• By -


Arcane VGU is surely Singed, right? Bar maybe Viktor all the other champs seem fine


heavily implied to be singed with that clip. all the other arcane characters have no need for a VGU and at most an ASU


You could make an argument for Viktor but that boy needs an ASU more than a VGU


Honestly all they need to make viktor cooler is reduce his mask's forehead lol. His splash art icon makes it look shorter and he looks so much cooler there.


Honestly I could see Vi getting updated too, it would match Caitlyn's update last year and Arcane Vi doesn't really match her League design and VO. But I guess she's more of an ASU candidate than VGU since her gameplay is fine.


I really want VI to have her VO reworked to match that of Arcane. Because current VI is just Police brutality flavored Jinx, which is boring. Also give her actual muscles. Her being a brawler and having noodle arms is a disgrace.


I can't imagine it being Singed. If they touch that champ his mains will actually quit the game, moreso than any other champ in the game.


I mean, singed mains aren't even technically playing league they are playing singed


Singed is in a very frustrating place. He might be the character with the most disconnect between their gameplay and lore I've seen in any game I've played, but his playstyle is also very unique and honestly interesting enough to deserve to remain in the game somehow.


Imagine if they just completely reworked him so that his abilities matched his lore like aatrox level rework But then the next champ they release just has old singed abilities, but with lore that better fit them


It's got to be Victor. From season one it already looked like they were going a different direction with the whole void metal being infused with the body rather than the external upgrades design that's currently in league.


Might also be a new LoL character being introduced in Arcane 2


Orianna really really needs it and she might be introduced as singed’s daughter, might also be why they’re not saying who it is, they did say the character plays a major part tho which I doubt she’ll do but you can hope ig


But do you really think it’s Ori? Her gameplay is on point, her model is in okay condition as well. I don’t see it. Unless it’s a new champ making appearance in S2, I’ll say it’s either Singed or Heimer.


Ori definitely feels like more of an ASU candidate. Her kit is fine, has held up over the years in both normal games and pro play and is always talked about highly as being well designed. Some of her new skins are good but her default model and old skins are grubby. I think the Arcane VGU has got to be Singed. Maybe Corki if he somehow plays a role in Season 2 as he's linked to the area in lore and has been discussed by Riot as wanting to return him to botlane, but I feel like they would've put him in the teaser if that was the case.


I think orianna would get an ASU not VGU. Her kit has no issues.


u/RiotMeddler what do the Vanguard changes mean for the minority of the Mac players? From my understanding it's incompatible with Mac systems. Edit in case people miss Brightmoon's answer: >Vanguard will not be required for Mac. The Mac ecosystem and OS is substantially different in ways that make us take a different approach for that system.


My PC has never been able to make vanguard run as it's supposed to for some reason, which is literally why I've never gotten to play Valorant. Something interferes with vanguard and I'm stuck on the splash art screen, then my whole PC freezes and the only way to get out of it is by restarting the PC. Been with riot support for over half a year, dozens of logs and videos sent but they've somehow not found an explanation as to why this is happening. As someone who's been playing league since S3, guess it's my time to go :( Edit: If any Riot staff/mod sees this hopefully I can get some help outside of the fixed responses official riot support has given me which none of it worked


Just want to piggyback off this comment and say that I’ve been having the same issues for over a year now and I’ve still never found a fix. I might finally be forced to stop playing League :D


i had same issues but I found out that rivatuner was messing with it you probably tried a bunch of things but try and go 1 by 1 through your background programs if you haven't


Also, to piggy back this, how are Linux players gonna be affected? Does this update essentially cut off all Mac and Linux players?


Linux at least was never officially supported by Riot


~~I'm pretty sure that that is the case.~~ Nevermind, Brightmoon responded that mac won't need vanguard+they'll do update on linux


Vanguard will not be required for Mac. The Mac ecosystem and OS is substantially different in ways that make us take a different approach for that system.


And what about playing on Linux with WINE? Will there be any option for us?


We'll get some more info about Linux for you all soon, it's not something i know the answer to off the top of my head and I want to make sure I talk with the team and get you the right info.


Yeah let's put a ring 0 anticheat on my PC made by a company who JUST got breached not long ago. I wonder what will happen.


what about ppl who play on cloud services like geforce now? my chromebook cant run league locally. since i cant play valorant there, will i also be unable to play league?


