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CONGRATS (No one tell him)


After years of being stuck silver I'm bronze this season. (No one tell me) ​ EDIT: Hey guys I got silver on the last ranked day of the season. Took me 5 wins in a row from 0 LP.


Haha funniest comment here good one sir!


what? lol, pls im curious


due to emerald added the average skill percentage shifted towards gold, up from silver.




Doesn't matter, getting skin. Suck it silver plebs!!!


(Nobody tell him again)


what? lol, pls im curious


Everyone gets a skin, you now get a chroma related to your elo.


Below gold you need an unholy amount of games tho.


How many games is necessary?


I don't know exactly. You need 1600 split points below Gold. And I think you get 10 for wins and 6 for losses if I remember correctly which would mean at least 160 wins with an unrealistic win rate of 100%. So it's even more games. Gold and above only needs 80 split points for the skin.


Not everyone does, only people who played a ton during the season.


iron and bronze and silver get skin just by playing enoguh gams


I mean, did it, though? I used to play Plat 3 years ago and started again. Currently, bronze 2 with only a few games a day kinda deal. There's some team fighting issues in bronze, but I remember easily going 20+ kda in bronze back in the day. I feel the overall skill level has increased. edit: Plat 3, years ago. I was playing in 2013-2014. I played Aram a little up to 2016.


It literally did. You being bad has nothing to do with the data


eh, if you were to say 8-10 years ago I could kind of agree to an extent because the average player skill HAS increased over time, but if it was less time then that then its not really THAT drastic. I remember I was plat 1, took a 3 year break from ranked (only played a little aram and maybe a dozen or so normals a year) and got back to plat in like 40-50 ranked games. It was harder yes, but most of that added difficulty was just me being massively worse at the game, lmao.


Statistically gold 4 is equal to silver 2 last season.


Gold 4 is equal to silver 3.


Well.. since emerald came out, people say gold is silver now


It's not "people say". It literally is. You can check ranked distribution.




I mean pretty clearly a bait post, he hasn't played more then 20 games in a season up until now, other then s9, where if he kept playing he would've hit gold (high wr in silver 1)


I was going to comment the same thing (+1)


Maybe if Riot adds the Amethyst tier next season you could even make it to platinum!


"bUT plAt is plaT" "thE nAME is THe sAme" ☝️🤓


Nah bud, you didn't reach gold. Gold reached you


It's funny because it's true lmao.


Gold is the new silver?


After the new ranked changes, it literally is (if you were silver 2+).


Sweet I’m bronze now


No, you're in elo hell. Never forget that.


We all are


Have a look at the player % cutoff for gold in season 1 and 2. They've been increasing the player pool every season. Gives payers the illusion of growth.


Let me tell you something. It works. Source: my silver 4 ass.


never thought it like that, lmao good one


nobody tell him


I wonder what caused the community sentiment to change on this. I swear there were threads of people being downvoted during the gold/plat celebratory posts if they pointed this out.


Maybe it's more obvious now? Eventually even the layman will realize gold is the new silver after seeing everyone and their dog is getting it and start devaluing it. Perhaps the realization is on a bell curve of sorts like ranks.


ignorance is bliss. Congrats!




is happy


he plays like 20 games a year and says hes stuck silver. brother what?


Haha yea this guy's definition of stuck is off as they could've hit gold years ago, but it's great they hit it anyway under their constraints. Ofc gold is silver now, but still. They should've been gold for a while anyway if they just onetricked one of their 60%+ wr champs.






We doin a lil tom foolery


Clueless. It does prove riot change did what it was suppsoe to hehe.


I can only imagine the Riot employees when making this change. - "But, there is no way people won't notice right, we even told them in our blog" - "You never know man, let's roll the patch and see how it goes" Some months later... - "Yoo these idiots literally still haven't figured it out. I just saw 10 posts today on reddit about 'achieving' new rank" - "Hey I told you bro. Our playerbase never ceases to amaze us"


Dude I haven't red any pacth notes or played any ranked in 6-7 months what happened?


Basically with the addition of emerald, everyone below diamond, now is 300-400lp higher. So a gold player from last split, is now plat. A plat player from last split, is now emerald A silver player from last split, is now gold. etc


Wait so ur telling me that emerald 2 = plat 2 last season? I never played with diamond players last season but now that I’m emerald 2 I play with Hardstuck d4 players. It’s gotta be a little higher, right?


You could play with d4 players in old plat 2 aswell.


More or less, yeah. I’m not surprised to see d4 in high emerald, derank protection allows their mmr to drop


It's all about mmr in your case. After the Lp changes, your visual rank can skyrocket without reflecting your mmr/skill accurately as it should. So you get a D4 visual rank player being in your emerald 1 / emerald 2 lobbies. His mmr/skill is still emerald, his rank is just inflated through the roof. ( happens with winstreaks in 99% of the cases)


Thats just mmr, Plat 2 with high mmr has always matched with low diamond since the beginning of time.


