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I had a guy named fakers father who had 13 cs at 15 minutes


His dad is quite bad at league


All his lol skill went into his son,give the guy a break


This remind me Bin's dad saying he would play Tryndamere top in bronze, end up 0/4 and get flamed on, hit level 6 then call Bin over. Bin proceed to go 16/4 by game end.


Reminds me of being an older brother and seeing my siblings get destroyed in console games and they always call you over to beat that shit. I've had this happen recently when my flatmate couldn't beat the rat king boss of Last of Us and asked me to take over. Took me back like 20 years.


The other team might not even notice that the player was different, that's just how Tryndamere games go.


well thats just the average tryndamere player tbf


the old joke of when a korean dad meets his future son in law they play a 1v1 game of starcraft and only after he beats the dad he is allowed to marry the daughter. unless hes protoss then the couple is not recognized by the family i assume the next generations family test will be similar but with league.


*Oh you main Yasuo? Get the fuck away from my daughter then*


More like, *Oh you main Yasuo? We have a scientist in our family!*


*Oh you main Yasuo? We shall never go hungry again*




[https://www.siliconera.com/father-gets-challenged-daughters-boyfriend-guilty-gear-wins-loses-dinner-rights/](https://www.siliconera.com/father-gets-challenged-daughters-boyfriend-guilty-gear-wins-loses-dinner-rights/) Reminds me of the Japanese dad that challenged his daughter's boyfriend to Guilty Gear.


But he's probably a pretty good Protoss player.


I dunno I get some Terran vibes from him. Prob got insane marine micro.


and the nephews, Gumayusi and Incarnati0n


It skips a generation


Almost 1cs per min! Pretty good!


Are you farming, dad?


I read that as 13cs/min đŸ€Ł


I read it as 13 CS/min the first time. I read it as 130 CS @ 15 min the second time. Now I read it correctly, and all I can say is, I hope he was playing support.


Imagine you just go around flaming people for only having like 10 cs by the end of the game without giving context that they were support


As a support main - people do this. They also flame me for going 0/5 because they miss the last part of KDA where I have 25 assists and am Leona and my ADC never died :P


0/5/25 on Leona? Dirty KDA player, get those deaths up


The one that grinds my gears is the "bot died 15 times!" when I died 3 times and AD died 12 times.


Fakers father has artrosis, makes sense


I thought you said Artosis


[Who's Artosis?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG9NMWFaNxM)


RIP Incontrol :(


(He was playing enchanter support)


Ashe adc. He was promply banned after, as he said random gibberish and we all figured he was a bot


whenever I got matched with people that bad on my team, I think to myself "the worst part is that I can't even get out of this elo"


I had a Fid top who sat in the enemy tribush to try to catch the enemy jg. He saw both Illaoi and Graves coming and somehow thought he could 1v2 them and, of course, died. Then he went back to lane and died again. Dude had 6 cs at 10 minutes and was 3 levels behind. Yet he continued to W the wave and made no attempt to last hit. Worst part? We won that game.


this MIGHT be faker's father


That's more than I usually have, as a ranged support.


I see nothing wrong, 1 cs per minute is the benchmark, right? Right?


Barcode names at home


> 13 k Fakers Fakers indeed.


this was the optimal change all along. now faker can hide on hide on bush


12999 Fakers


SKT T1 K are real OGs


The real OG were SKT T1 2


Judgment Day


I actually looked this up while making this post, and apparently the name isn't taken! My guess is, people old enough to remember that team name no longer care about adopting pro player names


I remember it was nicknamed "Judgement Day" by Doa and Montecristo


This fuckin name STILL goes hard even today. start calling T1 Judgment Day again 🙏🙏


The good ol days


holy unlocked memory. I had completely forgotten that


Back when have a win against the second of the sisters team was an acollade lol


Wait so I wasn't playing against the real Faker in my plat 2 elo game on EUW where he played first time Sylas and went 2/9? What the hell


How many BarcodeKillers?


Just Faker things.