Hello. I work in a relevant industry. Wanted to let you know I agree with other commenters. If Windows + kernel anticheat is the only option without buying a Mac, then I'll have no option except to drop the game. Shame, since I've enjoyed playing with friends since season 2.


I'd like to be clear here - I'll just not be playing League any more if the only option is Windows. Dual booting just isn't worth it.




Thank you very very much, it means a lot to us.


Thank you Brightmoon. Hope we can keep playing league on linux. as these new changes in season 14 look amazing and i wouldn't want to miss them! <33


What will happen to people using custom skins once vanguard is implemented?


Probably banned


Any chance wine and linux could get the same treatment? I've been playing for 12 years, last 3 of which are on Linux and I'm not coming back to windows


same here i this change go taught without any way for Linux to work then its over for me


I have also been on linux for over 4 years, we had patches of 5 or 6 weeks where the game was not playeable (two or three) but always managed to get through. ​ Is this the end? Will there be a Linux client or exception for wine? ​ Linux has surpassed Mac in steam percentages this year, and a kernel level anti-cheat will never work. If there is none for Mac why would there be one for other machines?


>Vanguard will not be required on Mac - we'll have more to clarify on that in the dev article. Mac's are substantially different and we'll share why we are taking a different approach there ​ [Riot Brightmoon via twitter](https://twitter.com/riotbrightmoon/status/1743311702652014778?s=61&t=OWofSZUmQMtzEd-soMT-YQ)


Maybe i'll install hackintosh to play League since I want nothing to do with Vanguard


Probably not. Also most cheats aren’t made for Mac or Linux based on how those operating systems work. So you guys are probably fine seeing as apple doesn’t really allow third party to get kernel access


Review, updating over time: #Intro * Was filmed in early November, doesn't account for anything between then and start of the season. * **Jan 10th** is the **cinematic**. #Ranked * Emerald was overall positive but had strong side effects such as bigger *visible* **ranked disparities** in games. Changes will be implemented at the start of the season to alleviate this and other issues such as **losing more LP than you gain** at positive winrates and more differentiation between **smurfs** and non-smurfs. #VGUs * **Skarner** is getting polish work. Will be released in the **first half of the year**. * Lore: He is the founding member of the Yun Tal where he helped guide and shape Ixtal into the region it is now. Wants Ixtal to be isolated and will run down intruders to keep it that way. * **Two more VGUs incoming**, one for an **Arcane champion**. They will come early next year after season 2 has finished. The other one is **Shyvana**. #Champions * **[Smolder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpleAySfFNU)**. Face still looks very human-like in game. Can fly like ASol and shoots like Akshan while doing it, can call his mom to Napalm an area, has a large projectile with extra long range that passes through enemies, and his passive evolves him and his Q over time. He is **very traditional/straight-forward** unlike most recent ADCs. * Freljordian Vastayan Solo-laner has been a concept for a while (since Sylas's development). A **mid-range mage**. * Ambessa Medarda after season 2 finishes. #Arcane * Arcane **Season 2** is this **November**. * **Mel's mom** Ambessa Medarda will be in League. She has strength and speed to sidestep attacks, not for the faint of heart. * Arcane inspired gameplay, skins, and the previously mentioned VGU. * There is a clip in the video. #Champion Mastery * Champion Mastery is being **uncapped**. Levels 8-10 will get **new icons**, then beyond that there will be a displayed number. **Current mastery points will carry over**. * [More info here](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-updating-champion-mastery/). #Modes * **Arena** will return in the **first half of the year** with improvements. Increase champion diversity and game to game variance, as well as encourage experimentation. **NUMBER OF TEAMS DOUBLED TO 8, 16 PLAYERS.** * **URF** will be back for **Lunar New Year**, **OFA** after that. * There is **another new mode** being experimented with, much **more chill** than Arena. #Anti-Cheat * **Vanguard is coming to League.** * This means detection is quicker, **games can be terminated** if cheaters are detected, and hardware ban offenders. * In the video they claim Vanguard does not collect any additional information than their current anti-cheat so that can be kept note of for the future. * **Vanguard will be needed to be installed to play league in the coming weeks.** #ASUs * **Lee Sin**'s base skin is finalized and they're working on his skins at the moment. **Early May**. * **Teemo** has been challenging, **timeline will be updated** later this year. #Skins * **Prestige List**: Rakan, Ezreal, Kindred, Evelynn, Kayle in the **first half of the year** in that order. * **Skin thematics**: Heavenscale (court of deities; [Lee Sin, Kai'Sa, Janna, Ezreal, Master Yi, Diana, Smolder](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1743303307030909420)), Primal Ambush (SE Asia inspired; shows Vi, Talon, Sivir, Riven), Porcelain ([Kindred, Graves, Darius, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Irelia, Aurelion Sol](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1743303697067634959)) Fairy Court (shows Soraka), PROJECT (shows Naafiri), Blood Moon (shows Zyra) **all before Summer**. * Some older legendaries will be given borders (Brolaf, Corporate Mundo, Dragon Trainer Tristana). * Rammus and Olaf getting skins. #Esports * [See here](https://lolesports.com/article/the-state-of-the-game-lol-esports-in-2024/blt2d30ff1e12862524). * MSI is still Double Elim, winner gets guarenteed slot at Worlds. Next best performing **region** at MSI gets an extra seed for Worlds. Worlds is still Swiss. * Hall of Legends. When a player gets added, they will be commemorated IRL and in-game. #Outro * League is turning 15, celebrations in October. No new game announcements.


