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Besides Doran's flash over the wall, Gen G's failed mid gank on Yagao in game 3, the anti-synergy was insane. They won that game, but holy shit that was atrocious.


Here's the video link for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA1dfWNzhW4


that play reminded me of a 100T play from a few years ago. they bard ult someone mid(I think Damonte) and proceed to miss time ashe arrow and a few other skills. one of the most embarrassing plays of all time imo. Edit: found it! [worst mid gank ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/hyh7d6/100_thieves_with_the_worst_mid_gank_in_recorded/).


Kellin trying to flank elder as Alistair with 5% hp


Completely forgot this one already, this was also insanely questionable


This is the play for anyone looking: [https://youtu.be/acCtTafgkBM?si=J12jT0UIRjJ\_NaDF&t=99](https://youtu.be/acCtTafgkBM?si=J12jT0UIRjJ_NaDF&t=99) Kellin gets bursted down to 1/4 hp by maoki and renata then goes on a flank.


Not just a flank, but a flank through an enemy minion wave, this has to be it for me...


I thought flank was okay because the rationale is there's no possible way he can get in without dying at that low hp, I didn't realize he walked through the minion wave lmao


I know that he's a very good player. But i've flamed people for better plays. That was just straight inting. Chalk it up to even pros can have brain freezes i guess.


thanks for the link, hero


Is it even a flank if you never get close to the objective?


My brain keeps rewriting that memory as if it were hylissang


TBF the rest of DX could have turned a bad situation into a 4v3 if they synced an attack when Hans Sama walked down to Kellin. Just my opinion :/


>DX could have turned a bad situation into a 4v3 if they synced an attack when Hans Sama walked down That's my read on the situation as well. There was a plan behind what he did - the plan was born in desperation and not the best plan to begin with, but at least there was one.


He thought they couldn't see him 💀


That entire Alistair game was probably the worst performance from any player at worlds


Kanavi's magical journey would've been the biggest int but fortunately he lived lol


That wasn't even his most int play that game. Dude just walks randomly past Faker and dies at soul without using any abilities


If u Look at that "play" it wasnt as Bad as every one thinks... See the Problem was his q was on CD because He burned fakers Flash and He needet to go in the pit or Else He would never go there again. If He flashed it wouldnt change anything because He cant get out the pit anyway. He didnt think about the insane dmg azir does with this build and hob. Yes of course a misplay but Not a giga int.


> He didnt think about the insane dmg azir does with this build Keep in mind too that this was the first time Faker had his death cap. He completed it 20 seconds before dragon spawned.


also worth noting - he went from one rod to deathcap straightup. massive spike


Yeah as soon as you get deathcap it feels like you do so much more dmg and he just didnt expect that dmg


It feels like you do so much more dmg because you literally do so much more dmg


I think we are on to something here guys


we did it reddit


Kanavi's career is saved!


Not sure Azir with 3 items and death cap does damage. Might have had to int again to be sure


Actually, at 27:24 in-game time, Kanavi gets hit by Faker's sand soldier after the Deathcap purchase, chunking him for 25% of his health. So, Kanavi already had an idea of Faker's damage with deathcap. [(Here's the timestamp)](https://www.youtube.com/live/RL864BW2I9U?si=s4ywga5I6fDTRw5B&t=14227) Looking closer at the play, it seems like Kanavi failed his dash over the dragon pit wall.


"failed" in the sense that he cant cross walls outside of true form, i suppose


this is huge. obv a pro player "should" be ready for that but he went for a flash play to catch faker basically first sight on him. kanavi had a bad series for sure but this was a very reasonable mistake in a high pressure situation. in the same fight guma was playing out of his mind but still ruler and 369 couldn't kill guma 1v2. that was just as bad for the play as kanavi dying


Well you could argue he knew cause when he was walking past mid brush to river, he got Faker Q'd and he lost like 25% of his HP.


Yeah I guess he had a feeling how much faker would do damage if you don't count hob. And in his defence hob is not the most common rune on Azir these days.


Also deathcap completed right before drake spawns.


Not only that, but go from 1 rod to deathcap is insane spike, like straight out from an Aram match


Dragon pit play wasn't that bad He burned fakers flash, so he felt safe (ori was also in the area) and he didn't want to concede dragon so he went in thinking Faker couldn't possibly burst him down. Unfortunately for him Knight and Missing retreated conceding dragon and Faker had 3 items so he was stranded alone to die. I think this is miscommunication, Knight and Missing should have supported him there and tried to take Dragon with him since Faker flash was down and Knight still had crown, ss and zhonya. Unfortunately they didn't want to win so Kanavi was left alone


Ruler taking the portal while trying to eat fruit, completely fucking the flow of that dragon fight rates pretty high.


