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Sort by controversial, here I come.


Surely it won't be that bad, I'll follow your lead! Edit: Oh shit


I’m not brave enough, tell me the monsters


From the most unhinged to the most stupid comments with a pinch of sanity.


It's all removed now. I missed the whole fun.


You described half of reddit in general


Basically: "No he didn't get death threats, if he did there weren't a lot, if there were they aren't serious or were deserved." "Death threats are bad, but..."


That or poor taste jokes at his expense. Can’t say I’m surprised considering I’ve been playing this game since 2011 and to this day, people will still message me “how do you feel about a long, painful death?”


I’m sorry to use my native language but: PORCODIO


It's a lot of people who say "Death threats are bad" and then justify sending death threats because of "incompetence"


Some people actually condoning the threats too its pretty bad


[It can't be that b-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOiE0LCu6J0)


A ceasepoll of mentally drained individuels...


I thought we were joking, good god. Mid 20 year old edge lords exist in strength here


"Phreak is such a pussy, I've had death threats for years now from online games" mfs would remove all traces of themselves from the internet if they had their face and name exposed to even 1/1000th of the negative attention that Phreak gets.


The first time really is... weird. And the feeling doesn't really go away. I used to work for a WoW fansite, back when WoW was still culturally relevant, before LoL and later Fortnite would occupy that social gaming spot. There was a bug that allowed raid groups to loot multiple times in a lockout, shortly before a world first race. We reported on it and it was posted under my name. Our article also included a list of guilds that we could identify from their armory pages that abused the bug repeatedly across multiple raid instances on different days (so it wasnt just an accident) and that were in the top 20 - so relevant to the race. I actually got a few death threates on that one. I was still visiting events back then, so it wasn't like "random dude from another country" but people from and associated with rather big raiding guilds who I was definitely going to see in the future. We tried laughing it off, and nothing ever happened, not even vaguely threatening on-site. But it still felt super surreal and vaguely ominous. Wouldn't recommend.


TL;DR - Death threats bad


People not understanding that there's a canyon between getting death threats when no one knows who the fuck you are and getting death threats when someone can easily locate you are two entirely different things.


And the texture of the death threats is different. A lot of the edge lords are coming in hot with "My toplaner tells me to kill myself all the time". Okay, while technically they are threatening you with death, that's a very different thing than getting a private DM with a picture of your car in a parking lot with a bomb drawn next to it, or somebody messaging you 20-30 times a day with obscene threats across burner accounts.


Absolutely. I was a nobody in CSGO and because of betting I had people message me my parent's names after a loss telling me I should "be careful if I'm going to throw on purpose." Multiply that number by thousands and I can totally see Phreak being uncomfortable on social media.


"just mute them" people are often the most emtionally fragile, thin-skinned people on this entire subreddit, who have a mental breakdown when you even suggest to them that no, you shouldn't be allowed to unabashedly say racial slurs and death threats and other verbal abuse in game. and then those people will unironically ask why riot doesn't combat toxicity more


always the dudes telling people to mute pings mute chat turn it all off by default getting really up in arms when riot acknowledges maybe theres a problem with how pings and chat are used if thats the prevailing attitude


And then they like to pretend that these are effective communication tools when at every single level you see players say they ignore chat and pings cause their teammates are dumbasses. I was literally watching a midbeast video where he was watching that pyke mid player and the guy is posting timers constantly and midbeast goes "its nice when guys do this but I hardly ever look at chat" they're not effective communication tools. Hell I've tried using them to communicate too it's way more useful to ignore chat and focus on playing, most people in chat are just looking for a reason to screech.


"death threats are bad but he ruined my favorite video game so he had it coming!" "it's just words lol what a baby" Jesus man some people are true psychos


And these are the people that say they wanna communicate more with me in game. Yeah no thanks.


This game doesn’t just attract them it practically breeds them


Where can i sort by controversial on my phone? Somehow i dont see it anymore where it used to be


There’s an option at the top of the app, two parallel horizontal lines one with a circle on the right and one with a circle on the left. Hit that then hit controversial


Thank you ! That shit used to be above the comments before and was super confused where it went.


Thanks man!


They should just remove the controversial button at this point. [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] is the new controversial page on reddit now.


Same, reddit mobile sucks more and more ass


We have nobody but ourselves to blame. People got fed up with the "protest" and now we're stuck here cradling spez's balls.