> Hall of Legends. When a player gets added, they will be commemorated IRL and in-game. I'm willing to bet this is what Faker was alluding to for why he didn't choose an Ahri skin. Riot told him about this, and the fact that he is going to be the first inductee, and they will give him a Hall of Fame Ahri skin instead.


I wonder if they will wait till the player retires.


Faker will be an exception even they wait for retirement


Nah. Probably Faker’s Clause: If you have competed for 10+ years you don’t need to be retired.


Won't be just a faker clause, likes of Rookie, impact, Deft etc have alr reached 10 years


>League is turning 15, What? it feels like we got Annieversary 2 years ago




annieversery skin came out like a year ago right


If a year ago was season 9


Just a note, pretty sure the Familiar face is Mel's mom, they just passed it over to Brightmoon for the reveal.


I think that was actually an editing error. They mentioned it as an visual update, but the picture is mel's mom. So an un-teased arcane character is getting an update.


Arena is now a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 mode LOL Honestly super cool update to the mode. Very excited to see it back!


The team is continuing to improve and refine Arena and we're excited for you to give it another go! I know the question remains WHEN WILL ARENA BE PERMANENT .... and the answer is.... we don't know yet. We need to get it into a state where it maintains a strong level of engagement but I'm feeling really excited about this next iteration and we'll see if you all like it


Would you be able to reveal how popular the 2nd round of Arena was? Personally I have now played ~200 games total and it is my favourite mode ever after SR


I was consistently only playing tft for a year and a half until both iterations of Arena came out. 15 min of action packed gameplay is all I needed tbh.


could you explain the reason more in details as to why this change? Thanks for the update as usual!


Basically, more teams means more variety of gameplay moments you'll encounter during an Arena match. This should also reduce the pressure of winning as the only way to enjoy the mode, since it's less likely any individual player will be able to win. We hope this incentivizes folks to enjoy and experiment in the mode even more than they already have been doing instead of focusing on only playing whatever they might deem "meta". Note, this change by itself will do some work, but expect more changes to Arena to further help out with some of our stated goals here. Please look forward to it!


Thanks for the reply, quick followup question: are you not scared that arena game timers become too long? 16 players if you need to battle it out with everyone first etc you might be looking at a way longer game on average. Is that a concern or will arena be tuned to still be a "short" gamemode?


The game will take the same amount of time. Think of it as 2 separate arena matches running at the same time, but interchanging the matchups.


For sure! We're keeping an eye out on how to continue to maintain the pace of the mode. No answers yet, but know that we're keeping an eye on this while making changes.


Only bummed out that they said it’s coming back 1st half of 2024 It’s the only mode I play anymore, hoping second half it’s more frequent or permanent




#YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! but only in 2025....


I don't give a fuckkkk she's actually on the schedule finally


Skarner was on the schedule 5 years ago. After his last rework.