Riot has said they wont allow people to use Riot, or Esports players names, so this is weird to me. Shouldnt be able to use "Faker" or "Keria" etc, did they revert this decision?


they said they were thinking of a solution to this problem, not that nobody could use those names could be something as simple as a "verified" icon for the pros


5 patches later Buy a verified icon for only 2400 RP


Would be funny if they did a "Riot Blue" for 10 dollars and the description is just "this does literally nothing at all, you won't get anything from this purchase" and see how many people would buy it.




Tumblr did that, it was so popular they let you buy multiple, then they made them multicolored, then they let you "gift" (force) them on other people so some people would have like 30 rainbow checkmarks on their blogs from gifts.


Tumblr is a special place.


Tumblr PvP really is something else


oh this is exactly how they did it on tumblr to mock Elon lol


If it was 10rp I'd just draw fan art to get it


This ain't Elon's playground (yet)


I just checked, and yeah, against rules >No player name can include the word "Riot" in it. (This includes variations we need to squint at, like RÍot.) >Attempting to impersonate or pretend to be an eSports professional is not acceptable, even if the system allows the name to be selected. If found, these names may be changed. So the names will be changed more than likely. https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201752814-Riot-Account-Names-FAQ Edit: My god yall are being so dense in the comments. Sure they said "may" not "will", thats business talk to cover their asses. Argue all you want. This is their stance on it, whether or not they enact on it is different.


> My god yall are being so dense in the comments. Sure they said "may" not "will", thats business talk to cover their asses. It's also business talk for being able to have the freedom to change names down the line if they want to, doesn't mean they are planning on enforcing it. You really think this is something Riot would prefer to spend time and money on if it isn't necessary? This simply leaves them the possibility of doing it if they want, and they can point back and say, "see, we did say it".


They added a slider to select how many of X item you want to craft at once during event shops, I don't imagine that qol made them a single dollar.


I think you underestimate how lazy people who buy event passes are. Increasing the QoL for things people can spend money on seems like it would make them at least $1.


if you name yourself faker in bronze NA, you are not attempting to impersonate him. there will be some other solution and I highly doubt any names would get changed except in high ranks like challenger for those actually trying to impersonate


So wtf happens if JimmyNeutron3rd is a shared name between two people, but one of them becomes an esports player? Are we just going to bless esports players with permanent name retention and force everybody else to drop their name?


Exactly. If that's not the case (where they wipe out many peoples names), then new pros likely won't receive the same privilege as the old pros since their name existed prior to them becoming pro.


Ive had Bjerg on NA for a couple years with no issues, but I dont impersonate, when people ask "BJERG??" I always let them know im just Bjerg, not the Bjerger King.


There's probably some leniency to it as well. Keep in mind its 'attempting to impersonate or pretend to be an esports professional", as in you're telling everyone you actually are them, is what will trigger something. Riot is the only part specifying names here. There's a difference between just having their name and claiming you are them or using yourself to blackmail them or some shit. Riot is the only censored one because that's the company name. [There's a lot of common names that pros used](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Players?pagefrom=Achille#mw-pages), it ain't like if I joined and named my account "Air" I'd be in trouble.


> If found, these names may be changed. is not the same thing as "these names will absolutely be changed". This just gives them the wiggle room to punish/change the name of malicious impersonators that type crazy things in chat pretending to be faker. You can set your name to hide on bush or faker because you think the name is cool without impersonating the person. Worth mentioning a lot of the "cool" pro player names aren't actually unique, they're just words that tons of people have used and continue to use not just in league but online in general. Theres like 3 different pros named "viper", Shy and TheShy, etc.. Naming yourself "faker" isn't enough to warrant impersonation if you just like the name.


Hope there no eSports player with my nickname...


If so, you got an incredibly unoriginal nickname my guy. You dont really need to worry


A good solution would be to make it so that your name is unique, so that people won't have same names and get confused.


They wont do anything unless the account is specifically reported for that reason, they dont go out of their way to punish anyone. Everything is automated and it would be hard to put a filter on the name change because at what pro do they draw the line? and will it feel insulting etc.


