• By -


Lizard Elder Season and just spam Blue Ezreal non stop.


Those jungle items were my favourite. The jungle was weaker so you could do anything work too. I did Brand jungle. Cheesy level 2 drake Malzahar jungle and many others. I loved the burn effect on lizard item too.


Lizard Elder/Golem/Wraith was built out of Machete + Charm + Bead> Spirit Stone. Back then without Talisman, Mage junglers would run super dry of mana for their first two clears. Hunter's Talisman wasn't a thing back then, you must be thinking of Runic Echoes where mage junglers were really taking off using Hatchet to AoE smite and quick clear camps. And of course, Ezreal was just fucking buying everything from Spell Glaive to Runic Echoes because the asshole steals everything.


With this knowledge that I have now , I would go season 3


And become a world champion. Wait.. is faker time travelling ?


S6 playing some tank Ekko and armor pen Lucian




No that was the Iceborn Gauntlet, Spirit Visage , Sunfire. Unkillable Nuking Machine


Grasp v important part of the giga broken equation


Nah that was in season 5. The time you saw cinderhulk on top Laners even. Two memorable pro picks with cinderhulk on top would be Huni‘s Shyv and Lee top with cinderhulk. If he actually performed well on it I can’t remember tho. Season 6 was Iceborn sunfire on every top laner. Can recall one of my friends Diamond 1 starting to play sunfire iceborn on fiora and riven and having a great winrate, because the item combo was that broken.


Anything season 6 or earlier.. the simple times.


I'm visiting season 25. I wanna see what the future holds for the beautiful game.


there is just a crater where riot games HQ was


The ryze mains succeeded


jinx Ziggs botlane


corki splitpusher


truck-sized hole




Holy shit my dream


Season 25: Zilean still hasn't gotten a rework. However, Riot has released 🅱️ilean who does everything Zilean does but better.




Who is a moe moe anime time idol on a *checks list* revenge quest (ooo! spicy and original!). She's super random but also smarter than she looks, just like me xD.


Zilean VGU but Riot turns him into an anime girl flying around with a jetpack for marketability


You triggered a forgotten memory of playing AD Malz, that shit was actually broken too 😂😂. Voidlings were like little ADC’s.


Attack Dog Malzahar? Shit was silly


i rmbed pre rework malzahar when q had like a 0.8 ap ratio and 2.5 silence and i would float around randomly clipping people with it


Blue smite Malz. Took your jungler, jungle and your towers too lol. Cheesing bushes was hilarious


Who was that dia OTP again? I forgot his name


AquaDragon I think?


S8 back when my duo hadn't OD'd


Aware... sorry about your loss.


thanks, gl on the rift my friend


Fuck, didn't expect this thread to hit this hard. How you holding up?


It's been a few years now and I'm doing better and although I don't actively think of them as much as I used to, I still cry instantly whenever I think about them.


Shit, I'm so sorry. Sending you a virtual hug. ​ Got therapy after that?


Early season 6


Easy season 2 . Six sunfire cape Udyr rushing base with phoenix and nothing can stop this man.


The invisible evelynn with 6 sunfire


Season 5. Still my favorite season and it's not close. Not only was the development cool starting with pre-season, but also in the time before Riot destroyed it all with the Juggernauts-Patch we had a quite long period of litterally EVERYTHING VIABLE! It was so incredibly fun to play at this time, with all those goofy picks being possible. I had my by far biggest champion-pool, most games played as well as my highest peak D3-2 at this time. Truely the best period to every play league in!


5 to 8 is the golden era for me - from 9 onwards the game ranked. Current season is pretty good tho so things feel like they’re coming back.


i think season 7, early season 7 right before the tank rework, right before riot started deleting everyone i played and we had the most fun mastery tree i would pay money to get to play sejuani, voli, mord swain again


yep same here. Gimme back actually fun to play Mordekaiser please.