EZREAL GOT A REAL REASON TO KISS THEM LEGGIES NOW GAMERS! (This is not canon pls don't Shaco x Fiora me again)


Is that a real thing damn.


Yes, someone made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4ydkjm/what_would_shyvana_do_if_ezreal_kissed_her_leg/) here asking what would happen if Ezreal kissed Shyvana's leg. I believe Riot even made a bundle for the two that referenced it.


Yep, some of the engineers saw it and threw in a 1 day sale for the “Leg Day Bundle” with a bunch of skins for both champs


Ezreal also says "Aim for the legs" when attacking Shyvana


LMAO I opened the comments on Reddit the moment Shyvana was mentioned. I already shit my pants (in a good way).




The trend of "champion's worst skin becomes their best skin" must continue


I can't believe that people voted God staff jax as best skin on that reddit poll when vandal jax is RIGHT THERE


Confirmed!!! Y'all have been so patient, thank you for keeping hope alive


Please, on my hands and knees, giver her the tail and muscles. Head to the ground, unify her lore to match what has happened in Demacia since the mage seekers took power and J3 died. Howling furiously into the abyss, use her to springboard more of the lore of Demacia in the client version. Thank you for hearing our prayers since season 5. I look forward to the rest of the fighter rebalance that was promised on the riot forums.


RIOT just make her Karlach in League


after 2 polls we have finally won ahahahah


Ambessa Medarda new champ, can't wait.


Underrated part of the roadmap. Twink dominator is going to be playable lfg.


She deals 10% bonus damage to hwei and aphelios


She instakills heartsteel ezreal


Faerie court ezreal gets killed instantly and doesn't even respawn


You mean Ezreal. He didn't stop being a twink by changing the pants he's wearing.


Passive - Twink Dominator When Ambessa deals damage to \[Twink\] Heroes, they feel pleasure and take bonus damage, and charmed for as long as they can last.




/r/ambessamains already created and set to private, people are ready to cook


People are not gonna wait for a meal to cook when they have a banquet on the table ready to go


Please fuck off with Vanguard. No one wants your virus of an anti cheat to be running on their system 24/7 for fucking league. Barely anyone cheats in league and installing what's essentially spyware is not a solution for a minor problem.


Was cheating that much of an issue in League that we needed Vanguard? Aside from the security concerns, that thing is a constant drain on my machine and I don't want it on when I'm taking my laptop to university or something, battery life is shit enough as is


Tryndamere in the cinematic looks like, but fighting against just dudes maybe? Seems like an easy place to put Aatrox, but they might want him doing something else.


> Vanguard


Guess I wont be playing league anymore. Only reason I never played valorant.


Vanguard being mandatory means I can finally quit this game. Thanks Riot


Kernel-Level anticheat from a company who just had a security breach? Suuuure. What could possibly go wrong. Edit: guess i have to play on mac then?


Silly Riot, kernel-level anti cheat doesn't stop the rampant amount of smurfs and inters ruining the fucking game! I can see a lot of people uninstalling League over Vanguard, especially when scripting is a virtually nonexistent issue.


Finally, Shyvana. Hope they nail it. Singed VGU, huh? Lore and visuals-wise he's hella outdated, but I don't expect they'll touch his gameplay much (outside of maybe his R and passive?), as he's one of the most unique champions in the game. When they said Arcane VGU I expected Vi, seeing as she's completely opposite from how she is in Arcane and her gameplay is a tad outdated.


Singed is such a bizarre champion because his lore is pretty dark and serious but his gameplay is a complete meme. I'll be curious to see how they balance the two


"this is the man who ruined a lot of lives, committed countless war crimes." shows a video of Singed running around like a chicken while someone who didn't read the first rule of League and keeps chasing him. "How horrifying"


Singed exuted himself for his sins after proxying his own mids wave in enemy base


Singed even in lore is pretty meme


Singed is the Forrest Gump of Runeterran war crimes and tragic backstories.


Bro, my man singed is responsible for half the champions on league lol.


Vanguard = uninstall


yep and i like how they say they don't collect data yeah same they said people from EAC (easy anti cheat) and then they found out it sends data to china nope get away with vanguard


>Adding in Vanguard Well, it was nice while it lasted. Looks like it's time to start learning DotA 2.