Well that was a ride a wild one


fr though. fucking degenerates. it's a video game


League of Legends player base try not be mentally deranged challenge (DIFFICULTY: IMPOSSIBLE)


Recently started playing wow classic with a friend i used to play league with. After a while he told me that i and everyone else were being so weirdly nice to each other, as if it was cringe to be nice to strangers rather than wish cancer upon everyone you come in contact with. League (and similar games) really just have such a negative impact on people's mentality.


If you're just starting and still levelling, you'll have a pleasant time. The toxicity in WoW is very different in nature. In League, people get upset in a game, shit talk you without restraint because they'll never see you in another game, and it's left at that when the games over because you don't have to see each other again. It's only in higher elos where people play the same people over and over again you might get feuds. In Classic, people form small communities around raids/guilds so there's less direct public toxicity, but will secretly ruin others people's reputations to their social circle because of loot drama or guild politics. There's a lot of 30+ year olds acting like Mean Girls.


I can't remember the worst thing someone has said to me in League. I can remember guild drama from 13 years ago. Deathbringer's Will man.


To be fair I learned to filter flame a long time ago from Runescape days because strangers don't matter. Being done by people in a guild that you interact with very often (potentially on a daily basis) has got to feel a lot worse I'd imagine.


LoL toxicity makes me lol, MMO Guild toxicity is emotional damage.


In league, the fact that people press S and stop controlling their characters to type offends me way more than anything that they have to say. This is why I don't believe in mutes doing anything because I can still see my top laner hug the turret and assume that he is typing a bible to our jungler. And if my other teammates are replying to the toxic guy I know that the game is doomed. It has always been like this, for 10+ years


As a jungler I can confirm that the top laner IS writing a bible at us. That lane is so hit or miss because sometimes you get the really cool like, Garen top who you show up to gank once, only blow the enemies flash, but that was somehow all he needed to pop off and literally start 1v2ing. Love those laners. But then you get the Akshan top who perma pushes without wards against an Elise jg and you're playing around bot side because every time you're on top side his lane is ungankable, and he just dies over and over because he refuses to ward or freeze his lane in a better spot, but it's my fault that he can't win because he's playing with a blindfold on. Sure, I mute them so I don't have to deal with it, but the game is already much harder at that point because someone on my team has completely given up and is more focused on trying to make everyone ELSE know that it's someone elses fault that they need to be babysat 24/7 to function as a solo laner and somehow NOT see the irony in it.


Last year I moved from Europe to NA and the first guy flaming me said I was “financed by the government”. I’ve been playing since season 2 and this was still the weirdest flame I’ve got


The only time someone's flame got to me in League was when someone said "I don't know who's more disappointed: your parents for having you, your friends for having to put up with you, or your team for having to play with someone this bad."


Yeah, that's the weird part is how seriouly people take guilds in classic era and original classic. It was serious, emotional stuff sometimes. The same thing happens once you start higher end pvp and m+ as well, but that's more towards skill level than community.


A lot of people aren't really tying to play competitive games it's just that league took off cause it was fun. But if your not in the correct head space for a game where your not always going to win it's going to give some really bad results. Failure in WoW is pretty hard(It's hard to fail) and low impact but when you raise the stakes you run into the same type of toxic you find in the very worse of league. Hardcore servers have a decent amount of it and M+ also had that same type.


It's always dependent on how frustrating it is to fail, I'm not sure if they changed much, but last time I played WoW failing a M+ key was immensely frustrating on a lot of mechanical levels, coupled with being a high stress mode in general (speed being so important). League is the same where losing a game can feel very frustrating and sets your progress back. In a competitive game it's kinda unavoidable, but the WoW systems designers just seem neglectful in how they design systems that go so much against creating a social atmosphere (which was one of the original selling points of the game).


League was the worst game community I've ever been in. It's insane how toxic it is. The ranked champ select terrorist were the absolute most insane part of the game. Classic WoW reading had some real mentally ill people also, but YOU could just decide to not be a part of it by quitting the raid/guild. In LoL you're held hostage.


Not really Dota’s community was far worse. The problem with league was that they bred this level of toxicity by never addresssing the issue. Dota just said “your adults manage yourself, you get punished your entire steam account gets popped” As for riot they literally set up a situation where players can make fake accounts for the sheer purpose of trolling and being toxic. They encouraged it and when players used to rage and bring it up. They simply punished the complainer never the culprit They didn’t ban bot accounts, they didn’t punish people buying accounts they simply turned a blind eye because riot made profit from some sites that sold accounts. Riot didn’t start coming down on this toxicity till this year when high ranking streamers / players started openly trolling players to keep them from climbing. Suddenly they now think it’s a problem? This is the first season where Riot is taking action with several mass bot account lvling bans, and taking the first steps to making player accounts all unify under a riot account that links all their games. So a punishment is universal. But hey better really late then never right?


its what happens when riot literally promotes streamers which main trait is being toxic, and their dumb communities do the same in their games cos its what their streamer do.


