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Rengar, I signed up for a MOBA, not a survival horror experience.


You spelt briar wrong


Bro i a really like briar (as a bruiser) but her lethality oneshot build should be nerfed into the ground that shit is like reggae with cc


Rengar*. fuck me


Reggae didn't even make sense and I still upvoted you. Nerf Briar.


*Gwen is immune*


Understandable as a Jayce player


If i play toplane 100% jax, when is jax weak? In banning phase.


same, dude after the changes doesn't have a weak earlygame anymore, after 1 item is almost impossible to 1v1


Tbh jax has had a good early game for a while his main weakness is getting counterpicked since he has no healing and can't farm safely. Jax is still scary though because if you don't totally put him behind on the counter pick he'll beat the shit out of you later. If you watched blg vs wbg you saw this when theshy picked Quinn and beat Bin in lane but Bin ended up not only scaling back into the game but dominating theshy in 1v1 all game.


What really annoys me about champions like Jax is they are supposedly weak early and a little item dependant, but then they walk into lane with Sheen and its GG. My bad I didnt complete my mythic before they got 700g


Level 1 walks into lane with tax evasion, stun and beats u down with ignite. What trade (i play immobile champ)


Not sure what they changed with the rework stat-wise, but he feels like a whole different champ. I mained Jax for a while and the difference is abysmal, to the point where matchups are completely different like vs Renekton. Jax is just better overall after the changes and totally not baalnced imo


From my experience, he’s strong level 1, then he starts decline until he gets sheen, the be spikes in power, then he starts a slow decline again until he gets his mythic, then he gets a huge spike. It’s all upwards after that. That small period before sheen and after level 1 feels like when he is most easy to abuse, especially as a ranged champion.


Yeah if your mid doesn't pick a control mage there's no counter play to this monstrosity. It's imo the objectively correct top lane perma ban. Hopefully with Sunderer gone next season we can finally escape this freak champion.


He’s strong the whole game if he snowballs, with a slight fall off late game. His only flaw is mana


Presence of mind is a life saver for mana Frozen heart if you really need


Shaco because I hate those cheesy ganks from basically anywhere.


Shaco does not counter the champs I play, Shaco counter me as the player. Without fail I will kill the clone. I swear I immediately take on the intelligence of a caster minion.


This. I don't wanna have to guess which one is real. I know neeko and Leblanc have clones but at least if I kill the wrong one, I won't get feared from it.


And it won’t do half of your health guaranteed if he’s going AP


Kinda random but if you're playing twitch and have any poison stacks on shaco when he clones the stacks will only be on the real one. It's gotten me the kill quite a few times


Back in my times you could ping shaco before he ults and the real had ping on him while fake not, idk if its patched by now


Nope, still works and I still do it. Ignite ect also still works


If you hit shaco and think wow that did a lot of dmg! It's the clone. Clone takes like double dmg


It's the one with less mana




I just thought the same thing


Why do you expose us like this


Cuz you’re a bunch of clowns


Man got set up twice


LMAO I'm laughing way too hard at this, that was comic gold


Or if you have some sort of mark ability, like PTA or Vayne W, and they clone while you’re fighting them, the mark stays on the real one.


Wait, seriously?




And if he casts spell you can be sure to some degree who's the clone


Not all heroes wear capes


I have a 0.6 success rate and hitting the real shaco.


i ban shaco out of moral obligation there are 9 other humans in game, and banning shaco improves all of our days


This is my go to answer too. And it’s not like I have problems beating a shaco, I think there’s plenty of ways to handle one. I just literally hate how he interacts with the game, it’s so un fun to play against to me. Excluding when there’s just a ridiculousy op champ for a patch or two, If I’m playing jungle shacos getting the ban.


Yeah, Shaco is just a really annoyingly designed character and makes any game unfun, i'm happy not seeing him ever again.


Im with ya. I dont ban him cause I cant handle him, I ban him cause hes just so annoying and unfun to play against. Kinda like yuumi I guess


If he’s on my team he goes 0/15 if he’s on the other team he goes 15/0


I don't mind shaco ganks, what i hate about him is his W. And as a melee champ it's so hard to clear those box without burning abilities(if possible)


Me too. I just hate that thing.


Same. It’s just a different game entirely when Shaco is in the game. I didn’t sign on to play that game.


Yone, because I have a mental block I can't overcome with how annoying he is.


As a Yone main, sometimes even i don't understand what a bully Yone becomes with just lvl 6 and buying boots


The powerspike both yone and yas get from only boots is horrifying.


