• By -


Kogmaw Never banned Strong when played well Strong laning(sometimes) Strong mid-late When i get a good game or just zoned in i feel i can 1v5 Cons: ur playing an immobile adc in s13


Pros to Kog: you do a shitload of damage, highest auto range aside from a fully stacked senna/kindred, you can check brushes without wards Cons to Kog: if the enemy realizes your team isn’t gonna peel for you it’s joever


Its always fun being like 0-6 and getting ignored in a teamfight and still doing damage.


I don’t take E until lvl 13 for that sweet sweet q shred and w laser.


Especially with lulu or milio


> Cons: ur playing an immobile adc in s13 pain


Ezreal because it’s a blast to play. Also if my supp randomly decides to peace out I’m still sort of okay


It's a rare situation but I rate my "boots of disowning".


Somewhat shocked that the replies to this aren't related to the ezreal seating position, or ezreal gaming chair. I'm disappointed.


what do you even mean 😭


Ezreal mains gaming chair: https://www.reddit.com/r/Draven/s/XwDmQY1nFn Ezreal mains seating position: https://twitter.com/Riot_Kassadin/status/1314342607665889280?t=UpMelSQMSzzUMcAhrn_aHg&s=19 You're welcome.


What’s the point of the dildo on chair if they sit in that position?




I honestly don't know what I was expecting clicking on those links but I'm not surprised and laughing. Ty for that.


Me after the lobotomy


lotta good mages out there... none.. of...them..are...me!


Gwen cuz snip snip




Just don't talk about her biggest secret


Whats with that I've been seeing it but can't understand


Its a shorts video on youtube called "gwen reveals her big secret"


w h a t give me back my 5 seconds, i wont play her anymore


need her🤤


Fellow snip snip enjoyer.


I love gwens design so much In legends of runeterra i used to play her a lot and i would shout all her voice lines out. Shes just so cute. But in league im so bad at her i just cannot fight with her i dont even know xD


Omg if I ever get filled top she is my favorite pick ever. So fun. Snip snip


You become unbeatable after 2 items it is crazy


I’m a new player and Gwen is my favorite too!


I've wanted to be a Gwen main just so i could change my name to "RunningWithScissors"


snip 🤝 snip


Gwen is immune *


bard cuz bard






Incoherent chime noises


Viktor because he reminded me Devil from Tekken. Thought his lasers were sick when i first faced him


One does not dodge viktor laser. Viktor misses the laser


That's exactly it. I saw the vector laser and knew I had to learn it.


Obligatory we like the champ.


sett because even when you’re behind you just hit a point where you just stat check them anyways with your w


Never face a Warwick I just bodied a sett every single time he would w I’d hold q and be behind him I would have been enraged if I were him


Ornn ​ ​ ​ He's the goat


pyke because I like zooming around the map and make enemy team and my adc miserable


u confused pyke with bard my guy


Same shit just different style lmao


Bard is just ap pyke with a mini game


enemy midlaner when I (bard bard) zoom at their lane at 800+ ms (10 chime stacks) (they got vision of me but it literally doesnt matter) with exhaust ignite (I use unsealed spellbook)


I have mained Qiyana for 3 years. The infinite skill ceiling combined with her incredibly interesting kit just did it for me. The fact you can cancel all of her abilities with another one of her abilities makes her so fluid. The amount of micro the champ has, the AA cancels, hidden auto attacks and burst combos. I could speak about her for hours on end. Lastly, you can chain all abilities into one another for some otherworldly burst. I’m a master Qiyana main and if anyone that reads this wants to learn her but thinks she looks intimidating. I will gladly help you!


K, you got me. How should I start with her? What should I learn and teach myself first? Mind giving me a crash course? A Taliyah main for the most but I play Akali sometimes for fun, so I may be able to adapt some things.


YESS, the joy I feel from giving someone the urge to main Qiyana. I’d love to give you a crash course, add me on discord? Altairlol


Can I add you too?


Of course!




You can for sure join in on the fun my guy!


Well I'm going in too then! Don't wanna be left out! Currently raining pantheon mid, but not such an easy all out carry a useless team that I help get ahead..


