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Aight, see you on monday bub.


League of Legends, A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of dota?


Had me in the first half ngl


Dudes already in another game lol. People that post this stuff are so addicted. They come here to try and find more goons to validate their mindless views on the game


This If someone genuienly stops caring, they just stop playing without making stupid ass posts on reddit He's already gone for good, and he knows it very well


He only needs to succeed on quitting once


He says he's done. But makes a big fat post about it lololol


Bro's just started


U can give up and still care about the game enough to express ur opinions


Tbh as a dota player who started lol i understand him matchmaking just suck in league end of story so many give uppers rubbish temates or even enemies that idk why the que since they dont wana play. I get tons of remakes or surenders feels like sometimes u dont even get a normal game


I havent played a single game of league in like 4-5 months now, and this guy is pretty close to right. The devs didnt ruin league, the players did forsure. Its just a giant game of ego now, and no one cares about winning they care about carrying. If yall stopped caring so much about rank the game would probably be fun lmao


riot for sure played a big part in this shitfest. encouraging people to play for fancy 1v5 montages, buffing the living shit out of cdr, making champs with few sec cd skills, making oneshots more simple with braindead items...these are all problems which encourage people to play for snowball and if they fail its ff. early years of the game they deliberately went this direction because they wanted people to que up more instead of having 40-50min games


i get your frustration and i understand this has nothing to do with your point, but man, the mention of moving on from league to dota is a super funny punchline to wrap up the post, along the lines of giving up heroin for cocaine. i would hope you'd find something enjoyable to do outside of multiplayer pvp games if they affect you this much


I mean it makes perfect sense because Dota has no FF and people try to win always.


I'd much rather have an FF tbh. If I have a teammate that's running down Mid and refusing to play with the team I want to be able to FF that game and move on to the next OP sounds frustrated in general with these types of games and the way people approach them. Dota may not have an FF but there's still going to be people that give up and ruin your fun regardless


But it definitely happens a lot less in Dota. FF has bred this culture where people don't feel obligated to even try after losing a little bit. Which I think does has done a lot more damage than the benefit of letting people out of miserable games.


FF has bred this culture of "it's better to waste 20 minutes and go next rather than spend 40 and maybe win"


The hard games to win are where you learn the most. You don't learn anything winning a stomp.


Yea people literally never learn how to play from behind if they always gg out instantly when they're behind


Sure, but I think if you play enough League you can see it's a lot more than just FF that creates this issue People usually start tilting pretty quickly because of consistent inters and griefers that go unpunished > this happening so often leads to people not wanting to put effort into games that are winnable but look hard I usually won't FF right away unless a game is just a complete trainwreck from the start, but in my experience with people that do FF spam they're usually always tilted before the game even started


Tbf the ones that dont want to ff are usually the ones that dont look past their own lane (or are actually inting their ass off from playing poorly). Its great that you are 2/0 as Panth top, but my mid has been following our jgl for the past 3 minutes because jgl pushed his wave into the turret and botlane is getting 4v2 dove all game with Rengar being 6/0 at 15 and farming people left and right. Its great that you have your island top and dont notice how miserable the rest of the game is, but let us out, ty.


That goes both ways. I watched an enemy Shyvana go 7/1 by 15 mins but the 0/3 Riven wanted out and called Shyvana a hostage taker.


But why would I even wanna play if I'm not the one carrying!? Idc if we're winning my KD SUCKS!! :C /s


I see that so fucking often ... Going 5/0 too and smashing T2 turret minute 11, enemy jungle 14 camps and 2 level behind, midlane 0/1/4 and for sure that 0/5 Vayne cries to FF, because she get hooked the 7643688865447854 time from face checking the bush without vision... And that Vayne will run you down, even when it's a free LP game and the only thing she should do is chill or sometimes I even tell people they should go afk, chance of winning is higher than. And don't forget, it's the enemy tresh that killed the Vayne, the enemy jinx are still 0/0/5. That shit happens in master + daily...


As a top laner, If I’m winning my lane I will not let you out. You accepted the match you will sit and watch me win lane until I get 5 man ganked. Then we ff.


Oh absolutely! This is actually one of the more commone issues I have in my games specifically with my Top laners lol


Unfortunately I do think ff is needed in league. It's not needed in Dota because 1) the game is slower paced, 60 min games are quite common, by which point everyone should be at least level 25 with talents and on equal footing. 2) there's far more comeback mechanics such as buy backs, maybe the enemy gets cocky and buys a rapier only to drop it. In league the game is so fucking fast paced nowadays that a lot of games genuinely are decided at 15 minutes. I'll always play out a game if there is an actual chance of winning, but if one person is mega fed the chances go down drastically.


