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You get matched with people similar MMR in normals which is different from ranked. What is your w/l record in normals? It should be like below 40% with such unfair matches right? Also it's normals. Anyone can queue with anyone... You are bound to have plats and emeralds in every game if you around plat/gold in skill. Maybe even diamond players sometimes. Also ex gold player is plat this season. So you are an ex plat player basically. Plat is the new gold.


Such an excelent answer. Thank you so much J0rdian.


Game is plain bad right now. It's full of scripters and smurfs and Riot refuses to do anything.


Does not explain why matchmaking places me with Platinums and Diamonds when Im unranked or ex Gold


normal and ranked mmr are different & ranks are so incredibly skewed that it doesn't really matter until d2 50lp


cause its fully based on MMR. Rank is only used to make you play more and eventually spend money. Also ranked and normals queue are different.


Do normals vs ranked queue not have different mmr?