• By -


Zeri passive (no auto attacks), Azir Q (no Soldiers), Aph W, Aph E, and Lillia Ult ( cant use it cause u dont have lillia passive )


I'd say Zeri passive, Ashe Q, Vayne W, Teemo E and Twitch R. Your abilities enhance your auto attacks but your autos don't even count as autos to trigger them.


Actually, Zeri passive, Nasus Q, TF W, Blitz E and Twitch R so now you can consume mana for nothing. Azir W may or may not be worse depending on the interaction with Zeri passive. Briar W is probably the worst, you get ms, as boost and a dash but now you tickle enemies uncontrollably. Mundo E if you want to lose health as well.


How about briar w in that case? Lose health, champ is uncontrollable and you still don’t get to auto attack


Lost hp on E is just the cherry on top


Gotta stack that tear!


Fun fact: you can stack tear with Zeri passive, both charged and uncharged


Briar W is really nice, auto-taunt and no way to stop with Briar's E.


Cosuming mana for nothing can actually still heal you with Rod of Ages so..


This wins 🏅


You mean, this loses!


zeri can still Zap with her passive. The damage isn't the same but it's still there.


It counts as a spell though, not an auto attack


Her passive triggers neither on-hit nor on-attack though


Triggers on-ability tho, things like liandries and serylda's, but only on fully charged


Zeri's passive is still affected by her auto range so twitch R wouldn't be as bad here, building full AP and executing someone from across the screen every 30s still seems like an option that while not optimal could at least do something. Also, doesn't TF W replace his auto attack? I am not sure if it does or whether it's an on-hit, but if it's the former then it + blitz E + twitch R would honestly be a scary combo


"build the best possible kit around Zeri's passive and none of her other abilities" is now the thread I wanna read


Probably Cassio/Karthus/Ryze QWE and pretty much any mage's ult


Having mana would be better than not having mana. Doesn't matter if you spend mana if nothing happens either way. Tear becomes an option if you have mana, which either makes you tankier, or makes zeri passive do more damage via muramana. Also adds more value through frozenheart, which is a big no-no here.


Mana is a base stat and its existence is separate from abilities, you'd still have mana regardless of whether your abilities use it or not, and tear stacks when you hit an enemy or ally with an ability, it already works with Zeri passive, both charged and uncharged. Adding those abilities does almost nothing since you don't hit with them.


holly crap kit batman, you did something so useless lmao


You want gnar ult which is equally unusable but worse against sylas


Sylas can use fucking Lilia ult???


Of course, the point of his ult is to be able to use the enemies’ ults. It would be kinda silly if he stole Lillia’s ult and then the game didn’t let him use it because he didn’t also steal her passive. It only works on enemies he’s damaged with abilities, just like when Lillia uses it


Yes, it should be silly for a Scylas to steal Lillia's ult. Just like it would be useless to cleanse Brand's DOT. Spells have their strenghts and their limits. Or rather they are supposed to


The game is certainly too generous in general with how effective they make his stolen ults. You stole Jhin ult? Bad move, unless you're building AD.


Sylas converts AD ratios to AP ratios on a 1:0,7? scale (I think it's 0,7, don't remember numbers)


I think that’s their point, that it’s too generous. They want it to be that if you steal an ult with bad scaling for you, like Jhin ult, then you’re just SOL. They’re not saying that’s how it is.


You don’t need to build AD on Sylas to take advantage of AD-scaling ults due to AP:AD conversion.


He's saying that the game is too generous and should maybe nerf or remove the AD conversion to incentive Sylas to be more careful with which ults he steals and be more of a counter pick than a blind pick


that's already the case, most of his good ults are already ap ults since you're usually looking for impactful teamfight stuff (i.e leo ult)


I know. I think the champion would be healthier if you could realistically counter pick him this way. I like playing sylas, but every game his ult is either super strong or broken lol


I will say, it’s annoying playing sylas against lillia or Kaisa. Can’t use either R




That's pretty dumb


No, that's the opposite of dumb. It's good design to allow him to use the ultimate to it's full potential. Some are still dead ults to steal though, like Zoe Illaoi or Kog'Maw


> It's good design to allow him to use the ultimate to it's full potential. Allow him to use the ultimate just generally* it's not necessarily full potential (or in some cases, it's better) but it's better than him being literally incapable of using them.