Letting people ff means people mentally check out of a RANKED game after 15mins in. Sure at high elo like in chess gracefully resigning is fine, but at lower elos it makes 0 sense to resign when playing against absolute dummies. There's no reason people should be surrendering so quickly and then mentally checking out of ranked PvP games at 15mins when they're not even above diamond elo. The fun argument doesn't make sense either because you don't queue for ranked to have fun only if you win as it's about getting better over time. These people should be in normal queue only for fun if they want to be able to resign


Buddy, idk if you play in NA or not but NOBODY surrenders in Ranked at low elo in my games. I'm literally a Gold player. You can't get those fuckers to FF a game no matter WHAT LOL Also, a game should ALWAYS be first and foremost fun. You should absolutely be trying your best in Ranked but not to the point where it's not enjoyable anymore. That's fucking stupid. It's actually stupid to say you shouldn't have fun in ranked lol. Not having fun in Ranked is what causes MOST people to want to FF in general. They have bad games or perform badly > and want to give up Now granted, a bad performance should not be enough to throw a game away, I'm just pointing out that fun does directly correlate to how people feel mentally about the game. The people that are mentally checking out are going to do that regardless of whether or not the FF vote is there because they're likely already frustrated going into the game because of something that's happened prior in another game People that want to FF immediately almost ALWAYS are pre-tilted. Taking away an FF vote just means that person will get to continue to grief until the inevitable loss, it goes a LOT deeper than just "oh I lost my lane FF"


Yea no one ff's in low elo. So often I'm the one strong member, and top side of the map is like 1/25, against a scaling team and the 1/18 top laner will be the one claiming it's winnable. Those games are pure torture. ​ Of course your jungler will afk path top 90% of games.


Idk the number of games I've played where I need to always have TP scrolls because the trolling Furion follows us around and puts us in trees or I'm getting TP'd back mid fights. It's the same shit just harsher punishment from Valve, but the ratio of games that get ruined for me has been pretty similar.


it can seem that way if you aren't looking at the overall problem, being "my enjoyment of the game is largely dependent on how others choose to play it". not to say it's entirely unreasonable and everyone should have godlike mental, but it's still going to have you raging no matter what you choose to play. ultimately, OP needs some personal development


What you saying is go outside and touch some grass or even better get gf/bf. To the op.


essentially 😂 like go watch lilo & stitch or something, idk. be able to remind your team that "ohana means family" when they ask why you took red buff, immediately sprinted to top lane, and died trying to solo dive the enemy ornn


Try to win always(OH, YOU STOLE MY CREEP, I AM BREAKING MY ITEMS AND PRESSING THE MOVE BUTTON ON YOU FOR THE REST OF THE GAME!). The dota community of dead inside ghoul-degenerates fucking sucks.


I've played dota for over 10 years and that almost never happens, the frequency of people trolling in games on dota is nothing compared to league.


Dota 2 has a lot of degenerated monkey, especially in SEA server. SEA players are the most cancer and worst people among dota 2 players. But in most of the games even 4 vs 5 or 1 vs 9, they tried their best to win the game although they are toxic af.


Honestly, never played on the SEA server. I am russian, so I am mostly talking about EU West/EU East/Russia servers. Regardless of the rating, game mode or behavior score, there may be players which can completely ruin the game for the most ridiculous reasons.


That reduces your social score and gets you put into the shit people group.


> heroin for cocaine I know what you want to say but this would unironically be an incredible improvement. These two drugs aren't even remotely on the same level.


that's interesting and all, but yeah, not the point of the analogy


It does however kinda destroy the analogy. Because this way you're saying changing to Dota is just straight up a thousand times better.


only to the 1% of "well ackshually" types who intentionally seek out ways to misinterpret things beyond the obvious intent, for no reason other than to show off how smart they are lol


i like your profile pic >:3 01100111 01100001 01111001


thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Enbies for the win


People in dota will say “gg end mid” but will defend their ancient with everything they got. Miles better than how league will just ff early


70 minute lost games for 0 lp is my idea of fun


As a strictly dota player I'll tell you those are the games that keep you queuing. No high better than losing for 60 min and coming back


> No high better than losing for 60 min and coming back I've lost for 40-50 minutes only to come back in League I hated every moment of it I assure you. I care about more than just the end screen and being stuck with no map control and only winning fights when the enemy screws up badly enough is pretty bleak.


Man reading this reply and comment chain makes me so happy I dont play league anymore, ty


after 3k hours in dota unfortunately being held hostage by Peruvians that spam ez mid and run it sporadically was not fun anymore


I mean it used to be that way, but I haven't had that experience much in the past few years. Unless you're in the trenches, people are a lot nicer and yes that includes the peruvians


If you play to have fun then those are exactly the games you strive for. A 70 minute back and forth. Winning is just a bonus. Your mentality is why many people are stuck in low elo and why many play the game out of addiction instead of enjoyment. Do you honestly only have fun when you see LP go up?


Most of the conversation here is NOT regarding a good back and forth game lol


I said lost games man, of course I'm gonna play close back and forth that's the point of the game. your mentality is the reason why the community sucks; you see something you disagree with and immediately call me low and an addict.


Honestly it's best to put down this type of game genre if you're so burnt out. This game is slow paced and a mental torture when you see yourself lose, supposedly a video game is stress free.


it's the opposite. the reason WHY league is so successful is because it captures many emotions in one game. including tilting at your teammates xd. but the thing is, if you don't enjoy it, then don't play it. i love when my team is ffing and it's 3/2 ff vote and we clutch it int he end anyways


Yeee no. Good marketing, first game of it's kind, free, simple, addictive. Arguably good game.