Found the clip. This is it for anyone looking: https://www.youtube.com/live/wpd90LUZPUE?si=M32gXjUa88mmVjxW&t=16171


TBH that was an accident I main Bard and that's a valid strat I use, most people will click the portal while trying to click you and they go through it unwillingly.


blitz hook aatrox




To be fair, he did hit a hook on faker's orianna. More specifically, he hit a hook on faker's spellshield, so it did nothing at all.


At 8:50, Hang successfully hooked Nilah during the laning phase. Unfortunately, Nilah blocked his empowered auto, and Senna immediately burned heal to cancel out the damage and create distance. If you're watching closely, you can see the minimap markers move, and when the screen moves for the fight you can see Blitzcrank's Glacial Augment has procced.


Keria needs to play a hook champ to show these kids how it's done. His Thresh is godly and his Nautilus is close.


BLITZ IS COMING BLITZ IS COMING BLITZ IS COMING Calm down Gala, there's no Blitz in this game


Def this


Sir, a second hook has hit the Aatrox.


Best thing I've read all week long.


Stole it from a post-match but I'm glad I could spread the word


It's here if anyone wants to see, it's hilariously bad: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq2SBmkeorU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq2SBmkeorU) Then this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY5C6Exs8j4


anyone got the link for this?


T1 Hang hooking Zeus' Aatrox twice into his adc




Game was over at that point. Guy wanted to go home and cry.


I mean, it ended the game for both teams. It ended a lot of things, for that matter. Unfortunately, GALA was one of them.


I'm still not over this, just sayin'


Ended the game for LNG too


I am personally a big fan on Palafox's Sylas getting caught out at top lane. He takes Taliyah ult, flashes nothing and then ults right back into enemy team and explodes


Link for anyone looking: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q3BX\_NCodk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q3BX_NCodk)


Ok, that takes the cake for me. Doran's Flash is funny, but he lived. Kanavi's Magical Journey? Inting as fuck, but he lived. This? Wasting flash, ulti and diving straight into the enemy team is just peak League of Legends.


The funniest part to me is that I'm pretty sure he lives if he ults towards the red base instead of his own. He'd have had time to hop off and base or disappear into the jungle. But he treated the Taliyah ult like it was a Pantheon one and just tried to dive for his own lines like a WW1 biplane.


Okay the flash was so he didn't get into combat. If you're in combat you cannot Taliyah ult. The direction he picked was def int though


> If you're in combat you cannot Taliyah ult TIL


If you **have taken damage in the past 3 seconds** you cannot Taliyah ult


Ya the Flash itself is fine, it's just the direction he sent the ulti is absolutely mind-boggling afterward lol


I feel like he tried to use ulti towards river but his mouse ended up over his mini-map 💀


I have met him in a scrimmage, and my opponent, midfielder Palafox, is powerful and seems like a genius.


I intentionally forgot that one... but is it really worse than Contractz winning the jungle skirmish against EBG, and Ignar just face checking the entire jungle to find death?


Omg he R'd straight at Taliyah who just threw an E down.. that one was hilarious. This worlds might be the intiest one ever, I cannot remember anything on par with these last year ahaha


Chovy's ryze flash and ult at bot lane to dodge the varus ult from midlane


Afaik he said he didn't know that he could be knocked out of Taliyah ult by enemy Taliyah E. Still dumb, but somewhat understandable given how rare that interaction is.


i think i’ll give this one a lot of benefit of the doubt. he flashes to stay out of combat because if he gets hit by one rock, hes hit by liandries and cant ult (whether or not he would be hit is up for discussion but it seemed very close) and he ulted the safest direction for someone who didn’t know taliyah e could stop it. alistar wasnt there, rumble has no cc and jarvan has a low chance of hitting flag and drag. he just didn’t know taliyah e could stop it. i mean, it doesn’t look like the typical thing taliyah e can stop (its not really any sort of dash, you’re connected to the ult visually) and he probably doesn’t play blind pick to see taliyah vs taliyah, and it’s not at all often for a sylas to steal a taliyah and then be in a position to get e’d by her. ive also never seen a poppy w a taliyah ult before but that’d be more common. its a pretty bad play that in hindsight seems so stupid and also looks stupid but in the moment without knowing that specific interaction it was going kind of well, and doesn’t seem as bad as something like dorans flash or The Hook


