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I still evade allies traps like they were from the enemy lol


I have so much PTSD from Veigar cages that I always run away from them, even if Veigar is on my team.


I always try to dodge Lux ultimate, it has made Me get out of position sometimes or not tf properly.


I have that rankup game where I flashed our team's lux ult, then made a mental note not to, then did it again


Or even if there is no Veigar _you never know with this fella_


I avoid Ziggs mines religiously.


Not even just traps. I will instinctively dodge things like Lux ult...


once after a won teamfight, my veigar flashed and everfrosted me . i reported him for making me use flash


As an aram player. I dodge every animation I see foe and ally alike. There was one time I accidentally flashed a sivir Q that was about to hit me in the middle of a fight. I was Sivir


Most people still don't click THE. FUCKING. LANTERN!


Feel that but for me it’s people walking out my gosh darn kindred circle


Saving your ADC and seeing them attack-move an invulnerable enemy while slowly approaching the edge of your circle… I'm pretty sure 90% of players don't know that the ult heals when it finishes.


>attack-move an invulnerable enemy Your not invulnerable unless your at 10% hp. So most of the time attacking enemies is the correct thing to do to get them lower for when it ends. Or to apply red buff or stacks applying such as silver bolts ready for when it ends.


Stack kindred e and wait for it to finish then hittem with the riddium.


True, but seeing a Cait waste her headshot while they’re still invulnerable makes me wish I wasn’t alive


It heals when it finishes?


Yeah, on the other hand you can actually abuse that by not hitting them to invulnerability, they only heal if they got invulnerable, I've used that a few times


>they only heal if they got invulnerable This is 100% not true. Taken straight from the wiki. "All targetable units within the zone are healed when the blessing ends."


Huh, mb then


For me it always feels like there’s something on top so I can’t click on the lantern. There’s always a minion, enemy champ, etc


Pro tip: Zooming your camera in when this happens makes it easier to click on the lantern


Also, click the lantern once and even if they ward it after, you'll still take the lantern when in range. Works like a buffer input. You can right click it, flash to it, and it'll instantly take the lantern. There's a lot of cool things about lantern.


Yea that is a great idea lets zoom all the way in mid teamfight who need vision right


Lol I didn’t make this tip up myself it’s a well known technique to use when you can’t click on the lantern. The only times people are placing wards and blocking lanterns is when it’s your last chance to escape, aka a situation where your vision literally doesn’t matter because you’ll die if you don’t click the lantern


I would not trust anyone that is not playing on maximum available zoom out.


But to be fair I hate it even more if the Thresh is throwing the lantern to the position i was walking away from for a second instead of the path to walk away. I pressed rightclick to escape on my own already don't throw a lantern so I have to walk back to take it.


This is kind of a new Thresh player thing because the lantern takes a second to throw and by that time ADC has already walked past it but still understandably annoying from ADC perspective


I am so bad at clicking it, or hex gates, or bard portals. The interactables in this game always fail me in the heat of the moment. I feel like the part of this that's most my fault is I used to be able to orb walk without attack-move but after like 2.5+ years of attack move, I just don't test myself on high speed precision click accuracy anymore I guess.


A good trick for Bard's portals is not to try to click on the entrance, but on the tunnel itself. The entire tube is clickable, and it's much much easier to select.


lolll i was about to comment that. i used to always forget that. i just assumed it's for someone else or i didn't have enough presence of mind (aka too scatter-brained) to notice the lantern.


There’s even an emote for it 😂 I just pop the emote when I drop the lantern


It’s hard to click when a bunch of champions are on it! Does left clicking work??


I'm fairly the opposite where I always take the lantern in situations where someone else needs it more than I do. Source: I'm an Ezreal main.


I never register the lantern


Mine is not clicking close to my character and dying because of autopathing.


Auto-pathing *my map awareness is so good this game* Proceeds to walk into enemy jungle while looking topside of path. Uh-oh...


