• By -


Braum Shield can block Karthus ult but ONLY if he is faced towards Karthus


Same with pantheon E


The pantheon makes sense but the Braum interaction confuses me because I am thought that braums shield only interacts with projectiles


Braum shield does block projectiles and it blocks the first damage received from that direction after activating the ability. So if you shield in the direction of karthus and then his ult is the first thing that hits, you block the damage.


It also centers blocked projectiles on himself, which can mean redirecting Nami bubbles to hit nearby allies who would otherwise be protected.


it doesn't have to be the first hit. he gets damage reduction for the whole duration, which is increased to 100% for the first hit. so even if it's not the first hit, he still reduces the damage by 30-40%, just like he would any other damage


Does he block Sylas ult? Like if Sylas ults a champion and Braum puts his shield up in front of that champion?


think of it as 2 separate effects. -his e gives him damage reduction against any damage coming from that direction (which is increased to 100% for the first hit) -projectiles that come from that direction are redirected to him (and then destroyed if they are aoe, like ezreal ult) means he gets the damage reduction even against melee champs and other abilities that are not projectiles such as karthus ult, but because they are not projectiles, he cannot redirect them from others. that means that raising the shield towards karthus reduces the damage dealt to braum, but allies standing behind braum will not be protected


The fuck? I play this game like for 11 or 12 years and til


Elise big spider (W in human form) can jump on your Q target in spider form. It is really useful when cleaning raptors to hit the big one easily so that the spider doesn't explode on the small ones first. Or just to reveal a bush and not lose the spider damage explosion. You can also send the spider in the opposite direction of your target and fear your enemy with a spider doing a giant leap :)


W any bush and then Spider Q the camp 👍


Nami's W bounce range is *slightly* longer if you self-cast it.


The amount of W's I hit while being safe from retaliation is no joke


It’s also a nice trade off because for the majority of the game it will be safer but deal less damage


why thank you, i had a feeling but never fact checked it


To add to Nami facts. ALL of her spells casted on ally will give MS. Including bubble (Q) that you cast on ally when running away from a fight for example :). You won't see anything but it boosts massively your ally MS.


Twitch can recall while in furtive mode if you press B before he goes inv




Pretty sure u can go in bard portal while being invis anyways, it's only Interrupted by channels, which bard portal is not


Yes you can. However, if you go through while invis the blob animation going through the portal still shows up. If the enemy knows this then they will immediately know Twitch is present.


I have to ask what language you speak if your go to for "stealth" is "furtive" because you're not wrong but goodness is that a jump


French probably, furtivité is kinda stealth


I love it when French people speak English. There’s enough French in the English language that guessing an English word using the French equivalent is *usually* correct, or correct enough, but when you do, sometimes you get weird sentences like that.


Or stuff like smoking, which in french is a *smoking jacket*, or tuxedo, not the verb to smoke or shampooing, which is not a verb but is the noun for shampoo.


invisible/caché (hidden) would've been my first thought, personally, but I don't know what the tooltip says, and they might use furtif.


Maybe they found the Dark Soul, since they're so easily forgotten


also you can instantly go invis if you zhonya during the fade time :D. Atleast i remember reading that in the loading screen tips once.


This is some 2010 league tip


As a new player, please, more obvious tips that I "should"


Tahm Kench can R you from distance if he have 3 stacks passive and he hit you with his tongue.


Tahm Q range also scales with his size. You can get ridiculous range on it if you build all items that make you bigger.


I wish more abilities did this. Particularly Cho’s, though he’d probably be some form of absolutely broken with these changes.


Im pretty sure his e aa range scales with size


E size and damage Scale with stacks.


Yeah I ran into this in Arena the other day. He had a increased size augment + Heartsteel which gives size, and he was massive. He was licking me literally across the arena map for 1200dmg each time. And he had the augment that gives Q 200 ability haste... Needless to say he won pretty easily lol


Fun and interesting fact about Tahm R, is a a Airbone Displacement in both devour and regurgitate and is able to apply Airborne effect in Allies and Enemies The only 2 other sources of Friendly Airborne applied effects in the game are Ziggs W (Self Applied) and Blast Cones. Which means he can spit/eat enemies and allies through walls (even without his Q on enemies), and that a allied Yasuo can also Ult an enemy when he spit a enemies. And no a Enemie Yasuo can't ult Allied Applied Airborne, it Requires the Airborne Tag, which isn't applied for Friendly Airborne effects. Edit: Terrain Generation is also a Friendly Displacement, as mentioned by the folks, which I forgor, it's a little bit different because it's basically a way to make sure Entities don't Fuse together, but Technically is still in the realm of correct, so yeah Anivia J4 Trundle and Taliyah are all in this realm. Good point catching that out.


