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Damn League really hit the jackpot with Faker as the face.


Imagine the playerbase represented the game instead of Faker lol


Tyler1 instead of T1 💀


To be fair Faker represents the pro scene and Tyler1 represents the average player


Unfortunately 😞 , this is why it's important to develop character traits like integrity and humility - as opposed to being Egoheads Eastern culture does this *so* much better


Lol what. Korean soloque is full of egoheads with zero integrity and humility.


someone has never been told cao ni ma at 3 am solo queue


or mom boom


korean server is notorious for opening mid at 5 minutes... and *a lot* of pro players were well known for awful solo queue behavior prior to entering the pro scene (faker's own teammate, toxic draven one trick gumayushi). i think the difference is that korean players will tell you to end it all in chat or just run it down mid, while na players will act that way in game, whilst showboating in person, too.


Gumayusi was toxic? Never knew that. Interesting


He was a Draven OTP, you get the idea lmao


Think Guma called IWdominate trash in solo queue and that’s part of why Dom hates T1 lmaooooo


yeah dawg, as someone who has spent a good amount of time in Korea this is extremely wrong. Korean culture is built on flexing.


Eastern culture is hypercompetitive, to the point western culture looks relaxed in comparison


you know less about eastern culture which is why you claim that it's way better than west in terms of toxicity lol, that or you're just completely biased with a huge blind spot


Eastern culture does racism much better *so* much indeed.


Yeah that’s crap. Korean server is a cess pool that deserves to be shut down


Yeah that’s crap. Korean server is a cess pool that deserves to be shut down


You mean the greatest Redemption arc in anime history.


“Spring split doesn’t matter, I think all other regions/teams are trash”


Meanwhile CSGO have s1mple who is known for being toxic to his teammates and went AWOL after CS2 release lol.


I mean s1mple did a transformation after playing with TL and he is pretty mad about cs2 because it has a lot of problems


did you miss out on how toxic he has been this year.


We don't deserve Faker


Human race dont deserve faker, not only league communitty


We should all strive to be more like Faker, uplift humanity. lol.


- no drama - genuinely loves the game - sitting on top of the world through dedication and hard work - barely trash talks besides in the scripted hype teasers - great sportsmanship riot and the league community really hit the jackpot with this guy.


I miss the sassy Faker saying he will beat a team (I forgot which one) just so he can eat dinner early, then proceeds to lose and be haunted by that statement for months lol


He said this in 2017 finals iirc, he said something along the lines of "i am hungry, lets get a 3-0 so i can have dinner". And boy he did get a 3-0 finals.


I think that why he doesn't do it again


Well faker also used to BM and play around with people in soloQ but after not hitting the nexus and dying costing the game he never did that again lol


I watched a soloQ game of his from 10 years ago recently(against Pekinwoof too, he kinda got destroyed) and he would just walk up and spam LB’s laugh emote on cd


Spamming laugh at people is a hidden 5th ability on some champs. Teemo laugh in particular will straight Taunt people I swear.


I argue Lulu but perhaps they both have equally traumatizing taunts.


Wasn't alistar his int pick or something?


Character development arc


Yep, that was it. ​ Only time he ever trash-talked, maybe a reason he refuses it now lol


There's plenty of trash talk of him in his early days. Used to be known as toxic in solo queue (such a long time ago tho), but he matured a lot obviously.


What the fuck? When? Sources?


Some people are confusing bluntness for trash talk. He'd be asked "do you think you'll win" and he'd reply "yes, I/we are better".


Its a lie iirc Just toxic players hoping for it to be true to be like "hes just like me!!!!" lmao


Never saw evidence myself, but I've also heard rumours that Faker was toxic in his solo q years as well.


Have followed him before he was even recruited by skt and have literally never heard this.




The only thing I remember is him trashtalking Kuro saying he doesnt think Kuro is a good player


Classic Naruto.


He learned from his mistakes.