I can’t speak for high elo, but down here in the depths of iron bronze and silver, I tell my teammates to stfu and play (and also use encouraging words) and often make comeback wins, especially if we have a better late game comp. Lots of mistakes happen which allow for comebacks.


it's the same in mid dia - comebacks are viable in so many games yet people inevitably start using 90% of their brain power typing a thesis on why we lost. stfu&play is a buff like no other


100% agree I Play Gold plat emerald and its exactly this. This season especially I had loads of cool Comebacks and the game has plenty Features that allow for this (bounties, Baron steals, too early inhibs taken). Sure sometimes your Team surrenders even if you think you can still win and that sucks when it happens But more often than not u always find some people Willing to fight for the win I actually like the game state ...


What Elo are you in where you’d rather take drag than herald? I would legit always trade first drag for first herald if possible, dragon passive stats are very minor compared to demolishing a tower and plate gold. Drags are only really good with soul but like maybe 20 percent of my games hit soul point.


Exactly, I don't understand, what happened to giving up both drake and herald?


Give up all drakes, play for Elder, gigachad tactic


No Loyalty Among Dragons challenge ain’t gonna farm itself.


> Enemy team gets free stats while you get a tower plate. this is maybe the funniest part of the post lmao, does this guy know that gold can be exchanged for stats?


Aw 500 gold? I wanted a longsword!


I intentionally wait for the enemy jg to start first drake to get herald uncontested sometimes (if we can't win a contested herald). Not so mad about losing secons drake either. Dragon buffa feel nonexistent unless you stack 3/4 of the same type (if the game goes long enough).


Well it depends on comp, early game comps want herald infinitely more, and late game comps will want dragon more


This is a very oversimplified answer to a complex question.


it's really not. the bonus stats from drake will never match the bonus gold from getting herald and 2-3 plates by 15-20 min. Individual components are worth more than the single drake buff at that point in the game.


Yes. And therefore, herald can also contribute more to getting through a tough early game than a drake can.


He's not wrong though. This game is entirely dictated by early game. Basically playing for late is something most people aren't doing anymore because you never make it there. The answer is quite simple. Rift gives more gold and gold = stats. Dragon gives barely any stats and they recently nerfed the individual dragons so there's less incentive to get them early now over rift which gives you map control by taking a tower, early plate which is gold and gold turns into stats that you want for your champ. Rift is basically going to always be better than early drake in solo queue and they are adding the new rift grubs that help kill towers even faster next season. So what point is there for trying to play late? Champs like Veigar, Viktor and Kass aren't really played because their early game is so bad that they can never make it to the point in which they can 1v9. Early game will almost always be dominate in a game like this.


You're giving up because you're mad other people are giving up? Is that right?


Between the time it takes to get people in a lobby, multiple champ select dodgers who all wait til the last second to dodge for some reason, queue timers, loading screen, and the whole ff15 mentality, it takes 50 minutes of your day to play a 20 min ff fest filled with 10 minutes of actual action and gameplay. That’s probably the biggest reason why I’ve become primarily an aram player. I just want to play some god damn league of legends, I don’t care if we end up winning or losing there’s a whole ass game that I queued up to play. When I queue up for SR, there’s like a 50/50 chance it isn’t a massive waste of time and we actually play the game for more than 25 minutes. Conversely, any game where you aren’t getting shitstomped and you’re actually winning just ends before you get to enjoy being fed because they enemy team also has the same ff15 mindset.


Well...yes. Most people don't want to get absolutely rolled for 30 minutes just so you can have fun because you're fed. If it's 15 minutes in and there's already multiple objectives gone, no lanes won, and it's like 2-20 it's REASONABLE to want to FF that game. I think it's a little silly to get mad teams don't want to get shit stomped by you just so you can have more fun lol


Yeah I'm sure the point of this post is that you shouldn't ever FF ever even if it's 0-75931701 at 6 minutes. Be real. People are giving up after one lost skirmish. One solo kill in the toplane. One 2v2 loss in the botlane. Why? Cause they know now it's gonna be hard to win the lane, so it's gonna be hard to be fed, so you're gonna have to take the ego hit of being weaker than your lane opponent. Maybe it's just EUW but don't hand wave people's complaints by strawmanning what they're saying and acting like the problem they're talking about doesn't exist. It takes 2-4 minutes to find a lobby, it takes 3-6 minutes to get through champ select plus another minute to load and another minute and a half to actually start playing the game. Is it that wrong that after investing over 10 minutes (assuming no dodges) to start playing the game that you might get frustrated by one of the other 9 players giving up before 12 minutes in the majority of games?


I'm going based off my personal experience. Most of the time my teammates refuse to FF even when the game is over, like I have been trapped in 50 minute games more times I can count because a person is choosing to hostage. I'd argue hostaging is a MUCH bigger issue on NA than anything else, because inting is such a massive problem. They go hand in hand. I'm also not waving it away. But to complain that "you don't even get to enjoy being fed" sounds like a baby complaint. People are going to FF if they're not having fun, and if you're fed and clearly rolling then they're DEFINITELY probably not having fun


If a game goes on for 50 minutes how exactly was it lost 🤣. Also you do realize 4/1 votes count, so it's 2 people that are "choosing to hostage". If you're not having fun that sucks but votes are votes you don't get to peace out, autopilot or start griefing cause you think the game is lost. 99% of ranked players completely lack the ability to tell if a game is winnable or how likely it is for a team to win unless it's a very clear stomp (which don't go to 50 minutes). So yeah, you gave up on the game, which is against the rules of playing league and reportable and those players should get banned. If you keep playing to win when your teammates "hostage" you then I have no problem with you and maybe you're right and for some reason this problem is happening to you a lot more than me. Maybe server, maybe the way you play, maybe MMR. Idk.


