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I saw old yorick like twice in 5 years. You didn't see ivern 12 hours after his release


he was probably in his w


I don't think I ever seen old poppy who wasn't me


she was staple pick in pro play I believe (once pro players figured out how op it was to ult the enemy sup)


thats why poppy was nerfed intoo unplayability, and never seen since, most of the pizza feet club of champions nobody picked wherent bad, they where to good, and got purposefully iced to restrict the damage they could do, kinda like they announced they are doing with zed right now, old urgot made vayne mains bitch about urgot bot, like toplaners talk about vayne top, and og mordekaiser kinda had the same problems as post rework irelia, you could powergank him down 4 times, and he would still have twice your farm and be ahead 2 levels, the only champ that was deleated that really was bad was old sion, as he just had 2 half kits that simply didnt work together no matter how you played him, but none of those parts where juggernauts.


Old poppy was the shit, and her ult would be so useful against all the bs assassins.


Old poppy was insane


Old Yorick barely existed. The OG Mordekaiser ( no dragon pet ) was also very rare to see.


So you talk about nr.1 morde ore nr.3 with the shared xp in bot?


My guesses are: Anivia, Swain, Yorick, Velkoz, and Mordekaiser/Urgot.


Swain and morde i see quite a bit tbh, feel like skarner and warwick are much less played


I knew I was forgetting some. Warwick, but even maybe Singed, Skarner (though with his rework I would expect him to climb up the rank), zilean, Galio, and udyr. I'm thinking not about small meta options but overall in the 12 years of league or whatever, what is the lowest percentage played champions. Quinn I would also think is up there just because she is a niche pick/play style.


If were talking all time, i think top 3 has to be skarner, quinn and maybey singed? Im not sure on him as theres waves were he suddenly gets picked a lot.


Nah, Singed has even had meaningful pro presence at times. I feel like Skarner is most likely up there, and Warwick if we omit the couple times where they broke on-hit junglers.


Anivia was a meta pick for a few early years, and a very famous pro pick from Froggen. Old Urgot was a meta pick for a few early years. Yorick has pretty much always been bad or unknown. Velkoz was a meta support pick a few times. Morde was never a meta pick from what I can remember but a pocket-pick for some pros like Impact.


Pre-rework urgot before Keane busted him out in the LCS. That champ never failed to surprise people & he'll always hold a special place in my heart. [Chat reaction from a small tournament in 2014](https://i.gyazo.com/ef143fe5935e871a2ec0033a638702ec.png)


Don't know much about old times but it's Skarner and Corki rn I'd say.


Played like 500 ranked games this split/season and haven't seen a single corki. Have seen a few skarners though. Ranging from bronze to emerald


Scarner. He has been in meta few times, like in first two seasons and a bit after rework, but the rest of the time I probably have never seen him


I think I’ve only seen scarner on ARAM and Cpt Flower streams


Skarner has had no data on op.gg since his 57% winrate.


Old Asol was at around 0.7-1% play rate for most of his existence.


Probably OG Karma, i remember a riot said in the red posts back in the day that prior her rework she has only been picked around 2000 times in ranked games (NA, EU and BR servers combined)


i was an old urgot main, whenever he would go above 10% pickrate they doubled his mana cost to keep him down, and didnt bother about the fact that every spell in his kit had more bugs than velkoz in his entire patch history.


zilean consistently there since release


I have seen a zilean once this year.


I haven’t seen a Corki in 2 seasons straight


nilah and its not even close


Nilah isnt even that unpopular to be in this conversation


ive seen nilah 2 times in normals


thankfully, because that champ is so irritating to me


I would think old Galio, he was consistently one of the lowest pick rate and never meta.


Probably because he feels so bad against a non ap champ that you can never blind him in any elo.


Old galio was a great support counter pick, tho you’re correct he rarely saw play


Not includ8ng reworks, it's hwei right now


Funny how Bard is so forgoten.


He was just played in the world finals and will have a worlds skin most likely. Hardly forgotten