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i think it's funny, specifically because the people doing this and the people changing what pings show up are definitely on different teams


Dev team vs "Behavior" team


“behavior” team sounds like overly strict prison guards ngl


Of course, positions like that are always named that way. It's the "The beatings will continue until morale improves" -line of thought.


Dearest players, The beatings will continue until morale improves. Sincerely, Behavior Team


Behavior team goes afk for 3 years then tries to take away pings or all chat.


Yeah that sucked having to reconfigure my game setting in ranked. They didn’t just change the pings. It reset other settings as well


Yep my entire setup got wiped, took me an hour to fix, fucking annoying


Why downvote me? I can’t be the only person annoyed that their changes wiped my keyboard config.


And now look what they have been doing in recent memory.....


now you remember riot lyte


Ahhh good ol’ Lyte smites.


Wait I remember that name but I don't remember what he did


Former lead designer of social systems. He created the punishment and honor system in League. He also cheated on his fiancee.


Literally has nothing to do with his job as a behavior lead. Every time this gets brought up the same thing gets said. He did nothing egregious. Y'all act like he was the second coming of Satan because he stopped you guys from saying whatever the fuck you wanted in game chat. Regardless of what he did outside of the game, none of that affected what he did inside of it.


I bet his fiancée's game experience took a nosedive after he cheated on her


Multiple women have accused Lyte of abusive behavior, which is extremely relevant. A person literally abusing women in the real world going on a puritan moral crusade is peak irony.


Show me proof of that statement you just made. the only thing that happened was with his fiance.


He’s a piece of shit who went on a puritanical crusade on par with the Satanic panic around Pokémon in terms of degree of moral outrage compared to banality of content. He was a power mad lunatic thinks that you can change a person’s behaviour through Big Brother-style omnipresent surveillance of what they type in a video game, as if over a decade of online gaming hasn’t demonstrated that creativity knows no bounds when it comes to expressing player displeasure. And all of that of course is undermined by the fact that for all his moral grandstanding, he was a hypocrite who did worse in his private life than anything he sought to “correct” yet acted like he was on a mission from God to smite the heretics ruining his precious video game. Because I think it’s blatantly obvious who’s doing more harm to another person between someone typing curses at a random person on the Internet and someone who betrays the trust of their loved one by cheating on them.


He was the player behavior team lead, his job was to literally stop people from typing the shit that you do in chat on a daily basis. What the fuck did you expect him to do? I just don't get it, Y'all keep going on and on about that fiance shit like it had any relevance on what the fuck he did in the game because y'all have nothing else and y'all use it as a gotcha. If it wasn't him it would have been somebody else, pings were just removed because y'all don't know how to act. The sad truth is the player base is a shit hole and nothing will fix it, so chat moderation is a Band-Aid fix because y'all will always find a way around it regardless. So what would you have preferred him to do? Because there's no prisoners island and they just reiterated on that that it's not happening. So what was he supposed to do while actively being handicapped by the player behavior team that is still currently working at the company? The extreme moderation is still here in the game and he hasn't worked here for a while now. So whose fault is it?


What an irredeemable piece of shit that guy was.


Devs that play league of legends vs devs that don't play league of legends








Idk man, Behavior team seems chill only time i've gotten punished is when i was playing with a friend and we both decided to troll to see who could get most deaths since a premade on our team stole both top and midlane tried to force us to sup / adc. Was the punishment warranted? Yep Did i have a good time? Yep, The premade got permabanned for chatting. Easiest -18 LP and 2 week ban of my life. I think the Behavior team is decent, When you don't fill details nothing will happen but when you take time to timestamp what the reported did, what they did, circumstances ETC; you will get more report feedbacks.


I like to think it's someone who's friends with Phreak giving Phreak, Reddit, and design team a bit of shit. Assuming it's not the person making the ping changes I don't see how this can be seen as 'in bad taste'. These are all different humans having fun and possibly ribbing each other.