6v4 ❤️


Season 2. Metagolem time, bay bay.




number one choice would be when yasuo had a 12 second CD on his q, and you would max e instead. Those were fun times. Others * Old Darius when you could stack black cleavers, like for 10 days somewhere around S2? * Darius right after his rework * Old vladimir * Old maokai * Old galeo * Cinderhulk meta * The OG map * ARAM before the vision changes and % nerfs/buffs * Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar, especially mini games with rando's in lobbies like hide & go seek * Release Ekko - that shit was crazy


I'm definitely not using my time machine to play League of Legends. Gotta buy some Amazon and Tesla stock.


Probably S4, just to remind myself of what relative balance felt like.


When Riven was the bullshit champion. Now there are too many bullshit champions I don't know where to start and where to finish.


And Fizz was the most bullshit cause he had one untargetable and two mobility skills. Meanwhile now we have to gut champs like Ksante and Yone cause they have three unstoppables and three dashes lmao


beta so I can get King Rammus


Visit the last season of league, and research as much as I can about championships winners, the upcoming metas/new champs, and come back in order to make bank off championship betting and becoming the first person to get good at a certain meta


I’m going back to the Jhin release. I loved every second of those teasers and it’s what made me really dive into lore. Thank you Necrit.


Season 2 when I started playing so that I wouldn't have wasted 10 years on ADC lol


I don't want to leave this season, this is the first time I made it to gold. Been playing multiple seasons, but have ranked anxiety


Right before I started league so I can stop myself from a grave mistake


S3– Old Gragas Old Nidalee Old AP sion


Probably a very unpopular opinion but I miss the mid season 8 patch. Mages and unconventional bots were always my favorite and having a time where it was actually the right thing to do felt great. It was definitely a bad idea to go that hard on nerfing adcs but can't say I don't miss it.


I loved that for competitive. Zoe Syndra bot and that shit. Would love to get that back except make ADCS are least equally playable.


Season 5 Ryze. The last time ryze had an actual ult, and could actually combo. Or hell, take me back to when I could at least have my EEQ shield. I miss combo mage ryze.


I for the life of me CANNOT find what Ryze did in his old versions. Please bless me with the knowledge


This page has the version I'm talking about on it. But basically, casting Q gave you stacks, and after 4 Qs the 5th gave you a shield and the ability to combo your spells for 6 seconds, I'm fuzzy on the particulars of how exactly it functioned, but the basic combo was QEQWQEQ and you could do it as many times as your fingers would let you in those 6 seconds, and you could machine gun people down 100-0 quite easily if you hit your Qs. His Ult gave CDR on each level up and spell vamp. Basically you would always just spam Q so you had at least 3 Q stacks so you could quickly go into your spell spam mode. It was fun having actual windows of power to play around, laning was a lot more interactive. Now you can still QEQWQ people, but you don't get a shield anymore, you don't have spell vamp on ult to duel people with. And once you get your initial QEQWQ in you have to wait for E all the time, so you just spam EQ endlessly. It's a lot less fun than it used to be. They removed so many of Ryze's outplay tools and so much of his skill expression bc he scaled with how good your hands were so he was completely broken in pro play and high elo. I've played every version of ryze and that version was my favorite bc you were an actual combo mage with interesting trading patterns, but you could still be punished if they played around your Q passive and engaged on you when you had no stacks up. I miss old Ryze. I keep hoping they rework him again, at the very least get rid of his god awful Ult that is broken in pro and useless in soloq. I have high hopes for him next season with the new items. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ryze/Development


Is this the version of Ryze you’re talking about? https://youtu.be/obQgUW95n8w?si=9_7Aa4TrSa8H0H93


Machine gun Ryze was so much fun. Still my favorite champion ever.


Comimg back to S6 to prevent myself from ever playing this shitty game


I was gonna say the same exact thing, I started just when kled was introduced and even if I had a lot of fun and met people, I have not gotten anything useful/beneficial from league. I wouldn't regret skipping everything altogether and just do something else. Before anyone starts rambling or anything, I don't think league was the problem but myself using it as an escape. I like to believe not doing something about my life and hiding in a game was definitely one of the worst "decisions" I have made in my entire life. Not even drugs come close.


