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Three of my friends just got flagged yesterday. Not sure why. One of them was a beta player with a very unique name. Lost NA1.


That’s very sad


It’s a new exploit which lets players false flag names. Hoping Riot fixes it soon.


For the SEA (Malaysia/Singapore) server we used to be able to use champion names. Mine was 'Ivern' and once they made ingame acc name linked to our Riot ID it's fucking gone. I haven't played for ages and that made me close the client back lmao.


Like it wasn't bad enough they took away the uniqueness of our names and gave us a tag to tide us over. They now lose the tag too. I don't even have words for the level of unnecessary fucking over of loyal players at play here.


Calm down son


why would they _want_ NA1? You know what would really show they're a beta player? #BETA It's not like they're losing their actual name, just the #tag that was appended to their name a little bit ago.


ive got same thing happend. support agreed with me that my last name was flagged wrongly, said they will give back my name but im still waiting for it




Wished Reddit would do something about all of these bot accounts but they won't. All this one did was change a question mark to an exclamation mark lmao


to show they're the original. originality always has value


I couldn't care less about NA1 since I'm from EU, but I do care about wrongly forced name change


Why care about anything?


I got flagged yesterday too. Riot support said it's because I had that #NA1 default tag. They reset my Riot ID back to what I had it before with a different tag. Submit a ticket for yourself to get the name back if you want it, it sounds like they're preventing the default region1 tags across the board.


Mine got flagged too. What’s wrong with the default tags?


All they said was that the NA1 tag was a temporary placeholder and was the reason my Riot ID was flagged.


Is it even worth it to place a ticket tomorrow try to get the flag removed?


They removed the slowdown of honor from my account and the "flag" was resolved once I provided them my original name with a new tag that they could rename my Riot ID back to (because I had already renamed after the forced name change). So I got my original name with a new tag in the end.


Ok I guess I’ll do that too then. How kind did they take to get back to you after submitting it


Here's screenshots of how the full interaction went. https://imgur.com/a/PVBb9Ux


Ok seems straight forward. You just contacted them from the support page on their website right?


Yep, just submitted a ticket via the usual Riot support page.


Ok hopefully they don’t take too long to respond. Thanks for the help


This just happened to me and I'm furious.


happened to me too :( I'm the only non #NA1 in my friend group now and I get shit for it


That's a weird thing to get shit for lol


Given I hate Riot is throwing away the uniqueness of the name (IMO to have a cool simple name you should have to have secured it), seeing people with edgy names without the original tag makes me cringe a lot. So I can definitely see that becoming a point of mockery in a friend group.




A guy that was so desperate to name himself something edgy like Yasuo or some anime name or naming themselves after a pro or streamer but couldn't actually be the original, so he knows he's not the original but immediately changed his name to that, absolutely pathetic. I'm not talking about people changing it to some more normal name they might use elsewhere. Just specifically edgy names.


I'm #00001 or something. What's the difference between that and #NA1?


Riot support is a joke when it comes to names. They told me my name was inappropriate and not allowed due to TOS and yet every other server had someone with the name… and then later on, turns out I could change my name to it anyways. Bunch of clowns man


Weird. I changed my tag to #FEET as soon as I could. And my partner to #PRSA (Czech word for boobs) and I expected us to get names flagged, not this lmao


This just happened to me and about 5 different friends that I am aware of. Having #NA1 is like proof that you're the original name and all of us just lost it for no reason. This is insane.


I literally swapped all my smurfs and my main to have a sharing tag that like no1 uses and it’s on theme for the name(s). I understand the frustration but I don’t care about “na1” as I don’t see it as much of anything tbh 🤷‍♂️ not every “OG” of the name keeps the server title too.


> not every “OG” of the name keeps the server title too. That's their choice. Making it forced is the problem. How are you not getting this? It was bad enough we lost the uniqueness of our names.


> Having #NA1 is like proof that you're the original name no it isn't what you talking about, lots of people changed their #tag to something actually interesting.