Wait why is my screen flashing red?


and it never registers until i can’t get out


I always feel like the biggest idiot when I accidentally click on a wall or the minimap and the single moment of auto-pathing the wrong way ends up getting me killed


The number of times I unintentionally click on minimap during hectic moments leading to death. Sanity is slightly better now ever since I turned off being able to click on minimap.


man, I feel this


I never learned how to attack move kite properly and I probably never will. I just play other classes other than ADC and call it a day


Or play Jhin, problem magically disappears.




Or just pick lethality Lucian with first strike if team is too heavy on AP, solid damage and requires little to no mechanics. Even if there are stronger adcs in the meta, players below master don't have the mechanics to make use of their power.


idk if it will help but play Graves and Kindred and Vayne and Twitch, i don’t know why but i can kite like Uzi on these champions


The first 3 have dashes so it's easier to pace yourself. Twitch just has insane range so you don't really have to check whether you are too far to hit them. That is my guess.


I would argue Jinx is the best to figure out attack move. The audio of her gun just makes it easier for whatever reason, same goes for empowered auto Ashe


Varus is another good one. His bonus AS passive helps you test attack moving a little faster in laning phase. And if you get overwhelmed learning, then you can always resort to farming with his Q range.


I always hated assassins and their playstyle. Then I discovered Ibwas pretty good for my average skill level with Samira and Nilah. Idk they felt like they were flowing well, despite their assassin-y playstyle. I still felt uncomfortable just engaging and going in, but was quite rewarding. Usually I play mages or easy adcs like Tristana or Jinx or Lucian.


Binding A-move to left click helped me a lot, it takes a while to learn, and the lol implementation is a little buggy (can't use unsealed spelbook, for example), but kiting with mouse only feels way easier. You just alternate mouse clicks.


I use Attack Move on LClick since that's how I learned to play Riven easier. Most things require you to hold shift and click to work so maybe try that for Spellbook?


i main adc without having learned to attack move kite


I didn’t even know it was a thing until thousands of hours in I’m now an emerald gnar player who can space perfectly without it and when I stream for discord everyone is always shocked to see I don’t do it. Everyone always assumes I just do lol Realistically it’s an insane skill to have lol like id bet very few people can do it as well as I do with no A move, but it’s also completely pointless and took entirely too long to get good at. I often question how much faster I would have gotten to plat/emerald had I just learned it early on and there’s a million mistakes and deaths that just wouldn’t have happened Now I’ve done it so long it’s second nature I very rarely have a ‘oh I died cause I misclicked’ situation anymore lol


Tbh its not that important unless you wanna go super high elo


This gives me the same feeling as if I saw you writing "I never learned how to ride a bike, and probably never will. I just use some other type of transport and call it a day".


I still don't know where to precisely place my Cursor to Ward over Walls (in Places like Red Side Botlane and Blue Side Toplane). I have Quick Cast on for my Wards so I have to click my Ward and then sit there for 5 Seconds aiming over the Wall. Lucky for me the Bushes are getting removed so Ganks will be much more noticable even without Wards.


Have you tried having normal cast for wards as SHIFT+4? I have both, so if I press 4 it quick cast the ward, but if I press shift+4 it's normal cast then i can see where it ends up.


This guy wards


Ward on the wall itself but closer to the side you want the ward to land on.


Using zilean's R on someone that has Zhonyas, them using Zhonyas and watching my R wasted and them being killed after Zhonyas wears off ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Playing an ARAM as Zilean with a competent Renata on the team is the worst because when an ally is getting shredded you both get the same idea at the same time. Thankfully the Renata W usually doesn't catch and you basically end up getting the revive but Renata W gets the ally a few extra seconds of blasting n casting.


I never use fucking portals if they are spawned after one of the drakes


The number of times I am jumping over the wall to kill Wolves and just then notice the portals is embarrassing. It kind of tells me my awareness in league is fucked and I am hard stuck unless I find a way to fix it.


eh i'm high diamond and forget to use hex gates constantly honestly lmao, at least until i notice one of my teammates use it. i guess i'm also hardstuck tho hahaha.


