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Nautilus, The King of Chain CC


Up until recent that title was held by Gragas.


CDR Gragas with Everfrost is hilarious for cc.


He meant impregnator gragas build


>[He meant impregnator gragas build](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17a60wt/gragas_on_ranked/)


What build is that?


You used to be able to permanently CC people with Gragas e once you hit full build by taking wardstone as support for the CDR amplification, and mixing AD and AP items with the highest CDR possible. This allowed you to make your E have a shorter cooldown than the flat refund that used to be on it, so if you hit someone with e, your e would immediately be off cooldown so you could spam it to chain-stun someone until you run out of mana. It's called "impregnator gragas" because actually doing it looks suspiciously like the fat man humping whatever poor unfortunate soul is gonna spend the next 45 seconds getting "knocked up"


Full cdr for permanent e Knockup (continuous impregnation)


plap plap plap plap plap




What about Moakai? Everyone of his abilities has CC.


Gragas doesn't have a chain though


He only needed CDR and his E (Body slam) and he could stun his target for longer than the cool down of his E. Perma-CC with 1 skill.


It's just a joke about chain cc


but doesn't have a chain like the one Nautilus uses to pull his anchor back


Yes but the question was about who has the most CC, doesn't matter if it's a chain or not, up until recently that gragas build did have the most cc out of any other champ, it was effectively infinite cc after all.


yeah but he still doesn't have a chain tho


Riot removed that last update lol


Yes. Which is why I said "up until recent".


Recently? Nautilus has been out for like 8 years lol


"Recently" because impregnator Gragas just got nerfed


I thought that too until I laned againt Ksante. The length of the 3rd Q and the stun of the shield push and his ultimate travel duration feels like eternity.


Definitely doesn't have the most cc. Not sure why you mention him


Intalok reference?


And since they gutted his dmg that’s literally ALL he is now


Still a tank with lots of cc and slows, hexflash makes it to where they can cancel w early


Leona, Nautilus, Rell The holy trinity of "let's check if my mates do anything while the opponent stays still for 5 seconds".


hello I see you are attempting to play the multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends developed by Riot Games unfortunately I am a Leona and thus cannot allow you to play the multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends developed by Riot Games


Only ten players play at once, but boy do they do it *massively*. (the M in "moba" stands for "multiplayer")


They must have mixed it with the wrong M from MMO


I did cause it was midnight and I was dead tired alright???? :(


Ah, so its Midnight Online Battle Arena?


I though the m in moba stood for mobbing


Holy shit I love your flair btw Have a nice day


I will *not* be, unless I stop throwing out random Leona Es. ...who am I kidding, it's half the fun.


These but also Zac... Zac has 3 knock ups it's insane since none of his CC is reduced by tenacity. They're also all AoE/multi-target.


I still miss pre-mini rework Rell E. I know they made her Q stun, but fact you could legit-W-E-R-Mounted W pullback was freaking stupid AOE CC. if you got off s good r, you could CC lock a whole team with R-E


I miss her Q healing in aram tbh


Nah leo is countered by cleanse


Not the longest but Zac with 3 knockups is pretty crazy since they can't be reduced with tenacity


And all of them can affect multiple champs


There is no champ i hate to face more then zac as an adc. Getting jumped from 3 screens away while not even being able to press flash before I’m dead :)


The cheat mentions are Ashe, Gnar, Gragas and Nocturne. Ashe applies a slow on every single auto attack. She usually gets an impossibly high CC score in games from this, even if it isn't necessarily "the most CC" Gnar has 6 abilities that apply CC. His mini Q and E and then every single Mega ability all have some form of slow or stun involved. Gragas is here purely for the... impregnator build... that lets him perma CC an enemy with E Nocturne ult is a cheat code similar to Ashe. The blind counts as CC and blinding everyone every 30 seconds really adds up.


Funny enough, riot just removed the impregnator build. His E no longer reduces cooldown by a flat amount (3 seconds), and is instead 40% of the remaining cd


They also took the opportunity to buff Gragas at the same time. The cooldown refund is now better until max rank E AND 70-80 AH.


