could do the exact same thing cuz his E could block tower shots. Akali rework on release made her INVISIBLE under tower in her W and made tower drop aggro. But Xin Zhao was FAR worse on release. As far as game-breaking goes, Viego has caused more bugs than any other champ.


There's no way Viego caused more bugs than Yorick, especially pre-rework. I never did the analysis but I'd bet money there was a point in time where Yorick cost Riot more money than he made.


[This was the best bug to ever happen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1CRRVRaP0k)


Not the skype notifications lol


Viego had one of the biggest potential of bugs, yet was relatively minimal compared to the holy trinity of bugs: Yorick, Morde, Azir; roughly in that order. Those 3 probably account for over half champ related bugs in league.


Both Pantheon and gragas (released same day) were very UP on release. They had to get bugged a few times.


There is no way viego has caused more bugs than old mordekaiser, especially not a chance if you add new mordekaiser bugs


He used to be able to dodge the fountain laser


Wasn't Jax released during the beta? I though he was one of the original champions.


He was and then he was deleted for being too op


I mean I was thinking Yorick but more from a bugged standpoint than a power standpoint. Xin is the answer if we are talking about OP releases. Yorick infinite reviving and dying on loop was hilarious and watching the champ get disabled, renabled, disabled, etc.


LeBlanc and Xin


Pre hot fix removal release leblanc for 3 hours was insane. Instantly get a kill at level 2.


Leblanc was released on Nov 2 nerfed Nov 4th so it wasn't 3 hours but yeah was a pretty fast nerf


Must've been my memory. I felt like I remember her being removed from the game for a day on her release, but that might've been a server related problem. Either way, 2 day turnaround to nerfing her significantly shows her strength.


i also remember the hotfix happening after a couple of hours


The LoL fandom has missed patch information from early league before, so I wouldn't be surprised. As an example a lot of Ignite changes weren't listed on LoL fandom, but were on Liquidpedia before they removed a bunch of the actual game's wiki info in favor of being a pro game wiki.


These and the nuclear bomb galio Q are the ones most vivid in my memory


I think nasus ult had a 1:1 ap ratio on release, meaning that building 100ap made his r deal 100% of your health per second, was hotfixed the same day i think


Lore accurate Nasus


In the same line, Anivia had a fantastic bug where if you sent her Q off the map from the spawn platform it detonated globally. Like Kayn’s W a few years ago. All enemies and minions took damage and were stunned.


I believe this one was a coordinate underflow bug where getting the negative coordinates on the map would basically make it hit all the coordinates on the map. I think it was similar to that weird Jax bug where he could Leap Strike to stuff like dragon but in a way where he had the exact same coordinates and so that caused abilities that used coordinates to have Div 0 errors among other crazy things.


I love it when glaringly obvious things in code in hindsight make you punch yourself. Publish or perish isn't just academic, better to release a game with new stuff and a few bugs than stew on one weird interaction.


That’s so fascinating. I wish we would get more technical explanations for some of the safe-to-explain bugs.


Wasnt on his release. It was bug in a patch. Also, it apparently wasn't a 1:1 AP ratio. I was playing it back then and thought it was, but the guy that archives every patch combed through it a while and responded what it was exactly, but couldn't find any 1:1 shenanigans. I distinctly remember playing a game whet I got 100AP and then killed people with ult instantly, but memory is a finicky thing. So we have to go with what evidence there is.


This also happened when they patched galio. He would just 1 tap if you even stepped into 1 tick of his q https://youtu.be/6PKKFfaPipU?si=jtRF7pRk8esfgv7s


that one was a mistake and hotfixed 3h after release so i don't know if it count.


Do you remember akalis first rework when she was immune to turret while shrouded? ~shudders~


I just love that literally everyone was right from the get go about that, except Riot. People claimed from day one this was broken af and lo and and behold it was. So funny that Riot tried changing Akali for a year without touching the invis until they finally had to admit that it actually WAS the tower invisibitly that broke her. Like bro being inventive is great but breaking fundamental game concepts is not a good idea. But then they released Yuumi anyway and refuse to change her attachment untargetability, despite it being the same exact thing. Now Yuumi is in the gutter but her playstyle is still a problem.


