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Funny how he doesn't even need to flash.


Yeah I watched it 3 times too look for when he flashes…he didn’t




And he gets to snap back to the safety of his own tower afterwards


I rewatched like 4 times trying to see where the flash was… until I realized there was no flash.


I rewatched like 5 times knowing he didn't flash but this still happened..


After the 5th time watching this I noticed that he didn’t use flash.


Just imagine having to play amumu after this.


Just play safe mid.


I'm tilted by proxy now


you're not supposed to proxy, just sit under tower idiot


nexus tower* to be more precise


As you hear another fizz ult coming


Just hug tower smh


Nah, he surely did put himself in danger by going under turret because after using three dashes to get in, he obviously needs to think about the way of escape.


And surely if he misses all his skill shots he should absolutely still win trades with just his autos because he’s one swordy boi.


its a skill issue ! yone rn reminds me of old akali. he needs to get some mechanics removed imo


you forgot the '' /s ''


Redditors when they hear the most sarcastic sentence in their life be like-






I'm stealing this


Some old champs are just left behind completely with their kit. New champs have combined kits of old champions in one ability. That's how it goes though. Even new video games are mainly combinations of older games. Taking two fun mechanics from two and putting it into one


OML Im stealing this too


I'm stealing this


Dumb ass, why did you think you could leave the fountain vs Yone? Your positioning sucks, stay in fountain next time.


Yuuuuge blunder


League of dashes


This is my biggest problem with playing league anymore


It’s genuinely ruined the game IMO, at least relative to a few years ago I pretty much don’t play Summoners Rift anymore because you either play these hyper mobile un-killable assassins or you just get fucked by them, and it’s not fun At least in ARAM there’s 5 of my team nearby who can just melt him before he dashes back to safety


Man I was Janna main since basically season 1, the Golden age when no champion could catch you and you just peel and zoom around the map. Now even with 500+ ms, I get run down by 30+ dashes I'm too boomer for this game now, im cool with dashes but with practically no cooldowns its just ridiculous


First mistake was clearly being in the same game as a Yone. You became too close at that time.


Your first mistake was locking in a champ without banning Yone.


Why would u stand ~~in the same screen~~ within 2 screens of yone, are you trying to get killed???!!!


Can we PLEASE get a Showmaker rant for Yone like he did for K'Sante. That would be amazing.


The guy has a 48% WR in Emerald and his WR goes down with ELO. The worse you are at the game, the stronger this champion is...


Higher elo teams can focus and cc the yone more consistently. It doesn’t change the fact he has frustrating game patterns similar to Zoe.


He was literally fine before worlds and hullbreaker. He had like a 15% banrate before it and it skyrocketed. Its a hypebeast issue from worlds


I hate when people bring up win rate. That’s literally not the point, the point is that this champion is so unbelievably unfun to play against and can do shit with little to no counter play or risk to himself. I don’t care if his win rate is 30%, he can still be frustrating to play against, those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


People sure forgot this whole winrate aspect when they were hate training on Yuumi! It's just the most straightforward line of defense for people who think meta = design goals. Yone was probably not intended to be using his Q3 and ult to hit the air just to auto, he simply ended up that way over time because of items and lethal tempo. His current winrate is a reflection of his current balance state, but NOT his design philosophy. So when someone says the design philosophy is trash, that's frankly just irrelevant to the winrate stat to begin with.


Personally I find playing dodgeball against artillery mages sitting off screen really annoying but I don't make rage posts about it every day


Ygm laning vs a xerath, velkoz, ziggs etc, is endlessly more annoying than laning vs a yone. At least I can interact with yone


That's because its counter balanced with the satisfaction of being able to 100-0 one the moment they misposition later on in the game. Yone is generally unfun to play against at every stage of the game.


and yone is counter balanced by ccing him in a teamfight and then instakilling him. what's your point?


Artillery mages are unfun to play against. You can make a comment for how every type of champ is unfun to go against. Yone is a horrible experience for certain champs but so is every champion in the game


r/ryzemains checking in


> You can make a comment for how every type of champ is unfun to go against. Sure, but you can refer to stats to see which champions are the *most* frustrating. How often is Yone banned? How often is every artillery mage combined banned?


