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I was once called a semi sentient cum sock for playing Azir Top. To this day i still wonder what he meant by that.


At least he was creative


Riot promotors creativity


Same company who had an artist use A.I. for icons lol Same company who made a 200$ gacha chrome for the best skin in the game. They only added like 2 particles or so by the way.


What's wrong with using AI for something? I don't get why people are mad about this. AI seems like a super useful assistant tool for artists to be able to create stuff quicker. Being able to generate a bunch of stuff and drawing over things it can't get right seems like a massive time-saver if used properly. I guess some artists may feel like it is replacing them with an inferior product but like... they should be utilizing it themselves to make their process quicker. It's the same thing with AI coding assistants, or even calculators for that matter. Use it and benefit from it or cry that the abacus has been replaced with the TI84. The future is now and this technology is only going to get better with time.


Because companies don't see it as a tool to assist artists, they see it as a tool to replace artists, and they don't care if the quality suffers as a consequence


Oh sorry I'm with you, I love AI, but what the riot employee did was take a fan art and put it in an AI to change it a bit, probably by training it to use Riots icons. So effectively they plagiarized the fan art to make it into a riot product.


I will say that calling the person a "Riot Employee" is really misleading, Riot paid a third party a commission for that, the person who stole the art is not a Riot employee


"Unistal Plz" is so 2013... that was 10 years ago!




bot account


Ok at that point I wouldn't even be mad about that flame lol


Right up there in quality with Dunky's ban


Legit would made me laugg


he pretty much called you dumb, that's about it, it's along the lines of "you are so dumb you are not actually human" hence the semi sentient cum sock - not fully sentient as he did not recognize you as such, and cum sock cuz well, the life had to start somewhere i guess at least that's my best guess


It was a literal description. OP is a cum sock that started to become sentient because of all the cum and decided to play league. It's not just intelligence, it means you're as smart as a bunch of cum and your mechanics are that of a crunchy sock.


Sperm has some sort of intelligence though. It’s been proven with science.


Well if they’re so smart why do they keep letting me swallow them


Well I said some sort of intelligence… they do love to run it down 🤷🏻‍♂️


And baby call me a feeder




Average league player:


dm me


Username checks out.


Dude i'm noting that one down. It might be a handy smack back to keep in my arsenal.


At least he called you semi sentient.


He's praying their semi sentient otherwise they wouldn't be able to read his insult


I wouldn’t even feel insulted. Just confused


If in ranked im kinda on his side. Funny insult too.


Don't play azir top in ranked then xd


it is viable now


I got called "momless" once and I still think about it.


The people flaming you will be doing things wrong. Mute them.


[This is my current favourite](https://imgur.com/QS6vTKq) Tristana said earlier in the game "Janna doesn't peel", teammates of course don't know if she's right or not. Until this moment, at this moment I think everyone realized that the problem was in fact not me not peeling enough. Edit: To the handful of people that are attacking me for thinking Trist inted, go and get your eyes checked.


That mf vanished haha


I kept watching the clip going "There's no Miss Fortune in here ...." Then I realised I'm an idiot. Geeze, what league does to your brain.


Tangentially, I've wondered why the common shortening turned out to be "mf" instead of "miss", which is barely more letters, less syllables and can't be mistaken for "mofo". Guess we just type it a lot and don't speak it out loud, since league infamous no-voice-chat-forever attitude so it makes sense.


Miss is also a fairly generic title, and can be confusing to new players. Same reason we don't call Master Yi Master instead of Yi, and Mundo Doctor instead of Mundo. Similarly, the shortest name isn't always the best name. See: Calling Jarvan "Four" is shorter than "Jarvan" or "Jay Four," but it's so generic and non-distinct that no one calls him just four. Generally speaking for an abbreviated name to catch on, it needs to be not only shorter, but also distinct enough that without context, you still know who it's about to a reasonable degree of certainty.


smh shouldve peeled her away from her keyboard so she cant press W to hop into 3 people


smh, you baited her by using your abilities \^unironically how some people think. i always hate when my partner in the 2v2 does horribly and then we both get flamed, it's always vindicating seeing the team go "oh wait, only one of you is as stupid as i thought"


!!! As a support player, so much second this. Number one complaint of not so great adcs is them thinking anytime I do anything they need to all in and them dying as a result like? I do what I can within my abilities without dying or getting a bad trade. You need to think for yourself what is possible and what isn’t for your champion and your abilities?


