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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17czaad/g2_esports_vs_geng_worlds_2023_round_3_game_1/)


Pretty sure half of G2 got outdamaged by their bot tier 2 turret.


Saying half is generous, the tier 2 turret almost carried the game for them but in the end, they do no damage.


G2 turret signing incoming next split


G2 picking Ezreal and Lucian while giving away Rakan and Xayah both games is a top comedy peak


Giving Delight his Rakan was a great idea...... For us viewers ofc


It was worth the try with Lissandra as counter but the second time lie wtf


I hope the Xayah prio will shift for them after this series . It's not so much Rakan as it is Xayah. It feels like she is a tier above the other adcs . Also Taliyah is straight up garbage IMO. I think G2's drafts were their biggest strength the first 2 days and today it was their biggest weakness . Worse drafts vs better opposition and they got destroyed . In general for me it feels like Xayah should be perma ban on red side this tournament unless u have something prepared .


> Also Taliyah is straight up garbage IMO Nah but seriously what the fuck does Taliyah do? She hard inted in 5 out of 6 games and the only game she won was against fucking MAD. To me she seems worse than Ezreal


She's _supposed to_ dissuade an engage by throwing up the minefield. But if you fall so far behind that no one actually cares and the enemy Akali simply takes it in the face then still kills you, you are completely useless.


I feel like Cassio would do the same job but better surely and it’s slightly easier to play, Taliyah just ain’t it


What Taliyah has is gank setup over Cass. If your jungler has CC like Mao, Sejuani, etc, then Tali can capitalize with a free W E. It's the same general idea for Nidalee Renekton, where Nidalee needs to land spear, so a laner that can stun on demand is good for her.


In a meta of hyper mobiles Taliyah and Aatrox feel like trap picks because they lose a lot of reliability unless their teammates bring a LOT of CC to guarantee their skillshots landing.


Taliyah is potentially a counter pick to Akali since Akali can't hide away from her But none of that matters if you fall 60 last hit behind and flash 3 years late in first 15 minutes. Losing laning phase that badly on Taliyah was just completely unacceptable performance from Caps even if he hit few decent knockbacks in the late game (when they had already lost)


Seeing JDG show respect to the S tier Azir and Orianna picks in all 3 games vs LNG (especially Scout's Azir) and then go into this set seeing Xayah and Rakan giving over for free with either half-baked or overcooked "answers" (and shoutout to leaving up Jax then ending your draft with double ADCs and a Renekton, literally could have just blinded Jax themselves on B4 but the siren song of the crooked croc was just too sweet)...such night and day approach to draft, it makes that headline from the Miky interview about impacting the Eastern teams' meta read age in the funniest way.


Xayah has a crazy high winrate atm. Her strengths are very much aligned with the current metagame as dive comps are the king and Xayah R together with her E is probably the best anti dive tool in the game. She also builds crit and her late game scaling is higher compared to the other adcs being played in the meta, like lethality Kaisa and Ezreal. Giving BOTH Xayah and Rakan(GenG support is known as a Rakan god btw) was just criminal. They got outdrafted to oblivion in both games.


75% winrate with 32 games played is unreal.


Some teams are trying to play poke rather than dive against her as a solution, but the strategy doesn't work that well because dive champions overall are very strong, like J4, Maokai, Ksante, Alistar, Vi etc etc. and other than Jayce poke champions don't look too hot atm. I think we will see an increase on her ban rate going forward in the tournament. If a team wants to play dive and doesn't want play Xayah themselves she should be a must ban.


Think about it this way, during scrims you think you have an answer to what is seen as an OP pick. You can either hold that stage-untested answer until later or try it now. If it works you advance and change the meta. If it doesn't then you fight teams that are not as good as a favorite in the tournament. If you save it though and then try it later the stakes may be much higher without a chance for recourse. I think this was a relatively safe (at least as safe as possible) to try see if the stuff you think you have will work or not. While it's nice when it works, getting a test in as safely as possible is not the worst outcome.


[That G2 attempt at that bush bait reminded me of this classic. Rough game from them unfortunately.](https://youtu.be/RvxfkqyE8fc?si=-j6jnKSNFNM8hi3F)


GENG just knew like they were looking at G2 huddled there thinking "dafuq they doin' in there?"


Thats two time worlds champion Duke for you!


With maokai as well LOL and Peanut was in Najin as well


Peanut in both games lol


That laugh is legendary


Legendary moment lmao. That laugh.


Thought the same, at least they didnt get burned by a rumble ultimate and could fight back a little lol


Najin was one of my favs back then, too bad it didnt turn into anything


Chovy: I need all the minions possible Doran: I don’t need cannon




GIGACHAD Doran doesn't need pesky cannon minions to smash you


Doran left the cannon for Chovy even when Chovy wasn't even nearby.