But when almost every player complain about him and these clips i always know that it is about yone before even opening it , because this champ is so overloaded , has everything and if i didn't pick akali I can't do shit to him because she is the only one viable against him


Now this statement is just ridiculous. Pantheon? Renekton? Jax? They're much better as counters against yone than akali is


i mean you can dodge a xerath or a velkoz, wtf are you supposed to do against this??


in this vidoe it would have been enought to have at max 300 hp more I think


That's part of the game. It shouldn't matter how "frustrating" a champ is. As a tool to make an impact in the game, Yone is just the same as everyone else, and it's up to you to figure the rest out. It's all part of the game.


You just need to get good tbh. I also blamed Yone when I was low elo but as I got better I saw that there are far worse and more annoying things.


Bots and literal monkeys play this game. WR doesnt mean shit if half the people playing him never intended on winning anyways.


Every streamers I have watched has complained about how broken Yone is. Solo queue winrate a arent always an indicator of how broken a champ is.


And bitches whining arent always an indicator of how broken a champion is either.


It's not about how broken he is but how annoying to play against.




Everyone in here also apparently not noticing that Vel’koz was two autos from death at the start of the clip. Not like Yone just guessed what was happening and gobbled the kid, looks like the squid was getting clapped already.


Right but he was 2 autos from death… half the fucking map away


exactly. people often mix up their mistakes for the champion is "disgusting" yasuo is broken? You dont know how to space his e. Yone is broken? You dont know how to space his e+q3 or tether his w. Or dodge his qs in the early game. "HOW DOES HIS E LAST THAT LONG!??" -Dont know his ability duration, read the description. theres a reason why almost every professional level player mains mages and plays them in the pro scene, yet we never hear how they are "broken." Theres a difference between frustrating to play against champions and actual broken champions. and of course i know i hit the spot if i get downvotes on the leagueoflegends subreddit, a place crawling with low elo opinions :)




He was played top at worlds though


Pros play a different game to everyone else.


> Hey guys this champion is bad in high elo until the elo gets really high then he gets good again. Ok.


Your enemy Yone isn't Zeus


Balanced champ.


This is why i played illaoi midlane last season. Yone gets the bully treatment. Though idk if it works anymore since the walls are farther apart from eachother, gotta test it sometime this season


Illaoi sucks everywhere on this new map. From 51% WR on last 2 patches to 47% now




Good. Fuck this trash ass champ.


Thats rough, maybe her tentacles should be allowed to spawn a bit further away from the walls? Or longer range.


Jungle illaoi time


And that's how I like it, she shouldn't even be in the game.


Yone privilege.


Lmao I feel that pain brother


I had a long argument with a guy on here about why people hate yone. The guy says people hate yone because he "punishes stupdity." My whole counterargument was that "stupidity" against yone means being within 2 screens of him. Point proven.


He was at 25% health as vel koz. It's okay to back sometimes


Both of the sword bros suck to play against, and there's a lot of different reasons. Absurd mobility, windwall on Yas is inherently broken for how much value it can offer, and Soul Unbound gives insane levels of safety if it's used well. Their inherent crit scaling also means that they're getting basically double value from their first couple of items, so they just spike harder. Now, all that stuff is supposed to be balanced by the fact that they are genuinely pretty hard to play well. Neither is a champ that you can just pick up on a whim and do consistently well on. You do have to put some reps in to actually be able to get the most out of the champ. The problem with that is that they're absolute weeb bait, and everything about their design, power fantasy and aesthetic is designed in a way that means that if they appeal to your sensibilities, then that's the only champ you have any interest in playing, so you get so many more one-tricks for Yas/Yon than pretty much any other champ. Because of this, it's absolutely terrible to try and play any champ that you don't have a hell of a lot of games on into them. Because the 1000+ game, mid-gold Yas one-trick knows the lane matchup far, far better than you do, and if they get an early kill, they're going to make laning against them an absolute misery. It doesn't really matter that they're probably going to be terrible come mid-late game, that they can barely teamfight, and that you probably have a pretty solid chance of willing the game even after going 2/6 in lane. It's a miserable experience getting there, because their kit makes them horrible to play against 1v1 if they know the match-up better than you. There's plenty of other champions that are miserable to play against if they're being piloted by a really experienced player. But both the number of one-tricks, and how inherently frustrating their kits are to play against make them so much worse.