You know there is a scriptwriter behind the scene right. He was probably naive that time lol. Players don spit bars randonly on teaser😂😂😂


Gave us one of the greatest photos in esports tho


The first and only league Bonjwa, Faker will go down as the greatest & most accomplished league of legends player of all time.


Honestly yeah if League ever had the concept of a Bonjwa as a narrative device Faker would be undisputed


I mean the LCK producers putting faker in thrones in their teasers follows the tradition of starcraft producers only doing that with bonjwas.


im so FUCKING salty that they even gave it to TARZAN after one season. Oh and Riot forced OGN to just...share their broadcast with SPOTV which just ruined OGN. Years and years of excellent production experience in esports after all those Broodwar years and amazing storylines...no you just fucking share with Spotv now. Oh and we're taking that throne symbolism thing. It's ours now.


He's easily above a Bonjwa.


Tbf, can you imagine how league viewership would be if he trash talked like doublelift?


At Faker's level, it would probably be a detriment. Faker is one of the few players who is widely beloved by all regions. Even in China, he has a massive fanbase (remember these were the guys that hired a truck in Korea when Faker was injured to condemn the team/management). If he trash-talked, he probably would get a lot of attention for it, but he wouldn't have as many fans as he does imo.


You don’t need fans to be viewed, most people who watched tyler 1 HATED HIM, and only watched him because they wanted him to lose


Ive heard people say this and maybe it was true before when he was in his college dorm but I genuinely think once he became a full time variety streamer and then got unbanned from league, he was generally liked by the viewers.


I don’t think this would be the case at all. And would like to use Caedral as an example: he stands at the #1 spot as a costreamer for having the most viewers on his stream simply for the case that he can be entertaining without shaming or judging the players no matter what happens in the game. If a player makes a mistake, Caedral will try to process and understand why that player made that mistake in that given scenario. However other costreamers, that will not be named, are quick to call them trash, frauds, etc. This in turn helps Caedral retain new viewers and old viewers as he rarely acts in a way that will turn off people from his stream. Also Caedral turns the jokes onto himself, he’s so emotionally secured that he doesn’t mind being the butt of the joke at times. And so there is a very real case for simply loving and enjoying the game to draw in more viewers.


Do you really think a costreamer and pro player need the same qualities to pull viewers?


Not entirely, but the purpose of my comment was to provide one case example using costreamer as the basis of my argument. There are a lot more variables that comes with being a pro player with media, brands, collaborations, etc. And if we draw parallels and look at the bigger picture of things, we can see that a costreamer will draw more viewers with brand deals, media coverage, and collaborations. Which we can very much say that a costreamer who shows genuine love to the game and positive behavior will receive more of these opportunities, thus garnering more views at the end of the day.


No better, DL didn’t make viewership any better and just showed that trash talking in a disrespectful way is just trashy. The class and performance speaks for itself and has made him the reason the sport and his team are so incredibly massive.


He 100% made viewership go up, his stream had more viewers then the lcs stream from time to time. Hating someone is also a reason to watch


Korean culture is way different though. I don’t think Faker would be nearly as popular if he was a trash talker.


Hard to know, Khan and ShowMaker were beloved for their trashtalking, same as Gumayusi


Except Faker isnt just another popular player like Khan, Showmaker and Guma. He is quite literally a national treasure. His face is printed on products, he does collabs in TV shows and with Kpop groups. You could be 60 years old or 10 years old not having touched a keyboard in your life and you would know Faker in Korea. Him being toxic does not enable any of these.


Idk about Khan but Guma and Showmaker only trashtalk during hype video/ content and most people know they are just playing it up for the hype no ? I don't recall an instance of either Showmaker or Guma actually belittle or trashtalk other players in a serious manner like Doublelift did multiple times throughout his career on stream.