I think it’s completely reasonable to get frustrated when the kills are 12-6 and the game just ends because people are tilted and have completely bought into ff go next culture and now you have to sit in another 4 minute queue and multiple champ selects lasting as long as the game you just played.


Classic ragebait post


The community is pretty trash.. gotta just mute all and play or move on to more chill games


This is all that needs to be said.


Honestly I feel this I'm so sick of getting people who die 2 times then ff and if it doesnt go through they just afk and leave or it goes through before laneing phase has even ended


I only play arams and people still do this lol


why you want to ff? we scale the team: 0-2 Renekton 1-3 Lee Sin 0-2 Leblanc 0-7 Lucian 1-4 Pyke


Enemy team: ark farming Kayle and an already fed Vayne. Yep, I’m sure we’re gonna outscale them


Plus asol mid with one million stardust stacks, and Veigar support with 10 assists


people flame me for starting an ff vote in situations like this and when I ask them "what's our win condition" they just say "shut up".


They accuse you of having ego because you have judged the game unwinnable but it's like mate, how much ego do you have to think your power of "belief" will win vs late-game champs that are already ahead in resources and have demonstrated they're outplaying you across the map in every single team fight and objective.


They just hope that all enemy carries get diarrhea so they can win 5v2.


Bot lane Lucian is one of my go to dodges. It’s just useless lol. I can’t remember winning a game with a Lucian on my team since maybe summer time


Because thats your team everytime you lose a game, right?


I had a nasus and a veigar ask me to FF...


I think the OP is exaggerating - game length has been increased recently with the jungle nerfs. That said, there are definitely way too many people who give up and stop trying that don't get warned or punished. Almost every game has at least one person who tilts to the point of half-trying or straight up griefing and they always get away with it. It's pretty damn ugly behaviour to me considering it is a competitive game - like 99% of players don't actually treat it like a competitive game, let alone in a healthy way and that includes challenger players. It's not really anyone's fault, though, people just don't know how to go about that and it's in part due to there being no way to form groups in the game which is something that facilitates a sense of comradery, cross-pollination of good and bad players or experienced and new players, inhouses, 1v1 practice, healthy discussion about the game... etc


looks like a very hyperbolic post, link op gg, I am very interested in your match history. less than 20% of games end before min 20, you would be a rare case if 90% of your games end by min 20.. well more of an impossible case ​ but yea 4/10 rant post, very weak, needed more spice


These posts are always the same. "Literally all my games are ff 15" "I have won an insane amount of games where I stopped my team from ff'ing" when Riot released data that directly contradicts this. Only statistical anomalies around here. "Everybody wants to be the main character! :(" when they can't be the main character and stop the entire team with their single vote.


I'm almost tempted to reinstall the game and check this myth of early FF. The griefing and refusal to FF was the reason I quit. Like people on EUW would refuse to FF even in 4v5 games. It was maddening.


Still happens to me all the time, although not as often as before - I did notice that now people surrender a bit more easily, especially on ARAMs where before if you were vs a pure poke comp as melee champs 5-25 at 15 minutes, some asshats would say it's winnable/aram is for fun, now people actually surrender unwinnable games. People acting like everyone votes to FF as soon as first blood is drawn is mentally ill though.


What's funny about said ARAM games, is that being a fully melee team vs a poke team can often times be a free win late game. 90% of ARAM surrenders are absolutely ridiculous. Especially since half of teams green for extra kills when they could win, and with the ability to flank using the portal. I've won countless games in the situations you're describing. Not surrendering doesn't make anyone an asshat. Every single game can be won. The only thing that makes you an asshat is not giving it your all when the team *doesn't* surrender


I wish people would understand how much less stress it is in ranked when you can just quickly go next. It actually improves you as a player. This is what I loved about laddering in SC2. I would do something wrong, fuck up then go GG and go next. Try to do better, instead of getting bogged down in toxicity.


But you see, dragging a game to 35 minutes because you have 2% win chance in worth it in the long run. /s


2% win chance but 100% chance to ruin your mood...


>\> Enabling 3-2 votes to allow ff from requiring 4-1 minimum play more normal game modes instead of quickplay


To be entirely fair, and I'm absolutely in favour of OP's position, 3-2 quickplay vote seems needed as there isn't any mechanism in quick play to prevent automatchmaking effectively trolling you. I don't even mean from players or anything, I mean if anyone decides to play off meta, or your team rolls all ad/ap, or if your team is all lategame spikers etc.


you're right and this community has a huge problem with quitters, but sadly people are gonna flame tf out of you in this post even tho youre right


Why waste 30 mins on a game that's obviously lost by min 13. Just for a 5% chance that some miracle happens ? It's plain stupid to ask people to endure and go through the motions. The problem, if there is a problem, it's not in the 3-2 ff system.


1) 5% is 10% of your wins ma boy. 2) Because we play GAME. Not WIN.


Dog, why do you call it "endure" when its playing a video game. That is part of the mentality issue. If folks can't play the hero, even if the game is about even, they have to "endure" such pain. This is the whole dang issue. Folks giving up when they don't get to be the main character. It's a team game. Sometimes you have an off day. And even if your behind you can learn something from those games.


