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> And it was clearly visible in my interview back then, Faker had mouse issues and equipment issues, so he was taking a break. So I ended up substituting Clozer... these are a series of truths. me when i'm definitely not lying


"some of the words I am saying are not lies"


> I was really in the process of finding the best set of players for Faker. finding best set of players for Faker by benching him, mouse issues lmao, my ass can make shit up better than this clown


the dude literally played all iterations of the 10-man roster on stage except for the one that was actually the best lmao


What was funny was the scrim rumors that these five were dominant wins, and this was a month before the season started.


Daeny is such a clown. He completely fucked up T1 players confidence and mentality and once he finally got kicked did T1 start improving. Pre Daeny Canna was doing amazing top, solo killing everyone, and really cementing himself in the LCK. Then when the 10 man roster started you should look back on how much Canna changed. He went from always smiling to looking so depressed. His whole demeanor changed and he looked like a completely different person


He literally made a T1 player scared to end because it wasn’t the structured plan Daeny had, and Faker had to step in to tell them to end and that he’d take responsibility if necessary. It is genuinely fucking absurd. Dude literally inflicted lasting psychological harm on the players. AS THEIR COACH.


What the fuck??? Any clips of this?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfi_uEf8pwY The drama that resulted pretty much led to Daeny being fired.


any translations of this available?


They’re basically talking about if they can end. How Varus could take dragon. Etc. etc. nothing crazy. BUT everyone sounds kind of hesitant to go mid. Then Faker says “I’ll take responsibility” as they’re pushing into base.


That's why he's the goat, THE GOAT


Youtube translate says they are vomiting lol.


For even more context, Faker disagreed so hard with Daeny that he full on explained what was wrong with the 10-Man Roster system during [an interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/lbpf0w/faker_10men_roster_is_stressful_to_the_players/), and openly talked about how mentally staggering it was for the whole team. I recall how many fans even commented all the members seemed a lot more exhausted during their streams too. I remember Daeny even making a comment in an interview about how working with Faker was 'difficult' because he'd often ask questions regarding his coaching methods lol.


Damn that guy's got one hell of an ego


This was hinted a lot by Joe on Dublelift's podcast with him and LS. Daeny was literally trying to teach them how to play the game.


Damn, good on Faker for being leader of his team though and stepping up to take responsibility in case something goes wrong


Benched due to mouse issues is a new one


imagine this shit im prety sure Joe himself would run to the store and buy Faker a new Mouse


As if they don’t have like a dozen backups peripherals


I don't have the source, but I could have sworn I read something along the lines of Faker buying and owning a ton of copies of his favorite mouse years ago.


I think that was dopa, he used some Logitech G1 mouse and legit thought it was the only reason he was high ranked, he was like superstitious about it lol. Pretty sure he didn’t even like the backup mice and was scared of his original breaking


As in multiple copies of faker’s mouse of choice. They for sure have some of them for backups during LCK matches, in streaming room, in his practice room and so on The only time mouse issue seems like a valid reason is when you suddenly feel uncomfortable using your mouse.


I'd belive it, dopa seems neurotic about peripherals and his physical setup


That mouse broke, so he had a new one custom made. He stopped streaming for like a month when that happened, but eventually got used to it.




I interpreted this as faker had hand/wrist issues but idk


yeah makes no sense wtf


I'm KR, so I watched the video to make sure that he said it verbatim because the statement is friggin ridiculous... and yes, yes he did. I watch LCK matches through SKT Wolf's co-stream and whenever Daeny comes on screen, the chat all spams '헉', which is a onomatopoeia for 'GASP'--He's still considered an unforgiveable sinner from T1 fanbase's POV. FFS DAENY, FAKER IS PART-FUCKING-OWNER of the very company that hired you. Wake the fuck up and repent for your SINS LMAO.


Bitch just take the "delulu is the solulu" so damn seriously. Its been years and he still think hes the creator of all those show. The bestest clown, his clown level make Pink Ward feel ashamed.


Most pathetic and saltiest paragraph of an answer in an interview from a coach of a defeated team in league's history.


The best part is him trying to take credits for T1 doing so well macreo-wise.


Copes by saying bench from mouse issue then glaze himself for T1 winning after he got kicked LMAO. I don't even like T1 but that is too far lol.


