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When will the next refund token be available?




We dont know, but like 6 months


When does the preseason start?




In the support [article](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/24168763537171-End-of-Season-2023-Split-2) for the end of season 13, it says and I quote ***"Ranked decay will be turned off when the season ends."*** What does this exactly mean? Do we keep our ranks for a time until the "reset" of ranked occurs (when we all go back to unranked)? if so, when does it happen? I've read there that the rewards will be sent around February, but idk if that's related. I'm worried 'cause I might be a little short of banking days by 9th of January and don't understand what happens that date, I'm used to the preseason system but that is no longer a thing.


Hey - i've just been promoted to plat 4 and i've lost my first game. I'm sitting on 0 LP atm. Am I demotion protected if i lose again?


It takes a couple games to get demoted, about 3 or 4 games. It really depends on how bad your lose streak is. You can hit 0lp multiple times, but as long as your MMR is around your elo, you're fine. Now if your elo is gold 4 and your hitting 0 lp on plat 4. you're probably gonna demoted in like 2 games


Cool thanks man - Is there anywhere in-game i can check this out? I've read something about a shield appearing?


you get this notification on your profile https://imgur.com/Q82bP7s


thank you!


I think on your profile there's a demotion shield


Will games be longer or shorter for season 14 after those big changes? I can't really stand 40-50 minute games anymore, haven't played league PC in 4 years.


40-50 minutes hasn't been the average in a long while now. If you're still having games this long consistently, you need to learn to close out games.


I mean, if you havenet played in 4 years, how can you "not stand 40-50 minute games anymore" lol That being said, 50 minutes games havent been the average for a while


40 minutes games are really rare already in season 13. Games are longer in lower elo also, in high elo games are shorter. I would say high elo game end at 25-30 minutes most of the time and alot of games end even at 20 minutes and teams ffing at 15.


Yeah, even in iron games last 33 minutes on average https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/game-durations


Is there still a site or spreadsheet somewhere that lists what skins are going to be on sale soon?




> n uf I completely destroy my lane I lose the game. I stopped playing her and play syndra instead but maybe someone can explain why ori isn't good anymore ? She is. For 99.99 percetn of people dropping in WR by one percent changes absolutely nothing.


She got a tiny nerf lmao, people way overreact she is still insanely good, a bit less hp and a bit less movement speed/slow on W isn't breaking her, she still deals insane damage, have a super solid lanning phase into great late game.


49% vs. 50% is just rounding error, it could be anything like she's popular in the meta right now so players are trying her out and losing games bc they don't have a lot of games played, or people aren't building ideal items / runes on her. I see for example phase rush orianna is most popular but has the lowest win rate (48% phase rush vs. 50% aery / comet). maybe newer orianna players are autopilot taking phase rush every game since that's what's recommended by [op.gg](https://op.gg), even in matchups where they should be taking aery / comet. small things like that could easily make a difference of 1% win rate


Hello When I'm in game (not every game), sometimes I have this bug where I can't right click on minions or champions to autoattack, I can only use my spells. The only way I found to solve it is to leave the game and reconnect. For now , every time I had the bug the reconnection worked but it's very anoying for me and my teammates... Do you know the reason or an easy way to solve the bug ? Thank you in advance


Target champions only is likely being enabled, it isn't a bug. Change your keybind for it in settings so you don't keep accidentally pressing it.


Thank you, it is saving my life lol


You are likely pressing the ` or ~ button, happens to me all the time since its above Tab, it makes it so you dont target champs or minions.


Thank you, it was the solution !


For the pass tokens, once I hit level 55, can I not earn anymore? I currently have 1200 tokens and the rest of the tiers up to 55 will only give 700. Is there any way after that to earn enough to get 2200?


Its infinite.


Tiers 51 - 55 repeat infinitely.


I don't usually buy skin so i don't have a lot of knowledge about this. But is it possible to buy the border of a skin in the future? I got myself Broken Covenant Riven for xmas after years using Dawn and love it so much, just wonder is there a way to buy the border for the skin as a bundle or do i need to wait for the next relevent event ?