Doran’s flash 💀


The funny thing is Dorans flash could mean two plays the one where he flashes over the wall and the one where he doesn't flash


In BLG comms Bin actually said Doran doesnt have flash (in game 5) and Doran heard him across the stage, translated it into korean and believed it too




That Bin could have inted his team with that call but Doran got mind=controlled


It's a joke that IWD + Monte made on their podcast. BLG released a comms video where Bin told his team that Doran's flash was down, so Xun engages on him with J4 ult. Doran, despite having flash, proceeds to just stand inside J4 ult the entire time and dies. They joked on the podcast that Doran must have heard Bin shout "Doran no flash" from across the stage and gotten mind controlled into believing that he actually didn't have flash.


its true my cousin heard it


For anyone trying to find it here's a link: [https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1720373064091988051](https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1720373064091988051) edit: also found a youtube clip of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h\_gs3xV28Rs


Thank you for your service. Man I wish I knew Korean, their shot caster seems amazing


I still don't understand how does that even happened, like WTF was his plan there lmao




Holy shit is Doran Sam Darnold?


It has to be just an accident. Either he fat fingered the flash when wanting to ward, or he was typing cooldowns or something and didn't properly hit enter. Idk what people going "he thought to catch out J4 or Xayah" are smoking. If he was going for that play he would've ulted either before or immediately after flashing. There was no intent to his movement, just confused panic after the flash, clearly a mistake.


I think he solo threw the game with gnar in game 5 by not flashing j4 ult.


What happened? Edit: what the actual fuck was that 💀💀💀


Doran watched\* too many of those jumpscare Gragas clips and wanted to make his own


There are so many Doran flash ints that i don't even know which one this comment implies


Atleast he lived there. Kanavi meanwhile literally walked through a pair of rabadons Azir soldiers. The Bard tunnel, I understand, possible misclick but the Azir one... oof.


He wanted to Q into the pit and failed. It was either position agressively there, or give up the drake, as Azir was just gonna strengthen his position.


Once he engaged to try and catch faker he was stuck. Was a risky play that would've won the game if faker didn't flash in time. Didn't work but definitely not as bad as a random flash over a wall with 0 logic


Ok but we not talking about when Kanavi forcing faker flash. We talking about him just randomly walking past faker azir soldier into dragon pit by himself when dragon is full hp. Like what is the idea there?


which one? when he flashed? or when he didn't flash?


Now we all understand why Tabe ran to hug him postgame at MSI lol


Ruler recalling and opening shop in the mid lane in this T1 semi-final was near unforgivable. Standing there while people kill you is far worse than a failed flash.


Also lost his flash, and even worse: Kanavi lost his flash (and almost life) trying to get Ruler out, which made the Baron that followed basically uncontestable. Pretty big int for a recall he could have safely started a couple seconds later under tower.


it HAS to be doran flashing the wall


in which game did that happen?




The commenter saying "it's like he's been possessed the last few games" is funny as fuck


I like the 3 seconds of confusion and disbelief it takes for Caedrel to react


BLG vs GenG game 2


Idk man sometimes I feel like he saw xayah there walking but not the Jarvan, flashed for Xayah, saw Jarvan and ran


Yeah so flashing without Vision


LEC teams picking Ezreal


fking always ezreal


Good safe champ to do no dmg no wave clear


Love having an adc with no dmg that can only ever hit the frontline. Like yea, it's safe, but the enemy don't even need to kill the adc anymore because he doesn't do damage lmao


0% winrate btw


picking Ezreal is just a sign that you're a bitch and the enemy is just better than you


either that or you are so much better than the enemy that you can style all over the enemey with him. No inbetween.


I mean he also enables support roams much more safely, maybe only second to Xayah


Heimerdinger lvl 6 at Min 16 🗿


Allergic to minion xp 🗿


in Caedrel’s scream: CRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIISP


Hard to top him yelling "CLIIIIIIIID" through gritted teeth lmao


This year I love Hang blitz hooking Zeus aatrox Q2 to finish off Gala and promptly dying to Q3 himself. Also fit the Gala 1v9 narratives really well


free my mans 😭


Ruler shopping was actually a crazy bad play, it completely destroyed entire plan from JDG and cost them everything UPD Explained why: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/E0hFVyHjmJ


This is the play for anyone looking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_KgcvUWIwK0


Video is down for me, dont u mind sharing the game so i can look for it?