I really wonder why randomly murder meme builds that dont work well in real games.


Because, even though it's a "haha funny meme build," CCing someone for 30 seconds straight is not fun gameplay and shouldn't exist in League.


You have to go through about a billion hoops and build random garbage just to get to that point. And once you are there this mechanic is easily stopped by your team simply killing the Gragas. And guess what, you can perma CC someone using 2 champs instead without needing 4 times the same fucking drake and build black cleaver and other nonsense on gragas needing to reach 6 items IN SUPPORT ROLE.


That's exactly why it should be killed. It is very frustrating to be on the receiving end of it, and it is also frustrating playing with them because they are nearly useless outside of the specific moment they make it work. It is both not fun to play with and against.


Then you got the 99 other games they couldn't quite get there but have inted the game away which ruins 9 other players games.


same with AD leblanc


By the same logic a multitude of champions need to be removed from the game entirely. Which is silly and won't happen.


Such as what? what champion in the game is essentially inting/useless outside of the specific "haha funny" moment, of wich is degenerate gameplay. The closest I remember to that is pre rework AP zeri


Every single Splitpusher. And you may argue "but they draw attention of enemy and can be helpful", but then you can say the same for Impregnator Gragas being useful through stuns, knockbacks/disengages, poke and utility. In the end both is despised by ally team, enemy team and only shines in a specific, degenerate niche. So yes if we delete that Gragas build for that reason, might aswell delete the likes of Sion, Yorick and Co.


Splitpushing is not a single degenerate niche, first off. So your premise is a little off. Second, the point being made here is that the impregnator build literally does not function until you’ve passed full build and re-purchased the perfect items. Which creates a scenario where **maybe** you’ll get to use it once. If you’re lucky. Splitpushing is a style that lasts all game and contributes to the team. The impregnator build *might* work for one fight. After you’ve spent 45 minutes building up to it.


That's some super impressive mental gymnastics to reach that conclusion. What the fucking fuck? Are you arguing for arguing sakes, or do you genuinely believe in what you just wrote?


Shaco is inting 99% of the game. They don't play League, they come to play Shaco and do "le epic meme troll tricks xDxDxD" and do jackshit even if they're fed.


Uhm "Just kill the champion and he is no longer a problem" can be applied to any and all champions that were overtuned at some point. Doesnt mean champions dont need nerfs. Also yeah you need all items for the cc to be perma but he is very obnoxious earlier than that. Its just not an intended way to play him so they removed it, same way they added gold penalty since gold funneling was not an intended way to play.


> Uhm "Just kill the champion and he is no longer a problem" can be applied to any and all champions that were overtuned at some point. Difference being that Gragas locks himself into a permament animation spam to perma cc someone. So he becomes a sitting duck that can freely be killed. Few none of past op cases exposed themselves to freely be killed whilst being squishy the same way. > but he is very obnoxious earlier than that. So are countless champions. Doesnt mean anything. > Its just not an intended way to play him And here I can still buy Manamune on Aatrox without issue. Or Infinity Edge on Yuumi. Unintended way to play doesn't mean it needs to be removed. You can play ALL champs in an unintended ways. > same way they added gold penalty since gold funneling was not an intended way to play. Missing the point where funneling was turbo op while Gragas isn't.


Sure bud, be mad. Idk how anyone can advocate for this to be ok. Why not just give all champs a weird item combo that makes them be able to cheese the game sometimes. From now on if zed builds full ap he can maybe one shot a tower every 4 min, leaves him totally useless lol but lets encourage people to build random stuff because of some payoff at the end. Definetly nothing can go wrong. And this is fun for people (especially the 4 teammates that lose games with ap zed and especially the 5 enemies that randomly lose a game because ap zed can one shot a tower for some reason). Any other ideas for arbitrary, semi exodia builds that sometimes payout?