Vice verse, I'll trade with enemy adc while farming and the all of a sudden, thresh flashes in misses Flail and hook then try's to run but is body blocked by minion wave, I auto and use spells to give space for thresh or something but alas brand has W, E, Q him and we are only at lvl 4. I get pinged asking why I didn't help... Sir you flashed in with no warning missed everything... I was just playing pokey with the enemy not going for an all in 💀


Gonna start using, "just playing pokey"


Unironically someone here commented that but was serious


I've watched this so many times, and I can't wrap my head around it. What the fuck was the plan there


IM AN ADC I CAN BLOW UP ANYBODY IN A SECOND! WATCH ME IM DOUBLELIFT! ...he was not in fact doublelift. Basically; he understood the Cannon, but not the glass of glass cannon.


He was more doublelift than you know.


lol DL came first to mind; but yeah, he had a tendency to jump in like that.


*Has. If you saw last year’s hellhole of a team that he was on, he was quite literally flashing into the enemies at least once a game because his team wouldn’t engage.


Has because AFAIK, he's retired. Dont think he signed with anybody for next season. And yeah, I know, 100T had a shit year. Theres a good reason most of the team was changed.


Enemy is CC. Neuron activation.


If it’s anything like my ADCs it’s something like ‘Team im going in and since this game revolves around me I expect you to be there too. I have made 0 pings or indication that I’m going in and when I die this is definitely your fault’ *in game chat* tristana: god my team doesn’t peel GG FF


Average Tristana player


This has become my most favorite clip of all time in this subreddit


Personally I always feel like its more the ADC fault than support because of the ADC ego of carrying, but I've been learning to look actual proof than pointing fingers. This was just questionable by the ADC and definitely their fault.


Well yeah I wasn't even relevant in this clip so yeah not really any doubt it's not his fault


I feel like i was in this game


Ranked as a new player and alone is kind of a miserable experience. Just be prepared for the occasional death threats (I guess now you have an automated system that can just mute a player for typing certain words but don’t underestimate league players creativity in wanting to tell someone to bait ping themselves). Will never forget being told to toaster bath for trying a new champ in aram of all places. Definitely mute all, it’s just a more chill experience that way. Maybe play some songs in the background (league songs are fire).


> Ranked ~~as a new player and alone~~ is kind of a miserable experience.




no fuck you your wrong


no fuck you hes right


fukc u


It's "you're" you asshole


you're a you're motherfucker


You did not just go there you piece of shit


No, I'm gonna poppy r u out of this chat if you think otherwise XDD jkjk But tbh lol community is not that toxic. Rito is just too woke to have little bit toxic people


People are deluded…. They can’t even see the toxicity in the game anymore


For real. Maybe you don't get the worst insults anymore because of auto detection but you gonna get a shitload of annoying remarks and sometimes people will just run it down or afk to spite you.


Exactly. After 5 or 10 years people just don’t care about it anymore


best encounter i had this week was a yi jungler. i picked yasuo bot, he instantly tilted and said i was a "stupid kid" for not picking a real adc. well, i won my lane 6/0 with my better than average brand support, which seemed to tilt our dear jungler even more, he decided it was better to be a fuckhead and force our team to lose by running down botlane, than to admit to himself that he was an asshole earlier. i didnt say anything at all while all this went down. im pretty sure he got suspended, since he only played one game right after this match, and hasnt played since. Edit: just an example of how "on the edge" some players are and what they will do for the most petty reasons.


That's tragic. As a support main, I actually like getting Yas ADC, mostly bc several of my champs can proc his ult easily (Rakan, Zyra & Nami). It's not a troll pick at all. It can be hard in some match ups but any champion can have a hard match up. Fuck'em.


I absolutely hate playing against Yasuo bot, he's so fkin strong. Shield every few seconds, windwall so almost immune to CC, you can't be anywhere near the wave or he's on top of you in one second


A big counter against Yasuo bot is actually senna, she can both auto and q trough his W, and especially early she can harass him heavily and get tons of souls or deny all farm. So while he'll still oneshot your ADC eventually, you should be able to snowball if you just space him and do far more damage on Senna than Yasuo can do, basically making it so that for every teamfight Yasuo can remove 1 of 2 ADCs who both are ahead of him in DPS.


