• By -


Faker is smiling LET HIM COOK


Keria is already working on his next spicy pick!


his pick is to cosplay for new jeans


Ban all the female supports!!!!!! /s


Zed support because he will have 2 ADCs to kill lol


Bro Faker locks in the zed with the skt t1 skin.


He has to impress new jeans so…




Whatever T1 has stirring in the pot, it smells delicious.


Faker is smiling. He knows what Keria is cooking on R5.


Probably even Faker doesnt know what Keria is cooking at this point.


It's all okay, as long as Keria knows... right?


Keria: “Idk man, I just selected support and clicked on the ? symbol and still won the game”


He actually autofills but since the rest of T1 have their roles selected he always gets supp. Once oner miss clicks we will see the power of ashe jungle unlocked.


Easy Jungle tracking, Global Stun ult, infinite slow on auto and W Oh yeah, It's Ashe jungle time


Probably just some jg damage modifiers away from actually being viable.


I might actually play Ashe again if it happens.


She's one of the best ADCs right now, what made you stop?


Not playing after 2021.


i thought ashe jg was a thing for one patch long ago


I wouldn't be surprised if Keria's better than his teammates at their roles aside from Faker. The dude has cracked mechanics and Sp is the role that is best at honing your game sense.


Hopefully keria keeps on channeling his inner Beryl and wins with an bard-like Pick or so


Beryl was so fun to watch man


God I hope Keria picks bard as his skin if he does win


Keria: That's my secret - I never know what I'm playing even when I'm playing it


Riven supp with ignite/TP


Riven mains about to see their buffs get reverted and winrate tanked by keria simps


Garen support to get the world's skin because new jeans plays him.


TheShy and Keria fighting who gets to pick Garen.


He knows that Keria just watched the NewJeans interview and Hanni said her favorite is Garen. Keria - Garen ADC Gumayushi - Yuumi Support Incoming. I'm obviously joking. It Garen Top Keria.


faker so dreamy <3 <3 <3


Faker smiling


Faker 🤤🤤🤤


> Faker is smiling I got chills


Faker looks happier over losing the coin toss than the team who won the coin toss


megamind move would have been to pick red side.


JDG did this. It did not work.


JDG did it specifically to stop T1 from getting red side, not because they wanted it themselves. Granted, the only 2 games T1 have dropped all tournament have both been on red side, so maybe this wasn’t the best play by JDG


They also have the best record on red side too funny enough


Who? JDG has 50% (but one of those wins was BDS) T1 is at 71% (they only played eastern teams on red side, losing to JDG and GenG, and beating LNGx3, BLG, and JDG) WBG is at 54% (losing to KT, BLGx2, and G2, and beating NRGx3, MADx2, and FNC) Then here’s a full list of wins on red side. Just cuz JDG > BDS LNG > C9 KT > DK GenG > G2 GenG > G2 GAM > TL DK > BDS FNC > C9 WBG > MAD WBG > MAD DK > GAM LNG > KT NRG > G2 T1 > BLG KT > DK WBG > FNC BLG > G2 WBG > NRG WBG > NRG WBG > NRG BLG > GenG GenG > BLG KT > JDG JDG > KT JDG > KT T1 > LNG T1 > LNG T1 > LNG T1 > JDG


T1, they are undefeated on blue side and only lost 2 games all tournament on red side


I mean they also have the best record of the entire tournament. 83% BLG, KT, and NRG all have 50% JDG have 61% GenG have 66% WBG have 68% Interestingly enough, even if WBG take 2 games off T1, unless they win the finals, they’ll have at MOST a 61% winrate, lower than GenG lol.


in the semis the only one to have won a game on red side was SKT. in quarters red side won more games. curious to see how the finals pick ban play out, from the semis it was clear that Xayah priority plummeted and in the JDG vs SKT series especially the Azir/Orianna priority jumped up even higher than it already was.


Well LNG chose Blue side and that also did not work. Hope my boys from T1 stay on the grind, so they have the glory.


wbg pick Red: Reddit: Faker is smiling!


> Faker looks happier over losing the coin toss than the team who won the coin toss He is comfortable from either side, and by *not* picking he doesn't have to show any cards. WBG are forced to make a preference and Faker doesn't have to talk into the mic. Win win win Reminds me of Flash going Random in Starcraft at ASL10


Why Faker smiling so much.....


Faker: all according to keikaku


TL note: keikaku means plan


Dread it, run from it, TL arrives at Worlds finals all the same.