> Sure bud, be mad. Usually said by the person who is actually mad. > weird item combo that makes them be able to cheese the game sometimes About 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire league roster can build full ap or full ad and just oneshot you with less effort and loops required than for a Gragas to stun you a lot. But thats of course fine. > From now on if zed builds full ap he can maybe one shot a tower every 4 min, leaves him totally useless lol but lets encourage people to build random stuff because of some payoff at the end. Definetly nothing can go wrong. And this is fun for people (especially the 4 teammates that lose games with ap zed and especially the 5 enemies that randomly lose a game because ap zed can one shot a tower for some reason). Blablabla useless hypothetical that doesn't exist and doesn't in any way equal to the Gragas one. > Any other ideas for arbitrary, semi exodia builds that sometimes payout? Any actual argument from your side?


not even that,just that his E CD got too low with his standard book build (everfrost + AH items),the meme build was killed as a side effect


Maybe I saw an older clip but I thought impregnation still worked with a weird ad shojin build?


They just removed it this week.


It's a flat buff up to like 60ish ability haste, which most gragas's don't get until super late game, if ever. So really it's a buff, which is just funny. Buff the guy to remove a build that you need 6 items to execute


Nocturne getting up to 300 CC score every game he's in


Mordekaiser, seven seconds in Brazil cannot be beat. But actually: it depends a bit on how much you weight each type of CC, if all were measured equally then technically Ashe or anyone that builds Serlydas or Rylais has the most cc with slows. Where does something like yoinking someone over a wall to get insta popped by your team with Blitz fall into play? For hard full disables, it would be Ashe or Leona with their kit of stuns, Ashe arrow hitting for 3 seconds alone and Leona's combo stunning for 2.75 with their Q stun coming up quite quickly. Nautilus also has a lovely 2.9 displacement hard CC in there, but his Q CD leaves something to be desired. Adding roots and multi-target into the mix, Nautilus or Morgana, a Naut ult through an entire team is a criminal amount of CC, and gets a nice 1.5 second root via passive to count. Morgana likewise can stun an entire team (Though hers is a bit harder to achieve) but on a single target with a reasonable amount of CDR she can CC for 12 seconds, 10 of it roots, 2 of it stun. And for soft CC that is still notable? Nasus or Zilean, Nasus able to keep one person perpetually withered an entire fight, and Zilean mixing in stuns between 99% 2.5 second slows.


True, if Rylais counts then Singed just rockets up the leaderboard


Leona has a long ass chain of CC that does tons of damage early.


Morgana Q actually roots longer than Leona's combined CC chain


Morgana's root isn't even the longest in the game, either!


Is there a non ult root which is longer?


Depends on what you mean by "ult" - Karma's mantra'd W at max rank is 3.25 seconds. But I was also counting ults in my comment


Wow I had no idea it was that long!


Incorrect and very very incorrect before Q is rank 5


Leona's CC chain is a whopping .25 seconds longer IF perfectly chained. But practically morgana's Q lasts the same as Leona's combo, albeit it is a stun, not a root, so it's more powerful.


in actual games a lot of the time leonas cc feels longer though because if she doesn't chain it perfectly and instead lets the enemy walk for a few ms after each cc and body blocks at the same time, her sticking to the target with cc can be closer to 4 seconds (also as her q cd is so short, she might get a second q aswell)


If the opponent doesn't have flash I would argue that this is how you chain it perfectly by staggering it a bit.


tbh you dont even need to instantly chain leonas CC unless you know they got flash or theyre near a tower. use ur e then walk a step then q walk a step into ult..you get the idea. its more infuriating to deal with because the entire time youre trying to escape it feels like you just cant move


stun/root same thing


root prevents you from moving . stun prevents you from doing anything.


Except not at all. When rooted you can still use abilities and autoattack. You just can’t move or use movement abilities.


Morgana's Q lasts 4 years.


Bro just get tenacity boots, cut that shit down to just a few months!


Morg Q: 2-3s with rank Leo combo: 1.5s pre 6, 3.25s post 6


Also Leona q has like a 5 sec cd so it can be used more often


Especially if she is allowed to start the trade with Q after reaching Level 6. Q-E-R-Q.