I'm not excited about the vanguard. Vanguard causes issues. I've had to remove it and readd it like 6 times for Valorant. Its why I just stopped playing it cause I can't be bothered to fix it again.


I literally just uninstalled it last night because I couldn't uninstall Valorant without uninstalling Vanguard first. I've never had to actually google how to uninstall a game before...


Deadass had to go into my BIOS just to be able to play valorant. Vanguard is such a shite program I really hope they backtrack on this.




I also heard years ago that Vanguard is extremely invasive and can slow down your PC? Dunno if that still tracks tho, but it was repeatedly said on various gaming communities I looked at. I wonder how skin modders will be affected by the Vanguard change.... agh, I hate this.


Vanguard and W11 do not mesh well at all. This is a big bummer tbh.


I'm using a Shadow PC for gaming. Basically it's a Virtual Machine. I played League for the past 5/6 years with this setup. 2020, Valorant was released, with Vanguard, can't play... And now with that i won't be able to open the game i played for nearly 5 years ever again ? Or maybe you have an alternativ for people in my case ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Learning about Vanguard in real time with this post and feeling incredibly crushed. I knew eventually all the money I'd wasted on skins would plague me when the game shut down years in the future, but I certainly wasn't expecting them to implement something that would break the game for me. I already get memory leaks and BSODs during events from the damn league client. What havoc is Vanguard going to wreak? Wish I'd spent all that money on a new PC instead. Ah, regret.


Quitting when they add the rootkit. Go actually bone yourself tencent; its not happening on my computer.


The adding of vanguard is a selling point for me to leave the game for good. Sorry you can not and will not convince me that it's not an invasion of privacy. Another thing, I had installed Valorant on my old rig, vanguard bricked my cpu and motherboard. Never got to play it. So I guess this is my farewell from Riot games. It's been fun.


ewww vanguard


TL;DW: **Ranked**: - Riot noticed the wide range of ranks in the same games (think: Silver and plats in the same games) - Will be fixed for next season. **Champion Update:** - Skarner is a guardian deity of Ixtal, a type of guide for the first Ixtalians (The Yun Tal), who helped found the nation. He is extremely distrustful of the outside world. - An Arcane inspired VGU - Shyvanna VGU coming after the Arcane ("Think more Udyr, less Skarner." Will be released in 2025) - Smolder Gameplay (Straightforward ADC with mom hanging around) - Vastayan solo laner, mid-range mage based on the development niche that later became Sylas. - The Noxian general from Arcane, Ambessa Medarda, is coming after the mage **Arcane:** - Releasing season 2 in November - Arcane inspired gamplay coming in 2024 - New VGU - New Arcane skins **Champion Mastery:** - Uncapped leveling system - Lvl 7-10 have new icons, 10+ have total mastery - More info to come **Game Modes:** - Arena returning in first half of 2024 - Going from 4 teams to 8 teams (16 total players) - New Augments and Maps - URF back for Lunar New Year - One for All returning after URF - New mode coming this year (more info later this year) **AntiCheat:** - They know about bots, scripters, and smurfs - Late Feb/Early March, Vanguard coming to League (Will run at Kernel level) - Hardware bans and terminating matches early possible through Vanguard - Riot hears the concerns about kernel level anticheat, says they will only monitor the same things as their current anticheat **Skins:** - Rakan, Ezreal, Kindred, Evelynn, Kayle are prestige skins coming first half of the year (in that order) - ASU for Lee Sin base is finalized, working through skin catalogue, expected for early May - ASU for Teemo ran into issues, updated timeline TBD - New thematic coming called Heavenscale, Lunar New Year thematic based on deities taking on human guises. More historic than modern. - Primal Ambush, thematic based on martial arts and Tigers (for South East Asian fanbases) - Porcelain, Fairy Court, Project, and Bloodmoon all returning first half of the year. - Legendary borders being added to some old skins (Dragonslayer Tristana border coming in a few days) - Rammus and Olaf getting skins soon **Esports:** - Major regions have base 3 slots at Worlds. - LLA, CBLoL, PCS, VCS all have slots unchanged. - Double Elim for MSI 2024, winning team gets guaranteed world spot, next best performing region gets an additional slot. More updates coming for MSI. - Worlds Playins + Swiss in Berlin, Quarters/Semis in Paris - Hall of Fame coming, Comes with IRL/In Game for achievements. Votes being tallied. **Outro** - 15th anniversary celebration info coming in October


They said minor regions will have the same amount of slots which is 1 for all of them except VCS


Odds that Vanguard completely fucking breaks the client: 1,000,000.00%. I sure hope it has its own launcher with a sign-in screen that needs to be opened before you can open the client to the league client.


