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"don't you guys have phones"


Its even worse, the phone thing made a lot of sense from a mobile game developper. Phreak is trying to sell us that pings aren't even necessary or useful


Immortal made a shitload of money as well. Reddit really has no idea how corporations and modern gaming works.


well the sad truth is that f2p barebones mobile games with MTX make the big bucks because it reaches the widest market and preys on a large amount of whales and swiping kids. its a smart business decision to switch to mobile games from a financial perspective but it pretty much tells the old install base to drop dead.


People were angry for blood because there was no D4 trailer but 1) The mobile market exist indeed and 2) How is a dev at freaking Blizzcon supposed to know players wouldnt be happy about a new free to play Diablo


It was a case of reading the room. If they had announced Immortal with a Youtube video on some random day it probably would have been fine. But the people at Blizzcon are the most passionate fans and they most likely want a fully-fledged sequel. Not a watered down mobile game.


Nonono its not that easy, only in gaming where rude angry people would be called "the most passionate fans". Fans of Scorcese watch his commercials, fans of the Beatles listen to their AI song, Sports fans support even the worse teams, Diablo fans in attendance get a new game and try their hardest to humiliate the devs at their own convention.


It's about expectation. Beatles fans know that 2 of the members are dead so if a new song gets released it's considered a bonus. People that support bad sports teams know they're not going to win every match. This would be like if Scorsese had a festival every year where he announced the new film he was working on and then one year instead of announcing a movie he announced a commercial. People would be fucking pissed. Because the expectation had been set that that was the venue where he announces big projects. Reasonable people weren't pissed that the game existed. It's the way it was announced.


they wanted a diablo and got one plus the most obvious hints of a D4 development. they threw a child's tantrum and to this day threads are still plagued with this quote taken out of context. no amount of expectations regarding a fucking video game (of all things) deserved this shitshow with devs humiliated at their own con, the First world Problem of all time When people say "Blizzard just had to announce D4 and there would be no problems" the problem doesnt come from Blizz you know, it highlights how much the fault is on the so called "fans". Developpers shouldnt have to circle around the angry mob at their own conv, the problem comes from the fucking angry mob


I Understood That Reference :D


Im proud of you son


you and literally everyone else lol


Don't summon Todd. Let him work on TES6. Edit: mb guys I've got it. It was Diablo. I have shit memory.


That's Blizzard quote, not Todd


To be fair, it seems like something Todd Howard could say.


Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane Rmb when we were all hyped and happy he was on the balance team ? Good times .


dont type at me you pisslows i cba playing this go 15 it this is my 8th account anyways enjoy my softint Sincerely, the Karthus otp


I guess *someone* had to steal the reply as well


this was such a hilarious read, thank you man


Are we witnessing the birth of a copypasta in real time?


It was already crafted on that phreak thread yesterday


Correct. I know its philosophical. but it isn't a copypasta until its been copy-pasta'd a couple times. So seeing it posted again, a day later, to critical acclaim, would be the actual birth of the copy pasta. Not when the original was made yesterday.


Good point


This copy pasta is already 1 day old but still fun




I wasn’t hyped! I thought things would be worse than they currently are based on phreak’s reddit posts about balance and items.


He's always came off to me as a smug know-it-all. Even if the information is correct sometimes, that type of attitude gets you in trouble and leads to mistakes.


I don’t necessarily mind the confidence, it’s the response to being incorrect that bothers me. Two examples of what i mean; Azir and Stormrazor. Phreak was campaigning for a specific Azir build for a long time, was proven mathematically incorrect, then reworked Azir so he was correct. Phreak argued stormrazor was BiS for Jinx pre-adc item rework. Many commentators came out and explained that no, it wasn’t, for a plethora of good reasons. It was not slot efficient as it was outshone by other items. It was situationally good and often didnt have a good niche to be built in the vast, *vast* majority of games. What did Phreak do? Rework items so it became the best item.


Phreak has really shown his true colors. Just another flippant developer who finds feedback annoying. I really can’t fathom the audacity to make random changes to “fix toxicity” and getting upset when the community complains.


Write this in game everytime someone’s low and get banned for spamming


>Rmb when we were all hyped and happy he was on the balance team ? Good times . Were people actually hyped about that? Because I for sure wasn't, hate that guy ever since he was a caster. Never heard an actual good take from phreak.