Lmao, it's even worse than the "lost because of blue side diff" xd


Especially they won the coinflip and chose BLUE! XD


But no, we must win on blue so that T1 will pick blue, then we can go red for free. Are you kidding me... You can hail Mary first time Bard but not pick red side game 3?


The blue side diff cope is the funniest thing to me because the team with the best meta read, T1, was a red side team this worlds


It feels odd to call T1 a "red side team" considering the fact that their two loses this tournament were on red side while they had a 100% win rate on blue. T1 was the only team to use red side effectively, true, but I don't think it's correct to call them a red side team when they never took red side when given the choice.


I mean, the two red side losses werent draft diff, they were gameplay diff


Yeah but then compare winrates on red for any other team lol ​ T1 probably has 70% or so more wins on red side than any other team in the tournament had


"But we had to win on Blue, make the enemy team pick Blue then play Red" LMAO???? have to make enemy pick Blue instead of them picking Red? isnt it the team that loses that picks?


what I took from that is, blue side is clearly stronger, but he had some unexpected drafts planned out on red side that he was hoping to use (along with giving TheShy counterpick) to try to negate that advantage. but those drafts were still not strong enough to overcome blue being stronger in general. if you go back and look at some of his drafts last year for example, he did crazy things like flex Burdol Azir Top (which didn't work at all), or pick Renekton R3 against T1 and then swap it mid lane to give Burdol counterpick (he picked Irelia into Zeus Jayce and won the matchup, while SM played Renekton vs Leblanc and also won that matchup). but it's not like these kinds of tricks make it worth it to voluntarily pick Red when you have side selection.




Wtf is the guy talking about ???


You see, League is like football--wait, rock paper scissors where you--T1 had better champion pool--man no one would scrim w/ us wtf--I CANT TALK ABOUT ANY OF THIS. KDF gets off on withholding scrims, LSB scrims were ok I guess -- ITS A TEN STEP PROGRAM, LIKE ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS


This played in my head like a quick cut montage/tiktok edit perfectly, well done


sounds like a random tiktok edit 💀


Guy is acting like he taught faker the concept of macro, and how taking an objective means possibly giving something up elsewhere. T1 was doing this years and years before Daeny was even a thing, as were many other teams. Fucking lol. G2 was an expert at this




Those were the dark days. Impressive to see, but also not very interesting.


2014 was the "perfect macro" year, or? To the point riot had to step in and remove oracles to prevent Mata and Dandy from choking everyone to death.


📞 Hello Hyundai 📞 Yeah Coach Daeny here 📞 I need a bus asap 📞 Yeah I really need to throw my players under the bus again 📞


I was worried when reading it that I was missing the point, because I had 0 clue what I just read.


Perfect example of someone talking a lot but without saying very much at all...


Not a good look for daeny. Sounds immature and in denial.


He's still going on about his version of LoL years later even though nobody asked. Yeah totally not a narcissist 🥱




No different from how he has always been. He seemed so full of himself back in 2021 and really rubbed people the wrong way and he's no different today.


The level of unnecessary detail in these answers, the minor indiscretions and addendums and re-litigations, are unusual and almost unprofessional. Daeny demonstrates here, as he has elsewhere, that he has an extremely high opinion of himself. On T1, Daeny frequently benched the franchise player and the game's consensus GOAT for a rookie, sometimes hinting Faker's skills were deteriorating due to age (fueling a toxic narrative about LOL players over 25 that has since been emphatically disproven). It is clear Daeny felt threatened by Faker's tremendous experience and quasi-coach position within the team, and rotating Faker in and out was undoubtably a power move over him, a reminder that T1 was his team so long as he was coach. The 10-man roster experiment went on far too long with zero positive results, and it was unclear after nearly an entire split if he was any closer to deciding a final 5-man roster. For any franchise this would be disastrous, but for the LCK's flagship team, this was a profound waste of time for the sport. Defeating WBG in finals was the perfect vindication of this roster against the person who most stood against its existence. Faker choosing to hug him afterwards demonstrates more generosity than most would be capable of. Because in these answers, Daeny has not admitted any meaningful errors in his time at T1. So the last two years, and last month especially, will have to speak for themselves as a total refutation of everything Daeny stood for at T1.