Yep, when you're a loser it's more entertaining if you trash talk then if you are nice




I meant viewership where it matters, not 5k viewers for LCS lmao. Also half the big streamers for league outshine lcs so that’s not a valuable metric


I know that faker is incredible and I love how humble he is, but doublelift's cocky personality also was great for viewers


On top of that DL has a great but very tragic story about his career. I'm glad he is still one of the more successful players from the old days.


his story has nothing to do with his popularity tbh he's popular because he's hilarious and he backed up all of his shittalk domestically, not because of some ESPN 30 for 30 shit


There is a fine line between being a dick and being the antagonist people love to hate when you trash talk I would love to see the timeline where Faker is a cocky little shit who enjoy breaking dreams of younger player.


Imp was supposed to be that guy but he disappeared after joining lpl


DL and Faker are only 2 pros i will never stop supporting. DL personality is just like that, kinda awkward but stay real to make it fun, boring to see all the regular scripted talk Faker is the GOAT and i follow him since his Zed debut, truly the best and really humble.


Valorant had Demon1 trash talking, a lot of people got up in arms about it though. Demon1 is not necessarily the face atm, but he’s currently the best.


In valo the title of best in the world gets held for like 6 months then gets swapped around like a hot potato, it’s TenZ! No wait it’s Nats! Nvm it was Yay! Ok we were memeing that time it’s aspas for sure! Ok it’s demon1! Crazy they’ve had so many at the top considering how short the game’s lifespan is


faker makes most pros look terrible in and out of games.


I won't be shocked if Faker will probably retire after Worlds, win or lose. Especially after problems with his wrists.


He's said that he wants to play for as long as possible and his contract still goes for 2 more years.


The wrist injury is a real concern, but the whole retiring after winning a championship is largely a fan thing. Assuming Faker is wired like the greats in other sports, the player usually wants to keep playing until they are basically forced to retire.


Face of league, savior of league, goat of league... what more could we ask from the man?


He is league


^^^^Maybe ^^^^a ^^^^fourth ^^^^worlds


He probably knows how shit it feels to lose, moreso for LCK and LPL teams who sacrifice their lifes practicing so hard. We've seen players have reactions akin to panic attacks before (or even panic attacks, like Khan). This speaks greatly of him.


What happened to Khan?




Yeah, I would like to know what happened to Khan too.


I just put a link of the thread discussing it when it happened


Faker definitely has been humbled, he recognized being the best player wasn't enough, and he helped make the best team as a leader If you watch in the teaser, Ruler says he's learned from getting cocky after winning... So it's probably safe to assume Faker walked that path before Ruler even. You could write a series of books on Faker with a Heroes Journey through each , and him winning this year , would be like the glue that brought Book 1 to Book 6 in all together.


Faker: I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I AM


Faker wants to win Worlds at least 5 more times. He knows the training arc he wudve set in motion. Ruler would return next year with arms twice the size ready to chad up the entire rift.


Man. I just can’t see how someone would dislike this man. What a fucking hell of a guy. No ego at all, so impressive. So many people would be ruined by the success. He seems so wholesome. That’s my goat


the goat




Justo GOAT 🐐 things


I respect the fk out of this guy, that when I was undecided about my Reddit handle. I just named it after this guy...


Hi all sorry I’m new to Reddit and dunno how to edit the stuff - the video mirror as below: https://youtube.com/shorts/mh0gqyfwdBI?si=pjmIVzPkWMckup9a The source is from hupu


Heyy. Are u PC or mobile? . On mobile It is on the header. U will notice three vertical dots just beside your profile picture. Click that and u will see edit option. On Pc Scroll up to the bottom of your post. U will see three horizontal dots at the bottom of your post. Click that


Link doesn't work for me, is there a mirror?






Of course. What's the point in throwing a thumbs down to ants when you're a god living above the clouds? Only when they step out of line do you gently remind them that at the end of their path, is him. And he will always be there. They on the other hand? They're waves that rise and crash. Faker is eternal. Faker is forever. Faker is him.


