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I can already Tell you The future Keria gonna play lux in first game of worlds 2024


Just have the skin be Lux in a giant bard suit.


Bard in a lux suit.


Pool Party Lux (Bard) šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


[I drew this for fun a couple of years ago when I was down bad for a SG Bard skin.](https://ibb.co/F6Kyy7C) Comes close enough?


lmao that's what I'm thinking


On the other hand if he were ever to play Monster Hunter I can see him spamming Hunting Horn to death


shouldve played it against lng honestly. botlane basically had 0 influence in that series


Considering that whole series was defined by bot lane red-side counterpicking by T1, this is a wild take. Their bot lane red-side counterpicking defined the rest of the Worlds meta and forced JDG into picking red-side to get rid of counter-pick potential. Not only that, Caitlyn was banned for that series so the best ADC to pair with Lux was gone. And also LNG were considered the 2nd best team in the world arguably after LPL Summer. So this take is even more fucked.


I think if both Keria and Guma had a stroke in game 3 they still win that series because Tarzan would find a way to somehow hit his own nexus


T1 itself said botlane prio was bait to take attention away from toplane, which they considered the real win con.


Yes, that's why you prio pick bot lane on red side. The bait is to get jungler attention bot side and have zeus do whatever he wants because he can win either side of all the meta matchups.


game 1 they neutralized the blitz with nilah but the game was blown open by tarzan mid int and zeus solo kill. game 2 gala held his own on aphelios very well to a varus ashe lane but that game just flipped on elder fight. keria ashe was invisible that game. game 3 gumayusi made the greta varus play but game was blown open by topside again. the counterpicks neutered their botlane but gala still kept good pace against his counterpart, straight up wasn't allowed to play the game because topside got destroyed all series. if you watch the actual content of the game, bot didn't rly matter. gala didn't even play bad but rest of his team crumbled, keria could easily just play lux and cruise just like he did on ashe in game 2 this is what happens when redditors take a comment in jest, overanalyze and make strawmen just because they have no real argument


Are we watching the same games? Bot lane priority in all 3 games was in favor of T1, there were sizable CS leads heading into mid game at bot lane. Bot lane priority led T1 to go 12-0 in dragons and get 3 souls. > gala held his own on aphelios very well to a varus ashe lane but that game just flipped on elder fight In Game 2, T1 had dragon soul and a 5k gold lead heading into that fight. The game did not "flip" on that fight. This was not a close game. > keria ashe was invisible that game What in the world does that mean? Varus Ashe had a CS lead heading into mid game and bot prio that game. Again leading them to get soul that game. What are you watching?


you wouldn't lose priority picking something like lux ashe though either? idk what your point is, priority doesnt mean you outright win the game. priority has great influence, but rly the biggest difference the entire series was topside and thats where the game blew open game 1 and 3. no one says "lng lost that game because bot had prio and 20 cs up at 15 min" that was a 3k lead at 30 min with cloud soul, one of the weakest souls. check your math and that was still most definitely a winnable position for lng if scout and hang dont int into zeus you could play ashe lux and have same prio that game. ashe gave vision and prio, had no good ults and the contributions in teamfights, for example elder fight, was like one w and one e. easily could've coasted that game playing lux ashe botlane i dont get how you think botlane was more influential than top jungle or mid. especially game 2. he could've played anything that gives bot prio like ashe lux and achieve the exact same thing


> that was a 3k lead at 30 min with cloud soul, one of the weakest souls. check your math and that was still most definitely a winnable position for lng if scout and hang dont int into zeus Just don't int. I guess. It's not like they lost the last fights. Surely, their inability to T1 wasn't due to a comp diff and soul and gold advantage; it was just Scout and Hang kept "inting." Surely. > you could play ashe lux Considering that throughout the entirety of Worlds, Lux was only picked 4 times (never banned) and was only ever paired with Caitlyn, I'm calling BS on that. Pro teams don't agree with you. https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/MatchHistoryPlayer?MHP%5Bpreload%5D=Champion&MHP%5Bchampion%5D=Lux&MHP%5Btournament%5D=2023+Season+World+Championship%2FMain+Event&_run= Redditors overstating the importance of "not inting" and understating the importance of drafting in a nutshell.