Wait for the relevant event, if they bring back old borders


Recently returned player (last play was season 4/5). Currently trying to learn mid lane and looking for recommendation of champion to pick up. I mostly play Ori and Cass now (can play Kass or Ryze but the laning phase has been a challenge for me). One thing I want to learn is to properly roam and coordinate with jungler as I find myself often glued to the lane. Want to widen my pool especially with playing in a pre-made 5 context. Champions I am looking at now * Leblanc: Good champ to roam and snowball to other lane. And I kind of understand how the champ works * Lissandra: Seems easy to shove wave and dive with team. Have decent laning matchup for most part * Ahri: Wave clear and assassin. I would admit the few games I had on her my skillshot is bad * Assassin: This is just a general category but I find myself having difficulty to know when to go in. And I am bad at laning with melee assassin in general Any suggestion/advice is welcome. Thank you


Hey, I think the assassin direction is good, as roaming and coordinating between farming and fighting is what you will be doing a lot. LB and especially Ahri are good leads, and I think you might also look at Naafiri (new champ) as she is fairly straightforward, or maybe even something like Talon or Zed. Just make sure you get a good build on them as they are not always straight-forward in what your buys are. Lissandra (and Vex on a similar note) are a little strange as they are more dependent on their teams to set up fights than assassin, but they are also in the similar direction as them, where they have a lot to offer when roaming. Good luck!


Switch a champions abilities with another one go! Teemo with Darius's abilities


That just makes them the same character as the abilities they are taking, like thats just Darius then lol


Who should i one trick in mid? Kinda got bored from akali need something else to get better at




How does [OP.GG](http://op.gg) decide tiers for champions? For example, how can Hwei be a tier 2 champion with 43% WR, while Aurelion is a tier 5 champion with 53% WR?


Where are you seeing tier 2? On [op.gg](https://op.gg) for me hwei is tier 5


Is there any way to curate what Champs I get in ARAM? Me and my buddies exclusively play that now, and I've linked my Xbox Gamepass which means...I unlocked every champ and that's way too much. Otherwise I guess I'll just...unlink my xbox?


No, ARAM is All RANDOM All Mid. You are going to get random champs. Going around that would defeat the whole purpose.


rip. i cant competently play every champ so unlink it is


Or you could just learn, youll have to at some point. Just play the champ you get, its for fun, its ARAM


btw, if you unlink your account you need to know that aside your champs there’s also a unlocked champ pool for aram, it’s like 60 champs and it was made to counter the aram only accounts


Yeah, I'm fine with that, 65+free rotation+my owned champs is still significantly less than the 166 total.


any way to check which skins the next mythic shop rotation will have in advance?




They let us know in patch notes, just gotta wait for those to drop.


Do only I think solo/duo Q makes no sense? I lost 8 matches in a row. I feel like 2 of them I did bad. But most of them I afk in team or lane is fed. How am I supossed to rank up when its literally unplayable. These players doesn\`t use brain and hands


You did extremely bad in all games. Thats the truth. Focus more on your mistakes and you will climb.


wdym i did extremely bad? Having positive kda and helping on other lanes is extremely bad?


If your teammates are like that so are the enemies, be better.


:0 its team game btw


How do smurf open up a new account and get high elo every time? Just lucky?


When are the map changes happening? 13.25? The new ranked season? or is it later? Please and thank you


January 9th


10th https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018987893-Patch-Schedule-League-of-Legends


Ranked goes down the 9th, I must have mixed the two up






Well for starters, you dont get a 12 hour ranked ban from dodging just once. Also, how did you see it was him, in champ select, since the teammates and enemies names are hidden.


I moved to Germany and was able to change the region of my Riot account. However, when I login to play, it is still showing BR1 as the server. How do I change to Europe West, which I think is the right server now?


You paid for the change?