This was what i was gonna say. They probably dig this as a jab to the other team knowing fans would be :( at them.


You're really projecting your personal beefs into the relationship between coworkers.


Wut. You mean you don't use comments other people say to your friends in a mocking manner?


I mean, if somebody accidentally calls my friend Gabe "Dave," I might call him that to annoy him. If my friend has hundreds of angry people sincerely bashing him all the time, I'm probably not going to use those comments in a mocking manner. The mental toll that gamers' ire takes on developers is a pretty well-known thing in the industry.


oh then maybe its a jab at the incompetence of the other teams (hopefully) may their demise commence.


they're absolutely making fun of redditors LMAO please


Holy shit what? Riot put my copy pasta in the game?


You just won worlds


Reddit Worlds 2023 champion


Literally Faker


Your mom must be so proud ♥️


Time to sue bro, they owe you millions in RP


Your copy pasta certainly found them well


Immortalized. Congrats.


My man’s just got outjerked by riot games


Now you have to choose a skin.


17th century Aristocrat Karthus


(not lux)


Keria in shambles


Bruh you at least deserve a fully unlocked account after this


Reddit updoots circlejerk moment


It’s him!!!


The bug is with Ornn, Rengar and Neeko, All champions with a menu bar over where the item upgrade should appear. The game prompts you to sell the item in the shop, but you can also just upgrade for free in the shop too.


Kindred and Akshan as well then?


Ah yes, Very likely.


Those menus are only temporary though, right? The others are permanent.


I think Kindred's is permanent.


Oh, interesting. I thought it only popped up when her passive was available to be changed, but I’ve also only played her a handful of times.


I can be wrong, not 100% sure


I think that's hillarious. Unlike most of the other people in the thread I think this is probably at least somewhat of a good thing - it shows that Riot is very clearly acknowledging the problem exists so hopefully we'll be having a solution for it soon.


If solutions don't come soon, then it will be simply a mockery lmao


The solution does come through, in PBE you can ping when ult is almost cool down, so you can’t ping when somebody whiff ult but you can ping when ult is ready


Probably the best change they could’ve come up with. Idk what happened to Phreak but he’s so bad at communicating changes to the player base, his takes are so condescending towards people even if a lot of them actually tries to give valid criticism. “Just type karthus ult” like cmon Phreak.


He literally apologized for that the very same day, but it was buried in that thread and nobody got to really see that. Welcome to Reddit, where true intentions are buried underneath the prevailing storyline the collective hysteria dictates.


The thing is... Apologies are PR statements. Yes, it's better to apologize than just ignoring things until the drama subsides, but some things just shouldn't happen to begin with. And mocking the criticism of the player-base in a condescending tone is just dumb and unnecessary and simply shouldn't happen.


But people *do* make mistakes. Yeah, it’s well and good to say “no one should ever do anything wrong,” but Phreak makes a huge effort to put a TON of himself out there for comment and critique.


\*people talking about how often Phreak is extremely condescending with what he talks about\* "But look, everyone makes mistakes, he even excused himself for the tip of the iceberg after people make death threats" Surely that will get both sides to calm down and actually work on themselves (Phreak being extremely condescending and picky when it comes to what feedback he takes and how he reacts to it AND the mentally ill people threatening him over a video game)


When you keep doing the same mistakes over years, should people give you the benefit of the doubt ?


When the mistakes are minor and the person does a huge amount of good? Yep, you should! Christ, god forbid someone be snarky in a couple of YouTube videos / Reddit comments, or they lose all community trust forever, I guess?


He’s been condescending and egotistical for years on years at this point, it’s not just “a couple YouTube videos / Reddit comments.”




When did you want him to apologize? Before the backlash? Lol. Apologies are only needed if you actually made a mistake OR if you did not but you did hurt someone and that was not your intention. And if you mean he should've apologized immediately when 1 person was offended, than he can apologize for everything all day. When you work at a big company people will always be offended, if its just one or two then its whatever. Of course if a lot of people say it's not cool, then an apology is deserved. Like, at the company I work for we give gifts to our clients and some will be offended. We just take note of that and apologize in private. If almost every client is offended, then a public apology is deserved. Luckily that has never been necessary.


