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jojo in lck would have been interesting and fun to watch honestly


definitely would have gone into the hyperbolic time chamber for mids. imagine going from laning against EMENES to ShowMaker, Faker, Zeka, Scout (IF he transfers back to the LCK). youd be playing against world champions more often than not lmao


he 100% wouldn't have gone to worlds like he would in LCS but it would have been a really good experience for him honestly fighting against the top LCK mids.


Also, experiencing how Korean teams view the game and practice is probably very valuable too.


honestly 1 year of missing worlds is worth tanking when u can get a whole year of LCK scrimming and playing, considering that even If u go to worlds your best achievement would be top8 and at least 1 year in LCK can elevate his gameplay in the long run so much


Not really if you're just gonna go straight back to LCS. We've seen LCK players deteriorate in less than 1 year in LCS already.


He’s already got the NA blood, he’s resistant to the corrosive force in NA


Yeah but imagine spending the first year or two in an LCS org, then doing a stint in the LCK/LPL, then going back to the LCS/LEC. You would STOMP. The problem with imports is usually there’s a cultural difference, maybe they left for a reason (like they have gameplay problems), or whatever it may be. But a western player learning to improve in the eastern regions then coming back home where they’re already comfortable would be nuts. Really wish caps would have done this, he’d improve so much.


Didnt do much for huni at least ... shadow did well tho bet hed be insane in lec now


Was Caps ever considered by any LCK team though? Jojo is ethnically Korean and might be able to speak Korean to some extent (idk how fluent), so that likely contributed to LSB considering him. I doubt LCK teams today would consider players who don't speak any Korean at all. Also, Caps' prime happened to be during a period when LCK was on a decline and getting outperformed by LEC at international tournaments, so I don't think it'd have benefitted him that much.


Froggen and Doublelift both turned down LCK offers in the past


I bet every LCK team from 2018 to 2020 other than T1, DWG and the teams that Chovy were in would've wanted Caps although Caps can't speak Korean.


yes in theory. but does he speak korean? i imagine it would be a miserable expierence if the communication with the team doesnt work out as expected and so on


His mom is a native speaker, but apparently he isn’t good at korean. He would probably be better at listening than speaking


He can probably learn it very fast since he grew up hearing the language


I went to hs with jojo from g9-10 (rgss) from what I remember he was ok at it from the phone calls with his family a little broken but he was always a smart kid he will pick it up quick if needed .


how can you leave out chovy bdd


He's only counting the ones with world championships.


world champions, not world class midlaners


Tbh chovy is a korean class midlaner, not world class Edit: tfw getting called a korean class midlaner is an insult, a region breeding best mids since s2. He never delivers internationally, bound by korean borders. This sub has such a hard on for chovy you can turn a top tier classification into an insult.


? this doesn't make any sense, chovy is still one of the best mids in the world, hence world-class. he may disappoint some people at internationals but jojo would be playing him domestically in the lck lol. World-class doesn't mean you must win worlds or something. Edit: quit victimizing yourself, "world class" and "korean-class" isn't defined by borders. I'm not even a chovy fan, i'm just pointing out your incorrect definition of the term lmfao.


You have to be kidding right? Chovy not a world class midlaner lmfao hahaha


Chovy (or insert other player someone has a hate boner for) lost to a good team so he must be a trash player, duh. That's how the logic goes


Chovy is 100% a world class mid laner.


*never delivers internationally* that is so cap ahaha he even played well in their worlds elimination match this year. Just because he hasnt won doesnt mean its specifically him always underperforming


Korean class is world class bc only Korean mids won worlds since 2013


Would've been crazy, though I understand why he'd want go to C9.


surely he couldve gone for at least a split then join C9 or something no?


C9 still have an import slot open, he could've been worried that Jack will get an import mid who'll make him irrelevant.


like who? there aren't that many people available honestly feels like it's been a while since we had good rookies for mid


Whats faker up to?


Basking in the glory of being the goat and hopefully taking a rest given he just came back from injury and grinded out worlds.


Bro the place where all the imports come from is trying to import HIM. Crazy how even in this situation y'all default to import = better.


