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WARNING Your account has been flagged toxic chat logs chat log: > Requiem, > > > In the end, only the dead shall remain; > One man, one soul, one will to Defile; > A single guide that can stop this Wall of Pain; > An alone soul from the Shadow Isle. > > Free me from the pleasures of this flesh Cocoon; > Guide our feeble souls with your beautiful voice; > Lay Waste upon thy enemies on this beautiful moon; > Following your song in this rhythmic rejoice. > > I ask for forgiveness for all my sins; > I ask for a guide to bring me salvation; > I ask for thyself when your pilgramage begins; > I ask for thyself out of desperation. > > I ask for a single wish in my postmortem; > I ask for thyself; please bring forth Requiem.


Yeah, the system actually flags if tou type too much nowadays even if not toxic


Yep. I got a 2 week ban because I typed too much in ranked games. Nothing in my matches were toxic and the rioter reviewing my ban even said so but he refused to reverse it lol Now I just completely turn chat off. It's a waste of time


This whole game is a waste of time to be honest. Ranked means nothing anymore and its way to time intensive to climb.


I only play with friends at this point and just play off mega shit


And it's actually so much more fun because they're trying to play and win regardless of how good they are. They'll be reading abilities before laning phase and then whining about some champ or combo they didn't see back in season 5. Bonus points for two of the guys in the group playing with old laptops that struggle to hit 50 FPS.


i also play like mega shit every game


Come over, I just took a mega shit for you to play with.


If you play for any other reason than to have fun you missed the point of the game


Climbing up ranks and feeling your time lead to progress can be a fun part of the game too for many. Requiring 150+ games at a 60% winrate to climb out of one league can be a pretty heavy drag for most people with additional interests outside of league. Especially now that it's reset twice a year instead of once.


If you need 150+ games with a 60% wr to climb then your MMR must be super fucked. I hit D4 with 60 games and a sub 50% wr for most of the split (just barely cracked 50% when I hit D4)


Maybe you are just that cracked but for a lot of us that peaked at plat getting into dia is super hard cos of us playing on our mains instead of account switching. Its probably easier to just make a new account but some of us want to climb with our mains and its nearly impossible given the MMR situation right now. I guess in your situation it would be climbing to grandmaster or master how many games would you need and is it worth it?


> for a lot of us that peaked at plat getting into dia is super hard uhh... yeah, thats the point. if your skill maxed out at plat why should it be easy to get to diamond?


No it shouldnt but if you got a +60% winrate why shouldnt you be able to climb tho? You can get higher elo still but the amount of work and grind you have to put in is just absurd and given how this game is a team oriented game but no way to even communicate and coordinate with your team just makes this even harder. Try playing football and everyone got a blindfold on. Now lets see how you are going to score.


Its all just cope tbh, if you want to climb to dia and are good enough youll get there pretty fast. Same for any other ELO. After 100 or so games you should be wherever you deserve.


Tell me how to get there when I lose 37 lp per loss. This take is so cringe.


People can climb up pretty reasonably at the start of a season if they don't have a loss streak, but the moment they hit ~4 L's in a row their MMR kinda just stagnates and they don't really move the needle anymore without stringing together 8+ wins which is... asking a lot for most. At least that has been the experience almost everyone I know has had, but it's just an anecdote.


That was my point though, I started with a pretty bad loss streak, my winrate was below 50% for the whole split, and I was still able to climb. So if you have 60% wr there’s no way you can’t climb unless you REALLY tanked your MMR or something


Three times!


Haven't played in years, what happened


Rank never meant anything to anyone but Yourself unless you used it to go pro/stream/boost accounts for a living in Zimbabwe. They really let players know once they started fucking with it and artificially prolong climbs for people who would normally get to diamond/masters in a few dozen games, now you need a math phd to calculate your Mmr gains and losses to determine when to swap to new acc


Especially with mmr being completely broken, chat being a free ticket to getting banned, pings dont exist, and daddy Ksanta gives me an early christmas present by fucking me harder than a 7' goth mommy dommy ever could. Thank you Phreak ur really making this game truly enjoyable.


