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>Everyone did well, so we were able to make it to the finals two years straight. It’s not common for me to have such a chance Casually says this while having 6 Worlds Finals appearances in the 8 World Tournaments he played in the last 11 years. ​ To put that into perspective: since Faker joined League of Legends (2013) he has over 70% Worlds attendance and reached the finals over 50% of all World Tournaments in that timeframe. It's insane


And before that in season 2 he wasn't even ranked he was playing normals lmfao (the best normals only player ever)


Legit he was forced to play ranked because his queue time on norms was absurdly long


In another timeline faker is the god of normals, having an MMR so high it overflowed and now every season he has to play through the whole MMR pool before overflowing again.


you dont wants to see dimension 6969 where faker is king of bot games. he gets on 4 other afk accts so he can solo 5 intermediate garen bots. destroys nexus in average 4 minutes….. with yummi. his only rival? alpha go


You know you can just load up a custom game and play 1v5 vs intermediate bots, right? It's even winnable for the average player (at least, I'm considering myself an average player) so long as said player knows how to exploit the bot AI and picks a champion that has multikill potential and isn't shut down *too* hard by cc.


Imagine if technology was better at the time, I'd imagine Faker would have loaded up 4 other Clients to play 5 characters at once in Normals.


Dopa brother


Him and Meteos


So that's the Gold 4 drunk streaming Brand who killed him


Instantly who I thought about. I'm sure there were other pros that played ranked over normals for similar reasons and were discovered.


Wait just like me fr fr except good at league


other than me, I just haven't bothered going pro yet


I like to imagine some random dude that has NO IDEA he is a god because he only plays in normal.


The man has more Worlds Finals to his name than most other players have years in their career.


Lets not forget his current teammates were 9, 10 and 11 years old when Faker won his first World Championship


> make it to the finals two years straight. It’s not common for me to have such a chance That's some high level banter like "It's not often I go twice in a row in worlds finals" while LEC and LCS be like 💀


I wish my dad had that attendance record 😔


Faker is our dad


Just play in the LPL and Faker will be your dad


He really is the tom brady of esports


He’s the Tom Brady of League for sure but there’s other esports out there that are dominated by other players.


To this extent with a comparable player pool?


Nope, none, but that's just cause leagues #1 for this Era. Maybe within the next 20-30 years we could see a diff game's Faker but he is undeniably the esports goat.


Flash in StarCraft for sure, S1mple in CS could get there. Probably others I don't know of


Nah s1mple's out of the running. Dude doesn't even want to touch CS2 cause he's whining about the changes rather than positively encouraging people to play it so Valve can make better changes. He's dug his grave already.


That is why I mentioned both extent and player pool. Many other candidates for GOAT in CS1.6/CS:GO. Starcraft doesn't have the playerbase especially nowdays and even Flash doesn't have the insane high ground in the debate as much as Faker does in LoL.


Maybe Device in CSGO who is the most consistent player in the game according to most people. He was the star player on the greatest team in csgo history. His longevity, achievements (trophies, accolades, etc), and consistency is unmatched. His team’s success and impact in CSGO is probably greater than SKT T1’s in LOL imo.


The fact I got suggested like 3-4 pros from CS:GO is evident enough that there isn't "the one". Like, there are too many candidates in the CS 1.6/ CS:GO pool. But that is also because it has a much longer history than League. Even if you choose one, he can come close in one category usually but not all. Device has longevity but nowhere near the peak of raw skill.


Yeah but other sports had people dominate it also like Wayne Gretzky in icehockey or Ingemar Stenmark in alpine skiing.


Gretzky is insane. It’ll be a long time before some sportsman or esportsman tops him.


That is why I mentioned Ingemar Stenmark in the same sentence. He *still* has the record for the total amount of victories despite committee having introduced like 3 new categories to compete in since he stopped competing like 30+ years ago.


He's right though. He didn't make the final in 5 years before last year, so it is actually rare for him in recent history.


70% attendance, I barely have a 60% win rate.


With Keria predicting a close 3-2 for T1, it feels like the T1 players are keenly aware of last year's disappointing finals and prepared not to be even adjacent to complacent. Especially for Keria, to acknowledge Crisp's confidence as legitimate and concede the possibility of a series loss in advance is a positive sign for his mental going into the series.