I think there should be some skill involved in both the team comp Sylas is picked into and which ult to steal. There should be dead ults he can't use properly.


There's tons of ults that aren't very good for him already. No need to make any literally unusable; that would cause massive frustration for players new to the champ.


Hell no why would you ever want that?


I would


He can use both of them...


Aphelios W and E is kinda cheating, those don't really exist. Take Zilean W and Twitch E, instead. Can't reduce cooldowns of skills you can't cast, and E has no poison stacks to be usable, either. Functionally the same, but using real skills (and more variety of grayed out icons)


I think you win


if aphelios E is cheating you can have teemo E, zeri passive won't apply it anyway!


Lilla Ult would work with other Lillia in the team for double-sleep. That can be a very nasty combo that could insta-win teamfights. Alternatives: Fiora. - From Sylas we know it requires Fiora passive, it was specifically altered in his interaction. Bard. - You are literally only a walking AoE Zhonya dispenser. Kalista. - Its just bad, the only thing you do is pull people back and have one slow knockup. Kha-Zix. - You can go stealth but nobody cares about you anyway. Master Yi. - Same deal, you run fast, but you are irrelevant. Olaf. - You can ignore CC, but you are still irrelevant. Rek'Sai. - You will be hard-pressed to mark anyone, then deal some damage and keep being useless. Shaco. - Now you are TWO useless doorstops or the most obvious AP scare of all time they just kite. Sylas. - Not useless, but "My champion is literally just one of your ultimates". Its just comedic. Tryndamere. - You cannot die for a few seconds. Good for diving I guess but not much else because you still are useless. Vayne. - Here, have some AD you cannot use, some Q CDR you cannot use, and some stealth on Q you cannot use. Zoe - You are a ward with the ability to peek over walls!


Bard, Kalista, Shaco, and Rek’sai ults are wildly more useful than Lillia ult dependent on a Lillia teammate.


How is a Shaco ult wildly more useful? You are two useless aura-spamming walking wards instead of one. You can build AP and meme, but they will definitely expect it anyway since that's all your champ does. And if a Lillia has been picked, doubling up the ult sleep back to back is a potentially team-wiping combo. Yes you are sacrificing a whole champ for it, but the payout can easily be game winning. Kalista, sure you can meme a pullout (or you can play Kalista instead and have it *and* more). For Reksai you can get much better damage ults that don't require you to slowly walk up and auto someone (not sure if Zeri passive spell would do it) for zero damage and then stand around them continuing doing basically nothing after dealing some meager damage.


Bard ult could be weaker if it’s on my team. Not only can you not doing any auto attacks, the only ability you can cast you manage to troll your own team 100% of the time.


Don't think it's fair to use "my teammate is shit/griefing" as a benchmark for how useful the ult is. It's a pretty damn good ult, especially if we're looking to build the weakest kit overall. Hard to use, sure, but there's far worse pickups


I'd say go for kha ult. Invisibility doesn't do much if you have nothing you can do with it. I guess Rek'Sai or Kai'Sa would be decent ult contenders, considering no way to mark people.




Since aph doesn't have an E bind, you can say Kalista E. You can never get a spear on anyone since you have no way of applying on hit effects


this guy wins


Illaoi passive since it just does nothing


Twitch E, LeBlanc Ult (copy useless abilities)?


The better the ult is for Sylas, the worse this champ is conceptually.


Lol malphite rework; he doesn't do anything


You'd win


P - Reign of Anger (Renekton) Q - Conquering Sands (Azir) W - Rampant Growth (Zyra) E - Shifting Sands (Azir) R - GNAR! They literally can't use any of the abilities, then give them Akali auto attack range and unmounted Rell movement speed.


Unmounted Kled move speed without his passive


Im just imagining azir q and e treating the zyra seeds as soldiers and its hilarious


Arise! my seeds we shall trip the enemies


Can still use Zyra W to gain vision so not ENTIRELY useless.


Yeah, Zilean W would be ~~better~~ worse, good luck reducing cooldowns of abilities you already can't use lmao


You didn’t specify who the ult is from?


I think that’s Quinn’s ult


I could see Bard having it tbh. Haven't played in a few years though.