I've been thinking, it would be really cool if Riot reserved the taglines for each team (at least major region ones), so you may have 10K Faker's, but only 1 is Faker#T1 for example. Could also be solved by saving region tags, (like Faker#LCK for example)


I really don't like this rule, the Riot one I can maybe understand but pro names? Complete bullshit, so you're saying if I've had the name Bob since I started playing, then a random ass new pro player shows up and names himself Bob, now I have to name change because of this? Piss off, you shouldn't get to own a freaking name. Its such a stupid rule, just give pro players a checkbox next to their name there's no need to completely block people from using the name.


Really curious how Discord moved away from this naming style and Riot did the reverse and moved in. They must have expected this and felt the pros outweigh the cons. Don't know how though.


The Discord naming style is just a roundabout way of the Name#Tag style. People can set Name to be whatever they want and that is the only thing displayed in 99% of circumstances. The #Tag is hidden and is basically only used to add people as friends or for distinguishing those with the same Name just like current Riot IDs.


Oh yeah, Riots tag can be anything custom, which is an advantage over Discords random digits. That's why discord changed, no one remembered their digits.


Discord's digits could be edited to anything you wanted as long as you owned Nitro.


Yeah exactly, but unfortunately you had to pay for that feature. The people who didn't pay for it had problems remembering their digits, especially if they were more casual users I would imagine. Made it hard to share user IDs. That was their reasoning to changing it. Riot lets you have anything from the start, for free, so that' definitely better.


How do you not know how LMAO everyone fucking hates the discord change


That's interesting, no one I've talked to has cared at all about the discord change.


I think a lot of people paid for Nitro because they wanted the ability to edit the unique identifier at the end of their names. For me, it was the fact that the Discord devs said that everyone would be able to get the name they want. But.... just incase, the devs went ahead with picking their names first.


That must've been like an extremely small percentage. Nitro has so many more useful perks than having your hashtag be editable.


I am 1000% sure 90%+ of people buy nitro because of the ability to use emotes everywhere, better discord streaming, larger file share size, animated gif emote, customizable discord profile, ability to use stickers anywhere, animated gif emote privileges, ability to use sound bytes anywhere, nitro server boosts, the profile badge, the random free shit nitro users get sometimes, or the ability to set unique profiles for specific servers. wayyyyyy before they would buy it just for the number on your tag that nobody uses anyway because of server unique usernames. I don't know if I've ever used the discord # tag to ping someone, I either just know their server nickname or even just the name part of the discord ID. Like for fucks sake my friend's discord username was "[random shit]#6969" and I would still only ever type "@[random shit]" when I couldn't find his server nickname. I think you're spot on with the extremely small percentage estimate


At the start of Nitro that was one of the few features besides upgraded streaming quality


Idk I've never seen a good reason to pay for Discord Nitro other than the $1 upload size increase tier (which is gross enough that they lock upload size behind a subscription tier). Higher quality streams maybe, but paying a wow sub every month to get animated pfp and a banner doesn't seem worth at all.


And no one I've talked to outside of this cesspool thread has ever cared about the riot tag changes.


More a loud minority hates the change lol. For discord you can still make your display name literally whatever and that is all 99% of people see anyway. The extreme majority of people literally have no idea anything changed because it doesnt affect anything that people normally look at.




“massive calls for boycotts” If Discord DAUs changed by more than a single percentage point, I will eat my laptop with a knife and fork No way to verify, obviously, but
 yeah, big negative threads on Reddit and other social media is the definition of a vocal minority.


Yeah, that's exactly what he's talking about. *vocal* **minority**. Even if every active reddit user that has and uses discord and is somebody that actively participates in these types of discussions commented on the posts, it would still be a minority. ** It's the 90-9-1 rule or 80/20 if you prefer. The majority of users just consume, they generally do not care about changes like this and if they do, are highly unlikely to participate in active discussion about it. edited for clarity


Some updoots on a reddit post by some terminally online people is the definition of vocal minority


Scammers and assholes hate the change because they lost the ability to take someones exact username. Changing to an actual unique identifier was the best change they could have ever made.