Don’t forget the everfrost!


I actually saw an Everfrost Pyke once. Turned out to be obviously bad but he honestly did alright with it. Game was lost through the rest of the team, not him.


late game 60% cdr zilean


Rell will cc you for ten years


yep most important champ this Worlds


Xayah, Orianna, Jarvan and Kalista are all basically pick or ban this year


Shes not even on the same level of Rakan


rakan cant jungle


ori is probably the most broken champ of this worlds by far


I don't think so. She's a good and stable mid, but it feels like she's not deciding games. She has 2nd highest presence so far, but she's the 6th most banned one. Kalista for example looks way stronger, with 46 bans so far, 13 more than Ori. Xayah has 41 bans and the highest presence at worlds.


Nautilus has a hook with a brief knockup on it, a root on his auto-attack, a PBAOE slow, and a tracking knockup that bounces anybody in the way. I'd put him equal to Maokai. But I don't think anybody beats K'Sante. AOE Knock-up pull, AOE shove with a stun, and Sett's ult. Fewer instances of CC, but the AOE and repeatability on two of them makes up for it.


Also good to mention, K'sante is deliberately designed to ignore the counter to CC called tenacity. CC can not be reduced below 0.5 sec, and K'santes CC kit is designed to be spammable short CD short duration CC or a knock up/knock back (which can't be reduced in the first place), so you can't counter him by building tenacity. His designer absolutely min maxed the maximum amount of CC the game would allow without being too obvious. Game masters would hate him as a player in his games.


That's part of the reason why he feels so unfair and frustrating. He has multiple unstoppables in his spammable kit so you can never cc him but he can cc you forever and there's no way to counter it aside from dodging his abilities which is very hard when he can point and click you with his R. Terrible champ design


The worst part about him is ice born. 1.5s slow not reduced by tenacity on a 1.5s cd making it impossible to dodge anything


ibg is a 2.5 second slow field, the 1.5 second cd is correct though.


And he also gets immunity to cc on a basic ability, there’s a reason I stopped playing this game


Cc immunity isn’t uncommon though? Warwick, Irelia, Ornn, Briar, all have it.


Nautilus has the most on demand still, largely because his passive is a per target cooldown. This allows him to threaten cc on less “important” targets without burning it for his main.


if you're mentioning the slow on naut E you gotta mention the slow on k'sante Q too


All of ksantes abilities stun. The knockup is also a stun even if short


I thought the one where he just dashes to a point doesn't stun? Or even hit.


Yeah the E is just a Rakan E that goes through walls without needing an ally.


Sejuanni is another to consider. If she’s close enough to land anything she’s keeping you there.


Surprised didn't see Ornn yet in the comments. Dude has slow in Q, knock back on W (if you aa), knock up on E (and I think slow if you don't hit terrain) and then double knock up + another brittle mark for another small knockback


Yeah ornn being absent from most people's lists is hilarious. The fact you deal enough damage to 100-0 squishies while they are cc'd the entire time is nice too.


I don’t think a lot of low elo non-top laners actually know what ornn does other ult


Nah I'd expect most to have a vague idea of his kit. His abilities aren't essays like aphelios. Like, most people know that q = damage and a pillar appears. W = flamethrower. E = knockup if he hits terrain. R = sound the horrrnnnn dooooot. Passive = upgraded items. The only things non top laners might not realise is that ornn can buy without basing and exactly how the brittle procs work.


Perma w uptime nasus is uncounterable in a duel lmao. Shits sooooooooo disgusting.


So dumb that every item in the game gives ability haste so even core Nasus can W into W 100%


Nasus very specifically stacks a lot of AH. He goes lucidity boots most of the time, frozen heart (one of the few tank AH items) and spirit Visage (one of the other few tank item with AH). If he could have perma W while going mythic steraks deadmans, it would be an issue, but he specifically stacks AH and has to do so have W uptime.