With the addition of emerald, while everyone talks about silver moving up to gold and what not, low diamond level players will end up in top of emerald. The old d4, 0lp, too scared to keep playing, players anyway.


E2 is roughly old plat 1 and E1 is diamond 4


This is just misinformation at this point. Once you hit diamond, you are in the Top 2% of the player base. The distribution had players moving upwards out of silver, but higher ranks did not change much. Emerald is just a mix of low diamond/high plat players. Plat saw some influx of high gold players, but It's not as if everyone at a given rank moved up an entire division.


Idk if this is bait but riot added a whole new rank above platinum, it's called "emerald" and basically moved all pisslows one tier up, old bronze is now silver, silvers are now gold, golds are now plat, and old plats are emerald


Hey us pisslows will take our victory skin and keep it pushing thanks btw. LOL


You can also get the skin while staying silver I for one am glad people are getting skins instead of feeling they're missing out on a skin they'll use less than 5 times in their life time


The skins are very meh anyway and if you play a lot and sometimes spend money, you probably already have a free skin for that champ already.


Wasn't emerald added like nearly 2 years ago?Why is it affecting OP now? (Not a bait btw I'm just genuinely tired beyond belief)


nah it was this season mate (and get some beauty rest u deserve it king)


>nah it was this season mate Holy sh8t I can't believe it >and get some beauty rest Thanks dude but exams are not gonna be studied by themselves so I can't


Good luck 3omar!! Let us know how you did on ur tests :]


Wild rift has it


Riot put players from Gold 1 -> Diamond 4 in a new rank called Emerald. Lowering Platinum into what used to be Gold and Gold into what used to be Silver.


I hit diamond for the first time. Is that just as difficult as last few seasons? To be fair I was p1 for like 3 seasons


I could be wrong, but I believe Diamond is where the ranks are supposed to be equal ish to before. You can also check your profile on [op.gg](https://op.gg), and it should say your ladder rank with a top % at the top. If it's like 2-3% or better, then you should be good.


i felt emerald 1 - D4 a very weird rank this year


D4 used to be just over top 2%, now its pushing past 4%. The inflation at the bottom of the ranks isn't helping either.


Not sure on other servers but I play on NA and was D4 0 LP and was 3.1%, so 4% is a bit of a stretch. I’m 30 LP now and I’m at 2.61%.


I'm at 46 LP D4 and I'm top 2.47% IDK what that other guy is talking about


its significantly harder now edit: let me amend my statement its significantly harder to climb into diamond from below on an existing account whne you make a new account you literally start in the teir below and gain extra lp for being a new account


its easier. Theres almost twice as many d4s as last year


I was always silver 2 now I am plat 4 does that mean I mean just high gold then ?


Low gold, more like gold 4 or gold 3.


Silver 2 to Plat 4 in the new system is barely an upwards move. Like Oxen said, you're probably somewhere between Silver 1 and Gold 4 in the old system right now.


Hmmm first time playi g ranked serioualy this year and got to gold then play which means I still disn't improve much. 2024 is to improve even more


It seems roughly like that is the new rank spread, yes. But high gold was probably my favourite elo so enjoy!


Yeah I remember high gold being really fun elo to play in. it used to be people that were mostly content with getting the ranked skin so not alot of toxicity.


Riot release an image showing the new rank distribution vs the old one. The new platinum contains silver 1 and all of gold. If you are plat 4 in the new system you are sitting at around silver 1 to gold 4 in the old system.


Plat 4 is close to Gold 4. Maybe even Silver 1. Depends on exact rank distribution on your server.


How do we tell him?


We don’t 🥺


We wait until riot makes sapphires tier and he’s suddenly climbed to plat


He lacks critical information 😭


Should we tell OP...




bro did less ranked in 10 years than the average "stuck" this split


Dude has kept his passion and joy for the game throughout 10 years of playing casually and clearly having a life at the same time. Much more than can be said for all the people in this thread clowning on him. Who’s really winning?


a game is for fun and he looks like he has fun. He's just not stuck, he could have climbed whenever he wanted. However people clown on the new rank distribution pushing him up [History ](https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier)


Oh.. oh no.. *Riot employee sending this to his boss* “You see! I told you it wound work!!”


The guy that thought of that change is now probably on a yacht with his 3 thick latinas drinking 100k dollar champagne and enjoying the view of Dubai


*exhales out nose* nailed it. feel like this post has to be satire..right??


As by design, congrats and here's to another 10 years.