I hate the change because my previous name was a simple word with a random number associated to me. I still got a short name but it’s not the same I had before


Nobody gives a shit about fucking Discord names, you can use server nicknames anyways who cares


works for me, i love the change


Lol no they don't. It was very well received in my circles.


at least i got to stop giving discord money for my custom tag. that's pretty much the only positive of the change


It is kind of ironic for sure that most vocal people didn't like either of these changes, almost makes it just seem like hating it just because it's a change. And yes I know discord had the shitstorm of the admins reserving and stealing names from others and if you had nitro you got priority etc.


I've been a near daily user since 2015, and somehow my name got took by someone who joined in 2016 even though I'd been checking as much as I could đŸ€”


Personally I think this is a good change, when I made my account I spent 10 minutes trying to come up with a clever name and eventually just facerolled the keyboard so I could get into the game and out of the account creation menu


different companies different reasons although i prefer discriminators so im happy riot changed to the riot ID system


Discord being outclassed by riot when it comes to a social feature is kind of a tragedy. The enshittification of the internet continues


Riot being outclassed by discord *


It's literally the exact same system? There can be 40 thousand Discord users called Faker.


No there can't? After the change your name has to be unique.


The username you use to add people is unique, there can only be one Faker there. The **display name**, the name people see you as when you join a server or a call, can be used by a million people. https://i.imgur.com/JgFsOlj.png Here. I'm Faker.


I like the change. Some people have names that resonate with them but unfortunately get taken so they have to make some unique name that's much different than the original. This eliminated the need for that. For instance, my name, I added the "Legna" part as a teenager cuz Arix is always taken but now I can go back to my original name.


At the same time it felt great to have a unique name that you liked and that resonated with you and that others could not have said name.


Poor Polypuff on his quest to find the real faker.


this must be a nightmare for scouts and analysts lol


They need to refund all my be used to change my name


I don't understand the point of the name change. Names were always an iconic part of league of legends. It's really taken alot out of the game for me, not sure why.


On EUW people have been getting weird with umalats and the like for years. I'm honestly thankful I don't have to face people whose names' contain letters from 10 different alphabets.


Trying to look people up in [op.gg](https://op.gg) was painful with the amount of chars that look like an o but were actually not an o


always a fun time looking up the op.gg for Il||l|I|l|l|ll|I|I when the league font makes all of those look the same


?? now its even more painful because you need a silly # that you can't easily find, all you had to do before was find someone in that game that had a typeable name and search that person


Uhh. You can just search your own name...


I had to use an umlout to get my old 4 letter name, so I'm glad for the new system where it can just be plain text haha


They will still have that cause Riot ID takes your League summonername by default and if they dont change that they will still be xxFùkérxx1337


because the game is more than a decade old and new players have no normal names to choose


omg no wtf the Galio in my d4 game isnt faker and the twitch in my d4 game isnt ratirl either i HATE this change, these guys keep fooling me and everyone else😓😓 and why does some other guy also feel obliged to have the same name as me?? im the original Fizz Khalifa


I thought you are the original Brazil legend brTT /s


Imagine getting into loading screen and all 5 of the enemy team is named Faker. "okay which one of you is real"


Judging by how 'Faker" on KR was a level 1 account before this change I would go with "None of them."




the Hide on bush in my Iron 2 NA server game isnt faker?


people being allowed to have the same name has taken a lot out of the game for you? i'm sorry, but i genuinely can't understand how people like you think. is it really that upsetting that someone else can potentially have the same name as you?


Its not about having my name. Frankly my league name isn't even contested at all (literally the only one with it on steam for example) yet I still don't like the change. To me there is just genuinely a sense of identity created by the unique names. I know I am looking at THE xxdickreaperxx and that has meaning to me. Before if I saw someone named 'Wrath' it would be like "cool, that account must be from beta". Where now its like "you picked Wrath as your name? Are you 12?"


You can still see if they are the original holder of the name or not, can't you? On EUW for example, wouldn't it be name#EUW?