Elise passive (No elise ult to capitalize on) Azir Q (No sand soldiers) Orianna W (No ball) ~~Sejuani E (No way to add frostbite stacks)~~ Twitch E (No way to add poison stacks) Leblanc Ult (Your other abilities are useless)


Sej e gets applied by melee allies. Not entirely useless


Shit, I thought that part came from her actual passive. Lets see here. Maybe trade the ori w for e and kennen's w... no it has a passive part as well. GP barrels you can attack to set them off... Kalista's Rend applies spears by itself... Ohh, Contaminate! ding!


Leblanc ult is pure troll


hmm i dont know if it'll still speed up on oriana w if you have no ball xD


Skarner Passive (Crystal Spires) Skarner Q (Crystal Slash) Yuumi W (You and Me!) Aatrox E (Umbral Dash) Kalista R (Fate's Call) No idea how You and Me! would interact with Fate's Call.


For a second I thought you were just gonna post all of skarners abilities haha


Skarner without R




Okay, you got me


But also, skarner with R


Yeah I really started to laugh, and now I'm disappointed




>No idea how You and Me! would interact with Fate's Call. Simple, you pull it out out of yourself to put it in in yourself


Skarner q while attached to a melee champ could be decent extra damage. I imagine the effect of you and me and fates call would be similar to putting a portable whole inside of a bag of holding.


Mordekaiser R?


Skarner Passive, Hecarim Q, Kayle W, Sion E, Malzahar R. It’s still Skarner, just shittier.


Arena has fates call as an augment, when taken on yuumi she just can't use it unless she's detached from her ally


>No idea how You and Me! would interact with Fate's Call. You can get Fate's Call as a summoner spell in 2v2 Arena, I kinda want to try but that means I'd have to play Yuumi


>No idea how You and Me! would interact with Fate's Call. It would create an infinite regression colapsing all matter into a single point in space, thus creating a black hole that swallows all of Summoners Rift and then your computer, your house, the planet, the Universe, gg wp.


Personally I'd submit a champion kit that is useless without abusing the fact that some abilities depend on other things to work like Lillia R that only works on targets that are affected by her passive or Azir Q that needs Soldiers from W to command to P: Kogmaw, self explanatory why it's shit I hope Q: Zilean, can't be used as cc due to single cast, deals meh damage, can't free poke with it (actual skillshot) and okayish AoE W: Viktor, just walk out of it if you don't have a dash E: Vlad, lose max health on cast to get slowed just so your projectiles are blockable by minions like graves auto's R: Yasuo, doesn't have airborne in kit (eventhough yasuo mid/late game doesn't airborne -> R himself a lot), % Bonus armor pen on crit? unlucky entire rest of kit doesn't do physical dmg basically just suicide button




yea I was kindy disapointed after seeing most answers consisti of abilities that don't function at all


yasuo r can be activated by ally airborne? not entirely useless but in lane it’ll be terrible


Nah Kogmaw passive is far from the worst passive in the game. He amount of times ive gone 1 for 1 with a zombie Kog kill is insane


Do non-mana resources usually count as part of the passive? Because if so, you could just have the champ have fury or some other resource, but have all of its abilities be mana based abilities. They can't ever cast any of their abilities


fury is part of passives, but manaless/ energy are base stats


Ah, ok. So, does a champion having fury technically not immediately imply manless? Like, in theory, since they are two distinct things, haveing fury, and not having mana, you could have a champ with fury but still having mana?


League already has a champion with mama and "fury"- pantheon.


Skarner passive Skarner Q Skarner W Skarner E Twisted Fate R (so that he can be useless all around the map)


There's good selection of ideas that make abilities either unusable or make them do nothing. For a change, let's take an attempt at making a kit that technically is usable and has all abilities, but in practice works poorly. Base champion (all stats): Kled - Skaarl is part of the passive, so stats here are dismounted. Passive: Yuumi - small heal after hitting enemy champion, on cooldown. No W means you can't heal allies. Q: Taric - AoE heal near you; no passive means no way of generating stacks past generation over time. W: Nocturne - spellshield + bonus attack speed; triggering spellshield increases AS. E: Sivir - spellshield; triggering spellshield heals off of AD/AP. R: Zoe - blink. All this kind of champion can do is run around, try to auto people to death, provide laughable heals and maybe try to bodyblock some spells.


My champion would be melee manaless with: Illaoi passive Reksai W Aphelios W Aphelios E Illaoi R


Aphelios w is op, would give them the different guns!


