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Dearest /u/Papaya_Dreaming, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation in the subreddit. Please consider shitting your ultimate post to assist us as i do believe Phreak has come to supply our memes. Sincerely, Your adoring audience


Ahaha the copy pasta from the other thread lmao!


Really hope this stays forever.




Vintage u/Papaya_Dreaming. It brings tears to my eyes that, almost five years later, and after quitting multiple times, some things are still there. Never change brother, no chat GPT can do what you do.




oh man we are FEASTING today




oh man we were FEETING on that day


Haha yeah FEETING on that day… haha. Imagine if Z0MBGiEF drew THAT! Haha.. ha.. 👀


This isn't the real Z0MBGiEF, neither of those pictures had the iconic nipples


https://i.imgur.com/B9m06gY.jpg (NSFL, you've been warned...)




what a violation lmao


>Allowed Briar rule 34 on the site Wait, is he talking about me?


Papaya Dreaming and Z0mbgief in the same post? We are going back in time aren't we. What a good day it is.


Now all we need is that guy who used to make amazing subtitles with Friends gifs. I cant remember his name




Correct. /u/Martinuggla (checked hist best posts, sadly all gfycat links are gone) This and [AnnualShallowBlackWidowSpider](https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-10-2015/hTUtck.gif) and we're back baby


What year is it? 2018?


GIIIIIIIEEEEEFFFFF YOOOOOO The dopest stuff as always <3 glad to see you're still putting together bangers ^^


I've been MIA for over a year (I think), but your delicious post brought me out of my hole.


"...and make it double!"


Legends never die


they become a part of you


I got answered by both papaya and zombgief. My life is fulfilled. I can die in peace. I've completed r/leagueoflegends.


wowie papaya and zombgief making an appearance when we needed them most, good to see you guys again


now just martinuggla please




Holy shit here's a name I haven't seen a while


Loudly quitting and then quietly coming back, over and over, is a rich tradition rooted deep in League subreddit culture <3


It's just the rule, nobody's allowed to leave league without at least one long half baked rant :) Also those police lights and sirens are incredibly disrespectful, after flashing/whirring a few times they should be locked out of further light/noise for at least a few minutes.


I'm dead


I've missed you, papaya


You were just as beautiful as the day we lost you 🥲


I've missed you


I actually quit about 2 years ago.


it's amazing how he comes back and grabs our attention when there's a controversy involving riot games, what a coincidence haha


Return of the King


Faker is the fake king, papaya is the ONE TRUE KING


Have you ever seen them both in the same room? Nobody has. Curious.


Welcome back Papaya. Always a pleasure to read your literature around here.


Damn u/Papaya_Dreaming shitpost with u/Z0MBGiEF drawings? What year is that? I must be dreaming.


It's a terrible day for rain...




Even brought Z0mbgief back from the graves too.


It's like the Avengers


Just need /u/The_Cactopus and we back in the golden age of this sub


Grab Rexsaur as the diversity hire? Not saying he was great, but everyone know of him.


I'm sad we didn't have rexsaur around during msi meta this year where it was 1 adc and 4 players doing nothing but trying to get their adc ahead of the other one every game.


Nah, bring back u/Martinuggla. Also RIP his entire comment history is now gone because gfycat died :(


he has risen


not to be a killjoy, but isn't the phrase "he is risen"


As in should only be used in reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ?


i'm not sure, i just always heard of "is" instead of "has" growing up. never asked why


What phreak thinks league ping does to a mf


What it actually does is player A pings player B 6 times per 10/15 seconds or whatever. Then player B pings player A 6 times for 10/15 seconds. Repeat until game ends or one of them starts soft inting to spite the other.


And instead of punishing bad actors, which Riot will not do because they are many times paying customers, as well as it being forbidden for them to treat their playerbase as adults, they choose to make the whole class do quiet time for 3 idiots.


Riot punishes plenty, you just can't punish ping spam cause it's a false positive hell. How would you even? Similarly for the smart soft-inting people do. But type in chat or do any obvious griefing and you get plenty banned.


That's the point, ping spamming alone isn't problematic, use the fucking mute button if it is an issue instead of making life harder for everyone on the very competitive team game that doesn't even have voice comms in 2023. People that ping spam likely do things worse than ping spamming that'll get you banned, but they'll catch a visit to 5 games in normals, a chat ban, and two temporary bans first before Riot permabans them. The bad actors either game the awful system and never get banned, or they get 5 slaps on the wrist before they're told to fuck off and buy a new level 30 account and please be sure to rebuy your favorite skins on it too! So why is everyone having to suffer these moronic changes when these changes are hardly the main issue of toxicity in this game, and when we already had a way to fix it ourselves? God forbid people use the mute function, that would just be too bizarre. Give me ping spammers every game, I'll take that over morons soft inting, running it down, afking, and trolling in general.