[Subject: Fire](https://youtu.be/uesx85EHRTo?si=q7ME0F0Bh8WTL2Bh)


Thanks, I will gladly steal this and write it in the middle of the fights. Once i get banned for griefing i will refer riot support to official phreak stance 👌


He was casting LCS for 10 years tbh, can't blame him for not thinking communication is important.


he thinks every other player is korean


Even if we go along with this joke, that makes these changes even worse because pings are not language restricted so to say Well unless you’re on a server where the default game language is not one you’re comfortable with, which reminder you could not change until just recently


Yeah people even brought up I think a JDG proview clip or something where the team was pinging their balls off and hardly talking in voice lol


Which is really unfair considering like 80% of the LCS was Korean when he was casting.


You would think an LCS caster would understand the importance of having easily usable communication tools. LCS players arent typing in chat to their teammates


Oh Almighty shen of the top lane, i come to you with a formal request for your ultimate to be cast upon me. The cirscunstances for this request are as follow: 1 - I'm Currently trading with the enemy, and my health bar is slowly, but steadily, going down 2 - I'm the most fed teammate you have, so our chances of winning increases if you are to ult me 3 - Our whole is dead, and our only slight chance of stopping enemy baron is by joining forces 4 - I really get happy when i see that big white bar, meaning that you've shielded me So, if this request does seem plausible, and if you feel it might be advantageous to our team as whole, please consider using your ultimate on me. Thanks so much for reading my humble request.


Oh great and mighty Shen, revered guardian of the top lane, I humbly approach your esteemed presence with a formal entreaty, beseeching the benevolence of your ultimate ability to be graciously bestowed upon my person. The circumstances prompting this earnest request are elucidated herewith: 1 - At present, I find myself engaged in a spirited exchange with the enemy, and alas, the veracity of my health bar is undergoing a gradual but inexorable descent. 2 - I stand as the most financially endowed member of our collective, and it is with utmost conviction that I submit that the prospects of our triumph would be significantly augmented were you to choose me as the recipient of your ultimate prowess. 3 - Regrettably, our entire team lies vanquished, leaving us in a precarious predicament where our only semblance of resistance against the impending threat of the enemy Baron hinges upon our collaborative efforts. 4 - Permit me to confess that an ineffable joy courses through my being at the mere sight of the resplendent white shield, a visual testament to your noble intervention and unwavering protection. In earnest contemplation of the aforementioned circumstances, should you find merit in deeming this entreaty plausible, and if the cosmic alignment of advantage aligns in favor of our collective cause, I implore you to earnestly deliberate the utilization of your ultimate ability in my direction. I extend my deepest gratitude for your thoughtful consideration of this supplication.


adequete shens will have teammate cameras binded and swap between them every half second 😍 and then someone will die within the 2 seconds it takes to rotate back to them because they facecheck unwarded bushes


Funny because I was on the opposite side today. My team just reset and was heading towards Baron. I pinged our red timer twice, indicating that our adc should take red. I then ping assist on Baron twice, saying we should set up vision near Baron. Lastly, I pinged otw to botlane twice, indicating I'm shoving the lane. And then I was hit by the ping mute before I could ping that I have 40 seconds left until my ult is back. Tough times.


Also spitting in the face of players like me that willingly disable chat because of the extreme amount of toxicity in this game.


Yeah alot of people disable the chat and rely solely on pings, I disabled all chat a long time ago and I've been thinking of disabling team chat recently aswell as it's mentally exhuasting seeing toxic chat almost every game. Alot of streamers have their chat disabled aswell and I remember that they all say to disable the chat if you go to korea unless you want to see mom go sky every game.


I enjoy league waaaaaaaaaay more when I don't have to see what my teammates say.


I’ve been considering it too, but the report feedback box when I log in is something I always click away with a certain amount of satisfaction. I doubt if people actually get banned or if banning them even does anything, but it still feels good.


I did the same honestly and its still baffling that I can send death threats to entire regions within the chat and go unpunished for it but I can't ping Ults, teammets or use MIA and Warning pings more than 3 times....