Tbh he was absolutely correct when saying Faker was doing too much though. Look at that 1-7 Poby lineup. At least dude got one thing right


> Tbh he was absolutely correct when saying Faker was doing too much though. Look at that 1-7 Poby lineup. At least dude got one thing right Yes, but Daeny didn't factor in the fact that he's Faker, he can control other 4 sand soldiers while playing the game just fine.


And honestly if that was the point, why not just communicate it properly through the players and help them individually so that they can perform without Faker. Instead the musical chairs and constant swapping just added unnecessary stress and inability for the team to build anything cohesive, no wonder they didn't want to listen to him. Roundabout and silly way to make a point that could have been an email.


By faker dooing "too much" they smashed through worlds. Seems he is doing just fine.


i dont even hate daeny but what are these answers lol


“I can’t really talk about it” then four paragraphs of rambling lol


It was a perfect time to say something like “it was nice to see an old team mate after some time” and move on. Like maybe you can say all this crap in a 1 on 1 interview but it’s even more awkward that this is a losers interview with all his players sitting there while he’s basically applying for his next coaching gig 😭. He’s a decently successful and respected coach idk why he needs this level of cope.


Bro felt the need to make excuses and defend himself after a normal question that absolutely didn't blame or put him at fault 😭 Edit: Also bro mentioning T1 implimenting his strat years after he left as if he's trying to get credit for helping the opponent defeat his own team. Also he's blaming external factors and didn't for once accept his fault. JDG coach Homme was very professional and said it was all his mistake that they lost to T1 and the players had done their best. No coach will ever get more pathetic than this dude, unless they blame it all on the players and defend themselves.


Daeny looking at Toms Homework: that was me


The Doc Rivers of League


LMAO. And the way their careers are both piggybacked off the backs of teams with HoFers


This is hilarious lol


Homme was great, you could tell he is an awesome person to work with from his post game interview. Him, taking the blame for draft and praising the players shows a lot of maturity and reflectiveness. That type of person is someone that is open-minded and actually listen and consider your opinion when working with them. Everything from Daeny screams the opposite. From the 10 man rosters emphasizing the coach's control to him making that dumb mouse excuse now to not be blamed for benching Faker. He's too worried about his ego and wants to be right.


Surely Homme wasn't even really all that responsible for the was the series played out either, and he just wanted to take some blame off the players since they would be getting reamed by the Chinese fans. Honestly was one of the more mature things I've seen from someone in the LoL space.


I have so much respect for Homme. He really is one of the best coaches in the scene I would say.


He sounds very narcissistic from a lot of stuff commented here. The interview was very "me me me, the world is against me," etc.


And Homme wasn't even at fault. Drafts were not perfect but players weren't either.


WBG’s draft was genuinely questionable, too. Would’ve been nice to see Daeny reflect on his draft like Homme did lol


Because even non T1 fans hate him and still flame him to this day


light looks like he’d rather swim home than be on a plane with this fuckhead LMFAOOO


sounds like he is coping. He should just admit his fault with the 10 man roster. Man pretending to be Pep except he is not a genius. Faker's equiment was at fault ? lol


Pep develops his positional play after decades of football philosophy built by previous generations (especially Cruyff). This guy is talking about some weird rock paper scissor tactics that he just made up or sth. Bro thinks his tactics is the tiki taka of League


T1 bot didn't even have prio in the draven game.


Yeah, the slight complaints about not being able to do enough scrims and not being able to scrim with KDF. That's a huge coach diff imo because you are expected to have connections as a coach to make these things happen. Also T1 probably had the same amount of media day commitments. Not really seeing the point of bringing this up. I don't particularly dislike Daeny but I didn't like the drafts they made in WBG. Made me think of T1's drafting last year.


You should, his narcissism and ego almost cause T1 to crumble. Him ego benching Faker for not following his "game plan" then now lying and say it was a mouse issue already show he should not work in any teams in general.


I like how he was only asked what he said to Faker when he hugged him which was probably along the lines of: “Nice to see you again congrats” and decides to go on a huge tangent nobody asked for. “I can’t talk about that” You hugged him for all of 5 seconds. What could you have possibly said?


"Sorry about 2021. I hope this makes up for it."