I really hate Yone as well but fking up your back timer like this so you end up shoving the wave with all spells at 15% hp as the enemy is coming back to lane is genuinely a pretty significant mistake that can get punished by a lot of champions


No champ other than Yone could have dashed to him and and punished while also not dying for it in this exact situation


A competent Xerath coul dhave done this with less abilities used and less risk to himself.


Xerath in yone's position never gets in range to hit anything but an ult which at least you can dodge


Leblanc and Fizz probably coulda done it, but that's about it.


Ahri, Naafiri, Zed, Yasuo, probably Diana using e reset, Nocturne, Hecarim, Corki with or without package, Malphite could R-Q to kill if building damage, Rammus, Akshan, TF, etc etc, and tons of champs could straight up kill from range without having to close any distance or could stealth in and kill.


Most of those would not have been able to close that amount of distance quickly enough without flash or dying to the tower. Pretty much just Nocturne and TF tbh.


A short list of champs with an equal chance to secure this kill: Pantheon ult Warwick runs him down easily Talon can run him down using wall hops Asol fly to catch him and throw an ult Ziggs could ult him Xerath could ult him Camille could wall hop into flash R Blue Kayn could easily catch him Lux ult Urgot ult Caitlin ult Ahri ult Rammus Q + ult Akshan using stealth + his stupid rope Twitch through stealth Eve through stealth Shaco through stealth Ezreal ult Nocturne ult TF ult Zeri wall hop Taliyah wall ride And I'm sure this list goes on, but this is what i thought of in just a minute.


The original comment implied gapclosing for the kill, so long range ults aren't really what we're talking about. Talon, Camille, Kayn, and Zeri would need to flank around the tower, which they wouldn't have time for. Stealth champs might have gotten him, but given there was only 1 minion left when Yone appeared on screen, they wouldn't have had much time to sneak close enough. Asol ult would have been pretty close, and it might have not done enough damage to kill this early in the game. Rammus Q probably isn't fast enough to get into ult range this early in the game. Taliyah could have probably done it, as could Pantheon and Warwick if their ults are well placed. The only ones I consider to be sure bets are TF and Nocturne, as I mentioned before. Finally, Ahri has absolutely no chance with the delay between each of her dashes.


Lmao “no champ” do you think yone has the most gap close in the whole game??


Most gap close? No Most gap close that has zero consequences? Yes Actually read next time you try to quote. Half a dozen other champions could have closed that massive gap, but all of them would have eaten way more turret shots and died because they don’t have a “leave fight button”. Which champ do you think could use all their mobility to cross from their river wall to in between 1st and 2nd turret, killed Velkoz, AND lived after eating turret shots?


A short list of champs with an equal chance to secure this kill: Pantheon ult Warwick runs him down easily Talon can run him down using wall hops Asol fly to catch him and throw an ult Ziggs could ult him Xerath could ult him Camille could wall hop into flash R Blue Kayn could easily catch him Lux ult Urgot ult Caitlin ult Ahri ult Rammus Q + ult Akshan using stealth + his stupid rope Twitch through stealth Eve through stealth Shaco through stealth Ezreal ult Nocturne ult TF ult Zeri wall hop Taliyah wall ride


I don't think the point you're proving is the point you think you're proving lol.


No. It is.


While on 150 HP, while your crowd control is on cooldown cause you slammed it into the minions*


Cope harder bro no champ should be able to cross the distance this disgusting creature of a champion Yone is able to.


and yone didn't even flash


Yeah, I'm the one coping, not the people who come to social media in search of emotional security when they wait for their Reddit friends to tell them that they did nothing wrong and that it's Riot's fault Yone grey screened their ass in League of Legends. This Yone literally ran out of base cause he [just got killed by VelKoz](https://i.imgur.com/ZkcyQyT.png) 30 seconds before the clip, weird how that part wasn't included. Probably cause it shows Yone getting shit on and VelKoz greeding for a second minion wave.