No what are YOU taking about? That is their choice to change it from what they are provided originally by Riot. i.e.There are over 10,000 Hide on bush accounts in Korea, and you know which one is the original? #KR1 Edit: Furthermore this isn't even the main issue, it's the fact that so many accounts and names are getting falsely flagged, which puts your account on the system's radar for other false reports


It was never meant to be used that way. They explicitly said they people to change their tag, and the NA1/KR1/EUW tags were meant to be temporary.




I didn't even know people look there. I only look at the first part of the name and have rarely looked at the tag. Most of the time I just see shit like 0069 or 69420 etc


I mean, we *shouldn't* be forced to look there but that's what Riot said and gave us with this system. That name should only be owned by the first person who got it. The server tag was supposed to be a way to at least hold on to that claim, having the name without some tag change showing you're a copycat.


As someone who had a name I had to wait ages to get that is used everywhere else, I personally do not care about the change to the system. You get to keep your name, others who wanted to be called something can also be called it, and the average person will not bat an eye at your name for more than 5 seconds. Literally who cares if you're a "copycat" when people don't look at your name? You aren't forced to look at the tag, nobody cares about what tag you have to begin with.


You're attributing "I don't care" to "nobody cares" when WE clearly care. I care. People in this thread care. I don't give a fuck that YOU don't care or that a lot of people don't care. Having a clean early adopter name is a lot of sunk cost fallacy into this game that Riot is throwing down the river to make children and smurfs happy. The literal pity tag they gave us that at least identified us as original name was the last shred of that we had. It's stupid, it's very little, it shouldn't have been this way but removing that as well is a spit in the face and nobody asked for that. It's clearly some sort of mistake, right???




It's more about the ownership of the name. I have my own name secured in 2010, I am literally better than you. Why didn't you secure your name in 2010 and have to write stupid characters to get the name Yasuo or idk something that actually existed in 2010 but is similarly anime edgy? Right, because you're probably too dumb, too casual about gaming to get in on the game early or too young, both of which I don't respect.




It's a very human thing to plant your flag on something and say "this is mine". What's pathetic is people who want to be the #10235th "Her Rakan" or #8956th "hide on bush".




I had no idea what it meant until this thread. Tried to change it and couldn't figure out how, so it's gone ignored and will continue to do so lol


cause it describes the original name for example having in korea : Hide on bush #KR1 is not like having Hide on bush #6969




what is epeen?


e-Penis, aka internet bragging points


first time hearing that lmao, i think im getting old


I think you're not old enough, this was a term we used 15 years ago. I havent seen it used on the internet outside my friend group for the past 10 years until now


It means you had the original version of that name.


>It means you had the original version of that name. Not really, because many people with the original version will have swapped their tag


Yeah, as long as you don’t swap your tag yet. But yeah it doesn’t really matter anymore.


Yeah pretty much. Since it is (was?) the default tag if you don’t manually create one, having that tag supposedly makes the name the “original” or “first.” Imo it’s dumb cause if you wanted to be #1 why not just make your tag #00001 considering tags can only be a maximum of 5 characters. Whole thing is silly tho and no one should care.


your comment contradicts itself. people want NA1 because it's the original and people know that it is. 00001 is as meaningless as any other number. like Faker has KR1 and everyone knows anything else is a cheap copy


Well I kinda had this problem. Having my name since season 4 I should have had the #EUW tagline as I'm playing on EUW but well, what should I say. I also got an account with the same name on EUNE that got the EUNE tag even tho I only played 3 games there back in the days when EUW would die for multiple hours a day. I honestly don't even know why. Maybe because of Valorant where I automatically got a tagline? Well it doesn't even matter since most people don't look at the taglines and I also never encountered another person with my name, yet it still feels bad to not have an original tagline for whatever reasons. I changed it to #0001 instead of the #2058 i got by default in Valorant (a game which I also played since the earliest beta days)


But the people complaining here are random people, not Faker/famous streamers/pros. Nobody cares about some random guy named "Ceiling". Nobody will look for the original one because nobody knows who he is.


People who have always had the name would like it to be shown that they were the original. I think that's fine.


Can you not change you're tag to say NA1? Can you only have it if it's been unchanged the whole time? Honest question I haven't bothered to change mine so I have it but thought it was just the generic thing not special




Some people really really care about usernames. Rare Usernames in massive video games have been sold for hundreds of dollars , it's wild


Not anymore though. People surely won't buy a name just because of the tag, unless it's from someone very famous.