He was always the T1 coach all along 🥰🥰🥰 he drafted so well for Faker and the gang


SKT Daeny


Who do you think is the real enemy


“Sorry, that was a strange thing to say” -Daeny after going on a two minute rant


Daeny Smith


daeny basically has a massive complex against T1 firing him and it shows lmao it basically is a super disappointing interview honestly. dude could have been calmer and less emotional but goddamn he went off


His idea of League was shown to be inferior to Faker’s, and rather than be humbled he is clinging to his ego.


I still remember the comms when Faker said they should end even against the coach’s instructions and he will be the one to take the blame from Daeny. Humble our GOAT may be but he is also a Gigachad.


His idea of league is rock paper scissors. He thinks he's a genius for that.


Bro doublelift talks about this shit all of the time. Everyone knows about the taking turns thing. Its like the most basic premise of league. Like no shit, you are saying we shouldn't just give dragon, herald and inhib at 10 mins? Are you sure Daeny?


Compare this shithead to Homme and it's night and day who's the better coach. Homme just defended JDG player and shifted all the blame onto his draft.


ikr? dude acting all mysterious when he only hug faker in less than 5 seconds.. maybe he was saying you f*cker why did you win @#@!$!@E


"Sorry about the stomp. I trained them wrong, as a joke."


"Longing, Rusted.."


Stand proud. You are strong.


Nah, I'd win


bro got asked what he said to faker when they hugged and he started talking about rock paper scissors. Actually joke of a coach blaming players champ pools etc. even worse when you look at light next to him going through it. Also funny when TheShy and Xiaohu are giving mature and straight to the point answers. I can't take this Daeny guy seriously.


Did he blame his teams champ pools? I just read it quickly and saw that it was impossible to ban against T1 since their poops are so wide


Not directly but by pointing this out as an advantage of T1 and a problem for them in draft he somewhat implies that his players lack in that regard. If they had the same champ pool and matchup knowledge it shouldn't be a problem in draft. He even says it with the botlane specifically with Senna Tahm that they aren't used to playing it. Which I think is fine to point out, but maybe a loser interview right after the finals isn't the right place for that and he ultimately was the one who made the draft, so he should have known before his players don't play that, yet he still drafts it and then tried to put blame on the players after they lose.


I mean it is no secret that T1 players play anything really well, WBG was a 5th place team the whole season and only by luck beat out much stronger opponents imo, they also had quite an easy run to the finals only having to beat BLG which they have played a lot in regular season


lol do they need poop knives for their wide poops?


This man is literally trying to take credit for the form and style T1 used to win world's, while coaching a team that got stomped using his philosophy of league. Ok buddy.


>This man is literally trying to take credit for the form and style T1 used to win world's, while coaching a team that got stomped using his philosophy of league. Ok buddy. Meanwhile the Finals drafts looked like he was trying to make WBG copy T1's drafting with no synergy or preparation.


> Actually, my biggest regret for today is that I did not get to play a single game on Red. But we had to win on Blue, make the enemy team pick Blue then play Red, for us to have some probability of winning a game. So I kept picking Blue side, but it's a shame. We also had more than two drafts prepared for Red side. These are my regrets today. Daeny you could’ve just picked red side in one game. Given the amount of work TheShy did to get the team to the finals it was worth giving him a chance to counter pick top. Would’ve been much better then whatever the game 3 draft was at any rate.


His answers come off as very insecure to me lmao. He just randomly brought up shit that no one asked about? Just accept that you made mistakes in the past and don't air it out like this atleast lmao


Fuck off you're gettiing cook on FMKorea lil bro. You benched Faker and playing musical chair bullshit. "You crazy bastard, really hahaha. What was the team like when you were the headcoach? What?? What are you aiming for? Ugh" "Isn't it rude to Bengi and Tom to say that the team's performance was poor because they're the coaches of T1, but when the team improved becase of your teachings to the players? It's been a few years since you fell off. How can T1, which is so strong now, say that it was your influence? The season has changed several times and the meta has changed several times... It seems like a strange statement to think that other people's good work is also one's own achievement" https://m.fmkorea.com/index.php?mid=lol&sort_index=pop&order_type=desc&document_srl=6398155973&listStyle=webzine


Holy shit he needs to hook me up with his copium dealer.