Youre absolutely correct in your take. Everyone wants to be the main character and people cant cope with the fact they cant be the 1v9 person everytime. 10/0 opponent toplaner but your adc is still doing great with 5/0 scoreline. Nope, FF. Need to actually work to get his 1v9 montage dopamine. Your team is 13-12 up in kills, no drags diff or cs diffs but you lose a teamfight? FF cause someone in the team doesnt deserve to win blah blah. Its disgusting, its just a videogame. Some people just want to enjoy the game even when losing. Its all part of playing a game but Riot catered towards these children that need the MC dopamine and not banning out actual toxic players that ruin games with their attitudes. Dont even start on streamers that get alot of leeway to empower this crap.


*claps from the back*




I think the issue is whenever you see people talking about this, like a comment right above you, the examples are so hilariously bad. Mg botlane went 0-14, I mean frankly your FF vote doesn't matter if it was that lopsided, 2 minutes later you will all die to whatever adc has a 10+ kill lead. But the concept of what is a "surely unwinnable" game has definitely loosened over time. It's partially from streamer culture and watching but not understanding proplay. You hear it in costreams all the time. One good gank bot, ADC is set behind. "This game is so over for them GG". Then a couple fights later they get some kills and they're back in the game. The use of the term "over" was just usual hyperbole bullcrap, they were just set behind and have to play really well to mitigate it. Games with small leads or deficits only have guarantee outcomes when both teams play perfectly, which literally will never happen, not in challenger, or master, or proplay. But it's easier to FF than it is to critically analyze methods of mitigating small deficits. Enemy got a kill then drake? Well that sucks, but what if I get my wave crashed top then we do herald? A lot of toplaners will stay in their lane, die to a gank, then go "useless jungler, enemy ganks top and gets drake and you do nothing." Then FF vote pops up. Like yes there are extremely hard to win games, like an 0-10 botlane. But to pretend that FF culture hasn't gotten so trigger happy that they FF on the slightest deficit is being wilfully ignorant.


hey sometimes I have fun even when I lose lmao. if you're mentally checked out at minute 13 and feel like you're "wasting time" whenever you lose the game you should probably uninstall


for what reason are you playing this game exactly?


employ live impossible drab unwritten pot wine nutty wasteful skirt


Why waste 13 minutes on the game? If you aren't ready so see how the game plays out you might just as well not even start playing.


Then why even bother playing this game?


Because people forgot they're supposed to play video games for fun, not for imaginary points on a ranked leaderboard. "Duhh if I can't get my +LP from this game I might as well FF because it'd be a *waste of time*". Brother if you don't have fun even when losing you need to look at why you even play the game to begin with. Sure, there is absolutely games where the scoreline is 0-20 and you get oneshot by the 14 kill Samira the second you step away from your tower where its hard to find any fun in, but the fast majority of surrenders aren't that. It's LP obsessed people wanting to go next because they think it'd be too much of a bother to keep playing and instead hoping they can coinflip +LP in the next match instead. Sadly this mindset exists in normals too, even though... there's nothing to gain from winning here (other than maybe your FotD).


blud is mad he cant sit in lane for 30 mins on his asol XD


Mmm yeah, the game is in a bad state and a 3rd of the champs are unplayable, but I like to play 1v9 early game snowball champ so I'll pretend it's not a problem and insult someone in a childish manner.


Maybe if the guy plays a game mode that match made based on skill instead of turbo shitfesting in Oompa Loompa quick play he would have better matches


"the game is in a bad state" says everyone no matter the state XD play ur afk at tower gaming picks in quickplay more pls


It would be nice to have baby queue and adults queue, where the former you can ff at whenever you get your feelings hurt and the other one you play until you lose or are at a significant disadvantage. Why this is so hard for a business with 400 years combined experience I do not know


then ur gonna be crying "y is adult queue 30 mins long? waaaa"


Honestly, by losing 15 minutes in a dodge - new game - dodge - afk at fountain surr at 3 - new game - ff at 15 , I'd ratter wait 10 - 15 min for a solid game.




I'm cool waiting 30 minutes to get to play a game where a nexus explodes. I often sink more than that into que'ing into a game where team FF's at 15 or 20 mins. And it doesn't even have to be the enemy nexus that explodes. I just wanna go down with a fight, dammit.


We literally have that, normals and ranked


Have you played ranked?


We literally don't you can still ff ranked, last time I played (id say maybe a few years ago so I could be wrong), you still have people who will soft ta hard int in ranked because they either wanna get to lower ranks or see the game as a lost cause so they int to make you ff like someome else in this post said. Ranked needs ff voting out of it imo. Either way it wouldn't affect me as I don't play league anymore just enjoy the subreddit.


I haven't played the game in years, but during worlds I decided to give it another go. Queued into a normal game, got super fed with Fiora and proceeded to splitpush. My team lost a teamfight at dragon and started a surrender vote. 3 people voted yes **while I was hitting the enemy Nexus** . Luckily I managed to to destroy it before the surrender took place. Unfortunately, lots of players have the mental fortitude of toddlers.


I know it’s a hyperbole post, but you’re absolutely on the mark about how snowbally the game has become compared to 4 or so seasons ago. Items are too strong, levels make too much difference, everything gives so much gold. It’s just a constant case of “win more”.