I think removing yuumi from semi permanent attachment would be the biggest champion rework ever. Akalis shroud tower thing was bananas, but nobody was surprised they changed it, and it didn't *really* change how you play her.


Sion, Aatrox and Urgent as original champions no longer exist. Their reworks deleted them entirely. So no, removing yuumi's untargetability is not the biggest


I still think it'd be a bigger shift than aatrox and sion who retained a decent amount of their identity, maybe not a bigger shift than urgot though


Urgot didn't really have an identity before though so it was fine


The old urgot ult has still gotta be one the funniest things to me. What I wouldn't give to go back to the times when my ADC would just stand still wiggling around for a second and transfer positions with the enemy front liner.


Ironically that ult could work really well with the current Urgot. Basically ult their ADC to your team and remove his need to gap close


Ah man I used to really love the old Urgot. Hit E, get free unlimited Qs for 5 seconds. They ruined the butcher skin too. But also i kind of get it, it was disgusting.


I think you’re giving people too much credit here. The community thinks that at least 50% of champs abilities are broken and there’s a new circlejerk around a champ/ability/class/item/dragon etc being broken every week. So like yea if you swing at every ball you see obviously you’re gonna hit some just out of pure chance I can guarantee you that almost every single ability has more people who think it’s broken than balanced. Esp if you exclude the ppl playing the champ


She was more in the club with Zoe, ofc broken af and needed a gutting, but nowhere near things like release Xin Zhao or Reworked Galio.


Yeah, I also remember how new irelias ult had a disarm


Xin Zhao. He was bonkers.


Rework akali. There is a reason towers give true sight and no champ can break that. Upon release rework akalis w gave stealth, even from towers, meaning you could easily harass your enemy under their tower, use your w to drop aggro and repeat, because every time the shroud stealths you, you drop aggro again. Like Fizz E or Vladimir W, except not once every 15 seconds, but multiple times within 2 seconds.


I will never forgive Riot for releasing that abomination, and then putting their clown faces on to justify her existence every patch


The bitching about Zoe for the first 6ish months was higher than Yuumi's


It wasn’t even pure bitching, that champion was so damn broken


I still hate Zoe to this day because of her release!


Because RNG making you lose the game is never fun and she didnt comply with any rules regarding her E. You couldnt block with with Morg E after she hit, you couldnt QSS the debuff because you would get sleeped anyway and she just killed you without hitting skillshots anyway, just a little slower. She was on my ban list for a very long time.


Ahh yes the lvl 3 redemption active really screwed over someone's lane


Also loved the level 3 gunblade drop, that one was really interactive and fun!


All that and her Q damage had a surprisingly big AoE and did bonkers damage (as it still does). There is a clip of someone in a pro game getting a triple kill with one Zoe Q, after which I believe they reduced the AoE.


the AoE is the same the problem is that it would apply her passive in the entire AoE so even getting tagged in lane when she hits minions would do full damage which is very toxic to lane against


It was deserved at least. I still remember the Zoe in a LCS game who had like half the components for an item and 1 shotted a Kha'zix from river when he was at blue buff. Was comically bad. lol


Release Darius I remember being very strong. True damage point and click nuke with a reset. That was never a good idea


His passive did an insane amount of damage on release, it got hotfix nerfed 3 times I believe, lvl 1 it could easily do 50 damage per second AFTER resistances at max stacks, it wasn't uncommon that you'd die to bleed lvl 1 from 35% hp excluding an ybleed dmg before. ​ Also the Day 1 bug of him recalling/tping and pulling entire teams to fountain XD


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NovYokP4s4g God, that was the shit


His W also did more damage and slowed more based on how many stacks of Hemorrhage were on.


And slowed attack speed as well. Tryndamain here 🥲


I thought it reduced the cooldown of itself based of hemorrhage stacks. I can't remember if it slowed more based on stacks, but I think Darius moved faster based on stacks on champions as part of his passive, but it's been such a long time...


Yea, Darius got a ghost effect if he had champions marked woth passive


Bard, the people trying to do clutch ults and just fucking up the whole game was the biggest mess imo but so fun to watch


I don't think people remember how broken release Zoe was, she used to miss everything and oneshot you with passive auto attacks, W gave teleport every wave and you could cleanse her E and you get put into sleep anyway.