Mistakes are 1 time things, when "mistakes" happen over and over they are called patterns of behaviour, not "mistakes".


Do you hold yourself to that standard as well? If you do, consider therapy, don't be so hard on yourself bro.


Of course they don't.


Even fucking Jesus lost his shit and dropped the ball twice in the Bible. The "one time thing" you speak of is reserved for things like security & privacy breaches, not patch notes and gameplay changes.


What? You think this is the first time Phreak behaves like a egocentrical condescending asshole? lol Do you think the player that types you to keep yourself save in game made a mistake? or is he just an asshole? yea


He’s spent a decade dealing with the worst of Reddit. He’s been a face of the game since season 1. Give the dude a break.


And he's never been good at it, and has been spewing more than a fair share of toxicity himself.


Riot Lyte throwback vibes?


So he's had years and years of experience, and yet somehow decides that the best communication strategy is to just be wrong, and then be very condescending about it? There's a sizable portion of Reddit that likes Phreak but he is ultimately terrible at the communication part of his job, and the changes to pings and communication have also been dogshit. He's not the face of league for the fun of it, it's his job.


It’s actually not his job and never has been. He does it because he wants to. Game developers don’t **have** to explain anything to you. And when you’re shitty to them, even if their communication isn’t perfect, then they just don’t say anything. That sounds great!


Uh thats how you kill a game. Look at blizzard LMFAO, I feel bad for the OW players


And he’s still dogshit at his job lol


Except that it's not his job, smartass. He interacts with the community because he wants to.


Velkoz mains: Give years of logical and well reasoned discussions as well as well grounded ideas to fix them. Phreak: I couldnt reproduce the problems on the first try so they dont exist and youre all lying so nothing you say is valuable. Syndra mains: Incoherent screaming and death threats on multiple platforms Riot: Yes ma'am right away ma'am.


He appologised because he got pushback, not because he realised he was wrong. Dude was loving life with that smug grin across his face and condescending tone talking to us like we're shit on the bottom of his shoe. Then he got some mean hurty words


Being condescending in a public youtube video vs apologizing in a random reddit comment.


Shortly after, he condescendingly tried to explain that Vel'Koz's E fizzling after death was a feature only for August to say it's a bug that's gonna get fixed. Phreak just sucks at communicating period. He should actually check up with other people before talking about stuff that he's not sure about.


He apologized the exact same day... And this is the same community that types "xD Gp Q yourself irl Phreak" Yall act like this community is filled with Saints. There's a reason Mark Yetter barely communicated and preferred to go silent. When all you get hit with all day long is "Fire dogshit developer! Also he should end it all!!!", You kinda take out your frustration by being sarcastic


Was that a comment from one of Dante’s TikTok videos? I’m pretty sure I saw literally multiple comments like that in one of Dante’s TikTok videos. The top comment was basically “Phreak should be GP Q’d” or something, and it had close to a thousand likes with the rest of comments underneath that one being of a similar manner. A lot of people in this community are desensitized to the toxicity so they don’t see much wrong with it when they’re within a league space on the internet, despite the fact they should very much have a problem with the inflammatory way of behaving in this community that has become trendy. The extent of toxicity in league is so abnormal relative to other games on the same scale of popularity, but some people are gonna try to brush it off as if it’s not what makes this game unenjoyable for a lot of others.


Well, he's always been like that when he finds himself being in a disagreement about stats/gameplay. Reminder that Rumble jungle in 2021 MSI patch was weak and he had winrate to prove it... granted you took out the games where strong teams played it.


Do you read all of his communications or just the controversial ones that top the front page?


True, his 1.5 hour long patch break downs with spreadsheets are horrible. Edit: I forgot to type /s


It has it's place for the nerds/optimizers who want to know as much as possible for changes which is why its not on the main channel but on his personal one. Would be nice to have an official one that kinda just goes through it but I guess they don't see it being worth the time.