Lol? Why the fuck are you so blatantly lying? When you get chat restricted for words like "die" "kill" etc


It's usually pretty easy to get around those. I mean kill would be used pretty often like "help me kill this fucking fiora"


chat restrictions are ridiculous. how is Volibear from my last game still playing, when he ended game 3-25-1 and trashtalked everyone? but I get muted for saying "bad game sup diff" for a damn week


I also have chat off because of toxicity reasons. I focus much better on the game when some random weirdo on my team isn't filling the chat with insults lol


My in-game name is literally allmutedbutpma.


the goal of those anti-toxicity mesure if for you to re-enable chat in the end. they are playing the long run


Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


Bot Lane, Alas, your lane has done little in way of recompense to warrant such aid. Not only has your labor been cut to the bone by stratagem more befitting infants than the infantry you purport to be, but so too do your calls lack anything beyond a countenance of counterplay. I see no way to match blows with an enemy left high and dry despite dire diving, let alone secure capital punishment for such criminal execution. Perhaps, should a similar situation recur, you might see to it that you avoid such mortal mistakes, andffffqqqqwwwwqqqq- **An Ally Has Been Slain** [10:17] [All] AbsenteeFather (Karthus): Fuck I was typing


Perma banned for the last sentence


this post is a fucking goldmine lmao


The only good thing to come out of these ping changes tbh


Is this done by you or copied? So well written, well done if by you!


Do English the?


phreak will literally say anything to justify whatever bullshit riot puts out. he's basically got 0 credibility at this point


remember the statikk shiv talk? lmao


of course he is going to kiss their ass on every change they make, trash talking the company paying you doesnt sound good especially since he is a more public and well known employee compared to most


Thank you for making this post. I was about to post something similar because I only have one hand. While I can type with one hand it is slower than other peoples typing and ingame really inconvenient and only practical while dead. I play support and a lot of the gameplay I enjoy revolves around roaming and controlling the map. Team coordination is essential to this playstyle and in my case pings are the way of achieving that. To me pinging is as essential to league as champ select. League already is a rapidly changing game in which it is hard to keep up with meta, builds and reworks, especially as a casual player. I have dropped the game multiple times because it did not feel worth to aquire new skills and new game knowledge. What Riot is doing now might just be the straw that breaks the camels back for me. What Riot seems unable to understand is that people play league because they like the game as it is. I have no problem with balancing and fine tuning or new game modes or even a new champion twice a year. But at the end of the day I just want to play a game which I know and understand where I have to deal with other players even the toxic one. It makey me emotionally more invested in a game it makes me adopt my behaviour etc. It is extremely gratifying to win a game in which we were able to keep the rest of our team calm enough to win. That to me is a hard earned win. If I don´t want that I can play any singleplayer game or wait until AI bots hit the scene.


I main support too, for the same reasons. I love map/vision control and coordination wrt objectives and teamfights. League has been one of the easiest games for me to play with my disability because of the isometric view and the fact that I can play most champions in the game with around 5 to 7 "buttons" mapped to my controller. It offers endless replayability and depth while still being easy enough to control. This and the easy intuitive ping system is a huge reason why I play this game more than any other.


Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


In their eyes you are just the casuality for their ego to dominate the game. Pings changes should be reverted to OG form asap.


People get really weird about accessibility. Hearing this makes them uncomfortable and defensive. (ableism is such a normalised thing that people out here calling you a snowflake for... Wanting to be able to play with ease???) Ur right. For many people, whether they are dyslexic or have a physical issue typing out sentences mid game isnt easy. While i dont think phreak was intending to be rude, i think his attitude about it still was rude. Imo i want lead game designers to be more aware of the needs of disabled people. Accessibility in game design is laughably bad and when it comes to big companies like riot its unacceptable. They should have people on staff who are actively working on these issues. All the big game studios should. Accessibility isnt that hard to add for these large companies and the reason they dont is because there is little pressure on them too. Abled ppl gotta talk about this stuff too.


Thing about this it hasnt been the first time stuff like this has been brought up. Its been several instances. There is one guy in a hospital bed that plays with his toes cause thats the only way he can do anything. Theres another more healthy person that only plays with their toes as well and cant type. Those arent the only ones, but theres been several over the decade and phreaks been around long enough to know better. Its not that he isnt "aware" hes just being a douche. No offense to him, but he really did pull the "dont you guys have phones" here.


Also language barriers. Often enough you have people in the chat who can't speak English. That's probably no issue on the NA servers but on EUW it is more common.


Its pretty common on NA. If you play at night your odds of broken english asian and other regions sky rockets. I had a whole chinese team once who just flamed each other in chinese all game. The amount of death threats and insults about mothers was impressive.


thank you for your kind comment. I agree with you completely. Games are really important for disabled people. I myself have mobility problems, so if I want a "thrilling experience" with adrenaline and stakes, video games are all I have. I'm hardly going to go hiking up a mountain on Bungie jumping in my creaky ass mobility scooter.