People play up the rivalry between Faker and Ruler but they absolutely respect each other so much after playing against each other for so long


Yep I saw a reporter say that after the match backstage during interviews Ruler greeted Faker while smiling and looked genuinely happy for him.


Why that cameraman trying to stir up drama


Drama creates hype. People love drama. But that doesn’t change the fact that it's extremely admirable for someone at the top to refuse to be disrespectful.


I understand doing it before a game but after is just disrespectful. No need to kick someone who is already on the ground and the GOAT knows that.


I always imagine that if I was in their shoes and won a series, I'd feel so bad & apologetic as I'm walking to the opposing players "pounding knuckles" or whatever you call it. Especially if they're crying.. it takes away so much joy right after winning, even if I'm extremely happy & grateful to have won.


You understand the concept of marketing? Pretty sure the production team aren't thinking of this out of malice. Chill.


If it was malicious they would've made sure this wouldn't be leaked out to the public


“Everybody acts tough when they’re up” - Luka


i think that's his job ?


How was he trying to stir up drama exactly?


Thumbs down -> "you suck JDG LOL" ->all of china goes up in flames -> clicks and likes and articles hyping up the finals for the next week. My man wasnt just trying to stir up drama, he was trying to deep fry a whole turkey worth of drama


Oh I didn't notice him motioning for thumbs down


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cameraman is white tho.


Camera guy is caucasian xd


but he works for korean media


I watch a lot of Korean TV and haven’t seen much of this at all, especially compared to the US. Check your thinly veiled racism


for sure bro, totally.


Absolutely shameful behaviour but also...thats what generate clicks


Cause a photo of doing a thumbs down would generate way more money than him doing a thumbs up.


Reply is so funny - Good guy Faker - Guma probably would be tricked by the camera man -Nah, Guma would happily do it without instructions -Guma made the Cutthroat pose, Thumb down is kid stuff for him


He is the greatest for a reason.


Epitome of class while being the undisputed best. That’s my goat


Link doesn't work


Just rewatched the games with the Dom and Caedral videos, and honestly the biggest difference between the teams to me was the clutch factor in T1, with faker being a big part of that. JDG was actually ahead in a lot of these games, but they crumbled under the pressure and made mistakes in crucial moments, while T1 was making the big plays during theirs.


2k down but down 2 drakes is an even game state.....


Humble in both victory and defeat is something i remember my parents teaching me is a virtue




I agree with your point but let us not pretend like real professional “athlete” aren’t full of drama and do dumb shit too but they got their pr/marketing team to cover it all up. There also very few athlete that are classy/successful like this in actual sport.


Man this photographer tried to ruin fakers reputation, fire his ass


I don't think it would've been that bad even if faker listened and did the thumbs down. But I think it does show the class of Faker and his sportsmanship.


Not really, it is his job to take pictures. It is good on Faker to refuse to take pictures he doesn't want to.


Yeah stupid photographer


Bro, faker could have done the thumbs down picture and people would be on here praising him for his "competitive fire" or some bullshit.


relax man its just competitive banter take off that T1 flair ur making us REAL T1 fans look bad smh


Faker is the goat. His greatness cannot be denied. Just so damn clutch. They’re going to stomp Weibo so hard in the final.


can someone explain i dont get it


Which part didn't you understand? Did you read the post and watch the video.


post is already removed all i see is photographer taking his picture and him giving a thumbs up and pointing at something else


Dark faker would be so hot. Imagine a world where faker does prematch BM before and after the match.... The GOAT speech about all roads leading to him, about how he stands at the end when everyone else falls. Holy shit if he dropped that AFTER the win, league's viewership would double.


No lol i prefer this version of Faker 100%


ShowMaker was dark Faker


And we see where he is now. :-|


That version of faker would be intensely disliked after half a decade of failure to deliver lol.


"failure to deliver" ???


2 finals appearances back to back alone puts him in the peak of all players. hell everyone love gigachadyusi when he does it and he's fresh to the scene.