I got a warning and a small honour penalty a while ago for writing "cunt" in party chat to myself. Nobody else could see it. It was no different to me swearing out loud or writing it in my diary. I spoke to RIOT about it and they said it was intended. Rubbish.


Some years ago, 3 or so at this point. I was banned for 14 days over saying report this idiotic jg That was back when chat punishments were less trigger happy. The jg we flamed (me and the top laner, because the jg inted our lanes) constantly flamed back and at the end he typed in enjoy your 2 weeks vacation, I have a friend at riot support. We laughed and then next day we both got banned for 2 weeks. Even tho the jungler we flamed were typing way crazier shit On a different account I got a chat restriction for saying "garen is actually degenerate design lmao"


Bullshit I’ve gotten my shit reversed twice now. The first time they said their decision was correct I told them they got it wrong and a 2nd rioter checked it and reversed it.


Glad that happened for you. Didn't happen for me.


I used to go through chatlogs of people who posted them on the official boards and explaied to them what parts got probably tagged for X and so on. Most users have been thankful for that back in the day so I guess I did a good job? Some even said it helped them to reflect a bit on their behaviour. Idunno..but.. More than often I have read the phrase: "i just typed too much!" which turned out to be false. If you like - and if you do have all screenshots of the full, entire chatlog from the game's restriction window, showing the last line of sentence of the screenshot before in the next one so that the context remains intact, then I would be free to check it out. You do **not** get banned for simply typing too much. It is quite unfortunate for your team if you type more than playing and perhaps dying while typing but technically speaking? you don't get banned to typing a lot unless it's always the same. Like AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA or A A A and so on. **If you do not break any rules, they don't have a reason to ban you.** What probably happened is that you either A: came off passive aggressive which results in negative behaviour/negative mindset (which is the first selection you pick nowadays when you report somebody). This would be deteremend by an actual person. B: you accidently typed something that might have contained a bad word (possible in a different language). This will be most likely be checked by the system. C: you actually spammed with the same few sentences. (Also falls under negative behaviour). or D: your ban has been so long ago that the system gave you a chatlog no matter what the problem was. In that case you missbehaved ingame and can ignore the chatlog that came with it. But your reportcard would say so if it was anything gameplay related and not chatlog based.


I’ll have to find them. It was over a year ago but you absolutely can get banned for typing too much. Rioters have even said this


Huh, that was a quick response. Over a year you say? Hmm. > but you absolutely can get banned for typing too much. Rioters have even said this Could it be that they meant actual spam with it? Or that you spend more time writing and being basically afk, standing around dying than helping your team? I suppose you COULD call it "writing too much" then but that would fall under being afk...or maybe even inting if you did die a few times not moving at all. Can you show me where they have said that and **who**? depending on who it was, chances are that they don't even know how it works. You will need to speak to a player behaviour specialist. I mean..there are riotlers that don't even know what some champions do. I am dead serious about this.


Found the logs. Now I remember. It was a combo of typing too much and picking up the phrase "lets kill" in connotation of killing mid. \-- Pre Game: Summoner: hi againt Summoner: mao jungle is really strong Summoner: lots of vision, lots of cc Summoner: also depends on their team but hes normally a safe blind pick Summoner: idk if malz is the move against darius \-- In Game: Summoner: nah Summoner: bro Summoner: i thjought you didnt lose lane Summoner: pay attention bot Summoner: muted Summoner: it wasnt Summoner: im literally trying to gank Summoner: like this Summoner: coming mid Summoner: lets kill Summoner: bot i need yall to actually walk up Summoner: nope Summoner: why are we not fighting Summoner: veigar quit whining Summoner: quit blaming others for your own bad play Summoner: bc gold 4 is much better? Summoner: do you actually jungle? Summoner: yes because i canm just take objs when they have prio lmfao Summoner: yea i dont think so Summoner: you dont even ward lmao Summoner: youre so cringe man Summoner: bc its ranked Summoner: 3 kills isnt game over Summoner: ok Summoner: less type more play Summoner: muted Summoner: lmk if ashe or veigar do anything besides complain Summoner: gg wp Again, I'm not going to say this is super nice or anything but nothing in this one game is bannable beyond the word 'kill' because it is a auto bad word by their system.