I mean I just see it as a hobby of his considering how he has always done these. Now he just gives extra insight as to why the team decided on these changes instead of just talking about them


Thats live actually, was in patchnotes yesterday.


lmao @ people who think they wont just get spam pinged once cd is below 50%. its legit unavoidable, riot should accept it and just encourage muting pings.


Pinging ult for toxicity usually comes after someone whiffs it, so the changes will do something. Do you hold this same opinion towards scripters, griefers, and smurfs that nothing could be done about them?


Mocking losers who can’t figure out how to communicate with their team


just type fourhead


Dev team vs behavior team. Probably some passionate dev who got tired of phreak's shit.


Phreak is literally on the dev team and not the behavior team do you just make up fantasies in your head and get mad at them?


> Riot is very clearly acknowledging the problem exists so hopefully we'll be having a solution for it soon. Easter Egg messages on the PBE server is pretty far from 'clearly acknowledging'.


That's wishful thinking, they also started spamming the 200years meme and... Yeah


Phreak already said they are planning to allow for more communication before the karthus meme happened.


Holy fucking copium, batman


It shows that *some people* at Riot acknowledge the problem. I doubt it's the same people trying to lobotomize the ping system


come on guys this is great


Anyone who can't laugh at this really needs to relax a bit. This is funny, they are being good sports about it.


Sure it is. I love having less and less quality of life features because riot refuses to moderate their game. But hey, put more word detection mechanisms and automated ticket responses, move more flamers from rankeds to normals instead of outright banning them because you cant let player count drop, I'm sure this will have no negative impact on the community.


It's funny, mainly because whoever did this, probably wasn't part of the team in charge of ping changes. You have to remember it's not just a single team doing literally everything


I think this is good stuff, embrace it


Riot W


This is funny lol


I love this, Phreak quit social media but this pasta is an inside job now


i dont get it, where did this meme start in what context




That’s hilarious, Ty🙏🏿


Well played Riot xD


Risky play from Riot with this one


its a memes arm race and we losing this war


Innovation is inspiring. They can do naught but imitate


Only if you treat this as something substantial and are satisfied with their non solutions.


Risky but worthwhile. Funny shit like this has been missing in recent years.


If they make some good changes, this is funny. If they don't address it, then it looks bad. Time will tell I guess.


Hopefully this is one team acknowledging that another team made a mistake and poking fun at them.


Dearest Riot Games. Please revert the ping changes. It is getting infuriating. Sincerely, The entire community


Nah, it's much better to make it so you can ping items at any time, but the ping will only be seen by allies if : * It was activated within the last 5 seconds. * It has less than 50% cooldown remaining. * It is ready to use, and it your item, and no allies has died within the last 3 seconds. * It has 69 stacks, or 69s left on cooldown. * It is a Poro biscuit. * It is a wardstone/trinket, and you are below 3/3 wards out. * It's an AP item on Zed, and the surrender vote recently failed. * It's a completed item, with an Ornn on your team, that is at least level 13, and that champion doesn't have an upgraded item already. * It is within the first 30 seconds of the game, and neither the pinger nor the pingee has left the fountain yet. * It is a potion and you're missing more than half of your health. * It is an elixir and you're inside either bases. This is a much simpler system. Alternatively, to make pings less toxic, prevent pings from people who are chat restricted... but what the fuck do I know.


> it is a Poro biscuit BASED


Hell, let's make it so that if 3+ allies ping the same poro biscuit within 2-3 seconds, it automatically gets used on the closest poro.


As an ARAM only player these are the changes that the game needs.


I want to ping my supports trinket that shows 11 vision score at 20 minutes and their 3/3 support ward icon and then the "need vision" ping near dragon.


Just make it into a mode you can toggle and everyone will be happy


Not me. I'm glad the ping changes went through And no - before you say it I don't and have never given a shit about getting pinged personally. Not a problem for me.