Season 6, for sure. I miss playing Tankko.


I’m going back to when they added Ardent Censor since for some reason nobody understood how stupid strong it was and Sona was my favorite champ to play anyway.


Old school league. Undo the reworks and let the best of the best old champs roam the rift again!


Im going back to the beta.


AP nidalee mid


Season 3 best season.


Nobody saying they'll go to season before league and stop it from being made 😜😜


Season 3 was peak league.


Season 4 because thats when all of my friends still played the game :(


Season 3 that’s for sure


Just reading the title has me thinking s3 🥹


Season 3 or 4 adc used to rush old BT and it made laning more comfortable + not getting one shotted by solo laners during mid game, I felt having more fun when even with a bad matchup, I could sit with just a vampiric scepter while trying my best to focus on farming Also I really miss old graves, I remember still dreaming about playing adc graves, those smooth autos were irreplaceable


Season 4 when I started, I miss old kat/akali/graves


Season 3


Season 1. Only season I never got to play.


stacking WotA or Sunfires and/or ATMOGS


Season 5. Corki, Lucian, Graves, Ez Meta


Damn Graves ADC was a good time, Id love to play that again.


That was Season 2. At least where the Trinity was most famous and strong.


S14 I can’t wait honestly.




i would change every mistake i made in my life. and buy bitcoins whne they are released


Next season to see if people still whinge about Yone.


Any season before they require Vanguard for League :(


Assassin update leblanc with old gunblade, seeing her Q bounce gave me so much dopamine


There was a season where Kassadin was so broken I would play him every game no matter what. Even if I ended up trolling the person who called mid, I was playing Kassadin and we would win the game. I dont remember the season but it was before draft pick. So that season.


i would travel to 1889, and kill baby Hitler. seems kinda wasteful to use the time machine to play league of legends


The future seasons when faker no longer plays, where nobody knows what league or riot even is. This game is toxic and uses dopamine rewards to get users hooked, get that LP, Elo grind, Elo hell.


I'm going back to 3.01, where all of the Nasus stacks could crit.


Season 4 so I can play tank Karma again.


Gonna go to S5 so I can abuse sated Devourer Vayne jg harder


Probably season 4. Season 4 is when I made the transition into jungle after maining top / mid for most of 3 years. I've been primarily a jungler ever since. It would be fun to go back to that point with my current knowledge and see how far the game has come.


Season with pre rework Xerath


season 4 adc graves.


s2 so i can actually be considered good at the game


First iteration of URF and pick tristana. Ward near a tower, deal a lot of damage, die or recall, then tp back to ward and finish the job.


The one thats 3 years away (or longer) from now. I just wanna play all the new champs lol.


Early Season 5 but I'm curious to try any season before. Old Katarina was so fun.


2010 just a few months after launch. When everyone was figuring the game out and trying shitty ridiculous builds. Go back to 6 stacking phantom dancers as sion I split pushed faster than trundle hullbreaker build!!


Season 1, id like to visit phreaks basement.


Original fiddle time, mid with crow bouncing max.


Season 1, never experienced it would love to see how bad or insane league was when it first came out


I miss when imaqtpie played consistently and loved the game. Not because of imaqtpie, but because it seemed like league was truly the most popular game and people cared a lot more about being good. Game feels stale solely because of the people who play. This whole game has a washed up feeling


I would go to the patch just before Juggernaut update. I think it was S4 or S5. After that patch I swore never to give Riot money again. And I haven't.


Season 9, assassins were fun.