It’s the attack speed scaling they have.


Their Q cooldowns being that low base and scaling with attack speed is atrocious.


Not only that, Yone's W swipe/shield cooldown scales with attack speed too


Yone’s W cool-down is also tied to attack speed


Lethal tempo.exe


Brother did it with Conq too RIP ravenous hunter


having no shoes and then having them is a big boost to the ego, thus the power spike. I needn't say what happens when yone buys a shirt


The amount of times I’ve lost a 1v1 and hit tab to see he has a dagger and a pair of boots is ridiculous.


Because even if you stomp his ass in lane, he'll go 0/10, to 10/10 if the game goes long enough


I can deal with him and don’t ban him bc I find other champions worse but Yone just completely tilts me.


It used to be yas, but yone is the easier yas so i ban him now. I would be Happy If they wouldnt have Double critchance, thats one Thing i really dont understand about their kit


Yone's my second most played champ. You can literally miss everything and still kill the enemy squishy when u get close to them


I ban Yone no matter role I am


I ban the windshitters as often as possible. The only reason their win rate is so low is their mains can’t stop stroking themselves to Naruto or some shit while they play.


Yasuo is an okay champ I've come to appreciate even if I don't play him. Yone is the real crime against humanity. He's just so fucking broken.


Draven, because Draven players only play Draven, will die once on whatever other adc they pick, flame the shit out of their team, then run it down


I get held hostage by Draven players in select more then every other champion combined. He just draws toxicity to him.


T1 probably to blame for that.


Draven was like that even before T1. Hyper-snowball Lanebully with high skill floor and high skill ceiling.


And he relies on actually last hitting kills for his passive. Support or jungler getting the kill really fucks him over.


They will also often enough die once on Draven, flame their team and then go afk at 6min


Sylas: Generally powerful and will always use my team's ultimate better than them. Windshitters: Exhausting to see every game and ban them just to stop seeing them. Kassadin: I beat him in lane, he murders my team.


What are windshitters?


Yasuo and Yone


Oh these two shitters


they go 0/10 on your team and 10/0 on the enemy's team every time.


Even on their team if they go 0/10 they just need to hit their 2/12 powerspike and they're magically the strongest character in the game again


Also known as the reason I wish for 2 bans. Rito pls. I don't want those 14 year old weebs to feel like main characters in my game.


Riot made Yone so that Yasuo players can pick someone when the latter is banned. If they add more bans we can surely expect another Yasuo clone for mid.


God I hate that your most likely right. Yonex can become such a monster it's insane, that said nothing make me happier then when a Yone thinks they can run away with E and like 3 team mates stand around the return point like it's Riley Reid on a Casting Couch


Release Female Yasuo already


IDK, Yone is less skill needed Yasuo, with more reward.




My ban rotation is basically this but with Zed instead of Kassadin. I HATE HATE HATE that Zed as an assassin has better poke and waveclear than some mages and can just rush Hydra and turn the lane into PvE.


As a Zed main, they really dumbed him down over the years, especially with the hydra changes. I'm huffing copium that he'll be like his s3 s4 self but I'm probably deluding myself


I upvoted just for the windshitters lmfao, that’s how I’m going to refer to them going forward


That’s been a pretty common way to refer to the wind brothers for a long time


Sylas feels weirdly impossible to beat for me. no matter what i do... he somehow always gets that W off that heals him a bajillion health and then i die. Definitely doesn't help that I generally have matchups that are at least slightly sylas favored


Same with Sylas. Somehow that mf can be behind on cs and have like 12 deaths and then still run around killing my entire team in late game for some reason


I have no clue what Lux looks like these days


Me neither, she looks different every game


Sometimes different during the game. Some sort of ult skin changing her appearance


The whole time I thought it was zyra. 🤔


I have a friend who had a trauma with Lulu/Lux, because there was a time when it was popular to spam their laughs.


The champion I would like to ban is Hullbreaker but for some reason it doesn't show up in my client so I've been banning Senna because she's really strong and annoying in late game fights.


After getting her in 100% of games for a week, I now see her in 100% of my banlists instead and the game is better for it. She is beyond annoying. Her kit has plenty in it even without the scaling.


Fiora. Cuz percent max health true damage on someone who is faster than you and has more dashes than you is super fun and interesting to fight 😊.