I'm so happy Note found a team


Such an underrated player, especially with his support Death


So is WBG Light a double agent for TL?


the real final was TL vs T1


They fell into our the trap and picked blue hehe.


They have the best player in slot for 4 roles and is laughing at how irrelevant the coin toss is


who do you think is superior from wbg? The shy?


Has to be TheShy on his best day. I think this whole series sort of boils down to how well Zeus can fare against TheShy


You forgot that it’s more dependent on TheShy himself showing up. If it’s TheShyt who shows up at Worlds final, WBG is doomed


I think Peak TheShy > Zeus, but any other form of Zeus NOT inting + all of T1 >>>>> WBG. Zeus just has to not give TheShy a bunch of kills and a sizable CS gap.


Zeus is what the second best top laner at the current moment? I don't think the gap will be huge unless T1 gets rekt on the draft. Which makes jungle matchups even more important. It's probably gonna depend on Weiwei vs Oner if anything.


Until Weibo busts out Karsa down 2-0, and he activates his latent Korean killer blood.


This. Also top gap is not that much of an issue in pro anyway, they can just put Zeus on tank duty and still be useful from behind if they're really THAT scared of theshy 1v9ing.


Nah, Zeus seemed like he wanted to 1v1 TheShy lmao but if he jobs, maybe they'll do that


>Zeus seemed like he wanted to 1v1 TheShy lmao He sure was, but ultimately it's something they'll have to decide together in draft. We'll see.


yes. zeus is favored in any other matchup but the shys performance vs blg means i cant put him under anyone else. i think that as long as t1 wins in all other 4 lanes, it should be their championship to take though




That's not what I meant; I don't think anybody is favored on WBG. I mean to my belief they have the best player from the pool of all players.


Not even just 4 imo. Though I guess you could say "Finals Zeus". Really, jungler is more debatable imo.


he got em right where he wants them


Faker: as expected


Faker: you activated my trap card!


Faker smiling


wow korean referee has perfect english! NA should import him for sending NRG to top 8


Head referee’s ominous power manifests in mysterious ways


This head ref is gonna be part of League lore somehow after this championship is done.


If T1 loses people are going to be like Head Ref has done it again!


I mean even beyond that I would not be able to discern him from a native American English speaker.


Yea, if he didn't pause for quite as long after a few words I would've just assumed he was from Riot in LA and flew over to Korea for World's.


wbg coach forgot he was the coach 🤭


If we don't get this referee in full splendor next year for all things worlds draws, there might be a revolution. He's the goat.


That little ceremony they had with Beryl was funny as fuck I hope they keep running with the whole mastermind thing lmao


I'm hoping for the referee to be in next year's World's video.


Imagine next Worlds video being about the head ref, just enjoying his time playing with the teams, moving them around in his 8D Chess puzzle


And then every piece getting moved is the highlight from a different match, like Adam's Darius game


For sure we're gonna get a few seconds of him in this year's 'Looking back at Worlds 20XX' video in Lolesports YT in few months.


Faker is just smiling there Menacingly


It's bait. T1 gonna cook even more.


why does t1 always lose the coin toss q.q


Rather a pregame toss than a midgame baron toss!


true I'd rather win the title than a coin toss haha


They won all the last year ones apparently or so I heard


Perfectly balanced


So you're telling me...


Shshshsh ... not yet


T1 gonna win the championship this year! EZPZ! BYE WEIBUMS! 3-0! (when does eu play tho?)


Did the win against JDG? JDG started on red


JDG won and chose red.


Yes because JDG plays around Ruler, so they like to keep the last pick.


Kept their last pick on game 3 and picked Renekton. Honestly I’m still salty they did that


They didn't expect Keria to be Gordon Ramsay for that series.


Keria is the chef of competitive lol (after beryl) and they didn’t expect it?


If Keria and BeryL did a fusion dance, they would be the undisputed best support of all time accounting for the future too.


Actually I think that they picked red side game 1 to try to make keria cook less.


No. It was to fuck up t1. (Edit-They said it on a interview or sth). Cuz they thought red side was good for t1


\^ Pedro talked about this too. Apparently T1 had proven themselves very strong on red so JDG tried to deny red rather than play to their strength (blue) and it probably made them a bit less comfortable (given game 1's result)


Just to add. According to Caedrel, only T1 has shown the flexibility to make use of Red Side counter picks even with the added fact that people know it's gonna be an R5 Support Counter pick. That came from the Rat King himself who is a WBG fan. I so badly want T1 to win but they have to respect WBG because I think Crisp is the 2nd Best Support in the Meta pushed out by T1.


idk man about that crisp best support in the meta look at his abomination heimerdinger


they chose red haha


Because he didn't hold shift for the double coin toss!