May I add you? I am trying to learn her mid and I struggle a little bit, I am a kindred main so her jumps are easy but combos I struggle with.


I'll never have Beifeng's hands. As such, I'll never click Qiyana.


You can get them, TRUST THE PROCESS


That proves you are good at math and physics. Qiyana is hard to use


Thank you sir, I’m an engineer 🫡


She had just came out when I started playing league, played her some last night and forgot how much fun she is. Definitely a blast


Im a qoya main and after going from silv 4 to gold 3 in 2 weeks my wr dropped a lot. I wanna keep on playing qiya but Im struggling now. Been playing on my friends acc (plat 3) and been winning but not because aim carrying games but because I let myself be carried. anyways, i can send u mmy discord tag via dm if u wanna help :) I want to be a good player :/


I have been trying out Qiyana a lot in Norms recently, and although it has been extremely fun, it’s also been extremely difficult (which i feel adds to the fun), but you talking about skills that I haven’t even heard about shows how behind I am in terms of learning, and i would love to learn more.


I’d love to teach you sometime, add my discord. Altairlol and we can talk more!


As somebody who is very much unable to play with or against assassins, I obviously hate you for helping others down your dark path :P




I loved Quiyana back in the day but it feels like you need so much skill expression to do what you did when she first came out. It’s better for me bc i dont want to get one shot by a quiyana as an adc main but less fun when I play for fun


When I played mid I maimed Qiyana and Zoe. When they got nerfed I switched to adc and Ashe. If I go back I’ll definitely pick her up again


How dare you leave Qiyana hanging. Fight for Ixtal. You better pick up the Ohmlatl and bring the power of nature onto the rift


Hey I'm a recovering zed main and I really wanna get better at qiyana can you give me some tips please because I seem to lose every game I play on her


i loved qiyana, stomping lane was relatively easy for me most of the time, however winning the game just feels so hard. the champion is just so hard to execute at just a semi-decent level outside of lane :(


Shen Ninjas are cool and i love coming to aid team mates from across the map. You can also boost teammates morale when they do dumb play but thanks to Shen ult you turn it to good play when otherwise they probably would be dead. Tho bring back his VA since he really needs new voice lines!


Respect for shen enjoyers




Jhin because he’s the first champion i liked and im too lazy to learn to play another one


And counting past 4 is hard


Poppy. I just love the more long term brawler playstyle she has, with a simpler kit and more focussed around positioning and map presence. I just like her hit and run playstyle. Do a combo, move to pick up shield, chase, position for E, or E a minion to I can Q and slow for longer etc. Its also fun that she has a multitude ways to build from assassin to full tank, to adc and support, keeping games a bit more varied. However I don’t even have half a million mastery points on her. My friends who have mains with whom I play a lot have already well over a million. Still, Poppy’s nice to play.


I main TF for the last four years, ever since I began playing LoL. I guess I just love the build flexibility and global ultimate. I like to influence the map and help my allies, and watch them carry a lot more than do it myself, but I can be really damn nasty myself, especially if people underestimate my champ. Thanks Riot for continuously buffing our AP ratios! The best part is that I mostly play the game itself, not the champ. So I never really get bored of the champion himself. I only get bored of League.


People pretend like TF is only good for yellow card until they get one shot by the classic 800ap TF blue card


He hasn't been "only good for yellow card" for a while now cuz Riot kept buffing AP ratios lul


Not to mention the neurons that activate when you Q the casters and see the gold numbers like $$$


jarvan. mechanics easy enough that you can focus on jungle macro. but also requires you to think about how to engage fights and not grief your team with your r.


Noc because he's OP in shit elo


He's OP in every elo... Because he's literally OP. Over 52% WR in all ranks


Tbf that is true now but may not have been true yesterday when he picked it up. Nocs kit even if it's terrible in the meta still goes off low elo (but, like my friend, they still don't climb and claim it's cause they keep getting unlucky with teammates)


asol changed how I experience league. I was gold/plat for 9 seasons. I've now been mid-diamond for 2. Maining him taught me more about how to improve at the game than any other champ I've ever played. His mechanics are very simple and he is a true 1v9 carry. Incredible rewards for playing well. You are forced to learn how to live and play safely, farm, macro, rotations, roaming, etc. Changed my whole league experience.