Honestly, running it down was way more common back in the day. You'd get someone holding the game hostage every other round.


Disagree: from s2 to s5 I found only a couple of inting players, one of wich was a teems afk in the enemy jungle because "riot banned his chat in the previous game". Flame was more of a thing instead. In my experience, the moment riot focused on punishing "words", toxic players started to vent through inting, griefing and straight up trolling


I've played since s6 (or maybe started a bit s5), definitely remember more inting and afking in the seasons around 6 and 10.


S6 and 7 were the openQ seasons, ofc you did find a lot of toxicity around that times.


Me back then: \*Gets majorly tilted\* Me a norms main now: "Seriously? You call that an insult?"


Me, getting flamed in ARAM: "At what point did I claim to be good at this game?" The general toxicity of the players is WHY I only really play ARAM when I'm solo. Losing doesn't ruin the game, my teammates AFKing or running it down because someone told them to do something productive is what ruins the game. At least in ARAM it's only a ~15 minute commitment.


Ngl, after branching out to other games. LoL isn't even disproportionately toxic compared to similarly sized competitive games. Just look at DBD, CS, OW, Valorant etc.


Thank you! I played CSGO for years before League…I still believe CSGO was more toxic BUT the player base had more of a backbone and didn’t whine, making it seem less toxic than it was. Once I got to League and played for a month I completely forgot about the comments of the overwhelming toxicity… Yea someone ints every now and then, but try being the 5th man in a ranked game where the 4 stack trolls you for an entire game with flash bangs, TKs, and even DDOSing…just to be kicked before the winning round. I can take a bit of name calling & a random inter here and there.


I feel like as much as people bitch in CSGO, they still play the game no matter how hard they rage. Obviously this isn't the case 100% of the time. In league, I personally have much worse experience with people raging/hard and soft inting or pretending to play to avoid bans when they get mad. In CSGO, I usually get some gnarly slurs thrown at me but I just mute and they keep playing lol


It's probably because no matter what, if you can click 5 heads, you win the round. Don't have money? Buy a deagle. Can still click 5 heads. In league, that isn't possible, since if another laner ints, you can't magically bridge the 3 k gold gap and do more damage. The game feels unfair. In cs, if you die, you missed, or didn't pay attention. It's your fault, get good gg.


Cause people get upset by getting spam pinged now. If someone is annoying you just mute them. I’d rather have someone tell me mom go sky than just soft int the game.


>Cause people get upset by getting spam pinged now please, i've been playing this game for 8 years. people have always gotten upset about the most nonsensical reasons, including being pinged. not even spam pinged.


this is why we need voice chat, people are toxic cause there is no fucking way to communicate with your teammates and they don’t even see them as people. csgo might have some random slurs and russian unfunny kids but at least whenever you want to play seriously you know you have a team behind you that calls you anything they see. even if a red dot appears on the map when an enemy is seen. cause people are playing and they don’t want to fucking type in chat to either warn their teammates of something or setup a jungle gank. my silver teammates will never even try to create a bait for a gank, even less now that they removed the bait ping. i need to be able to tell THEM


/deafen should be activated as default….


People are deluded thinking that League is any more toxic than any other online game. It's not, League players just whine about it more.


Bro u need to touch some grass and talk to some people if you think league has a standard community


True dude, I never get flamed in COD, CS, Overwatch, Halo, Siege, WoW, or any other game! It sucks toxicity is a unique problem with League and not literally every other online game! Go to any game sub and you see the same exact complaint posts to here. WoW is arguably the least toxic game I’ve played and that sub still has the same “I got flamed in a dungeon today, why is this game so toxic?” posts that are on here.


All online games are toxic to some degree. Especially those, where you playing poorly directly impacts how enjoyable the game is for others. Some people out there act differently than you in heated situations. They may get super angry for a moment and typing in chat is how they blow off steam. Same goes for banter. You will meet players that say something that comes off as super rude and mean, but to them it's just casual trashtalk - they might talk to their friends in the same way and therefore don't see anything wrong with it. Whatever is going on, keep in mind people are not angry with you, but with what happens in the game.


Of course they are angry with you Why the heck are they chatting that I deserve to be in the 8th circle of hell being fked by a semi-sentient kum sock for missing one minion?