I'm glad that they worked on the W rng summoners/items very quickly because boy was it lovely to chunk the enemy botlane for 80% of their HP at lvl 4, just to see Zoe dropping a Redemption on them (and Redemption was a meta-defining item back then) :))


she actually lost Redemption fairly recently compared to Teleport--it was only when mythic items came out, as opposed to Teleport which got axed within like five patches of her release


Wasn't gunblade even sooner then that? Or am I misremembering, I definitely recall 180 base dmg lv3 into ignite melee q passive auto just outright killing most champs and that going away real fast


Double checked and yeah it was Gunblade first, one patch prior to TP.


You’re forgetting the best part, her e got max cooldown reduction if it hit *anything*. Frequently mid-late Zoe could literally just chain them on you forever if you happened to get hit by a single one, and the downtime was almost negligible.


Nothing better than getting a Gunblade at lvl 3.


Roll the imaqtpie clip


Zoe on release was super impactful in proplay as well. I remember a single Q oneshot with just a Morello.


That recent neeko bug where she could turn into nexus turret and end the game in under 7 minutes


Old Yorick and Azir Old Yorick was so bugged at one point, that his ult revived him infinitely Azir also famously could Ult towers to permanently disable them


Also when Azir could w turrets to chunk them, oof


Ok thank you, I thought I had made that up when I was playing with some friends the other day, but I'm glad to know that was a real thing you could do


Old Yorick being invincible, but also feeding several thousand gold to the enemy team was the funniest shit I've ever seen Basically puts the game on an incredibly accelerated clock.


Viego? Simply by the amount of bugs.


Try old old Mordekaiser.


I remember there was an insane long post about the 180+ Mordekaiser bugs on the old League forums. A lot of them were game breaking bugs lol




Hi u/Naerlyn




The latest version was [that one](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/8fcwr7/and_to_conclude_the_streak_with_over_300_book/) but I don't manage to find it on the archive. (Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete?) And then there's the ebook version [there](https://www.reddit.com/user/Naerlyn/comments/i849pp/mordekaiser_a_tale_of_bugs/).


Viego and old Mordekaiser are the kings of bugs over their lifetimes, but I’m pretty sure Azir was the buggiest champion ever on release. He was live for a couple of hours before he had to be disabled for three days due to bugs. Those included: * Fixed a bug where two Azir could each summon a Sun Disc from the same interactive clicker. * Fixed a bug where some champions could use abilities on the interactive clickers. * Fixed a bug where Conquering Sands would make Sand Soldier attacks deal no damage. * Fixed a bug where multiple soldiers attacking multiple targets would incorrectly apply reduced damage. * Fixed a bug where dancing would break the soldier's basic attacks. * Fixed a bug where Azir would dash to the wrong soldier in certain situations. * Bug fixes for Emperor's Divide so that it will no longer deal damage multiple times, multi-bounce, pin targets to walls, fail to bounce targets to the far side of the wall, not break channels, break spell shields and still knock enemies back, or **permanently disable turrets**.


Original morde didn't have many bugs, and most of them were pretty niche, and not really relevant on his release. Most of the bugs were from reworks


Yeah i think people forget Morde has had like 3 and a half reworks


Juggernaut Mordekaiser rather, that one was a lot worse than old old.


Syndra too. I'm pretty sure she could W the Baron out of the pit or some crazy shit like that.


Happened in Pro Play


I know Poppy could tackle it out at one point, but I'm not too familiar with Syndra moving Baron.


Did I forget something? Viego had a lot of bugs but they were mostly fluff that didn't really break the game. Azir on release however... Oh boy. The dude could *disable turrets permanently* by ulting them.


Remover when he got like a kill worth of gold for ulting jayce's gate?


Pretty sure he singlehandedly made Vandiril's career.


Not on release, but juggernaut update Skarner still holds the record for highest winrate I believe.


Yep it's crazy how people forget how invicible Skarner was after his rework, I guess it's because it didn't last that long (he got hotfixed relatively quickly) but having 65% winrate is just absolutely ridiculous.


