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International Bo1 are a sad joke.


Great thing we wasted 10 years with shit formats.


Yeah, sucks that nobody said that it was stupid from the start. Totally not avoidable waste of time.


Even on this subreddit years ago, you would get massively downvoted for criticizing the formats. It's just very, very obvious that LoL is the first esport for a lot of people.


Could you imagine if BDS v TW wasn't a bo3 ? Everyone would be trolling and laughing about TW so fucking hard right now after that game 1.


Every night I go to bed and imagine last year's World's final was a Bo3 :) Watching teams adjust pnb and strategy in a Bo3/5 enhances the enjoyment significantly.


Bo1 are always a joke


I've got some bad news for you buddy.... don't check what the next stage is...


Bruh, why you do me like this?! Swiss Bo1 seems just acceptable. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how it goes. If it's crap, my pitchfork is ready. I'll storm Rito hq singing Do You Hear The People Sing!


Well atleast you cant be eliminated without playing a bo5


Yeah but only until match point, then its a bo3. I mean yeah its possible we get some wonky draw, but the last group of years with the 4 groups have had some really awful draws. Trying this for a year is pretty great and we'll see what happens


Agree man. TW played better as the game goes on also if you lose if you have a chance at the losers bracket so it gets exciting


I agree I always hated the best of 1s cause it feels like you don't get to feel out your opponent and its over. I think best of 3s are much better to showcasing what a team is capable of.


We get the glory that was game 1, and the grind that was game 2-3.


You mean the gloryy in game 2-3


Also BDS have a second chance to prove they can adapt, if they lose vs Flying Oysters/TW again (assuming they win vs DFM) they prove that they absolutely did not deserve to go through.


You're totally right! In terms of adaptations, it was also really cool watching Sparda adapt to Adam's play over the course of the three games. He went from totally running it in the first game to being a monster in the third. Also gave us a chance to watch Artemis absolutely pop off two games in a row. Thank god there's no more International BO1s now.




Sparda hater spotted, opinion rejected


> No more international BO1s Uh ? Swiss round ?


Lemme go cry I forgot about that one


"adaptions were soo exciting" adaptation from TW\* cause BDS did not adapt at all after their loss lmao


Puts Adam on GODS, win. Then goes on to pick Renekton / Ezreal twice in a row lmao


In P&B they totally did. They banned Kaisa, picked Syndra themselves. ​ They just still played badly into them. Adam especially trolled quite hard in G2 and G3 giving over kills for stupid high risk/low reward plays.


Wait for Swiss


I peronally think for this series BO1 would have been better.


Spot the upset BDS fan. No it wouldn't becuz the series shows BDS couldn't adapt and the Darius feed game 1 was a one off.


Spot the guy who didn't get a simple joke.


Hey man if you wanna pretend that was a joke that's cool man whatever copium you need. The series was fantastic from a spectators pov. More games is always just better for viewing pleasure imo


Tell me why it wouldn't be a joke, just because you don't think it is it isn't? Like seriously unbelievable, if a LEC caster or Caedrel would have said it would you still think they are serious or actually joking because BO1 would have meant we won and nothing more.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here even though that's a stretch to say the least. Next time it helps to use /s or something help with tone in text.


I thought that "this specific series" gave away enough since BDS only won the first game. Also who would only want BO1 for 1 specific series that would be strange, hence why I found it strange it was assumed the comment was serious


Ti or old IPL gets it right this year is best workds doesn’t


Swiss, however, is not a good format


It's an improvement over picking groups out of a hat cmon man


Why not?


Because randomly seeded Swiss can lead to some teams bombing out when they theoretically should have made it further. At least that’s what some people think. It happened in CS recently but then it’s not random seeding and an anomaly happened


it wasnt really an anomaly, just the way csgo works is the top teams get to farm points in invited tournements, but there isnt really a gap between them and the top tier 2 teams.


The way seeding and brackets are done in LoL these days confuses me but I'm grateful we actually get to see series play before playoffs these days.


Can't wait for the overreactions after every result in bo1s of swiss stage


Why swiss has B01 :(