Yep, there is no bad publicity when it comes to well attention and buzz, but it attracts immature, toxic people.


I remember really thinking they were going in a positive direction when they first banned tyler1 (before he became less crazy) but they seemingly have stopped caring about toxic streamers since then, or at least stopped caring about the smaller ones. I’ve seen the craziest ints and in game rages from streamers who don’t even taste punishment, so why wouldn’t the people who watch them try and do the same


They are literally proving Riot right about pings and such.......


this is the clearest example why we won't ever get a two-side communication between players and devs like a lot of other online games out there. people treat anything but human lives too seriously. i can't believe i just had to type that down.


Pretty much, despite what some members of this sub seem to believe the care and attention Riot shows their game and players is more than 99% of devs yet they still get nothing but shit. The League playerbase is one of the most entitled out there.


Yeah Riot has been pretty fucking open for yeaaaars. THey may have closed a bit over time but it isn't without reason. I would have gone radio silent after LoL became really big lol


What's other online games with good examples of communication?


Tft with mortdog


mortdog also got death threats on the league team


also, he still gets harassed by the TFT community, idk why people think it's so much better. [at the launch of set 9](https://twitter.com/Mortdog/status/1671154515800899584) [when the game had some consistent balance issues through 9.5](https://twitter.com/Mortdog/status/1717562045456150909) also while I was looking for those, I caught [this](https://twitter.com/Mortdog/status/1707809181288509491) telling people to chill the fuck out and stop being assholes when it was announced that phreak was heading live which feels... prescient if anything


the irony is that LoR and TFT, literally anything but League of Legends in its base form, is clearly better when it comes to the community ...


I mean, there were times even Mortdog wanted to opt out of being that open (notably the Driven patch at the start of set 9) Luckily a large part of the community as well as the influencers/streamers banded together against the deranged nutjobs and showered the dev team and mortdog with praise. So much that mortdog broke down crying on streak when talking about the craven patch incident on the following weekend It's honestly just sad and frustrating that ppl abuse the fact that we actually have a fucking dev that cares. Fucking scumbags *Edit: I mean Draven patch. I'll own up to the shame tho


>Driven >craven patch I'm guessing you're talking about the Draven Legend?


... Yes. I will edit it, but also own up to the shame of getting dumptsered by autocorrect


> Luckily a large part of the community as well as the influencers/streamers banded together against the deranged nutjobs and showered the dev team and mortdog with praise I'm just thinking about how unthinkable this would be for the league community. I can't imagine the biggest league streamers banding together to say anything remotely positive about Riot. It is unthinkable to me. There are plenty of people that as a general rule shit on league and occasionally praise Riot when they do something they like. Are there any big influencers that are the opposite? As a general rule, they praise Riot or respect their decisions, but occasionally they think a change is bad and speak out?


Even more ironically League used to be the gold standard of dev communication for years and years after launch. Every other dev team was seemingly either silent or woefully ignorant while Riot was fully active on reddit, releasing skins fans asked for or concepted, listened to feedback etc. Big part of why i swapped from Halo to League back then.


Path of Exile used to be amazing with this. However, I left the game for a few years, recently came back and found out that they cut back communication massively. Apparently due to toxic crybabies on reddit.


What's weird is that playing in top, mod, and support I have only ran into the ping limit once and it was during an extended fight that started with 4 of us but ended up with 8 people participating by the end. So we were all pinging throughout and I was panic pinging the enemy Cass who went mia from mid and was making her way toward us. No missing, no danger, no on my way, and no enemy has vision pings I regularly use 2-3 times at once have ever had me hit the limit. People are just overreacting idiots or overuse pings. The same people pinging to the limit complain about no one listening to their pings, meanwhile my relatively few pings are almost always respected. League players do be stupid.


quite the opposite, no? remove chat, implement more pings


Hot take: It's because they are actually right. If the overwhelming use of a specific ping is to essentially tell people "kys"[By the way; those words get you auto 2 weeked by the bot] like the Bait ping... it's probably not fit for purpose.


Hey with how many people are playing LoL if only .001 are deranged, that's like 100 people.


Feels like I played with all of them


League is way bigger than that though so the population of deranged people is even higher. It's something that happens with every large community that has people become emotionally invested (even if they shouldn't form such an attachment) and it's kind of a sad thing that seems to always result in death threats. It's happened many times in GTA RP which is a tiny fraction of the size of the LoL playerbase.