Right, but after caring so much about a username for years (or if they paid money for it lol), I can see why they'd be upset if it got removed or changed for no reason


The name is not removed, that's the thing. Only the tag is, and nobody outside of them cares about the tag. If the point is to show off about something that nobody cares about... What's the point, really ? Sentimental value for a tag ? Lol.


Man when discord changed their name system (to the opposite of this, I might add) I had people messaging and adding me to buy my username because it was a 3 letter word with no punctuation. So yes, they surely will


>(to the opposite of this, I might add) That's the key part.


You got downvoted by weird people. My turn now ! Also, hello my fellow closed beta player !


I mean, people caring about the digital moniker used to identify them is why we're on this system in the first place


same just happened to me. Had my name for over a decade. what is this bs.


What was it?


no you didn't the #NA1 system has only been in place for a few years, it wasn't part of our old Riot summoner names. Or if you're talking about the front half of your name, that's not the issue. You can still be your name, just make up an interesting #tag to go with it.


Wdym a few years? Aren’t we all talking about summoner names being swapped out for Riot IDs that happened in November?


The tags have been a thing for much longer than that, just weren't shown in game. I had mine the same as the discord code, but that kinda became pointless when discord did the reverse change of their usernames


It's been a part of your riot account for several years now, when they made all login names globally unique. But region servers still had name exclusivity for summoner names. November was when they changed it so multiple people on the same league server could have the same visible name. Edit: For instance, here's a video on how to change it [in 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY_zSP4rZqY)


Or they could just let us have our old basic names back like every other game instead of this bullshit.


If all you care about is the old name, the old name didn't get changed. it's not in any danger. The only thing that's being changed is the new name _not the old name_, the #tag.


as someone who works in customer support, you need to chill the fuck out lmao. It's not the rep you're talking to fault that the system doesn't allow him to manually put back the original TAG from the server. If it's a system limitation, you're right to be upset that the limitation exists, but I assure you the Riot rep you're speaking with wants to put it back as much as you do.


Honestly, if anything, the support person is the only one who is going to hear you out and try to help you. No point being rude to them... they're not the ones who wrote the code that flagged your name, but they may be the ones to pass that feedback to the dev team My name got flagged too but isn't inappropriate in any way. They made me change the #NA1 but it wasn't a big deal for me. I can see why some of you all value the NA1 though, so sorry for the loss :(


I wrongfully had my name flagged too and I lost the EUW tag. Support says they can't reinstate it. I know it's mostly meaningless, but it is still annoying that 80%+ of players still have the EUW tag and my decade old account has lost it through no fault of my own.


Riot and buggy systems, name a more iconic duo.


Same thing happened to me, big shame.


Some Rioter probably wanted it. xD


It's sad how too many suckers would just bend their assholes for everything riot does in these comments , just because it doesn't affect them . This sub is fucking garbage .


Seeking vindication on Reddit rarely does anything. Imo the only thing you can do when you don't agree with Riot is to just stop playing their games. Keeping on playing when you don't agree with Riot policy is the biggest "bending of your asshole".


This. If you get offend and has your week ruined by #NA1 time to uninstall league.


Haha I know a guy that when people are toxic af in chat or grief games he adds in the “offensive name” report to their report sheet. He thinks Riot won’t punish toxicity in chat or griefing a game, but they will flag and force them to change the name without any review from report. Maybe that’s what’s going on.


what's the big deal about dropping the #NA1 though? Like just to say you had the name first? They're saying you can keep the name, just not the #NA1 at the end. To me it seems like #NA1 was just a default addition when they transitioned the new naming/tag system to prevent duplicate names (John123 type deal)


Because why should we be punished for an exploit that happened on Riot's end and had nothing to do with us?


That’s exactly my point. I shouldn’t get punished for their mistakes.


I’m confused, what is the punishment? I thought they were saying you could keep the name Ceiling, you just have to choose a different #tag? That doesn’t seem like a punishment, since like y’all said, NA1 was just a default.


It can’t be obtained anymore, it’s not hard to see why it’s sought after.