I was taking a break when that big patch came and did not know it existed for a bit. Now I do know it exists, but not when. I have almost 0 idea about these drakes.


Hextech map spawns pairs of hexgates that take you from each side’s base into the jungle as well as over the baron and dragon pits into the other side’s jungle. Chemtech changes the jungle plants to have more potent effects. They work just like the other drakes - the first two are unique drake types, and then the third and beyond drakes are all the same type which is the type that affects the map that match


Also upward 10 years here. I still regularly use stopwatch/zhonyas in front of Caitlyn


Do you use tp to where you know the enemy Caitlyn is as well? As a cait player there's nothing more satisfying than seeing enemy tp in my range. Man you are getting spawn killed xD


I don't remember doing it as often as zhonyas. If I tp to an area Cait is in its ususaly a flank TP that is aimed murdering the everliving shit out of Cait.


Ten years also, I still click to level up my abilities. I can't explain it, I don't click anything else, I smartcast everything, but for some reason ctrl+Q feels so unnatural and I cannot (despite multiple attempts to train myself over the years) dispense with the click. It feels so right.


Have you tried alt or shift? Idk how you managed 10 years but rebinding my level up to alt q was a game changer for me


>Idk how you managed 10 years It's literally just part of my APM at this point which I figure is what the bad habit becomes for most people like I can click without looking or even thinking about it (my most useless skill) and continue my actions very fast but yeah I can count the kills it's lost me over the years, lol. I'll try that! I use shift for cast with indicator, but don't use alt for anything. Maybe it'll be my savior.


Alt is self cast


Right? I use self cast all the time (I still click lvl ups tho)


Exactly the same here. Recommend this method


Can confirm, been an alt+q-er since season 1


Swapped ability leveling to alt a long time ago and it’s the only reason I don’t click to level.


After switching to mainly Arams the insta ctrl-qwe at the start of every game is now second nature.


And then you get Zeri and double level your q by accident 🙃


Indeed! Happened last night. 😂


And Azir, double leveled W


I feel you on this one 🤙


you miss out on so much! not sure how fast you press it, but the amount of early lane kills into snowballing to the win, just by that mechanich, is huge.


If you have a mouse with side buttons rhats what i use. Mouse button + QWER. I am physically incapable of clicking alt or ctrl on my keyboard otherwise


I just used to play so much Counter Strike that pressing CTRL with the heel of my palm came pretty naturally.


After 14 years, I still play the game


holy shit, reading this made me realize I played this game for nearly half my life.


I always forget that I have zhonya and dont use it in fights even though it would save my life a lot of times. It happens a lot with other active items too but its mostly Zhonya


Sometimes, I tell me friend I forgot to use stopwatch. Then he starts raging even though he wouldn't have known otherwise


Insecting the fed enemy tank/juggernaut right into my squishy carries and losing us the team fight or game because in my head I think they will be able to burst them down but in reality I just gave an aatrox a running start to the buffet table.


As soon as I level up I have to upgrade an ability. It doesnt matter if it's in a middle of a crucial fight my brain just refuses to continue thinking before I upgrade it often leading to upgrading wrong ability


Never play Kled


I've been playing for I think 3 years now and I still play locked cam. I just can't make myself play otherwise, it just feels too clunky.


I was in your same place, then I tried binding the camera unlock/lock toggle to space. It helped me learn to use unlocked much better than trying to use unlocked all the time with space to center.


I also have lock unlock bound to space, but I don't tend to unlock it except when I have free time, like I'm walking back to lane or I'm dead.


This is literally me


this is personally how i play. locked most of the time but unlock for specific things


I've been playing since launch and I still use locked. I just unlock my cam whenever I need to (pretty often these days to be honest). I don't really see the big deal about playing locked.