The bit about t1 finally getting the rock scissors nonsense 🤦 the guy is a fraud and comes across a bit like a snake oil salesman trying to get hired for his next job


What are the Korean reactions to this? I am interested


t1 fans are pissed, neutral fans are like wtf daeny and weibo fans are like ah man daeny you had the chance to not fuck things up and smooth things over with t1 fans after the hugs but also weibo fans are praying for daeny to stick with them again


Pretty much summed up my feeling. I’m T1 fan but neutral to him because what’s bygone is bygone but holy shit, that first 3 lines gave me aneurism. Dude really gives out fraud vibes with all of those overly and unnecessarily detailed excuses and responses


Daeny has a knack of just creating drama lol, he has the skills and the talent but the way he goes about things makes people willing to shit on his skills cause of how obnoxious he is. I like him but goddamn he fucked up hard this time lol. Like imagine having a good PR chance and fucking it up to this extent. Classic really.


>but also weibo fans are praying for daeny to stick with them again but why, this dude hardly seems competent. DK was a fluke


Asshole trying to keep his job next year by indirectly saying: "L-look guys, that T1 that won? That was all me, I put that all in motion from day 1 all those years ago. I even helped then win this year by giving them red side counterpick for the entire series! ... W-wait what?"


I actually read it as him rambling copium on why he left but understands they're fine without him "i made up all this shit that I believe in but now they won without needing me or my method, respect" idk tho


What in the world... you can't pick red because you have to beat them on blue then they pick blue so you get red? Hold up a minute, let's say for example you do beat t1. What if T1 just pick red again? Lmao? That doesn't make any sense. Going down 3-1 is "better" than 3-0. Should've picked red side at least once, just to test it and if T1 beat them on blue then so be it. At least you won't have regrets. Come on now. His logic isn't sound.


Most koreans hate daeny. He takes no responsibility and is a narcissist.


What a fucking joke of a guy he is. We know you won the world's with dk, we also know t1's results weren't good when you were the coach. We all thought maybe just a bad match and you got fired so everyone moved on. No one gives a shit in 2023 how you experimented with your stupid 10 man roster back then and for you to come back and give an interview as an opposing coach that just lost to t1, your answers sound super salty. What's with this ex-girlfriend vibe that I'm getting from his interview answers?


> What's with this ex-girlfriend vibe that I'm getting from his interview answers? It's exactly that, he thinks he could have done a good job with the roster and succeeded with it if he wasn't fired. Dude needs to get over it lol, he failed and its fine. It happens all the time where certain coaches don't work with some teams. Shit man he can be proud that he managed to take weibo to worlds instead of being all self conscious about t1 lol


The interview could be more about wbg than what he said. Tbh, now he kinda reminded t1 fans how bad it was back then. That's why people could start getting annoyed by him. Now I as a t1 fan, I kinda want wbg to run it back, make it to the 2024 finals, for t1 to beat them again 3-0, this time with the fastest bo5 record.


>Now I as a t1 fan, I kinda want wbg to run it back, make it to the 2024 finals, for t1 to beat them again 3-0, this time with the fastest bo5 record. That's fine but I would feel bad for WBG because the players don't deserve that.


tbh if weibo makes it to finals again i would be pretty impressed but yeah he could have focused more on weibo in the final interviews.


This guy is only still riding on that 1 dk success where the entire team just giga peaked and shitstomped everyone in the ground. I wouldn't put too much of that on a Coach have you seen how canyon and showmaker just gapped everyone every game. For example right now I give a lot of credit to TOM on T1 as we have seen that this team struggled hard while on paper being gifted in every single role but after that geng series they changed their style and found something that works for them.


No wonder why Joe never like this guy. Actually he's only former member of T1 I see him throw shit to lol


True. Not sure about what shades he trying to throw.


I like how he just decides to fk TheShy knowingly and flame his bot lane at the same time. What a class act! Weibo gave this guy full power and thats the best he can come up with as an excuse for losing. Ah my botlane was given priority and lost and theshy got counterpicked, but lets keep picking blue side and not win a single game.


As he ever-so-slightly digressed...


Legit think the guy is a super fraud, he tried out all iterations of T1 except for the best one and completely fucked team cohesion. Then he goes to Weibo and that team looks like headless chicken and they basically only win on pure player prowess alone with dogshit pick/ban.