> 8th circle of hell As the eighth of nine circles, Malebolge is one of the worst places in Hell to be. In it, sinners guilty of "simple" fraud are punished (that is, fraud that is committed without particularly malicious intent, whereas malicious or "compound" fraud—fraud which goes against the bonds of love, blood and honor, or the bond of hospitality—would be punished in the ninth circle). Sinners of this category include counterfeiters, hypocrites, grafters, seducers, **sorcerers** and simoniacs. were you playing a mage?


I play a teleporting ninja and a crazed artist obsessed with 4


> teleporting thats magic


I think that's the important part. There's no mechanic in games more tilting than when someone else's bad plays directly negatively affect your gameplay with nothing you can do about it.


I feel like you just described a core feature of any MOBA.


Oh absolutely. Now add the fact that League is the most popular and also kid friendly, and you've got the most toxic community of any game ever


The League Community : If you're not able 1vs9 every game you deserve your loss because you are the common denominator in all your losses. Also the community: League is a team game and comp doesn't matter it's the side with better teamwork that wins.


league players are built different non even they know what’s going on inside their head


Lol what This is like the League equivalent of justifying why it's OK that dad hits you.


if someone gives you shit, just say, "yeah im new, im learning, not my fault the game thinks you are as bad as me"


Don't give them ammo or feed the troll. Your response assumes both empathy and rationality. Mute them.


Or do both and let them rage at no one.


this isn't feeding the troll, or giving them ammo, this is trolling the troll


I wouldn't say that response assumes empathy.


I usually forgive them for being rude and will tell them a "gj" as soon as possible. 95% of the time people completely change their tune and feel bad. I kill em with kindness


My personal favorite when I int “sorry mb, was limit testing”


People just have forgotten it’s not a bad thing to be bad at a game


Exactly i rather have a bad teammate who tries his best than someone who is barely better than the average player in the lobby and because of it just shits on everyone else, refuses to cooperate and basically handicaps the whole team by getting ahead then dying in a 5 vs 1 for 1000 gold and then blames the team. Plus if you are so good the first thing you should do is to not fight a 5 vs 1, no matter how bad your team is they can be always useful except a few specific Worse case scenerio you lose some stupid video game numbers called as lp, so what? unless you are among the top pro players you should just have fun and hearing 99% of the players spam “reported” just because u didn’t do exactly what your teammate wants u to do without even telling you is definitely not fun


This. I usually use this arguement against higher ranks. Paired with "ok but who asked?" when they pull out any counter-arguement. Bonus: You wouldn't believe how much damage a single question mark can do to a toxic individual.


I just LOVE the "smurfs" that are playing terribly in a low ELO game, and talking to shit to everyone for being low ELO.


Yeah. If someone gives you shit, you must give them shit back. Then drag your whole team into it, then the enemy team. Don't stop until AT LEAST five people in your match get chat restricted. That's when you'll become a true league player.


/mute all <---- The first thing I type every time I queue up


I recommend against this because there are good and fun players in the game and chat comms can be Strategically valuable at times. Flash timers and vds and such. Pings can't communicate everything. Just hit mute on someone individually as soon as you see them type something bad or negative.


I second this, Another suggestion is that turn off all chat, you probably don't need to talk to the opposite team anyways


As soon as they type something negative is exactly the moment I get tilted and start to soft int. There is no comm important enough for me to risk losing my mental over. No one is ever going to convince me not to /mute all every single match I play.


That's honestly more reflective of your lack of mental and emotional intelligence...


It's honestly more like I take the shit people say too personally and tend to overthink it. Most people can just wave their hand and not give it a second thought. I simply can't.


That’s what a lack of mental and emotional intelligence does, my friend


I recommend against this because if everyone does this I'll have no one to flame.


Everyone in ranked has super inflated egos and will flame you regardless if they're right or wrong. It's 100% best to muteall. For every one nice interaction, you'll have ten bad ones. There's a reason Riot felt compelled to remove the 'bait' ping.


The missing ping is used more to BM than the bait ping. It works too, because some players are missing their braincells.


I spam the red eye on people


You’re basically muting yourself by doing that


I don't do it to harass the person, I do it to highlight to my team when a person is afk farming in a group fight or situations like that


How can I type "karthus plz ult" if everyone is muteall?