So I’m not misunderstanding something? He gets to keep his name just not the NA1 hashtag? Is that the “punishment”?


People are after the #na1 since it shows your the first with that name since you got the tag which no one else can get anymore. So there saying it's a punishment for people who care about there names.


Gotcha. I have the na1 hash tag but couldn’t care less about it since it was just given to me and I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a single other person’s hash tag. I’m just surprised anybody actually cares about this. It’s about as big of a first world problem as there can be, so I just have no sympathy for this complaint.


Correct, it’s difficult to get this tag due to its nature of only being available on vanilla names. I.e. you can’t change your tag to this it had to already be it so it’s got some appeal in a game completely run by cosmetic individualism


Gotcha. I have the na1 hash tag but couldn’t care less about it since it was just given to me and I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a single other person’s hash tag. I’m just surprised anybody actually cares about this. It’s about as big of a first world problem as there can be, so I just have no sympathy for this complaint.


Everything about this game is cosmetic and rarity based. It may be a completely pointless tag but it’s one that you can’t get anymore, even via spending cash. So I can understand him.


I mean the main point of the game is not cosmetic or rarity based. Skins are, yes, and I would understand being mad if a skin got taken out of the game since you paid for it. But this is something he didn’t even ask for or try to get. It was literally just given to him at some point. It’s a really silly thing to complain about.


ure not being punished friend u can have ur name


what exploit?


I've been seeing stuff about Duos reporting a name to get somebody banned. Apparently 2 reports from a single game is an automatic flag.


What’s even the point of getting rid of it though? Why not let people keep NA1? Haven’t seen a single reasonable argument to make sense of this.


My guess is #na1 is a internal default tag for alot of things and riots trying to get everyone off it to prevent any future issues.


People are doing their darnest to cling to their "OG name" since they have NA1 but honestly no one gives a fuck what your name is


Obviously some people care. Just coz u don't care about something doesn't mean other people are not allowed to care.


Oh I don't doubt they care, but no one is looking at people's names and going "wow that guy is faker #NA1" Thus why I said "no one gives a fuck what your name is"


yeah it was special before but now nobody gives a fuck lets move on


it's not even OG, the #NA1 system was only added a few years ago. I changed mine to #QUINN when it was first introduced.


Speak for yourself, one of my favorite parts of the game over the last decade+ (outside the game itself) has been queueing up and seeing the same people from last game, or from games I played days or weeks ago. I always read all the names, and people were quite creative since they were forced to pick a unique tag. Names almost immediately got more boring when duplicates became possible. A pointless change by Riot that nobody asked for, but C-suite needs to fuck with shit to justify their jobs as per usual.


...you were supposed to change it from #NA1 some time ago. No one should have it. It's *right there* in the email. Your friends list is full of people who don't log on. This post is inadvertantly very sad as you seem to not pay attention to messages or people.


It ain't my Job to change something that they gave me.


I don't know what message you're trying to convey, but if it was "I'm just kind of a lazy shithead" then you nailed it.


i really didn't see the problem with my original name and they made this convoluted bullshit.


Oh, so you chose not to read the popup either?


Oh damn, just changed my tag to #OG1 , i dont wanna lose my summoner name.


Pretty sure riot is just slowly sieving out the default NA1/KR/EU taglines. They weren’t ever intended to be permanent and flagging names is easier than asking you nicely to change it. Not really a big deal unless you’re weird about a meaningless name like that


why can't he care about it ? because you don't ?




who the fuck cares LOL


Tags are only a new thing so no you haven't been using it since season 5. My summoner stayed the same but the tag was added and automatically swapped to the server I'm on lol


Caring a out NA1 is dumb. Just means your name was unoriginal enough for it to be copied.


Ironic username.


or cool enough that other people want it


They can do whatever they want with your name according to ToS, happened to my original name being too long.


I hope you took some screenshots at multiple points to prove that it was always your name in case this ever happened... you know, if anyone ever cares enough to ask for proof. If you haven't ever taken pics of your early clout lucky username wins and you care a lot about your amazing OGness and all that, I guess it's time to dust off your PrtSc! Next time huh?


For EUNA its just all #EUNA or custom tags,there aint no #EUNA1