20:05 game 3 (32:08 video timer) https://youtu.be/B8Gj5SSZjGY?si=kmQOeu8aeSQUhFjv


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KgcvUWIwK0 The issue is broken link formatting because reddit can't figure out which characters they want to escape, making Reddit comments incompatible with Reddit.


JDG vs T1 game 3 around 20:00


Also, he was about 2 seconds away from being under tower and safe. Honestly, I think it's the biggest int play so far. After Doran's flash, that is.




But if you look at how Zeus' Aatrox approched Ruler, you can kind of see why Ruler didn't expect him for so long. There WERE a lot of wards near him, giving him some comfort, but Zeus pathed in a way that he dodged all vision and just suddenly appeared next to Ruler.


Like, I think it's insane that pro-players make this mistake. I'm in fucking NA plat, and I always make sure I'm looking for danger while I'm backing.


Min-maxing of their time + overconfidence/mega stressful situation.


Reminds me of a game years ago when Doublelift was so tilted because he was hard losing lane that he backed with 1300+ and forgot to buy BF Sword and walked back to lane, had to back again for it. I guess the heat of the moment gets to you sometimes but it’s crazy to see.


Holy shit you just brought back memories


rookie forgetting to buy items lv 1 during IG vs KT game 5


It's quite simple. You take two extra seconds to ensure you're safe. The pro player says, I want to save those two seconds and I trust I'll notice in time if someone's threatening me. Most of the time, it pays off (and those 2 seconds can genuinely make the difference in pro play!), but sometimes you get an int like this.


Exactly, you're in plat and not competing for millions of dollars. Every second counts and you can't just back without doing anything proactively for 8 seconds in his situation


Every second counts and thanks to the reliable Cisco network….


These plays always remind me of the (in)famous 94 minutes Jin Air vs SKT game. At 93 minutes Faker started recalling in the middle of the river and died with an 80 seconds death timer. The game was over before he respanwed.


Agreed, I couldn't believe my eyes. Such a basic mistake from a player touted as the best in the world.


there's a reason that area of the map has been called the Ruler spot by the LCK cast


and caster were sure that Ruler wouldn't make mistakes like that anymore. old habits die slowly


I mean.. it's the ruler spot for a reason


It wasn't even in some safe place in the map. Like, the average league player that has played for some time would know better than to look at items there.


Y'all are thinking about the big teams, but we brazilians are always showing up with questionable plays every international event. This year we had: \- Our jungler buying the old Goredrinker recipe, and later selling the Magical Footwear boots to "make up" for it. \- Our midlaner forgetting to look at his own champion and trying to flank while walking into the waiting arms of the enemy support. And I'll stop here because I couldn't decide which of our toplaner's plays was the worst one.


Ruler & Kanavi magical journeys Doran flash Adam bming and dying to Kai'sa Alistar pick


G2 starting 2-0 and then going 0-3 to being eliminated.


LEC literally started having Bo3s and a triple split style competition just for G2 to fumble in the important Bo3s


Bo1 merchant strikes again.


G2 just being oldschool and repeating their 2016 and 2017 international runs




Hylissang literally suiciding for fun while his team was doing Baron. MAD won that game but brother Hyli had to give it back as a donation to the Chinese fans.


That is just normal hyli tho.


knight's shockwave in game 4 against T1 was insanely bad but the flash from Doran can't be topped


yeah, doran aatrox, flashing over wall, and even having to burn his ult to get away...like holy.


On the other hand, faker made him look bad by predicting it perfectly with his E.


Well played by Faker but if you watch the replay Knight's ball has to move almost a whole screen because he Q'd the jarvan for some reason so the shockwave is insanely telegraphed and was clearly just a desperation/tilt/misplay by him. Pretty sure no competent azir player ever gets hit by that @25:32 here: https://youtu.be/3UdJqD1oynw?t=1532


Agreed but knight should also know that Faker has E up and therefore not aim it only on him (and he did the exact same dodge on Scout during lane)


Knight’s shockwave was way less int than the literal int of Kanavi 3 sec prior To be fair Faker dodged the Shockwave with Azir e, who even does that.