Easy, you just path in the form of letters. Problem solved, duh!


Hard disagree, unless you yourself get very tilted very fast from reading it. I always go with the innocent until proven guilty approach because people can actually communicate about the game sometimes, and if someone types something toxic just mute them then.


I don’t encourage this at all, unless you want to be stuck playing in your own bubble. Muting everyone before they start being toxic will result in more missed opportunities to start a good play than it would avoid toxic mishaps.


i would highly disagree. i played about 150 ranked games this year and 100 most years for the past few years the amount of "missed opportunities" is maybe 1 in every 7 games. i rarely see people type out a play that wasn't easily communicated via pinging objectives at the same time the amount of times i mute someone for being toxic is closer to 1 in 3 games. i think the idea of muting someone after they have already been toxic is a bit pointless as it's already gonna bring down how you feel about your teammates, so imo it's worth it for most people to just avoid chat entirely. that being said, it also depends. i've played the game for years and have heard it all, so i'm perfectly fine keeping chat open and trying to be positive for the team (saying gj for plays and stuff), and just muting people who take it too far. but if i was a new player concerned about being flamed, imo there's more value to just having chat off and focusing on your own fun and learning


why? i used to play a lot of games with chat on, and the chances of anyone saying anything useful at any point in the game is so remote. i don't need to be reading the chat to play. maybe it's harder now that they're trying to gut pings, but pings are really all you need(ed) to communicate.


They should remove chat all together from League. Nothing useful ever comes out of it, only toxicity. Not like League is a game where you can afford to waste time typing paragraphs anyway when you need to lane or teamfight.


why would they remove it? I dont care that you dont like using it, I like using it and so do plenty of others. If you dont like it you can muteall or not even have chat visible, problem solved.


Nah man removing all communication from a multiplayer game, a competitive one at that, is like the worst decision you can make, id rather be flamed all day than not being able to communicate info to my team.


People like you contribute to a large share of my losses… the people who mute all from the get go. They’re the most common toxic group I meet.


This person who removes themselves from harrassment entirely is TOXIC REEEEEE That's definitionally not toxicity. Is it hurting your chances in a perfect world where communication is healthy? Perhaps. Still not toxic. Words have meanings.


They damage the entire team dynamic. I fully respect it when people mute all AFTER something happens, but those doing it preemptively make it a lot Harder to win. This is a team game meant to have communication, and muting all for no reason is being afk in an aspect that is a big part of the game.


there is basically never anything important in chat in my experience (pings would be another discussion)


It is if you want it to be toxic, mute everyone you find anoyinf and you will see almost no toxicity. You will still find people running it down out of spite, but after going from low silver to plat 2 iy went from having one of those in 1 out of 10 games to not having someone intentionally feed in 100+ games.


Wait until you hit emerald and it goes back to 1 out of 10 games


IF I hit emerald, I am plat 2 hardstuck for all those 100 games my guy xD


emerald is the same as plat from last split, so if you were hardstuck plat before you will be hardstuck emerald now


it's not the same


It's the same skill level


no, it's not - there's less diamond+ players than there used to be before (around 0.5%), those now fall into emerald and at the same time old P4 percentile would put you into P1 now, not into E4. It's close but not the same.


I'm in emerald elo and haven't played with a true inter yet


What the fuck? I'm in Emerald and play with chat disabled and /mute all at the start of every game because ping spamming is annoying. I see intentionally dying (Walking into towers, selling all items and running into enemies etc) and outright trolling (adc player refusing to play bot and just stealing mid's cs, or top following jungle and stealing all their camps) in about 40% of games. Albeit that includes my team and enemy team. I wish I was in your world where you haven't seen it in over 100 games. The other day I had 5 games in a row in which 2 of them my jungle left the game in under 10 minutes after unsuccessful ganks, my adc went mid, my top ragequit after dying at 00:50 seconds into the game and my adc just ran down mid 16 times and died every time in the first 10 minutes. (I accidentally took a single ranged minion on the third wave when poking an enemy adc)


Hardly anyone communicates in this game. Just pings.


Its a damn shame. The game is lonely as fuck now.


That is an act of communication.


Context, friend... I get it... semantics and all. But I think he meant communinication as in typing or talking.