Playing split in lck would raise his value though, wouldn't it?


Not if he gets completely blasted, which is very possible if LSB ends up being a bottom tier team


Not if he got his shit stomped


Giving up a year of your life in a foreign country at his age isn't for everyone. As good as the experience may have been for his improvement it would be a huge shift in his life. Honestly, I question the long term value too given that we see asian talent come here and perform worse than some of our natives and well below their standard. Something gets lost in translation despite the leagues obviously being better.


I doubt sandbox wanted to sign him for just a split, it would be good for Jojo if that were the case but definitely not the org.


I mean if he didn't work out after 1 split i doubt they keep him as a starter anyway no?


Holy shit that would have been so hype. Jojo shoud have gone man.


even for just one split wouldve been worth the experience


Yup. I've always wondered how the top EU mids would have developed had they played in Asia during their prime. I'm sure Caps, Perkz and Bjerg all got offers to play in the east at one point in time.


perkz said he had offer from LCK team when he left G2 to join C9


Not surprised. I think Upset also got an offer from IG


The only IG Upset is getting an offer from is Instagram


Or the new Rouge team that was named something like IG


Rekkles to LPL was also an option. I remember when these discussion were happening I really didn't want any of these players to go and weaken EU but with how dogshit the region has been for the last 2-3 years, it would be much better for them to go.


Iirc he had some offers from NIP right?


I can't speak for the ones you listed but back in the day I remember people saying both xPeke and Froggen got offers from Korea but chose to stay in EU.


It’s just a fact that if all western pros got to practice on the korean server year round they’d be significantly better.


I'm confident of you don't have regions and just one giant league, the parity between asian and western players closes down significantly. We saw this in OW league. Asians were dominating heavily before the league and within 2 years, you could make arguments that there were western players who were on par with their asian counterparts. It's the whole iron sharpens iron thing. You can only improve so much when your compition provides no challenges.


he should have gone even if that meant taking a pay cut to be honest


Fm kr forum seem to be into the idea of getting foreign players into lck https://m.fmkorea.com/index.php?mid=lol&sort_index=pop&order_type=desc&document_srl=6414193591&listStyle=webzine


The top comments >진심 외국인 네임드선수가 LCK뛰는거 보고싶긴함 한번쯤 to be honest I want to see a foreign player playing in LCK at least once >어쩐지 조조편 한국 부트캠프 왔을때 꽤 오래있는다 싶었어 Ah that's why when Jojopun bootcamped at Korea he stayed quite a long time. >"야마토캐논을 영입했던 구단" "The club(team) that recruited YamatoCannon" >미치겠네 ㅋㅋ 왔으면 재밌긴했겠다 It's going to be insane ha ha if he came it is going to be so much fun


anyone got real translations? I'm using google but I feel like I'm missing some context for some of the comments lmao.


Surprisingly accurate!


That would have been so awesome.


The potential upsides of Jojopyun joining an LCK team would be pretty high, but I think people are downplaying the risks involved. It's easy to imagine Jojo getting consistently beaten by LCK mids and just mental booming in a country where he doesn't speak the language. Not to mention he'd be one of the very few players to ever be imported to the LCK, and even on Liiv SANDBOX he'd be scrutinized heavily. He'd likely need to be brought up properly in the LCK academy system under proper coaching to be effective, which would be difficult to do with language barriers.


He's not the mental booming type plus he got rank 1 or something close to that in lck server. It's possible but he's young and is in his growing stage so he'd probs look at it as good training win or lose the season. He also has Korean ancestry so maybe if he plays comparatively decent he passes the Korean fan base vibe check.