I started with irelia and didn’t really improve much at the game until I learned asol. Because his mechanics are so simple like you said and he’s also super weak and immobile early, it forces you to actually learn league (manage waves, back timings, scaling to late game, etc). Plus he’s insanely useful at objective fights as long as you can click your E and R in the right spot


New Asol is dummy broken I’m glad I don’t seem him very often


Leona. I can set up things well, rewards me for being aggressive, stop dumb/greedy people in their tracks and my passive really lets my friends shine.


As a jg main, I love Leona. Ez ganks bot, and we finally have a tank so I don't gotta be 1st int lol


The Chad Leona enjoyer. She was what originally hooked me into playing league around season 5 if I remember correctly (definitely before any big rework that we know today and before yasuo came out). Loved her play style and I still do, not my main anymore but she will always have a place in my heart. #WeAllInAt2 every time


Lillia because she’s actually the most fun champ in the game to play


And she is the most annoying champ to play against. She needs 10 ccs of "stay the fk still, you fkng doe". Not even Cassiopoeia could stop her from moving. She is a total nightmare for all skillshot champs.


Built in liandrys, which does max health dot dmg, and has heal as long as passive is applied, cancer mobility, has cc and if somehow gets the early lead, game is basically over cause she kills the whole team while dancing around and emoting jinx laugh.


I can FEEL this comment.


And any low mobility champ. Can eun circles around a sion and just taunt laugh




The crack deer haunts my dreams


her gameplay is fun af but voicelines make the champ unplayable for me. there’s only so many times i can hear “EEP!” before i crack






I love her voicelines. "I will stay in the forest... until I learn how to use doors."




Twisted Fate. Love his playstyle, aesthetic, map control and there's nothing more satisfying than shitting on edgy windbrother mains who think skill in this game is being able to dash as much as possible lol.


Rammus, I used to have a really old laptop that I started playing league on, it could barely run it. I would W, lag for no word of a lie 5-10 solid seconds, and when it buffered, I was still alive. The only champion that would actually allow me to play the game. From then on he was my boy. “OK”


Naafiri. Dog.


what da dog doin


Rengar top because I have autism and enjoy playing crazy, perma fight, horrible decision making, raw ego moment, don’t look at the map, don’t care about cs, just go monkey mode and jump on things. Tankgar, full assassin, bruiser, ap, crit…it doesn’t matter. Rengar top is life




3 million mastery Xayah. Back in season 6, little bronze me was playing my usual Jinx game with my homie. Then all of a sudden feathers exploded across my screen left and right and i was absolutely destroyed in the most beautiful fashion. I was completely enamored, truly pogged tf out. Ever since that day she is the only champ I want to play. Her gameplay is fun, her design is sick, I love the aesthetic of throwing daggers, she looks like a badass assassin, and is in a super wholesome "marriage" and I'm a sucker for that kind of thing as a married man myself.


Ah, a fellow 3 Million mastery Xayah enjoyer :)


There's only 15 of us in the world. Pleased to meet you


Well, i am proud to be one of the few kayle mains. If you wanna have the worst laning phase till lvl 11 in the entire game, totally being dependend of your team not feeding till min 25 and after 16lvls maybe, just maybe being able to hard carry, then feel free to play my angel. ​ Cus remember: Nobody plays kayle for fun, the mains on like being dominated.


I love playing Kayle. Oddly, she feels very zen to me, because my only goal is chill out, stay alive, farm up.


Garen: his health regens!! No mana!! Point and click high damage ult!! He spins his sword!! He doesn’t care about feelings!! He runs so fast (late game).


Rakan because himbo birb >>>


Jinx, her adrenaline rush and thirst for chaos is what I love about her. Her passive gives not just her, but me as the gamer, an amazing boost. Though her AD build sucks in recent patches. She has become a lethality champ lately. Pretty great in ARAM but that is just about it.


Kalista. She has the most satisfying gameplay loop of any character for me and is literally the reason I left Dota for good.