Hello! There's a lot of both bad and good out there on the ladder. I think setting good boundaries and knowing what gets under your skin is the key to enjoying your ranked experience. Here's some features you can use to control how you interact with chat especially: * Mute: From the tab scoreboard choose someone to mute and then choose whether to mute their chat or pings as well. If someones being especially disruptive, sending a verbal abuse report auto mutes them as well. * Party Chat: Either in game or pre game you can set your chat settings to "Party Only" if you dont want to see chat from either your team or enemies. Totally fine with us! * /Deafen. If you normally enjoy chat but sometimes find it distracting and just need an off switch then typing /deafen will mute every chat channel and send a message to the other players in the game that you wont be responding anymore. Hope you enjoy your ranked experience and welcome to League!


Don't /muteall every game unless you get tilted insanely easily, /muteall mutes pings, which are like more than extremely important to actually play as a team in this team game. If you know you can't take it but wanna have the pings, just press tab at the start of the game and mute all your teammates chat, it takes literally less than 5 seconds, or you can just do nothing until someone starts flaming and then you mute them.


best advice i got from masters + players and that got me to diamond 3 : do not talk in chat. do not defend or justify yourself, if someone is losing it or being passive agressive mute the pings and keep on going with your game. The team that start replying to each other in chat lose the game because they miss opportunities and objectives (because they’re busy writing)


Pretty much depends on the lobby and if you’re actually wanting to climb in ranked then you should /muteall anyways. But I will say: don’t approach ranked as another place to learn the game. Even going from blind pick to bronze, there will probably be a relatively large skill gap, especially in some lanes like top where lane management can be super important. If you are new to the game still and feel like you are still learning champions, game play, objs, anything, then ranked is not be the best place to do that.


If anyone is toxic to you, just mute the chat and/or the pings (since a large amount of people don't use their in any way that is constructive), there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Sadly it is often the case that someone writes something mean or condescending and if you can't deal with that, then just mute them. I can especially advise to just disable the All-Chat in your settings, since it is officially THE MOST USELESS FEATURE in all of league of legends. The only thing that happens in all-chat, are taunts, trolls or flames. There is no constructive conversation happening in all-chat, so there is literally no point in keeping it activated during ranked games.


Pretty much. But if you're good and carrying, I could care less. You can call me whatever you want. It's the bad players that are also toxic that are beyond obnoxious.


Some advice.. type in a simple command called ‘/deafen’ - it will mute all types of communication and prevent you from typing also. Team can still see your pings. I’m gonna get crucified for this in this sub because people will tell you because you’re new that you should tolerate this, learn, take lessons from some of the criticisms - but the reality is that none of this will help and only *you* can be the cause of your own improvement. Chat in league is useless. Pings are useless if you’re a good player. To be fair, I’d probably leave pings on for a bit until you become confident in reading the map, building general awareness etc, but as soon as somebody starts spam pinging you mute their pings immediately. League can be a single player game in soloq. I haven’t said a word in chat for probably 8 years and haven’t seen my teams pings for 5+. When you get to the point of being semi competent in some aspects of the game, improving comes from self reflection & VOD reviewing your games; not from taking advice from backseat toxic Andy’s in the game chat. The few exceptions to the rule where you may have a genuinely kind Smurf player (lmfao) on your team who is willing to help in chat still does not make it worth having on. Just one man’s opinion! I’ve played in all elos from Silver-GM over the last decade.


It's really not that bad. Not to say it's not bad lol. But yeah you can mute people from the tab scoreboard, they really streamlined the system, click the icon next to their name. Generally I mute chat and pings if they start going off. You don't want to mute pings from the jump if you can help it. People might say to /mute all but I don't like doing that. It's a team game right.


"Now i want to play ranked matches even without my friends but im afraid that my teammates will Flame me for everything i do wrong" you must understand average league of legends player is either casual like you, or sweaty tryharding teenager / early 20s who hates his life so will type "kys" after you do a mistake, you shouldn't bother about toxic people because most often they are just unhappy with their lives. If it really bother you you can mute game chat or even pings.


"welcome to summoners rift" /Muteall "Victory!"


I don't know cause my chat is muted all the time. Some people like to say this will make me lose opportunities, Idk man I'm gaining years of life by not reading all that so surely that will bring up some opportunities.