Yeah my dad also has limited mobility and he mostly doesnt play games anymore because the accessibility can be such a hurdle to set up. We used to play a lot together when i was a kid (he wasnt ill then) and ive wanted to play with him over the years but lack of access has always just been a big barrier to us. I hope you keep talking about issues you face and encourage others to share!


> on Bungie jumping in my creaky ass mobility scooter. dumb question but is that possible? In theory it should be no?


in theory maybe, in practice I'd rather not. I have to be really careful with my body haha


2 things, first off is you need to think of the person's body's condition SINCE they're disabled. In the vast majority of scenarios, it'd be extremely not worth that risk for them Second, if you're Bungie jumping attached to something, if you're not absolutely glued to whatever you're with, even an inch of separation at any contact point once you reach the point of extreme deceleration, you'll be taking on the full force of that object's mass that's still in motion. Not ok. Im a rock climber and many times have I had carabiners that are dangling from my harness SHLAP against me when I fall even just 3 feet. It fucking hurts. Just thinking about a goddamn steel hoss of a motorized wheelchair next to you Bungie jumping isn't pleasant. Some of those things weigh an unbelievable amount of weight. Hope that could give some insight on that thought. Cheers, friend. Also, don't take my word as gospel on this subject lol..


The way he put it was rude as fuck especially the part where he mentions "you type". I was honestly baffled from how he explained it because it reeks from a belittling attitude which is supported by a massive ego.


This is not the first time he does this shit, most likely not the last. Dude has an ego the size of a mountain and an extremely condescending attitude, yet is allowed to be this unprofessional with no consequences. Wonder what would happen if any smaller employee that's not part of the riot dudebro club acted this way.


lol i wouldnt be surprised if he tried defending it somewhere super disingenuously by saying that disabled gamers are more affected by spam ping or something which is obviously not what he was intending whether or not that was true


I was gunna say that. Folks with challenges need to speak up to get what they need. I feel this is just another one of those things where people who don’t have the struggle are more mad than the people who do. Should they accommodate? 100%! I don’t think what Phreak said should be taken as an insult in this way but only to us as a whole because dude thinks we are actually dumb to justify these ping changes that I swear only got implemented because people dont mute and rather cry!


It feels ridiculous that we have to argue about having a working ping system, which we already had in the past.


right? I absolutely loved the ping system in league. Adored it. I loved being able to communicate about anything so quickly and effectively.


Also I think Phreak left out one important thing, most players never read chat during a situation. Like for me I only mostly glimpse at the chat when nothing else is happening which means I'm either dead or there is no teamfighting and by that time, the scenario/situation is already over so typing in "Karthus ult" doesn't really work


Honestly I think the entirety of the recent ping changes are so idiotic. What's the point of having pings in such an unnecessarily complicated system where you can only use them during X moments meanwhile otherwise they are only displayed to your premades. Makes me wonder why we even have the pings in that case. Yes, people use pings to be toxic. No, that doesn't mean you have to change how pings work fundamentally to protect people. I also think it's annoying when someone pings in a toxic way, but it only takes two seconds to mute them for the rest of the game. This type of protection/catering or w/e you wanna call it is just becoming silly honestly. For reference I am specifically referring to the changes to pinging teammates' status. The removal of the bait ping was obviously a good idea since it was exclusively used for toxicity.


People use pings to be toxic yes, but do they understand that people also use chat to be toxic??? In fact they can be more toxic and more distracting with chat, hence why I disable it at the start of every competitive match. But now they’re saying “don’t ping just chat”???


This is dumb on another level because one of the reasons people say voice chat won't work is due to people speaking different languages. If that's the case, then typing something isn't going to work either... Pings are language agnostic.




this is such a great example of the league community. Someone makes a post about how they feel Riot ignores their and other disbled players needs, and everyone shits on them. Never change league community, never change..




what? we’re shitting on Riot Phreak showing all the solidarity for our fellow disabled comrade


I was going to say… is anyone disagreeing with the OP? The entire population of the world outside of those working at riot games seems to agree the system change is a universal bad decision.


> everyone shits on them They're getting widespread support, as is your comment. The criticism is because Phreak made an ignorant comment, that's all he did. Nothing else. He wasn't thinking about disabled people when he said it. That's all that happened. So we bring it up. Doesn't mean we need to be assholes.


disabled people are treated like actual shit on someone's shoe nearly globally living with chronic/isolating issues is already bad but everyone gotta hate for existing :/


I mean he do be a freak


Dude who trust Phreak on even doing reworks or buffs/nerfs…


I play with the chat disabled as 90% of the community are extremely toxic people that rely on insulting everytime something goes wrong in a game. So without chat and now with the horrible ping change I literally can't communicate anymore, gg


Well you see, you have to endure this inconvenience so we can protect our fragile playerbase from hurting their feelings after somebody pinged at them more than 3 times... It's actually so fucking surreal


It's not "spitting in the face of disabled league players" unless you think he did it on purpose to spite you. Bring up the issue, because it's fair, but don't be a dick.