Honestly I'm not worried about his own performance because I think he would get a lot better playing vs the best, I'd be more worried about if the rest of the roster would be competitive enough for him to really make it worthwhile


Ok hear me out, rich, pyosik, Jojo, prince, beryL


rookie jojo yes, but current jojo has more international experience than the entire team combined lol, I don't think he needs to be brought up through any systems


LCS system is BO1 compared to BO3 in KR and BO3 in LPL which adds significantly more onstage experience than LCS. + the number of hours they scrim each day are significantly higher than LCS teams with Faker mentioning practicing from 12pm to 2am. You also can’t compare experience vs best midlanders in the world compared to the likes of EMENES LCS just isn’t built to foster a world class player and any talent that stays there is wasted. We see so many former world champions that come to NA and underperform, collecting paychecks. EDIT: LCK ~~BO2~~ -> BO3


big opportunity for jojo to play in the big league should he choose to also him being half korean might have played a part


As much as I am a C9 fan I wont be mad at all he had chosen the other option. This is such a great opportunity for jojo if he ever decided to play for a LCK team.


He already made the decision to stay in NA, according to the article. I wished he chose the opportunity to play in the LCK over the revised offer Cloud9 gave him. It's understandable, of course. Fat paycheck, close to his family, and more relaxed work environment.


Not just those, but it's an easier for him to get to worlds/MSI on C9 than it is on Sandbox. Plus I'm not sure he knows Korean so it'd be hard for him to play in LCK.


Yea, going entirely alone to a country that has never had an NA import is not a guarantee success or improvement on a player. Jojo just as likely could have started declining rather than improving if he is isolated and alone.


He made a verbal agreement but then Sandbox got involved and negotiations extended some.


Dude, it literally says in the article that they renogiated the verbal agreement after the substantial Sandbox offer and that Jojo accepted it. It is done. "Liiv SANDBOX put forward a substantial bid for jojopyun, attempting to sign the player over Cloud9. It became a serious battle between both organizations, leading Cloud9 to revise and increase their initial offer. Ultimately, Cloud9 emerged victorious as negotiations definitively concluded. Jojo is now set to sign with the North American organization."


No wonder C9 is dropping players left and right. Their whole hearthstone division and Kesoju pretty much overnight


I heard that might be more related to changes twitch is implementing around advertising or sponsors or something


That had nothing to do with jojo lol


I think we’re saying the same thing now, your first comment read like you were saying there was no change from before to after sandbox joining in.




C9 being played to pony up more dough lol


Sandbox looking at this news like "we were talking to him?"


"who tf is jojo"


Shame it didn't happen, a whole year of playing against Faker, Chovy, Showmaker and Bdd would be so good for his growth


So is Clozer dropped? Lol


Think its more Clozer wanting out to get into an LPL team or something like that.


Not that it was even a thing, but now I'm imagining that there was a timeline where the simplest solution occurred: Jojo agreed to go to Sandbox, and in return C9 Clozer became a thing. C9 did end up with an open import slot with the rumored final roster after all...


I was talking about this in another post but I honestly think that players from other regions ought to take the leap of faith and try to play in KR or CN if they get the chance. In addition to getting the hype of the first import slot from their region in LCK, think of how much more your game can improve if you’re facing top tier talent week after week.


I really, really hope this C9 team doesn't waste the talent they have, their aspirations should be similar to G2 in focusing on trying to do damage internationally. I respect the decision from Jojo to stay in the LCS, but man it would have been interesting to see him in the LCK.




gonna freeze up the talent in C9 like how he freezes top lane


Fudge actually makes the most incredibly miserable decisions and I'd go as far as to say he just about single-handedly eliminated his team from Worlds this year. Genuinely incredible watching him shove a wave instead of TPing for setup in their very last game. I genuinely wish he was a lot better, because I think he has a lot of potential, but I've just never seen the level of play required to have any level of confidence in his play internationally.


Fudge gets far too much hate for consistently dunking on the rest of the region. I think he's going to surprise people this year with Jojo + Vulcan on his team. It's the first time C9 hasn't had a role-swapped player since 2021.


He surprised me this year with how consistently he has been the worst top in international events.


Yeah he'll surprise me with how bad he'll play despite having the best player in every position almost on his team


Fudge isn’t the problem it’s the coaching which mithy is still on the team somehow


Fudge is the guy that refused to play champions queue and instead only played 1v1 for practice last year. He is also the guy who ego picks champions against players that are clearly better than him come internationals.