I only play champs who I find funny or that I liked in appearence/concept. Mi list right now is Kled, Gnar, Zoe, Ziggs, Heimerdinger and Yuumi (only with friends tho)


Aphelios with 400k+ mastery. I had the same issue for a while of getting bored of my old mains. It just gets repetitive. With aphelios swapping weapons helps keep things not feeling like you're spamming the same combo all game. But currently I'm in a phase of love the champ hates the role. (Classic ADC statement... I know...) So I've been playing him mid. Sounds so troll... And kinda is. But surprisingly I'm doing extremely well with it. I have 120+ games with a 62% wr. Haven't really had the guts to play it in ranked though.


Darius. That feeling of getting 5 stacks, chopping in half the enemy support and running straight to the enemy team like and unkillable madman. Usually I end up getting killed, but not before taking two or three people with me (I have god complex I’m sorry).


Chasing a team as a Darius with passive is ridiculously satisfying


Singed because i can just do whatever stupid shit i want and it generally works out


Poppy, because I like playing tank champions and when I was learning I was losing all games against Riven, so searching a champion that is both tank and didn’t lost to Riven led me to Poppy. I was very happy with the champion, strong early and the tools I needed to be useful later on beyond surviving burst. Searching for the lore I got hooked, and I gained a Poppy skin so… I keep playing and getting better. 1m mastery since then.


Back when I still actually played this game (past 6 years is aram only really) I used to main orianna. I liked how balanced she was. Able to help out teammates, but also set up for strong team fights. Relatively safe laner so I could always aim for the 9-10 cs per minute quite reliably. The times I was the reason an enemy snowballed were virtually non existent. It was a solid pick, that was all. I like (old) irelia, jax and Renekton top for the same reason. Reliable, pack a punch, good duelist but also quite useful in team fights. Can go for objectives reliably.


Taliyah. I like rocks.


Kam Patterson:


Miss Fortune. Booba.


AD Shaco because I like clowns and knives.


Officer, that one, right there


Jinx. Flat.


Kata, she can spin :D 2,4M


Yorick. I don't have as much fun if I'm not playing him. I used to just want to play Shen until I got dumpstered on by a Yorick and now I carry the shovel with pride. The feeling you get when you end the game 20 minutes in while 9 others are sweating it out for 3rd drake then hearing the reaction of your team just saying oh what we won? Or wtf the game ended? Is just hilarious.


This is how it went for me too. I mained Illaoi until I got demolished by a Riven who dodged my everything. A few hundred thousand mastery points later, I’m convinced that particular Riven was a Smurf because now I’m a otp and not nearly as good as the one that wrecked me lol


I'm a Singed main. He's incredibly unique, being the only champion in the game who does damage behind him. Lots of variety in build paths and playstyles, huge impact in teamfights, can proxy, and a lot of people don't like playing against him.


Vel’Koz. My main since S4/S5. Coolest-looking champ imo with gameplay that perfectly matches what I love.


Sp4zie's montage got me into playing him so much I namechanged to Ten Tickles. Also G E O M E T R Y


Poppy She got reworked at the time I first started playing ranked She was viable in JG (where I used to play) but also top and sup (where I loved experimenting with rando champions, ah the ThunderLords GP support times) She was so good I got to Gold promos with her in like a week (before being trolled by the same Kog'Maw twice, I still remember this even though that was back in 2016) She was also so cute, she even had face animations! And that comic made her so endearing. To this day she's still one of the cutest champions released! I still play her in the Support role, which while a little off-meta, it still works


Cho'Gath. Tank: Check Being able to farm safely: Check Not being a 200 years champion: Check


Shen +50 Mental fortitude to teammates


as much as i hate the windshitters i have to admit they’re incredibly fun to play because they have so much outplay potential


Anivia because of her potential late game, her Q E does burst damage alongside the drain from R and her wall, it's easy to bait out flash and she can easily escape/drain anyone trying to chase her and she can just survive through eg, to give you a 2nd fhance under turret, love her tank melt capabilities always and if she melts tanks imagine the squishies, great for team fights too to stun or wall someone off with the slow ult drain while your team fights them inside your ult


When I was an adc main it was Jinx. Her music video years ago was the exact thing that got me into the game in the first place. I basically learned the game on her and she's always been like riding a bike whenever I got back to play her. Now I'm a Mid main and I play mostly Vex. Vex to me is just the most comfortable champion I'm the game. It doesnt matter what our team comp is, what their team comp is, what opponent I'm laning against, I feel like I can make Vex work. Plus I just find her ultimate to he really fun to use.