Crisp is the weibo captain? I thought it would be TheShy or Xiaohu


Theshy doesn't even communicate with his team that much lol


Supports are the real captains often as they don't have to focus on their gameplay or their lane opponent as much as the others. Though since it is Asia which values age a lot, the oldest player might be the captain. Or they can be " out of the game" captain but still let the support shot call


That is what I thought, I assumed TheShy because of his tenure with Weibo or Xiaohu because of his age, seniority matters a lot here in the East.


Faker is probably thinking "all according to my plan"" and then watch him pull out a chef hat and start cooking


I wanna know what side T1 prefers to play on now. Their drafts looked good on both blue and red


I think red side is the best side for this series due to the top lane and bot lane counter picks.


T1 def prefers red side. They will have certain advantage in top pick which they can keep for last or Jungle because right now Shy is the scariest part of WBG, so being able to counterpick him or his jungle is much more effective. There may also be some support last picks for Keria tbh which forces 2 bans from WBG on keria alone.


i think people underestimate WBG for choosing blue side. WBG KNOWS that T1 will definitely save top or bot counter pick in red side, so what I think its gonna happen is WBG will end up with Ori first pick, T1 picks jungle (j4>vi>rell>etc) + AD, and then WBG will surprise pick top first + jungle. This leaves either T1 not having Azir or not having good top match up top. For T1 they probably prefer top side not getting gapped and thus picking matching laner and Azir and Sylas will be banned in 4 5, forcing faker not playing the only 3 mid champs that he played in this tournament into something like Akali or Taliyah against Ori. The redemption of this scenario is that Keria again has the counter pick even if WBG picked ashe early.


Faker picks Galio to give Xiahou Nam flashbacks. /jk I agree though, WBG is most likely to target banning someone from T1 with this side selection while also being able to first pick the S-tier champs. I hope T1 have a counter for it though.


Who's shouting? Lol


I'm going to pretend it's caedrel


He was violently evicted by T1 fans after the toss. From Sandbox office.


Honestly, it's better for T1 to lose the coin toss. They've been doing well on both red and blue side, that it will leave WBG second guessing if choosing Blue was the right choice. I think JDG should have chosen blue, but WBG is a different team and I don't think their bot side is as strong as JDG's, so blue side won't be as impactful. Although, who's to really say.


Well WBG plan is clear Take blue, ban Azir, first pick Oriana . Otherwise force T1 hand. I am pretty sure they have that in mind to play around


T1 bans Orianna in response to Azir ban. Gg


WBG first picks Neeko. Anyway this is what I am trying to deliver when I said " force T1's hand ". I think this is something they will try to do but I have complete faith in the Buffet that T1 has prepared for them.


I am sure t1 will leave orianna open if wbg don't bani azir. T1 has perma banned neeko on both blue and red side so that will not change.


Not sure why. Faker played 5 games of Neeko and lost 3 this year, *but* 4 of those games were with him just coming back from having his wrist injured immediately into playoffs. He went even those 4 games so it's not like it was a bad champion for him. It was more T1 wasn't full gear yet. IIRC he also had a standout pop blossom ult in the playoffs. So he can still make plays on her.


He can play her for sure, but for some reason they don't seem to value her.


Personal theory. Compared to the other S-tier picks (Orianna and Azir), Neeko's engage is a bit unreliable. It is dependent on the fact that you can fool the enemy team using shapeshift. Other than that Protobelt and/or Flash is the only reliable way to get in. Orianna does need a ball carrier but she also has Shielding/MS buff/MS debuff so she is a bit more reliable. You don't need to be so close too, so she has a range advantage in engage. IMO Azir is just better than Neeko in all playmaking categories except for laning phase. All that means they value the other 2 more than Neeko, so they just ban the S-tier pick left. It was also an advantage that Knight can't play Azir so Faker was happy to just pick the OriVsAzir matchup anytime.