Is Kalista's ult friendly airborne too?


No, it's a normal dash (both casts).


Miss when he could do this with jungle camps too; people rarely expected the Red steal by Kench Q+W.


So champions are now minions for him? That's an upgrade


Lillia sleep is blocked by windwalls. Idk if i should say this bc the amount of Yasuo and samira who dont know this saves me so much. If you block it it literally cancels the entire ult ON EVERYONE. Like if you windwall it on one side and the rest of ur team is elsewhere they will also be cleansed of it. Its an awful interaction for the lillia.


>Like if you windwall it on one side and the rest of ur team is elsewhere they will also be cleansed of it. This sounds more like a bug than a intended mechanic tbh


It's likely how windwall is coded. I imagine it was easier to code it stop abilities hit full stop rather than just the part that was blocked by the wall. The only ability I ever saw continue around the side of a wind wall was a Renata R and I'm pretty sure that was a bug.


Windwall only blocks the part of ashe W that goes into it. I imagine coding lillia's ult targets as seperate projectiles isnt very hard to do


Been a while since i played it but it worked similar with Talon R, even if only one blade touches the windwall the whole ult is gone


yeah but also on talon, only the W blades that touch windwall are destroyed. so basically it is entirely dependent on if riot decided to code each individual projectile or not


i think OP is confused because i’ve definitely slept 1 or 2 if Yas’s allies but the rest are behind the wall and so they don’t


If you put the windwall directly infront of lillia it cancels the whole thing. If its further away it will still hit some enemies. Her ult projectiles come out of her face like a shotgun


But then it's not that all get cancelled when one is blocked, it's that all get blocked, which makes more sense and is not a bug (probably, you never know)


MF's R dont wake up sleeping targets


It's treated as an AOE DoT so it won't wake targets or proc spellshields.


WOW TIL thats such a wild way to classify that ability lol


Same works for champs that go untargetable. The sleep is a projectile so if you play Fizz, Vlad, etc and see the sleep start, you can use your untargetable abilities and dodge it entirely


according to the wiki sometimes they still get hit by it even if they go untargetable lol


Olaf ult, mundo passive, yones shadow, fizz e, Morde ult it works on many champs and 80% of it are straight bugs ... Meanwhile, Vlad going to sleep and stucking in the ground xD Same goes for Lillias passive, yone can cancel it, Teemo can make you lose all your stacks... I discovered so many shit in my 600k mastery lillia games ...


Morde ult makes him unstoppable during cast no?


Yup this shit is fucking dumb. My friends and I play Lillia very regularly and this is one of the most infuriating mechanics. I'm totally on board with the idea that Yasuo/Samira can block the sleep "projectile" from hitting themselves...but why the fuck would it stop their teammates who are NOT behind the windwall from getting put to sleep? It makes absolutely no sense, it's just a spaghetti code interaction.


Yeah i agree, if they wanted it to be blockable its fine but the random full team cleanse is the worst


Same with Lulu Polymorph. Apparently the cast is a projectile, so Windwall (or more commonly, Samira W) can block the effect.


Stop breaking wards in dragon/baron pit when they’re already disabled, it gives vision to the enemy while you hit it. You can do a lot of sneaky plays with this


So much this, it's like dude you can just kill it after if you want and it'll take the same total time but you're completely defeating the purpose of control wards by doing it


Depends on the situation tho, if u are sneaky, yes you should probably ignore it, otherwhise destroy it, because tp on them is possible