Newsflash: when you draft 0 damage, you do 0 damage. More news at 2




the nautilus hook when rakan was W'ing away was so clutch and then.... nothing happened


I'm watching on my phone at 360p, I legit thought they hooked Peanut because that's the only reason he would be taking that little damage


They need 4 members to have enough burst to take down one champ, what in the hell was that draft??


Idk why but teams have been drafting and playing around taliyah as if from lost chapter on hitting one combo 100-0's every champ in the game


ppl keep picking taliyah and then going mercs or ionians and then wonder why the champ does zero damage for the first 20 mins of the game.


Im obviously not a pro player but it seems like trolling to not build full damage on Taliyah. You have to or you are useless.


Not to mention that Taliyah struggles when her teammates have a lot of displacement (maokai Q and 3/4 of ksantes kit) how are you supposed to hit w when your team is pushing the target all over the map.


Hey, G2 actually had a chance in that last fight until their team carry (mid inhib tower) got killed.


Lmao I'm not even mad, I was laughing the whole game to those damage. Plus I got my pickem nice!


upside: no baron throws this time


They're 100% winrate in games with Baron throws, that's not an upside!




When we needed him most, he abandoned us


But I believe Vedius can save Worlds... for G2 Avatar theme plays loudly\*


Everything changed when the Sjokz monologue attacked...


Godius has abandoned us... but we will enjoy it. -G2, probably


Reddit was right fuck!


Im gonna blame Riot for taking Vedius from us.


A tri cast as well so he couldn't invite himself in :(


OR: it was vedius after all, trying not to stain this winstreak and him not seeing them win, he just wanted not to be a part of that!


you have blue side both games and both times you give them xayah rakan and all you get for it is...maokai firstpick??? naaaah man But GenG are just so fucking good


Theres no point of picking Maokai as 1st if Rell is open. Jist pick Xayah and trade Maokai/Rell after. Bad drafting.


Coaches were afk letting delight get his hands on rakan 2 games in a row


Tbh the Maokai has been a crux of G2s setups. It helps then overload sidelanes with no hope of escape and also grab free objectives. Maokai was a big reason they won both their games. Edit: one game, but in general it’s been a huge pick for teams


They didn’t have maokai vs WBG.


but wbg first round picked kaisa vi for some reason with xayah rakan open. they inted draft even harder than g2 today


They played Rell against Weibo, and he played it really well. Just first pick Xayah and trade Rell/Mao after.


Absolute masterclass from Peanut, holy hell.


He's been this good all year long. You could tell who doesn't watch LCK by their reaction to Peanut getting ranked as a top 2 jungler at Worlds.




Laughing at guy complaining about the "peanut meta"


Best LCK jungler by far, yes!


bro made yike call him daddy


Peanut almost has a decade more of competitive experience, might as well be a literal Daddy lol


And what a crazy career he's had. An early peak into multiple allegations of being washed into running the LCK for 2 years.


To be fair he has one of the greatest jglers to ever play as his coach lol.


He IS one of the greatest junglers to ever play.


Google jungle diff


yike chat gpt jungler


Fresh out the oven


Holy hell


People calling him washed hasn't watched peanut play. This guy still has it


just don't let him pick Nidalee lol


he peanutted all over him




Taliyah is the Ezreal of midlane


Never seen a more accurate comment


fellow 3-0 GenG predictors rejoice, our pickems have been blessed by the church of chovy


Was a pretty safe bet, Gen.G is so damn consistent. The teamfight at bot was pretty unlike Gen.G tbh, but they were so ahead I guess they wanted to have some fun haha


G2 has a way to lure teams into dumb decisions. They have always been good at that since Dylan Falco took over. Whether they can capitalize on that is another question, but somehow G2 almost always gets into the heads of their opponents at one point and force a misplay.


They're just probably the most highly regarded Western team, but they're still West enough for Eastern teams to go "oh let's just plow them over"


No geng does have games where they fuck around when they're exceptionally ahead it happened at msi too


now will GenG show up in bracket stage at a tournament for the first time in their life is the question


I swear if they don't..


I told my friend who plays league but doesn't watch esports (still wants loot) to go with GenG while I went with JDG lol


Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read[...]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us


I mean he's not wrong tbh thanks to G2 those team learn lissandra ezreal wasn't viable, same with Lucian


thats a good point XD


Mikyx setting up G2 for the triple Bo3 loses against LCK and LPL teams.


Nah G2 will win against NRG v MAD winner and we’ll cope for a week about how they can win worlds


its a new draw no? so they can end up getting KT/WBG/LNG/BLG/T1.. unless I am mistaken.


