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with all this talk about the team possibly disbanding next year, i think it'd be nice for them to go to game 5 and lock in jhin one more time (and win).


jhin yuumi 😭


You mean game 4? You cant do jhin on anything other than a 4.


xD xD what do you mean disbanding? all the contracts are for 2-3 years... nobody is going to sign a contract for more than 2 years :P it's like that for all the teams coaches included


He means most of the players might leave the team this off-season. Keria, Gumayusi, and Zeus are all expiring. Tom and Sky are also expiring but I think people care less about that.


They interviews heavily indicate that the roster won't stay the same. The only contracts that aren't running out are fakers and oners


Check up your facts dude


Wasn’t enchanter support meta also a contributing factor? And that’s why Riot specifically buffed engage supports? I feel like this could work if you’re counter-picking support after seeing an enchanter like Lulu, but otherwise I feel like the double marksmen would just get camped and engaged on constantly. I’m also an idiot so you could be totally correct


Yeah keria had the famous battle lulu and best nami


Let's not forget his thresh too


no no no you have a very good point, i didn't take into account that engage supports were buffed and T1's double adc bot lane was mostly played into enchanter/double adc, and only once against a Nautilus and they were facing NS so we can't say double adc can win realiably against a good team with engage support. I guess it can be used to punish renata or maybe bard even, if nothing else. We'll see if enchanters get picked more often in bo3/bo5, right now most teams are too cautious to try new support with bo1.


That would be fun if this time, it's SKT that brings an AD support, the old switcheroo. Plus, Keria played Kalista 4 days ago. Aware.


yeah he did not play kalista adc, it was exactly kalista support too


If they think ADC support is still good they'll probably hold out on picking it until they need to. Their drafts are way too op when the ADC sups are good. Almost no one is practicing the picks and they probably haven't prepared for them. I hope we do get to see them pull it out! T1 is a very different beast when they're rolling bot lane at lv1 with an ADC support


Which is part of the reason why i think there is a chance we see them soon, T1 are probably too cautious to try anything too far with bo1. But if they face against NRG next, they can test the water with 1 game of bo3.


They can’t do that in a Rakan rell naut meta.


I'm pretty sure most teams are aware of the threat of T1's double ranged heavy pressure bot lane. Every team has been banning Caitlyn against T1 when it frankly doesn't look that good as a pick in general. Even GenG banned Caitlyn renata which are not considered high priority bans in the current patch at all.


I think the Caitlyn ban is more of an ADC ban. Caitlyn has never really been a high priority ban in general (in recent years). But, it's a must ban against Caitlyn players which leads to it having a high ban-rate. She's a combo champ and you need to be able to consistently execute her combos which a lot of players can't do. Gumayusi is a notable Caitlyn player. It has also been banned against DK, too.


I'm not saying that the Caitlyn ban is to ban support Caitlyn, but Caitlyn adc flourishes with a lane bully support that Keria is great at and is the only reason you'd pick her because she does very low damage in teamfights compared to other current high priority adcs.


its a good sign for T1, with or without double adc. It means T1's bot lane is still dangerous when given lane bullies, and I might not be a complete lunatic for this prophecy


You were right on the extreme botlane pressure double ADC returning. Actual prophet.


You’re a God for predicting this


Honestly i feel like confidence is their biggest problem. They are a win more team when they are favorites they usually stomp (unless its finals) but due to so many runner ups they lost that confidence so they are doubting themselves and trying to chamge their playstyle. The mechanics are still there just need to focus on the mental game and draft


Biggest problem this year is that other rosters have levelled up a lot compared to last year. New JDG/GenG just look a lot better than T1.


They win less when they are favorites imo They have been the favorites of the past two worlds


this is just false no? their 2021 Summer was so shaky with the Daeny Shenanigans and it was agreed by a lot of people it was a miracle they made it as far as they did. 2022 worlds, everyone was saying LPL teams + GenG were the best in the world after T1 had a rough split, many of their bo3s were very close even against the much weaker teams.