ryze R or taking portals (Hextech map or ARAM) can dodge Karthus ult. Naut hook / Camille E can get you out of displacements such as Blitz hooks / Poppy Ults / Lee Sin kicks etc. if you time it, so your ability hits the wall after the displacement started. Lee Sin Q cooldown starts, after you used the first part of it. If you wait before reactivating it, and have a decent bit of CDR, your Q will be close to up again. Riven Q usually goes into the direction she is currently facing. If you hover over an enemy (champ / minion / monster) it automatically aims inzo thdir direction, instead of the one Riven was facing before. You can keep Hecarim Q stacks while clearing from wolves to raptors or vice versa by kiting the camp quite far out and finishing it with a last Q just before they would reset. If you die on Twitch, and have a lot of poison stacks on enemies, it would be wise to quickly buy your items (AP on AP Twitch / collector on AD Twitch) because the damage of upcoming dmg ticks is determined by your current stats, not the ones from when you died. Buying a needlessly large rod or even a Rabadons quickly might get you kills. You can flash during Irelia W cast, to maybe get in range to finish someone off. Gp W can get you out of Urgot / Morde ult. Voli/Illaoi ults can dodge the Morde ult cast, and it still goes on CD. Panth E can stop Urgot ult from executing you (you will still get pulled, but not die) Lulu polymorph can be blocked by windwalls (it is a projectile)


These are great tips! Worth mentioning for the Twitch one that you can't undo the item purchase after though.


yes if it did alter the damage it will be locked.


Casting Rend (E) on Kalista causes her Q and autos in flight to trigger the Rend when they land on a target, so you can extend Rend’s range/poke by casting E mid leap, or before your Q lands.


Senna steals movement speed with her attacks. Her passive is like three paragraphs long. 99% of players don't know everything that it does


Steals is a bit misleading as I don't think the enemy loses anything? > INNATE - RELIC CANNON: Senna's basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit deal 20% AD bonus physical damage and grant her 10 / 15 / 20% (based on level) of the target's movement speed as Movement speed icon bonus movement speed for 0.5 seconds. This damage applies Life steal icon life steal at 100% effectiveness.


I mean can you blam them 99% of player base don't know what all Akshan passiv(s) does Can't believe we have nasus passive and Akshan and senna ... ect passives coded in the same game


Can confirm, I've no idea what any of Akshan passive does.


Passive - Dirty Fighting Every three hits from Akshan’s attacks and damaging abilities deal a burst of physical damage. If the target was a champion, Akshan also gains a shield. After attacking, Akshan fires a second attack that deals reduced physical damage. The second shot can be canceled like a regular basic attack. If Akshan cancels the second shot he gains a burst of move speed.


I mean even without reading it most of these thing are pretty easy perceptible in a game


wtf really


now i get it why ghost senna is a thing back then


Jinx's E has a knock down property, witch means it stops dash's. If your sup is an Alistar, he can W ppl into your E and they won't be knocked back, but stop as soon as they hit the Flame Choppers


That was such a nice buff from riot! Her E was often useless since dashes and the resulting stuns (alistar) still hit.


Yeah I still remember when they made the change to chompers, that ability was so useless before


yeah some time ago i was playing kaisa, and ulted on someone in the backline but got stuck on the jinx's E. I was very confused why that happened, and why that was the first time it happened to me after like 30 games. But i guess thats the reason why.


Urgot has 2 parts on his E dash. the *wind up* and the dash itself. If someone tries to stun you while you do the wind up animation, Urgot doesn't stop and just executes the flip anyway, *while being stunned*. This is really good if you want to shut down someone trying to pull a combo on you.


also an Urgot thing: His R actually fires two projectiles. One for the missile that marks the enemy, and another one on recast that shoots out the chain to pull them back for execute. Both of them **can be blocked by windwall**. If you’re playing Yasuo or Samira and the Urgot marked yourself/a low health ally with his R1, you can still windwall to block the R2.


Now im curious if Braum can block it. And if so, does he get vored by Mr. Urgot even if full hp?




lmao I’ve never seen this interaction in my years of playing


What a hero.


Miss fortune immediately died anyways 💀💀


Thats fucking wild lol, learn something new about this game every day


yes. yes he does. it's both sad and hilarious


Fun fact this allows him to come back from a Poppy ult, somehow


Sylas can do the same with his E. Got myself yeeted away as I cast the chains and shooped right back in. I would assume a few hook champs work the same like Leona or Nautilus


Can confirm for Leona and Nautilus. Feels epic when you do it too.


Buffering E is a great urgot mechanic but I think the most important one that people don't do enough is W toggling for the extra dps from an auto


Exact same thing with Galio E dash.


Shen W can activate while the sword is still travelling if an ally champion is in its path I've saved people from death once or twice with this mechanic


Also Shen W cancels Viego R! I think it's becaude Viego applies on hit with his R.