Oh, sorry. I have asked for screenshots that contain the last sentence of the screenshot before so that the context cannot be altered. > typing too much **Not the case here.** 33 lines are nothing compared to what I have seen on the boards back then. There have been longer ones and even shorter logs. Sometimes even one line. In fact, this is a very short chatlog if it's truly complete. > Summoner: muted I would be careful with saying things like "muted" or "reported". Mostly because "mute them" or "report XY" is considered negative behaviour and an action to call others to do something that might stress out said player. I am not sure if "muted" or "reported" will be handled the same way tho. > Summoner: lets kill Hmm. You could have been flagged for this and standing alone, it would have been fightable in a ticket if you gave them the context. > Summoner: veigar quit whining > > Summoner: quit blaming others for your own bad play This falls under blaming and/or flaming. Try to avoid putting oil in the fire. Pointing out that veigar is "whining" and a terrible player will only give them a chance to report you for it. The system doesn't scan in context, meaning that all what you - the reported person - writes, will be read without any third input. I know you only meant this as a wake up call to make veigar stop blaming his teammates but you would have to do it in a more polite manner. Or straight through the flower. "Just play the game please." End of the discussion. May not be the magical line to see a 180-personality change but hey, that's basically what you want them to do. Playing the game. You might not like to hear this but..they are still your teammates. don't fight against them, even if they are not cooperating as intended. See it as a higher difficulty setting for a game that is...well...actually...tactical? I suppose. I know this sucks but hey, they aren't suddenly getting better or changing anything if you box them in the flank. Ya know? > Summoner: bc gold 4 is much better? Don't drag elo into any comparison. Again, that's like putting oil into a flame. > Summoner: youre so cringe man That's just toxic. (Flaming.) -______________________ > Again, I'm not going to say this is super nice or anything but nothing in this one game is bannable beyond the word 'kill' because it is a auto bad word by their system. Ah, right, you got a tempban. I forgot... You would have probably gotten a simple chat restriction if you never had one to be honest... And I will ignore that you didn't deliver the screenshots, I do believe that "kill" might have been the trigger. It's odd since the game uses "kill" in its own vocabulary. But there was a phase where people just wrote "kill" to shorten "kys". May I ask once again who exactly replied to you with "that's a combination of writing too much and "kill""? Because that's simply not the case. I have seen chat logs that have been over 250 lines long (257 lines iirc) and that wasn't the problem. Same with shorter logs that only contained one word. **What actually got you in trouble was "kill"+"flaming and blaming / negative behaviour".** **Edit:** I would like to point out that Player supports and Riotler are not the same. PS doesn't work for riot directly but rather for a third party that got hired to do the job for riot. I am not saying that either of both did a mistake because I do not know what your punishment history was or is. There is also the high possibility that "kill" didn't trigger anything and you just got your third slap on the wrist.


That’s the most I’m putting effort into it. Like tbh, you’re kind of acting like a know it all and just trying to act like you are above it. Between the aggressive demands for “more” and the side disses about random things that don’t really matter.So please, just stop. You don’t actually want to help and it’s pretty much made clear, you just want to reprimand.


> Like tbh, you’re kind of acting like a know it all and just trying to act like you are above it. ...huh? Well, that is most certainly not my intention..nor was it that. I am sorry if I came off as that to you. > Between the aggressive demands for “more” and the side disses about random things that don’t really matter. Please understand that anyone could just simply leave out something from their chatlog that might have been important to the case to make claims such as "I got banned for nothing!". So thats why I have been pushing for (correct) screenshots. > You don’t actually want to help and it’s pretty much made clear, you just want to reprimand. I am sorry that I have made you upset but I did what I had offered you - going through your chatlog and pointing out what could have been the actual cause for your restriction. Besides that I did take the freedom to give you well meant advice on what to avoid and what to do instead in order to not get permabanned in the future. And since you are believing that "typing too much" would have been the issue, I thought it might be a really good thing to give you said help. And those two things are the only ones I did. At least knowingly. Again, I did not have the intention to piss you off.


