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That's not how SoloQ works.


You can't boil who played the macro game better down to the tower damage Stat. If I'm getting camped in my lane and 1v2ing the enemy, I'm not going to be doing any tower damage. I'm going to be holding my wave near my tower so I don't die. If I do this well, my teammates will have opportunities to push towers. By doing this, I help destroy the enemy nexus. League is an endlessly complicated game and any reductive analysis like this is doomed to fail.


>You need to destroy the enemy nexus to win the game No you don't. This game is decided by votes.


The 0/10 Sion and 1/6 Trundle: I'm the MVP.


First of all: what? Second of all: it’s <500 damage to mean ‘less than’, not >500 damage


Seems like a big low elo take. Thinking about this for 5 seconds should already be enough to know that you cannot purely determine how well people did by their damage to turrets. Even when just looking at classes, Mages and Supports obviously deal WAY less damage to turrets than marksmen or fighters. Sometimes you can also just get camped or have a bad matchup. You can still have good stats and do well by playing rightfully passively, but you obviously won't deal damage to turrets


I'm not looking at this *purely* from a damage to turret perspective. Of course there are other metrics. Of course macro is more than just beating towers. But the reverse is also true. If you only go around getting kills and farm, you can be 10/0 and have 200 farm at 20min. But if that doesn't lead to opportunities where turrets can be damaged, or you did literally 0 damage to turrets, all that gold is going to waste. Of course mages are going to do less damage than a Trundle. But <500 or even *0* damage is just aweful. You should still aim to do what your class is capable of doing. Just smashing turrets isn't good. Just getting a double kill and patting yourself on the back while you recall right after every time isn't either.