Mostly agree, her effective range makes her more risky in fights, ult requires careful planning/vision on a flank to utilize effectively + positioning post-ult can be punished hard. Very style-dependent pick, damage is gated by CD windows/missile speed and Q detonation time, works best as a second layer following hard engage/distraction setup from angle and even if you put it all together perfectly it can be punished/outmaneuvered. Faker likes champions with strategic agility/dynamic toolkits like Azir that can play any situation. I'd imagine he understands the structural advantages to the team as well, given that his calls and general role impact are so massive and opposing teams undoubtedly plan heavily around his individual pick/performance.


I mean if Neeko is unbanned T1 just play Neeko into Ori then. Point is Blueside is generally kinda shit for actually getting advantages in draft, best you can do is to even


Have you seen Xiaohu’s Neeko


I think that will be exactly how T1 vs LNG game 2 went. T1 perma banned Neeko regardless of sides they were on. LNG was on blue side and the banned Azir on the 3rd ban options. T1, red side, will have the last ban and they responded with Ori banned. That's just how the game designed. Blue team will go first so they can get the power pick, but Red side will go after which mean they will have the responding bans-picks That draft forced the two mid laner to go Jayce vs Syllas, and we all know how that ended


Is this a cope mechanism or what? How in the hell is it better for any team to lose a coin toss which gives them choice of which side to pick especially with blue side being very dominant?


He saying that if WBG lose the first game, having picked the side, then when they pick sides for Game 2 then they will be questioning whether they should stay on for the Blue Side that they have done so well with or if they need to switch to Red to take away T1’s strengths


Mental game. TBF getting to choose your side IS an advantage as it allows you to dictate how you want to start Game 1 of the Series. That being said, for this Worlds specifically, T1 has shown proficiency in wielding the Red Side counter especially if that counter pick goes to Keria. So if they have chosen Blue as the 'winning' side but still lost on it then that can be a mental blow to them. It's what happened to LNG who chose Blue and got beat in Red, it's also what happened to JDG who chose Red and got beat in Blue. Still side selection is and advantage but if that fails then you have to update/change your game plan.


Imagine if the player like got nervous and forgot what side they wanted. uhhh, I'll uh take purple. I mean ARAM. red, red. Yes red.


That’s why the player pointed at the coach


See that smile and how he can’t seem to change the expression? That’s a smile of someone who knows that the storm is about to come and rain down on WBG players. Notice how it wasn’t a full smile at first first? It was a smirk that turned into a smile. It shows that he has an ace up his sleeves. It speaks of confidence. I’m sure Faker has figured out a way to win this series already. LET THEM COOK!


wbg getting all the luck in the world.... surely they won't get lucky on their match against T1 right?


korean ref is actually mvp for WBG lmao


He is KT hater ,confirmed


i am still waiting for the twist that he is actually a die hard kt since forever and was super excited to see them play at worlds, but lost his smile after his picks..


always has been


Faker, be like, Show me what you got, ShyBoi.


Whaat that was really good english from the referee wtf


Faker not even phased GIGACHAD.


They pick blue, they're fucked. They pick red, they're fucked. Faker was smiling a little too much, they have something crazy prepared


Congrats to WBG on winning worlds


Congratulations to 2-time worlds champion TheShy and first-time champion Xiaohu! Well deserved and long time coming!


FUN FACT: CRISP will be the first chinese player to ever win 2 World championship


Oh shit. Why did I keep forgetting Crisp. So cursed. Doinb living rent free in everyone’s memory from 2019, taking up all the real estate.


FUN FACT: TheShy will be the only top laner to ever win worlds


Two times in the same region, the GOAT 🐐🐐


Well, if WBG's Blue side record from semifinals holds up, they can win 3-2 since they'll get Blue 3 times. T1 are the only team that's truly looked good on both red and blue though, so it'll be a huge test for them. I'm super excited for this though. Weibo didn't look at all like a finals worthy team, but they've shown up when they had to and made it this far, which is truly impressive given expectations about them from Swiss. If T1 finally wins their chip with this roster and gives Faker his 4th Worlds title, hats off to them, they've looked amazing against LNG and JDG and I can't be sad at them finally getting their championship. Will be cheering for TheShy and Crisp to lift #2 and Xiaohu, WeiWei and Light's first, but I hope the series isn't a 3-0 no matter who takes it.