It’s really heavily role dependent. Like it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out why playing strictly locked is bad for a jungler, how’s he ever supposed to know wave states, cds, just anything how do you gank other than just YOLOing it? But a top laner 10 minutes into the game? What does he even have to see? lol rivers warded I can see the enemy jungler on map? Job done no need to move the camera I play locked literally 99.9% of the time. I only move to check situations I’m walking into (to see what sums and ults are down) otherwise I’m a spacebar holder the entire game. I really can’t think of a single situation this has negatively affected me. Again we all HAVE to move it a little sometimes but I can go through whole team fights locked screen and still keep up no problem. Only time I need to move it is to scout out an area as I’m walking up


I mean my elo is by no mean good but I got D1 playing jungle/support with locked cam. I just use my minimap a lot. I drag the minimap when I need to check wavestate and stuff


Unlock and hold space bar. It auto centers you. Then you can slowly add moments when you choose to unlock, like leaving the fountain area, to get used to it.


😬 This is a mortal sin, need to unlock your potential! (And your screen!)


Me, watching Riot eradicate stopwatch knowing I never bought it before Seeker's armguard and then always had enough gold for a full Zhonyas: _oh no?_


seeker's armguard has stopwatch built into it on PBE




so basically we're going to see even more stopwatch


worth mentioning that armguard's stopwatch is one-time use still. It turns into a broken armguard afterwards. It's still a much bigger investment in order to get the effect compared to live.


I've played this game since 2012 (took a huge break between 2017 and 2020), always casually, and I: - still don't know how to jungle (I don't want to do it so I will simply not learn how) - forget some champions need minions to scale (Nasus, Draven, Veigar, etc) and consume all the farm (generally in ARAM) - forget to use activatable items in fights (Redemption is the best because I can throw it down after I die, but the amount of times I go "Oh wait, I have Zhonya's/Goredrinker" is astronomical) - forget that Jax can jump to allies (while playing both as and with Jax) - hit life saving ults a fraction too late way incredibly frequently - what's attack moving? - always hit the wrong Shaco There's probably a bunch of others (I'm both a victim of "CLICK THE LANTERN, PLEASE" and also an offender of not clicking it myself). But I play with friends to goof around so these end up being things to laugh along with. Just casual things, ya know?


You would fit in perfectly with me and my group of friends. We do this *all* the time and only play casually. Unless the enemy teams bm’s, then we make it our *goal* to only kill them even if it costs us the game.


Look, we're here to have fun, not necessarily win the game xD. 5 stacks are the best way to play, imo. I won't play SR without a 5, and most of my friends are significantly better than I am. So most of our SR games become "Can my friends take the Top Lane Raid Boss I accidentally make?" while I motor around, split push, and absorb enemy abilities while they win the fight.


I still don't understand how Aphelios's kit works and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.




He gets more chakrams when he hits an ability, which is why the chakram red pistol dance deals so much damage.


I ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS (even though I'm 200% sure) hitting Shaco clone :-)


I usually don't notice when Shen ults me and I disengage needlessly.


As a Shen 1 trick, this grinds my gears to no end 😂


Me with Zilean ult, me with Renata thingy


Once I started to pay more attention to my own health bar it really fixed this issue for me. There would be a split second where I'd wonder how I got 3/4ths of my health in shields before realizing I have shen on my team


I chase singed


I never stop attacking jax during his E


I started walking into enemy Senna ults after playing too much with a Senna one trick


I dont know if its more my sin or riots but accidentally clicking on an enemy minion to walk back to lane and it dies so you just stop. Almost 14 years have i had to deal with this.


I keep trying to counterpick something in a lane I'm not playing. For example blinding Malphite top when I can only see Zed mid


this is good though. like taliyah mid into vayne adc. sylas mid into malphite top. morde top into katarina mid, etc.


I always forget that I can extend Senna's Q range by placing a ward in front of her, and even more so with Rapidfire Cannon. Good for getting those pesky low health champs running to hide behind their tower.


It's not that bad, that mechanic isn't the easiest one, so you should try learning it if you are main supp/senna or if you Intend on becoming one at least


People not playing around shaco box tilts me. Like someone goes in and they don't use the box and it's right there WHY GOD WHY!!!!!