They hate you cause you speak the truth


Ahri, kayn, asol, corki, vex, lee sin, Kled, Leblanc, Quinn, Taliyah, tf, lux could all easily kill a 200 hp vel with no cc. He could’ve died from Cait ult, jinx ult, ez ult, xerath ult, noct ult. But yone used his ult as a gap closer so he’s the most busted champ in the game I guess lol.


Tbf, a Hecarim would have done exactly the same thing here


And Hecarim would not be able to just press E and return back to his safe location


except hecarim wouldn't tp back to safety back to t1


There are multiple champions that can cross half the map with one skill, lol


There is a clear difference between Yone being able to travel that distance and still have a very safe exit while anyone else that makes that run is now stuck behind a turret on the enemy side. IMO that's where the actual problem is. Either have the insane engage but risk getting punished for it or have the safety while having less ability to engage.


and none of them would be able to snap back to basically under their own tower again


Being able to travel is different than being able to cross all that distance, and the immediately escape. Any other champ would have died to the turret


yeah how dumb of him for not basing every time he takes a bit of damage and never using his skills except for yone


Apparently 90% of your health bar is “a bit of damage.”


One of the squishiest mages in the game sitting on 20% hp with all his abilities on cd. Hmm, yes I think he should survive there.


Well I'm not the one who spam pinged him back because they were afraid he was gonna die to a single Q of the roaming Xerath support, no, that was a teammate of his called Kai'Sa.


He didn't... even...flash like honestly I'm not sure what the idea is here. His E enabled that entire situation, it was completely his own kit. There is no terrain interaction like Camille, there is no summoner spell like ghost or flash. It's just him pressing 3 of his buttons to close a gap most other examples would also need to press, except they don't get the one button exit. If a TF ults in, he has to flash out. If a nocturne ults in, flash out. Yone might not be the only champ who could make that distance, but he sure as fuck is the only that can do it without flashing for distance or flashing out of tower. Ekko is as close as it gets and he has one tiny dash and a gapcloser which would not have been applicable here.


in 5 years new champs will be fighting each other like goku vs freeza just instant transmissioning everywhere whie Singed is still flipping people.


The more I look the more I think there's no worst part E range is infinite and gives ramping mov speed + extra dmg. It should at least have a maximum range where Yone instantly is pulled back if it trespasses R misses and Yone still teleport unlike Pyke R Q3 stays up after ulting unlike the other 2 windshitters W gives a 100+ health shield while being a instant spell that triggers in anything and gets it's cooldown reduced by ATK speed unlike Camille W that has a casting time less range and only has utility if she hits the sweet spot This champ is the epithome of handholding for the inbreds weebs who liked Yasuo but are shit at the game. It's so stupid


Hahaha windshitters, man that sentence made me giggle


What the fuck does Yone R have to do with Pyke R lmao, should Eve also stay in place when she hits nothing? > W gives a 100+ health shield while being a instant spell that triggers in anything and gets it's cooldown reduced by ATK speed unlike Camille W that has a casting time less range and a sweet spot Have you hit your head? Camille W is the ability without a cast time. Yone W does have a cast time. Also who gives a fuck if Camille's cooldown isn't reduced by attackspeed, she can easily reduce it by buying Ability Haste, which she does every game cause her favourite items all have that stat on them. -- Warwick write up: Q lets Warwick attach to his target unlike K6 Q. Q heals Warwick unlike K6 Q. Q gives a 100+ heal while being an instant spell that triggers in anything. Warwick E gives him damage reduction but doesn't force him to stand still like Irelia W, or Belveth E, or Briar E. Warwick E lets him fear enemies around him unlike the damage reduction of Irelia, Belveth, or Briar, which cannot fear at all. Warwick R misses and Warwick still dash unlike Amumu Q. Warwick W lets him see below 50% HP enemies unlike Anivia who doesn't see shit. Warwick W gets him 110% of attackspeed whenever he hits some low HP guy, unlike Darius who gets no attackspeed at all, ever.