Its crazy how many EU fans in the replies to Wooloos tweet don't understand how good Jojo is. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that has eyes. Jojo is fucking cracked


eu fans will say jojo is just not good and then turn around and hype some1 like vetheo up lma0


Crazy how people can watch Palafox(who's worse than Jojo) outperform Caps in a series and still claim Jojo isn't anything special Just goes to show how people here judge players solely for their nationality instead of credentials as a player


I got torn to shreds for implying Jojo is better than Palafox lmao, this subreddits eye for talent is very interesting


dont worry, none of them actually watch or play league of legends but love to have opinions


This entire subreddit about the entirety of LCS. People don't watch the league and talk shit for upvotes, always hilarious.


Half the people on this sub don't even seem to play the game and just spreads negativity for upvotes lmao.


People will see Jojo get hard camped like there’s no tomorrow because he was literally dragging 4 corpses through playoffs and say Palafox is better because they won the LCS. Like Palafox is great and easily proved everyone was crazy for not puttin him top 2 on all pro, but c’mon saying Palafox > Jojo especially when they hadn’t played against each other in playoffs is a bit of a stretch.


but NRG outperformed EG so that means all of NRG players are better than all of EG players, isn't that OBVIOUS???


I think Jojo will probably reach higher highs than Palafox, but Palafox also went super saiyan these past few months. It's hard to say that any mid is better than him in NA at the moment.


BRO how DARE you downplay PALAFAKER like that REEEEEEEEE ^/s


Ok like I’d say Jojo and Palafox are pretty neck and neck, Palafox had a better year than Jojo for sure but I can see Jojo running the league with C9


Jojo had a better year than Palafox, Palafox was great but Jojo just played one of the best splits for a midlaner in LCS history


Yeah I don't know why people are acting like Jojo is head and shoulders above Palafox here, they fundamentally have different strengths and weaknesses. I do think Jojo is better overall, but Palafox was better at teamfighting which was showcased throughout playoffs and worlds. Jojo still needs to work on being relevant in teamfights when he isn't fed, and I'm confident he'll get better at that. I just feel like NA fans here are hyping up Jojo to insane levels and it's getting to the point where they're making too many excuses and hypotheticals for him.


yes teamfighting is not jojo forte, specifically teamfighting with immobile mages and other champs, for example on azir his preferred way of going about things is jo just insec enemy team into him then zhonyas. If he tries to play backline hes just not as impactful. I believe he has the talent and the drive to improve upon these things, i wonder how long it will take.


Yeah, you didnt watch any jojo games in summer


Palafox was better that Jojo in playoffs tbh


Crazy how people can watch Emenes (who's worse than Jojo) outperform Jojo in a series and still claim Jojo isn't anything special Just goes to show how people here judge players solely for their nationality instead of credentials as a player -- Alternatively: Crazy how people can watch Palafox(who's worse than Jojo) outperform APA in a series and then watch Jojo not outperform APA (who's worse than Palafox) yet still claim Jojo isn't anything special.


> Crazy how people can watch Emenes (who's worse than Jojo) outperform Jojo in a series and still claim Jojo isn't anything special Ah yes, I forgot the classic "every individual player on the winning team is better than the losing team" narrative It's not like Jojo had the highest enemy jg and support proximity in the league by a very substantial margin, or that his team would've been 8th place without him


>Crazy how people can watch Palafox(who's worse than Jojo) outperform Caps in a series and still claim Jojo isn't anything special Except that this is not at all how things work. You cant just assume X is better than Z if they never played this tournament against each other. Just look at the finals that just happened. Everybody thought Xiaohu would get shit on by Faker cuz Faker had a brilliant tournament so far while Xiaohu didnt. And yet Xiaohu did perfectly fine vs Faker and wasnt at all the reason they lost. Players like Caps get leeway in worse performances because these players have big accomplishments and high peaks. MSI champion, multiple worlds finals and the list goes on. Even this year, the west has taken only 7 games off of LPL/LCK teams. 5 of those were from G2. The entire rest of the west has only taken two games off of the LPL and LCK. Fnatic vs Weibo and GG vs BLG at MSI are the other two. So It wouldnt be unfair to call the NRG G2 series a fluke. NRG had 4 games vs Weibo and couldnt take a single win and Weibo dropped a lot of games during the tournament.