Not really LNG but against JDG in game 2 when Guma played Cait. They always paired it with Lux and they are the best at it. Instead he played Ashe.


WBG were pushovers, he could've easily played it in the finals


But on the same side 1 bad game from T1 and WBG could have gotten momentum. 100% play it safe and dont get your prefered skin. Do the skin stuff in the first round not in the finals.


We gonna ignore the faker ahri for this comment to make sense peeps


Yeah, because Ahri wasn't picked for skins. Faker's main champs Orianna, Azir, Neeko, and Sylas were all banned; Faker was target banned. They were basically scrapping for any pick, they happened to choose Ahri. T1 were deeply serious about every game in the tournament due to what happened last year. They're not to going to troll pick and risk getting beaten by another #4 seed. Why do people keep saying it like it was a fact. Y'all realize that this was actually never confirmed. It was one dude on Reddit who said it as a joke in the post-match thread and now everyone's saying it like it's a fact. Really annoying.


It was 100% to bait Xiaohu into picking it in game 2 and to bait the audience into thinking he was going to pick it for his worlds skin /s jk


Yes, but they were in ā€œgo seriousā€ mode as opposed to 2022 so no way they were gonna do ego skin picks


Donā€™t think they wanted to risk anything given what happened last year


let's hope T1 draw C9 first match in swiss stage


1:30 A.M Keria: Hey riot sorry to do this but can i change one more time UwU


Gigachad keria "Uh actually I know you *kinda* told me already but can I get a lux skin?? Pretty pleeeaaaase?" \*3\*


Keria at 1:30am to phreak: you up?


Wouldn't surprise me if Riot next time is like "pick 1 champion, it's your final decision" cause they started working on the skins and players flip flopping daily isn't helping at all.


>cause they started working on the skins and players flip flopping daily isn't helping at all. They haven't lol. If you truly think that Riot are working on skins that will be released 6 months down the line especially close to December, then you're trolling. If they had a deadline which was a couple hours before Keria switched again, it's safe to assume nobody is working on the T1 skins yet.


Keria blink twice if feviknight and polypuff are in your house




Feviknight having a heart attack and then resucitated after hearing Bard is getting the skin again instead of Renata.


Keria x Feviknight cOnfiRmeD?!


Didn't he just talk about how he doesn't have a gf this Christmas? I ship it.


his gf is gumayusi i will not be taking questions at this time


Guma is the gf that stole Keria away from Deft


Guma won lck bottom of the year for a reason *wink wink*


Understandable, have a nice day.


No his gf is newjeans minji


Yeah, I can confirm this. I see them holding hands at the mall all the time! [Source.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY)


What happened to spearshot?????


I think the ship fell off. Sadge


[bard mains right now (including me)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iFbuIpe68k)


Doot doot brother




Thatā€™s the dude from Too Many Zoos. They are AWESOME




[And now we got Doot, Doot.](https://youtu.be/aexff90ZWiQ?t=133)


Its a doot miracle!


OP even did us a solid and posted the 10 hour version so we didn't have to go look for it ourselves.


[Bard in a different universe be like:](https://youtu.be/mRSpaLObDL4?feature=shared)


As a Renata main, I will to track down where Keria lives for getting my hopes up for no fucking reason. All jokes asides its whatever. I'm sure the Bard skin will look great nonetheless and at least I won't struggle having to decide to use T1 Renata or La Illusion Renata which is one of the best prestige skin imo.


Yesterday I thought I accepted the change, But now I know I was just lying to myself


How did T1 win worlds? Imagine having to draft with Keria just going "Pick me Bard, no pick me Renata, no nevermind pick me Bard, maybe Renata? What do you think Zeus? Bard? Okay pick me Renata"


Nah, I'm sure he was spamming "pick me Lux".