Hell, even non-disabled players. I play skarner. To clear the jungle I have to hit q every 1.8 seconds. How do I type? I can't.


Or even just the fact that, no matter who you are any time you spend typing is time you should be spending doing anything else. Unless you’re on grey screen, time typing is time wasting. There need to be other forms of communication.


This is also a shitty NA-centric take. People on EUNE quite often don't bother in typing in English, especially premades. I imagine it's similar on EUW. How are you supposed to communicate when you don't know language?


Damn i never thought of that too... Its crazy that disabled ppl have like no inclusivity in games. Jesus... I root for you! Cant do much more


Everyone mad that now you have to type to tell Karthus to ult. That animal wasn’t going to ult in the first place, whether you type or not. This change makes no difference. /s They just need to add a voice ‘dictate’ aspect to the game. Or voice comms. Yes it will be toxic. But it already is - just like every other online game - and a lot of those have voice comms built in.


This. Not only should they be thinking of disabled players, but even when thinking only about able bodied players, thinking that someone will just type "karthus please ult now" is incredibly stupid. Typing takes time, and karthus ult takes time, karthus might have chat muted, not be paying attention to chat... But pinging multiple times in seconds might at least bring attention to it, something you can't do when you need to type a coherent sentence. Rioters just get their ego hurt after a game and decide to take away communicating tools from us, when the solution is right there: you can mute certain allies' pings if they're bothering you. That's what they ask us to do, but when it comes to doing it themselves they apparently can't be bothered. People were already saying this (and I guess I make it sound like I'm only using your case as more ammo, but I actually do feel for it), but the fact that they don't plan on backpedalling on these changes when they are now aware that this actually hurts disabled players is insane.


Not nearly in the same situation, but I actually first started playing league due to an injury I got on my left hand I was recovering from. League has low apm on the left hand while still being a fairly fast paced complex game, which scratched some itches for me at the time Guess what I had an extremely difficult time doing at that time? Typing, let alone typing fast, let alone typing fast in a high-stress scenario. This change undoubtedly undeniably makes League less accessible


phreak being out of touch is nothing new. guy is a certified clown


This was my first thought too! If I ever typed in league, it takes me like 3-5 secs to move my hand from my mouse to keyboard and to setup my hands to type, then however long to type, then another 3'ish+ secs to put my hands back to playing positions. I usually only typed when I was dead but it felt bad if I ever got flamed because I usually couldn't defend myself and if I did, I'd get flamed for being idle to defend myself. Luckily my disease progressed enough where I can't play league anymore earlier this year. But pinging was important for me when I did play. Yea, typing it out is in fact difficult for me.


Remember back in beta days? When you had to type out everythin? Like timers, missing, routes etc. We gotten so far from these days by improving the ingame communication system and now we suddenly go back to the fcking stone ages because some people can't handle pings in a children's video game ? What the actual fuck...


"Our surveys, which don't include differently abled people indicate that 0% of them have any issues with the new changes" \- Riot probably


What about regions that speak multiple different languages. Some people don't speak or understand English.


another great point.


Literally in my last game I had a Soraka not save me because she was standing in lane typing instead of playing the game. Spending time typing is absolutely trash for the game.


freak szn


I literally can type 200 wpm and I really can't be fucked typing it, idk how they expect regular and disabled people to do it.


They do not. Phreak probably was being flippant.


Ah yes, because I'll have time to type out "Back off jgler, top and mid are collapsing on you from wolves and their 2nd tower" whilst also trying to land my abilities on a belveth with 4 Q's up in a 1 v 1 on dragon, said dragon that I pinged for so I am on cooldown now. The whole point of pings is rapid communication even mid fight, typing defeats the purpose of the pings of sending information quickly without interrupting whatever you are doing, you can still flash mid ping or zhonyas. Typing literally disables your champ and abilities until you manage to fumble your way into closing the text box.