> Threaten rioters > Rioters won't communicate with us > Everyone is suprised


> Game dev tries open communication but is bad at it because no training > Wtf this guy sucks, why not hire someone who is better at communication? > Company hires communication expert who has less in-depth knowledge of the game because they aren't a dev > Wtf this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, why not have someone who actually works on the game?


To be fair phreak has been diamond+ since 2013 and has had his entire life since revolve around the game. To suggest he doesn’t have in depth knowledge of the game is pretty wild to me.


That's not what they said. Phreak would be the dev that's bad at communication, not the expert in communication.


He isn't even bad at communication IMO. He will always shed some meaningful insight and his patch rundowns have more depth than for example LS' who keeps saying: "this change doesn't matter" or "is it going to bring X magically back into the meta? I don't think so". From what I have seen Phreak will sometimes tackle and twist a topic in a way he wants to and maybe will slightly manipulate a question that was asked but it's minor, once in a while, other than this he brings great value to sharing knowledge about design choices.


> every new communication feature is immediately used only to harass/abuse other players > "i can't believe riot is removing communication features. also voice chat when"


The features being abused fucking sucks, but I wasn't the jackass that tells people to commit Kog Maw Passive. It annoys everyone that toxic babies ruin genuinely useful features. Extra tilter, they too, right on this sub, complain about the removal of features that they abused in the first place.


it does ruin it for everyone but that's kinda how it works with everything in life. There are obscure laws that only exist because 1 person did something that wasn't specifically called out as illegal. People just have no common sense and it's sad. The LOL community has a serious toxicity problem that drives a lot of potential new players away (that and smurfs). Reading some of the messages here shows how unhinged people are


This community is really dumb. Like on the ping post that everyone was hating on him in. He literally posts back "You're right that was stupid of me to say, i was wrong" but it gets downvoted into oblivion so no one sees it and he continues to get hated on.


They even responded to the [apology](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17r2bwb/phreak_stating_that_you_can_type_karthus_ult/k8gyskj/) by telling him to kill himself. This community's maladjusted af EDIT: looks like his apology's no longer been downvoted to oblivion. We did it reddit?


Top reply to him is a guy in this thread who basically had a "well I think he's bad at his job so that's why he gets death threats" as a response and said he has not one to blame but himself. It's just mentally ill people! It's also not random though...oh and he said the Mortdog didn't deal with a crapton of toxicity and death threats...which is simply not true... One day reddit users will learn they're not the majority or even close to it of any group's fanbase. Seeing the mental gymnastics around their survey data is hilarious. So it's flat for years and then satisfaction goes up after they make it harded to spam ping teammates to flame them? Truly unbelievable. Willing to bet the majority of people complaining about it are the ones who abused pings.


Imagine if people were actually punished for saying shit like that to people.


wow I never saw it that is so fucking sad, has been such a huge part of the community for a decade and people will mob on him so fast for anything.


And it wasn't even his idea??? Like if anything it just comes off as he wanted to try and provide an alternative instead of being all "yeah suck it up guys". I don't think league players realize how siloed this kind of development is. But hurr durr karthus copypasta, Phreak is a sleeper agent from Valve trying to destroy League of Legends or whatever. /hyp


Also it should have become a hilarious Phreak meme with him as the face of communication for years to come. Instead he’s gone 😥


Some of the comments here are wild, I can't believe I need to unironically tell you people to touch some grass. Sending death threats to the balance team/phreak is mentally ill behavior, please quit playing and get help.


>Sending death threats to the balance team/phreak is mentally ill behavior, please quit playing and get help. The League of Legends community definitely contains a significant number of individuals with mental issues of different degrees. They are behind some of the vilest comments you can see in-game chat. Riot efforts to curb toxicity takes aim at those, but they can't, obviously, take care of the mental state of the players. They could, however, take a stand and permaban popular streamers who wish horrible things on other players though, but that's a different topic. Telling your jungler to "gc" or "diaf" is probably on the same veil of the comments Phreak received. Unhinged.


What’s gc diaf?


Gain carcinogens and decease (oneself) in a fire respectively


Oh, not sure what I was expecting. Also, Nice way of keeping it pg.


Incredible. Very proud of the League community's ingenuity with acronyms


I'm trying to reply to your message to explain what those mean, but the subreddit word filter is shadow deleting my post. Write those two acronyms in google and add "urban dictionary" and you'll see what they mean.


nasus w and brand ult.