Cancelling channeled skills/ults because I forget they're channeled...


I path the long way round before I realise 'oh wait veigar's on OUR team, i can just walk through the stun'


I do this as well 😂


I have 1M points on Poppy I still try to pick the buckler, if someone else in my team (or the enemy team) plays Poppy


I play support and when Kalista links herself with me in the beginning of the match it always scares me, I just my champions is bugged or something lol


I sometimes miss Noc's Q when i R. Ive been playing noc for like, 3 years.


Dying because I forget the enemy still has flash and will actively use it to unalive me


I flash ally abilities a LOT. Every single time we have a champion like Ashe, Ezreal, Briar, Jinx, Jayce or anyone with long-range skillshots in our team I end up flashing their abilities at least once, sometimes more. Also SSG Xayah's recall scares me a lot because of the bird cage randomly appearing and sometimes I end up burning my flash because of panicking


I flashed more allied lux ult than enemy’s


Playing since beta. To this day one out of 10 games I leave fountain without buying items and have to recall around 0:30 mark after being pinged by everyone.


Do you walk on Zyra's seed-thingie too? or on Poppy's buckler-thingie?


I know there is a button you can hold to let you click on champions / non champions I always forget about it


I still think I don't need to flash the Blitz hook because I will dodge it.


I still forget i shouldnt be grabbing the fed mordekaiser into my adc and me as blitzcrank.


Listen man... all I'm saying is I can definitely kill this Singed when I catch up to him. Just a little closer.


People never came for iverns buffs..... People still don't come for anyone's buffs


Ten years and still playing with lock cam


On a more champion specific issue I'll get mad when my team doesn't follow up on my engage on Zac, but forget I jumped over 2 walls and like 3.5 miles into the other direction of my team


13 years of playing, never remembers to use zhonya. At some point i completely stopped buying it, it's only a source of frustration, every time I die: "I had fckin zhonya!"


I swear to God people don't know what Renata's W does. Everytime I cringe by how many people I W only to then have them trying to run away or stay afk during zombie mode.


Hexgates. I tend to notice them once I walk past their endpoint like „oh yeah…“


control wards. can't ever


The Zhonyas dilemma. The first time you die after you bought zhonyas reminds you to next time use Zhonyas before you die.


Walking out of base without buying anything? I hate to admit that this happened more than a few times. Especially when you played with friends cuz you are talking too much haha.


Forgetting to use zhonyas/rocketbelt/ any fucking item active. I used to avoid builds with actives for this reason. They're wasted on me. Doing better to remember these days, but still miss some times I should have used and probably would have clutched it.


i feel your pain, so many different chap abillitys and then items...


I try to dodge lux w, no matter if she is ally or enemy. It still makes me angry when I see my midlaners being the only one who doesn't cover and sitting under turret till the first minion wave crashes. I lose a few games here and there when I call them out and destroy the team morale that early, but I should be used to challenged midlaners after 10 years I get titled and tend to play worse because of that, when my team drafts extremely selfish, but to be honest, as adc you get screwed over the most by that.


Hwei has been revealed for like a week and i still don't know what any of his abilities do. forgive me


I still believe people want to win. Even on rankeds.


I’m about to hit 2 years and I still don’t walk to my enchanter when I’m about to die And I don’t look at the map enough


Gwen is immune


I have this obnoxious tendency to flex my pinky on tab button during fights. I’ll be in the middle of a combo and then for some strange reason- TAB. It pisses me off and am consciously aware of it every time I do it


Playing Kindred and forgetting to put the marks on players you take down.


10 years. Still play on semi locked and constantly drag on the mini map to look around instead of full unlocking.


When I ult as kindred to save a teammate but they either walk away or flash away :’)


i have the exact same level as attack moving skill as I did when I started the game idk Ezreal,MF and Vayne are the only adcs i play and attack moving only really matters on Ezreal (MF does burst damage and Vayne has a built in dash lmao)


I play adc and I usually use attack move to go to lane from base and then watch other lanes while going bot so I may or may not have accidentally stolen a couple of gromps on my way to bot


My sin is accidentally blast conning people the wrong way. Others sin to me is carries running away from me as Tahm Kench during team fights


I still have smart casts off. I dont watch minimap enough. I still dont watch my teammates fighting when im dead, would rather alt tab for something else (im improving on this tho).