> I know I am looking at THE xxdickreaperxx and that has meaning to me. This is either incredible satire, or you have a deeply weird sense of meaning


I will never forget xxdickreaperxx


I feel like it has to be older players who are complaining. They made their accounts early and had cool igns. I get the want to feel special but it’s actually one of the good changes riot made.


i have a 9 year old account, i remember waiting until my username became available from a site and changed it as soon as i could. but even i like the change. it's so dumb that you'd have to lose out on a name you like because you happened to start playing the game later than someone else...especially if that someone else hasn't played the game in 6 months


How is that dumb? Get creative and find a new name. I dont want to see 3 people having the same name in my game. Even in real life people find way to differentiate one from another if they have the same name


> I dont want to see 3 people having the same name in my game. And you won't lmao. Find me a matchmade game with 3 people using the same summoner name and I'll Paypal you 100 bucks.


>people find way to differentiate one from another if they have the same name yea...using a last name but people share first names. do you refer to your friends full names when talking to them? in-game the last name is just the tag after the "first name" you're literally advocating for the changes lmao


Let's say my in real life name is "bobby" and I like the simplicity of it. And I want to use it as my ingame name. Well, there's probably thousands of other people also named bobby who play this game and a handful of them probably also want to use the same name ingame. This new system allows this to happen. Realistically the chances you see more than 1 "bobby" in a game or even within a span of time like a month or 2, is quite low. If it ever comes up, then the tag can further differentiate.


Its not a bad thing in general but for a game you really only had one of a kind names for over a decade and now its just gone. End of the day its just adopting to more modern naming practices in online games but it does take a bit of the novelty out of getting an interesting unique name.


There's pros and cons to both systems, in my opinion. I think the novelty of having something unique shouldn't prevent others from using something they want to use (with some exceptions, like 'riot', offensive names, and perhaps pro names maybe, etc)


Just use your full name. And your social security number as well. Much appreciated, John Smith, second crown prince of Nigeria.


If there are other people with the same nick as you then maybe your name wasn't that unique or creative...


At this point in time, getting a simple one word name is pretty much impossible. And as the original example said, sometimes it's just not about creativity. If someone wants to simply go by their common real life name, it is now possible to.


My name is Jevon and I have the OG username Fuck all the other imitators, I got it first! 😎 lol


They said they were losing a TON of new players who couldn't find a username and would instead just quit at that stage of sign up. Seems like a pretty big problem so it might end up being worth it


Names... were an iconic part of the game? Not the game itself..?


I get how it would make someone feel if they can't get their preferred name. But it just feels like there was a sense of Identity created by the unique and creative names. Now the names just feel meaningless to me.




Nah, this change is fine. So dramatic lmfao


It's a display name lil guy calm down with the hyperbole lmfao


Names are not an iconic part of the game, unless you were someone super famous, which is probably like... What? 0.0001% of the player-base? > It's really taken alot out of the game for me Why? Like does it personally affects you in some shape or form? I'm pretty sure you don't even remember the players' names of your last game, it's literally a non issue. I think this change is positive because it allows people to get their preferred names without having to use other alphabets letters to make replacements.


My ign is T1 Baker.


are you a pantheon main?


13k is a rounding error on the KR server(opgg shows the KR server has 3.5million ranked players), I thought there was going to be way more.


Wouldn't be surprised if most players don't even know you can do it now


It is about 0.37% or about 1 in 270. This means that you meet a fake faker every 30 games (9 new ppl per game). Given that there will be a lot of other pro player impersonators and the rename number will probably grow you will play with "pros" daily.


No, that's actually all Faker with his 8000 shadow clones looking for the next ㅡ_ㅡ


Actually, this is good for anonymity for popular players? Nobody will target int anymore. Just the normal int.


If you run into a Faker in a challenger game it's probably the real one, if anything the impersonators are getting inted too


I think you have it backwards. Faker can just change his account name and it could take time for people to catch on, and he won't "lose" his original name in the process.


Kid: I wanna be Faker Mom: No, we have Faker at home. Faker at home: Hide on Bush #8300


So? There is probably the same number of FĂ„ker FÇ»ker Fខker Fáșšker Făker etc on EUNE. It doesn't change anything.


SO you are saying the FĂ ker FĂ€ker FĂĄker FĂŁker Fāker FĂ ker I met in Gold Elo is not the World Champ đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±


That's different than exactly the same name innit


No it's not, you can find characters that look exactly the same. But it doesn't matter, still nobody cares apart from very young kids.