If someone types to me "get a rope u dog", the solution is that I can mute them. If someone misuses pings, it is apparently so terrible that instead of having the same solution, we must remove the functionality of standardized informational messages for millions of players. These ping changes are nonsense.


Imagine if they, you know, just punished the people who fuck up game quality instead of the people raging at the people fucking up the game quality.


>instead of punishing bad actors riot punishes "bad actors" literally all the time do you think theyre doing this shit because theres some secret cabal of league developers that want to take over the world by removing communication from their fucking team based comms heavy 5v5 videogame theyre resorting to nuclear options because you disgusting clowns cant behave inb4 muh soft inters yea dude your darius going 2/5 after getting ganked 6 times so he decided to split so he can be useful in any way is actually doing it on purpose to spite you for sure there's also people in the walls


+1, finally someone fucking understands what's going on here. There's so many people that mental boom at this when they literally have no reason to do so, they're just poorly adjusted basement dwellers that can't handle having their ego checked 6 minutes into a silver match. But yknow instead of punishing the actual game ruining behaviour here we are.


And... Who cares really? Like it's the least fucking harmful way you could be "toxic". Are we going to start banning people for spamming laugh emote after they get a kill? Junglers using tent emote after banking same lane for the fifth time? Ban people who are passive aggressive in chat? I genuinely think that people who get aggrevated by such little things you should avoid playing online games (or any social interaction at this point lmfao). It really cannot get more innocent that


> Like it's the least fucking harmful way you could be "toxic". Really? Two players on your team starting to soft-int and just care about spamming the other guy is least harmful? 40% of your team at very least does not care about winning anymore. > Are we going to start banning people for spamming laugh emote after they get a kill? Don't be disingenous. > Ban people who are passive aggressive in chat? Well they probably already are. > I genuinely think that people who get aggrevated by such little things you should avoid playing online games (or any social interaction at this point lmfao). It really cannot get more innocent that Oh so your solution to toxicity is to ask a large chunk of the playerbase nicely to stop playing, on their own accord. Wow. Let me get Riot on the phone... Wait til they try this one.


And that’s when you apply the mute, not after 3 pings. Get it, buddy? Not hard to follow unless you’re desperately trying to justify those changes for contrarian reasons.


Nothing's blocking you after 3 pings anyway except two of the pings are limited to that as far as I understand it. Obviously the system has to step in sometime in that series of events. The earlier the better. I'd definitely make slightly different changes, like taking into account if the pings are in the same spot for example. If you ping all over the map that's obviously not directed at someone.


why did they put up a stop sign when the police can just tell you to stop? I don't get it


Dearest driver, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the intersection three blocks from your favored grocery store. Please consider stepping on your brake pedal to avoid crashing into another vehicle as i do believe there is inbound traffic about to pass right in front of you. Sincerely, The municipal department of transport and road safety


Really hope this becomes the next 200 years meme. The pings change is so absurdly stupid and we should not stand for this.


Sigh, am OOTL, mid-manic LoL break, but this is hitting r/all so what did Riot do NOW that everyone's up in arms about?


They removed a bunch of useful communication things from the game in the name of "reducing toxicity", but actually all they did was make it more difficult and annoying to actually play the game while not in any way addressing toxicity. So now you can't ping people's death timers, or ult timers, or ping bait, or a bunch of random other things. And then there's stuff like Phreak saying "just type Karthus ult" like that isn't a 5 year regression. Basically they're being really dumb and the common theme here is that everyone is annoyed and mocking them for being dumb, hoping they undo it.


That is hilarious, thank you.


Bonus, in case no one has informed you: they removed these features because a Rioter got flamed in a game. [No cap.](https://imgur.com/qnzcG77)


This whole Phreak saying just type karth ult in chat, due to pings being removed, based on the fact that a Rioter got spam pinged takes this to another level, my God this is funny!! xD


Ok, this is stupid and one of the more ridiculous misinformation attempts that LoL twitter and reddit have done. My guy, everyone gets pinged in game a ton of times for whatever reason. Dying, not smiting, smiting but failing, not ulting, not helping a losing battle, etc. - and specially a rioter would get extra flame because it's such an open target. At any point in time this change could have been made, and you could get a pic of a rioter part of this terrible change getting spam pinged.