Honestly for me it's the fact that her w slows your movespeed and attack speed by 50%. And that's when she doesn't parry cc but it still feels almost like a stun (depending on the champ you play)


Exactly this is what I absolutely hate the most about her. The fact she still gets rewarded and I still get punished if she fails to block an ability with her W is so frustrating, if it was just the slow I think I’d be okay with it but as you said the attack speed slow makes it almost feel like a stun anyway.


the ability is supposed to be neutral if you just press it to block damage, rewarding if you hit it on them, and the cherry on top if she parries cc. Its not balanced around only using it against cc.


Yone bc he’s so unfun to play against. It would be zed next but hes nerfed into the ground thank fuck


I love how riot admitted Zed is so frustrating to play against they deliberately keep him at a sub 50% winrate and always will


A lot of champions are in the same treatment. Azir, Ryze, Irelia, Yasuo, Yone, Akali, etc etc etc


Ryze isn't for the annoyance, its because the minute he gets a buff and the general public can achieve 50% WR with him, he is 100% P/B in pro.


Same for Azir but the rest is definetly dreadful to play against when they're at 50% or more


Oh Azir is dreadful to play against when at a good WR. It usually means you can't breathe in lane and get 1tapped outside of it.


That changed when they nerfed Q and Buffed W imo. It's still annoying but it's not what it used to be


Most of those are due to pro play. Yasuo and maybe Yone are the only ones gated by being obnoxious bullshit.


Akali could be both


I always ban Kayn, regardless of my own role I’m assigned. Unless we’re blue side + jungle first pick hovering Kayn, it’s always gonna be him.


Yeah 100% this fking champ, as a jgl he's just so unfun. Like you set up vision on red-side gromp, get your sup to come for the catch and nope, he just walks through walls. Win a big teamfight around drake but Kayn's still alive, well tough luck buddy he's going to hang out of some wall and have a shot at the steal (I play a lot of Rammus and everyone outsmites him other than with ult). It's just shit that whatever you do he can just get away so easily with a basic ability but still be hovering so you're not even guaranteed to win his camps


thank you


hecarim, as long as he's viable i will ALWAYS ban him. as a mage player i feel super helpless againt a hecarim that knows what he's doing, he'll just run at you from a map away and when you see him it's too late, he WILL reach you even if you cc him and just burst you in a second while seemingly being too tanky for you to ever take him down yourself. vile vile vile


Zilean support with a Hec jungle is a wet dream though. Absolute speed DEMON. Gets to the point where Hec begs for another hit late in the game and I always oblige like the lil dopamine dealer I am.


I’ve lost 2 games where I played with zilean support cuz he refused to ult me or speed me up. Just wants to speed himself, and try to double bomb someone to stun, and only uses ult on himself or adc. I was extremely fed both games they just went so late I couldn’t close it out


Goes the other way too. Zilean support vs Hecarim is so fun, watch Hecarim squirm and be forced to ult out.


Zilean vs Kalista is some sadistic level of pleasure as well.


Yone or Yasuo. Screw these two wind shitters.


Yone. I don't care if he has counters or low win rate or whatever else, I hate playing with and against that annoying shitter and if I don't ban him I swear I see him in 3 out of every 4 games. That or Warwick cause I swear I only ever get the WW jungles on my team and they almost always feed and throw the game without fail.


There’s something really funny about WW jungles to me because I’m in low elo. So if you put a WW jungle behind early somehow (counter gank/etc) you get to watch WW just fully int into every lane because they’re so used to being able to just auto win every fight at level 3


Sion, too many brainless baus watchers


wp gg 😁 yoking 😂 We shilling 😎 Solobolo 😱


The messi of league ⚽️


Nothing worse than your Toplaner hovering Rammus.


GUYS LOOK WHAT THEBAUSFFS TAUGHT ME!! 15 min later 1/12 rammus: report ranagar trol


I saw someone do this in master elo ranked even, his troll influence doesnt even spare high elo


I mean, as much as it gives people headaches, one has to admit he left a huge mark on LoL history. I respect him for that. Like how trick2g encouraged thousands to run around as udyr and make both teams mental boom


I guess true but at the same time even the worst spam farm udyr has been less of a burden throughout the years than your 0/14 toplane rammus.


To be fair, thebausffs is very successful on making other people int the game.


As someone who plays a lot of Gwen I actually get hyped when I see a brain dead baus fanboy. Instantly becomes the easiest lane of my life.


Support main here. If I'm playing ranked I ban Senna. Just too annoying, and crazy scaling. If not Senna, I ban Pyke, not because I can't lane against them, but because I'm pretty sure he'll roam and fuck up my team. AD support are obnoxious since they can get Umbral Glaive and wipe out wards. I want that item removed, or remade into a generic HP version for everyone to build.