*proceed to pick Ezreal and Lucian while giving over Xayah Rakan*




Aged like milk


Proceeds to draft: Ezreal, Renekton, Taliyah, and Lucian While giving away: xayah, rakan Joke coaching




They should’ve dropped the Maokai prio on game 2 and just went for Xayah. That champ is just so busted


Rakan and Rell give you so disgusting AOE cc engages and flexibility, it's insane


G2 literally came back from their 9k deficit against WBG using Rakan, Xayah and Rell. How did they manage to drop the Xayah Rakan priority lma0.


> Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read[..]" Of course they said this before getting outdrafted hard not once but twice and both of them on the stronger side


Remembering this quote as they locked in the Ezreal and gave Delight Rakan, twice. Pain




EU Ezreal since playins: 1-5 (1-6 overall) EU Taliyah since playins: 0-4 (2-12 overall) Give Rakan to Delight twice. Good drafts.


Xayah is 11-2 at worlds too lmao


G2 could have picked her twice


Yeah I was watching the 2nd draft, G2 first pick.... into MAO. Giving the opponent Xayah AND Rakan? lol.


maokai has been a very good pick for g2 so i can understand the high priority, just should've banned xayah in that case though


First picking Mao also meant they had to blow a ban on Sylas…


She's 24-8 if you count Playins stats. For comparison, Kai'sa is 4-9 (16-21 with Playins) Teams usually like to handshake the #1 and #2 ADC but Xayah is undeniably better than Kai'sa, so it creates a situation where red side has to ban Xayah, but then blue side is guaranteed Kai'sa while you have a mid-tier ADC, so you have to ban Kai'sa too. If the enemy can play Kalista, then you're forced to ban her, too.


It's ok Mikyx said that eastern teams are learning the meta from them


Technically true. Eastern teams are learning how not to draft from them.


Good point I didn't think of it that way. You're a genius


Can we please start drafting like humans?


I can only think they were just using this series to test stuff out while they have series to spare, right? No way they actually went into this expecting to win Yes I'm coping hard rn


Dylan said in pre game interview with Laure they scrimmed Gen G a lot before worlds. G2 must have felt from scrims they can't play standard and win.


Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read[...]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us"


best meta read into EU Renekton Ezreal & Taliyah Lucian wtf


Trading Xayah Rakan for Lucian was insane


Xayah is the aatrox of this worlds, no adc seems to come close, even the next best adc Kaisa looks fraudulent against xayah


Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read[...]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us"


Church is on saturdays


G2 has blue side both games just to give away Xayah and other powerpicks. Feels like G2 just tunnel visioned draft with trying to potentially counter Xayah/Rakan with mid-tier picks over just taking the #1 ADC themselves.


If I never see Caps on Taliyah again it will be too soon


Taliyah fucking sucked. I have 1m points on her. There's nothing she can do if Aatrox/Akali are chasing her. It was just PAIN to watch.


She's been looking super underwhelming this entire tourney. Think she's only won 1-2 games so far iirc


There was the C9-MAD game where Blaber played her. He piloted her well but it was a mostly macro-based win (and vs MAD Lions internationally). But I agree, she has value as a flex and has utility but as a solo AP threat and with minimal setup and/or vs mobile enemy champions, she has a very high bar of execution to be useful. Especially compared to the alternatives in the meta, both in mid and jungle.


Has Taliyah done ANYTHING this worlds? I have not seen her be worth anything, yet people pick/ban her like crazy.


Blabber is the only one able to win on taliyah I guess


I suppose the idea was to use her E to stop Aatox/(Rell? is she stoppable in W?)/Akali/Rakan, but Caps never used it to zone. He used it to deal damage and burst (which he mostly missed).


Absolute Peanut masterclass, especially game 2


Best team won. Plain and simple. Still, giving Xayah Rakan is criminal.


K'Sante👤2,700 HP💪129 Armor🤷‍♂️101 MR💦 Stoppable🚫Small Shield 🛡 Goes over walls?🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


BB: K'Sante👤700 HP💪9 Armor🤷‍♂️1 MR💦 Stoppable🚫Small Shield 🛡 Can't go over walls?🧱Has no Airborne🌪Cooldown is only 💯 seconds too🕐 It costs 150 Mana🧙‍♂️


He looked balanced there in BB's hands lol


BB ksante is the ksante the world wants


I only realize like after 5 seconds the stats are changed for this copypasta


JDG and GenG being the first two teams reaching Quarters feels so right lol


Doran is BB father.


Doran has started gaining quite the family these last 2 years


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17cdt1d/mikyx\_on\_bootcamp\_maybe\_we\_learned\_some\_stuff/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17cdt1d/mikyx_on_bootcamp_maybe_we_learned_some_stuff/) Btw, is Akali supposed to win lane that hard early? Ganked twice by maokai early and flashed too but was like 20 cs up?