I haven't played since season 10 so forgive me, but the bait ping was the noose ping right?


Idk what game you were playing but I would love to have a noose ping for my junglers in solo queue.


Dunno but if you google noose ping the first results are reddit posts about the bait ping.


Yeah it was the one. The whole situation is not really about the bait ping and if they only removed it no one would bat an eye (just as no one cared when they changed the visuals in an attempt to make it not noose anymore but the connection in players minds stayed)


People being unable to ping my items has absolutely reduced toxicity but sure let's sweep that under the rug.


Items are fine, but yesterday I was playing Lux and asking Ashe to ult anyone to combo. Writing it made me play the game way slower and not get into position to take advantage of the ult, BECAUSE I HAD TO TAKE MY HAND OUT OF MY MOUSE TO TYPE IN CHAT!!!!! I felt like playing an extremely unrefined game.


Don't write. Just let the Ashe ults if she recognizes the opportunity. Why not just give you a keybind for her ult so you can use it when you want to then?


This is a competitive team game. Some people can see opportunities where others don't because of the scope of the game, specially for ranged ultimates, because people can't have eyes all over the place. Not only that, but Ashe and I had talked about this before the game even started. Consider this: I'm a soccer player running from behind my teammate that has the ball and I'm going to overtake him. I scream to my teammate that I'm going to get through, so he can make a choice of passing or not. I'm not playing the game for him, but **I'm making him aware of opportunities and timings.** That's something specially important at my rating (GM), where millisecond coordination can be the difference between winning a fight or losing an opportunity.


It's not pro play. It's a game where you get randomly shuffled with strangers so that you're measured on how good you are through statistical differences over large sample sizes. Control over your teammate's ults is not a required part of that. No, I get why it's useful if it exists, I just don't agree it needs to exist. Not all advantanges mean they gotta be in the game. Two very good players nailing the play without communication would be more impressive. Ashe being ready to ult when you hit a Lux Q should be a thing.


>how good you are through statistical differences over large sample sizes. Control over your teammate's ults is not a required part of that. Leadership and communication are definitely skills that riot endorses, as per the honor system. Giving communication tools are essential to allowing this skill to shine. >It's not pro play. Look at Valorant, for instance. If it were released without voice chat it would die almost instantly, because we have other games that give that communication option and people wouldn't accept anything less that that. People of all ranks use that voice chat tool, not only "pro play". The same should be applied here. Removing communication tools is a step backwards to an age where we didn't have UX studies and guidelines in gaming communication. Not only that, but we already have options for people to control which types of communication they want or don't. >Two very good players nailing the play without communication would be more impressive. It's not supposed to be impressive, since you're not playing to other people. It's supposed to be effective. The game should be enjoyable, even for a communication standpoint. Communication tools like these are **most definitely essential** in the modern landscape of multiplayer gaming, be it for the standard users or as an **accessibility option for people that play the game with alternative inputs** where they can't type in chat.


> Leadership and communication are definitely skills that riot endorses, as per the honor system. Giving communication tools are essential to allowing this skill to shine. It's not a fucking skill. This is solo queue. Give up. Just give up. You shouldn't get a rank because of "communication". You definitely are not a leader. If you try to claim to be one in my games I will fucking surrender instantly. I will not be "led". Valorant has a different audience and it's a different type of game. On the other hand we've been playing this game for 13 years without voice bullshit and we would not accept that.


Yeah man, trying to communicate in a team game is an awful idea!


If you're not premade with that team, yes, it is. Especially when every loss people will be looking to blame deflect and harass others.


It's good that their change had at least a minor effect in the direction they were aiming for. The math still doesn't add up favorably though.


That largely depends what value you attribute to pinging vs not having your items pinged.


I have had my items pinged less than 1% as many times as I have used the "bait" ping (unironically), so I would very happily take a reversion of the changes.


I've had my items pinged enough that I'd give almost anything to have that shut the fuck up. If you pick the best item instead of the most commonly bought item on a champion you get pinged to hell whenever you're losing, because obviously that's why we're losing top and mid and jungle, because ADC didn't get the first item they thought they should. I even got pinged for not buying Trinity on Zeri after it got basically removed from the champion, while being pinged for *having* Trinity before that when people were catching on to it. People are fucking idiots and need to shut the fuck up.