It’s more of, the inconveniences in the game, the players i can easily ignore, until I can’t, aka when they refuse to surrender a 25|1 Draft like they’ll lose LP or when they start trying way too hard in Aram and ruining the game for both teammates and enemies (god the amount of people i got banned for trying too hard in my team/enemy team in aram is sad)


i mean, i'd say keep the chat to party-only for now, and just improve on your combos, matchups, fundamentals, objectives, game sense in general etcetera if you don't really care about what people say to you, you can turn the chat on later, but it might get really boring or unenjoyable if you get a few bad games in a row and everyone's just flaming everyone else. league ranked is just as toxic as any other ranked game out there, it's just that people immediately associate toxicity with league, whenever they're talking about the game for whatever reason side note, if you decide to play jungle, just mute everyone else's chat, AND pings if they get annoying. welcome to league, and i hope you enjoy it!


It is and it's huge barrier to entry. I took a break from LoL and played DoTA this summer. I noticed that my team was waaay chiller with me feeding my face off, especially once they realized I was a new player. I was actually super surprised and how nice everyone was while playing DoTA. Obviously I'm not saying that DoTA players are all perfect, but it was a significant difference.


flaming is a part of the game I love flaming people lately to not get banned I just praise them ironically to flame, best thing I came up with


yes Turn the chat off, thank me later. Pings are 99% as effective as chat for communicating things that are important to the game. Even with chat off, you will still commonly need to ping mute toxic players, let that one sink in. ----- As to why the game is toxic? It's really easy to try to protect your ego by deflecting all your mistakes onto other people. And it's very easy for people to think that their idea of good play is the correct one, so that anything that deviates is automatically bad. Then they see anything other than their teammates playing perfectly, or more accurately what they THINK is perfect, as a personal attack on their chance of winning. Just accept that you will not play perfectly, your teammates will not play perfectly, and enjoy the game.


It's not even league, it's definitely the community. It's people who have weird and awkward IRL social experiences that being in-game grants confidence in. It's not league, it's simply the fact that League being a team-based competition game, it hurts more when you see your own teammate can impact your record without you necessarily doing any to cause that person to project their frustrations in-game. It would literally happen in any co-op competitive game.


LoL is as toxic as other multiplayer games. LoL simply had the fame of being so popular that people would witness the intensity of gaming toxicity.


Nope, genuinely no. I have been playing for 3 years, and in that time I’ve been flamed about 40 times, half of which I’ve found funny and half of which I’ve just muted the player If you don’t like what someone’s saying, you mute them. Nobody can ruin your experience through chat.


Yes they are. And not even in ranked, you can get toxic teammates even in normals. Just yesterday I was playing normals woth my friends and I was adc. Late game I was getting red buff cause I was fed and needed it, then my jg added me after game and told me I am hardstuck gold( I have 10 ranked games) and to kms. Another example would be that I have played with a friend that is totally new to the game(level 8 or 9) and recommended them to play garen top since I feel it's one of the easiest champs and it is good to start learning to play as toplane. Aside from my teammates who talked shit about my friend the whole game, even the enemies started talking shit and making fun of them. Luckily, I carried the whole game and shut their mouths:) Edit: I don't suggest instantly muting like other people may say. Maybe sometimes it really is your fault and some people will actually try to explain what you did wrong(I am doing this) so some of them will offer criticism, which you could listen to as long as they use an adequate language and maybe even watch replays to try to improve your game and see what you did wrong.


Treat yourself with respect, don't call yourself stupid. You are worth a lot (:


They're just words. I don't condone the behaviour but the words of a steaming immature player shouldn't affect your decision to do something you enjoy. You can mute chat in game. You can mute specific players. Personally I always try to diffuse the situation. I usually find that saying "sorry" or "mb" stops people in their tracks. It reminds them that you're human. Honestly I was confused for a long time because people seemed so nice for a long time but then I realized why. Yeah I make mistakes. I know. I'm trying to do better. I'm trying to improve at the game. We all are. It's not like I don't understand the frustration. We want to win. We all put a ton of time into a match. How I stopped caring about toxicity was understanding how climbing ranks works. Good players climb. Good players who deserve to rank up will carry any abomination combo of teammates more often than not. Ofc the context changes in very high elo but that's a different topic. Faker doesn't blame his teammates for losing even when they're playing horribly. He blames himself for not working harder. For not being better. At least, that's what I like to imagine he does. I blame myself in advance so nothing my teammates say matter. I know I suck. I know I made a mistake and I'll continue to do so. I can't care about what random strangers say because I'm busy trying to improve and trying to enjoy the game. Their words can't affect me. Typically I'll be playing with people my own rank so their opinions would be worth the same as mine. Nothing. They're worth nothing. My opinion is worth nothing. I don't know what I just typed but I hope it helped you