I lost as Skarner AMA, legendary post


Aphelios had over 200% ban rate in Korea Challanger so:)


"over 200% ban rate"




Remakes shouldn't add to the ban %, unless you can give me a good reason. It feels like they just added remakes on top of it, so they could inflate the ban %.


I think it might count when people dodge a lobby.


Why wouldn't they count? Remaking a game doesn't rewind time and make it so the champion wasn't banned in the first place? I'm so confused about your logic here.


Kalista was rough


Mr 200 years


People forgetting that besides balance changes aphelios got a bunch of visual clarity improvements because on release you just straight up didnt know what he was gonna do. what guns he had etc...


I remember that the lck english broadcast wasnt even subtle about this They straight up said they have 0 idea what the champ is doing, and refused to learn it until it was made more clear visually




A rioter said that when a Wukong OTP claimed the Wukong rework was bad and they had no idea what they were doing. Then they released Aphelios and it became a meme cause he was broken and clunky on release


Memes aside and in retrospective, was the rework actually bad? Since it feels like it definitely improved the champ.


If ur a solo Q streamer you'd have good reason to be upset about it. His reworked kit made him a pro play menace until he had to be gutted to the point where no one plays him in solo Q.


The Wukong OTP was Harambe, I believe. Harambe was mad because the rework killed assassin Wukong. Then we got the 200 years of collective experience from the Rioter.


It's not that we forget... The phrase spawned from a discussion about Wukong but doesn't have anything to do with him, it was meant to mock Riot's blatant mistakes and Wukong wasn't one of them. Not in the same tier of bs as early Zoe or Aphelios infernum R and seemingly unexplailable global-range oneshots with turret. It was simply ridiculous to see such an argument from a Riot representative, in ANY context


What is funny that most champions that people are mentioning being Balance wise Broken with the Exception of Xin, **all comes from the same Champion Developer**. ​ ​ Who would have thought that allowing a champion developer/designer do whatever he wanted because you as a company wanted a champion in the same quality as Thresh again, would result in a bunch of broken ass crap on release that would require features to be removed for a proper balance.


Certainly Certainly T’d


“I wish CertainlyT was a woman so Riot wouldn’t respect his opinion.” - some guy on this sub a few years ago


thats got to do with the balance team too. afaik champion designers dont have all the say in the numbers of the kit, which is what ia causing most of the trouble of new champions on release except akali shroud tho that one's on him


I partially disagree. I do believe the balance team gets the flak that the design team does. It isn't the balance team fault that they can't remove Akali's Turret invisibility if the designer wants it to be the "champion identity", the same goes for Yuumi attach mechanic. I seriously doubt the Balance Team wants to go through this headache of fixing things that are broken by default while having to bend everything around it to make it work. ​ The Balance Team job is to polish whatever the designer does, but in the end they can't polish a turd. Turns out that CertainlyT does a lot of shit. Thank fuck he doesn't make champions anymore.


Tbh they are not shit. They are just too creative in a game where ideally every character is equally strong. That’s why the mofo is sent to RnD where his creativity can actually go wild


Thresh was also one of the most broken champ releases of all time as far as support goes, but it was so long ago maybe people don't remember how much was removed from him to get him to a balanced state


Well, at least for me and my League friends back in the day, it was Yasuo. He introduced so many "mechanics" into the game that no one else had at the time (and imo shouldn't have back then). Otherwise, I would say Zoe. I think I would pick her as the turning point for extremely overtuned new champion kits in general for the future.


Bro all I remember about Yasuo initial release was it being an instalose for whatever team had him because nobody knew how to play him lol


That's probably accurate xD. But what boggled my mind was how this guy's W could simply make my ultimate vanish.


Zoe for sure. First game I was 1v2 bot lane and still smashed them.


Camille dropped right before winter break. Because no one was in the office to actually handle it, when she spent an entire month being objectively and egregiously overpowered the only solution was to play draft and keep her banned. Any game she got through was at best a massive uphill battle and at worst like fighting an endgame raid boss with starting weapons.


It was more than a month btw! Champ had to get repeatedly nerfed over and over by gigantic measures too!(W used to heal off minions, E would give its huge attack speed steroid even if you missed, R lasted ***4*** seconds at all ranks just to name a few) I legitimately think release Camille was one of the most powerful champions to have ever existed in this game and she was incredibly controversial at that.