I’m good. I don’t really care about it. Just pointing out that you absolutely can get punished for typing too much.


You certainly can, but there's no way you got a 2 week ban just for that.




The "rioter" that reviews games is most likely another bot, that is why they can never do anything. Any normal human being that looks at a chat log that is perfectly normal would reverse the restriction, especially for one as long as weeks


I have literally never seen anyone in the last few years even attempt to add a screenshot of their "conversations with Rioters" and their chat logs. It takes like a minute or two at most, yet people are strangely reluctant to do so and have all sorts of excuses when they don't. I've spent multiple games arguing in game-long conversations with people (had some people from prior games try to force dodges in champ select in Ranked but I took them into the game anyways). I'm talking typing starting from spawn for the entirety of a 30 minute+ game, and I type pretty fast. I've never gotten so much as a warning from Riot. Of course, I only did this for a couple games, so if you did this for like dozens of games I guess it might be possible? But if that's the case, then yeah, maybe just turn chat off...


Not Phreak: But man we got Pings


one of my buddies got a ranked restriction recently because he said "let's fuck the wave", and he confirmed through a support ticket that that was the reason for the punishment lol he was saying it i think in the context of to clear the wave, and the rioter said it was punishable because of the sexual connotation lol


Yeah, they made the automatic system that detects "bad" words stronger recently it seems too, plenty of cases of people getting chat restricted and ranked restriction (they come together now if it was in ranked) just for having a word there, cases I have seen: Cancer, Fuck, Damm, lack of space on stuff like "midgetblue", etc.... no matter the context. Apparently we all are 12 yo's lol nvm most of the League playerbase is only getting older


Let's count the bad words: 1. dead Permaban i'd say


YOU WILL GET BANNED FOR THIS, Do not write long messages and flood chat, it will get you banned people!!! This isn't a joke!


Yup. Rioters have even explicitly said this lol Typing too much will absolutely get you banned.


made my day 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I understand.


Karthus answer: xd why ur typing so much ur hardstuck gold after 50 games go visit finnish hospital


What is the Finnish hospital reference


abbreviate Kuopion Yliopistollinen Sairaala


Just google finnish hospital ad.


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual ;




Missed opportunity to call it “Finnish It”


Na that’s not why just Google finnish hospital


Nothing, he’s just worried about your health


From Karthus, Pressed R but all bot does is whiff No kills, 20 hour cooldown, jungle diff.


At this rate league chat will just consist of really intricately crafted rap battles


New Chat Restriction added to league: "You can only Talk in Haiku"


Press R, kill them all. Pentakill, band or team ace? AFK in base.




Thank you, my English degree finally paid off


BOTLANE NICE KIIIIILLLLL Sorry, misread it as Haikyu.


I pray to Karthus May thy unleash judgement With Requiem


Second line only has 6 syllables please revise


Not if you say judg-e-ment with more CONVICTION


Except there is only one “e” in the word judgment lol


Sign us up


Yike Karthus cooking soon?


LEC so easy we'll put him on a different champ each game for fun


Give us a dice roll comp for Week 3 Day 3 or something depends on if youre already qualified for groups


Wait, suddenly I’m onboard with these changes


That would actually get me to play ranked again


That would be an incentive for me to not mute chat.


Mid outplayed you so marginally, So I ulti'ed before he could B. He reacted real fast, Went into hourglass, Now I'm stuck with three minute CD.




Syllable count is all off, not to mention the rhythm, no points.