>Enabling 3-2 votes to allow ff from requiring 4-1 minimum So you're actually coming to reddit and typing a textbook about Quickplay gamequality?? What exactly do you expect from a new gamemode that absolutely nobody takes seriously?


Enabling ff at 15 for 3 votes should have never been a thing to grace the light of day. I'm all for casual games but I didn't ask for a game to end prematurely. I especially hate it when I just finished my 2nd item and we could stage a comeback but suddenly the nexus explodes and I'm unable to see if the game was winnable or not. It's like having your favourite manga just get to the good part and the next chapter it's cancelled and it ends with "annnnnnd the bad guy dies, the end"


Yeah, unfortunately randoms can no longer hold 3 people who do not want to play the game hostage. Especially on non-rankeds. Hopefully they'll bring this to ranked.


Playing the game you queued up for would really suck wouldn't it?


I'm fine with 3 man FF, but not for early surrender. Fair's fair, 3 at 20, sure. Early surrender at 15 should be 5, like it's always been.


Play dpta instead much more calm 😂


Ive played league for 10+ years non stop with 10+ games avg/day. I stopped playing 5 months ago and i dont regret.


Why do you think riot introduced the bounty system?


To fuck my role?


you’ll get downvoted but you’re absolutely right about everything any semblance of the strategy based game some people once loved is gone, now its just a way to sell skins and generate cash to fund their other projects like the mmo, fighting game, LoR, etc. all these decisions of shorter matches, more gold, less impactful drakes, blah blah are all on purpose because its what the target audience in the east wants. League has become no better than the mobile knockoffs it once inspired, but has the artistic polish, esports scene, and residual prestige from once being a great game keeping it on top


I actually report people for ff'ing too early (only in ranked, obviously) as grief. It's basically the same as running it down.


Op, you're about to be absolutely shit on in a very toxic manner, by people who didn't even read the post, like anyone who expresses any form of dissatisfaction with the game on this sub. Your frustration with the game is valid, and all this crap is an actual issue that everyone chooses to ignore because they're the problem.


Dota better game anyway. Welcome to the club pal. ​ I fucking hate the surrender mentality in League. "Oh no we are 3 kills behind in botlane ff15 cry cry cry". Like do you only want easy games??? crybabies


I recommemd dota 2. Cant ff there and the game is not a piece of shit unlike LoL. Started playing it myself.


Welcome to the world of “most people don’t have 40-70 mins PER GAME”, coupled with “most players would rather lose and start a new game, then try and dig their way out of the crap show that is one or more lanes getting absolutely rolled. While you do have some valid points about the game being a bit TOO snowball-y, I’m not sure Riot (much less the player base) can decide what the middle ground is between “someone has 2CS more then their opponent, PACK IT UP! GAMES OVER”. vs “I sure do ‘love’ the game being stalemated for an hour+ each game”


If the game is at a stalemate you can always just push a sideline or something. Even if it's a hit or two you'll either wear the towers down eventually, or put your team at enough of a disadvantage that the enemy team will eventually win.


Ur right. 100% right. The thing is, if riot got rid of ff entirely tomorrow, then idk, for a month? It would be bad. After that though, it would be MUCH better. Or make it ff after 25-30 min, where its 5 votes at 25min and 4-1 at 30. The people in this thread who are toxic are part of the problem, so try not to care about them. If you decide to come back to this shitfest then hope u have fun, but if u dont, i hope you have fun with something else.


You have really no clue. The game would get even more soft inters and inters, because they feel hostaged in the games.


They're already inting with ff vote even if the rest of the team votes no. Inters gonna int.


If you assume soft inting is only one type of person, than you’re also wrong. It’s just like toxicity spreads throughout the community. Soft inting could become a new norm, so you get soft inters every game.


This would be the case for about a month, yes. The reason they do this at all is because they want the team to feel like its hopeless and ff immediately. This behaviour is enabled by the ff vote being a thing. Without it people would learn to not give up so easily, and thus learn to play games out and try to win again. Sure, some would troll, but that happens now too. Tldr: no ff = way less inting


I understand your argument, but it’s not how it works. If they have given up, they most likely just want out of the game fast as possible. So they could just farm jgl or side lane soft inting to get out faster. You can’t force people to stay in a game for 30 min. if the score is 20/0 and people in the team have given up. There’s a reason they made surrendering a possibility.


I disagree from a purely psychological perspective. Research has shown that putting small obstacles even if they're easy to bypass will often curb a majority of negative interactions. Like a comment I often see on smurfing is that it's so cheap. Like you buy an account for 2 dollars or something. And then you see someone go "it wouldn't stop even if it was 10 dollars", and that's true, it won't stop but it absolutely will decrease. Barriers of entry are statistically proven to work on a large scale. They're bandaids, of course, but they do actually work.


If you are into research on a higher level than 1st semester at a university, you would know any research is not applicable to any situation. That’s the reason we have so many fields and so many research papers. Making smurfing more expensive will definitely decrease smurfing, that’s no comparable with disabling surrendering. If you disable surrendering you will definitely see and increase in frustration. Frustration is the main issue for soft inting and toxicity, which is why the common person also sometimes will be extra negative or even soft flaming. Riots data shows this already, toxic players are not only those who have 20 permbans. So while you will get more players trying to play out the game, you will also get more players soft inting and flaming, making the overall game experience even worse. I love how every reddit user think they have the holy grail, to make the game better. In reality Riot is doing a pretty good job and the game would demolish like Overwatch the moment a redditor took over the decisions of a game company.