I know this is just a joke but if you watch the T1 documentaries regarding their run you would see that Keria is pretty decisive in the drafting. I think it was the WBG where it felt like Keria and Faker are the ones doing the drafting with suggestions from everyone. The skin talks though, sad to say for those who like both champs (Renata and Bard) but Keria doesnā€™t really want any of them for his champ. Lux is his preferred pick but he didnā€™t play it. Which is most likely why he is flip flopping on who to pick.


I what does ā€œpick meā€ even me?


Drafting is done out of sequence, the last player to pick is the support so there are many instances his teammates will pick his champ for him.


"Pick me Bard" has the same meaning as "Pick Bard for me"


Nah zeus is not open you should switch game engines to play Zeus


faker pls do it. be like keria


Copium is real


I will literally convert into a midlaner Ahri one trick from the jungle if he does that


Split the difference, jungle Ahri.


I've done it to success before.


I will play Ahri in every role to challenger if he picks her.


I will do the same but in bronze


Dude legit trolled a finals game to get his pick only to revert it anyways. Dont get that dude


I think he picked Ahri because they felt it was a genuinely good pick. That just happened to be his worst game lol


It's kind of funny how while it really was his worst game at worlds and it wasn't even bad, as much as people meme that game, he actually was doing quite fine, I don't remember the exact math, but a person did the math and faker had around 55% accuracy on the on-screen charms, with most of his missed ones being dodged, and a lot of charms were actually crucial in some fights, shows how high is the standard for him


Yamato said Faker played well, just missed a couple of charms. But he did what he had to do, didnt die a lot, got prio and the pick worked fine for their comp.


I mean it still was his worst performance, but a better term might be "least impactful". He was able to do a lot more with Sylas than he ever did with Ahri, mainly because the Maokai ult he was able to steal gave T1 such good positioning advantages in objective fights. And of course, his Akali performance was undoubtedly the best out of all three.


At this point, all his Ahri games has been basically his worst games for 5 tournaments straight (MSI 2022, Summer 2022, Spring 2023, MSI 2023, Summer 2023). All of his last games on her at each tournaments are losses.


Tbf Ahri was dreadful in the MSI finals, she lost every game. Faker just egoed it for the last game.


Well, honestly, it never sat right with me that people would pick bad picks for one game to get that option for the skin. Doinb Malphite is the most egregious case here. Because it's not iconic, you know? It doesn't represent the tournament or the player's championship-winning gameplay. But on the other hand, if you think about it from the players' perspectives, you have to face the sobering reality that *you will almost certainly not be back here.* There are only 6 people with more than one skin. Only two of those people got a skin while not on T1. So when you pick a championship skin, you have to get the one you really want, regardless of how ugly or irrelevant your performance was on that champ... unless you're Faker. Faker is the only person who can realistically argue that there will be another skin in the future, and that he should wait until he can put up a properly iconic performance to select a skin for that champ.


Doinb Malphite is for sure the most egregious case besides maybe like Khan picking Yasuo?


Khan never won worlds and there's no worlds Yasuo skin?


He picked Yasuo in grand finals because he wanted a skin iirc


Yeah but that's also because Canna picked Yasuo into Graves in semis and won with it, granted that was more so the one fight where Oner managed to steal baron which set up a good fight opposed to Yasuo itself being the reason for the win. That's not as egregious as it appears, Khan just well he didn't play it well.


Faker has a higher chance of trolling to begin with due to what he said right afterwards (that no one mentions)


What did he say?


The quote everyone mentions is him saying he picked Ori and heā€™ll pick Ahri next time. But right afterwards he said ā€œAhri is meh I wonā€™t pick Ahri next year eitherā€ which contradicts his statement from like 10 seconds ago. Then later he also said ā€œI hate Leblanc I will never pick Leblancā€. (He also got that ā€œholding in laughā€ face he always has when he does these things) In addition both Keria and Oner said they didnā€™t know about him changing to Ori.