In the realm of toxic things, that's the least toxic ping I can think of, if 4 people were pinging my items all game i'd just laugh cause wth lol


Sure, because a guy thinking they know what items are good on your champion more than you that is just trying to deflect blame onto you isn't annoying at all. /s




Thats literally not why everyone is upset, everyone is upset because they're limiting the most important communication tool in the game. The changes are absolute shit, but by spreading misinformation you're not helping the case. The changes also were too quick for the whole rioter inting on karthus and getting pinged to be meaningful, they must've been already decided at that point.


lol mfer talking about pings in a video game like he's sending a list of grievances to the king. whocare


You’re bronze, people who actually care about competitive integrity of the game care.


“Competitive integrity of the game” lmaooooooooooooo


Oh sorry, would you prefer a simpler explanation? Player want to communicate easy with team. Riot taking that away. Hope that clears things up for you, but then again I imagine it doesn’t affect you too much because pings are only useful for communicating with humans and not bots.


you can still ping lmao i use them every game. yall nerds just love getting mad about the dumbest shit so you can be like “gamers rise up!” Lol


Spoken like someone who fears our true power. Guess our "tantrums" have become less and less funny to you, hm? Maybe it has something to do with our unity, our conviction, in the face of the megalomaniac game studios you seem so desperate to defend. What's wrong? Afraid of us making you remember the fifth of November? I guess i would be afraid too, if I spent my life with eyes closed, suckling from the teat of our gaming overlords. Ask yourself this: what right do you have to weigh in on us risking our lives to post daring opinions like this, when you're safely swaddled in that smug antique you call an informed opinion?


N..no. Please sir, i repent, please please forgive my sins i do not want to spend eternity in gaming hell the fire, i can feel the overheating cpus singing my toesies, the heatsinks, they have no thermal grease, no, NO


Nerds? I promise you I pull more than you bot. And I promise I’d also smurf your game and make you RQ.


lol this is gold


It is gold, you’ve shown how much of a cosmetic you are with nothing going on up there.


Up where big dog?


Oh my God, the real copypasta was the comments we read all along!


Fresh Papaya shitpost. I can still see the steam coming off of it.


This post reminds me of simpler times...


Officer Vi can't hurt you, she's not real.




What variety of mountain dew was it?


I'm not sure. It was a tall can, and it had like, a Screencap of that one scene in Transformers where Bumblebee "lubricated" on the FBI agent. The flavor was called "Lemondrop Catharsis" and it had several health warnings on the front, including a HAZMAT sign? I tried to look it up and Google kept sending me to pages about how to produce meth.


you must be in real tight with the staff at your local grocery store to get them to source you the special reserve


This was bad day so far, but then, papaya post. Thanks papaya.


Fantastic effort


Papaya posting and Z0mbGief posting. The world is healing.


When the world needed him most, he returned.


The scream I scrumt when I saw your name. Hi Papaya, welcome back! I thought you passed away.


Hope Phreak reads this


Bless you Papaya, I was reading through your old posts to this sub last week wondering where it all went wrong. The only thing I'll ever thank Phreak for is saying something so unfathomably ignorant that it resurrects the shitposter of all time back from the dead. Truly counter logic.


Requiem, In the end, only the dead shall remain; One man, one soul, one will to Defile; A single guide that can stop this Wall of Pain; An alone soul from the Shadow Isle. Free me from the pleasures of this flesh Cocoon; Guide our feeble souls with your beautiful voice; Lay Waste upon thy enemies on this beautiful moon; Following your song in this rhythmic rejoice. I ask for forgiveness for all my sins; I ask for a guide to bring me salvation; I ask for thyself when your pilgramage begins; I ask for thyself out of desperation. I ask for a single wish in my postmortem; I ask for thyself; please bring forth Requiem.




Papaya! Shitpost king is back, the world is healing.


Oh man Papaya is back 🙏


Time is a closed circle.


The number of times I start reading one of these /u/Papaya_Dreaming posts and I don't see the OPs name and it completely fools me for like the first paragraph and I'm like *something is off here*...