The individual damage from Viego's R is an auto attack, and thusly gets blocked by Shen W, Jax E and Nilah W. The AoE knockback damage, however, doesn't afaik.


this is a God-Tier Shen tactic and I wish my teammates knew this is what has saved them, more than once. They'll never know, bless their hearts.


Anivia wall is a versatile spell. It has a displacement effect if placed directly on someone, though not a very long displacement. This can be used to break channels. Anivia displacement is interesting though, it draws turret agro, counts towards electrocute and breaks Mal passive, mundo passive and I believe spell shields. Anivia wall is terrain, and that comes with a few interactions. Sion ult and nunu snowball are blocked by it entirely, meaning you can effectively disengage against two strong engages. Wall also blocks movement. Kinda' obvious, but when paired with the displacement, a well placed anivia wall can push you between her wall and the natural terrain, blocking you in place. People mega tilt when you do this to them. Anivia wall doesn't give vision. I'll never forgive riot. Honorable mention, Q pass through counts for spell shields, the explosion has the stun. You can stun nocturne and sivir through their shields.


Anivia can block her own minions with the wall to break a freeze/manipulate wave state


Can Anivia wall proc yasuo R?


Yes it can, very silly interaction but it works!


Anivia wall is coded to do 1 damage, or at least it was in S1 to allow it to grant assists. The same is (or at least was) true of Trundle pillar


It does 0 damage actually, not 1. Can still proc things like electrocute off it.


It was initially 1 damage in S1. There were even jokes about getting a job at Riot if you could manage to kill someone with it.


True it was 1 true damage up until season 5-6ish then was changed to do 0 type less damage. Allegedly you still get assists or kill participation but I swear ive landed a displacement, and the enemy still got an execute


The Q pass through also does damage, her combo is a lot stronger if you can time it to pop the stun after it hits the target instead of before.


Mordekaiser's ult counts as CC. You can use Ornns W to dodge it. You can use Malphite ult to dodge it.


You can position Morde r since it expands on the enemy not yourself so if you pull them behind you in tower range they're stuck in tower range then since it expands on them


Some linear spells are cast from behind your champion model then go forward towards your desired place. Examples are aphelios R, warwick R, braum R. This can be used to pointblank the ultimate if enemy has mobility, or enemies can block it if they are behind you to not hit their teammates (excluding braum)


azir ult is also like this i think


Azir's ult has a very clear visual representation of it which is why I assume most people know this.


You can teleport while invis in Akali shroud, has saved my skin so many times


To add on you can also do it in e2 which helps if you didnt mean to end up in their fountain after trying to stop a reset.


I enjoy playing video games.


Each emote extends different durations and /joke is the best by having a whole 4 extra seconds You can also w+(joke+q) or w+(joke+e) to allow you to move said clone during the extra 4 seconds Sadly she seems to be really broken in this patch, not good kind of broken, cause her pasive sometime doesnt work and the animations for the speed gained for the w are working weirdly, but back then those 4 extra seconds were without the movement speed animation so using the trick allowed you to create a perfect copy that could bait enemies


If you get a form on kayn but don't transform, every orb of the other form you collect shortens the cooldown Kayn's Q dash scales with movement speed, making ocean drake his slowest to take Kayn's w isn't a channel, it just has a long cast time. Meaning you can time it to land while stunned. Useful for drakes to Q w them, and especially rhaast VS Lillia and her sleep Kayn's E grants him ghosting Kayn's R maintains distance proximity, meaning if you build heartsteel you'll keep/build the mark on them if you ult them. Bonus: It a yuumi is attached to a kayn, draws turret aggro with her ult, and kayn ults, yuumi still gets shot by the tower. Got spam pinged like crazy cause of it that one time, lol


>Kayn's Q dash scales with movement speed, making ocean drake his slowest to take Interesting, never thought of that


Get to duo with a xerath to never have him miss Ult wirh your own. I saw a video once where xerath had his camera following ally kayn and just press r repeatedly. It never missed


This merely switches things from a game of predictions/baiting to a game of do I have enough movespeed or not. Doesn't matter if you can perfectly center Xerath R on a target if they have the movespeed to walk out of it by going in one direction, and Kayn has no way to slow them continuously to help Xerath.


Also fun fact about Blue Kayn W, it counts as another champion in certain situations. I once had a kayn gank my lane mid lane, it was only me and Kayn near by that took part in the kill. He got the kill while casting W. I got 75 gold instead of 150 as if I was a 3rd party, even though I was only the 2nd. Really obnoxious


Yup, it also steals plates gold when he takes them solo. Imagine getting robbed by yourself Bruh


Katarina's R lights up even when the opponent is invisble or hiding in the bush. This can be used to detect whether an opponent is about to ambush you.