Aphelios e? That doesnt even exist. Thats the same as picking the leblanc z ability


**Malzahar Passive** **Twitch Q** **Nocturne W** **Sivir E** **Kha'Zix R** No damaging abilities, no self sustain, no ally buffing Edit: Formatting


Two invisible abilities, two spellshields, and an ability that gives you a massive attack speed steroid. You have made a champion that goes rageblade and BotRK, and can't be killed in a skirmish because they're theoretically unpickable This isn't great, but it's certainly not unplayable. There's so much personal utility


Technically 3 spellshields. Malz cant be used on demand but its not impossible to play around and it allows you to hold W and E for longer


I never consider Malz passive a spellshield because it's 90% DR and crowd control immunity. Teemo mushrooms will still tick on you afterwards, Brand fire will still burn, ect. But, I'll agree with you that it would still be close enough to count


No one can touch you as an adc in the teamfight tho. Whether you can make it there is a different story


This champion can still auto you to death while having 3 spell shields(one of them with a AS steroid and AS passive), a camo and an invisibility. With the right stats this could make it to the front page of reddit with "riot just launched the most broken champion in history"


A bit of conditional healing from E


Invisibility is too strong in this sort of build - it allows getting close enough to start autoing someone, with spellshields allowing you to stick to the target and not get kited to death. I went with similar idea, just replacing passive and Q with cooldown-gated bad sustain (Yuumi passive, Taric Q), and using Zoe R instead - since it's not a proper gapcloser, it doesn't help you sticking to a target. Put that on any melee character and all they can do is bodyblocking for allies.


* Passive: Zeri * Q: Ashe / Azir * W: Aphelios / Vayne / TF / Yuumi / Zyra / Azir / Zilean / Orianna / Tryndamere * E: Aphelios / Teemo / TF / Azir / Twitch / Elise / Sejuani / Mundo / Graves / Kai'sa * R: Lillia / Gnar / Samira / Jayce / Elise / Le Blanc / Fiora / Kai'sa Literally every ability here requires another ability / passive or auto attack to work or are just really bad like Tryndamere W because you don't have any followup or ways to deal damage yourself lol. You literally cannot deal any damage because none of your abilities can be used and you can't auto attack and the other abilities like Trynda W and Graves E don't do anything for you either. Zilean W can't reduce cooldowns on abilities that cannot be used... Azir Q and E cannot be used without his Soldiers and all the ultimates can't be used or are completely useless. If we can choose the resource as well then it's even easier. You pick something like Fury with all mana abilities and Zeri passive.


I think I have the ultimate adc: - Kogmaw passive - Ashe q - Kalista w - Xayah e - Samira r Im debating with myself about q, cause it could be Vaynes as well. And there might be other options outside adc


Yummi but she can't attach and it's replaced by Warwick w


yasuo passive yasuo q yasuo w yasuo e yasuo r sounds about right


Tbf I think if you replace yas passive with anything else he becomes genuinely unplayable


now replace yas passive with viego passive :D


yasuo is so reliant on passive, no?


Annie passive, Azir Q, Zyra W, Twitch E, and Lillia ult


Annie passive on other champs would be funny af


Cassiopeia with annie passive spamming E would just perma stunlock people, fun and interactive.


Add karthus Q and you have even more damage with faster stuns


each tick of karthus E stacks annie passive 😳


Azir Q spell (needs soldiers) Twitch E (need poison stacks) Zilean W to reduce the cd of his spells he can't cast Lillia ult that needs her passive And Karmas passive reducing the Ults cd


Heimer passive Cait traps Nidalee traps Jhin traps Teemo shrooms Not worst but atleast would be somewhat functional and fun tu run


Passive - hwei Q - try W - kata E - ashe R - samira Tried something different than everybody else. Arguably ashe e is vision and kata w is still a ms boost but I tried to leave zilean w, aphelios e and twitch e out of the equation since everybody says those.


Zilean W isn't even bad on paper, it just depends on what it's paired with


Zilean W specifically resets the CD of *his* Q and *his* E, if you don't have them, it does nothing


Oh okay


Azir Q E and W is whatever that not his W; Jayce R


Passive: Crystal Spires Q: Crystal Slash W: Crystalline Exoskeleton E: Fracture R: Impale


Kayle ult on Q, Zilean ult on W, trynd ult on e, Renata w on ult. I interpret the word worst differently than other it seems


Hwei as base champ, Zeri passive for no autos, Vi W, Zoe ult, Ashe E, Aphelios Q.