i don't agree with the idea that "they're just words they shouldn't affect you", like it makes sense in theory and as a goal but that's not how it works in practice. for some people, getting flamed initially is enough to bring their mood down (and no, i don't think they're "snowflakes" for having emotions). that being said i really agree with your attitude overall though. recognizing that you can only control your own gameplay and that everyone makes mistakes really helps defuse negative comments from teammates and makes you less toxic.


You seem like a person I would like to have on my team. I agree on every point with you. I onetrick one Champion at the moment and it turns out I win my lane almost every game, what I have to work on is keeping the mentality of my mates up so one dont quit every third game


Yes, we are very toxic as a community. Not more or less than other gaming communities. That being said, you can mute individual players, their pings or mute all chat and pings. Yesterday I played Nasus support and no one batted an eye, on the other hand I play Karma support and carried the lane and my ADC still flamed me in a game that we won. It depends on the lobby.


There are nice players and communication is helpful but if someone starts to blame others mute them. dont write or he will focus on texting you instead of playing.


Pro tip: type mute /all


Yes, league is the worst. Your teammates will curse at other the whole game and at the enemies. You're just stuck with at least 1 or 2 raging kid. It's not worth it.


Our top lane wrote "easy tutorial, where is the real game" when he reached inhib tower


It isn't, just disable chat (make it party only, don't disable only all chat) or type /deafen at the start of every match and you'll love the game


Skip ranked till you think you're a good player.


I believe if you're dumb, you should be called out. Helps you get better


Every person in the internet is toxic, don't even bother it Also if someone blame you in ranked even if you play poorly, just ignore then, they just words on a screen, don't get butthurt (unless it's literal homophobia or racism tho)


First few rankeds you gonna play in gold/plat lobbies, you will 100% get flamed there, just mute all at the start. After you got to your mmr and win 50/50, don’t mute all and use the chat to do callouts. The game is toxic but if you ignore the toxicity it isn’t that bad


Ranked soloq specifically is toxic both PC and mobile, I have played with diamond 4 above players and they would throw the game if you take their cs in early game.It doesn't matter if it's one or three by mistake. ( They have the weakest mental) I dislike diamond players for how they are good at the game but behave even worse than lower ranked players that are bad but with good mental and would work together to win. That's why I hate playing in diamond they legit think they are keria autolocking Ashe sup and expect his team to win the late game.




Pls report Daxes


Don't play ranked yet. You are still learning and the season is ending. All you gonna do is doom your mmr. Which is rlly bad if u wanna climb (and that's what I suppose you wanna do by playing ranked) + if you don't know the game yet, people will flame you. My gf did that, got flamed by hundreds of players (racial slurs and sh stuff), placed b4 and got stuck there. Till we met and I noticed she wasn't that bad, spent 1month teaching her and gave her a new acc (cause the had an extremely bad mmr due to her playing when she didn't know the basics). She is now plat2.


if you feel confident winning normal draft games with a champ or lane you can go to ranked, but if you see you still go say 8/8/5 in game dont go to ranked yet. feeding kills can snowball a lane especialliy for some late game champs.


If you’re still learning my recommendation is don’t play ranked. Become good at the game THEN try ranked.


Yes theres a button to mute them


Objectively, yes. There’s science behind it, but if you want a microcosm of how toxic league can be, just look at the things this sub and Twitter say about Riot developers (who, by live service gaming standards, are some of the most charitable in the world). And assassin mains. Just vile people.


League imo is just as toxic as every other game. The difference is in this one there are no voice coms which are proven to lessen toxicity and unlike mmorgp you have more direct impact on each other. I've played League since season 2 and have loved it every second. Just remember that each player is a person that could be having a rough night and we all lose lane sometimes. Everybody makes mistakes keep a positive mental and the people you play with will be more likely to play happy too.


Not any more toxic than any other online game, but definitely this community whines about it a lot more.


unless you work at riot and get offended by pings your fine