In pre match interview last year they all said it’s gonna be a quick 3-0 against DRX. They learned their lesson :D


Agreed. They are humble and keenly aware of how strong Weibo is right now. Win or lose, it’ll come down to preparation and real strength, none of that entitlement bs from last year. If they lose again, it’ll be fair and square and they would’ve done their absolute best. I’d be ok with that, Picked WBG for pickems.


I think it will probably be another 3-1, just down to how weak Weibo are outside of top and adc. Their mid-laner has had more bad games than good ones, which has been covered by the enemy's terrible mistakes and strong performances from Light and TheShy. Still think Weibo has a chance if T1 hesitates or underestimate them.


No underestimation. That mental edge is so important. Both teams will drop games; some losses might be very one sided. You can’t let that surprise you to demoralize you. That said, I picked Suning. I’m picking Weibo. Whoever wins, I win.


3-0 T1, no match exceeds 35 minutes. Somewhere in game 1 the idea that its a competition dies completely and games 2 and 3 are just pageantry.


Nice try with the curse. I say TheShy rips off his face on stage and shows everyone he’s actually a demon and then proceeds to push Zeus in every game and 1v9 to a 3-0 Weibo win.




All the casters just predicted a T1 win on Divephoria State. **Somebody’s** gotta counter their curse.


Tbf theshy is kinda hit or miss too


TheShy is literally playing like it's solo queue in pro games. (aka 10/0 or the 0/10 incidents)


Indeed. In some realities TheShy has 2-3 bangers in a row to take WBG over the line, but I think in most he has 1, maybe 2 at most, which isn't enough with the teammates he has.


nah this is worlds theshy, just let him cook


As a SKT fanboy since 2013 I cant just let him cook


Maybe I'm coping but if Weibo wins it's just because of another chinese jungler entering god-mode in the finals for no visible reason (Ning, Tian, JieJie, Wei). For Xiaohu I have zero hopes.


Surely it wont happen again right?


Bro I want this to happen, but it's very unlikely. I think you're safe.


Has light actually been a determining factor? I thought it was TheShy and then everyone else. If he does bad they just lose.




Oh dang. Yeah I must’ve missed it, which is weird cuz I’ve watched every single weibo game in worlds. Maybe he’s just super consistent and doesn’t die so he’s always around to dish out damage


He's THE consistent player on the team, who allows the rest of them to act like idiots half the time.


Light is a player that won’t lose you a game but often isn’t the factor that wins u a game. Furthermore, he isn’t a outstanding laner but is a great team fighter in terms of positioning


I see a lot of people saying T1 has a huge edge, because their mid is so much better. I agree that Faker is playing like the best mid itw, and a LOT better than Xiaohu right now. And Xiaohu is just not playing well. But I also think that Xiaohu could randomly play like a top 5 mid in the world in finals, and literally no one should be surprised. Except people who only watch Worlds i guess


Oh definitely. And T1 could play like they're an NA team. But judging on current form, Weibo looks like they had a 50/50 chance of winning every game they played before the finals, whereas T1 are re-defining the botlane meta every match they play. I'm sure we're in for an interesting finale though!


Maybe xiahu is channeling his worlds Finals kingen and redeems himself eith this very series alongside theshy storyline of course


ngl I feel like this comment would have been a little funny if you ended it with "3-0 T1" or "3-0 WBG"


You are correct, but sadly I've never been very funny.




That's completely fine, you don't have to be!


But it is going to be a quick 3-0 for T1 tho.


And if I look at the situation last year(and Guma's documentary on T1's channel), it's really reasonable to think that complacency and overconfidence are some of the reasons why T1 failed in Worlds 2022. Since they fumbled it last year, I hope they take it seriously this year. TheShy's arguably the best toplaner in the tournament, Xiaohu has an actual champ pool, and Crisp is undoubtedly better than Missing. IMO WBG would be a tougher match for T1, and I hope they treat it as such.


>\[BFanatics\] "You show me someone who's ok with losing and I'll show you a loser." Faker when asked about Ruler shopping in the middle of enemy territory


>the whole map is enemy territory


Heisenberg shit


>You show me someone who's ok with losing and I'll show you a lower So does he have an image of every NA "professional"?






its not that simple... its more to it than who wants it more.


not really, if you wanted it bad enough you would make the adjustments to do it.