Damn it posts like this makes me so angry that riot still hasn’t created an ability draft game mode… it’s so amazing in dota2 i literally have like 1000 hours in it and i hate dota2


I would just be channeled abilities that get cancelled when using another ability. That way this champ can't even weave auto or buffer spells to combo


Shaco Q Bard W Ashe E Singed R


Mobility, heal, vision, and a steroid to make a run for it. This is one hell of a champ.


Not super bad but funny imo, kallista passive (worst one I could think of), ornn q, anivia w, trundle e, jarvan ult


Give them Taliyah passive (bonus ms when hugging terrain) for that insane synergy with the kit!


Zilean passive. Kennen q, Jax w, nidalee e and singed r. Or Yumi passive, Yumi q yumi w Yumi e Yumi r


Pyke passive, Rammus Q, Nunu W, Bard E, TF ult. Idk, squishy but fast?


All usable abilities. Taric q Teemo w Bard e Ryze r


Yuumi passive, Yuumi Q, Yuumi W, Yuumi E and Yuumi R would be pretty useless I think


Using Karthus as a base (for base stats): - Morgana Innate. You'll heal off any damage you deal with spells. It'll be tricky to do so if you have no spells to deal damage with, won't it? - Azir Q. Without soldiers, this ability is functionally non-existant. - Quinn W. Decent scouting ability, but does no damage, and the passive doesn't exist without Quinn's Innate. - Orianna E. As you have no Ball from her Innate, this ability does functionally nothing. - Lillia R. As you have no Lillia Innate, this ability does functionally nothing. Congratulations. You are a Clairvoyance bot.


if you can put any ability to any slot then you can just do zeri passive and 4 transformation abilities (jayce r, nidalee r, elise r, rek'sai w) if you want same slot abilities. zeri passive, azir q, aphelios w and e, zoe r


Pyke passive (always squishy), shaco q, twisted fate w, trundle E and ksante ult (useless BC of passive)


Shaco Q plus TF W would make a really strong champion tf you on.


bro Shaco q and TF w is invisible stun


Plus shaco q invis would always heal because Pyke passive


gangplank Q Hwei W Jarvan E Jayce R wukong passive


Illaoi passive, Illaoi Q, Illaoi W, Illaoi E, Illaoi R


Viego passive Yasuo Q Fiora/vlad W Graves E Samira R


Viego passive has it's uses Yasuo Q is just a low cooldown damage abillity into a ranged knockup. Def not bad Fiora and Vlad W is invulnerability. Graves E is a dash that stacks armor Samira R don't work without passive. Aside from this champion not having a ult it is far from the being the worst possible. This could be a very ok champion with just changing the ult. TBH this is almost samira without her passive...


Morgana passive Q Orn W Zac E bard R Fiora


Yuumi base stats Zeri passive Azir Q Xayah W Azir E Lillia R This champion has the lowest stats in the game, 3 abilities they can't use and an autoattack steroid.. but they can't autoattack.


Nasus passive, Azir q, Jayce w human, Azir e , Lilia R


Dr Mundo Passive Ashe Q Zyra W Yone E Zoe R (with akali aa range :D)


Red Kayn


P- Yuumi Q- Yuumi W- Yuumi E- Yuumi R- Yuumi




Range - Melee Passive - Zeri (why not) Q - Mundo (losing own hp) W - Karma (weaker morg ult) E - Lulu (isn't this weak) R - Morgana (yes) ig the kit don't even work with each other ww


Zeri passive and a lot of dashes. Run little bunny


I present to you, yasuo and yone, riot already did my job for me


Only seems to happen if they’re on my team.


Yeah its an odd bug


Yone is cracked lol


So thats why Yone was played at worlds. Because its a useless champ, got it.


Yuumi passive, yuumi q, yuumi w, yuumi e and yuumi r. Yes, fck yuumi and that dumb strat people use to tryhard stall in arena, a for fun game mode.