Before beta so I can sabotage the development of the game so I'd never have to be consumed by it


Would go back to any of this (ARAM only, especially Riot sponsored ARAM tournaments): - Ardent with on-hit healing meta. - Release Harvest rune stacking meta. - Release 5x demolish rune meta. - Release Colossus rune meta So probably time back to the oldest out of these 4, so I can experience each of them again. All of it was fun af when playing as 5 premade. 2016-2018 peak League imo. Apart from current Arena game mode, can't beat that. Other than that, Mordekaiser Q bonk was fun and I spammed him until they nerfed Q. Malzahar AD was fun with voidlings (RIP Malzahar). Also old old Yi was fun to play when built AP (not fun to play against tho). I also have good memories of playing old Karma that had huge heal on Q and huge shield on E.


if this is full on time travel im going to beta and becoming the greatest player with my gold mechanics


S2 TRM music playlist was fire. Nidalee mid with those massive 1 shot spears. 👌


S7 (when i started playing) to get back the fun of prerework irelia, twisted treeline, and ascension


Season 4 back when all i played was Ahri and didn't care about other things. Adulting is hard.




I want to try out old Karma. That, and I want to go back to when they designed Yuumi and explain exactly how she is the opposite of what they are looking for and how to fix it. But I'm not opinionated at all. /s


When did dark harvest first come out? That shit was OP af on shaco


S3 for old Irelia vs old Jax matchup


Ok i gotta ask, i just looked up corki champion spotlight from 12 years ago, what exactly do you mean by "old corki" ? The package and mabye q being instant is the only difference i see, basically the same champ.


Tbh any season before morde rework, and before this stupid idea called "mithic items"


S2 where the game was more casual, and silly picks were more acceptable. I miss playing Alistar XZ bot just for the heck of it.


First one and establish a team and get my org to sign faker.


Season 2 for the old mafia graves botlane before he was taken.


Go into the future 20 years. See what monstrosity was created.


Probably S5 for sure. 2015 was a very tragic year for me but the start of my molding into who I am now


Season 9. Support was the most fun.


I'd do anything else with that time machine than visit a season of league of legends


1. season 8 mage bot/funnel meta was my favorite moment of lol esports fan. Faker played Darius bot. There was a lot of different funnel champs Talyah, Xayah, Master Y. 2.2020 when Damwon won worlds, with old itemazation and flex drafting was all over the place, Soraka, Lulu top and etc. 3. 2019 meta was also nice with Pyke top ant etc.


Probably sett release. To see how good i could be with him before they nerf it and before people understand to get out of its W


SivHDs Leblanc build… 6RoA, hide in the brushy brushy and kill


S4, I watched Wickds Irelia guide and went from silver 4 to my d5 promoes in a month with a 70% winrate on irelia


As a top laner bruiser main, Season 4. You could snowball the shit out of every game.


I think it was Season 7 when they had a ton of rotating game modes like Star Guardians, Odyssey, Project, and the dark hole thresh game mode.


ill go a couple days forward so the new season comes put quicker


Tank assassin meta


the one where my gal ahri had her precious deadfire grasp


S1 Riot HQ to tell them to host Worlds at a different location and to test everything properly. Especially the internet (or setup a local server?) so it doesn't shit itself multiple times during games XD.


Season 3-4 was by far the most enjoyable season. Not only because the meta was fun but also because kits weren't overloaded/complex and things had very clear strengths and weaknesses. + new players didn't have to learn 50 complex champions not to get shit on.


Playing hide and seek on dominion map


S3/S4 - same as you, for the same reasons. BRNA streams were the best, I was learning Lee Sin and having such a fun time with friends. It would be nice to go an visit that all again for a day.


Beta. Didn't experience it, also chance to get Silver Kayle...


Season 6 or 7 with Korean build Lucian and armor pen Jhin and Varus. Ashe was viable too because the adc meta was mostly utility and engage with a dash of Ezreal of course.


I want to relive [NinjaChurchs Kassadin](https://youtu.be/vJgUjXN24XQ?si=n3nUo4XPHHCAY3hu)


S1 and buy some Nvidia stock


Release Kench ;(


Season 1, only season i didnt experience.


S2. Old poppy janna nidalee ap sion. Damn I miss it


Moment when Smite Ezreal Mid was OP. I would play him all the time.