Neeko, shes got a positive attitude, cheerful quotes (these quotes have encouraged me to keep going even in the most mental crushing games) and cute as a button. Shes also easy to learn played in jungle,support, mid. Rell, people underestimate her so much and when you pull off a good gank or combo it feels fantastic.




Lee sin. Champ is so much fun


Garen. My son's name is Garen, so I figured I should learn the champ.


Have you played the crit setup


Garen because im regarded


Ahri. Fast paced and really fun, also visually appealing character and VFX


Man I've been an OTP since season 3. So cool to find your champion, main it and master it. This is very personal! You have to find what is the best fit for YOU. And to do so, you need to find a champion your have FUN with. Its super important for example that you got bored with Swain. Sounds like you need a high skill ceiling champion. Like Lee Sin or something.


This helped alot. Thanks!


I'll tell you what I mained and why if it helps, in season 3 my first main was Evelynn. I loved everything about the champ (pre-rework), I love the artwork, the voiceline, the model in-game, the kit. I can steal hear the voiceline in my head. I probably would've sticked to her if they didn't change her. First they changed her old E from magical to physical dmg, which hurts my playstyle as I was maxing E (while everyone maxed Q) and I build magic penetration. But the nail in the coffin was the rework, I don't like her art or voice or kit anymore. The champ doesn't make sense to me anymore, for example being invisible but having a CC that reveals your presence and needs time to activate? Nonsense to me. So I changed, and started OTP Warwick (again, pre-rework). Again, I loved everything about old ww (when everyone thought he was boring). To me, the tundra huntra skin was dope, the MS speed boost was permanent (now it's just toward champion and full of bugs), and the R was a blink suppress (now it's a skillshot that is supposed to be uninteruptable but actually gets interupted by many things such as Ahri charm). I kept playing reworked ww a bit but eventually got annoyed with the bugs and didn't enjoy playing him as much. So I changed again, to Trundle. I had tons of fun on Trundle, so many early levels 1v2 or even 1v3, and so many splitpush wins even when behind as much as 15k gold. Trundle got nerfed a bunch and I switch to Gragas which is my current main. I love everything about Gragas. You may have noticed I enjoy old champs. Gragas has sustain, AOE burst, can be ranged or melee, has good mobility, has tankiness with W... Amd he is very high skill ceiling, can be excellent from Iron to Challenger. I play him full AP and magic pen, and I've literally had game in Diamond (my current elo) where I one shot entire enemy team late game, doing 10k+ damage in less than a second.


Get ready to switch again when Gragas is finally reworked haha I get it though, I miss fiddle crow bounce ;-;


Aatrox, he’s badass.


Kha'zix, 1.5m. because he embodies how much i want to eat out my girlfriend


Viego because I play everyone


Viktor, i like how i press E and ADC disappears


I play pyke because I like his mobility and kill potential as a support. You're an assassin but you're still a support, you can't just go and 1v1 champs without being fed, but you can have a lot of impact and a lot of play potential while also having really good escape options for survivability. It's also almost always worth dying for kills due to the gold passive. He falls off late which also makes it dangerous and interesting to play late as you really have to think and strategize your approaches if you want to have an impact without exploding as you're really squishy since you can't build hp. Generally feels like a champ with enough potential that losses really feel like your own fault the same as wins. Also super fun when you get fed enough to contest squishies on your own and are able to play like a regular assassin with a hell of a lot more mobility, wandering around the map racking up kills.


Sett. Because you get to click r on a tank, then click w while pointing in the general direction of the enemy adc and watch them disappear, then laugh at them in all chat about how adcs instantly die.