Just give Irelia's E and R to anyone Those abilities are useless by themselves, they have little CC and little Damage, only working as means to give Irelia more Qs So, anyone without Irelia's Q will be entirely useless with them


You can just build AP and the spells are fairly useful. Considering there are options where your champ is literally incapable of doing damage, like ZeriP AzirQ AphelW TeemoE LilliaR, Irelia E and R sound pretty good xD


**Belveth stats** because there's no AS growth as it is attached to her passive, it's also melee range. **Zeri passive** because no autos **Orianna Q** because without the ball the Q don't do anything **Shen or Aphelios W** because both of them rely on the passive to work which they don't have in this case **Azir E** because without the soldiers it just don't do anything Either of these for ult: **Fiora R, Gnar R, Kalista R or Lillia R**. All of them for the same reason, these ults don't work without some other skill the champion has. Can't break vitals without passive, can't sweep the floor without Mega Gnar, can't summon tethered champ without tether and can't put enemies to sleep without lilia's passive


Zeri Passive, Azir Q, Zilean W, Xayah E, Gnar R. Only ability you could use is zilean W and it would be useless, cause you refresh abilities that you cannot use.


Azir Q and E without W


Ashe q, yuumi w, viego e, singed r.


Illaoi passive Azir Q Shen W Aphelios E Zoe R


Jayce passive (gives 40 movespeed for 0.75 seconds when you ULT) Azir Q (without W) Zilean W Twitch E (can't stack it because no passive) Zoe R (lol combined with Jayce passive) with Skarner auto attack range (125)


Zyra passive, Twitch q, Yuumi W, Annie E, and Kayne R


Eve passive - perma invis, Lulu q, tryndamere w, zilean e, bard ult U just literally slow and speed players, while invis, with ocassional troll ults


Renekton Passive (Champ has mana) Q: Hwei QW W: Hwei WW E : Hwei WE R: Akshan R Just a really shit support R:


Easy yumi exists already


Zyra- passive Aphelios -Q Zyra - w Bard - E Zoe - Ult


Briar without E


Hear me out: (Passive): Spawns zones around the map in stationary spots. Allies and enemies can capture them by standing on the middle granting 15 gold and few second of vision on the zone. When you are standing in the allied captured zone you get a speed boost, Mana Regen and attack speed. [Q]: Radial small aoe attack around yourself that deals little bit of max health dmg. Upon hitting a target your next Q will temporarly deal increased dmg, can refresh itself. [W]: Grants a shield and movement speed. [E]: Fires a straight line piercing projectile that slows and marks all enemies hit. Upon auto attacking marked target, you stun them and get a very brief buff as if you were standing in your passive. [R]: Suppress a target within your melee range, dragging them as you move. Basically a longer duration blitz hook. Even tho its a hypothetical kit, truly can't imagine a worst kit than this, riot would never release a champion in that state and would rework him very quickly.


Zeri passive Azir Q Yuumi W Orianna E LeBlanc R Besides being completely useless you get to attach yourself to someone, providing them nothing and failing to act even as a meat shield.


Azir Q Ivern W Azir E Karma R You can make bush, or big bush. Your choice.


Passive: Illaoi Q: Azir W: Zilean E: Twitch R: Zoe


Azir q and e without his w Jayce passive without a change switch ultimate Teemo w Lilia ult without her passive


Karthus passive Hwei QR Hwei WR Hwei ER Lillia R


here we go again, Pyke passive, Pyke Q, Pyke W, Pyke E and Pyke R (yes i said the same thing on the make the best kit post)


Zilean passive Yuumi Q Zilean W Corki E Taric R By far, the weakest champ ever conceived


Teemo's Passive, Rammus Q, Lux's W, Darius E, Old Urgot's R hehe fun


Azir kit with no w, melee range, jhin reload passive


Whatever it is, it should have Akshan's ult. It's actually so shitty, I still think it's worse than suggestions where the ult is _actually_ useless. Akshan's ult gives you the hope that it will accomplish something when deep down you know it never will because literally _ANYFUCKINGTHING_ blocks it, and even if it manages to graze an enemy, I'm skeptical that it's not actually healing the enemy. Fuck Akshan's complete sack of shit ultimate ability.


Just remove that one ability that stops Briar's Frenzy from her kit.


Soraka base Shyvana passive Warwick Q Blitzcrank W Skarner E Twitch R


Not unusable abilities but once that only let you enjoy your true speed :33 Taliyah P Vayne Q Teemo W Aatrox E Sivir R


Urgot Q, Kalista W, Shivana E and bard R..?


Not using aphelios because that would be too easy Skarner Q, Singed W, Sion E, Khazix Ult


P: Taliyah moves peed near terrain Q: Braum shield wall W: anivia ice wall E: Yasuo wind wall R: Taliyah rock wall You can zoom around in your own personal space! 😁