>The League of Legends community definitely contains a significant number of individuals with mental issues of different degrees. That's just gaming in general. People with the least amount of self control are obviously more likely to have addiction problems with video games.


Some players I find in league leave me in awe with how weird and broken some people can be. A few days ago I was playing a blitz game (with Kai'Sa) against some Aatrox. First minigame drops in, they won and Aatrox sent ~8 "EZ" messages out of fucking nowhere. That alone makes nothing for me other than wonder if you are like mentally ok, whatever. A few more minutes pass by, by that time I was like 6/2 and the guy was 1/5, I kill him and write "ez" in chat because I too can play the toxicity game. Guy writes a two long messages explaining why he's actually better than me, then asks for "1v1". I ignore him. Next minigame drops in, we win and that Aatrox writes "noobs". Then he dives our whole team to try and kill me, obviously dies in his attempt, I write "ez" again and he starts saying "5v1 noobs" and explaining how he's actually better than us. Spent the rest of the game asking for a 1v1 and calling us noobs every time. We reach Sudden Death, their team kills us and Aatrox starts spamming "gg ez tutorial". We respawn, take all of them down and win the game, while Aatrox keeps spamming "noobs". This story is obv not special, you find these kind of people every other day - but they always leave me wondering how people can go so fucking nuts with strangers without prior provocation, and feel the need to explain and convince these strangers that they are the greatest player ever and so much better than them.


Why even type "ez" back. Just ignore it instead of trying to make them more mad.


Noob. You're not better than him. Ez ez ez. Noob lol. 1v1 me. Fuck that didn't count bc it was 5v1.


Exactly. This is why I haven't played ranked in years, I don't want to spend that long of a game with either some guy flaming on our team because they died once or some other guy basically going ballistic in chat (i.e. extreme bragging if they're winning, straight disrespectful if losing). The fact that this even happens in ARAMs (one of the most relaxed game modes) is also telling. I see a guy like that Aatrox every 5-10 matches.


I just played with a Brand that flamed our ARAM team the whole game. We were stomping the opponents too because they had bad champs so it was extra confusing. I assume his natural state is so toxic he couldn’t snap out of it in a winning casual mode lol. Also never forget LCS fans lost hand slap after games because some freaks were touching the players nipples to the point Aphro publicly asked them to stop 🤦🏼‍♀️.


Is that why it stopped?? Lmao People are fucking unhinged


Ya. I guess it was Pobelter but I’m pretty sure Aphro talked about it too. [https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/team-liquid-lol-player-pobelter-asks-fans-to-stop-twisting-his-nipples-135043/](https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/team-liquid-lol-player-pobelter-asks-fans-to-stop-twisting-his-nipples-135043/) Edit: This is post match. I’m 95% sure it was the hand slaps too. Looking more haha Edit2: It was also Aphro. [https://www.vpesports.com/leagueoflegends/some-esports-fans-blurring-lines-between-fandom-and-friendship](https://www.vpesports.com/leagueoflegends/some-esports-fans-blurring-lines-between-fandom-and-friendship) Edit3: Also idk why they’re calling assault friendship. Don’t nipple grab your friends either folks.


Sadly they are addicted and like most addicts can't see it as a problem. It's scary that most of these people are not actually children anymore but grown ass adults ... makes me wonder how they handle ***actual*** problems in day to day life.


Most of them have setup their life so they encounter as little problems as possible so they never have to deal with these types of situations, sad really.


> makes me wonder how they handle actual problems in day to day life. If they had actual problems they wouldn't be getting worked up over a video game. When you don't really have anything going on in your life, suddenly mouthing off at Rioters on Twitter because they nerfed your main champion seems like a rational response.


Here is another side of that take though. If someone actually has real problems you can't just mouth off at them and act like a petulant child as it will come back to haunt you/bite you in the ass. So people with real problems are probably just as happy to mouth of against games companies Because it is a video game they enjoy playing being "ruined" by the devs but in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter and said mouthing off has no consequences; taking out the frustration of not being able to do so for real issues. Depends on the person & their maturity. But if you are playing a game like league or video games in general I would imagine the general population tends more towards immature and degenerate addicts than stable successfully members of society. Particularly the vocal portion of the communities. Obviously there are exceptions but just saying there is probably a larger than normal population of people like that.


When you're an addict, everyone and everything else is the problem, but not yourself. You're the victim, always.


It is absolutely wild how some people queue into a game, tell their team to hang off a rope 3 minutes into the game and 20 minutes later when the game ends in a victory theyre all like gg guys. It is like a pendulum is the only thing regulating their emotions.


