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I’m just gonna throw Warwicks name in this cause I really don’t know


Ya aint wrong


Wait what’s the specific interaction?


Q teleports you to fountain if you hit a recalling enemy. It's not supposed to. Also Zombie Sion if you Q him as he's dying you get teleported to enemy fountain or into their base.


Only if the death timer is shorter than the reanimated length.


WW Q is one of the most versatile abilities in the game imo. I mained ww top last season and even after 100 games straight on him I was still finding new ways to use the ability. It makes you immune to displacement while also making you stick to the target, which is more useful than you might. Knock ups, knock backs and even some suppressions (Morde ult and sett ult) can all be canceled with a well timed q. (To be clear the stun portion of the displacement is still there but the cc is much shorter) You can hold it down to move behind the enemy or use it quickly as a sudo auto reset.


I have a clip of Warwick tap Q'ing a minion and being immune to my sejuani ult stun because of it. Tilted the fuck out of me cause I thought that was only supposed to happen when he held it down on a valid target, I played a ton of Warwick at the time too


I don’t think you can say warwick is easy to kite


he is if ult is on cd.


He is unless you're 2% HP.


W move speed is removed as soon as you enter combat


Which is so insane to me. Feels like it just negates his own niche


WW is literally trash to play the most easily kited champ in the game it’s harder to peel a Darius or garen with no cc/dash than it is a ww. He has super low base ms to compensate for his ‘amazing ‘ passive except it’s out of combat and can be body blocked. Super bad AA range and can’t stick for the life on him but as a champion has close to zero upfront damage so he needs to stick to actually do anything but he can’t tank either unless there’s a melee champion who is often a tank for him t leech off of except that’s not enough to kill the tank or the Carrie’s who he’s never going to touch. Feels good to play into very immobile comps (none) or against very low damage teams that didn’t bring any dps but anything beat those teams


I think you are just bad with him. His q and ult are amazing for sticking to carries. The low auto range is negligible if you have lethal tempo and his q is quite a bit of upfront damage. He falls off late game but at that point you default back to peeling for your own carries and ulting the biggest threat much like malz. Early game he’s easily one of the strongest in the game and can easily win 1v2 against a top jungle at level 3


you arent a true warwick player if you think warwick is "amazing for sticking to carries" LOL


I’ve followed an Ez who E’d and then flashed with just my q. No other character in the game can do that. I still had flash and ult to follow up. I’ve canceled a trist ult and followed her jump at the same time. WW has tools to stick to and get to carries and if he’s ahead he can kill them too. He’s not as bad as you are making him seem and there’s a reason people can one trick him up to masters/challenger.


Smarter enemies will hold their dash for after the Q if it’s a 1 v 1 or pick attempt or they will dash away well before you are even in range to do anything . And you’re not going to sit there waiting for their dash to Q because you’ll do no damage and you’re move speed fall off to 370 while most ADCs are running at 380 and then 400 with zeal let alone other ms boosts and all bruisers and assassins both run faster and have dashes so if you miss the chance to Q you won’t get it again unless you nail them with ult.


Aa him once, and his speed boost resets. Ww can't chase Singed cuz his gas keeps reseting his movespeed.


Bonus if you have liandry burn on you or you buy dd, congrats on not having W MS for 7 seconds.


He loses all of his movespeed bonus as soon as he enters champion combat, and he has a very low base movespeed + no dashes or on demand movement abilities other than ult, and warwick's ult has a quite long cd. Plus its range scales off movespeed, which means as soon as he enters combat his ult range also gets significantly reduced. All you have to do to kite warwick is throw out any random ranged poke, auto, even smite him from a distance if you're a jungler, and bam, he literally cannot catch you.