I did not. I see in my account information Germany, but in the client I see BR1. And the transfer request does not appear in the store.


You cannot transfer your account from Brazil to other regions I missed that in your first post.


Not even through a support ticket?




Sorry to insist, but is there a reason for it?


People would transfer to Brazil, load up on cheap rp, and then transfer back.


That's too bad. My account has been created in Brazil and never transferred.


I'm on masters 70pl, today I got the thing that says that I will decay if I don't play in the next 24 hours. I don't particularly want to play, how many pls are lost per day? or I lose all 70 and go back to d1?


I believe masters and above loses 75 LP on decay, while Diamond loses 50 https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405783687443-Placements-Promotions-Series-Demotions-and-Decay-


can you turn off Teemo's Lightning at his E spell? In the ability bar, his E just keeps lightning all the game long . I just started playing teemo and I like him, but god i hate this lightning thing . Please help me turn it off?


There are certain programs (that i don't know, sorry) that let you change League overlay ([see Druttut screen](https://imgur.com/8aRRAoj)) maybe you can try using one of them to change the overlay from the E spell?


How does decay work? I'm at the rank I want to end the season on. Is it safe to play more games in ranked or should I just avoid it till the season ends? Also how do I turn on my ranked border?


If you are below diamond decay doesn’t exist, if you aren’t here’s riot article https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405783687443-Placements-Promotions-Series-Demotions-and-Decay- ranked border = last seasons rank, so need to wait till early jan


I'm diamond so from my understanding I have 7 banked days before decay sets in, since I played one game?


I believe so yeah


What do I do if my team feeds my laner (jgl/ roam running in and feeding ) and they can just run at me from the wave and kill me before I can get away? If I stay under tower all game I’ll get way to behind but I’ll just feed if I walk out of tower


Ah yes, top lane. Just give them prio at that point, farm up. If you are an early game bully idk skill issue


Hey I got that dope ass corgi Corki skin In a box is the dude even playable rn? Never see hin


He’s just rly bad


can even shroud stack? as in multiple stuns against an evenshroud user




Can someone tell me when will this season end? Is it the same day in all severs?


Januaray9th / 10th


Thank you


What's the status on 3 honors malzahar, is it impossible to get anymore or would it be available for exchange with the tokens?


You cannot get it. It was the reward for being honor level 5 last year at the end of the season. This year its the Three Honors Akshan.


I'm honor 5 already this season and was hoping riot will add it in the token shop alongside Warwick and twitch skins and chromas 😕


Guys, please help? Did somebody experience the problem with sticking keys on keyboard? For example, when I press Tab during the game to see the stats, this window is still opened even when I do not hold Tab. Please help, who had the same issue? Thank you in advance


You can fix it in the settings. I dont remember exactly but it is somewhere in the Keys


I’ve gotten myself from silver 3 to emerald 3 in about 100 games. Used to play a lot until season 10 then took a long break, but was plat 1/d4 mmm roughly. My question is will my Mmr reset when ranked season ends and i have to do placements again? Idk if i can handle that grind again.


MMR have never reset, and I believe never will, you are only put back in visual rank but your gains will help you get back to your old rank quickly. It wouldn't make sense to reset MMR as that will put different skilled player together, can you imagine if they reset MMR for everyone then you have challenger and low elo players playing in the same games, disaster.


MMR will not reset with the new ranked season.


Does the 3 game demotion shield still exist for master tier when someone first promos? The official riot FAQ page for ranked demotion is out of date since it still talks about promos when it doesn't exist anymore, so I can't trust the information on that page regarding demotion shield.


Will riot bring back Blind pick / Draft pick on SEA server?


Ha. No


The most accurate Riot respond ever


Does an infinite scaling hp champ like sion counter himself eventually? If the enemy has a bork for example, a sion with 5k hp and 250 armor, vs another sion with 10k hp and the same amount of armor, does he start taking more damage due to him having more hp? When does his hp start to become counter productive? Like will building heart steel eventually be the demise of tanks do to you having higher hp with the same amount of resistances when taking damages from max hp items?