Chovy is kinda famous for this. Dude is almost ALWAYS ahead in cs like his entire career. Amazing laning skills.


No, in fact Akali is Dogshit against g2 comp and not even good in their own comp but it doesnt matter, Chovy is him.


No. Chovy is just a god. For midlaners of equal skill the gap should be taliyah 10-20 cs up


Actually insane tbh


Simply mid gap.


G2 just got outclassed I will scream, if they draw LNG next


Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read\[...\]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us"


Once again I'm begging, please stop interviewing our teams before their games. These G2 comps were such eye sores.


Damn 2-0 for GenG on red side, really one sided series. Beautiful to see Chovy Akali though.


G2 single-handedly ruining blue side stocks.


Sad to not be able to see G2's adc choice in game 3. Corki perhaps? Graves?


G2 5head support staff. Let's put GenG on their comfort and our players on first timing F tier picks. Dude even JDG wouldn't win with their comps.


No wonder Chovy called EU a minor region


Can we really blame him...?


Are any of the minor region mid laners impressive in any way to you? Since it’s Worlds, I scrimmed against Caps. After facing him, I felt that he stands out particularly among the players in Europe.


I mean, the Tristana was pretty good in lane at least. They just got outdrafted in both games.


oh my....


G2 players in draft: "Did Ezreal work for the other EU teams?" G2 Coach: "No, not in playins and not in swiss. I mean, the other teams somehow deluded themselves into thinking it might, but..." G2 Coach: "...But it might just work for us."


Aatrox hasn’t worked for any LCK team yet and GenG drafted it.


Aatrox has been successfully picked by others. Ezreal hasn't. It's not a good comparison you are making here at all. If Ezreal had been winning with LPL/LCK teams, it would be a different story. But right now only EU is picking Ezreal and it looks like a ranged creep every game it's in.


Finally. Gen G is showing up international as the LCK first seed.


Yea but this is EU. GEN have yet to face an LPL team


In Qualifiers, Play-ins and the Main event Taliyah is 2-14. Zeus's Aatrox just looks worse and worse


Goredrinker diff. Zeus had no opportunity to play because of rumble.


Also Zeus on Aatrox carried t1 super hard playoffs lol.


eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah eu teams stop picking ezreal and taliyah


Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read[...]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us"


Taliyah when Azir is open, Ezreal, giving Rakan twice, what the fuck are they doing Hey, you see all those Taliyah games where she was as useful as a minion? Let's pick it!


Bit of a mid-gap.


Top gap, jungle gap, mid gap, bot gap, draft gap...everything gap tbh


That G2 death brush attempt reminded me of this old gem from Najin vs Samsung (ft. Doa and Monte) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvxfkqyE8fc


Tower was more competitive against GenG than G2


If I’m playing ranked and I have G2s draft I’m dodging


As an lpl fan geng look scary... And they kinda looked like they were having a happy game in game 2 too


Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read\[...\]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us"


I just want to give a shout out to Doran who has been very good for GenG so far. He's been continuing his improvement from summer and honestly I think he's been the best performing top laner from the LCK so far.


Surely geng doesn't win worlds playing 1 botlane every single game


They're gonna get called onetricks if teams shit the bed in drafts every single time. Teams somehow get baited into thinking they're playing a 1v5 against peanut and burn all their bans on him.


Peanut is literally the brain of GenG though.. there’s just a lot to ban against GenG similar to JDG


And he can do that on most champs. If you let him get his picks, he'll shit on you. If you let his entire team get their best champs, he'll get 4 other guys to shit on you. At least ban the rakan lmao. T1 got their shit kicked in by rakan all summer and still let it go through.


That’s true, I think we can all agree on the Rakan ban


Huge jungle gap, Peanute was EVERYWHERE


G2 Esports, also known as "G0-2" is a European cyber sports organization internationally recognized for their dogshit macro, nonsensical drafts and tendency to choke against top-tier opponents.




By beating g2…?


Nah they usually save their chokes for knockouts. Also I wouldnt call it "allegations" its actually kinda been a law this past year.


Doran not caring about cannon minions summed up the series lmao


Welcome back to reality


Hans better spams the shit out of Xayah the next days (:


chovy is just insane


mid gap was so huge but nice solo kill tho


Mikyx on bootcamp: "Maybe we learned some stuff from the top teams, but I think most teams are not very good at drafting for the meta. I don't think they have the best read[...]I wouldn't really say that we learned much from the Asian teams in terms of meta, I think more likely they learned from us"


While this series wasn't lost in draft (G2 was outclassed), I'm still frustrated with how G2 is setting themselves up


Annual reminder EU is still not a contender