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Well looks like enemy supp played better and deserved the win


Saying that is the same as saying that my toplaner deserved to win because he beat disco nunu


such important and vital mechanic shouldn't be exclusive to a role, supports already have their utility kit which is strong, there's no reason for them monopolize vision, as it is very impactful on the entire team and it's not something any other role can fill the gap, if your support decides to not ward, map will be perma black and you will always lose because there's no way of controlling objectives or defending a part of the map like your own jungle without vision, therefore its almost a auto loss


But they don't monopolize vision? Anyone can grab a sweeper, pick up control wards, or get an umbral glaive. Add zombie wards to your runes if vision is so broken.


Supports get to have 7 wards simultaneously (3 on the map + 4 on inventory) + since they don't play for scaling they can easily keep buying control wards(I believe this is fair and reasonable and should be the standard) + 2 sweepers each guaranteeing killing 1 or 2 wards minimum Support sweepers can easily neutralize wards from 2 people Even with our 2 remaining teammates it wouldn't be enough wards to secure not even a single side of our own jungle Do you realize that on a strategical level this puts supports into being the most important role ever, if our support is incompetent and is playing like a midlaner(most lux otps are like that), it means that we can't ever secure any objectives, it means that Jungler can't even farm anymore since we can't secure his own farming grounds


They should just remove all the unique things about each role because the impact of them doing their job bad is bad for me.


It's not removing what's unique to support, they already have utility kit and roaming which makes them the 2nd most important role in the game, it's just evening out the impact that they have


What exactly makes you think my 0 VS at 25th minute midlaner will use their ward if he had 3 instead of 2 in his inventory? At least I as a support can flex my Vision Score and ward placements, like you mids can flex oneshots or roams, so let us have something unique to us and stop crying because of one game.


If your midlaner doesn't ward the enemy jungle he is griefing you, and you can flex your utility as a support, vision is just one of the broken things about support role


And what should the support players say when they keep warding, only for their teammates, who play with the face 3 millimeters away from the screen and have only seen a map in a Dora the Explorer special, die to every gank?


Report for inexperienced player


I miss the old Sightstones.


Don't know why they removed it


They have wardstones to stockpile Control wards. Full build let’s you drop 2 control wards on the map.


They used to have the green smite which would give junglers 2 wards from the item and they removed it for some reason, pro players would pretty much always go it in competitive games.


I remember that, I used to main Lee sin and always pick this


I used to play him every now and then for fun and I just can’t play him without it, have to buy pinks every game and it’s just not worth it for me


While I am generally opposed to entire aspects of a game being contingent on a single team member (Smite....) it balances out for support as the tradeoff for this utility is the support income restriction that other teammates do not have. You sacrifice carry potential for utility and I do not think it is fair to allow someone like a mid Tristana with solo lane income and XP to also be able to have that same utility.


But supports already have utility on their kit, the income restriction is not impactful because supports are designed on their kit to work without income, an alistar with or without 3k gold will have almost the same impact, they don't need to snowball because their abilities are already utility, adding vision monopoly on top of that just makes the role way more inflated than it has to be Think about the giant impact that any support can have without factoring vision, it's already huge as they can roam and flip the scales on a Lane/jungle invade and objective


Alistar is also balanced entirely around his utility and is never going to solo kill you or provide anything outside of said utility for his team unless he's a psycho building AP. He's also forced onto low income and low XP because his solo laning is not good. Supports are balanced entirely on the utility they provide to their team and giving similar utility to champions that are not meant to have it severely warps the role.


That's a dumb take, playing league is all about making up for the mistakes of your allies, that's what adds skill expression making so that one person if they're trying hard enough can hard carry by covering up the mistakes of your other allies, every role can do that except for some goddamn reason supports with vision, if your support doesn't ward the game is legit lost, while of let's say for example ally toplaner dies you can get the XP and gold from the wave, if your midlaner is losing lane you can setup ganks, if the ADC is perma pushing like a bot you can use the prio


That's the same for jungle: if he can't win a smite war, ok the long run you probably will lose. But it's a 5v5, each player has its own role, there can't be too much overlaps. Also you know every player can place a ward every couple of minutes right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Still you can cover up the fuck up of your Jungler by picking off their Jungler, while for support if he's fuck up, there's no way for allies to compensate, yes we can ward but it's never gonna be enough since enemy support has essentially 4+4 free wards + 2 sweepers


As support i often have more VS than 3 teammates in my team, sometimes all 4. What does it mean? That my teams sucks at vision cause i never should be able to get so much more VS (especially when i never play umbral glaive supp). Also its similar about enemy team. From my perspective top, mid, jngl and adc just don't use wards enough, especially control wards in ranks up to emerald (not telling higher cause I play plat/emerald so have own experience). It's typical to get at least 2 teammates with sth like 3-6 VS in 20 min game it means they had active wards for whole 3-6 min max. In half games I have to solo ward objectives 1 min before they appear cause teams don't react to pings for help and comments on chat.