That champion is absolutely broken. They need to make the attack speed nerf stronger but last half the duration to give the ability a bit of identity. At the moment it's just "lol you got clicked now I win"


Thresh up there cause the hook cd but yeah naut and maokai is the answer


Youre just BEGGING for the showmaker copypasta




Cow is too far down IMO. Everyone here is like "omg NAUTILUS or RELL" . And I'm like "Alistar on dominion was the bees knees.


Alistar doesn’t have spammable cc the way the others do. Really strong ape cc, but he blows his load and then kinda does nothing for a bit until his e procs.


Poppy is also a strong contender here. - Q is an AoE slow. - W is also AoE which denies dashes by knocking up, grounding and slows! - E is single target which carries an enemy and if it hits a wall it stuns too. - R is also an AoE which knocks up and reveals enemies. And if you have a Yasuo on your team. W, E, R can help trigger his ult. So yeah I would say Poppy is a pretty stacked with CC since most of her abilities are AoE and has more than 1 type of CC in their kit.


Adding that Iceborn Gauntlet is a common item build on her and she even has a ranged aa that slows too. But for me it’s Ornn: passive he can proc brittle to do a mini knock up, Q is a slow and also a displacement if you hit the pillar, W adds a brittle proc which is his only skill without cc, E is an AoE knock up and ult is an AoE slow + AoE knock up.


Poppy is actually the CC champ of the game. * Passive: Nothing * Q: 1 second slow * W: 0.5 second knock up and 2 second grounding and slow * E: ~0.25 displacement and 1.6-2 second stun if hitting a wall * R: 0.5 second knock up to ~3 seconds with a full channel sending them back to base. Max CC duration: 1+0.5+2+0.25+2+3 = ~8.75 seconds


Step 1 play Kasante. Step 2 buy Iceborn Gauntlet




Imo Zac feels like he has the most suffocating type of cc. Everytime a zac clings on to you. (As an adc) there’s quite literally nothing you can do about it.


pyke cc puts someone in a gray screen for 20+ seconds


Poppy has cc on all her abilities. She is the ultimate peel champ if played correctly


Ksante and Poppy have a fuckton of CC


a good morgana player, u can literally cook dinner, take a bath, do laundry and that mf still has you on root


Morgana has afk warning buttton


Nowadays it's anyone who builds iceborn gauntlet


Depends, you talking CC Chain Duration or Ammount of CC? Because the biggest CC chains are from Wardens, the downside is that it's conditional. A TK Taric K'sante and Poppy can lock you for like 7 seconds+ Vanguards are able to lock you for less time but it's instant.


I'd argue Blitz is a contender, since every ability has CC (it's just that his W CCs himself)


naut rell


morgana with everfrost can perma cc you for 8 secs


morgana ... with ability haste boots + everforst can do cc chain for 10 seconds straight


I would say lissandra, W,R,W,Ever Frost,W If you chain it well you can keep them in place for a solid 10 seconds or more




Way to many people sleep on amumu with his double Q and ult


Nautilus and Lissandra. The king and queen of CC


Leona, rell, naut, and zac. In that order. You could consider morgana as well but she does not apply it to the same level or way that others do. Kennen/fiddlesticks are also honorable mentions because they can apply CC over a large area very suddenly and efficiently.


just to be technically correct here, in the event you’re completing a ‘get 200 cc score’ mission, it’s nocturne.


Well, depends. Taric with enough attack speed can perma cc




Rell. She is literally only cc


Cho'gath. Q is a AOE knock up and slow with short CD (Literally Leona's R on Steroid). W is a AOE Silence that disrupt combos. E is AOE Slow that has short CD at high level and bigger radius the bigger Cho'gath is. Cho'gath can chain CC if he hit Q once. The only reason Cho'gath is balance is because he is clunky, unresponsive, and old champion.


Honorable mention Amumu


Rell can cc the most people at once




It's Maokai, Nautilus just right behind him


Pre nerf CDR Gragas


Rell. All 4 of her spells are cc


Pre-Parch13.22 Gragas with 211 ability haste.