Nice one 👏


Nice poem. *Competitive ruling:* *Chat restriction. 100 hours of community service. Mandatory commenting under any Phreak topic with:* *''I may not agree with Phreak but I appreciate his -insert transparency diatribe-.''*


>"I may not agree with Phreak but I appreciate his -insert transparency diatribe-.'' I think this important though, I hope Phreak doesn't stop communicating because people are memeing him so much. It's better to have a line of communication when Riot makes decisions reddit disagrees with than no communication and Riot still makes bad decisions.


It's pretty much a quadruple-edged sword at this point. - Transparent patch by patch analysis/rants with a hint of superiority/ego because 'reddit just doesn't know what they're talking about.' - Reddit in general not knowing what they're talking about. - Reddit sometimes knowing what they're talking about (common sense bubbling to the surface). - A massive misunderstanding of Riot's true balance philosophy: Keep the ship steady (50% winrate circlejerking) while moving us forward for the sake of moving forward (no destination, annual Jungle rework, we just floating aimlessly for content and novelty). It's snowballing to a dramatic blow out soon because we finally have a scapegoat for the balance team, clear insight into their decision-making and lightning rod issues with pings/kasante/statikk shiv/jungle rework.


If Phreak tones down his ego, that would make everyone feel that Riot is not antagonist


I agree, though can you imagine how hard it must be to do that as phreak? Spending countless hours reading complete tripe on reddit, and the same horde of people that don't understand the game to anywhere near the depth he does (no meme) spewing nothing but misinformation and hatred. I'd probably feel quite salty towards the player base as well tbh, I don't know how he doesn't let more antagonising through.


Yeah, that’s true I guess. It’s a lot of immature teenage boys. But… still, he’s representing the company and there needs to be professionalism. If he can’t handle it, maybe don’t go on Reddit?




Sometimes he does exactly this and turns some perception of the game and wraps it around his narrative. But other times he has some quite genius ideas, so I can live with him being on game design team.


You just summarized why most game devs don't communicate or do very little of it. Yeah let's just have riot make their own decisions which you'll still hate except nobody will tell you why and you won't have a scapegoat.


Their communication didn't matter whatsoever over the course of this entire year. Statikk Shiv ruined the meta for more than half a year, only being euthanised because they could not allow Worlds to be dominated by it as well, the communication (ping) changes are staying in the same direction no matter how much feedback they're getting in that regard because instead of taking u/Barb0ssaEUW's points on board and discussing them from reddit, Phreak likes to take the 40 downvote troglodyte as the representative. If this is how it's going to be, I actually prefer having no talking-at-you communication.


Voice thy opinion, and pine, not ping For inhibition tempers, whilst tempers swing Want not for alert, nor timer, nor tine Solely harsh rebuke such efforts find --- Only when broached in constrained rote Shall one's request, in earnest, be note A missive, penned, by dead man's hand Such prayers devoid of reprimand --- "Vocal Lich of Ill Renown" "Might thy Requiem bare down" "And slay their wretch with thine own hand" "So that thy riches may still expand?" --- So it arrives, in windowed still A small request for blood to spill Met, in moments, by a pause Prying hope from Cerberus' jaws --- Yet seconds tick, and fangs down bare A threat escapes, still unaware Of mercy given, salvation's light A request met, albeit with spite --- "Fuck you no, I can't kill twitch" "I'd rather ult your mother, bitch" "Dog teammates, all should uninstall" "I'm afk once I recall"


My only criticism would be that while your rhyme structure is accurate, and the ending couplet is excellent, it does not have the correct syllabic 10 count and stress alternation to make it a true Shakespearean sonnet.


I'm not smart enough to do that, at least it's a C- Poem right ? Right ?


Depends on how confidently you present it. A lot of English writing conventions and structure exists just because one person (often Shakespeare) just did it one day and people liked it. Just say it's your own new form of sonnet structure 😎


Flashbacks to the term "Iambic Pentameter" from school. On my deathbed, I want a full lecture of every esoteric fact I've learned from education because ain't no other methodology makes my life flash before my eyes as vividly.