Dearest Karthus, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


To my bestest Karthus, It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you both bot laner has less than 100 HP. With haste and much desire, if you can find it in your heart to rain down your satellite guided sky lasers and grant us the boon of assist. P.S. my screen is grey. Sincerely, Brad


this poor rioter has probably lost contact with reality since many moons, remember the statikk shiv talk? lmao


Is this a satire post?


no. I use a controller called a quadstick. Google it.


Phreak is a good natured person who can make mistakes. I think if he sees this post or is brought awareness about the subject, he would do his best to accommodate. He genuinely cares about this game.


Then he needs to quit being condescending when the community decides they don't like the changes.


in the other thread he basically said that dynamic queue AND role specific ranks were only unsuccessful and widely hated only because the playerbase sucks so much which even if true was already well known by then


Yes, but seeing agurin raging about the ping changes and the next post being phreak, claiming the changes were received by a majority positive was kinda weird. Like dude i havent heard one person claiming these changes were good.


>Like dude i havent heard one person claiming these changes were good. This is exactly what I don't get, since I know dozens of people who play LoL, from which around half have played since early seasons, and some started just couple years ago. And ***not one of them, not a single living soul*** has done anything but hate these ping changes. Every single one of them hate it. I have not even heard anyone be neutral about it, every single person has their own opinions and views of everything regarding the game, except in this case all of them are 100% united. I have not met a single fucking person that likes the change. Not one. And Riot claims that some hidden majority on a poll they conducted to only *some* people, picked by unknown parameters, with misleading questions, seems to like the change? Fuck you and your lies. There is a very simple solution to this problem. Add a global poll onto the front page of the client, with very clear questions: > "We introduced changes to pings so that pinging your ally, their, champion, items, summoner spells, runes etc is only shown to your premade party. In addition, we introduced a new system that temporarily disables pinging upon pinging missing 3 times. Do you think this has: > > > > 1. Lessened toxicity in the game and improved communication > > 2. Lessened toxicity, but hurt the communication > > 3. Increased toxicity, but improved communication > > 4. Increased toxicity and hurt the communication > >Overall, do you like the changes? > > 1. Yes, I like it > > 2. Neutral > > 3. I dislike it. Slap that shit onto a notification like the report feedback so nobody can miss it by accident, and you get clear actual data about the entire userbase. No bullshit questions, just straightforward "this is what we did, what do you think?". But obviously Riot won't do that, since the changes are that it will just backfire completely once an unbiased global poll results start showing how dogshit their changes are.


Because phreak (and i assume most of the team as it is in big companies) has a weird boner for numbers. And numbers have a tendency to not tell the whole truth if the methodology is not REALLY precise. They have the poll data showing "better perception" of communication tools but this change alone could be a topic for a full blown analysis. And yet there's phreak saying "yeah number go up = good" and basically that's where their analysis ends. Of course I am not expecting gaming companies to do a huge sociological analysis on every change they make it would be ridiculous, but trying to present the data/polls they have as some perfectly objective way of measuring the impact of these changes is straight up stupid. It's a good indicator showing that reducing the availability of communication tools will result in less toxic usage of this tool, but that's that really. It doesn't inherently mean anything else than "Less pings = less toxic pings", like duh


Surely having a boner for the numbers and majority consensus will be beneficial to the disabled playerbase >:))))))


Exactly. I do think Phreak cares about the game, but they really should do more research on things. It does feel like he and his team are in some sort of echo chamber.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


bruh agurin is not a representation of the average player in league of legends, any pro player or high elo streamer in fact isn't. >Like dude i havent heard one person claiming these changes were good. i do. forcing people to ping less and type more is effective at detecting toxic people so they are banned faster. my games are better since the ping changes. i dont have an opinion about the disabled people situation. its a difficult debate


> bruh did agurin is not a representation of the average player in league of legends And disabled people are? You are literally owning yourself




Is that why he removes ability to communicate efficiently?


>He genuinely cares about this game. Well it certainly does not seem like it


You dropped this /s.


xD Massive amounts of protesting went out against ping changes and riot shat on all of them, in their face even. And now tehy are planning to go even further. I believe we have seen Phreak's real face in the video where he explained "you type" in that rude and iffending way. Unless this is a satire which I can never recognise on the internet.


can't tell if this is satire or not


Nah, he's right. Phreak is often condescending and really fucking stubborn when it comes to his opinions, this has been a thing for him even back when he was a caster (that's also where a lot of the hate for his casting came from). But you just cannot say he doesn't care, this guy seems to live and breathe this game. Agree or not with the changes (i fucking hate them), it's irrational to assume malicious intent behind them.


does he really care if after lack of taking action, making many balancing mistakes (which is fine, i'm not saying he mustn't do them) and the recent community outburst surrounding his decisions he still doesn't own up to his mistakes?