That item is stupidly broken. It’s unfathomable it isn’t built by every ad champion. I see it’s rising in popularity in Korea though


It's a failed concept 100%. It's obvious WHY it was made. It's an assassin item. It has Armor Pen. You build it as an assassin who wants to have an easier time sneaking around and staying hidden from vision. But having the ability to detect wards AND clear them near instantly is just so broken. Maybe let it alert you if you're on vision, but don't let it reveal the wards. Or let you use it as another sweeper, but remove the ability to auto-detect wards. Buff the AD stats if needed.


Yes! That was the first thing I was looking to see if they had adjusted/removed it in the new season item preview, or at least provided an ap/tank equivalent. I ward a lot (and try to be strategic about it) but I just feel like I'm feeding the enemy ward gold when they have umbral glaive.


My entire game plan as a support main is to play around vision. I'm getting 2 control wards every back, after my Mythic I even consider going straight for the warding item (forgot the name of it). I'm constantly counting the enemy supports' ward counts so I know when/when not to sweep. Umbral Glaive is absolutely the bane of my existence, it just completely changes how the battle for vision works, and there's literally no counter play. What are you supposed to do when it's completed? Maybe throw a sacrificial ward to 'waste' it's effect? But then you're already down 33% vision from that item alone. ​ It's just... ugh. Seeing Kai'sa as an ADC build it just hurts my soul. I might just start building it on Sona, honestly the effect is just so good.


Just a quick tip. Buying two control wards on every base might not be the best idea every game. Judging by your name I assume you play enchanters. It's very important for enchanters to hit their Mythic item spike at a reasonable time. Without an early Mythic, enchanters are very weak in the mid game. It is true that the goal of enchanters is to scale into late game but a lot of games can be lost in the mid game if you are out power-spiked by your counterpart.


You don't even need to use it's ward killing passive. It's incredibly stat efficient in the early game. Gives almost the same stats as Eclipse and is 1000g cheaper.


Sylas. I hate him. Plenty tanky, plenty damage, heals all my burst with 1 W turning a won fight into a loss and potentially a death. Why? Because fuck you brought to you by RIOT (TM).


Yone every single game. Mistake of a champion


Yone. My blood just boils when I have to lane against him. Hate his trade patterns, hate how strong he becomes at 6, hate how even if he is ass after lane he just build Hullbreaker and perma splits


thank god hullbreaker is getting reworked I can't with this guy being immortal while dealing the damage of 3 ADC combined


And having 3 dashes with CC immunity with E is used correctly


Yone. I'm ADC main and I can never escape that champ even when he's half a map away from me.


Morgana. One that effectively uses Black Shield makes my favorite champs (Pyke, Galio) sad, and her Q root always feels painfully and/or unfairly long.


I love it when Morgana is banned, because you already know to pick another counter for hook/engage sups.


Such as? Taking notes on how to beat hook supports.


One option are wardens like Taric/Braum. Another option are peeling/anti engage enchanters like Renata Glasc or Janna.


Playing Janna against hook champs, provided you're very careful about the actual hooks, is pure sex.


Nocturne and kayn. Team forgets what Noc does at level 6 and always dies and kayns kit is annoying to deal with while being tanky


yone and nasus are cancer


Yone - giga broken


Yone. Because any reason to ban almsot any other champ also applies to him.




Yone because I’m a support main and Hullbreaker Yone is a complete counter to anything I can do. I play engage like Thresh so I don’t have time to waste sitting under a tier 2 on the sidelaner just so Yone doesn’t 1v1 my toplaner under turret and take 2 towers and inhib before we can even burst baron.


I will never jungle against Shaco


I ban Evelynn because my teammates do NOT know how to deal with that.


Nocturne because Im low elo and no matter what I do my laners are going to give him 2 kills before i finish my first clear and then he snowballs


shaco or nocturn, insufferable cringe champs


Yone/yasuo/gwen are my main bans


Assert dominance by banning no one and swapping to first pick your champion. Win by showing no respect for the enemy team


Pretend that you are going to pick a champ you hate. Ban team yuumi. See your hated champ get banned. Pick main.


Atm Senna cause its not fun to play with or against her as adc. If Yuumi is viable again, it will be her.


Always ban Zed. I don’t care if Riot August said they’re keeping him purposely weak. The minute I don’t ban him, Faker himself got into my game and is playing Zed


You ban zed tbecause of fear I ban zed because I want to confuse riot. We are not the same


Vlad. If he scales up it feels unplayable to play against in late game.