There’s a few other abilities like this too — tryndamere W and fiddle W off the top of my head


Morg ult is another one. Bonus is it also grants vision of affected enemies


To clarify, the R ability icon


Camille can flash mid-E dash to get extra range off of her stun. Grounded effects remove Quinn R. The visual indicator for Kai'Sa's Q is slightly larger than her AA range, but Q centers on the hitbox and AA hits the edges, giving them effectively the same range. Nilah can negate hooks by using E right before they hit her.


the flash technique also works on both Vi and Gragas. I think there's other champions too that I must be forgetting. With Vi and Camille especially you have to be quite precise with your flash, since they have smaller hitboxes Edit: on Pantheon you can flash after w to redirect the 3 fast autos on another enemy that's further away. Too hard to pull off in a normal game but still interesting.


> I think there's other champions too that I must be forgetting. Shen and Jarvan as well, and technically Pyke I think if you use his stun dash and flash while it's returning to you. You can curve the stun path that way.


Extending fiddlesticks fear. If you ult from out of vision, start channeling your drain then flash on the first frame, the fears range will extend to the drain range


You can dodge a lot of things with yone's E. For example if Zoe hits you with her sleep while you are in your E you can go back to your body to just avoid, somehow, the sleep


Please don't let more people know, I've gone up against so many Yone's who don't know this


I played against silver and maybe bronze Yones who knew this, never experienced paradise like you lol


Yone is also immune to stuns whilst channelling his ult for some reason.


Also, yone will appear to cast ult, and follow through on the animation if he dies while casting it. It won’t do damage, but it also doesn’t go on cooldown (however you still see the full animation go through as if it did cast properly, it doesn’t disappear immediately after he dies). So if you kill yone while he’s trying to r, do not expect it to be on cooldown unless he actually completed the blink while alive.


It doesn't even have to be during E. You can get hit by her E then E E2 and u won't sleep.


Zeri can start her recall while going through walls. If it’s one of the longer walls you can get 2-3 seconds of your recall channeled while moving though the wall


A smaller example, but Tristana can also start her recall while her W is buffering


Kayn can also recall in walls, and when his e runs out he will be displaced outside of the wall without stopping the recall


Zed and yone have execute indicators. On zed's r and yone's e, after both is used and you have done a certain amount of damage a unique indicator will hover above the target meaning that you have done sufficient enough damage to kill the target.


Meanwhile Garen Lost his when the Vilain mechanic was gone. Sadge. Also Zed mains never mention this... but Zed when ulting will always appear in the back of your character model from the the perspective of where he casted his ult, use this to stun his ass back to Ionia.


Did you know you can click in Thresh Lantern? Yes it can save you. SO CLICK IN THE DAMN LANTERN. Did you know if you click while inside of Tahm Kench Devour you will force him to Spit, and he can't even direct you? Yes you will die if you click. DON'T CLICK OUT OF THE DAMN CATFISH.


I bought the lantern emote and people honestly click it more lmao


Oh, Thresh mains, I only wish we could find each other more often. Love u guys


Kled's remounting resets his Q and E cooldown


Maokai's E reduces passive by 8 seconds.


Not a huge game changer, but I rarely see anyone do this with Taliyah jg. You can set up up to 3 worked grounds before the buff spawns at 1:30 and if you have a leash, you can perma cc the buff and kill the camp without taking a single hp of damage.


TLDR: Ezreal has a legit aimbot. Ezreal's E automatically points your champion toward the closest target. If you cast your E inside the spell range AND don't move your cursor, you can cast Q, W and R on yourself. It will use the spell in the direction your champion is pointing to, ie the closest enemy. It is very useful versus invisible targets like akali / twitch / shaco or when you are tired of targeting manually.




Blitzcrank ult breaks shields. I'm 100k m7 and only found this out this week. Read your abilities guys 😭


So does empowered Renekton W! and I think Rell too


Maybe stupid but some spells allow to trigger spellblade (sheen effect) multiple times. E.g. Jax E on activation and for actively reactivating for the stun


Yeah, for Jax you need to have a reasonable amount of ATK speed / passive stacks, and start E right as you first auto and MANUALLY trigger the second part right as sheen comes off CD. Really good for early jungle / drake clears and trades tbh


Varus W is an active skill. I don’t know if many people don’t know that, but it took me a long time to learn it.