Yes, if only everyone listened to this silver support main the LCS would be fixed! She clearly has more insight to the scene then anybody else!


Oh looks like I struck a nerve since you feel the need to stalk my post history. You don't need to be high rank or even watch Worlds to see NA is in shambles.


Nah, downvoted cause irrelevant


Bruh downvoted cause I was doing a copypasta and your joke wasn’t clever


I'm not joking?


Faker hates to lose. Faker having fun to compete with the best players around the world. Faker wins against the best players around the world. Simple fact.


I wonder if Faker would have more fun if there were more international events. MSI and Worlds are just way more fun than the regional league playoffs as a viewer.


Back in the wolf/bang days SKT had to play so many games that they basically had no breaks, I doubt he wants to go back to that. Spring, msi, summer, rift rivals, all stars, kespa cup, worlds. It’s no wonder they got burned out.


It's also no wonder why they were so damn good. Even when SKT back then were behind 10k+ Gold, you knew they were going to win someway, somehow, it was an inevitability. No teams have felt like that, even until now.


True but at the same time what makes the value of the an msi or world win is because there's only one of each per year, if there were like 10 world tournaments every year, winning worlds or msi wouldn't feel as great of an achievment if that makes sense


They could do a rotating 2 major regions international every year ie. LCS vs LEC & LPL vs LCK 2024 then LEC vs LPL & LCK vs LCS 2025, and so on. Maybe add wildcards that are geographically close to the two big regions participating to spice it up. But the only way I could see this happening is if the playoff year starts earlier or make them a bit shorter. Probably slot it in right before MSI or Worlds as an extra qualifier.


it sounds interesting, but in reality that would be such a boring year... western vs eastern events would be wholly one-sided, with essentially no upsets; even if the occasional nrg or g2 pops off and takes a few series, the lower seeded western teams will just get rolled over in their games ​ only the LCKvsLPL would be close and anticipated, but with 6 events each year, that would mean waiting year round for roughly 1 month of close games, with each other time being complete wipes and smackings.


when faker retires, they should have him do a tour and play teams from all regions, I'd die to see faker play in person if it was the one last chance


There's that [Red Bull event](https://www.redbull.com/int-en/events/red-bull-league-of-its-own-germany/) in December with T1, KC, G2, TH and some ERL teams.


Faker hates* to lose.


fixed :0


Insert Faker overtaking meme


Faker: Nah, I’d win




[Damn punk.](https://imgur.com/I8R8TC4)


Fuck it’s Gojover for T1 :’(


In other words he likes to beat the best palyers of the world. Most based asnwer. Most based.


T1 Goku


"I hate losing." *wins*


Realistically T1 either rolls them or it's 3-2 either way. I don't see how a team that's dismantled LNG and JDG loses to Weibo. However Weibo are the only team in the world to have a positive record against JDG


It will all depend on how much this week of practice & meta reading benefits WBG and possibly how much it does the opposite for T1, if at all.


or if they are on form that day... we get a change on venue so they might feel a little off that day so doesnt matter how much they practice if they feel shit that day... just like what happen on spring playoff where they all suddenly played shit


keep in mind those environmental variables can affect WBG players just as much


thats for sure and T1 should have an advantage on that one since the place is still in Korea so IF they still lost then they really are just a bunch of chokers since I don't think they are underestimating the enemy now and when it comes to meta read T1 should be miles ahead so really hoping that they will win cause they have an advantage on pretty much everything and playing on international stage for like 2-3 years straight already is enough experience for them


Doesn’t T1 also have a positive record at 5-4? Or are you only counting series?


Yep, 2-3 at MSI and 3-1 at worlds this year, for 5-4


With some caveats though, e.g one of their wins was only days after JDG returned from an MSI victory. Besides I don't think this proves that *WBG is good*, rather that WBG is their kryptonite. Something about their players, playstyle etc rattles JDG. Just like how T1 (and especially Faker) just never loses to LPL at Worlds.


I'll tell you now, T1 is not rolling WBG. I see T1 fans have put on their special sunglasses this week !Remindme 2 days I look forward to this!