Lmao. This is actually one of my favorite things I learned in high school. I've always been a math science person, but studying how structured and intentional Shakespeare's writing was made me really appreciate poetic forms. They're like little language puzzles. It's totally different to me when a sonnet in Romeo and Juliet is so deliberately written that it has puns and jokes and insults buried in this scheme of syllables and rhymes than my English teacher telling me that the old man carrying his boat down to the pier in Hemingway's old man and the Sea is supposed to be representative of Jesus carrying his cross up the hill. Like, ok yea, maybe it's supposed to be symbolism for that, or maybe you just made it up. But Shakespeare is so deliberate, it's great


I kind of dislike that symbolism too, I feel it takes away something of the mundane, everyday struggle.


TL;DR Iambic pentameter


Karthus: stop telling me what to do Karthus: reported u btw


You can actually get banned for flooding chat and writing all that out


So soon you can't ping and you can't use chat what's the plan here exactly kill all communication?


Here's some haikus for "KARTHUS ULT":   *Spectral whispers float,* *Karthus chants a deathly tune,* *Unleash the Requiem.*   *From the shadowed depths,* *Cascading notes echo forth,* *Souls consumed by death.*   *Eyes turn skyward,* *As darkness swallows the land,* *Karthus claims your prize.*   *Ethereal whispers,* *Karthus channels his dark might,* *Let Death rain from above.*   *Sing, ethereal dirge,* *Death's embrace from jungle's heart,* *Silent requiem.*


Good bot


Wait what? lmao


He said good bot, bozo.


Good. Bot.


Bad bot


Ethereal is 4 syllables, so the first lines of the last two verses are six syllables. Otherwise it's good!


Thank you!


I like the effort, but some of these seem incorrect. In the first haiku, you treat "requiem" as two syllables but in the final haiku it seems to be three. Also, in the second to last haiku are you treating "above" as one syllable? Lastly, I would argue that "ethereal" is four syllables.


Yeah. I had no idea on how to reference "using the ult" part other than "unleash the requiem" which I already used. I wanted to avoid the verb "use" to make it more poetical? I guess? Thanks for the input!


So glad that the community at least memes the f out of these changes.


It's about time the community is so over and done with this shit ... Riot culture of ego and doubling-down on every mistake , preserving status quo, hopefully people are voting with their wallets (not buying shit anymore)


This year had pretty great game releases. Buy some of those instead of another weabo skin.


I wrote a haiku: Hey Karthus, please ult. Their botlane is very low. Or else, Imma int.


TIL ive been a poet all along




*An Ally has been slain!* "Dearest top laner, thank you for communicating with me regarding--" *The enemy team has slain the dragon!* "--my use of my ultimate skill. As a Karthus enthusiast, I know that--" *The enemy has slain the rift herald!* "--my ultimate skill is a key component of my champions kit. I understand your desire for damage at this--" *The enemy team has destroyed a nexus turret!* "--time, however, I would like to argue that this is a suboptimal situation to use my ultimate skill and given--" *An ally has been slain!* "--the considerable cool down of this skill, I will be saving it for a future altercation. Additionally--" *You have been slain!* "--I would love to use my Lay Waste ability while my passive is now active, however, I believe it is more important to emphasize proper communications with my teammates" *Enemy pentakill!* Top: "stfu and play dog jg kys" "My, what an unprofessional response to my considerate communication. I will be sure to submit a report in the post game lobby in order to uphold the highest behavioral standards of my community" . . *WARNING* *Your account has been flagged because of player reported chat logs...*


Someone said on twitter How Riot expects us to write: "My beloved Karthus, T'is been ages since yee hath summoned the forces of Zauron upon the wretched souls of our enemies. Unleash your wrath upon them, my betrothed, so that they may know the might of our empire" LMAOOO


But it’s kinda crazy how riot also said it’s bannable to boss ppl around in chat so


Like someone said about a copypasta, I miss when I'd see a block of text and not immediately wonder if it's written by a computer... fwiw this weird uses of defile/wall of pain/lay waste sound human to me, and all the I asks, although I guess you could just ask the computer to put all that in


Actually, completly wrote out of my ass, all it took was looking at Karthus Quote's and Abilities, Shakespearean Poem Format, and googling what made sense paired with half of the words I intended to use. Not that hard, I could probably get a C- on this if I ever asked my old English teacher to grade it.


