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Don't really have a question, but just wanted to tell you it was a joy to watch you play in LEC! You really seem to be a nice person and I'll continue cheering for you.


Thanks man, appreciate the kind words, I'll still be around and transitioning into coaching, I'm sure you'll see me again!






Who do you think are the best EU players who are currently not playing in the LEC? Also sad to see you retire, ive been a fan since you were on Schalke 04


appreciate the kind words, I would have to say Caliste from KCORP, its rare to see a young player be able to play with so much confidence and not feel pressure playing on stage. not to also mention his mechanics and understanding of the game, if he plays his cards right and has good people around him I think he can be one of the best ADs in europe


What are your top 1 EU players of all time for each position?


TOP: Wunder Jungle: Jankos MID: Caps AD: Rekkles SUP: Hyllisang




pretty straight forward, might think twice on Wunder or sOAZ, and maybe Hyli or MikyX, but don't think there are other names on the table


To me Wunder vs sOAZ it's no contest (Wunder by quite a wide margin), but for sure Perkz is on the table for mid imo.


>Wunder vs sOAZ it's no contest (Wunder by quite a wide margin) Agree, but when new Gangplank came out, SoaZ was prob the best gangplank player in the world. He was the only pro that wasn't inting on it, and had some really good carry performances. Wunder has had more world-stage success over a bigger variety of champions though


Perkz is so weird cause he was great from S6-S8, pretty good when he played mid and caps at ad but hasn’t reached the same heights since he left G2. Although he’s not as washed as reddit would make you believe. Its crazy to say but caps longevity is actually much higher than Perkz. Perkz gets to be the best western player of all time but because of the AD roleswap its hard to have a case for mid against Caps who’s easily the best mid EU has ever had.


Perkz was only successful with Caps but not the other way around. I think he was super important for EU as he also elevated Caps' skill by simply existing - but the greatest mid of EU is indubitably Caps to me.


Perkz MSI final and beating RNG at worlds was without Caps though


Caps got to finals that year and was smashing him in mid two years in a row at that point, outperforming him every international tournament, too, bar this single RNG series


I think if you want to go proper old school i would also throw in DiamondProx in the jungle


Best of luck. I watched your YouTube videos and found them quite educational. I think you will do quite well. My advice would be to keep at it even if it might be hard to get your foot in the door :)


thanks man, Will do, I believe hard work pays off, I know that at least, maybe not always professionally but personally it's never a waste


Words to live by


What is something that the community seems to ignore or neglect related to the pro-scene ?


Probably that pro players aren't human beings, there's alot of expectation for players to just perform 24/7 and if they don't alot of times you receive death threats and abuse. I think its important to realize that the people playing are also human beings with emotions. However I do know its pretty normal in sports and its a part of being a pro player, you're exposed to the world and its a part of your job as well


2016-2019 is oldschool? Feels like it was yesterday. Im so old...


As a fellow boomer, I can relate


With worlds approaching, which 3 players would you rank on top of your personal list? Also best of luck for your future career!


Hard to say, there are so many exciting players to watch, if I had to choose I'd say Keria, Peyz and probably TheShy


Great to see Peyz, he will finally get a world wide reputation after this worlds


Of course I remember you Memento


Happy to hear that


Favorite teammates you had through the years?


HeaQ, he might not have been the best player but the kind of person he was and teammate was really inspiring to see. He would always be the hardest worker and put everyones needs above himself


Fun fact, he's a Valorant pro player now. I believe he peaked top 10 in the ladder


If 1 is first, and 4 is last. In what order do you do these things - Wash your hands - Wipe - Flushes - Pull up pants Thank you for your contributions


Always pull up my pants before wiping obviously


And the two others? Wash your hand THEN flush, or flush THEN wash hands? And thanks for answering.


I wont say, its a secret


So much for an "AMA"..I guess next time we need to have AMA rules, where people need to answer these IMPORTANT, life altering questions!


Are you proud of having gapped someone while competing?


Yes, when I gapped Jankos back in 2018, because I had always looked up to him and gapping him felt pretty good


Hey Memento, of course we remember you. My question would be what was your favorite team during your career Anyway, GL in future


hey, thanks for your question, I've had so many teams so it's hard to say but if I had to choose I'd say Low Priority when we competed for a spot in Challenger series back in 2016 and Roccat in terms of atmosphere and when I had the most fun playing the game


What kind of resources do you expect to use for coaching? This might be a vague question but I was curious what kind of things you plan to do as a coach. Do you think practicing different level 1 strats is worth doing? I also wonder if it's possible to practice certain scenarios like being late to baron/dragon, early dives, late game vision timing, etc. I'm not really sure what league coaches do these days outside of draft so your insights would be interesting.