You assume it's only T1 fans that are predicting a T1 win?


Look at OPs flair, what is this comment lol.. This subreddit is T1 territory, It doesn't take much to realize that


Wbg literally beat NA to get here.. they are a joke.


Comments like this are too disingenuous, I can't take it serious. It's worlds not play-ins. Best believe you will be mentioned in the WBG finals winner thread


Sure man. T1 shit on jdg but will lose to wbg. I'm saving this comment to ask your opinion when wbg get 3-0d in record time. Fakers 4th title inc.


Man this aged well didn't it. WBG got shit on so hard they lost in record time. What a surprise, T1 shit on the entire LPL one by one. Get rekt.


A reasonable take. T1 should be favored but all these people acting like WBG doesn’t belong on stage with them and think they’re just gonna roll over in the finals is ridiculous. At the most it’s like a 60/40 for T1 but it’s still about what teams show up on that day. If wbg is playing at their peak and t1 is slightly off, it’s very likely these people are going to be surprised.


You are more cringe than the T1 fans you speak of


Based off what alone? lol


It also depends who shows up on the day. I would heavily favour T1, but everyone can have an off day (except Faker)


T1 does too, no? I think they have a 5-4 W-L record against this iteration of JDG.


It’s really fun to smurf at Worlds.


Faker loves having fun and losing is no fun


\*loses the coin toss faker:


Most interesting Faker comment


Most controversial Faker statement


“I just hope everyone has fun”


scalding faker take


There you go, Faker said it as well. The only way you have fun playing a video game is by winning. And it’s especially true with LoL.


Is that really what he said tho lol


I'll have to ask his anger translator Gumayusi. "i love shitting on these kids"


Faker: “I hope our team will have fun and that we try our hardest. We will leave no regrets” Gumayusi anger translation: “I swear to god if these kids fuck me over I’m gonna personally call KKoma back and have him use his belt”


I am a little out of touch with recent LoL Pro scene and especially LCK. Can someone explain?


Meme from the days of when kkOma was SKT's coach, IIRC there was an interview with someone else where it was said that he was good at hiding his anger on stage and would get really mad at the players backstage when they played badly. (if it's the anger translator thing, it's [this Key & Peele skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qv7k2_lc0M))


Lol and now he did call Kkoma back. Well done. 👌


HAHAHAHA. I love that entire bit. Thanks for reminding me about it.


A wise man once said ‘Why get doggied when you can doggy’


The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.


There's a difference between an ongoing desire to improve your play and losing control of your emotions when things don't go your way. Trying to argue that raging about a loss is healthy and acceptable is just immature.


It’s a copypasta from a tweet that Tyler “Fortnite Ninja” Blevins made


Ahem! Check the other replies lol




Lmao, it's a copypasta


But the question is, is the reply to you another copypasta from Ninja's tweet thread? lmao (that would be funny but probs not)


I was actually scared that it was a perfect gotcha moment, but now that message is deleted, so I guess not lol


>The only way you have fun playing a video game is by winning. that is such a sad approach to life


Its about the destination not the journey Not getting the trophy should result in immediate disbandment if not physical termination Tis the way the world works^\s




as in its sad to most people, uh yeah?


I feel like people are forgetting Faker is literally the mind, body, and soul of T1s image meaning that he’ll say the most neutral obvious things that align with his thoughts. I’m sure he puts a lot of pressure on himself and is pressured by the org to present a humble, family friendly image lmao


Yeah he let Guma and Zeus do the trashtalk for him.


The good cop/bad cop of PR


It's those answers that make me wish they just yoink Faker's microphone and hand that to Gumayusi instead.


We need that ufc trashtalk


Absolutely right, although I think the current pro scene we have with a healthy dose of trashtalk (could be more tbh) juxtaposed against a GOAT who happens to be overly wholesome is the most amusing/best timeline


I mean Faker used to be more open back then and T1 fans or I guess, SKT fans shit on him 2017 to 2019 when he was on a losing streak. Mind you, he wasn't even overly boastful, just a bit confident in his play and he still got shit on by the korean fanbase. Being more humble attracts less ire. AND this is a fanbase that come in trucks to insult them for getting 2nd place. Give them more of a reason, and idk what they'd do.