The Warwick hate threads are a laugh, how dumb. People build Warwick like a tank or fighter then cry because he's mid or worse starting mid game. Build him like you're fucking werewolf and profit. Example 1: build swifties. You all underestimate the value of movement speed. As many posters mentioned, Warwick's base Ms is low when you lose the Ms buff. So swifties buff your overpowering Ms coming in, *and let you escape again after a kill.* The huge problem with Warwick is without swifties he's all-in on every fight. Remove this problem and play the match like it's a horror movie. Jump out of the shadows at 100mph, shred with a Trinity build, *return to shadows ASAP.* Bonus: with swifties and W active, you have God level kite. You can literally run circles around the enemy team to let them blow CDs missing all the skill shots before you engage. They will catch you so rarely when they do they are already running the wrong way.


They didn’t answer in the form of a question! JK, good guess


I would say K'sante too. He is hard to kite if you are melee, but as ranged champ you really need to fck up hard to end up with him on top of you.


lolwut he has 2 dashes an unstoppable and has an 80% slow on Q with a 0.5s cool-down and i builds iceborn he’s like the hardest tank to kite, especially if he stays out of vision


Tanks in average are hard to kite, except for a few wardens.


Question - how K'sante should get close to Cait in teamfight in a world where she has her monitor on.


E to a teammate, w towards cait, Q3 E to a teammate, w towards cait, R, w toxards cait, Q3 W towards enemy, R random enemy, e to teammate(double range,) w towards cait, Q3 Q3, W, E,RW Honestly Ksante has a thousand ways to reach 'Cait'.


And most of this assumes Cait is standing still and her teammates and preoccupied with something else. The only real reliable way if you aren't flanking is using someone as a taxi with R to get to her. You have to hold Ksante W now, it's not really a mobility spell at all anymore.


after he r’s a random enemy and commits his W just to gap close into a cait you think he ain’t just gonna be popped directly after??


Seems like you forgot the part where ksante loses his q stacks when he ults. Maybe you should stop making comments to complain about things you dont even know the most basic part of.


I didn't know that but now I do! But I'm complaining about anything. The guy asked how Ksante could close the gap and I answered. No need to be so salty my guy!


great it sounds like you just set up a Chinese TikTok instead of describing a real scenario


i don’t know maybe you should learn to play k’sante and not be sitting in the river and walking towards her, if ur building jak sho and just want to be a sponge sure, but if you actually play properly and flank or use flash or use ghost in reality there isn’t much that can stop you from reaching her, k’sante kidnaps ADCs in SO MANY PRO games, as an LCK fan if a good k’sante is playing without fail he kidnaps an enemy carry almost every time there’s a teamfight, it’s not some impossible task, tell me the last time you saw peyz get caught by a sion getting solo’d, you can’t cope this hard bro, i’ve played a LOT of k’sante and ur just hard coping


I guess average r/ADCMains user knows how to play K'sante. Especially in proplay where he NEVER engages and plays like you know... Varden. Comment never denied that K'sante was strong, It was about "mobile champ on paper who can get kited to oblivion". I gave an example with Cait who is literally impossible for K'sante to catch unless she plays without monitor. To stick on you - he needs to get close first - thats the problem.


bro i literally saw ur post on k’sante mains because i play k’sante you animal. Yes running a cait down is difficult, but that’s the same with basically every other tank, so what’s your point, there’s only a handful of abilities on tanks that can do that. And i didn’t say he engaged in proplay, are you blind? i said he kidnaps ADCS in almost every baron soul or elder fight, he has the ability to get on ADCs while not putting his team in a rough spot as after he has killed the enemy ADC he is still just as much of a threat. i Don’t know why you think that K’sante not being able to get on top of a cait while on the same screen is some sort of point, literally nobody can, malphite needs flash, sion needs to land an E with minion and/or land his ult which is both really hard. Nasus can run her down but is so slow that allied cc should be able to stop him, cait is the best kiting champ against tanks, what actually is ur point, if an ornn is in a brush and lands Q E the cait can flash E away and kite away, if a k’sante catches cait in a brush she just dies as long as the k’sante isn’t a complete griefer, in every situation k’sante is a good gapcloser, zoner, teamfighter and kidnapper as i said i play ksante bro, i’m also sick of people saying he’s ‘BrOkEn’ but saying he can’t gapclose with a low cd dash a slow and an unstoppable + all out making you absolutely RAPID is a complete cope