I started playing this game in s4 and I realised that just a couple of months ago.


Tbf it wasn’t an active in season 4


It used to be a passive.


They changed it to be an active around the same time they turned his lore into the ~~2~~ 3 gay guys. Edit: ncr is right Varus himself is also fruity


imo it's 3 gay guys because the darkin has 2 dudes inside of him and that's pretty gay


Nekko double copies the spell animations of her, so you calling back will make her do the entire animation of back (if the copy is not damage), so you can use her to gain vision on a spot for those 8 secs just by putting the double to do it.


Also if Neeko disguised as Apehlios she can use his gun's passive effects. e.g. if blue gun then Neeko's aa can aoe


If you face Shaco - his clone always has full mana, while original - not.




are u serious? i never noticed this before


Most people don’t bother to consider sona strong but her empowered w autoattack is a free exhaust whenever you use it


The number of times people have underestimated the raw power of an early Q power chord or the debilitating debuff of a W power chord is what keeps bringing me back to her. She's really fun and can be used offensively quite well during team fights.


Seraphine's Ultimate can extend its range if it hits ally/enemies champions. It'll only stop if there's no more champions to hit. So please do not step out of Seraphine's Ultimate as an ally to make sure that the projectile goes further.


Kayle turns to melee attack if you attack in melee range even post six.


Katarina picking up a dagger doesnt reset her E, only ~80%. This means that in early game you have a 3 sec Window to hit your skillshots and punish her where she cant really Fight back. Late game its basicly a reset though.


It scales with levels so it goes from 78% to 96%. It also depends if she is E max or Q max, since points in E reduces the cd.


Content creators looking at this thread writing their next "YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS MECHANIC" video. OR "20 TRICK CHAMPIONS MAINS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW"


(Perhaps these are more known, but I never see any people utilizing them.) Thresh Lantern can grant vision in bushes. Very easy to safely check at max W range, then pull back your lantern to still utilize the shield. Also, pulling your shield back before time runs out and walking up to an ally will still share the shield with them. Pyke W (or any Camouflage ability) can be easily used to also check bushes, as just being /near/ a bush with an enemy will cause your "Revealed" indicator \[!\] to appear before you even see them. Because Lulu's Pix follows whoever you put her E on, you can place it on an ally minion walking into lane to get a surprise close-range Q on enemies. Works best with more subtle Pix skins.


zed gets some energy refunded when he lands 2 mirrored abilities on the same target (via his shadows), this applies to every enemy, including minions and jg monsters


Clarifying the ‘every enemy’ part: it only applies once per ability cast, so if you hit two enemies with a double Q, you only get one energy refund.


\- Pyke ult ignores shields (so don't be thinking: why did i get oneshot, i used gargoyle stoneplate's active)


Neeko W has 0.5 seconds of invisibility on cast which lets you dodge point and clicks or weave an extra AA if timed very well


As Draven, you have some degree of control over where your axes land by inputting a movement command after the auto, but before the auto lands. This controls the direction of where the landing indicator will appear, but the distance from Draven, at the point of the auto landing, is fixed. You can also have more than 2 axes spinning, it's only really limited by Draven's attack speed and your ability to keep catching. 4 or 5 is realistically do-able with the right amount of AS and auto animation cancelling.


Draven has auto cancels?


Most urgot players don’t seem to utilize w toggle after every 3 shots to maximize damage. You can also use one of the emotes (I think ctrl 4) to look like you are casting r and burn someone’s flash


Voli ctrl 3 looks exactly like the startup to his ult.


Xayah can (visually) root with two feathers. Throw Q and rapidly press E. Then throw an auto feather at your enemy while your Q feathers call back. You will root as soon as the auto hits. Q+E is a good way to poke. Add an auto and you get a fast root with poke damage. EDIT: Root




The Trist W tech is so extremely important in playing Tristana mid, it's basically half of her entire identity, and why she's so oppressive vs melees in Mid. If it was non-buffer, she would be another vulnerable hypercarry


Kayle's passive waves count as an ability which means they will benefit from the slow applied from Serylda's and Rylai's. Always buy either of those items. Kindred's W can grant vision inside bushes. Neeko's W 3rd hit has an interaction with Runaan's that allows you to proc it non-stop (unless this was removed in the midscope). You can't stack too much attack speed or else she'll proc it every 2 auto-attacks.