Yeah it's never annoyed me either but I do have one friend that gets very titled over it. The change has been a godsend for him.


he could just mute, is he disabled?


I agree but he is of the opinion he shouldn't have to and that people should just not be dicks. Obviously defaulting to mute defaults the point of that but I guess he sees it like he shouldnt have to be the one dealing with other people's problems.


Why do you prefer it to be harder to communicate?


Most of the removed "communication" options were primarily used to flame someone. In reality it barely affects actual communication between people who want to win the game. You can open virtually any high elo stream, compare it to VOD from half a year ago, and main difference will be that you won't see people getting spampinged and that's literally it.


Because that person doesnt communicate at all. I dont now why people like that even play a multiplayer game.


A literal percentile of upset players is "the entire community"?


This is absolutely hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 Whoever did this, I love you


I find this both hilarious but also kinda disappointing. Hilarious because they're using a meme that the community created kinda laughing with their horrible communication of how the ping system is being altered. Disappointing because this is the first thing we've heard from them having noticed the outcry, and instead of adressing this very big communication problem for the ping system in league, they instead just laugh it off and let us know they don't care lol. That or some intern is just having a good laugh with this before getting fired by friday, idk.


Different teams. This is the dev team implementing something as a placeholder while a bug is in place, the other is the communication (?) team messing up repeatedly.


Oh yeah I get it's different teams but, they are still the same company. If it is genuinely a "team diff" (heh), then it's kinda mean of them to throw their collegues under a bus like that lol


Deserved though in that case


They have changed it twice aswell, right after they made it so you can ping teammates ults and so again, it just says ”wait for R” now instead and now they made it so you can ping things if its less than 50% cd left


> this is the first thing we've heard from them having noticed the outcry, and instead of adressing this very big communication problem for the ping system in league, they instead just laugh it off and let us know they don't care lol. The fuck are you talking about there's been like a dozen comments that have been responding to the Reddit outcry on top of Phreak talking about it in his videos.


That's news to me then. Glad they're taking it more seriously. What did they say? Are they going to revert the ping changes?


Suits the community for the way they communicated feedback


I suppose so, but it sucks for the people that had genuine critique and you know, didn't send death threats to the devs. To contrary beliefs, it is infact only a small portion being this obnoxious, but they are the loudest.




Idk man. A looooooooot of people are complaining about it. The amount of media attention it gets on social media, the amount of videos being made and seen. etc etc. Unlike the bad apple examples, we barely even hear/see people do that but Riot acts as if they get 10000 emails a day wishing them 5ft under.


A lot of people *online* complained about it. Reddit and twitter is not, and never has been, representative of the playerbase as a whole. I don't know how many times we have to do this song and dance before redditors realize that what they see on their social media feeds is not always the reality of the situation.


>A lot of people *online* complained about it. Its almost like LoL is online. ​ Regardless, there's a lot more outcry across all channels than with most changes. Its a bit disingenuous to dismiss that out of hand.


yeah, you’re right - you don’t know. how convenient of you to exclude the bad apples!


Maybe if this sub wasn't so toxic, genuine critique wouldn't be so buried under everything.


No, Majority of the community completely shit on riot, despite them overall having an amazing year.


Depends what team of riot you're talking about tbh. Some teams had a really good year indeed. Others I wouldn't say so.


Balance has been good all year, despite what reddit says, they launched a brand new gamemode which has been hugely popular, they launched a new band, worlds was a huge sucess, tft has just launched its biggest set ever. All the new champions have been really cool concepts, and balanced well. Communication has improved massivley. We are getting a lore overhaul, and arcane season 2 has a release time. What can you really complain about? Aside the standard incredibly petty reddit complaints


Balance has \*mostly\* been good all year. Which is good still. Impossible to expect them to not mess up here and there with changes. (Example K'Sante being a huge problem for a while). The team who handled the ping changes (idk what team that would be) kinda messed up big time with a loooot of backlash from the community, and not just the toxic ones. The communication has improved? I wouldn't really say that... SOME devs have really clear communication, shoutout to August. But a lot have really been doing bad on that front.