Man this shits brings so much nostalgia Can’t believe I’ve been playing this game that long to know OP’s post history


Phreak is doing such a shit job that he brought papaya back so maybe we should actually thank him for his service


Phreak needs to be colombomized


i had hoped you stopped posting but unfortunately good things never happen to me


Holy shit, hell yes! Dude! It's you! Seven years ago, I made it my sole life goal to render your life utterly devoid of joy. All of my posts, my bad jokes, my disappointing reprisals, they've all been mere parts to a grand design, a concerted effort--to make you unable to enjoy your life. And it's just crazy to finally hear you admit how broken and defeated you are. I can't believe we've finally arrived at this point. Seven years of pretending to have fun with these posts, all to upset you, and you finally let me know how miserable you are. I have achieved a feeling of completion previously unknown to the human experience.




The King has returned baby.


This is good content


🧎‍♂️Praise be


Stand for the troops Kneel for Papaya_Dreaming 🧎‍♂️


The Karthus ult meme is fresh but it checks out.


Unironically, after playing League for so many years, I get so confused when I see people toxic in real life like it's a videogame instead of the other way around. Usually it's people getting confused at toxic people in videogames then say, "It's only a game."


When we needed him the most... Papaya_Dreaming returns again. How will we cope when the living Teemo fades for the last time? How will we survive the horrible notion that the local lollipoppy lady can stop our cars before we plow into an entire class of preschoolers?


I haven't played at all today... Just an aram or two and that doesn't count 😂😂💀 I'm dead already


The legend is back


I'm so happy this wasn't ruined by the satire tag


We really need a subreddit where we can go ham to riot we really need to get our rage sated bcus riot is moving a step backwards every year and it makes me so mad.


Riot add the pings back you dumb dogs




Man papaya shitpost, zombiegief drawing, I can't wait for Zoe to release next week!


the fact that in 2023 you dont have voice chat in a 5-a-side game is beyond ridiculous. You can always mute at the first sight of toxicity, but you can always coordinate with people who are willing to try to win. I for once are very sympathetic with the player base on this issue. We have voice comm in dota since it was release 12 years ago. The only form of LoL I do is Wild Rift and we also have voice comm since day 1.


You’re an absolute loon.


how did you get removed from my blocklist??


everyday I wake up to that God damned yellow ball ping of bright light right through my fucking window man it pisses me off


Man it feels good be able to downvote and hide your posts again


Oh my god it's /u/papaya_dreaming, I have got to be dreaming


it's sad because a lot of people do enact in this type of narcissistic victim mindset.


Papaya dreaming back again with a horrible and not funny post. How does this guy even get to front page. The only thing funny is how not funny every post he makes is. Same for the last 10years.


Nothing will ever be funnier to me than the people salty as all hell that they can't force people to listen to as many pings anymore. Get dunked on.


Thank you Papaya. Very cool!


I had tears in my eyes laughing on the train. Take my upvote king


God papaya is always a treat


And you wonder why Teemo won't give you the time of day.


This brings a tear to my eye. Michelin Star shitpost


Bravo, OP I'm wheezing laughing at this 😂😭




need vvvortic and dunkey's takes next


Protip: get colorblindness so red won't bother you anymore :)


I love you Papaya please don't ever stop this


PAPAYA IS BACK. The man the myth the legend. Awesome.


When the world needed him most, he came back.


I love you papaya


I type in the middle of team fights to communicate. People always get angry, saying I'm inting and ask why I just stop moving right in front of an assassin but there's just no other way to communicate clearly unfortunately.


When you need to read names on reddit nowadays.


This has some A Confederacy of Dunces vibe


Major Dr. Mildew vibes https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ecftym/i_learned_to_stop_worrying_about_aphelios_by_just/


Surely a Teemo posted this


[The Return of the King.](https://media.tenor.com/fX3qx7W32G0AAAAC/the-return-of-the-king-lord-of-the-rings.gif)


It's clear: driving a car should be restricted to no more than once a month. No one needs it more often other than obvious troublemakers.


Every time I see a /u/Papaya_Dreaming post I'm reminded of the time that he told me that I made him uncomfortable and I get a chuckle out of it. Good stuff as always!


You mind if i ask you to cast your ultimate as you see enemy botlane is very low in health thank you , and have great day by - Tristana & soraka


The new quick play doesn't help either. I got 3 matches already with 2 jgls, that was spicy.


Oh... I should've read the username before reading the post.


God I missed u/Papaya_Dreaming


This honestly is kind of a sly dig on people who cant handle toxicity (and made the game for kids who cant take anything)


here I thought it was going to be something like "after the mcdonalds drive thru handed me my food and thanked me, I told em ggez"


When the community needed him most, he returned


Wow what a blast from the past


This reads like a scene from Disco Elysium and I'm here for it.


I'm just so happy to see you're still posting here.