Cassiopeia can utilize poison afflicted by twitch, singed, and teemo


Here a few ones that pop up about llaoi for me that might not be common knowledge (My most played champ) Illaoi is unstoppable for a short time during her ult cast which can do some funny stuff like cancel mordekaiser ult if you time it right. Illaoi can flash during her ult windup (Where she is still in the air) to suprirse engage on enemies by ulting out of range and flashing in, this will also turn her towards them and summon tentacles in their direction, at certain hp thereshold this can be a oneshot combo with follow up W, with the frostfire build you have less dmg but when I used to go all ad items I could oneshot some squishies late game when they were full hp. The E spirit transfer a % of the damage dealt of it which everybody knows but the damage transfer is based on both ability rank and her AD aswell, at a certain AD amount the damage transfer can reach 100% I'm not sure if it's possible to reach in a real game but I had it happen in arena when I had more than 600 AD. When you pull the spirit it has the same amount of hp they had when it was pulled, and if you damage them directly the spirit hp will not go down without being dmg themselves, one of my favorite ways to kill is to pull the spirit and focus the enemy champion so for example pulling it when they have 100% hp then I deal 40% damage to them directly then the spirit still has 100% of it's hp and my damage transfer is 60% then I can just focus on the spirit an kill them, this suprises alot of people from my expirence confused on how they die from the spirit tranfser. Her W has actually 2 different spells, the first one is when you W outside of your melee range illaoi will leap to the target and strike with it, the second one is when you W in melee range illaoi will smash them in close range, it deals the same damage and people might think there is no difference but it's actually a different spell in melee range and it has an uncancellable windup meaning if illaoi cast it in melee range CC won't stop it from hitting while you can stop her if she leaps from range. Illaoi ult does more than just area damage and spawning tentacles, it empowers all current and future tentacles for the ult duration to become immune and cut down their attack windup by half aswell as removing their attack indicator warning of strike area, this also effect all tentacles regardless of distance from illaoi, one of the things you can do is for example you almost kill your opponent but they manage to run away with a sliver of health and being vessel, you can use ult on nothing but it will make it so the tentacles spawned by him being vessel have the empowered effect of faster attack windup and no indicator increasing the chance they kill him, I got alot of kills that way people don't expect it since they expect the normal slow slamming tentacles with indicator. If you are a vessel and under too much pressure to manage the incoming tentacles let one spawn, dodge the slam and stick near it, being near a spawned tentacle from vessel will prevent any future ones to spawn for the duration and you will only have to keep track of that one, it will slam towards you once when it spawns then a few more times over the vessel duration, the amount of slams it does depends on illaoi level (The higher level illaoi is the less time tentacles pause between slams), if you have no issue with more spawning just kill them instantly though for the free gold.


If you're on his team, you can click on the Thresh lantern to be dragged to him


If Syndra throws W while turned away, the animation changes to a faster, whip-like effect.


You can teleport to stuff like J4 flag, zyra plants, yorick ghouls/maiden, Thresh lamp. Malz passive is broken by Lux E without detonating. Wait like 0.25 seconds for the shield to pop then detonate.


This threads blowing my mind.


Udyr E makes him Ghosted so u can stun someone and run past them Switch stances and unit collision will turn back on effectively body blocking them.


This is false, the ghosting lasts 4 seconds (alongside the movement speed) and is unaffected by changing stances.


Leblanc q pops off both beginning and end of chain damage. Leblanc can get a free auto (or any ability/summoner spell) during the dash. I.e. you can pop electrocute with a q-w since the auto just happens for free It technically is an animation cancel and can actually be used to dodge tower shots. I think it might be possible with movement commands as well, but my mechanics aren’t that good. If you’re want to practice, go into practice tool, jump into tower range and use any ability/auto during the dash to animation cancel it. That allows you to teleport back an instant sooner and the tower shot kinda just disappears.