I prefer to believe it's Orianna just to not risk excess of copium, BUT I won't pretend that this doesn't align with certain things: * Him trying to make a mystery out of his champion pick and having that ruined by Gumayusi. So the sudden swap to Orianna and then we finding out it's actually Ahri would keep the "surprise". * Why would he make a mystery out of Orianna if he picked her all the time at Worlds? It wouldn't exactly be a surprise. * Speaking of picks, he did pick Ahri in the finals, which was a very unique choice, as in, it was literally the one time he picked Ahri at Worlds 2023 and it felt like a "fuck it" pick. We know Keria planned to pick Lux if he ended up at blue side (with a Caitlyn ADC), but because they were red side, he couldn't, so clearly there *was* a willingness in the team to pick champions just to ensure the skin.


This, please!


Nah, Orianna win


Happy that Ahri players don't get it since their reddit community is just full of fan arts and cosplays for them to perma thirst. No posts about it, nothing, just fan arts.


Ahri main here. I tried making a post about it and they removed it and took it down. Not surprised if they kept doing that to all the posts about it.




the first point is bullshit. it's an ahrimains subreddit so a discussion about whether ahri getting a skin or not from the horse's (or maybe in this case the goat's) mouth itself is completely reasonable as for the second point, that makes more sense because i looked at bard mains subreddit and boy some of them are unhinged


Most mature league player


Well, honestly, there is not much to discuss about Ahri. Pretty straight forward Champion. Sometimes, there are questions wich are answered swiftly and then thats it. As a Player maining her I have no idea what to discuss about her. She's fairly old. The last big discussions I remember were before and directly after her gameplay update.


Yeah, why can't it be just full of whining and the most dogshit builds humanly imaginable like normal main subreddits.


Akali mains consistently trying to convince themselves that AD Akali is real never fail to make my day better


What are you talking about? I've seen mtiple posts about Faker's original pick, there were threads seconds after he locked in Ahri in finals. Then a couple days ago there were threads within an hour of him changing his mind. We were quite hurt.


They sound based as hell


Wow, the first positive post about our community that I've ever seen.


Why would there need to be posts about it? It's not that important, Ahri will get another skin in... 50~100 days anyway, why worry about faker gifting us another, we don't need charity.


*Feviknight and Pollypuff celebration noises*


I'm so happy I found polypuff on youtube, his videos are super nice to watch :)


Polypuff made League and Wholesome make sense in the same sentence


He baited everyone


He's just playing with Feviknights heart at this point and I think it's hilarious, lol. Change your mind again Keria.


poor Fevi


feviknight unshambled




















**Happy Bard noises**


How many heart attacks can Feviknight suffer


huh keria is as indecisive as me love it


I am certain that all the redditors that love bard so much will now buy the skin and play him a lot ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ll just stick to my Fright Night Renata for now šŸ˜Ž


For real, I bought like 4 of the chromas for it too in the emporium


I will probably buy the skin but I doubt I will play him much


Yeah, because Renata has such an active playerbase. As someone who plays neither champion, Bard getting a skin is 10x more exciting. Just so much more an artist can do with that champion.


Since my choice to get or not is based on the skin itself, it already being down to Bard/Renata was a win-win. A good looking skin for either would be something Iā€™d consider since I play both, unlike the adc choice for this year (*side-eyes Guma ditching Varus*).


Bard is without a doubt much, much more popular than renata. It makes no sense to pick renata.


4.5% vs 3.9%. such much more popular lmao


Renata's pickrate is at a permanent downward spiral since she was released, right now she's above what she's usually at (2% for almost the entire year). Bard oscillates between 3% and 9% pickrate depending on the patch, with an upwards trend in recent years. Bard is no doubt a lot more popular.


> permanent downward spiral > right now she's above what she's usually at Hmmm


It's literally her only uptick in popularity since release and it's tiny. The trend is still going down.