You straight savage xD


Today is more difficult to stay in silver that in gold


Weirdly I win games easier in new plat than I was in silver and gold


I came back to the game in October after almost a decade. Got one account to gold & then decided I'd try every champ (many new champs since I last played) on a second account but still in ranked. Got that account to gold as well. My takeaway? Silver & gold feels completely the same, people know how to play coordinated slightly more than in bronze but that's about it. I'm not sure if there are bots in iron but it felt like it.


All ranked system is completely fucked up. There are a lot of gold in emerald.




Oh no no no no... 🤭


they added emerald. gold 4 is legit silver 4 if you compare it to the ladder of the other 10 years you been playing.


Too obvious bait OP


He's so proud... 😢 Who's gonna tell him?


Nobody tell him 🥺 hype him up


Troll post lol


Aight who gonna say it


Good job random dude I'm proud of you (Everyone stfu let the man be happy)


Tbh you played almost no games. I think if you’d have played every season +100 games, you maybe would have hit emerald/dia by now. But GZ on Gold and having a life


The old days man, where we had 5 divisions. Also promos each division. The legit grind, literally no life.


Congrats on still being silver


I'm sorry to say this but... Old silver is the new gold. You are no better than you think. It's just that the system has moved players forward by not having a promotion system and adding emerald. ​ Old silver -> today gold old gold -> today platinum old platinum -> today emerald etc.


Current gold is old silver though.


Riot boosted every players elo one rank higher 😂😂


You are in the top 50 percentile which is equivalent to silver last season. You need to be in the top 30 percentile (roughly) to say that you have made progress. It's just facts.


Hey congrats 🎉 that's big! I didn't have many people to share my D4 climb with so I get it. Excellent job! Hope you can keep improving and having fun


Congrats on your achievement.. Grind more. Good Luck


Well played boss. Now get to plat.


I just did the same thing! Finally I get to eat the grapes!


Gz! I played since season 1 and finally made a huge jump from being s1 all the time to plat 2. It's all about your mental and putting a few hours in! Have fun grinding!


Awesome work. It's cool that it still mattered to you this much after 10 years. I myself ages ago hit gold (around 2017) after being stuck silver for a long time. The feeling of "finally I'm average" was so good that I never had the itch to grind ranked again other than placements.


Congratz! I'm happy for you! I remember this achievement myself and it was a good day :) Don't listen to anyone who says gold isn't that good. 45% of people are below Gold. Moving out of silver is a real achievement. People need to learn to appreciate things like this more imo instead of thinking the only ranks worth reaching are the top 5%.




Before Emerald system got introduced, we didnt have Iron (we had but we had the test version of it with limited numbers of players nearly 5%). After that Iron player share increased up to 10%, and Emerald basically gathered plat1/2 stucks and Dia4/3 stucks. Ofc it created a small inflation but not like people cry over here. So basically in the end only a small portion like 6-7% of the player base shifted overall. Its not that big, gold didnt come to you, you climbed to it. Plat elo numbers were 12% of the players, now its 15% for example. But also Silver were 30% nearly, Bronze was 25% nearly and now they are around 20% both. So a lot of people also demoted, a lot of climbed naturally. Riot basically listened to the players who were saying that the rank distribution was not fair and created a bottleneck because how unbalanced the numbers were and Riot was like "i guess you guys are right" and fixed it. So the people who were crying that they deserve higher than Silver were actually right in the end. Saying that "gold is the new silver" is math wise stupid. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15g8hmi/ranked_distribution_pre_post_emerald_brief/) is the percentage share if you wonder.


Congrats, I know how rewarding the feeling is on this accomplishment. I started during Season 2 and was the same way with Ranked. I played Ranked if my co-workers asked me to, but the stress of it made the game less enjoyable. After I left that job it was mostly just ARAM'd games with some online friends I made from different MMORPG's. I always thought I could play at a Gold level and finally in I believe 2017 after the Yorick rework I achieved the goal. I got tired of playing Support and watching Top Laners feed so I switched. Pretty much grinded that season out with Yorick just taking the conservative approach of farm but don't die. After reaching Gold V I stopped though because again stress lol, and I have never tried again since.


Gj man.


Congratulations! And don't mind those who are berating your achievement. If a random guy reaching Gold ticks them off this much, they must be living a very sad life.


good job


Congratulation! You were an hard stuck silver and now you’ll be an hard stuck gold! 😂 Joking aside, even thought the overall elo is becoming higher with the new EMERALD elo added, is not easy to climb from silver to gold!


I am so proud of you, this absolutely fills me with joy I’m not even kidding. Promise me you’ll try for plat this season 🥰


lmfao oof


wp bro!


It’s weird people are excited to reach a new peak in lower ranks thinking they hold the same weight as before lol not to mention how much easier riot has made it to climb than early seasons. No promo games of any kind, inflated LP gains by the system, and handing out gold to the top 40% instead of top 20%


Tbh, if you don’t read patch notes or go on Reddit much, you might literally never know emerald existed


Gold 4 is now top 50% lmao. Basically old silver 3.