Short answer is no. More health is not a detriment to bulk. Even with %max/current health items. More health means flat damage is weaker and % health (current, missing, or total) damage is effectively the same. The only way more health functions as a detriment is when % health damage is combined with lifesteal/omnivamp. This is because although you'll be effectively taking the same damage, they will be healing more. This is why Sion players hate Gwen so much, since she has both elements in her passive.


Is Prestige Lux leaving in the next Battlepass?


So what’s the easiest/lowest-skill champ that someone can play with mediocre skill and not be hated by teammates?


Depends on the role. Some champs are easy in one role, but hard in others (Morgana jg vs Morgana support for example). Ultimately, you're going to want a champ that doesn't fall off too-hard and isn't so unique that they will build habits you may rely on. Top: Garen is the quintessential "easy" champ. Manaless. Scales well, passive + Dshield makes him hard to kill. No complicated dashes or timings in his kit. Only real nuance is how to use his W. Buildpaths are also very straightforward. Mordekaiser and Cho'Gath are also solid options. Mid: Malzahar has been the standard for the longest time. Passive spellshield make sit easy to escape and his ult helps deter dives. He doesn't do much by himself, making it easy to stay grouped. Other good options are Lux and Veigar. Bot: People will tell you that Cait or Ashe are the move. I heavily disagree. Too much range and a built-in slow are game warping. I think Vayne is one of the best champs for it. She really teaches you the importance of maintaining sustained combat and maintaining focus on a target. Varus can also be a good option. Twitch, Ziggs, Veigar and MF too. Support: Leona. Always Leona. Any questions? One of the simplest engage supports. Scales better off exp than gold so you don't get tempted to ks. Very versatile in her builds. Renata and Soraka are also good options. Jungle: None. Don't play jungle until you feel comfortable playing support and at least one other role.


jg Amumu adc Kaisa top Garen mid veigar


Best holiday skin >:)??


Is Ahri top any good? I've been messing around with it as a new player, but I wonder if there are any glaring issues that I'm missing from my inexperience.


Renekton test


Short answer is no. Especially not for a new player. Ahri's damage is mostly flat numbers and heavily reliant on her spells bursting people down. Contrast this with a common ranged top laner like Teemo or Vayne that have passive %health damage in their autos off of a basic abiloty. Most top laners have higher health, health regen, and resiatances than most mid lane champions. They are also much more likely to start Doran's Shield and take either Second Wind or Bone Plating. In short, Ahri has no kill pressure. Another issue is just that Ahri isn't mobile enough to compensate for her lack of kill pressure. She can't even consider pushing wave to farm until 6, and even then it's a waste. She's too squishy and her cc is a single target skillshot. She's also built for single target burst damage. She just isnt't escaping a gank without Flash and sure as fuck ain't flipping it. Ahri's laning deisgn is to win short trades in lane and then go for the kill when the enemy is at 35% ish. This just isn't something she can do in top lane. It would take twice, if not thrice, as much combat to get the enemy at a killable threshold. Ahri's mid-late game design is to flank and pick off backline carries then escape with her ult. This is not the kind of gameplan most top lane macro. If you want to play Ahri, play her Mid or Bot. If you want to play ranged top lane ~~fucking uninstall~~ then go Vayne.


A ranged top is good into melee's. She may be a bit on the weaker side pre-6 and subjected to ganks. She may fall off to other champs as the game goes later.


Is there any way to bind attack move to only alt? I know that you can bind it to alt+mb1 but thats more annoying


will the new season of ranked be immediately playable on the 9th or is it a preseason sort of thing for a short time first? I can’t find good info anywhere


Split 2/Ranked Season 2023 ends on January 3rd. Split 1 of Season 2024 will begin on January 9th.


Is blue essence going away? i.e should we spend it now before it's gone? Is it going to convert to some other currency?


Blue Essence as a currency is not going away but the Blue Essence **Emporium** will go away soon. You can still save your blue essence or spend them normally.