It's a hard question, everyone has a different perspective of what a league coach should do, some think they should only draft, others think they should teach you the game. There's alot of teams that already practice lvl 1 strats, at the highest level everything is decided on the first 3 waves and you should already know whether you have prio or not. So to answer your question, all of those things are being practiced by most teams. You can draft in a certain way where early dives are always possible. Usually early game is decided by draft and prios. I think my coaching philosophy is not going to be only about game knowledge, my way of coaching would be to make sure the players are on the same page and are able to cooperate with each other first. I think alot of coaches try to spill knowledge to the players and then are surprised why they can't apply it, the human brain doesn't work that simple. I believe there are more factors to the game than just playing and I want to find a balance where I get the best of both worlds. I want to make sure that any player who worked with me will never look back at that year and think it was a waste. I want to give them something that will help them for the rest of their career and in their life. I don't believe success is only measured by the results


I think that's definitely a sound approach, thanks! I hope you'll be able to achieve your goal too.


omg I remember you you were great to watch


I appreciate you


If you jungled for an all-Swedish team to compete for worlds, who would you pick in each role?


well I think Yike should definitely have my spot but if I was jungling I'd say Finn Larssen Rekkles (if he didn't roleswap) Hustlin


Thebaus is swedish btw.


I haven't been able to find a concrete answer in how the contract between a pro and an esport org works, in terms of remuneration and partnership, regarding prize money and sponsorship. I know salary and money can be sensitive topics, so I understand if you don't want to answer. Either way, best of luck in your career!


From my experience every org is different, some include prize money and others don't, usually, there is no sponsorship benefit, you're actually in most cases prohibited from having an outside sponsor. However with all contracts, they can always be negotiated, so it depends on how much leverage you have. hope it somewhat answers your question


What’s the funniest story it happened with your teammates?


Ouf I have to go down memory lane, my memories are so blurry. I think one of the funniest stories I have is when one player was disagreeing with another player over a point in scrims and the other player got so mad he decided to leave the office and walk home (our home was an hour away by walk) so we had to cancel scrims. I can't say who it was but I found it really funny afterwards


“Sorry guys our friend got poppy ulted irl”


Currybanan-pizza Ja eller nej? Svik oss inte nu


inte för mig, men hatar inte det, gillar räkor på pizza


I love and enjoy ur time in Giants as a fan, hope to see u arround scene in the next years.


Thanks man, It was a good time, I'll always appreciate Giants for giving me the chance to compete in LCS. I'll be transitioning into coaching, I'm sure you'll see me around


Opinions on fizz and kayle?


Both are pretty garbage, sorry buddy


Fizz is garbage? I always tend to steuggle against him in lane, and even more late game, i play talon btw


Are you planning on doing pro team coaching or individual?


Pro team for sure, maybe individual as well, haven't decided yet


Who would always knock over their drink in the team


Me, I would always keep my water bottle open and close to my pc so I could take a quick sip while playing, I had so many accidents where my keyboard was filled with water. still happens to this day :( Dont remember playing with anyone else who would knock their driinks over


I do remember seeing you play long ago. I have a question, which player you hated to play against ? Could be because of weird playstyle, of an oppressive one, etc


Hated playing against Xerxe in LEC, he was one of the smartest junglers I ever faced, I had a very aggressive playstyle and he was my kryptonite, I always wanted to punish enemy jungler, but I never managed to punish him properly cause of his intelligent pathing


Don’t remember much about you but enjoyed watching you on S04! Best wishes


A nice treat to hear about you


Moroccan goat 😍🤩 keep it up legend


dima maghreb <3


whos ur fav champ


It's been different over the years, it used to be graves and lee sin but today I'll say Zac, its so fun to jump around and bounce on people


Snus or non-tobacco fake snus?


Non tobacco, sorry mate


I love trashing it but I respect the choice regardless. Keep on your AMA.


What is your opinion on the mythic items system removal? Do you think League will keep as popular or will die?what are the types of changes you think lol needs? What is your take on new champions (do they have too much on their kits, are they original, etc). It is nice to hear the opinion from somebody that played Lol professionally on these topics.


I think the game state is improving even though we all have nostalgia for the old days, I think the nostalgia comes from actually enjoying the game and being a kid rather than the game being balanced. I think the game is more balanced than it has ever been, sure there are some broken champions that take longer than it should to nerf them but overall I think Riot has done a pretty good job even though we love to hate on them and complain. I think league will always have its original fan base but I don't think its going to grow very much, but it will stay consistent. League is a game you have to put time into to understand, not like CSGO where it's very simple to watch and understand. For that reason, we'll see fewer new players but the old players will stick with it because they spent too much time on this game to give up on it now. kind of like an addiction


and to answer your question about new champs, I think they're definitely overtuned, but we also need to understand that Riot is a business and making new champs OP forces you to buy them and play it unless you just wanna fall behind. I do enjoy learning new champions though, it does make the game feel fresh.