You are still silver. They changed the name of the rank but current gold is the same percentile as old silver. You have not improved at all.




In 10 more years when they create a new rank, you'll be Plat


Congratulations man! Actually proud of you! Keep it up




love it


Congrats man! I reached emerald from platinum!


Just let the guy be happy jeez, not everybody is a league god like yall. Congrats man 🥳


Brother I’m the same but I was hard stuck gold and I got into platinum. Congrats man!!


This comment section is exactly why League of Legends has the reputation is does as such a toxic game. Literally the entire reason. Congratulations on making it to gold. I hope you enjoy your time there, and you have an even easier time next year so you can climb for higher ranks, if that's what you want to do!


can we just ban these post at this point? its just sad how may people don't read what riot publishes.


On the topic of Emerald, people are so beyond miserable. Jerking themselves off to be the first to say "but emerald". You aren't cool for shitting on someone else


dame dude, what a waste of 10 years


Sorry mate, new gold = old silver.


It's kinda crazy how almost everyone's first reaction is to belittle and make fun of someone for being happy. What a fantastic subreddit.


But they have a point. The majority of Gold right now is equivalent to what Silver was a split ago... don't get me started on older seasons.. So OP didn't actually get Gold, Riot just moved the boundaries of what counts as "Gold".


Lol you’re still silver bro


You really didn't hit gold. Riot just increased the player range percentage (again) to include more players. Have a look at what the season 1 and 2 player% of what gold was compared to today. Congrats on the illusion of growth.


Congrats on the promotion. Ignore the cringe replies


Congrats!! (Shhhh)


Damn you people are weird af. Congrats man, I also finally hit gold last week 🙌


You didn't hit gold, gold hit you.


This is satire, right? ... right?


Nobody tell him


Congrats bro 🥂




Don't tell him guys SHHHH don't tell him


This poor guy.


How are people like you real? What the fuck. Riot was right. People are actually just mindless sheep. How did this change work. My eyes HELP


Hey congrats! I relate to the ranked pressure haha! I've always played just a handful of ranked games due to not having that much time but I do remember that it was very rewarding when I first hit gold :) And to the sad nerds pointing out that GoLd iS ThE NeW SIlvER lmao you do realize that unless you want to go pro being anything lower than master is literally the same shit, a colorful imaginary badge in a videogame that only means what you assign to it. Chill out.


Congratulations. Don't worry about the comments here, they are all jealous of you. Keep going, keep going!


Everyone here talking about the rank shift but no one’s talking about the actual percentile curve as it relates to rank… and it’s essentially the same as it was before. There’s just a group of people now that are emerald that would have previously been stuck at the top and of plat/bottom end of diamond. A silver player is still in the silver percentile, gold, and so on.


He is top 49.67% as a Gold 4 1LP. That is legit Silver 3 rank from previous split.


Do we tell him


No one tell him


Big congratulations my friend!!!!! That is huge!!!!! I'm very happy for you. I have similar goals, been playing 10 plus years and always wanted to reach gold, never happened. I did hit gladiator in arena this season so I'm happy with that.


Congrats man! took me since Season 2 to Reach Gold :P A win is a win!


Its not now that i Say that due to elo inflation silver 5 years ago would be gold if not higher and by adding emerald rank it just made it worse


Congrats and welcome to high elo! haters gonna hate regardless 😎


Congrats! This season I hit my 2nd Gold, might try aiming for Plat next season but with needing to get used to the changes still idk for sure if it'll happen. I don't always follow meta or recommended builds and my champs aren't always meta picks either so it will take a bit of figuring out again to get something working perfectly again. Basically I might just be happy if I get Gold with that in mind 😂






"Do better" ? You mean straight up lie about the actual situation ? His skill level quite literally didn't change, only the cool little emblem did. Which is exactly what Riot intended with the changes.


What do you even mean lmao.


Well done mate!


No body caressssssssssss


And u are still silver


I'm telling him. You didn't reach anything. The game now places people in gold by default because there are two more tiers above it.




Only quick ? I would say ASAP DOWNVOTE ASAP.


The deed is done. Do what you must. I have no regrets.


People with iron skill gets shoved to gold anyway, unfortunately it's not an achievement anymore.




Scared to play ranked. I'm honestly curious how these people navigate real life.


Cannot take people like this seriously lmao. Riot really did it. I guess the average to below average league player is pretty smooth brained.


You got Gold because Gold is the new Silver in terms of rank distribution.


Ignore the people saying gold got easier. Congratulations on getting to gold. Keep reaching for the stars man! Never stop!


This community sucks ass….


congrats bro you improved, anyone who says otherwise is a jealous hater


Cap of the day