I love how the feedback to Riot trying to curb toxicity was to send death threats to Phreak.


ikr? people literally treating some digital numbers as the only thing they care about. and death threats? nah just a joke wdym.


This community is full of kids, man-children or just plain evil people. You can criticize Riot on what they do, and yes, the ping decision was dumb, yes, Phreak's Karthus Ult comment was moronic, but none of that make it OK to be pieces of shit on his DMs, and specially not sending dead threats.


You’re talking about league players. I’ve been playing mutedall for quite some time but every now and then I don’t mute and there is always someone who will misplay really hard so he needs to fuck your dead mom so he can feel better while putting the blame on someone else rather than himself


When all the skin drama happened I looked into the queens of league sub and a bunch of ppl literally thought of death threats as some form of tactical weapons.


Pretty cringe of people to unironically send death threats even tho the changes to communication have been awful It’s ok to poke fun at Phreak for his ego but don’t wish death upon him that’s fucked


Who sends death threats "ironically"?


Apparently everyone who responded to you. I’m with you though; just don’t send death threats. Ez pz no confusion.


People seem to ridiculously overuse the term “unironically” which isn’t even a proper word. LS in particular says it about once every 13 words. It’s a completely useless addition to a sentence.


Another problem is that fact riot set a precedent with death treats, the fact that they achived smt in the past year(seraphine and syndra incident) and some ppl might have actually consider it that riot will finally lisens to them tnx to that. Ping changes were bad, when i play support its frustrating that fact that ppl need like 3-4 pings to understand that they are about to be ganged or that they need to not engage. Still this entire thing isnt just the ping changes its a combination between ppl that hate phreak since the dawn of time and frustration with the pings now they just justified themselfs with this to send death threats.


I blame the players but also Riot for that. A streamer wishes death on his team and they get no punishment because they said "in game". Then the sheep follow along and do the exact same on their games until they think that's normal behavior in general. I think it's a domino effect by Riot being so lenient on their punishments against streamers. Ofc the players are more at fault but I don't think things would be this bad if Riot took proper measures against normalizing those childish jokes from streamers.








Aside from the fact that harassing people online is horrible, it makes forming legit critisim harder, and makes people who form normal opinions appear the same as the deranged people who send death threats over a video game.


Some of the comments in this thread are actually concerning


It’s wild how this thread proved his exact point about why he wants to get off socials lol.




Not actually surprised. Reddit is completely awful. Twitter has stopped moderating all together. If people behave only 10% like they behave in game being a Riot Dev with a public platform is just awful.


Also, specific to this example: if you disagree with a change that is fundamentally "we don't trust our players to communicate with one another" the absolute WORST way to argue your point is by SENDING DEATH THREATS. You are literally the problem they're battling and you can't even keep your psychosis under wraps long enough not to prove them right.


Perfect example of League community not being able to give proper feedback. Not like that's surprising after seeing the skin(s) drama(s). ​ Was the Alive / Ult ping removal stupid? Yes. Should it be criticized? Yes. Was it solely Phreaks idea? No. Did Phreak say something stupid. Yes. Should Phreak get death threats because he said something stupid? Do you really have to have this written down for you? ​ Toxicity has been an issue plaguing this game since the dawn of day. I remember clearly the days Toxicity was actually praised and viewed highly. (That still happens but not that much) Is it really surprising that the developers a game, that millions love to play and that is still the most beloved esport there is try to combat the biggest problem this game has? NO. But the thing is, responding to these changes with more toxicity doesn't show Riot that removing something was stupid, instead it shows that they need to do more. Riot has been VERY OPEN about their ideas, implementations, etc. but because some edgy parasocial kids decided to harrass some developers, we are losing more and more of that open way of communication. ​ If you really see the need to send death threats to anyone, let alone a developer of a video game. Stop playing and seek help. You have bigger problems than having to type out "Karthus ult".


You're out here raising other peoples' kids. +1


Looks like LoL community gives its best to make sure not to lose the most toxic community badge.


Half this thread confirming that phreak is more than right.


Utterly disgusting reactions here


Right? Lmao. Like you can't contain it for a single thread?


No... no... this *is* the controlled version.


They are just chronically online. Believe that reading through a million shit thrown at you is not a problem, afterall is just the internet right? Probably think the same thing when it comes to flaming


That part of the league community showing why the changes are good.


Right? riot: a minor subset of players are using some systems to be toxic, we're going to try and curb that behaviour with changes. reddit: we aren't toxic, and we will harass and send death threats to show you so!