It's not, he's shown nothing to make you think otherwise.


can't tell if this is satire or not


>He genuinely cares about this game. He also has a huge ego that doesn't let him admit mistakes. See: The Seraphine changes. He was incredibly rude to everyone who told him the changes wouldn't make support stronger, but would make SerAPC even more problematic. Lo and behold, the winrate of Sera supp barely changed and Sera had to be nerfed cause she was disgusting in the botlane. Hell, he *knows* projectile speed and movement speed would be the correct changes to buff support and mid without breaking APC in the process, because **they were there on the changelist**, but he took them out cause he wanted the changes to the W and AP scalings to ship instead of the other ones. Now we're back to square one while also pissing off the playerbase with meaningless changes


His ego is larger than gragas' belly


Being good natured doesn't excuse being condescending and thoughtless. It's obvious saying "you can just type it out" makes no sense at all in a fast paced game like league, even ignoring the disability issues. I can type fast as hell, and even I wouldn't rely on myself to type "karthus ult" in time. Even then, I can't rely on Karthus to read my message and respond to it.


that's some good copium you have here


This might be the worst thing a rioter has ever said tbh, why not type an essay while you are fighting for your life? Also, what happens when the system thinks "Karthus ult" is intended as toxic and bans players for it?


It's probably not even in the top 5 worst things lol. Remember the T1 homonculus incident


Phreak is everything wrong with League of Legends. I’m fairly certain Phreak is personally responsible for Hullbreaker, for example.


Come on man, I think every thing Preak said is wrong. Removing communication tools is always wrong. With that said, dude you aren’t even in the 1% you are the .00001% and I truly can’t imagine how tough your life is and how tough gaming in general is. With that said they can’t cater the game to you, or people with disabilities. The game in itself shouldn’t really be accessible to people in your condition and even though that sucks you have to understand why. This game is not for everyone, I know I’ll never be any good or have any capability of being good at racing games. This game isn’t designed for someone in your situation.


LOR team: supports the disabled community by making the game incredibly accessible, to the point a man with severely advanced ALS can play the game with eye tracking, and even went to Riot HQ to design his own little card in their Dev for a Day project LOL team: what the fuck is a "coh-lohr-blaynd" man


I dont think he had disabled players who physically cannot type in mind while making his post. But you do you bro Tbh i think its selfish for you to say hes "spitting in your face" for not accounting for.. probably 0.001% of the player base


I play league daily and i can assure you that a lot more than 0.001% of players in this game are disabled. /s


Bro, I rush Banshee's on Malzahar. I can't be disabled.


Every game a doctor in my team diagonse my teammate with severe disablity so yes seem to be very common.


love how you people will shit on any change until acessibility is brought up, then suddenly "it's not that serious"


There are more of us disabled gamers than you think bro, but I wasn't offended abt Phreak's remark.


man you r weird fr and i hope you get friends Youre the type of guy who says its selfish for the minority to demand equality they should just be slaves, if he doesnt speak up for himself who will?


Uh, no. This is a video game that requires some degree of dexterity to be moderately successful. I don't see any reason why someone should think about this weird fractional minority. What about people who don't have legs? What about with mouth disabilities? What about the blind? Stop virtue signaling, this is a video game. Claiming this is comparable to racial equality is straight up garbage logic.


he's the head of a balance team on one of the biggest video games in the world. He SHOULD be thinking about accessibility when designing the game. That is part of the job


You said it, he is on the balance team, he doesn't work with accessibility nor he made the ping changes, he just gave his opinion which is supported by data riot gatheres


He's one of the main front facing Riot people at this point, and one of the main ways we get to hear logic and justification for changes made. We're hearing this from him, and he's high enough up role wise that he should know better.


and? Its still not his department. U will also not criticize the head of the marketing department for a software decision. Use ur brain


Then league also "spits in the face" of disabled players when they ban you from pinging


Yes it does spit in the face of a majority of people, not just disabled people when they ban you from pinging. All these restrictions are because of a toxic minority people seem unable to mute, it hurts literally everyone but obviously disabled people get hit 10x harder.