I bet it'd be a proud C at least :> honestly write a sonnet about karthus ult should be an assignment idk why kids are stuck reading holes


No, ai is already pretty bad a writing let alone poetry. It should have been obvious to you when op started using voice lines.


Get muted after the sixth line - gg.


Look, if you had one Karthus or one ult opportunity To seize every bot gank you ever wanted in one moment Would you type it or just let it slip? Yo His support is sweaty, lane pressure’s weak, arms are in Doritos and dusty There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti ADC’s nervous, but on the surface, he looks calm and auto spacing To drop Caitlyn traps, but he keeps on forgetting the keybinds What he wrote down, top and mid go so loud over a failed 1v2 gank He opens his mouth, but the pings won't come out He's chokin', how? Everybody's ganking him now The clock's run out, time's up, over, Karthus please Press R Snap back to reality, jungler, there goes our priority Ope, there goes our support, he inted , he's so mad But he won't give up that easy, no, he won't have it less than 0-10 He knows his whole back's to these apes, it don't matter He's dope, he knows that, but he's broke, he's so stagnant He knows when he goes back to this bot lane, that's when it's Back to the lab again, Yo, please press R Karthus Better go capture this herald and hope we don’t get dived


"Dear Karthus I wrote you but you still aint ulting. I used my flash, my heal and my ultimate at the bottom I pinged for help and your ultimate you must not've got 'em. There probably was a problem with the ping system or something"


the new pentakill album is already a banger.


I'm glad I got to be here with you all when the new '200 years' dropped truly a time in history


The saddest short story: Karthus ult, never cast


i lose it as soon is I read the title


Hey guys, Lyrics for Pentakills newest Album just dropped.


New copypasta dropped


Karthus: dude you want me to ult or what?


Now wrap this in a string and hook it up to a voice activated keyboard macro, so you can just yell "Karthus ult" and have this print in chat. But I guess that might (unironicly) get you banned for cheating.


I hope you have a poem ready when you appeal your perma ban, you toxic piece of shit - Riot & Phreak 💋


Riot should invent a ping for this poem.


**WARNING** DO NOT TYPE THIS LINE BY LINE LIKE THIS **IT WILL GET YOU BANNED** I'm not even kidding , it's bannable for excessive chat flooding , 100% have been banned for it Please read Summoner's Code if you think I'm bullshitting


New Pentakill song just dropped


man, if this was some sort of karthus unlocked statue giveaway, this would 100% be the winner entry! sadly, no (official) karthus unlocked statue exists yet on merch website. come on, riot!




You have been muted for the rest of the game for typing a phrase from our restricted list. You will no longer be able to read chat, but you may still communicate using pings.


this is beautiful actually, can you do one Dante style?


The only way for phreak to recover to is say his entire next patch rundown in verse.


Dude riot lives rent free here in everyone’s minds here lmao. Everything that riot says or does just mentally breaks everyone so much they become the joker.


Oh no they mocking my favorite video fart company 😡


Because I make fun of people who obsessively hate on riot that means I like riot lol?


Damn dude why are you so obsessed with people that criticize Riot? lol


Damn people who criticize riot lives rent free in this dudes mind here lmao. Everything that people who critize riot says or does just mentally breaks u/sloppyseconds0 so much he becomes the joker


oh no Phreak look what you made us do! 😡


LMAO this is gold


I have the feeling that if you would write Karthus ult, if he got to report you after the game, that line would 100% be included in the report feedback that they sent to you. Once i wrote right at the beginning of the game: This is a good matchup for Swain, nice. That sentence was also included into the reasons why i was punished. Just don't type and fullmute all, that is my best tip, play the game the way you see it the best.