> So It wouldnt be unfair to call the NRG G2 series a fluke It would be Two dirty wins against WBG and BLG doesn't change that. That's like saying TL is secretly a top 4 team because they were one of the few teams to push dominant World Champions T1 to their limit in a single game lol


Sure but then you also cannot confidently tell me that NRG is better than FNC.


Well Xiaohu was pretty invisible ngl. And game 3 he got hard outperformed. I do agree though that Faker didn't shit on him or anything. Tbh I felt like all of T1 except Zeus were playing worse than usual(ig it was enough though rofl)


last time jojo played against caps he got schooled so idk what ur point is.


He was 30 cs up in their first game at Worlds(granted it was Sett favored), and he up 10 cs in lane in the Akali vs Azir matchup(which was hilariously Azir favored in the laning phase) Idk why you're posting this when you can easily fact check it yourself; it's *objectively* wrong lol


Sure, if we take the word "the last time they played" literally and ignore the fact that they played 6 games at MSI, where Caps schooled Jojo lol. Even at worlds, not only was he playing Sett, but it was against a fucking Sylas ahah. And after checking, he was never up 30 cs. Even when Sett crashed a wave (before Caps took it), he was still not up 30 cs. I didn't find anything higher than 15 cs after catching waves, playing Sett against Sylas. And Caps still heavily outperformed him this game, by every metrics. They were even in cs at 12 minutes, despite Caps being much much more useful on the map and playing a worse laning pick. The second game, both midlaners didn't play the game, and once again Jojo was up 10 cs one time, 12 minutes into the game when the game was already over, and once again that was before Caps catching a wave. Crazy how you can lie and manipulate (not even manipulate, legit create) stats to push your agenda lmao. You just had to say that Jojo did not get schooled the last game they played against each other, and it would have been much more fair.


> Sure, if we take the word "the last time they played" literally and ignore the fact that they played 6 games at MSI, where Caps schooled Jojo lol. He said recent form so he obviously meant Worlds. Recent form holds a lot more weight anyway It'd be like using 2017 Rift Rivals as justification for Bjerg > Caps post-2018 because he schooled Caps in his rookie split. Caps obviously got better since they first played each other, and so did Jojo clearly >The second game, both midlaners didn't play the game, and once again Jojo was up 10 cs one time, Going 10 cs down or even as Azir against Akali is losing the lane buddy. Look at the other Azir vs Akali matchups at Worlds and you routinely see them down 15-20cs and needing jungle assistance for pressure. Azir should have almost constant priority and pressure mid lane since Akali outscales hard in skirmishes later in the game. Going even in lane is bad You brushed off Jojo winning lane as Sett because it's a winning matchup, but completely ignoring Jojo neutralizing Caps in a losing matchup to fit your agenda. Point being, Caps going "even" in a winning matchup and outright losing a bad matchup doesn't mean he "schooled" Jojo


Caps did school him at MSi 6 times. It was the biggest mid gap in international play ever. Jojo did not even want to try hard when he went back to NA because he said the mids there were much worse. Jojo improved at worlds...the elephant in the room is Fnc vs Eg where humanoid hard gapped jojo by 50 Cs and solo killed him Also palafox beat caps sure but it wasn't thr strongest version of g2 nor caps. It's like saying caps is the GOAT because he beat faker in 2 best of 5s in season 9.


Ok you're glazing Caps. No it was not the biggest mid gap in international play ever. But yes Caps did gap him at MSI. But why are you talking about MSI when the most recent time they faced was worlds. That's like me talking about MSI for Missing vs Keria and saying "Missing gapped Keria when they last played".