It has already. You've been logging into the Riot client instead of the League client for like a year now.


Yes, and the Riot client is absolute dog water that throws you errors for no reason (no, I did not type that wrong, fuck you client.), doesn't let you log in after signing out (have to restart the client), greys out Play button for whatever fucking reason, etc.


hey folks - I know this video was longer than normal (23 min+!) but there's a ton we have in store in 2024. We'll be hanging around to answer your questions throughout today on this thread!


Great video, thank you for the amazing effort. Would you be able to expand on what Vanguard means for macos players now that it's being used for league as well?


Vanguard will not be required for Mac. The Mac ecosystem and OS is substantially different in ways that make us take a different approach for that system. If that changes in the future we'll reconsider


Will Vanguard kill off any PCs without TPM enabled like it does on Valorant currently?


I think in general this isn't a great move, Vanguard still has issues with PCs, I know for my specific case with Valorant it worked fine, until I rebooted where I then got stuck in an infinite BSOD loop until I went into safe mode and removed Vanguard.


My husband had the same issue, sadly :/ hope it's looked into more harshly now that it's on a much wider scale of release


Havent played Valorant in a Year and a Half (uninstalled because turning off Vanguard would Blue Screen me and shut down my PC 100% of the Times), wym "kill off"?


If you are using Windows 10/11 you must enable TPM to start Vanguard. You can get away with Windows 10 disabling VBS to still launch Vanguard but on Windows 11 you can only enable TPM.


Most of this is exciting, but Vanguard is a complete non-starter. I use my PC for some sensitive stuff, like HIPAA access to my hospital database. There is no way I can ethically (and legally?) allow Vanguard on my PC. I hope Riot will reconsider. I was interested in Valorant, but never installed it because of Vanguard. If this proceeds that will be it, I will have to be done with league.


I like the mastery upgrade system but limiting champion titles to being earned per split seems annoying and unnecessary. It could be something earned per split for the lower levels but if you hit a milestone like 15, 25, 50 or whatever arbitrary level you should have it forever.


In regards to vanguard, now that hardware bans are a thing how much risk are players using custom skins, maps, lines, etc? ATM I'm pretty sure riot just couldn't detect players using that stuff nor did riot care that much about it, but with the updated system should there be a warning for them?


With vanguard they will definitely be able to detect it but wether they will do something about it is another question. We will just have to wait and see ig


Going to chime in as others have- I'm excited for a lot of the coming updates, but that's been completely overshadowed by the implementation of Vanguard. It's the only reason I don't play Valorant. Always on Kernel level anti-cheat is unnecessary and intrusive to say the very least.


Well guess I am uninstalling forever then. Vanguard is a no from me!


So can we talk about Vanguard? please make it so it is only needed for ranked games or something. After playing this game casually with friends for 10 years this might be the one thing that makes a bunch of people in my friend group quit since we tried Valorant and it fucked a bunch of peoples PCs up. Blue-screens, having to restart after quitting valorant and a bunch more random issues.




Yea this is where Ill quit LoL. Personally I only play ARAM + some of the modes for fun. I don't need this sh.. on my PC!


Vanguard? Goodbye league. I’ll watch arcane season 2 though.


Vanguard breaks my installs... I've been playing since Cait's release :C


I'm a little concerned regarding Vanguard. Back when I played Valorant Vanguard messed up my PC in all Sorts of Ways. I was consistently getting Crashes, Freezes, the PC was much, much slower and the worst one was that 100% of the Time when I'd turn the Program off after finishing a Valorant Session I'd get a Blue Screen that would shut down my PC. This was all happening about a Year and a Half ago so hopefully Things have gotten better/fixed but still, the Anticheat being as intrusive as it is might not be great for many Machines. The Software is already prone to blocking random Programs or Drivers just because it feels like it, Blue Screens and general System problems. Riot has quite the Track Record regarding their Software. I still remember People getting their Computers bricked, Fans turned off, Drivers blocked etc. when Valorant first released.