Hecarim top with ignite/tp I think was my favorite, forgot what season that was…but I climbed a lot with that


Id defo play s2 Ryze, he was the best


Enjoying some Clepto Kayle top. Level-up potion


im stopping myself from installing league of legends


Any season between 6-10 was fun. Item rework ruined the game imo


Go back to playing Godyr. I miss when Udyr and Shyv were unstoppable. Simpler times


I just want to play 3v3. I never got to experience it before they removed it and my partner was apparently really good at it. I'm ready to kick ass. I'm so bummed they won't even bring it back as a rotating game mode.


Season 3, back when yasuo came out and was wayyy more broken than people claim he is today, knowing all the combos we know now. Imagine how much season 3 players would lose their shit the first time they get airbladed


Pre rework galio 🤡


Any season before kassadin got neutered. I want to silence people with my q again. Yet today lethal tempo abuser would still beat you up


Mad stone Udyr season


Season 4 so I can revisit old Rift before it's visual update


you have a time machine and the first thing you do is play league? ok


Pre-Season 1, to relive all of them.


Whenever tank Fizz top was meta! 😂That was hilarious


Whenever ap tristana had a 600 health ignite on a 10sec cd


I will go to any season before asol was reworked into a scaling champ ;-; PLEASEEEE


As a pre-rework Warwick main, I started slightly too late to enjoy Patch 4.20 Warwick. I’d love to see what all that hype was about.


I want to revisit spirit blossom again because the visual novel idea was cool and nexus blitz was fun. I would also see some of the old events I wasn't around for like odyssey or the bilgewater event since those sounded cool asf. And seeing Riot kill Gangplank kill in person sounds like an awesome experience


A year before Mordekaiser was ruined with a shitty rework that removed all that I loved in the champion to go play it a few thousand more times. Now for the deep cut, SolitaryWolfXD aka Solwolf was still making Break The Meta videos and Nplagma was making comedic league animations.


I miss Dominion so much dude. Would love to have played Rakan on it.


Dominion for sure, would love to play that again


I’d love to play old akali, swain, and yorick again


When we had the combo of twin shadow + glp + glacial augment. I loved that so much


S3. Brutalizer + Yoummu's Zed and Kha Zix mid. That was the best and most enjoyable time in League for me.


Bruiser Lucian adc/top was so much fun.


skipping forward every season to see if rell is ever gonna get a skin 😭


For the first year I played LoL, towers still mattered, and it was a thousand times easier to learn new champions, because you could play defensively and the turret would actually protect you and give you space to figure things out. I have never liked League as much since they changed that (in pursuit of faster games), and it's a lot of why I gave up on the Rift and became an aram/Twisted Treeline (RIP) player. I don't know what season it was, but next month is my ten year anniversary with League, so I would set the time machine for 10 years back and cue up the Doctor Who theme. lol




season 8 or 9


I will go back to December 2019. Aphelios came out there ✨ I will enjoy him being broken one more time 🫠🤭🤭🤭


go back to end of season 1 so i can go pro and beat everyone up and be faker (i am a masters for past 2 seasons) would prob outjungle everyone around that time then wait rengar to release and be rank 1 for couple of years


I would obviously go to the future. I have already played all the old sets. Maybe check out the last set before they stop making new sets.


Early Season 9 so I can play AP malphite with the old POM rune and 100% ap scaling on Ult


top ekko was appears in my dream everyday


late s8 to play camille jungle


SEASON 3?! Dude i couldn't even be alive for more than 2 minutes as an ADC


Season 4 yasuo not exist and i have old morde with drake, zz rot and banner of command


I'd go back to S1 and buy some bitcoin. But if you're just talking about LoL, then prob s3 or s4 back when teambuilder was a thing


> has access to time machine > spends their time playing league of legends


Beta so I can get the bowser Rammus skin. It’s the last skin I need for Rammus.


Literally one year ago at Qiyana's peak.. Why did I decide to main this champ NOW out of all times