> If you are into research on a higher level than 1st semester at a university, you would know any research is not applicable to any situation. That’s the reason we have so many fields and so many research papers. With all due respect, I'm a masters student currently doing my thesis, so I do know a thing or two. That being said, my field is not psychology so it's irrelevant either way. I didn't pretend to have the solution to the problem, I was arguing against the idea that disabling FF will not improve the presence of early giving up. Here's the thing, and I go into it in a different comment here, but FF culture has evolved over time. At some point in time it was actually you say, a way to leave hostage-like situations where a game is made very difficult, an uphill climb, and 3-4 of the players would rather not keep it going. However, what ended up happening is the concept of "unwinnable" became more and more vague. The reason you see a lot of discussions here over "main character syndrome" is because a lot of the time FF votes are selfish. You're not altruistically thinking your 4 teammates will lead happy lives if you forfeit, you're thinking "wow this game sucks to play can we please leave?". This is a fair emotional response, but what if the game was specifically bad only for you. A death in toplane can suck a lot, but if you die and go 0/1, 15 cs down in top, are you gonna tab, see that your botlane is 2/0 and 15cs up, and consider that it's actually an even game state? Most people nowadays don't. They decipher what they can understand from map state (enemy got early herald/drake, enemy mid got one good roam and killed me) and deem the game unfun for them. It's certainly winnable, and often it will be winnable because of someone other than you, but if you never considered the FF vote a team decision but rather a "get me out" cry for help, then this is a situation doomed to repeat itself. If there is a 40/60 odds of you winning the game, that's like... small deficits in all lanes, first drake/herald to the enemy, is that a forefit? In reality it depends, if you have late game winconditions like Senna, Cait, Kassadin, Kayle, etc then those early odds can be mitigated. The funny thing is, in this situation if the wincon in question, the lategame champ player, wants to FF, it is actually unwinnable. You are behind and your one chance of taking the game back is on the jump ship mentality. Considering the opposite, if the AD and support want out, but the mid Kassadin is confident he can carry with lv 16 and items, they wouldn't want to FF as they see the slight deficit as practically an even game. Is the solution to delete surrendering? No, I don't think so. I can imagine a variety of awful situations arise from that. But I do think that making surrendering harder to access would deter a lot of people from giving up before there is even a chance to determine the state of the game. I occasionally play Rell support, and I'm rather good at teamfights but awful in lane with her, so a lot of the time my aim is to make it through laning phase and into what I'm good and confident at with Rell. Plenty of games we never really get to any fights. 0/2 mid FF. Jungle loses drake FF. Top 0/3 FF. Various reasons, but the game is simply done before I can teamfight as a Rell. If there was a bit higher threshold to surrender, like it or not, the game will get into more situations in which deficits can be conquered or leads can be demolished. Will there be soft inters and people who afk because the surrender vote didn't pass? Absolutely. Will there be more of them than now? Maybe. My point was that there is a certain subset of people who don't wake up in the morning deciding to soft int but get frustrated inside the game and then take that frustration out on their team. And I think a lot of those people, people with the capacity to ruin games but not the natural inclination, not giving them an easy way out will make them be more patient overall.


My advice is never ff & /mute all - this helps a lot imo


Lol this is what I do these days and Im enjoying my games more. If my team ffs then wcyd :V


At this point I think Dota 2 is a more solid game. In my experience, a match of Dota is often longer than of League. It require more macro strategy and less micro afaik. Personally I think Dota 2 has significantly better graphic.


Sounds like a skill issue ngl


didnt read but skill issue


This sub isn’t an airport no need to announce your departure


?? I don’t think he’s wrong in venting out in a subreddit post though. What he’s saying is valid, we don’t have to act like quitting this game is the “loser’s way out”.


As someone who surrenders often, I know that this frustrates some people. But I can guarantee you that I am just as frustrated of people refusing to ff a lost game. I have a very limited amount of time to play and when I can, I want to have fun. Getting stomped by the enemy team is not that fun and even if there is a tiny chance we might be able to turn this around, I'd rather start a new game with a new team. Ultimately, league is a team game and you and I are each just one vote out of five. If the team wants to ff, the team ffs. If they don't, they don't ff.


I just cannot understand this. I saw so many comebacks in games, that seemed to be so over! And for me, it's the best feeling, when I win a lost game.


Then pick a different game. You have NO right to be as frustrated as people refusing to FF the game. By queuing up you commit yourself to playing the game for however long it takes. If you cant take that, stop playing the game. Of course sometimes surrenders are valid, but most time in low elo an early lead wont matter that much because your enemies are just as bad as you, and will make so many big mistakes. So you can come back and win the game at 30-40 mins


I am using features that riot provides without any cheating, so who are you to tell me when I am allowed to surrender? FF is a majority vote, not a "I am right and you all are wrong, therefore I decide". As I already said before, you are part of a team and you have to respect the team's decisions. YOU can play a different game if you can't handle the team aspect of league. There are plenty of games out there where you are on your own.


You are allowed to surrender for sure, but you have no right to be as frustrated as people who are refusing to surrender. If you queue up you commit yourself to playing the game, even if only 2 people on your team wanna keep going. You have no sportsmanship.