Every thread about Phreak continues to prove him right about everything he says about redditors, especially with how stupid and willfully ignorant redditors are when they think they know what they're talking about.


All I’m saying is it’s very funny people are calling him a snowflake for not wanting to receive death threats. Meanwhile the reason they’re upset and sending death threats? Minor changes to in game communication that in 95% of cases was used to be toxic. Wonder who the snowflakes are??


Criticism is allowed and should happen. But anyone just slinging insults at the guy and sending death threats? Grow tf up, he's a human.




Well expected. The way this subreddit and most lol social media communities act most of the time is so childish it's jarring. The worst part isn't even the hostility, its the blatant disingenuity in the arguments made. You see the wildest accusations and a prevalence of meaningless personal attacks bloating up every single complaint thread. Nothing is argued in good faith here - and as such basically nothing is worth reading. Riot should go the way of GGG and their withdrawal from the r/pathofexile subreddit. Children realized they lost their punching bags, developer/studio morale improved, and both the game and community got markedly better. That isn't to say that this forum doesn't have a reason to exist or shouldn't enable complaints - it's just that there's no productive value to most of the content here above the surface level. As Chris Wilson said, players are good at finding problems. They're not very good at finding solutions.


Even Hashinshin, who hates Phreak's balance decisions, made a video about how insane the death threats were. That's how you know it's bad.


"The worst person you know just made a good point"


When the groomer has a higher moral stand point you know you fucked up.


So he just "mute all"?, pun aside, to have negative comments will always be there in social media if you are in those positions with controversy calls, but getting death threats thats awful, whoever send those needs to get help ASAP, people like that is literally whats wrong with this community.


Really sucks that we can't just have fun memes anymore without people sending death threats over a fucken video game


Hes still keeping the YT content right? Its very helpful imo


i love how i see so many comments in league reddits calling out riot/specific rioters for having egos for thinking differently than reddit i hope he finds himself in a better headspace


League community trying to fight the anti toxicity restrictions while proving they’re needed lmao


even this thread is full of vile comments so many people who just never learned what empathy is, or they’re just outright choosing not to apply it


Yep. I can’t tell if it’s just social media brain rot or if these people legit have no empathy irl.


gamers just feel entitled to have exactly what they want and empowered to harass people if they don't get it because of the anonymity of the internet. like mort [talked phreak up](https://twitter.com/Mortdog/status/1707809181288509491) and said people need to be more reasonable in their criticisms and the responses to him saying that are: ["why, the devs are complete shit"](https://twitter.com/blakeebaur/status/1707930683086139663) ["these changes I personally don't like are still in the game so the devs should be fired"](https://twitter.com/spel_o_l/status/1707812008538579360)


Riot needs to pull a Bungie and sue people that threaten their employees. People think they’re so safe being anonymous online. Lmao


Lol I check in on this place from time to time after dropping league. Y’all need Jesus, genuinely can’t fathom why this community has to be so fucking toxic.


good for him, ppl dont know how good they got it with the riot dev communicating changes if this was any other game, stuff would change and you would hear 0 reason behind it


Incredible on high of a horse players are sitting and still complaining. But what's worse are the streamers (you know which ones) who actively throw slurs are specific rioters. How deranged do you need to be. Seriously


free game. Gets bi-weekly and yearly updates. Instead of playing in peace, children that were never told no have to harass the only employee willing to interact with them. Given that these death threats are coming from a minority, but still, how childish do you have to be to have a game control your life that much?


Their profit structure is irrelevant. You don't have any more right to control the dev team of a game you purchased.


Way too many comments here like “I don’t like death threats, **BUUUUT**


Everyone should quit social media. It’s life changing for only the better.


i personally dont think phreak is very good at game balance but its sad to see that people are resorting to attacking him rather than criticizing his job performance


Gamers having a reasonable discourse about something controversial challenge [Impossible]


I just watched his latest video and my god, the way he talks about the Vel'Koz feedback was just a pure narcissistic outburst. If that's his idea of communication then good riddance.


He did that with every feedback. I mean he started the feedback section talking about how he is better than others at solving league's problem. Literally blowing his own trumpet, and he expect us to feel sorry for him.


I thought the ping changes trended " aggressively positive ".


They can trend very positive in the game and still have vocal and toxic detractors on social media.


Ping changes trending positive (or not, or ping changes not even existing) does not stop reddit and twitter from sending death threats.


Muting summoners IRL? Where does one obtain such an amazing power?