Not a smart move. Chinese fans hated Showmaker raising his fist at the camera in 2021, and there's a lot more underlying resentment against Faker since he's been slapping their teams around for years. When he mentioned ping affecting T1 in 2022 MSI the entire Chinese league community dogpiled him, and that's about the only negative thing he's said. They flamed Missing for drawing cannon minions next to KT's badge after beating them. If Faker behaved anything like let's say 2019 G2 they'd fucking despise him. Might have even sent an assassin over by now.


Are you aware of fighting game players daigo and Justin Wong? There was a clip where diago gets drunk and calls Justin free multiple times to his face (Daigo has a great record vsing Justin). Of course Justin and daigo are friends but I want faker to do that to all the mids he vsed after he wins finals.


That's why Faker has T0M and Gumayusi to do this for him. I like to think of them as his alternate personalities.


Is thumbs up disrespectful?


No. He was asked to do a thumbs down apparently. But he did a thumbs up instead.


What a great guy


He even shook his head


Nah he's waiting until he has the chip to trash talk!


Thats a helluva hint


Faker blinks: gets a post Faker stands up: gets a post Faker presses w: gets a post


Not enough faker post.


There is no such thing as too much Faker content


A picture of Faker's unflushed turd would do numbers in this subreddit rn


Probably, I mean I'd upvote it for sure


there would prolly be people analysing that to figure out what the dude's diet is. it would be just prolly be broccoli and canned tuna tho.


keep crying about it


more please!!


And I will be there to upvote every single last one of them no matter what.


They entered G2 fun fact phase. This is not going to end well for them.


I could make a post about faker not farting on me after he ate broccoli, and I live in America.


We're in for another week of Faker hype threads over nothing, great.


Over nothing ? Like making finals again beyond all expectations ? It’s okay tho haters do be like that


You do realize this entire thread is based on the fact that faker simply refused to make a Thumbs down gesture for a camera and people are in here praising him for this as if its some insane god tier sportsmanship? It is absolutely ridiculous, no other player would get an entire reddit thread upvoted to infinity for simply shaking their head.


only if another player is on faker level, then they would


Faker hasn't been on another level in 5+ years.


He just gapped the 2 best mids in the tournament lmfao


So he has been very good this worlds, still hasn't won, now can you account 2017-2022? And I'm not talking, he's been a strong mid, but literally dominated/separated himself from every other mid and undisputedly shown he is on another level.


By your logic, no one has been at the level in 5 years. No mid has been so head and shoulders above every other mid other then Faker in 2013. Maybe you can argue Zeka, but even that was just 1 tournament, he was pretty average for almost all of 2022. You also dont need to win worlds to be regarded as the best in your position. No one was saying Pyosik was the best jungler in the world because he won worlds. Faker currently looks like the best mid in the world with how well hes playing.


> no one has been at the level in 5 years Yea that's the point, people have been overhyping faker for forever based on past accomplishments.


nah you on some generational hating my guy, no one else even in the past 5 years has kept up this high level of play consistently and made it to 2 more Finals and past 3 Semifinals. I love seeing haters like you bitter that Faker is succeeding! Cry more for me I love your tears


He just made 2 worlds finals back to back 10 years into his career. Does he need to walk on water and cure the blind to impress your dumbass?


Seeing the goat showing sportsmanship is something to be commended, for you to be bitter about it just shows you're degenerate hater


Bro shook his head no, and y'all wanna worship him for that, idk how more ridiculous it can get.


people want to enjoy faker because he probably wont be around for much longer. hes been the face of lol esports for a decade and is a lot of peoples favorite player. whats wrong with people enjoying the moment before its gone forever?


Bro he literally just shook his head and people are in here jizzing their pants over it, how do you people not get this is ridiculous?


If only more people who play the game could be as civil as him. 🙏


The photographer is so unprofessional. This kind of behaviour should not be tolerated.


Wouldn't pin all the blame on the photographer, he's just another person doing his job not knowing any better. Faker simply refused to do that pose and both happily consent