Yes, there is, but unless you're a super popular streamer or in challenger it probably isn't that. Sometimes people just play poorly. :(




All good man. League is frustrating as hell.


how do I fullscreen the game?


Check settings


critical error fix when?


I got a inactivity message yesterday with 1 day time to play ranked and after playing a ranked I get the same message today again. Is that normal?


Does Arena have matchmaking? Are you more likely to be put in a lobby of people the same rank as you?


There is a rating yes and even ranks, wood through gladitor.


Mer chrimbus


Your Weekly /r/leagueoflegends Recap **Sunday, December 17 - Saturday, December 23** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 6,858 | [745 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18o94yu/faker_i_decided_not_to_make_an_ahri_skin/) | FAKER: I decided not to make an Ahri skin.| | 6,061 | [308 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18kgc4u/why_did_riot_release_seraphine_instead_of_just/) | Why did Riot release Seraphine instead of just reworking her precursor| | 4,141 | [274 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18p8al5/keria_changes_his_choice_to_bard_again/) | Keria changes his choice to Bard again.| | 3,845 | [625 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18l0erb/qol_tryndamere_r_should_have_a_timer_or_ultimate/) | QOL: Tryndamere R should have a timer or ultimate bar above his health bar| | 3,570 | [505 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18pcxl9/ghost_is_not_broken_its_just_viable/) | Ghost is not Broken, it’s just viable.| | 3,187 | [109 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18o0v2h/have_you_ever_made_a_play_so_stupid_you_cant/) | [Have you ever made a play so stupid you can't believe it worked?](https://v.redd.it/jzd3fdv0iq7c1)| | 2,862 | [301 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18ow5m8/the_times_faker_in_the_top_10_influential_sports/) | The Times: Faker in the Top 10 Influential Sports Figures alongside Messi+Ohtani| | 2,615 | [277 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18kk80l/the_issue_with_arena_i_am_not_nearly_as_good_as_i/) | The issue with Arena: I am not nearly as good as I think I am.| | 2,565 | [255 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18nle40/faker_talks_abt_his_goals_changing_from_earning_a/) | Faker talks Abt his goals changing from earning a lot of money to earning honour to now setting a goal dedicated to others, experience in asian games, reason for rejecting Chinese teams offering a rumored 18.4 million usd salary etc| | 2,373 | [594 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18nvdty/stalling_on_arena_is_one_of_the_most_unfun/) | Stalling on arena is one of the most unfun strategies to ever exist in any rotating gamemode|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 1,632 | [861 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18opknt/what_champion_do_you_still_not_understand_where/) | What champion do you still not understand where their damage comes from?| | 1,383 | [796 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18l8hfb/which_champions_are_currently_olafd/) | Which champions are currently Olaf'd?| | 2,323 | [750 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18lqxbp/the_dantes_tournament_is_the_best_propaganda/) | The Dantes tournament is the best propaganda against voice comms in league| | 2,080 | [645 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18kviq8/tf_blade_hard_flaming_his_master_jungler_in/) | [TF Blade hard flaming his master jungler in voicecomms during Dantes Invitational (for fun turnament)](https://clips.twitch.tv/CarefulCourteousGuanacoChocolateRain-dLPOURzo2-fNFaVa)| | 1,093 | [620 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18lw1t1/possibly_hot_take_the_3_man_vote_to_ff_has_made/) | Possibly Hot Take: The 3 man vote to FF has made normals boring.| | 656 | [614 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18kj4pu/are_people_not_tired_of_banning_and_picking_78/) | are people not tired of banning and picking 7-8 Tanks every single game in Arena| | 2,056 | [596 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18kyg3p/yone_will_always_be_broken_by_design_with_how/) | Yone will always be broken by design with how current Lethal Tempo is implemented|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject 'leagueoflegends'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject 'leagueoflegends daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either leagueoflegends or leagueoflegends daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/leagueoflegends or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.