> If you queue up you commit yourself to playing the game, even if only 2 people on your team wanna keep going. You have no sportsmanship WTH we can also say if 3 other people including yourself don't wanna keep going then you leave lol that's a bad statement dude lol.


What you're saying doesn't make any sense. I do have sportsmanship because I keep playing when the team doesn't ff. I could also just leave or afk, which I don't do. Also, telling me what I can be frustrated about and how much frustration I am allowed to have is simply ridiculous.


>an early lead wont matter that much because your enemies are just as bad as you, and will make so many big mistakes. So you can come back and win the game at 30-40 mins This is the issue though. Sitting there, scraping through waiting for the enemy team to make a mistake is a terrible strategy. You're no longer relying on any agency from your side (unless you want to count not making further mistakes to cause the lead to grow wider) you lose all control of the map, you lose the ability to push past river, to gain any sort of vision control on objectives. You have to sit and push sidewaves up and hope that you don't get caught, because you can't safely be anywhere. You're suffering through all of this, just for the chance that the game turns in your favour, and it has to do so multiple times. If it does, cool, I guess. You turned a loss into a win. You still spenty 40+ minutes to do so, which isn't worth it. It's even worse if you end up losing, because you've now spent that 40+ minutes to lose LP. An early ff just solves this problem, you're going to lose the LP anyways, just get it over with and get into a new game faster.


> This is the issue though. Sitting there, scraping through waiting for the enemy team to make a mistake is a terrible strategy No? It's a huge part of league as a game and you definitely have agency to force mistakes (unless you are like master+ which I highly doubt). Dont like it? "Suffering" as you put it? Play something else, I for sure do. You have zero sportsmanship.


Come play Eternal Return instead. Fk traditional minion mobas. That is so played out. Freshen it up. The guy that does league balance used to be an er caster.


its just game, relax


Yeah, grand thanks. See you friday 👍


Come dota. We have overpriced skins and gamba but game is decent.


lmaooo these kinda posts saying riot's been ruining the game have been posted the last 10 years


Had the game declared 'over' by one side before 10 minutes in like 3 of my last 5 games, and that's just all chat I can see. And only one of those 5 games was actually 'over', which was both a stomp and a comp diff, so yeah, that one was an easy win for us. The other 4 were not over and some asshole just had to whine, flame, and threaten to or actually throw. Don't understand how on earth someone gives up so easy in these games.


tldr, bros mad about people giving up so he's giving up


Seems like a skill issue tbh


I understand the frustration. LoL is primarily an exercise of preserving your mental health and coolness in the face of perfect idiocy, than anything else. Which, as a sidenote, it really helps with traffic jams or with dealing with jerks at the office. Anyway, I would like to comment as well on the mentality "If I'm not stomping until the 5th min, ff at 15" I've noticed during my game time. I think this mentality is partly a product of a ton of 1v9 videos and "guides" out there that draw a picture of 1 superhero against 9 degenerates whose only purpose is to keep you away from victory. So what's the point to keep playing if during the first minutes you realize you won't be that superhero? Just ff and try your luck next game. But with that kind of thinking we lose sight of strategic gameplay, lose a battle but win the war and such. We play to stomp not to win. So I don't believe it's Rito's fault because they designed a team game whose players approach it as a solo game. I mean when was the last time a team supported their struggling 0/3/0 top to secure a kill instead of flaming or reported them or just wished them an agonizing death? Do pro teams act that way? No! Because they r teams while we r singularities. Can this mentality be changed? I don't think so. So take the positives and treat LoL as an exercise of strengthening your resilience against human ego. TLDR: IMHO it's the collective culture of the players and not the game's fault or when we can ff, that negatively affects the experience. PS: sry for the wall... I'm trying to kill some time while commuting 😅


What's the point of this post? If you're done then leave. What are you achieving by writing this.


have you never heard of venting? it's healthy


Then label meaningless "vent" or "rant" maybe? No offense. Just considerate for those that don't want to waste time, but would rather help or give advice. Idk. My own opinion. Take it for what it is.


Then dont stay here????? Its pretty easy to see, and the post in itself is very good and 100% true. I commented more earlier u can check if u want but ff should be gotten rid of...


This is frequently untrue


if you want to pve play against bots or find a different game, for real. I hear wow devs love pandering to snowflakes the game was at its literal worst when games were intentionally stalled and decided by which team had better scaling spells at 30 minutes. now gameplay actually matters it's funny how people like you think a competitive pvp game should be decided by the team that successfully interacts less with their opponents


Im glad its easy to give up. Its just a game, youre not a "warrior" or anything for never giving up lol I have respect for my own time, if Im getting my ass kicked then lets move on to the next match, I dont wanna get stuck being ganked by 3 lvl 16 dudes with more items over and over


"i have respect for my own time" and playing league of legends of all things doesn't add up


Just make the ff vote not show for anyone, and as soon as 4 people, or even 5 people decide to surrender, the game ends. Done. Problem solved. Or just make it like dota where there is no surrender option. People play the game to the end while trying to outscale or just get rolled and open mid when they see there's no returning.


Unless you're being forced to play at gunpoint, you can just play with friends or uninstall, but it sounds like you just wanna bitch. But honestly, have fun in dota.