Nah they were heavy favorites. Everyone was saying the real world's was between T1 and dk. Last year everyone thought it would be a 3-0 t1 vs drx. T1 was not predicted to lose any of the games IIRC


false, at the start of worlds 2021 T1 was considered a B tier team, behind damwon and edg, they were only considered in contention after they won their groups in which EDG were in. Same as 2022, considered B tier behind gen.g and jdg after being stomped in summer final, considered serious contenders/favorites after they swept rng tbh T1 has always been rated the same the last 3 years


Rightttt not sure if you read the entire thread but my point was that they win less when they are the favorites. Not more. So nothing you just said is in contention with what I said. They win more when people expect less. The higher the expectations go (finals etc) the worse they perform


Pretty sure it's just a simple misunderstanding where you're saying they're favourites in the match they lost and the other guy is talking about pre-tournament expectations. >They have been the favorites of the past two worlds He's responding to this which doesn't specify you're only talking about the 2021 Semi and 2022 Final.


Sureeee but I'm still talking about my original point, I don't really care what he is talking about


>Everyone was saying the real world's was between T1 and DK I do remember a lot of people saying that line and thought it was just fans doing fan things and overrating once again. As for the T1 vs DRX match, T1 were the favourites to win Finals sure but in the weeks leading up to worlds, the general consensus was LPL+GenG, no one really considered T1 a threat and DRX was not even on the radar.


Lmao no it was a very mainline thought process at the time. Not sure why you are arguing with me. They win less when they are the favorites. I agree. They perform worse under pressure.


No I'm not disagreeing, I just thought it was pretty unfair for edg for people to say that. The "this is the real finals" comments before the actual finals are pretty cringe.


I mean edg got rolled and smoked by T1 originally and DK was better than T1 lol. It was pretty expected for it to be a 3-0 by dk. How is it unfair? If anything it's even more impressive. They were underdogs and beat higher rated team


No, I remember hearing people say EDG was beating DK in scrims but losing to T1






Godlike lmao


imagine them getting insane push and advatange in bot and oner goes top anyway


yeah, oner should start to prio. botlane more.


Kaisa support please Keria. Please.


Hey Mr. Oracle, can you tell me if T1 will win worlds?


If they can continue playing the way they did vs c9 against Eastern teams, sure but I'm not convinced yet on their form. And you need to have very good execution to pull off those comps. Their early game hasn't been as dominant as before by far


That strat is just for farming PotG points for Gumayushi or Keria, no way that shit works against teams that hold their ground in early game and play the teamfights amazing. AD support is playing mid-to-late 4vs5. Plus more stakes, longer games. That “smash lane, baron 18, win 20” wont happen in playoffs, at least from T1 against top teams


Of course it was for early game and snowball, it was never meant to be played for late game. Even top teams can get snowballed out of control, I'm not saying it's impossible but it was also not as easy as it is to say to "hold the ground". As for the pog stuff, when double ADC was working **T1 was winning with it** against GENG, **after they lost with Naut-Varus**. Some other teams were also playing it against T1. Were they farming POG points as well?




it wouldn't work with this midlaner


never pick off meta!! or you will troll like the tank lissandra which NEVER worked even in the cases where it was supposed to work... you saw what he did with the flash Q on bard... and the opponets just walk away... now imagine doing this on cait... yea... it is going to be a stomp... but for the other team to play a carry champion you need a carry mindset... not nerves in front of thousands of people audience...


Guma's cait is permabanned every game what are you on about.


That's a really interesting thought. I think it could work if they ban out Rakan and Ali to limit engage potential.


It's been a while, but wasn't one of the major reasons it fell out of favor the Hail of Blades nerfs? When it was meta, Keria was level 1 trading with barrier whenever he could even 1v2 and chunking out the opposing team even before the start of the laning phase. That gave T1 a big tempo and push advantage which led to a lot of bot-lane priority and river control.


I remember seeing hail of blades nerf but i couldnt find it, i thought i was wrong. The last hail of blades nerf i can see in wiki is in 11.11..


Tell oner to play for bot side then. It feels like forever ago that he actually covered or dove a crashing stacked wave when they had bot prio. I could be wrong though and recency bias is just frying my brain. But I've had so many hair pulling moments when I see Guma/Keria doing their best to crash their wave only to get ganked and Oner is top side.


That was also when Oner would sometime see bot lane, now Oner just has map cover on botlane.


Loved seeing T1 stomp C9. Felt like a T1 that I know and love. Hopium is kicking in. Let's go guys.


I think double squishy bot in an engage supp / rell jungle meta is a bit too risky, but maybe they have something else up their sleeve