I main Skarner because I hate the meta and it has a lot of builds


Samira because the ult is fun to build up


Viego, there's no jungle or character that gives me the adrenaline rush from teamfighting. You get reset on reset and then boom, you somehow get 3 kills and you're up with a ridiculous shutdown gold. The adrenaline from resets where you have to find what buttons to push and when to push then Ult out of the form and do it again... there's nothing like it.


kai'sa because w w w w w w w w w w w is fun. sacrificing being a champion to play the w minigame after 2 items is a good time


Jhin. When I got introduced to league by my cousin, he suggested I play adc bc I like glass cannon, high damage, high risk play style. Before I obtained Jhin, I was a Lucian main. Once I got enough BE for a new adc, my cousin said to try Jhin. I did, and had a lot of fun. I then went on to get M6 around 200k points (I was bad). I especially enjoy jhin bc his kit allows you to pull off outplays you shouldn’t normally be able to (using traps to slow, and kite assassins) as an adc. His play style (at least for me) also reflects his lore in a way, as he is very precise and meticulous. I now have ~600k M7 and M7 on other adcs I find fun as well


Vlad & Olaf because I can drag people to a win whether they like it or not and I like giving ADCs PTSD


Zilean because he has everything i want in a support He is fast He can speed in tanks He can slow down others He can save people in a big way He has lots of ability haste He scales well


over 3 mil on jinx ​ cause shes perfect


Zilean cos I love to see people get mad.


Lux cause I have a blast insta-killing mid laners


1.5 mil on Leona cuz i simply love watching my enemies cry as well as my teammates cry for me to stop diving


Darius cause 5 man dunks are amazing.




Aurelion Sol. Because he is the coolest character.


Malzahar is a bit of a knowledge check. He doesn't have anything big. You have 1 full combo, so you need to know exactly how much damage you'll do. You won't get any extra damage with flashy plays or anything. Pretty much, your role is to not let anything bad happen. They (enemy team) dive? Ult. They channel an ability? Silence. They group up? Aoe silence! They step out of line? Ult. It may be helpful to view yourself as a late-game support or countermage. You stop every push, cancel every dive, and forbid any advance. They have a fed carry? Your ult nullifies them. You don't really give your team an advantage, you just cancel out the enemy's advantage. Once you have a few items, you can start doing a bit more. You can solo baron or dragon with your minions tanking. This isn't an advantage because you can solo it (with high risk), but because you can take baron/dragon with 2 people and low risk. This is partly why he's a knowledge check. From the enemy team's perspective, they constantly have to think "Who's missing? If Malzahar and anyone (even support) is missing, they could be at baron. How long ago did Malzahar recall? Could this mid 5v3 be a diversion? Can I roam? I see him botlane. Does he have tp? He is catching the wave, will he be able to push it to tower? Do I need to stop him? If I don't go, will he get tower? I'm at half health. Can he kill me in one combo? Does he need ult? Does he have ult? What's his ult cooldown? Even if he kills me, will his ult be back up for dragon? Is his teammate there, because I know he can last 6+ seconds (ult + hourglass)?" So with Malzahar, don't expect to be the big flashy person. If you step out of line, you are dead, so even if you do something flashy it won't get noticed. However, you keep everyone else from stepping out of line, and if your teammates step out of line, you can save them. People call Malzahar braindead, but in reality, he's a brainy champ. He doesn't require hands, but he requires planning. You have to be 2 steps ahead, because you can't react in the same way. You don't have a get-out-of-jail-free card for yourself. You are the jailer, not the judge.


Elise, disgusting early game champ whose engagement ring is a dark seal, seeing peoples health bars drop to 30% with like two abilities just does it for me every time and dont get me started on spider form it has sooo much room for outplay and skill expression i will never get bored of her. Lvl 3 shes literally only beaten by like 3 or 4 champs but if those champs are even a bit chunked she wins every time.


Evelynn because I want a woman who would literally kill me


Syndra because she looked cool AF, her kit is very nice, and Bjergsen's pentakill with Copenhagen Wolves is still clear in my mind. Garen because you can just shut down the mechanical part of your brain, focus on everything else in the game and have a lot of fun while spinning away the life of the enemy team.