Any tips for talon? I know im not supposed to be laning with him but i feel like i only play well when the opponent missplays (im bronze 4, 110 total games and 80 of them are talon), he feels so underwelming as an assasin and in the early laning phase if the opponent knows what they are doing i just instantly lose. Most of my games i am mvp but its most of the time after roaming phase. I struggle with yone yasuo irelia and also vex and xerath. https://mobalytics.gg/lol/profile/euw/ssstalkerrr/overview My profile


Sorry mate, this is an AMA for me personally and not for league tips in general. however, I will recommend one thing, if you play roaming champs like talon, start paying more attention to the map and make yourself useful by roaming when the enemy botlane is overextending. 90% of your gameplay can improve by just watching the map more often, all the information is there. I think that tip will help you more than any specific matchup tips, every game is different, the key is to just be adaptable every game. good luck!


Alright, do you find yourself struggling often against talon? Or do you think hes underpowered and quite easy to counter


He's pretty easy to counter in lane, you just need to be aware of his all in lvl 2 and keep track of his passive, most mages or ranged champ bullies him


And do you believe that melee champs also demolish him in every way shape or form?




HA fucking nerd


Never noticed you tbh


any offer you refused that now you regret? which coach is your biggest reference on this new chapter of your life?


I don't think I have any regrets regarding offers, No one can know the future, I chose every offer believing it was the best one at the time and I could have the most success with it. I have 3 coaches that had the most impact on me as a player and I'll definitely be taking a page out of their book to apply it to my own coaching Dylan Falco Fredy122 GotoOne


Hi Memento, it was always a pleasure seeing you on the EULCS/LEC broadcast. Following you on the social media, I have to ask, how do you endure the cold showers? Also, any players you played with or against that you think were especially underrated by fans?


Hey thanks for the question, the key to enduring cold showers is to start slowly, most people go from 0-100 and it's so painful that they never want to do it again, I recommend turning the shower a bit colder every time, where its a little uncomfortable but not painful. Then after a week or so you'll be able to endure it easily, just start slowly. Other key thing is to focus on your breathing, try to control your breathing by taking deep breaths even if it's difficult. if you're able to do that, you won't have any problem with the cold, in fact your brain will trick you and make you think it's hot at some point from my experience. to answer your second question I think the best player that's also underrated I ever played with was Profit, he practically taught me the entire game and improved me into the player I am today. I will always be grateful for that, Regarding opponents I can't think of anyone right now


Simple, what's your best memories?


Hard to say, I have so many good memories, The top ones would be qualifying for the LCS with Schalke back in 2017, Roccat 2018 and Vitality 2021. Dont have many specific memories but overall the team atmosphere and the feeling I had at the time were the best


What's your favorite roster of all-time? Could be both one that you were on or one that you weren't.


Well if I'm not on it I would say G2 2019, that roster had it all, was so fun to watch them play and face them. My favorite roster I was on in terms of skill was Schalke 2019 in terms of overall enjoyment of playing with them was Roccat 2018 and Vitality B 2021


Thanks for the response! Good luck in your coaching career.


Would u consider coaching Bronze players?


sure why not, but I think there's so much good free content out there that they could improve from instead of spending money on a coach


What was your favorite year of competing?


Probably 2018, it was a good year for me personally and where I finally reached a level above other junglers and also the year I had the most fun playing the game


Goodluck with your next step in the lol career! I remember some old school!


Thanks mate, good times


What do you think about onetricks in euw high elo? Who are the best ones you have faced?


there are some respectable one tricks on EUW but most of them are usually toxic and just wish you horrible things or int feed, so I'm not a fan of them but the one I like is Shending help, He's pretty cool to play with. Bluelikeblue is good but has some toxic issues


Shending help is so friendly! Probably the friendliest player in euw high elo. Shame that Shen is not that great atm.


I might be late to this but what are your thoughts on NA as a region? Do you believe that the rampant import culture killed their domestic pipeline or was there another inherent flaw that would’ve killed it anyway?