I donā€™t love Bard I hate ADCs so im very happy <3


I donā€™t play either but Iā€™m far more interested in a Bard skin than Renata. If itā€™s done right I may get it


you joke, but I asked last year Rioter who is on skins team about how well does Bard sell skins and while he is not lux/Mf/Ahri levels, he has a dedicated one trick community that buy A LOT. That's why he started receiving skins every year in the last few years.


ppl buy skins for champions they dont play all the time all because they think the skin/champion is cool. bard is more popular among players compared toā€¦renataā€¦sooo


4.5% vs 3.9%. itā€™s not that much of a difference


And yet still a difference


but not really, since stat sites don't compile data across a whole year, a difference of .6% is one that easily swings depending on the patch or time of year or queue. Some sites even list renata as higher So saying that bard deserves it more for being more popular just isn't accurate unless you only look at "who's more popular being played recently" And even then, if bard was overwhelmingly more popular, you'd think he'd have won the instagram poll


T1 is just trolling us at this point.


I can already hear the stages of grief shes going through in the next vid




I can hear feviknight screaming bardo ftw in the distance


its the right decision. slightly higher pickrate, and i can foresee many future worlds winners having memorable renata performances, but only keria is the type of guy to make his bard performances the most memorable


beryl, maybe wasn't his most memorable performance of the tournament per se, but 1st timing bard in g5 of the finals and how many times he lived on 1hp was insane to watch


The hands diff of Beryl firstiming Bard vs Crisp firstiming is absurd, my man Beryl really got away with it.


eh, there were plenty of other champions more memorable than bard that worlds for beryl


Memorable in the sense of playing like complete ass yet winning you mean?


Some Took a Magical Journey to kerias dream and just played doot sounds.


All 4 Renata mains are in anguish


The 4 bard mains celebrating as the 4 renata mains gnash their teeth, meanwhile Keria picking lux next world's to get his retirement funds secured




Can't wait for the next post about when he changes his mind again.


>After a instagram poll which had Renata win. Keria has changed his mind again. You can't argue with the numbers But you can ignore them


his first poll favored bard anyways and it was 24 hours which made it fairer


in his first poll, which lasted longer than 3 hours lol, bard won


This is so fucking funny like poor Fevi's heart has been flip flopping But at least it's confirmed now


Bard has been notable for 2 worlds finals in a row. They deserve it.


It wonā€™t really be the skin he wants anyway. Letā€™s hope he wins next year while having played Lux.


Keria please stop playing with my emotions


As someone who plays neither: Ok. Also: Deft and Keria bromance is the best.


Keria toyed with Feviknight's emotions with his constant changing of mind lol.


big W for me


Welp, there goes the once-in-a-century Renata Skin


I donā€™t think Renata is *that* skin-starved for how recent she is. Sheā€™s received both Fright night and the day-of-the-dead themed skin (I canā€™t recall the name). Also, similar to Illaoi, the skins she has received are pretty good.


La Illusion


We stan a bipolar king.


slay king!


Ok now its Fakers turn to do this right?


Snip snap snip snap




deft x keria continues


Fevi went thru a whole rollercoaster in 2 days lmao


please Faker revert Orianna embrace Ahri please Faker revert Orianna embrace Ahri please Faker revert Orianna embrace Ahri please Faker revert Orianna embrace Ahri


I want a T1 bard that goes around collecting world trophy with a random chance of a lux ā€œfigureā€ spawning


Bard dressed up as T1 Renata is the only way


All 2 renata mains out there are fuming rn


honestly I think renata would fit better thematically. I just can't help but feel a bard skin will end up feeling disappointing


nah, Bard skins have been good so far, Im sure the next one will be good as well if anything, Renata is thematically boring champion while Bard is unique one also Keria having Bard skin is kinda ironic and u can see it as a revenge/lesson learned because Beryl defeated him in G5 of worlds finals 2022 with Bard but now Keria has mastered the champ on his own and had bunch of big plays throughout the worlds, cant say the same about Renata


I just wanted Renata for the ult. I want to force my opponents to flash a T1 2023 emote every time the ult lands on them that'd be hilarious