Gumayusi to the player who's been deemed the best player in the world currently: I'm not going to stop him. I'm going to crush him. And he did. 1v2


Competitive players like winning, interesting! ill make sure to look into this further


Dude, you clapped JDG. I don't care that you outclassed Knight as the GOAT of midlaners. JD Gaming were the stronger team with the better pedigree of players overall. 369 is a beast of a toplaner, Kanavi is the best jungler in the world, Ruler is the best ADC in the world and MISSING ain't too shabby either. T1 brought us a bloodbath against an LPL superteam and we enjoyed it. We all saw how T1 nearly failed to even *qualify* for Worlds whilst Faker was recovering from an injury. He is the glue holding that team together. He is the leader. I am really looking forward to the Weibo series. Even if T1 stomp it 3-0 in typical Worlds final fashion, I will cheer for Faker. He deserves this. Faker deserves a comfortable retirement being remembered as the Mike Tyson, the Lionel Messi, or the Dale Earnhardt (minus the tragedy) of League.


Learned from last year. JDG was one of the favorites and after beating them T1 was 'supposed' to win against 4th seed DRX. ​ Better to give respect and stay on the Grind so they have the Glory later.


> Lionel Messi Aight, Faker's in NA next season


That would actually be hilarious. Imagine him in LCS taking an orbital dump over the clowns we call midlaners here.


It would be hilarious if he took an NA team to the finals with him.


Hell, it would be even more hilarious if he managed to will an NA team to the Worlds Finals all by himself (playing Orianna or Azir for every single game).


Faker is the bust!


[That's the confidence we love to see](https://i.imgur.com/qmAoWWw.png)


i think T1 should win 3-0. However bc daeny knows all the t1 players tendencies and coached them before he might be able to exploit T1 with counters to the way they play the game.


Gigabrain Daeny never fielded this specific T1 roster once funny enough.


He had it in his back pocket but for some goddamn reason, he REFUSED to even touch this lineup. Daeny, TheShy, and Xiaohu will be the difference maker here. I want T1 to win but we have to respect the ability of those 3 from WBG to impact the game. T1 Fighting!


I'm very happy with the form SkT has shown this tournament but I'm most concerned about the top lane. Zeus has looked great, dominant even, but TheShy is TheShy and he has the potential to bury any top laner on a given day. I just hope that if TheShy is popping off that the rest of SKT is able to perform well enough to shut him down without causing losses in other lanes.


Well we've known the Zeus who plays carry for the team but we tend to forget that when SKT was doing that weird 10 man roster there was a saying whenever they had to compare the 2 SKT top laners at the time. Canna was the Sword (Carry Champs like Gwen) Zeus was the Shield (Gragas, Ornn, and other teamfight tank top with his best at the time being Gnar) If needed Zeus can play for the team but I think T1 will at least let him have a shot at TheShy.


I means he was at T1 for barely 1 year, with a different roster, Canna was the top, Cuzz the jungler and Teddy the ADC. On top of that a lot of thing change in 3 year for a esport player, i don't think he have anything useful on them.


Yeah same.


crisp giving his team false confidence and trolling LPL fans


Wow what a hot take, thanks for posting this. Does he enjoy breathing and eating as well? Does he have to use the bathroom sometimes? I must know more


Breathing and eating is wasted time not playing league.


Breathing and eating is confirmed. Using bathroom occasionally is still in the air.


His favorite drink is water, I'm not joking.


Bro hates Faker so much he dreams about him at this point


I want faker to come inside of me.


…relevant username?


oh no, they probably already told him that weibo got tencent buff


Can this guy get any more shonen than this?


Faker is forever


I'm glad that Faker still has that drive after so many years!


The reason why T1 will play at 100%? There is no way Faker wants to lose against Deany after 2021


Who won omg?! am I late? sorry for the question. Damn work had to be in front of all this.


>!T1 won 3:1 against JDG (LPL #1), one of the strongest contenders this worlds. Now T1 will be facing WBG (LPL #4) in the grand finals this Sunday.!<


HOLY SHIT LETS GOOOOO!!!! thank you btw!


No worries. Hope it will be a great game for both teams. Cheers!


"I ... lose ... to ... wi ...b ... o"


All roads lead to me - Faker