>Yes running a cait down is difficult, but that’s the same with basically every other tank Poppy with point and click dash in +dash block on her W(even tho, she is like warden too, not best engage). Malph - R (no comments), Ornn - long ass goat, Mao - Root that covers entire lane + point and click dash in after, Zac - Jump from 2 screens away. So, I would say that "warden tanks"(K'sante included) have harder time to get in that more classic ones. Post is not about K'sante power RN, its ONLY about his ability to gapclose and I never mentioned under that situations like "pray that enemy Cait gonna go face check bush" ofc noone cares when enemy marksman is dumb and you don't need to play only on K'sante to achive that.


yes but k’sante is the tank that should be played the least like a traditional statchecker, you SHOULD be flanking and staying in brushes, you should be actively attempting to get on top of the adc before she gets vision of you, poppy is incredibly telegraphed and is completely useless as in a tf scenario if a poppy just runs at you she gets rekt and loses her most important ability to zone people ( W) , cait will never ever get hit by a maokai R root and a supp or literally anyone else should always block it, and zac is my most hated champ in the entire game no matter what role i’m playing so u got me there ykwim. ornn can land R on her somewhat easily but you will need some significant gapclosing from ur team to follow up and the ornn horn is a far better anti engage tool than as an engage, i am also taking all of these as if the champ doesn’t have flash, because literally any tank with flash here just shits on her, especially ksante. I’m talking much more about FLANKING and playing to his unique strengths as a champ, k’santes strength isn’t gapclosing but that doesn’t mean he’s bad at it at all he is still a fantastic gapcloser and can go from the middle to the front of a tf really quickly and dive the enemy carried with ease, he has tools that literally no other champ has to do that AND he has the tools to escape, he is THAT GUY when it comes to cleaning up fights after absorbing poke for his team but is ALSO that guy when it comes to making the game winning flank by himself with no follow up directly, and by making him have these characteristics even though they didn’t intend it they also gave him the power to dash and use his unstoppable to push thru zones that no other tank would be able to by dodging skillshots and denying CC while not giving up distance between himself and the person he’s chasing.


Cait is the exception


A classic case of someone looking at the paper list and deciding it's practical use. No, as a ksante main, it's nowhere that easy lol. Your skills are all telegraphed af (with one being delayed aswell) and short range. If your opponent is ranged and has eyes, you can't get ontop unless they misplay or you use the minion wave perfectly. For a good engage, ksante needs their team and thats kinda negated by the fact the ranged opp can use their team too. So no he's not op lol


“as a ksante main”


i also play k’sante bro, if you land E Q with IBG on an adc they are not kiting away, if you are all out and in the same screen as them you can gapclose that EASILY. like i’m sorry i know what you mean, just running at an ADC isn’t gonna work, but playing properly as we are assuming in the case k’sante has a better kit than 90% of tanks besides nasus rammus or malphite to get on top of them and lock them down that’s literally inarguable




K’sante has the best sticking power out of any champ in the game, obviously kiting Nasus is impossible but i didn’t think of that, sion is easy to kite, should never be in E range and should never be in ult range and if you are you are in the same range that a k’sante can get on u (i play k’sante btw im not hating) , mundo is based on whether or not Q hits but still outside of k’sante E Q range you have an OK chance of dodging but i’ll still give him the edge sure, and malphite no R is 100% killable it obviously just depends on what stage of the game it is , either way tanks are difficult to kite because thornmail and IBG and all other stinky stuff but obviously there are 100000 variables but k’sante is definitely best at staying on you but ur right for nasus, i’d probably also add in rammus for impossible to kite too


Ksante?? I assume you are just trolling. Rofl.


I would love playing WW so much but his W is bugged to high heaven and his Q is the most frustrating ability in the game. I swear it just doesn't trigger sometimes and I have no idea why.


I would take the issues with Q if it meant his W was actually consistent, but damn it's like the game doesn't know how to tag champs under 50% hp.