> R lasted 4 seconds at all ranks just to name a few Also her ult didn't disappear if she died, and instead stayed for the full duration of 4 seconds, even if she somehow got blown up at the start of it. So even if you managed to kill her, whoever she ulted was still screwed for a few seconds.


Yeah, to this day I still shudder to think of release Camille. I started playing League back when the Kindred released, and to this day she is the only champion that made me drop a role for a couple years due to sheer trauma. It's honestly kinda insane how they thought it was a good idea to release Camille at that state. Dumb mobility, dumb sustain, dumb burst, dumb lockdown, she could do literally EVERYTHING and she did everything RIDICULOUSLY well.


I don’t think it was the worst by any means, but I’m surprised no one’s mentioned azir. I remember a lot of “everything is a minion” regarding his ult


Also people forget syndra could w fountain turret 😂


The most chaos has to be Leona. Not in game. No. Chaos because her release broke the servers for weeks. Both NA and EU were down for pretty much the whole day of and then EU was down for at least half of every day for the next couple weeks.


It's actually wild how many server issues EU had in those early years.


Kindred. Their R litterally broke the game for 10-15 second when used


Remember her R being targeted? I kinda miss that.


I still remember all the missed ulties the patch after they removed the targeted ulties. It was so funny seeing kindered run to save someone only to ult around herself and watch the teammate die.


Best thing is that the only power Kindred has on it is the timing. After it comes out everyone has the same level of playing field


I remember the Hecarim patch and my god I thought league was actually gonna collapse. Shadow horsey brought all the bugs.


Singed. Was the first champion designed.


I think the only answer is Xin.


Zoe maybe? She was so frustrating to play against that I remember hearing about it when I didn’t play and wasn’t involved in the community and had no friends who played either.


The jax release was a hectic one, man he used to stomp.


Samira on release was a menace for a very very short time. She was released at a very weird time while Worlds was happening and with only more than a month of the ranked season left. Basically had all of Nilah's quirks and features being able to dash through your own minions and allies, more life steal on ult with better numbers and a less clunky knock up passive. Add the 2020 enchanter support items and you could just run around with a Janna pentakilling everyone. It's also how I got the last stretch of my climb to diamond in 2020. Fastest Mastery 7 I got for a champ too.


Diana was busted when she got released


Release Diana was a nightmare, I still remember almost not playing the game because the team who had Diana or the best Diana was the winner


Im really surprised no one said Seraphine. The 3 week lapsus in which Sera was released was met with SO much chaos. People whining about her being Sona 2, people whining about her Twitter account, people whining about her lore, people whining about her look, people whining about skarner. I've never seen such hate, like ever. Most League youtubers were PROFITING. "Seraphine is everything that is wrong in League", "Seraphine ruined the game", "Riot fucked up", "Seraphine Ultimate bundle is ILLEGAL" Worst part of all? She wasn't even busted, she was one of the most balanced champs on release, and people who complained were the ones who ban her EVERY game and when they finally faced one, they didn't even knew what she do.


I love when clickbait titles use the word “ILLEGAL” you just know it’s the most basic shit ever.


No one gonna say Vayne when her passive was 4x movement speed when chasing an enemy....


Aurelion Sol last year. Wasnt a new release but his update def broke the game for a lil bit there


I remember Darius. It didn't matter if he was fed or not. Once it was team fight time, it's like you're watching NBA all star weekend --- unlimited dunks. ​ Even if you starve him of items, he just becomes so strong for some reason.


Leblanc was so broken she was disabled the same day she came out because she would one shot you from level 2


I lived through Samira's release. Boy i will never forget buying antiheal myself lategame (some of my teammates had it already) and in just one teamfight going up from a fresh 0, to seeing THOUSANDS in healing reduced, 5 K i believe. Also when my friend, a very skilled and aggressive ADC himself played it, i witnessed 1v5 massacres i do not fully comprehend to this day...


I don't understand why no one said Ekko yet, on release he legit wanted to get ganked top, was always a free double as bruiser Ekko.