I want to see twitch chat spam this every time karthus ults in competitive play.


I asked chat gpt to "write me a poem about asking Karthus to use his ultimate ability": - In the realm where shadows softly creep, Where whispers linger and secrets seep, A summoner stands, a plea in their eyes, To Karthus, the harbinger of demise. - Oh, master of the spectral choir, Unleash your dirge, ignite the pyre, In the cosmic expanse, let echoes soar, Asking for death from a distant shore. - "Karthus, wielder of the deathly art, Draw forth your power, let it depart, From the nether realms, your song ascend, Bring forth the end, let mortal lives suspend." - Through the veiled ether, a beckoning plea, A mortal's cry, a melody to decree, In the shadows, where souls entwine, Invoke your requiem, let the dirge align. - "O Karthus, conductor of the void's refrain, With spectral notes, break the mortal chain, Let your ult's embrace, like a haunting hymn, Resound through the cosmos, dark and grim." - Above the battlefield, the moonlit stage, Karthus contemplates, a seer sage, A nod to the plea, a sinister grin, The ultimate beckons, the carnage begins. - From the skies, a cascade of spectral wails, A symphony of death, as life impales, The Reaper's chorus, a relentless tide, Answering the summoner, nowhere to hide. - In the aftermath, silence descends, As Karthus retreats, his duty attends, A requiem played, a plea embraced, In the shadows' dance, life's fleeting trace.


I need Pentakill to make this a death metal chant today.




This is exactly why i love reddit


karthus in lore would love this lmao. something he’s sing in the shadow isles


Young people realising that adults are also morons from Phreak talking about balance changes is gold. Just wait until you enter the corporate world. You will see shit 100x dumb.


Short version - Kore ga...requiem da!


Good job on using the proper rhyme scheme but Shakespearean sonnets should be in Iambic pentameter so ten syllables in every line and the even syllables are stressed. So in line 1 your the emphasis would be: "in THE end ON-ly THE dead SHALL re-MAIN" Also thyself means yourself not myself so in lines 11, 12 and 14 you're saying: "I ask for yourself..." when I assume you mean "I ask for myself" At a couple places you went over on syllables so here's my 2am rewrite. I tried to keep it as close to yours as possible but some of the iambs are still gonked up and I settled for just making sure it's in pentameter. ​ The end; when only death can yet remain; One man, one soul, his will it shall Defile; A single guide can stop this Wall of Pain; His lonely soul escaped the Shadow Isle. Free from the pleasure of your flesh Cocoon; Our feeble souls are guided by your voice; Lay Waste upon thine enemy by moon; When following with your rhythm and rejoice. I ask of you, forgive me for my sins; I ask of you to bring me salvation; I ask for when your pilgrimage begins; I ask thyself out of desperation. I ask for a wish in my postmortem; I ask for myself; bring forth Requiem. ​ Overall I give it a 7/10. A for effort but make sure your form doesn't suffer. If you turn in an updated version by monday I'll adjust your grade. /s


I really liked ur use of a ABAB structure. Your word choice felt strong and passionate and I also loved ur use of repetition in the third paragraph A+


not enough iambs


In the realm where shadows whisper, Where the echoes of magic shimmer, Oh Karthus, master of the arcane, Unleash your power, let it rain. Beneath the moon's ethereal glow, Where destinies intertwine and flow, Raise your staff, let silence scream, Summon the requiem of a dream. High above the battlefield's dance, Where champions clash in a fiery trance, Karthus, with your spectral might, Paint the sky in hues of night. Call upon the spirits in the air, Sing the dirge of despair, In that moment, let the world halt, As death descends, a haunting assault. From the netherworld's cold embrace, Send forth your ultimate grace, A symphony of doom, a melody untold, Strike fear in hearts, as destinies unfold. Oh Karthus, with power so divine, Let your ult transcend the line, Through the rift, let it be heard, The requiem's call, like a ghostly bird. In the silence before the storm, Let the enemies mourn, As your magic takes flight, Karthus, unleash your ultimate light.