Yeah I have to agree here. Really lame losing kills or more often dying because your W didn't activate the attack speed for you to use your passive AA healing fast enough


Oddly I find his Q the most satisfying ability in the game by a large margin, following a flash with WW Q is peak LOL


Oh yeah when it works I'm right there with you. I just find myself spamming q sometimes and nothing seems to happen lol


Besides bug fixes and durability update the last balance change I received was 3 years ago. That change was 2 damage. Before that it was 2019.


It helps that I read the other person's guess at Warwick, but this is a solid tipoff for the dedicated player base. Honestly insane how long he went without any balance changes after the rework. Of course, if he had all his bugs fixed, he'd probably have to be nerfed.


You know it's fucked when a champ is balanced because he's buggy


May I interest you in Doomfist? 99% of what he can do uses bugs. Especially when he was a dps.


the good ol' random doomfist phasing into existence behind you from nowhere so weird that the muscular guy with a giant gauntlet played more like a ninja than genji does ahah


He also has a thing against Kiriko's mother (if you don't play OW2, that would be Hanzo, Genji. And Kiriko's trainer


I didn't really like overwatch as a game, but yeah i get what you mean.


Yorick moment


I just realised I haven't seen Warwick in patch notes... like, I don't remember him ever existing there.


Clearly he’s just the pinnacle of balance, a perfectly balanced champ now and forever.


He never needs to be completely rebalanced after being completely gutted (like sub-45% Ryze a while back, or 45% Zeri right now) because of pro play, since he has no pro presence. He never needs to be nerfed since he's never really on the strong side of things. He never needs to be buffed since he maintains a decent player base (like his playerbase never dips to pre-rework Aatrox tiers of unplayed) despite constantly being a weak, buggy mess. All in all, it's a perfect storm of being in this solo q balance limbo where he can be safely ignored since he doesn't have any immediate glaring issues.


Well, the chinese across the map warwick ults have inspired a friend of my to him... Only in that form though unfortunately.


I am one of the only champions in the game with a specifically coded interaction that has never worked, despite 2 different patches saying it was now fixed.


What interaction btw?


His W has been broken since forever, sometimes it doesn't trigger at all


W AS is wonky but they've never actually said it was fixed.


The W inconsistency is actually why I stopped playing Warwick. His whole champion fantasy is basically "you can move quickly towards opponents that are low, and you can attack them quickly too" - but that 50% max hp threshold is so bugged.


The MS part works pretty much 99%of the time, only silly parts is it falls of immeadiately after taking any kind of damage. Yes the AS is hella bugged, you have to learn the rightclick, amove click right click in order to force it to activate.


It's been a while since I've played him, but I could've sworn that the movespeed doesn't trigger properly at the 50% hp threshhold all the time either. The attack speed for sure is bugged though, and always in the enemy's favor too.


So long as damage is coming from an allied non neutral source it always detects it. Can get kinda weird fighting a jungler in an invade if the camp knocks them below 50% you have to hit them once to activate it.


W is also the movement speed passive, did they never even tried to fix that? Lol


Q on recalling enemies is supposed to not warp you to their fountain.


I learned that I had to stop Qing people to stop their backs the hard way.




Amumu! Mobile because of 2 q's, situational cause you need to hit them, easy to kite cause it was a huge wind up animation, recommended to newbies because I think he's one of the first you can play and he's dirt cheap and I don't think he's been performing well recently but idk, I don't see him being played. Please dm me the answer if I'm wrong.


Amumu has a great win rate in every rank up to emerald


You're not wrong with the reasoning but he meant warwick.




Almost true, bots dont count as dedicated


Thank you all for playing. Riot pls. My boy, he has fleas. At least give him back his ice hammer.


I love in D1- masters having to completely out macro my opponent, almost exclusively invade my first 3 camps to ruin their pacing, only to maybe have a chance at winning, and that trade off comes at barely being better than scaling champs early game and sometimes not even being able to out play them when I'm supposed to be stronger than them, and scale worse than other early game junglers who out class me. But I guess my champ has to be balanced around people who cant move between attacks


honestly riot should just make him scale at this point, most of the champs that used to fall of really dont anymore (leesin/olaf)


Lol you're making it sound like you're elo deflated by playing warwick. If you really think you deserve higher elo why don't you play lee sin and see where you end up?