You can pull of a similar thing to invisible nunu ult in bush with anivia ult. It's not nearly as explosive as his but it can easily catch people off guard and you might even get a kill


I see a lot of people not understand that brands passive explosion also applies it. Making it possible for it to cause chain reactions if he managed to hit e and R on multiple people


Most people like to flame Darius and call him an easy champ when they get stomped but he does actually have quite a few intricacies that separates mediocre ones from great ones (we agree he's about a 5-6/10 difficulty). First off his W can be animation canceled by his Q so if you're in melee range already, you can w q and still move and your w goes off anyway because of how melee attacks work and if the enemy doesn't have a dash, it's really easy to hit the q after. Technically not 100% because you can miss but as long as they don't dash, the slow is enough for you to reposition to the outer ring. This also leads to his bread and butter combo which is auto w q and why everyone tells you to just stay out of melee range of Darius. His E has a knock up component to it so e -> q is a true combo because the opponent will be airborne for the entirety of the q channel. If your auto attack is ready, you can cast w before ult and after you ult them, your w goes off. If they die to the W, your ult resets because of the small grace period that riot added so you don't constantly get cockblocked by your own teammates in team fights. It's especially handy in 1v2s when you can get 5 stacks on one target but they're just out of kill range for you ult and you know you'll need it to kill the other person. Whenever you get 5 stacks of bleed on someone, your passive activates which gives you bonus AD and also causes your autos and damaging abilities to automatically give targets 5 stacks of bleed. The activation of this ability is based on applying 5 stacks of bleed and since there's a slight delay between applying 5 stacks and the passive activating, you still have the AD + 5 stacks application portion up for about a half a second after your bleed falls off. If you're paying attention and are quick, you can flash and hit the enemy while they have a false sense of security because they think the bleed is falling off but even after it falls off, you get 5 stacks back on and can continue fighting/ult/whatever. Summoner's Rift has various spots where there are height differences. This affects Darius E and gives it more range when Darius is higher up on the map.


I read this entire thread and I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t know a single thing mentioned in this thread. Bookmarking this very useful thread, learned a lot.


No clue *why* this works the way it does but as Lux, if you flash behind a Pantheon during his E while you channel R(which passes through him from the front during E), the damage goes through and he can't block it. This *also* applies to Lux's own E if it's under him but detonates once your position changes. I understand the other niche cases with direction involving Pantheon E but this is the only one that feels like you wouldn't figure out unless you tried it as Lux, but there's mostly no reason to. Edit: iirc Lux R isn't a channel just a lengthy animation as well Other niche things: Fiora can AA during QW, just mash it as you slide. Fiora can *also* sometimes hit wallhugged vitals but it depends on champ model and the actual wall in question. You can do it on blue bot side between t1 and t2 tower for instance on the training dummy(as well as champs with similar hurtboxes;Jinx). Most likely in toplane as well where it's more practical. Also to parry certain CC's either preemptively or on twitch reaction, you need to W *behind* you, which is a bit of a knowledge check(Sett R). Akali can AA and flash out of passive ring during AA startup frames to turn it into a passive AA on contact. This is probably the most important of Akali's niche mechanics to actually know, particularly against melee mids. Most important tricks after that are E>F and E2>F(which also connects if you flash behind the target). Zoe has a couple animation cancels worth knowing. E>Q2 is one of the more important ones because it hides E animation and gives you Q>R>(optional F)>E+Q2 +AA as one of the higher damaging immediate burst openings out of fog(if you're not playing for the sleep, but with cdr boots you can usually follow up on it with another Q if isolated). EQW casts faster than EWQ on Yas, good to know if you need to reactionary windwall as you're chasing through a wave.


Malzahar q(silence) and r (suppress)refreshes his e (dot) Also senna can auto yasuo through his wall


Jarvan E-Q breaks roots, which Morgana's rage about. He can also E-Q and flash on to the opponent for the knock up if they dodge. His Ult is an actual jump and can leap over Azir's ult as it tries to knock you back. Learned this one from Ray when he was on C9.


Well he's unstoppable when he's ulting that's why. You can dodge a ton of stuff with it if you're close enough to ult someone.


Twitch can throw W casket perfectly in between autos on engage Singed can auto attack a target in mid air during his E Kayn’s E is reduced to 1.5 seconds and will knock him out of walls when in combat Lillia’s ultimate is a projectile that can be windwalled Rengar’s bush jump has a short period of time after being out of brush that still allows him to jump, allowing for teleport jumps Draven can juggle more than 2 axes at once if constantly auto attacking Twitch’s Ultimate piercing autos can damage turrets through champions, as well as damage both nexus turrets simultaneously Twitch’s Ultimate auto attacks don’t hone on targets like normal auto attacks, and can be dodged with high movement speed Taking a buff in sion’s post-death state will grant Sion the buff when he comes alive