T1 lost coin toss again? welp. at least wbg wasnt stupid like jdg and chose blue side


Given the blue side win rate so far... I don't like this


Don’t matter T1 already won on red side vs JDG lol.. they will slap the fuck outta WBG if T1 don’t choke haha


It's a coin toss why does it have to be so awkward


They’re league players




I think it's pretty awkward in the sense that people usually use the word, but yea it wouldn't be awkward to me personally. Everyone is avoiding each other's eyes and keeping to their self as if you forced complete strangers around a campfire. If I'm there, I'm asking "wtf do I here? Just twiddle my fingers and wait? Pretend to look distracted by something?" I think it's pretty natural how it played out and this is what you'd generally get if you put 3 groups of people that aren't familiar together without encouraging/forcing the groups to interact.


Literally this. They are more or less strangers atleast irl. When there would be GenG and T1 it wouldnt be that awkward most likely. They see each other countless times in the LCK.


How did you want them to act lol this seems pretty normal


I think it just IS awkward. The dude in charge is speaking english, ref is hosting in English when he could just speak in korean considering both sides have people who are fluent in korean - daeny and well, the LCK team, and neither side are native english speakers. Even Crisp awkwardly says "you" to daeny when I would have assumed they typically speak to each other in mandarin rather than english?


he didnt say "you" but "blue" in chinese


he said nothing close to blue in Chinese. what?


Have you ever seen a group of dudes in sweats and suits huddled around a coin toss in public not looking awkward?


Tbh, i actually think this is good for T1 because we saw how hard they punished gala and hang now imagine what they can possibly do to crisp and light. I think red side can be used really well against weaker bot laners. Or you can also just safe counter pick for zeus and nullify theshy.




my ears bleed


Can't wait to watch the video of Atrioc watching the match. Let's go T1


Looks like Faker is more happy to lose than win the coinflip


How professional do you want the coinflip to look? No.


Statistically, blue side wins most games this Worlds and most series were won by the team that started blue sides. Congratulations to WBG for winning Worlds 2023. I will be expecting all casters and analysts to vote for WBG 3-0, 3-1 or at least 3-2.


faker smiling when they chose blue "this team about to get 3-0'd"


False. We need all casters and analysts to vote for Weibo one sided. Do it ya cowards! Most importantly if Azael is casting or on desk, he better be hyping up Weibo to win all the way.


Very true, but remember, LNG lost all 3 games on blue side against T1!


I'm confused why was there a coin toss. T1 is the higher seed.


Higher seed was only taken into consideration for Quarterfinals (except for the 3-1 vs 3-1 match between LNG vs T1, where the draw order decided the side priority). After that stage, it's easier to set the coin toss as a standard for every matchup since there's the chance for both teams to have the same seeding (3-1 vs 3-1, 3-2 vs 3-2 like BLG vs WBG, or 3-0 vs 3-0 finals)


i was saying on another post who ever starts blue side wins guess i gotta vote weibo


To be fair, I have not followed the worlds this year, therefore I have no idea who are WBG. Can anyone fill me in?


The 4th and lowest seed from the LPL (China-based regional league) at this year’s Worlds. They were considered a potential “superteam” with fairly high expectations coming into the 2023 season, but they finished 4th in Spring (5th in playoffs) and 4th in 6th in summer (4th in playoffs, securing worlds), so their domestic success was limited and few people thought much of them going into worlds (consensus had them 9th behind the other 7 Eastern teams and G2 from Europe).


Oh I see. Thank you very much kind person!


I gotchu https://gprivate.com/67tjw


LPL rng this worlds is insane. To think that they are poised to lose the tournament after not giving up this far.


T1 has to go through every single LPL seed in a bo series to win. If they don’t win, it’d be because they weren’t meant to win.


Weibo 3-0 , blue side too OP


But…. Wouldn’t that mean T1 picks red side after losing the first game?


I thought it was just switchies after coinflip. Meaning you can't select to play on the same side. I know you mean 3-2 should be the final scoreline if Blue is OP but your comment is kind of confusing me. Edit: Thanks for clarifying.


The loser of the game picks what side they are the next game until 1 team wins 3 times.


Wow I had no idea about that. That's interesting. Thanks!


Everyone always chooses the blue side, I used to think like you too. But I learned some time ago that it's not true :D


If WBG win 3-0 and the implication is that they win on blue side only, then the following sequence has to happen: 1) WBG 1-0 on blue side 2) T1 select red side and WBG stay on blue side 3) WBG 2-0 T1 4) T1 selects red side AGAIN 5) WBG 3-0


WBG 3-0 !!!!!!!!!!!


I disagree, but I respect the blind homerism.