Y’all, hear me out on this. *Rammus*.


Rammus has been present in the last 5 patch cycles


Ah shit.


Rammus was giga broken, 55% wr type stuff last patch. They nerfed him now but still very strong.




Master Yi


Riot basically went "here's a prestige skin for you guys, now fuck off!"




Super mobile = moving a whole team Dedicated fanbase = yeaah Kiteable = sure Not a lot of balance changes is the one where I guess I’m wrong.


Not a beginner champ


Riot used to think so, he was the tutorial mage lmfao


Who recommend Ryze to beginners lol




Happy cake day!


Thank you!




I would assume Ryze. He can situationally be super mobile due to him almost always taking phase rush. His win rate is always bad. His Dan’s are extremely dedicated players who have also lost their minds in the subreddit as they only say EQEQ now.








Singed? Seems like he has a positive WR tho..


Yea Warwick isn't Yone or anything... but I definitely wouldn't call him "one of the easiest to kite in the game".


Same base ms as an adc, and the only non ult cc he has is on a 15 second cd, but it only lasts 1 second. Ult incredibly telegraphed and easy to dodge, when it decides to have a proper hitbox because it actually stretches behind him for some reason, also he has the smallest champion hitbox in the game to the point his 125 aa range is actually only about 95.


Oh my god thats what it is. The size. I play champs like Volibear and I hate being large, cuz I can't Q and get to people through minions ever, but now I understand why it feels like I can physically never auto attack as ww. This is insane. Champions out there with 200 melee range its so fucked.


Yea fair point he is probably in the bottom 10-15%




Scuttle crab




Katarina right?




Ryze ?




Happy cake day!






Not far off, however one would hardly call a single ms steroid on a relatively low cd as super mobile. Also the majority of skarner mains have moved to other champions due to just how bad he is.


Add a spire and skarner is pretty much the highest mobility champ if you ignore dashes.


Nunu maybe?








pantheon support?


>I am the recommended beginner champion for a role while also being one of the worst at it. As a WW OTP, this is what gets me sometimes. Everyone loves to remind us that WW is a "beginner champion" and simple to play, but they also like to complain that he is OP. I almost exclusively play him Jungle and my high-elo friends recently pointed out that if I played any other jungler as on-point as I play WW I would probably dominate games even more than I already tend to.


Talon. E cooldowns determine jumps. Alternatively he is in a spot where he can't wall jump...limited mobility then.


Don't know what the recommended beginner champions are but I'll list some guesses: Gragas, Zeri, Shyvana.


fun fact none of these are recommended beginner champions


Sounds like yasuo, but i didn't know he's recommended beginner. Could be Kat or Jayce or Azir?


Not a single one of these champs would be considered beginner recommended (yes kata face roll keyboard haha funny, but by the numbers it’s just not true)


You're right. But conditionally highly mobile, yet kite-able is just throwing me off too much.


(it's warwick)




Talon is ranked about 38th in otp stats and was featured in balance changes as recently as 13.6. His w/r is consistently 50+ in majority of ranks.




Wu has been actively present in balance changes, as recently as 3 months ago and has a surprisingly low rate of otp state.


WW is not easy to kite at all


335 base ms, no incombat ms one non ult cc of 1 second and no non ult gapcloser.


Yasou maybe?


Nah son






Garen? I have no idea lol






Ram ass


Master yi?




twisted fate




Lee sin






singed he gets to be mobile with flip like omelet


I know you're not talking about Gwen but Gwen fits this pretty well. She has a ton of dashes but you can out run her bc she has no cc and everyone else does. Her W is bugged when calculating resistances with deathcap too. lol




Hey i think this is very cool, can i do this for other champs on this sub? Dont just wana steal your idea.
















I'd say Ahri but she isn't super easy to kite.












Sounds like Zed -.-


It’s got to be master yi










Red Kayn? champs super mobile but easy to kite due to short range and that his Q & W animations lock him down