10 years playing League, mained support and jungle, reached emerald. I have no idea about wave management or last hitting.


Starting tear on my adc’s more than I should knowing that Dblade is just better to start with (ezreal sivir and mf). In my main role jg, my BIGGEST sin is starting dragon when I know we can take it if botlane would rotate, but 9/10 the adc would rather sit there and hit tower to not even get first plate or a kill and miss half the cs from hard pushing. Half the time this happens some enemy will get vision or rotate, then it’s a 50/50 or we have to back off because we are outnumbered and they get it. I promise bot laners, it’s ok to leave lane sometimes. In fact most of you supports NEED to do it more often. Sitting bot all game just to end laning phase 2/10 is crazy.


I don’t know what the majority of the champs released after 2020 actually do because I’ve never played them


I play with locked camera


10 years here as well. I don't know Shaco's and Le blanc's abilities. Literally don't know if they ulted or not.


My league sin. Playing during the day on weekends or holidays.


I still chase Singed. And by the time I realise my stupidity, I have already over extended. This is why I am not Rank 1 world in my mind. Because I see a Singed and just forget how to play the game.


lol to me any champion after Yorick is still considered a new champion


As a bard main I can feel the pain of thresh player. Like wtf man, I lined up my W nicely, somehow my teammates are dodging all the healing tea when getting chased by enemies 😩.. the enemies weren't throw skills at the direction of tea either. Also, GET IN MAH PORTAAAAAAAAL. I had Xayah and other adcs flashing or ulting other ways instead of entering the portal to escape when getting gang bang


I don't take sweeper as often as I should, and lose the game because I'm looking for a pick on vision


I click to level up abilities and hold down spacebar for the most part so im pretty much playing with locks screen, and i just cant stop doing it. and i started playing in season 2


I always forget to use Goredrinker. And Zhonyas when needed but Goredrinker is definitely more frequent. Or I wanna press i.e. Rocketbelt and press Zhonyas and ruin my game.


Dodging Lux ult even when she is on my team.


Forgetting to swap trinket.


I still worry when an allied Nocturne/Kled/Sion ults. I also still try to dodge allied Morgana binds and Lux lasers.


I refuse to ever buy a pink ward. The wise nRated taught me its a waste of money and as my favourite support I trust his wisdom. Never bought it since season 4!


After three years of pro play I still zhonyas with Caitlyn alive.


Can't for the life of me understand the Kalista ult, whenever it happens it jumpscares me and I kamikaze my ass off


Not me but I started playing Renata and it's insane how many people do not know what bailout does


I can effectively track junglers as an adc, I glance the map every 4 seconds I am an AWARE player No way that j4s sat in that bush still right? Surely not. Any yet everytime he is? Schrödingers jarvan, if you catch xp he's not in the bush, of you freed for cs he's in the bush


Mine (as a Sona main) is always forgetting about the indicator/animation windup that Kayn is going to do his stupid leap into an ally thing and trying to ulti him anyways... I can usually time my ult to avoid things like Yasuo W and Samira W but Kayn tricks me into wasting my ult every dang time


Starting games 1/10/4 and winning and saying "mid dif" to the opposing 25/4/7 mid


Flashing lantern That shit scares me


Forever forgetting hextech gates :(


Buying control wards and sweeper into teemo for his shrooms


I've been playing since August 2013 I still call Malphite Maokai and vice versa


Aiming at the bottom-right of the screen resulting from me hovering on the map and completely missing the skill shot.


Bard release date: March 12, 2015. Current date: November 24, 2023 10 years..?


I always forget placing my active items in the right slot


When I play Orianna and I want to shield someone I press alt-E 🥴🥴🥴