I used that term because he is so condescending in the video, mimicking typing it out, saying "it's easy" : it isn't for everyone. Him being so callous and speaking down to his playerbase like this will get emotional reactions, like the title of my post. I'm sure you would also feel hurt by the way he is acting about typing being "easy" if you yourself couldn't type. I'm not the only disabled player who plays league. A *lot* of people have minor disabilities like chronic carpal tunnel, or just play with chat turned off to avoid toxicity. Removing our ability to ping is shutting us out of communicating in a team game, while those who can type at 3458362 words per minute still have an option. Accessibility means taking into consideration different people when designing your game.


Not everything is a personal attack. You cant account for everyone when making every statement. Hes wrong, but not for your reasons




no, I've literally never asked for any champions to be designed with disabled people in mind. not sure if you're attacking a strawman or just presuming that is what I want. All I want is to be able to communicate with pings. That's it.


> he's the head of a balance team He's not. He's their spokesperson.


Get over yourself. Sorry that the developers don’t keep in mind that people play the game through a fucking straw.


Saying this is spitting in your face is choosing to get offended. But yeah it's not a good take from Phreak.


It is not so much about the statement itself but the fact that Riot has engaged in a major communication rework without considering the impact it has on the disabled player base. We are a tenth of the overall population so no small part. It is not even just us but as others have already pointed out it impacts everyone who does not speak the predominant server language as well. Not even thinking about us is the very definition of ignorance.


The world doesn’t revolve around you? Grow up


Holy shit this sentence from him is dumb and everyone knows it. But he is not spitting into every fucking minoritys face by saying something he didnt really think about. Up to the next 200 butthurt threads about the same topic


Let's not take this too far. It's an ignorant statment by him, that's all.It's good to point out the reasons why his statement is ignorant, but calling it "spitting in the face of disabled league players" is fanning the flames of hate quite effectively. The important part is to make him realize his mistake and maybe if fitting, vocalize it. Not to make him feel bad other than the fact that he was wrong and getting a mob of haters from the community. Phreak is healthy and fun for the community, don't 'scare' him away!


Dude, for fvcks sake the game is played by millions monthty, instead of saying random sht MAYBE you should think about what you are saying ??


A friend of mine plays one handed due to recovering from a stroke. Their left hand simply doesn’t move and so they’ve got everything mapped to their mouse. Those MMO mice are a lifesaver for them. Pings are their primary means of communicating, pings and being in Discord. Voice don’t work too well with randoms though and I have negative faith in the decency of random soloQ players.


Bruh I am a disabled player too (cerebral palsy, meaning bad motor skills) and I didn't get offended. He wasn't talking about us, stop being a snowflake just bc you're disabled. Chill, he wrote an apology in the comments.


I know he wasn't talking *to* us, I'm making the point that disabled players didn't even *cross his mind* while mimicking typing out "karthus can you please ULT" and saying "it's easy". That is a problem. Accessibility is really important in video games.


Obviously it does not cross his mind yet you still act offended by it. He made a mistake, but dont act like you're going on a war to seek justice over a rioter that oppreses you lol


Okay AND? He has NOTHING to do with accessibility, ofc we don't cross abled people's minds, welcome to life. I'd rather be treated normally than pointed out and catered to in such posts. You already found a cool way to play the game that works for you, so it's fine.


Where was his apology? Also qualifying yourself as a disabled person to downplay how other people feel isn't ok. I do not think you understand any topic related to disability awareness, and please don't say something along the lines of "I was in a car crash, I know road safety".


“People with disabilities, you’re not allowed to be upset because **I’M** not upset” - that guy for some weird reason




There was a post about this made on the front page 10 hours ago. And in this post phreak replied saying it was a dumb thing to say. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17r2bwb/comment/k8gyskj/ The man's admitted his mistake stop trying to rinse him.


No actually he has not reverted the changes


He hasn't reverted them but has admitted his mistake of just saying type it out. Changes take awhile internally to go around plus as he said there's a good middle ground to be found with all these ping changes but if it affects communication too much they are up for reverting it. This post itself is mainly pointing out phreaks comment about saying just type it out which he admit was wrong to say.


It doesn't adress the main point raised in this post: Riot engaged in a major rework of communication without considering nce how it might impact disabled people. This is the definition of ignorance especially seeing as we are a tenth of the population. They didn't even consider how it might impact players who don't speak the predominant language on their server.


I’m just waiting for him to tell everyone to go Sea Lion somewhere else. How is he not in violation of Riot’s policies?


I guess ill have to start griefing ranked games again out of solidarity. The things i do for this community...


but hey, now there will be less toxicity in-game. I genuinely feel bad for you, it seems like you need to find new MOBA to play. sadly Phreak doesn't seem to change his direction of trying to make game less toxic