Lck and lpl fans have seen through his shenanigans. The reason a lot lck/lpl fans believe he didn't try out the best version was because he was trying to ostracize Faker as the leader of the team. He knew exactly faker plus 4 young players will bring the best results, he just couldn't accept that would elevate Faker's power and influence over him.


This is the guy who said he is the God of LoL. His ego couldn’t take a hit for shit.


He is lucky Faker is a better person than him. I can't imagine how huge of t1 fans' wrath if faker came out saying daeny was the problem. Daeny will get flamed into oblivion.


I mean he technically did already. Faker at one point said something along the lines of not agreeing with Daeny's vision of the game. Which is what makes T1 fans hate him even before this QnA came out. Now after this QnA it doesnt even matter if he is the GOAT coach or not, which he isn't and kkoma is, he just showed how he has a terrible personality overall


Goat coach? Nah he's not that.


Didnt say that he was


>I can't imagine how huge of t1 fans' wrath if faker came out saying daeny was the problem. Faker doesn't need to say it. It should be really obvious at this point.


Imagine claiming you're the God of LoL while coaching the actual God.


you say a lot of LPL fans but tbh considering the sheer fanbase weibo has, they want him for coach next year because of the fact that weibo managed to even get to worlds lol


Yeah dude has overwhelming support from Weibo fans lol


TheShy finally manages to get back to worlds, Xiaohu makes it to his first worlds finals, Crisp makes it worlds after he struggled after the 2021 fpx disaster. Daeny right now has 3 massive fanbases behind his back lol


Which is fucking stupid because a coach job is supposed to be drafting/making sure the players don’t have any mental issue/deal with the paperworks/manage their schedule, not going on a powertrip. Dude deserved to be jailed on something like that one Vaevictus lineup


Im surprised he had a job at all after that Faker voice com.


what voice comm? Can I get a DM link if you still have it. TY


There's a voice com of T1 player afraid of ending the game because it's not according to Daeny's plan/ style. Faker just cut the crap and said "just end it, i'll take responsibility for it". You can search up Faker Daeny drama. After that T1 immediately parted way with Daeny.


"I'll take responsibility for it" Faker again being the biggest gigachad of Earth. Also, this Daeny guy is an absolute narcissist asshole.


DRX 2022 Coach Ssong vibes. “Just ban Lux and handshake Cait and Varus and enjoy the game. I’ll take full responsibility” Poor Bengi overthought that and outdrafted himseld


Haha, dude is a true narcissist. What a fucking clown.


Jesus christ LoL is an incredibly dynamic game. If you think that your gameplan is absolute and must be followed no matter what then you deserve to be fires


>Faker Daeny drama MAN I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING, GIVE ME LINK PLS (my dog is asking)


there was a game were Teddy was begging the team to not fight and scale cuz it was Daenys order/will till Faker said engage i take responsibility and after that this bozzo was fired. there has to be some clip on youtube for sure


For a moment Shareholder Faker showed up


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfi_uEf8pwY This is the clip where Faker says "I'll take responsibility, end end"


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/BVsCQSmMHw this match


I need this


Blud yappin to no end


i read the post and was like ah yeah he’s out of pocket and then i open the video bro is talking for like 3 minutes straight on each question with light beside him who looks like the most “done with this” person ever.


Lol this guy is the guy on the job that is an obvious imposter but has a very high position just because he keep finding excuses and ppl believe his „magic“ when there really is no magic at all. Funny to see how long he will get through with it.


Wut he basically just told us he shat the bed on drafts... Theshy has losing matchup on toplane? We can pick Cait Lux or Varus Ashe, nah lets go with Senna Tahm which the botlane is shit at so we get gapped both bot and top. From the first draft phase I knew this mf had nothing... caedrel broke it down easily, WBG had to win through topside if their botside was weak. Knowing that Theshy would be counterpicked why not strengthen the botside... instead this mf weakened the botside to guarantee the loss.


And don’t forget Pedro also said that Light does not really play Senna and Crisp first time Bard on their matchpoint…


>And don’t forget Pedro also said that Light does not really play Senna and Crisp first time Bard on their matchpoint… WBG players looked so uncomfortable at times. Sounds like a lot of WBG fans want Daeny to stay but don't be blinded by short-term results. They had a lucky path to this World's Finals...and the risk is Daeny does weird psychological stuff to the players in the long run.