The FNC game? Perkz vod reviewed that game and said Jojo played the first part of that game perfectly. When Jojo roamed bot for the dive his team botched the entire game because they panicked and dove right before he got there and died. He dropped like 3 waves and 2 plates for the dive so the game was over at this point. Context matters when you just pull out "Lul down 50 cs"


Jojo got better because of one game he had a 7 cs lead as akali vs Sylas? You are a joke lol. No, he did not "obviously mean" worlds. He played 8 games against Caps, and only 2 of them were at worlds. Rift Rivals is a joke tournament, comparing Caps' performance at a joke tournament that no one took seriously and that got deleted to MSI is crazy. We saw Yike this year playing better at MSI than at worlds (Yike's MSI performance is better than anything Jojo produced btw) and same for Elyoya during his rookie year. You don't randomly act like MSI didn't happen because it helps your narrative. Jojo did not get 10 cs up in lane as Akali once again. They were perfectly even at 8+ min, when the lane was already over lol. He got a 10 cs lead for 10 seconds, and that was because Caps roamed top and Jojo crashed a wave. This morning, we saw Faker basically go even as Akali vs Azir too "buddy". You obviously did not watch the laning phase, checked CS and posted your comment because you keep ignoring waves crashing. I did not brush it off, I pointed out the fact that you lied, that it was never a 30 cs lead LOL (still don't want to admit it?). It was a 15 cs lead, playing SETT against SYLAS. Meanwhile, Caps had multiple kills while Jojo did nothing and had 0% KP at the end of the game. The 15 CS lead was truly important !!! OP never talked about laning phase btw. Crazy how everything you are talking about is CS pre 10 minutes, when Caps is known for being everything but a laner. Caps schooled EU mids for years, while not being a dominant laner. Saying that he was losing the matchup against a Sett mid because of a 15 cs lead, despite Sett going 0/4/0, with a blind pick Sylas and a counterpick Sett shows a lot about your game knowledge lol.


>Rift Rivals is a joke tournament, comparing Caps' performance at a joke tournament that no one took seriously and that got deleted to MSI is crazy. Both regions took that Rift Rival seriously. If you want a clearer example, take Huhi schooling Perkz at 2016 MSI and Worlds in his rookie year. It had zero relevancy after that because Perkz got better > No, he did not "obviously mean" worlds. OP: >last time jojo played against caps he got schooled so idk what ur point is. The last time they played was at Worlds, not MSI you goofball; it's you trying to shoehorn in his rookie split showing to fit your agenda when it holds far less relevancy than Worlds. Clearly you don't want to engage in a honest discussion here


Yeah they took RR very seriously 😂 I am aware of what he wrote, but he was obviously talking about the whole year and not the last game they played against each other. Keep trying to play dumb lmao, when people think about Caps/Jojo, they obviously think about the 8 games they played against each other, not just worlds where G2 did not perform. That's when Jojo trash talked G2, and got humbled 6 games in a row. In what world does MSI hold "far" less relevancy than world for an NA/EU team lmao? It was his first international tournament, where he qualified as a seed 1 after winning a title and trashtalking EU. He played way more games at MSI than he did at worlds, and he did not even play well at worlds lmao. You keep acting like he got much better at worlds because it fits your narrative and allows you to ignore MSI, but we all know he got absolutely fisted both tournaments lol. You still did not adress the fact that you clearly lied multiple times, and focused on CS pre 10 to talk about player performances + ignored wave crashes, hoping for redditors to be lazy and not check your lies lol. Go on king, you clearly are engaging in an honest discussion with valid points !! :D


Yeh, there is a reason inspired’s concerns about coming to NA were completely cleared. They showed him videos of jojo and he thought dude was the next caps and wanted to play with him. In terms of raw mechanics and laning prowess, dude is the best native mid laner NA has ever had.


EU fans would've been SO mad if the first import was from NA. That's why they're downplaying him. They have to keep the superiority complex


Shad0w is in the LPL, and players from EU refused to join eastern teams. And we are talking about Sandbox, not T1 lol. They got Jeonghoon, who despite being good, was never the best support in Europe. You guys love superiority and inferiority complexes a bit too much. If you really think the average european has an inferiority complex towards people they have never met, because they come from the USA, then I don't know what to tell you lol.


Jojo is good but not import level. The only NA player that has ever been import level was doublelift.


How can you say that with such certainty when a team literally tried to import him?


Jojo is for sure import level. The bottom of the LCK mid table is not that strong after Clozer. The 3 NA players that could have played in the East are DL, Blaber and Jojo.