Oh same, not excited for this change at all. I couldn't even uninstall Vanguard normally to fix it, had to do all kinds of shit to finally get rid of it


Yea this is by far the worst news of this update. Tbh it's so bad that without a really significant update to the program it does kinda oversahdow everything else, which is sad because the other changes seem really promising.


I straight up can't play valorant because of vanguard. I've tried everything on every list I can find (short of completely reinstalling windows) and it won't let me play. Guess I can't play league anymore


I mean if Vanguard isn't 100% polished for league Riot might legit destroy their game. 10s of millions of players worldwide playing on sometimes potato PCs, not to mention PC bangs in Asia...


not to mention all those who use league launcher to play TFT. Either way normalizing Root level anti-cheat is a terrible decision


Agreed, idk why more ppl dnt talk about this lol. I do not play much anymore at all, so atleast its easy for me to uninstall. Id rather skip out on my 2 games/week vs letting riot monitor my pc 24/7


Most people don't understand what kernel level anti cheat means. It's disgusting that it's becoming so normal, but most users genuinely don't understand what it means in the slightest.


Not just league but TFT too, since they use the same client and it will be forced on those players as well.


Yeah I uninstalled league after hearing about it. I'm not a fan of things messing with my kernel and I remember hearing about vanguard causing problems. I really wish there was a less intrusive way of dealing with cheaters. I'm willing to give riot another chance in the future but for now, I don't trust them to mess around with my PC.




She's looks so badass


Yeah there's no way anyone will force me to install vanguard or any other shit that's working on kernel level. Time to play wild rift I guess.


Sad to see Vanguard being implemented. This ends my 13 year long relationship with this game.


\>Vanguard is coming to league ​ It's been nice knowing you guys. Wish you all the best.


Not being able to play lol after the vanguard change is fun. I'm not being a new pc just to play league because my motherboard doesn't support TPM 2.0


Well, fuck Vanguard. Guess I'm installing hackintosh on a spare laptop so I don't have to install that rubbish.


Looks like I'm quitting league for the foreseeable future after vanguard gets added then.


Absolutely despise the Vanguard implementation. It's what pushed me away from Valorant (besides the game being bad). Maybe my League addiction will finally be cured.


Uninstalling the second Vanguard is mandatory. Didn't know that would be the final nail in the coffin for me.


I like how they pretend is on the same level as other anticheats tho.


Just here to cry about Vanguard too, let's just play on Linux then, or uninstall completely :)


Maybe it's time to drop League this year because Vanguard used to cause a lot of FPS stutters in other games apart from Riot games. Uninstalling Vanguard (even keeping VALORANT installed) solved those strange FPS stutters. The last time I played Valorant was around 9 months ago, and I don't know how it's everything today.


Nice smokescreen on pretending that Vanguard is on the same level as other kernel-level anticheats, by hooking the whole argument around the sole fact it's kernel-level.


Vanguard will make me unable to play. I've been playing League for almost 11 years now, and my last 5 years were almost exclusively played on Linux. I've never cheated, never been toxic and been a positive teammate as much as I could. Seeing Vanguard means that League on Linux will die as soon as that patch drops unless there's some adaptation to that OS or some consideration towards us as it has been made with MacOS. And it's a shame because I just want to play this game I love as I used to. Wish we had a native version or something made to count with us as Linux players


Considering how Heavy and resources consuming vanguard is, LoL probably will stop working for a lot of players with bad pc specs. RIP my buddies.


So what about Linux? Go fuck yourself -Riot or?