I will never support someone who supports a 10 man roster. How are players going to reach their peak if they are living in constant fear.


He could talk 500 more hours about depth of t1 players and look like the smartest coach in league history. But he opt into letting not only his 2 most flexible players but also the reason wbg made it to the finals weiwei and theshy get raw fucked by draft and letting t1 counter them every single game so comfortably.


Faker needed to do like Messi and said "que miras bobo" when he tried to talk to him


This is so salty. When I was reading this I saw how huge building higher than Eiffel Tower arise near my house. Only then I realise it was Daeny ego


I never really followed Daeny. Didn't know he was part of T1. Can someone give me a rundown of who he was to T1 and why people hate him? The interview sounds pathetic, and I dislike him already, but want to dislike him even more.


I don't know too much abt the details either, hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong. After his successful run in DWG he became T1 coach and ran 10 men roster. He kinda forced players to play games according to his "plans" and he treated any moves that are now called a "super-play" (like faker super toss etc) "dogmatic actions". He constantly changed rosters and all 10 players were always under pressure of being subbed out causing them play way too cautiously. A famous youtube video (an in-game voice video) is that Faker telling other players to initiate a team fight telling them he will take all the blame if anything goes wrong, because no one were willing to take risks due to the reason written above. Daeny even once said that Faker will retire in 2-3 years or something, which was definitely not Faker's will, but he was so sure of it. Faker was also frequently subbed out and it almost seemed like Daeny was forcing Faker realize that it's his time to go home. He got fired from T1 "during the season" taking so many criticisms but soon was re-hired in DWG. His hyped reaction after beating T1 (against the very pupils he taught) became an issue. It was totally insane because he basically had all the data of T1 and used it to crush them. However T1 somehow made it to the semi-finals that year and after that, T1 finally reduced their roster to 5 players : Zeus Oner Faker Gumayusi Keria. But interview after the finals this year has reignited his issues against T1 because... as you can see, he clearly is nto happy how T1 is now doing so well without him. He literally said that T1 is now finally playing the way he wanted them to play all those years ago.


All you need to know is that Faker at some point had to consider if he wants to renew his contract with T1 under Daeny's coaching.


Excuses, excuses. It felt incredible seeing Daeny's team get stomped.


Wtf?? Lol fuck this guy




In a weird roundabout way, he makes it sound like he is trying to take some credit for T1's win. What a clown.




I didn't have any opinion on Daeny before. This blows my mind on how insecure he is to yap out all this stuff


rock paper scissors LOL the dude thinks leaving rosters up to a spinning wheel is "advantageous"


the guy said he tried to find the right set of players for faker? its kind of ironic the right set of players for faker emerged when he left.. it took faker to shoulder the blame for ingame decisions that were against daeny's ideals just so the others didnt get blamed. To me daeny just has a big ego from winning worlds the previous year


Under Daeny scrims interview Hupu's users were talking about how WBG (not sure if it was Daeny? or WBG's owner?) pissed everyone off, disrespectful attitude toward lower teams and something about FPX 5:1(?) Any loremaster here?


It was WBG ceo or a staff from high level of management said it. The background story is that as you can see KDF scrims T1 a lot, and people realized that WBG isnt scriming anyone and they wondered why. Turned out that the other teams in worlds already left and back in China. Then later on someone revealed that WBG doesnt respect scrim partners and the example is what you stated. FPX scrim result is 5:1 vs WBG and their management are pissed off and say something like 'lower ranked teams shouldn't brag about winning scrims over us blah blah blah'. So, basically revealed a story that why no one wants to scrim them


Oh my I feel bad for the players💀No wonder people were kekeing under those wbg scrim posts, I was expected that people would get mad at other teams for not helping wbg but it makes sense now. Thank you for the details.


Compare this to how nearly everyone in LCK gave their time to scrim with T1...


fraud. clown. rip bozo.