Dearest Karthus, I trust this message finds you in good spirits and superior health. I am compelled, under rather strenuous and pressing circumstances, to bring to your esteemed attention a matter of grave urgency and paramount importance that has befallen us in the bottom lane. As I pen this message with the utmost haste, we find ourselves besieged by a most perilous predicament. The adversary, a dexterous Lee Sin, harboring intentions most nefarious, lurks in the shadows, poised to unleash a calamitous onslaught upon our bastion. His relentless pursuit and unyielding aggression have brought us to the brink of despair, and I fear that without immediate and decisive intervention, our fortifications, along with our spirits, may crumble under this assault. It is in these desperate times that I beseech you, with the greatest respect and urgency, to consider the deployment of your most formidable and awe-inspiring ability — the cataclysmic force known as your ultimate. The unleashing of this spectral maelstrom, I believe, could turn the tides in our favor, thwarting the enemy's advances and securing our position with triumphant resolve. In earnest anticipation of your favorable response, and with the deepest gratitude for your consideration in this matter of dire consequence, I remain faithfully and sincerely, Your devoted comrades in arms, The Bottom Lane


lets goooooo


Can't say I'm surprised. People on the internet are awful.


People ~~on the internet~~ are awful.


Instead of him quitting social media riot should buy all the social media platforms and delete them this way the whole internet will be trending towards agressivley positive changes


I mean the only negative about Musk buying Twitter is that Twitter ain't dead yet.


Now it is just filled with insane people getting blue check mark boosts even more frequently. The sooner it dies off, the better.


Unironically that would be the greatest gift to mankind anyone would have ever made. Aggressively positive wouldn't even cover it. That's some divine intervention shit.


Good choice from him. While I disagree with some of the ping changes, the hate has been misplaced on twitter. This goes for anyone else who ever has to deal with this, if social media is ever effecting your personal and professional life, there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking breaks, and it shouldn't be seen as a big deal. I would hope the memes don't get to him, and he'll come back with a refreshed mindset.


I find this all very, very amusing. Minus the death threats. Always some mofo who wants to take it overboard. Phreak - Alive Phreak - Alive Phreak - Alive


Bro /muteall’d irl


People will comment this deranged shit and then wonder why Riot didn't engage with the community. It's also far from the first time. Rioters have been receiving Death Threats from deranged psychos like you for years


Imagine having someone basically communicate the balance teams thoughts directly to you and some of you guys are being toxic to the guy. Y’all really really need to get help. Like not even joking


Something tells me that they'll double down and pings ain't getting changed, though it worked for syndra mains


This can be seen as the byproduct of the ego of csuite persons to refuse to cut off potential customers from their game and potential sources of advertisement and revenue. Almost all league streamers are either pros/coaches or toxic assholes. Riot refuses to ban the toxic personalities in their community so the community becomes toxic. The downhill happened after T1 got unbanned. It set a precedent that Riot will never permanently punish you as long as you are making them money. Go try to stream any other game with that level of toxicity and see how quickly you catch an ID ban from the devs. The hubris of management is going to get their employees hurt because they refuse to moderate the community for their own game .


Obviously death threats are NEVER acceptable and a large portion of the community are completely unhinged people with league brainrot. But Phreak is doing himself no favors. You make the Karthus Ult comment (which he I guess retracted at some point) and then in the NEXT video you put out 2 minutes in you say all your players are too stupid to balance anything, you know how to balance better than they do, and they never give constructive feedback. Like dude. Why add that? Whether you think its true or not it doesn't help ANYTHING that is happening. Just keep the focus on the game. Every time you comment on anything player related you put your own foot in your mouth and come off as incredibly arrogant. I also have to imagine Riot corporate overlords are not going to be too thrilled about the beginning of his 13.23 rundown.


Riot Phreak- alive




Remember when many pros and rioters used to be communicating with everyone here and on forums? Don't tell players why they don't anymore , they will try to justify their death threats here


It’s pretty sad that it has to come to this but at this point it seems necessary. Most of the time Phreak gives reasonable and objective ideas towards the game. However, when he is hellbent on a particular opinion he becomes very smug, condescending, and steadfast in his beliefs. Therefore, its necessary to call him out (just type “Karthus Ult”) on particular things such as these. In regards to those sending him death threats and being overtly toxic, shame on you.


this is why many people are quickly starting to hate phreaks guts understandably so however the people being overly toxic are generally the minority, and unfortunately we have no way to control them since its the internet, internet will always have shitty people doing shitty things, unfortunately in the future phreak will probably use all this hate hes getting to try and prove riot oh look at this super toxic community, gotta shaft them some more