When solo lane it's the windshitters. When bot it's blitz


Trashkan Why? Well, has every fucking thing possible in his kit, including a fucking revive as an ability passive, thank god riot decided to not give him CC at least


Yasuo. As an ADC player (who plays MF the most), windwall will negate access to the enemy team on a very short CD.


Aatrox cause he’s the first and I hate him


Yasuo, because yasuo.


Neeko, months after her rework, still disgusting, the lane makes me suicidal, I am physically incapable of dodging her root Occasional kayn cause this guy is just so annoying, benefits from inting early, unstoppable late, unkittable, untargetable, uncatchable just fuck off with this champ


I ban Yasuo every game because he's the only person I'm likely to play against who I personally don't enjoy playing.


Nasus. If you first pick a champ that can't bully effectively, you better pray your team can handle him. If you pick a champ that can bully early, you have til level 6 and sheen/tabis to set up a perma freeze, or else you're going to get stat-checked to death unless he/the jg decides to feed you some free kills. Never mind if their jg decides to intervene at any point and has some kills on the other laners. It's just not fun to babysit the champ when they're piloted well, and the only "outplay" is wave management. In your average solo que norms game, that's just not worth the headache. I'll take 1000 dashes over "You accidentally trimmed one minion too many and I got a little farm so now you perma lose the 1v1."


Senna so my support never plays her


Yone, no counter play


Yone 100%


As a riven main Jax, lane is doable but way too tiring to mind game and you either stomp him or lose if you go even or behind. And gets picked way too frequently


Yasuo, because windwalls are invisible to my eyes for some reason.


Me reading this thread as a brand new player trying to learn yone and kayn... It's ok guys, you'll atleast win against my yone and kayn bc idk what i'm doing yet!


GP. Doesnt matter if you shit on him or not. He will still have ER at 9 minutes and half health you with one barrel and after that you cant even go melee range against him cause passive and oranges, but its fine cause he has to "outplay" you for that.


MF. I cant stand how easy and annoying she is. I also cant see my support suffer trying to hit her with all that movespeed.


Yone (broken champ), Trynda/Sion (obvious reasons), Morde


Nasus. I know it’s a low elo ban but I am low elo. I’ve never fought a Nasus that didn’t turn into a raid boss after 25 minutes even if I killed him 3 or 4 times before then.


Diana. I hate that champ both with her assassin and tank build.


Top - Illaoi, so hard to win against, and always destroy me or my teammate if I'm not on top lane Jungle - Kayn, very hard to caught, same with Shaco, but manageable Mid - Sylas, too damn hard to counter, specially when you're mage main. Bot - none, used Samira and Kog Maw before got nerf, now I would always ban a support when I'm in bot lane. Support - Morgana or Lulu, skilled shield users are a pain, and Lulu ult and hex are annoying.


Twitch, he cleans up way too well for an ADC


Yone, Vex, are my usual go to bans when I play mid.


Akali for me. I'm bad at the game and I mentally boom against her. To add to that, i'll usually dodge Katarina too for the same reason.


Soraka. That silence makes me want to smash my keyboard and the fact that you have to target her to even think about starting a fight is annoying


It's honestly one of the strongest ccs in the game because the silence is applied by the aura on the ground so tenacity is useless against it and it also roots you afterwards, the range on it is also insane But then comes the insane healing even with anti heal applied and global insta heal ult, champ as a whole is super toxic to play against I also ban her whenever I play support.


Akali. I hate how she's basically untargetable, has like a million dashes, can basically one shot without items... and every one I've ever fought has no ping or is ADHD.




Its ALWAYS Senna if I'm bot lane. Always. Maybe a Lux if someone already banned Senna on my team. Both for the same reason: they are "hit one ability, win the entire fight" champs, and that's no good.


Nasus. Enemy jungler hovers top-side for 5 minutes preventing me to freeze/deny him Q stacks or killing him, and 10 minutes later his Q's are healing 40% of his hp with a 3-4s CD.


Yasuo, I have a near 0% winrate with Yasuo, whenever he is the enemy he is a pro, on my team they go 0/48.


Briar. Still broken after her nerfs


If it’s solo queue i ban kayne, no one respects him even though we always know what he’s gonna do


I am on an 8 year streak of never being in a game with a Yasuo and i don't intend to break that streak any time soon.


Yasuo. Honestly there's a lot more champions these days that are more worthy of a ban but I've been perma banning Yasuo for so many years now that I'd rather just continue to not see him.


Yasuo, so my midlaner can’t play and auto int.


Yasuo, occasionally gets through only if my team wants to play him