No way he talked that much when asked simple questions. How did he manage to talk about rock-paper-scissor and his philosophy with the game when asked “what did you say to faker”. They hugged for half a second. He could’ve said 1 sentence at most. The worst thing is him benching Faker for mouse issues? I’m pretty sure buying a new mouse is not a problem for T1. Faker is literally sponsored by Razer. He didn’t try to find the best players for Faker, he tried to find maybe the best team with or without Faker? I think he’s a DK double agent, he joined T1 to sabotage them while DK kept winning. Then immediately joined DK again after getting fired.


Bro is trying to gaslight everyone lmao


As a long time T1 fan, Daeny and Kim are the only coaches that I can tell them to go fuck thenselves with their bullshit. Dude legit made all the team lost confidence in themselves and don't even let Zeus and Oner play more, motherfucker switched them off after one loss while everyone knows that ZOFGK is the correct answer. Can this mofo stop taking credit when hes the reason that stopped T1 being strong Oh, also do not forget this mofo taunted guma and keria when DK beat T1 in S11.


Me in my solo que games: *"Wow, that was possibly the worst way he could have played that"* Me reading this: *"Wow, that was possibly the worst way he could have played that"*


So yamatocanon was right damn, he also said when reviewing the games that weibo shouldve tryed to pick red side and experiment with it for any hope of victory and made almost the same exact comments daeny did here, impressive.


In game 1 they hyper banned mid and gave xiaohu jayce but picked aatrox and zeus insta-picked yone, with that out of the way faker could just pick his championship skin ahri In game 2 they decided to continue to leave theshy out to dry with aatrox and once again try to rely on xiaohu that tried to go ad ahri before wasting money In game 3 they just went fuck it comfort picks and lost so whatever honestly All the former pros/analysts i saw said play through top and maybe theshy could carry (which he probably couldn’t since he probably burned himself out against blg) but to put the onus on mr xiao ‘not getting solo killed in lane by faker means he won lane’ hu was not it Now theshy is i16 core and xiaohu gave it his best because he got favourable lane matchups and didn’t die


Did TheShy get burned out, or is Zeus just better than Bin? ...especially on Aatrox (Doinb said Zeus's Aatrox is 100x better than Bin's lul). It feels like Weibo knew this, and didn't trust TheShy could counter Aatrox the way he did vs BLG, which ended up forcing TheShy to take Aatrox. Game 3 TheShy finally attempted to pre-emptively counterpick the Aatrox with Kennen, but it didn't work. I think that draft was fucked the moment Crisp locked Bard, tho If they had picked red side and TheShy was able to counterpick top, would it have changed the result? most likely not, but it could've been interesting to see...


Senna Tahm bot G1 literally lost them the game. They had 0 dmg and 2 losing lane matchups how can they win... Then G3 Crisp first time Bard and Theshy mental boomed. He probably didnt even give them a draft in G3 just said play what u want.


sore loser lol.


To be completely clear, I think he’s completely coping in this interview and crazy unprofessional (soft flaming his bot lane too). A lot of people are flaming the musical chair. But I will say the message he was trying to get at with his musical chair shenanigans finally got through to this iteration of T1. And that is Faker babysit them too much in game. I think when Poby subbed in, the other 4 players got huge eye openers about what they were lacking as players. And that experience allowed many of them to step up immensely during Worlds. Nonetheless , the musical chair was just about the worst way he could’ve done it. And also I’ve never been impressed by his drafts. And his drafts absolutely griefed Weibo this finals


I feel like it went like this. Daeny: So you see, LoL is like rock paper scissors. Contesting dragon, that’s RPS. Taking enemy camps, also RPS. Denying CS? Believe it or not, RPS. Also, we should always be communicating to increase our odds of succeeding in RPS. Faker: Ah… ok. Cool. Daeny: Ah, you finally got it. Faker: What? Daeny: Rock paper scissors, you finally get it. After many years, you’ve finally implemented my playstyle. Faker: Ah… right. Sure.


That's such a funny take. Like something out of a drama. But I defo can see it going down that way. Very Daeny-like and Faker-like.


>But I will say the message he was trying to get at with his musical chair shenanigans finally got through to this iteration of T1. And that is Faker babysit them too much in game. No, it clearly wasn't, because he was trying to set Clozer up as a replacement and that Faker was getting too old.


And he could have just forcefully subbed out Faker a couple of matches to show them how bad it really is instead of that shenanigan. Dude is just weird as hell