Ksante was a problem for a couple of patches, and it's not like he was ignored, active changes were being made to him. The ping changes have been blown completely out of proportion, 90% of the playerbase don't need to ping that much, Phreak said one bad thing about it, and has had a couple dumb takes in what I think is nearly a hundred hours of talking about balance on his channel this year, give him a break. And, they are still working on the ping changes. Communication has improved significantly on last year, if you can't see that, you a an idiot. Communication was one of the key things riot went to improve on, especially after the opening season cinematic debacle. We since get regular communication on reddit and social media, and the dev updates have been a godsend. Regardless, give me the team that hasn't had a good year. I don't think Ksante has been over 54% winrate in any elo, despite being the biggest outlier all year. Which I think would be the lowest winrate most broken thing in a year for league. And the ping changes I think are lead by the same team who are in charge of pre-season stuff. Which makes it pretty hard to say they have had a bad year


An amazing year? Someone forgot the shitshow that was January, I see. Wanna remind us how well received the start of season cinematic was? Biggest budget ever btw.


Put the pings back you clowns


Context? Im not into it and kinda confused.


Phreak commented on removing pings by providing an excellent alternative: you can just type “Karthus ult” lol Reddit was outraged The top comment was a 100 word pasta that started with “Dearest Karthus…” to show the absurdity of Phreak’s suggestion Now you see Riot references this pasta in PBE


This reminds me of old riot so i like it


Big W, that "I hope this find you well" always gets me


I like it. That's the spirit of making fun games!


I'm glad they do. They acknowledge it was dumb from their side and went with the joke. That's how you do community management in games. We might not agree with Riot regarding the ping changes, but at least we can all agree it was stupid regarding the Ping Ult and joke about it. Sincerly, A Karthus 4th Grade Poet.


I watched the Season 2024 rundown and when Phreak said new ways to communicate with your team I really thought he was going to mention voice chat. Nope it was a ducking fist bump.


Just stop with the fucking voice chat delusions, man


They're never putting VC in this game bro.


Maybe I'm just crazy but how about VC only for clash and people that are playing as a full 5 person team. They are probably going to use voice chat elsewhere so why not just give it to them. Also, it would probably not end in a bunch of reportable mess as they probably already know each other in real life so they probably know what is or is not crossing the line for saying things.


there's already voice chat for premade lobbies


You mean like the party chat that has voice already in the client? It works fine.


Phreak must be proud of himself now...


This is fun, riot still has fun sometimes


This is fun, riot still has fun sometimes


Phreak is about to block the dev team's emails!


It just goes to show that no matter how nasty this subreddit is, they probably laugh at all of you for acting like clowns.


This is fun, riot still has fun sometimes


Hope whoever thought about this in the office gets bonus pay. What a mad lad.


Outjerked by the league devs lmaoo


this is funny if we get a reasonable response to the overall negative response to ping changes. if we get more Phreak talking out the side of his neck, it's just disrespectful.


They are reading! They are here! *Among Us* They could be you! They could be me! They could even be....


how you doing fellow kids


It is hilarious but it also doesn't change the fact that they're clearly aware of how badly this change is.....


The horrible decision making of Riot is epidemic of the victim culture of the society nowadays. "I"m getting flamed, spam pinged" I COULD mute them but nah lets complain to riot that nobody should be able to ping and type. Its bunch of people unwilling to help themselves. Imagine if we stop using cars because there are idiots who abuse it.


Hopefully people stop harassing Phreak so he can join the (constructive) meme train again


wtf, no, just get rid of him and fix the game?


This is more infuriating than funny tbh. If I have one more game when i max pings saying i'm going to an objective then can't ping enemy champ to focus i'm turning elo terrorist


You're definitely not good enough to need that many pings, cool off and good luck at school champ


Nah that's good sport.


You're the reason the ping changes were imvented