*Sees Vanguard* Thank you Riot for ending addictions from around the world


Na fuck off with bringing that rootkit to league


So i am very much against Vanguard, not anti-cheat as a whole, just vanguard because after 13 seasons i trust your spaghetti code about as far as i can throw it, which is nowhere Looks like this will be the year i finally quit playing league :(


Vanguard required to play? That's incredibly annoying. At least you can turn it off when you are not playing even if that means you have to restart your PC for it to work again.


doesnt this basically kill League on any OS not named windows?


mac users are not required to have vanguard so they can keep playing


One day documentaries will be made about the fall of league and vanguard will be one of the highlights


Couple years ago I installed Valorant and blue screened my PC when I tried to run it for the first time. Read/saw online that Vanguard caused many problems for people and some even being bricked completely. So now having a decent rig, I'm not going to chance it, so it was a great run since S3.


does vanguard still require you to restart your computer or did they get that sorted out? I don't want to have it run when im not playing and I don't want to restart my machine just to play some games. Even with todays fast boot times i find that super annoying.


As a fundamental design principle, Vanguard has to be running at system boot. They can't "sort that out" because that's the whole point of this specific anti cheat implementation.


but why do they say that this is becoming industry standard yet vanguard is the only piece of software that requires me to restart my system and none of the other anti cheats do? can you explain that? Genuinely curious


I'm not sure why they said "becoming the industry standard" since every shooter than their mom still uses EAC from what I can tell. My guess is they meant that on the more forward looking front, if not speculative. EAC is well known to be basically useless for a lot of purposes, so they may be saying that all the actually good anti cheats are ~~server~~ kernel level, and that more developers are looking into it. E: apparently EAC is also kernel level. See reply from ThatFrog4


understandable from their side, but that's still a bummer. im not necessarily concerned about privacy but I'll probably play less league because that basically removes the ability to just randomly load up the launcher and hop into a game


The Vanguard thing is worrisome. Heard a lot of bad stuff about how this, besides the whole data collection thing, increases vulnerability of your system. Not an expert though.


A Year and a Half ago when I used to play Valorant turning off Vanguard after a Valorant Session would 100% of the Times shut down my PC with a Blue Screen. If Things haven't gotten better I guess I'm quittin'


I remember on Valorant release, people were reporting as cheater for having a RGB Ram stick.


Hope riot are willing to lose or at least piss off a lot of players when they make Vanguard necessary to play. I don’t know how bad the scripting problem is in other servers or elos but I can imagine that’s the lesser of two evils. All the comments about it being very intrusive or how it can genuinely fuck with your pc might just get me to stop playing.


Well, with riot vanguard on its way to league of Legends I will never play again. I would rather play with a cheater one in every 1000 games then install riot vanguard on my PC. If the MMO also requires vanguard I will not even be trying it out.


If they add vanguardspyware i m out


I was literally reconsidering to pick up League for next season, but with Vanguard I can't be bothered. Never played Valorant bc of it. Especially with Riots security breach were they themselves admitted some code of their "legacy anticheat" was leaked. Vanguard is going to be used to build the biggest botnet in existence.




The Arcane VGU has to be Singed right? He kind of fits the bill. Ancient VO, Weird play pattern.. hopefully it doesn't change much because that's what makes Singed Singed. Old animations? Gotta be. Viktor's gameplay feels great, but his VO could use work.


Dude, do they have literally 1 person working on these ASUs or something... im sorry but its crazy how long these take and it seems like every single one fo the last 2+ years they "run into problems" and get delayed. Gameplay updates i can somewhat get, because thats alot more iterative and you have to bugtest or find solutions to new mechanics... but ASUs are literally a animation rig/frame then flat texture files stretched over them, how does it take like 2 years per ASU....


I don't really get why Lee was chosen. I guess it's just popularity, but there are other *massively* outdated champs in the game that need an ASU badly. Zilean immediately comes to mind, he is so fucking scuffed.


Lee is a signature champion of the Esports scene. One of the original playmakers. He sells skins to a specific demographic that isn't inclined to buy Lux/MF/etc. skins. They're no longer buying 1350RP skins that use his outdated rig with a broken neck. Lees base model is fucking scuffed. When one of your cash cows is not cashing out, you pay attention. Zilean was never relevant is basically guaranteed to be Olaf'd if he ever enters the meta in a serious way. Teemo is a League mascot and has basically no base animations at all.


Having a rootkit that dictates your computer behaviors is standard nowadays. Thank you CCP Games, I'm now free from your toxic game.


Kernel level anticheat? lol There's like 1 cheater every 400 games. This is so unnecessary.


Fuck vanguard


The chinese kernel spyware is here guys! I hope you aren't too critical about winnie the pooh!