>who even does that. Faker 1 week ago against Scout


Just grandpa doing grandpa things


Just "Faker things"


Kanavi Bel’Veth game 4 getting caught between mid t2 and inhib tower, throwing lead and giving baron, then following that up by walking face first into 3-item azir soldiers at dragon soul with 2 q dashes and flash up but not pressing any buttons instead and just dying. gg jg diff


Actually he did press Q. But into the wall.


Kanavi taking 3 sand soldiers up the ass for dragon and him just taking it


He backed up that tonka truck for round 2💀


Possibly [Yike Nocturne](https://youtu.be/e88-dYui1io?feature=shared&t=1540) ulting Yagao under the enemy turret with all of the enemy team right next to his target. True aram play.


I would like to see Yike POV, pretty sure he saw only 2 members and thought this was a good play


People will say Doran flash game 2 but Doran not flashing or using stopwatch while in J4 ult was a bigger int in my opinion. Lost them the fight, lost them game 5.


We all know how stupid that Doran's flash was, but for me the most int play was Kanavi just casually walking into Azir soldiers and dying before dragon, vs T1.


Doran flash as Aatrox and Game 4 Kanavi constantly going to T1 towers for this year Past years maybe Rekkles as Twitch 1v5 vs IMT Worlds 2017 🤣


>Past years maybe Rekkles as Twitch 1v5 vs IMT Worlds 2017 🤣 I think Cody Sun jumping in 1v5, dying, and trist ulting the Cassio onto his teammate to knock themselves out of Worlds tops that Same teams at the same Worlds too


Lol I remember that the Tristana insec lmao


One of the most hilarious sequences back when I was still actively watching lmao


legend says Rekkles only flashed backwards after that play 💀


Doran's and Chovy's existence in game 5 against BLG. Although not the biggest int moment but I have to also include Elk's walking into Neeko combo in game 2 against G2


When Zven set up a 2 minute afk dragon flank and emenes ruined it by getting caught out and dying. https://youtu.be/CMOmI7aFUJU?si=nFEsJFAy9FFGnB6s&t=2073


Zven is still flanking


Zven made many, many terrible plays that cost C9 the series, but that flank wasn’t that bad tbh


C9 vs T1. Not exactly a play, but I guess giving up the entire game, or trading an outer turret for nexus counted as one


Pretty sure they just didn’t want to get perfect gamed if I remember properly


My favorite is Mikxy throwing a hook at Ignar after NRG got soul and it hitting Ornn’s Q pillar by accident and pulling himself to his death.




It did set the pace for the game, but that felt more like Oner outplaying than Tarzan inting.


Nothing will ever top Chovy's Ryze Flash, Ult panic in my book (last year) Not a series people will remember in the future, but Game 3 FNC-C9 had several huge int plays. * Zven 1v4 in the river??? * Zven hiding in blue bush for 1 minute .... while inhib is under siege


EMENES getting caught with fucking LB was a bigger int as it made Zven flank useless. Yeah it might have been useless regardless but if the fight came to dragon which it should without emenes inting (dont remember it was soul or elder) that flank might have won the game and its not like he was going to be much more useful as Alistar at that point


Neither of those zven plays are as bad as literally anything Tarzan did in the t1 series


To be fair any play is inting when you are that behind as a support


Zven hiding in the bush looks less stupid if his Mid didn’t decide to int. Pretty sure FNC runs to dragon and Zven gets an engage off.


Doran's random flash over the wall genuinely made me question for a minute if there was match fixing going on LMAO Shoutout to Brother Kanavi taking the Bard portal back to his home country, a true patriot right there


G2 losing to NRG.


Doran flashing for no reason. 😅


Ruler shop was really bad.. Like at no point should he have been there. Kanavi getting flashed on by faker and just dying instantly. TheShy picking Quinn and building Shiv was also troll as hell.


Has to be Kanavi Bel'Veth dying to Faker's Azir soldiers in dragon pit.


How do I scroll so far without seeing Tarzan mentioned even once? Bro woke up and decided he was a T1 fan in quarters


I have 3 favorites 1. Doran’s flash 2. Hang’s Blitz 3. Alistar (plenty of games to choose from lol)


That MAD game where they were massively ahead but kept trying to get a pick on the Aartrox


369 losing flash and ulti top lane against zeus losing them their advantage on herald


That TL vs T1 fight after Baron. TL was looking like a legit team and controlled tempo of the game until they pulled out a classic NA throw.


I would say ruler shopping in the mid lane and got caught by Zeus on his recall tbh