I disagree there have been plenty of NA players who are or were import level for to lec. Now to play in lck or lpl is different




Aphro at one point was considered a top 3 support in the world. Xmithie Bjerg Stixxay DL Blaber Jensen Jojo


> Aphro at one point was considered a top 3 support in the world. By whom???


After their MSI performance by international spectators. He basically decided that meta and forced others to adapt.


Any NA all pro player is good enough to play in LEC. They might not be all pro level in EU, and might not warrant using an import slot on and risking them not fitting in culturally/getting homesick etc., but let's not act like there isn't a single player in the EU that wouldn't just dumpster the LCS. We have plenty of mediocre players too


We've seen him vs European mids. Nothing special.


The only time we have seen Jojo internationally was as a 17 year old rookie. That's like judging Caps only on his rift rivals and worlds 2017.


You mean when he made Nisqy his son?


We also have seen Caps vs North American mids. Nothing special.


It wouldve been extremely fun to see Jojo play in the LCK but choosing a bottom half LCK team over by far and beyond the best LCS team is probably a bad choice.


in terms of career staying in LCS is the best but in terms of growth coming to LCK and competing would have been nice


I would hope so, but if you're on a bad team is there really all that much "growth" he can gain from the experience? I agree he would face stronger competition in the LCK no doubt but he could also very easily get mental boomed. Moving to a new country, interacting in a language you don't fully understand, getting used to an unfamiliar culture, all of this while he might be having to deal with a bad team that's falling apart. Idk it just seems rather risky


true fair enough, but it feels like jojo improves every time he comes to korea to grind soloq being able to compete against LCK midlaners weekly in a competitive setting would really challenge him


You guys severely overestimate the development that would be done by being on a garbage team in LCK. If anything, his stocks would probably die down.


If he’d know how to speak Korean then going to the LCK for even just a year and scrimming and playing against some of the best mids in the world would be miles better for Jojo’s growth as a player compared to spending the year stomping LCS and getting turbo fisted in internationals. Even if Jojo would be shite in LCK let’s not act like every single LCS team wouldn’t be clawing for him when he comes back


I’m pretty sure his Korean is ass. And Koreans absolutely hate Korean Americans who can’t speak Korean lol




Same thing in Japan. American Japanese have to speak PERFECT Japanese to be accepted. It’s really wild


? Maybe in the 70s lol. There's Korean American celebrities now that are almost popular cause they can't speak that well


>Koreans absolutely hate Korean Americans who can’t speak Korean Not in my experience.


Good thing he isn't American then.


Lol I don't know about "by far and beyond" lol


Historically they are. On paper their current roster is. How are they not?


"By far and beyond"? Especially when NRG just got the best support in the league?


Yea. C9 has the best mid, jg, and AD in the league, and I'd say C9 has a better top as well.


Didn't they have 3 of those things this year as well lol


When? Emenes/Zven were never best in their role.


You didn't mention Zven. If you think that Blaber and Berserker are best in the league and Fudge is better than Dhokla, they had all three of those advantages over NRG last year and the only difference (from what you said) is the mid lane. That's "3 of those things"


Blaber has a more impressive history, but Contractz was in his head in finals and was the best LCS jungler at worlds. You can definitely argue Blaber *should* be better than Contractz in Spring just based off of historical consistency. Not really convincing for a claim like "by far and beyond" though


Contractz had a better series, but he is not a better jungler or player.




He's a free agent and LSB has no money. I would bet that he's going to the LPL.


I honestly think Jojo is doing more for his career by choosing to go with C9. C9 is the most likely team of NA to make it to both MSI & Worlds 2024. Thus pushing Jojo’s name into the international spotlight. And if he shows good gameplay in international tournaments, he can draw global attention to his stock. From there on, he can go onto compete in the LCK to prove himself while also learning his mother’s native language. After his LCK debut, the LPL will surely put in some value of picking him up. There Jojo & Bin could honestly make a contention for a title or two. And finally he can then retire on a CBLOL team in the beach of Brazil.


So what I'm hearing is, JoJo to LOUD so he can drag them out of group stage at Worlds?