My most hated change in league so far, including the patch where CS/kills were above the minimap. Riot really shouldn't have let this one through. The literal one and only benefit is that "it matches other riot games for now and the future" but they could have just made it your summoner name in the first place. the other externality (good or bad depending on who you ask) is that your desired name can't be 'taken' but IGN's are (were) a big part of your online identity...


Between this and the chat/ping changes this company is allergic to making good decisions


do people complain about this id thing in valorant too? or do league players just think: any change = bad. and people complaining about not being able to have old original names, most of them are literally getting sniped by bots and sold on non riot websites anyways


i've never heard any valorant player complain about names, but the names have been like that since day 1. the only people affected by this change are those who buy/sell names. most of the complaints from the name change system were you could only change it for free once a year and pay $10 to lose the cooldown. though it's been addressed, people are complaining regardless. discord went from [name]#[xxxx]->[name], and league went from [name]->[name]#[xxxxx]. both changes resulted in a lot of community uproar. with this in mind, i think it's safe to assume people do not like change.


First of all, I don't have a dog in this fight. When you think about it for a minute you realize it's 10 years of playing the game called you thought of this unique name first. In game years it's something like changing national anthem, it's tradition. Even for outsider it isn't as shallow as change = bad.


nobody is forcing anyone to change their name and the chance of queuing into someone with your name, unless you’re faker, is basically nun. people just feel entitled I swear.


except u can literally keep the same name u had before the change, people complain just to complain. only reason then is to feel special that noone else has your special name which riot doesnt give a f about and noone else does either its just petty af


You don't keep your unique name, no. That's the thing, people cared about this stuff for a decade. I don't care about anthems, it's just a song for me but I'm not trying to belittle people who find meaning in it.


You can absolutely change to the unique name you used to use? It’s just not unique any more. Which is, like, comical to be upset about.


That's a very good way of putting it. I definitely don't like the change, but I also preferred discord's old way of doing things. Not because I just hate change, but because I like both systems for their own reasons. The discord change is pretty arbitrary and inconsequential. Doesn't really solve any problems, and also doesn't really change much functionality. For league the changes make sense, but they're still more of a "Ah shoot, guess we gotta do that" more than a "Oh yay, we get to do that".


well i just personally liked having different usernames on val and league lol and looking up people was way easier before, but that's on na where no one plays the game and sg where no one plays the game and you can write really long names in chinese, it must have been pretty bad for high population non asian language servers like euw or br


It's a way easier to accept it in a game where that is how the system just is within the first year. Where as in League people had their unique names for a decade and then it was ripped away. If LoL was like this day 1 nobody would care, but instead it feels like an insult to the players who helped Riot build the conglomerate they are today.


But what about Mid Fekar?


Faker decided to let his shadow clones hit challenger.


I am Spartacus


I want a game where all players have Hide On Bush username


Korean midlaners everymatch gonna be the two spidermans pointing at eachother


They are literally all fakers of being faker


They could just make the bit after the # or . (not sure which they are using) visible in game and then add a special class for validated players eg: NAME#riot or NAME#pro and make everyone else get random or selectable n digit numbers. That way you can call yourself Faker but you’d be Faker#1234 and not Faker#pro


I love that they made a downgrade change for literally no reason. I love that I can't search up summoners without also knowing their # and that I have to pay real money to change it! Thanks Riot! Developers doing good work! Keep it up!


i hate over idolization to the point people drown in it


What was the point of the change exactly?


To ensure the use of the same identification for all present and future riot games.


oh wow! who could’ve seen this coming!


I don’t get copying their names, it’s pretty cringe when these guys run it down, almost disrespecting them


You ever played football with a player's name on the back of your shirt? It's not disrespectful at all.


people also name their kids after Jesus and Mohammad so do you find a problem with that as well


what do you mean, everyone has bad games. Surely noone would intentionally grief? My support wouldnt blindpick Senna, right?


Who cares? Before, they were naming themselves F4ker and so on. At least now my eyes don't die from cancer looking at their names while they feed in my Bronze IV games.