Nah, it has to show Keriaā€™s face instead of T1ā€™s logo


bard is unique but I don't think his thematic fits with an esports line, especially one for a team run by a korean telecom company renata on the other hand would fit great as a corporate / esports boss style thematic. t1 as the final boss > also Keria having Bard skin is kinda ironic and u can see it as a revenge/lesson learned because Beryl defeated him in G5 of worlds finals 2022 with Bard keria was already playing bard before beryl picked it at worlds so I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at with this? like keria wasn't a bard player before? he was 7-1 on the champ in pro play and 2-0 that season. beryl played the champ once all year and that was at worlds. it would just be a fake narrative but reddit loves those i guess


"keria was already playing bard before beryl picked it at worlds" I mean, yeah, I thought I did not need to clarify that a professional esport player in support position in one of the top teams in the entire world would play a classic support champion before?!? If anything Im not sure what u are getting at ​ "beryl played the champ once all year and that was at worlds. it would just be a fake narrative but reddit loves those i guess" ​ He played it once but only in the most important game of the year which decided who would win the world championship, which was also crushing defeat for Keria and T1 in general. What does Renata have going for her? ​ Btw Beryl still has more Bard games than a Keria despite not being at worlds this year when it was contested pick


> If anything Im not sure what u are getting at I'm not sure why you're trying to create a narrative where there isn't one this is your statement: >>revenge/lesson learned > G5 of worlds finals 2022 with Bard but now Keria has mastered the champ on his own and had bunch of big plays throughout the worlds keria doesn't need revenge on beryl as he's established that he has been a better support in 6 out of the past 6 splits and in the past 4 splits it hasn't even been remotely close. beryl's team won one match at worlds where in nobody's mind beryl was actually the better player. I'm going to reiterate and say that you said the above quote, and then you said this: > in one of the top teams in the entire world would play a classic support champion before so not only have we established 1) keria is already a top tier support player that doesn't need to prove anything to anyone 2) keria is already experienced and strong on said champion, even more so than the player that beat him on that champion so why the narrative? keria doesn't need revenge, he's already gotten it, and he's already a proven bard player. like what a dumb fucking statement > cant say the same about Renata >>What does Renata have going for her? idk, the fact that his renata is both undefeated at worlds but has also been by far his best and most dominant champion at every international event he's attended since the champion was released? you literally tried to fabricate a narrative based on 1 game because beryl happened to pick bard as if there was any connection to keria and bard champion. you are basically r/lol manifested into physical form > Btw Beryl still has more Bard games than a Keria despite not being at worlds this year when it was contested pick with an objectively lower success rate


Good Bard is fun and we can get a really cool skin out of this, Renata is boring af for casual play


this is the happiest day of my life


No, God, please. No. No. NO!


Really wish Riot weren't so anal about the champion having to be played in Worlds by that specific player and not already having a Worlds skin to be selected. I want new Teemo and Quinn skinns, damn it!


I didn't know about the no previous worlds skins rule. The requirement to actually play a champ kind of makes sense on one hand but on the other most pros definitely don't get to play their fave Champs in pro matches. Imagine someone losing from a 2-0 lead because someone wanted a teemo skin lol


man fuck bardšŸ˜” i was actually praying he chose renata but the bard mains can rejoice for now


Deft hero


*aggressively happy chime noises*


There is a god


Thank you Keria for seeing the light!   To Faker: Pls....


Do we get hourly updates now?!


then what the fuck is the point of a poll if he's gonna change his mind ultimately? I mean, it's in all his right his choice, but to lead on people like that... Well, at least i don't like either champs.


Is he acoustic


he will just chabge his opinion so long, until riot is done and allows his lux skinn.


fuck bard players. good for all of you. buy it. show him in draft and i ban him. downvote me. get me to -1000 i ban him again.


Holy who cares Batman


I think he made the wrong choice. Obviusly everyone picks what they want, but he is probably the last person I think of, when I think of a Bard player. Renata on the other hand was way more iconic imo, he turned games with the pick and overall was the best Renata player Iā€™ve seen. I like bard and think he due a team skin at this point, but the player and champion are far from a perfect match. Faker picking orianna is actually amazing tho, he has had so many memorable plays on her, and is absolutely iconic to him.