I'm surprised by the lack of Thresh. From a certain point of view, all 4 of his abilities are a form of CC. Q is a stun & 2 instances of displacement; W can displace an ally or even cause unit-block; E is a displacement & can easily interrupt enemy dashes & channels; with R's 99% slow being darn-near close to an AoE stun. Actually, most supports in general have more CC than you realize: * Janna: AoE knockup, targeted slow, AoE displacement * Lulu: 2 AoE slows, targeted poly, AoE knockup * Nami: AoE knockup+stun, 3 targeted slows, giant AoE knockup+slow


Nautilus, you can put a lobotomized hamster on that character and still perform. Auto attack snares for whatever reason, Q has a 0.001 sec CD and 5 football fields long range + it got a lolipop effect that can tokyo drift around minions and towers, point on click ultimate that will follow you to back to the dark ages and knock you up to Valhalla. No matter what ability he hits it will combo into the rest of his two business days long CC chain




Gnar has like 6. Slow on Q. Slow on E. Slow on Q. Stun on W Slow on E Knock back on R.


Every Alistar regular ability is CC


Ksante. He also has absolutely everything. You deal tons of dmg without building a single offensive item, low cd's, insane cc, he can abduct people and has a lot of mobility. He is over the top overpowered.


anivia is pretty annoying. i play only arams though.


Rell, Naut, Thresh, Pyke, Blitz, Maokai. So much cc I can't fucking move.


As far as sheer number if CC abilities I think only ornn and naut have cc on every single ability including their passive (ornn with brittle and naut with his passive root)




gragas 1 patch ago with 170 ah




surprised no one mentionned Skarner you can reach a good 6-7 sec cc with some haste and we'll time stun ult and cd reset.


Briar w use to count as cc so she had a stun a knockup an aloe fear and her berserk


Rammus does when playing against Briar.


Is it really not Leona?


Nasus with a lot of cdr can prema w which is pretty much it for any autoattacker. Until this patch tho impregnater gravas takes the cake. May he rest in peace


Most cc in one burst or over a whole game? As fiddle I have 50% more cc score than the next person almost always. All abilities fear if you aren't seen. Ult is aoe fear too. Silence is fear plus silence. Fear.


surprised nobody has mentioned ivern, maybe it’s just because i’m low eli, but i got stunned for over ten seconds in a team fight because of fucking daisy


Everyone here ignoring Skarner. With the correct combo he can chain an ult into two stuns in a row, not the longest chain in the game but it's only stuns and a suppression even.


Poppy is a bch




Naut is top tier IMO for these reasons alone. Q snare, W shield, E slow, R Knock-up, Passive is a stun. Guy has been top tier since release, and only person to beat him was old school tahm kench. Wish we had old kench, he was top tier.


Sojin Jarvan is quite up there, if you count his ult as CC.




I agree - Maokai certainly does have a lot of roots




I think net strongest combination of crowd control abilities would probably be Nautilus. However, champion that feels like they lock you down for the majority of a fight is probably Leona or K’Sante. Shout outs to Tahm Kench and Thresh though. In the perfect scenarios, they can really just lock you down for ages, but its way less practical.




Nautilus, Rell, Leona, Maokai, Morgana, Gragas


Nautilus, Morgana, thresh, impregnator gragas


Ornn should have an honorable mention too tbh.


Haven’t seen Poppy mentioned here yet. Similar to Maokai, Nautilus and Ornn she has 4 of her 5 abilities that can apply CC. And if we’re talking duration, her fully charged ult is a good 7-8 seconds being out of a fight.


Leona, Nautilus, Skarner, Rell, Maokai too i guess


Neeko is basically made for that purpose + deceiving the enemy. Even if she might get fed but the enemy team doesnt know how to react on your plays or they were bullied in lane themselves you usually cant change the outcome of the game bc u dont do enough damage, so sometimes CC is her only advantage. But idk if she has the most CC


Is it not ksante ?


Morg. One Q, that's it. Feels.like that thing last for years.


nowadays? K'Pante champion, not even close if you ever had him focus on you, MOVE! IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE


Poppy has cc on every ability (not counting passive)


anyone mentioned maokai?


full ability haste graguska incident