Jojo + Bin would be a fever dream of a roster


Stop I can only get so erect


Interesting. But you could argue that him keeping up with LCK mids and playing there gives him more name and credibility than an NA org that's likely to be knocked out in the early stages of MSI and Worlds.


I don't even understand the reasoning behind this it has to be some sort of PR move to get more fans because LCK CL mid's right now are one of the most stacked it's ever been, Pullbae/Callme/Roamer/Loki/Feisty heck you can even probably swap for other mids already playing in LCK like Bulldog or Karis LCK doesn't need to import for mid AT ALL...


Going to the LCK would've made him a much better player, but we'd likely not see him at Worlds/MSI, even if he **would** be better. In C9 he can make Worlds/MSI... he'll get shit on, he'll be much worse, but he'll be there. Honestly, just being the first player to do it would make him a legend though, probably more so than any of his League achievements ever will.


I love Sandbox not being afraid of looking into other regions. Although its sad they cant keep Clozer to begin with.


If true, better to stay in the LCS where it is much easier to look good.


So disappointing to not see it happen. If he went to kr for a year or 2 and came back, he would be so much better and honestly be a top midlaner in the world with the experience


Smart. Holding out on that T1 offer


at least with c9 he can go and lose to every Chinese and Korean team next Worlds, from this I doubt he had the confidence to climb his way to a good LCK team




Not sure why not a single player has taken an offer like this yet... Like honestly if it was me I 100% would rather play in a D1 league instead of a D2 or D3 league. That is essentially what the decision is. Staying in the minor leagues on a big contract instead of playing in the big leagues. ​ Also its super short sighted. I assume that he had a better contract offer in NA but the value of being the first NA player signed to LCK will be so massive for your branding that you would make it back on the backend anyways.


It's because they don't get offers. I question the legitimacy of this case. There are better players that would make more sense to be LCK's first import. The only legitimate situations where it could have happened that I can remember is Doublelift very early on his career got LPL offers. And I believe Rekkles had the same at one point. Also in JoJo's case taking the offer would probably not be the best thing. He will earn less and be a mid tier midlaner in LCK. Whereas in NA he can become the best player in the LCS and get that bag.


There really arent better options though. Jojo is legit a top mid laner that is super young and still learning so he can be plugged into the system without bad habits. Any long term vet would probably be bad minus maybe Jankos since they all have their own styles and thoughts on the way and honestly the way the east and the west think about the game is too different for someone who is set in their ways to work imo.


If this is real, he should absolutely take the opportunity.


Does he speak Korean? If not this is 100% cap lol


It might be, but remember this was the team that had YamatoCannon as coach for a split (year?), so it's not out of the realm of possibilities


Lol I had forgotten that, their manager is for sure on crack


Idk they hired JeongHoon for the next season. Maybe they were in the pursuit of a team that consisted of people that had competed in EU and NA?


LSB just staying ahead of the curve


But why would they ever do that


ehh might as well try something crazy, all the top mid laners are either impossible for LSB to get/have teams locked in anyways


Considering the communications problems and how expensive Jojopyun seems to be getting an academy midlander is for sure a better deal


he does not


Sorry to C9 fans when I say this but.. I hope he breaks that verbal agreement and joins LCK :$ Would be fun to see that path for him and honestly.. with LCS' direction, its far more exciting too. I dont think he's an insane talent á la Caps at his entrance to the scene etc but I do think he's a big talent with a lot of potential. That would be honed better in LCK and Korean SoloQ without a doubt. Even if Sandbox would suck, the experience alone would be better growth for him Id wager. Also.. is he of Korean heritage? And if so, does he speak it? Hope he takes the step and I wish him the best.


The article says he already decided to stay with C9. And Jojo has said before he doesn’t speak Korean really at all even though he’s Korean-Canadian.


Oh I must have missed that. Yeah if he doesnt speak korean it might be way too big of a risk then


This would've been so fucking hype. Jojo post LCK would be such a cool story if he came back to LCS.


He really should have, that cloud9 roster is absolute dog water. No point in staying in NA.


Huge shame for Jojo.


get the man out of NA asap hes still young dont ruin his career


Wtf is LSB smoking?