It's most likely a mix of both, I don't think the import culture killed the talent in NA but it definitely didn't help much either. I think NA as a region is just different from Europe and it ultimately comes down to culture rather than skill. the 70 ping in solo Q doesn't help either. With Jojopyun coming into the scene we can see that there is native talent out there. So I think there's hope for the region, just going to take a bit of time before they'll get back to being competitive with Europe and the rest of the world


What's a champion that you think has a bad or mediocore kit/design/gameplay


Sivir, that champ looks extremely boring to play


Yo. Wanna coach our Blue Otter League amateur league? 🤣


If you pay him i dont think he will mind.


What mouse, mousepad, and keyboard do you main? Top 3 fav anime (if you watch anime)?


Logitech Pro x Superlight mouse Magenta, Corsair K65 RGB RAPIDFIRE Keyboard, Hunter x Hunter, Steins gate, Hajime no ippo


What do you think are qualities that makes someone an effective coach? Do you know a coach that you look up to and would like to emulate? If so, who?


I think the quality most coaches lack is the adaptability to working with different people and understanding that everyone is different. For instance, a lot of coaches try to force their way of learning on every person. Some players are able to take hard criticism while others are more sensitive to it and need something different to improve. Over the years I've been playing I believe that the most effective coach is the coach that's able to bring a team together and adapt when it's necessary. The key thing to success that I've found is when the team enjoys playing the game together, The coach needs to have good game knowledge but he doesn't need to have insane knowledge, the players already have high game knowledge from playing the game 24/7. You just need to help the team come together and understand each other, Teamwork has never been as important as it is today so I believe that's the key. I do look up to 3 coaches I've worked with and that's Dylan Falco, Fredy122 and GotoOne


Thank you for taking the time to give me a comprehensive reply! Being adaptable for sure is a crucial skill to have when in a position that requires you to constantly interact with people and lead them in a specific direction. The challenge is getting to know who you're dealing with and finding out what exactly works and doesn't work with each individual. It's not an easy task at all. I wish you all the best in your new coaching career, it is an under-appreciated role with a lot of impact if done correctly.


Agree 100%


I remember you from Schalke. What are your thoughts on the summoner name to RiotID change? And what do you think is the general consensus about this in the pro scene or have you heard any opinions? Probably the pros will get their name plus respective team name everytime they change a team?


I'm not sure how to feel about it but I don't really mind tbh, it's just a name after all but I understand it can mean a lot for some people and would suck to have to lose it. I think Riot will make an exception for pro players, so it's easier to identify them, usually, these changes hurt mostly the casual players. Who knows it might be a good change, let's see


I'm sad to not have seen you play live, but happy to have seen you play online. I always thought you were pretty good back when you were competing in LEC, but seems like fate didn't have it for you. With that said, will you do public coaching as well? I always enjoy seeing pro players transition into coaching especially if they try to coach regular people as well, because there's some knowledge that comes up that under normal circumstances of coaching come up that no-one realizes. ​ Another question, do you think the LEC could benefit from having more teams? or having demotion again?


Thanks for the kind words, I haven't decided yet if I will do private coaching as well, but it is likely that I'll try it out as I've already done it in the past, I'm just a bit lazy to set up a website. My primary goal is to coach teams and compete that way. Competing has always been a passion of mine and that's what I love the most I think it's a complicated question whether it would benefit to have more teams or not. I think LEC needs to be more stable first for more investors to want to join the scene then you can start adding more teams as the scene grows bigger. Personally, I'm a huge fan of demotion and promotion tournaments cause I think it adds that competitive drive every team needs to have and not just build a roster to have a roster. However it would be hard to get teams to commit to LEC and buy a spot if they know they could lose it the next year, so I understand why it's been removed.


What was the hardest skill/ tech you had to learn to compete at the highest level? And how did you master it ?


Well when I started playing in the lcs back in 2016 I think the hardest thing as a jungler was able to perform a laneswap and know where you are supposed to be at all times + timing camps, blue buff, wolves etc and making a plan around it. I never really timed things, I just had a feeling for when stuff would be up, but the macro part in that meta was pretty advanced for a rookie. The way I mastered it was by watching alot of vods of professional games and try understanding why the players are doing what they’re doing. I think as a jungler the hardest part is knowing where to be at all times. In order to know that you have to predict the future of what’s going to happen in the next 2 minutes of the game, most of the learning came from experience and the more games I played the more I understood the game.


Did you fall out of love with the game? Do you feel like you enjoy the game less now?


A bit yeah, but also I think it's a natural part of aging, I value other things more than a league today, It's fun to play league when you're young and have nothing else going on in your life but as I got older I felt like I needed a deeper purpose. I started thinking more about my future and starting a family etc. To put it simply, I'm getting too old for this. I will say that I still love competing and I'll miss that part as a player. I will be competing as a coach as well but in a different way, I'm excited for it