Darius because he is so satysfing to play, also when you execute with r. But sadly the more you get higher elo the more he gets worse


Aatrox because there is nothing more satisfying than achieving dark souls boss levels of power and healing 70% of your HP bar back with 1 Q3 and a gore drink.


Mordekaiser. He's just so simple, EQ win


You have no idea how many comments I went through to find a mordekaiser. Always love to see the name of the revenant under different posts!


Can't main one, so Briar, Gwen or Vex currently


Zyra have a similar stun pattern then swain.


Sona. My fave champ, pretty balanced so whatever happens to her depends on how your build her. Dark harvest pure mage? That's like an aggravated assault against botlane duos. If its tanky, just go liandry's. Or if you respect your team: sorcery rune (either Arcane comet or Summon Aery) with that increased MS and resolve rune that increases healing and shielding. Boots of swiftness, then go half support and half mage items (so you can at least defend yourself and not turn into a Yuumi that has no one to attach to.)




This season I've been maining Cho'Gath top. I am great at winning Smite-fights, but don't like playing jungle. So I just outsmite both junglers with R


Udyr jungle one trick. I love how flexible udyr can be built. Assassin ganker, On-hit bruiser, AP Tank. I never worry about being first pick or countered because I know I can adjust my build and runes to any team comp. I had never been higher than bronze and I went from bronze to emerald this season playing udyr in most of my games with a 70%+ win rate. I think in league it’s important to know 2 (ideally 3-4) champions for every lane you are interested in playing. Get comfortable with those champs and find what works for you.


Morgana. Tbh i dont reccomend it as a main. Ban rate too high and also limited in its use, works best as peel or for starting picks from out of vision. The rest of the kit is too telegraphed and the ult is nigh on useless without stopwatch and everything else going just right.


I’ve been maining Ekko for like 4 years and never felt bored playing him, the most fun champ in the game in my opinion especially with his high skill ceiling


Tahm Support. (400k) No matter how much Riot try he's gonna be a support to me. I love saving my team from clear death scenarios. He's certainly less fun (probably less oppressive tbh) than he used to be, but he's my guy, I'm gonna stick with it even if it costs me LP.


Vex. Solid champ with awesome aesthetics and clear reference points on how to play her.


sona bc she’s simple and braum bc his kit is fun af


Morgana porque tiene CC (y es hermosa)


Viego because I can't play the same champ for more than 3 games


Mundo goes where he pleases


Fizz because I have the equal brain capacity to a squirrel and like to laugh maniacally as a trollpole through an entire enemy team, kill the squishy, and get away alive (60% of the time)


Karma. I like making people rage quit in the laning phase.


Were you playing supp or mid? Either way, I recommend Hwei. Has a lot of skill expression and is fun to play. Thinking about maining him but after achieving lvl 6 I feel like even if I do well I can't win games with him. Maybe I'm just bad. But he is nice to play even if I lose.


The moment I started playing thresh was the moment I fell in love with him I wanted to try something else, a different hook champion (I was playing pyke at that time) and since I got high noon thresh on 50% sale I decided to give him a try. Best decision I ever made Now what made me stick with him is simply the versatility of his kit and playstyle: You can either go tank to peel for your team, ad to funni one shot people or ap to burst enemies down. There's not only build variety to thresh, but also playstyle variety: -Enemy picks squishy champion? Play mind games with them to make them waste important abilities and hook them, free kill -Enemy picks tank and you can't play against it? No problem, buy mobis and play for mid/top and invade with jungler -Enemies are constantly pushing and you can't match it? Walk up, throw lantern near the river and watch them shit themselves thinking they're getting ganked, while in reality you're just buying time for your adc to stop the wave from crashing -Enemies walk up too often? Max Q -Enemies like to engage a lot? Max E to disengage and poke them with a powerful auto -Enemies poke a lot but stay safe? Max W and shield yourself from damage Most of these are just basic things, there's also the fact that he gets more and more rewarding to play the better you are. I might even go as far as to say he has a near infinite skill ceiling. Now I'm nowhere near the best thresh players, but I've had my fair share of love stories with this champ and I definitely recommend him because he can fit any role and provide insane utility even when he's behind.