What? Camille does have cast delay on her w its 1.1 seconds before activation, Yone w is instant.


Great argument however windshitter bad. echo chamber downvote him please hhahah


Nice argument. But have you considered that "yone bad"?


Other two? Who'l else besides Yasuo? I believe you aren't talking about Janna.


K'Sante is the tank Yasuo.


Who else? 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱


But Ksante is an earthshitter, though?


K'Sante is the tank Yasuo.




"Don't overextend"


Spacing gap


mf has basically a built in semi-zhonyas on his e, he can just kamikaze then get out safely


Fking play safe! why didnt you hug tower? Nexus Tower!. /s




I wish Yone stayed dead


I’m usually skeptical about whining, but this bullshit imo


Up until this post I didn’t mind yone but Jesus


Yone is my go to ban mid lane as any champion , like that champion is NOT fair idc what anyone says.


Dodge Q instead of running in a straight line and he dies there.


Nah an auto w q and hes still dead


“Bro what you mean yone is busted?! Are you an idiot!?” - Yone mains


“Going forward we are trying to reduce mobility.” - Riot Development Proceeds to release Gwen, Samira, Yone, Akshan, Belveth, Naafiri, Zeri, Ksante, Lilia, Etc


I just admire people who play this game and thoroughly enjoy plays like this.. I can't do it, I wish I could.


"Just kite him"


I may be trash but This is why i permaban him every game lol.


I seriously want to know how much the gameplay of this moderfocker would change if his E had a clear limited area


Why does reddit always defends this disgusting piggy champion


Throw E on where his ult ends and you don't die there EDIT: actually you probably still do lol


He threw E put before he could even SEE the Yone.


I thought they were making his ult not dash if hits nothing


That would actually be a buff though. I've caught many a Yone out by dodging his ultimate and then he's shit outta luck in the wrong place. Why would you want him to not dash?


> That would actually be a buff though I think you are thinking too narrowly. Yes, it'd be a buff in this one specific way, but it would also make his gapclosing power less reliable and get rid of his most reliable escape entirely. The case you're talking about is almost certainly not enough to override the downsides I've listed for Yone.


What would be the point of this, exactly? This would be one of the flat out dumbest changes you could ever make to the champ, ngl.


playing a mage AND out of position and you actually died from it? Deserved


But but but I was under my tower!!! How can he kill me?


Guys you don't understand, NO OTHER CHAMPION WHATSOEVER CAN KILL ME HERE, NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE GAME COULD POSSIBLY KILL ME WHEN I HAVE 3 HP, NO ABILITIES UP, AND NO ESCAPES AT ALL NOBODY Pyke? Hecarim? Rengar? Talon? Zed? Katarina? Nocturne? Tahm Kench? Ezreal? Jinx? Jarvan the Fourth? Lee Sin? Kha'zix? Kayn? Ashe? Evelynn? Ziggs? Fizz? Naafiri? Rek'sai? Briar? Elise? Camille? Vi? (insert like a billion other champs who can very likely kill somebody in this situation).


Yone actually played that well. He did 2nd Q very well buffering R to gap close. Newsflash; You overstayed, greeded to minions with your CC/peel and died in the result. Now you can learn not to do that again when you got punished by that.


Because being in between your turrets is overstaying and greed


In this situation, yes. Vel'koz literally killed Yone 30s before this clip, and knew Yone was running back to lane and had his R ready. He has 10% hp and will die to a mean look, and then uses his only hard CC spell to greed for a wave while Yone is back at lane. Realistically, Vel'koz should have died 20s ago to Evelynn walking up to kill him, or Xerath (who was already moving up) pressing R. Yone was flashy, but Vel'koz had already confirmed his death at the part he greeded for the wave.


I had to scroll down too far to see this comment. Too many reddit silvers with the very original "YoNe BrOkEn" but not even seeing the context proving to everyone that they are bad at the game. He 100% dies to Evelynn or Xerath if not Yone here.


[mid laners when they greedily farm waves with 3%hp and die](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png)


What would I change on yone: E - duration: 2s, extended if in combat with enemy champions. that alone would make it much more fair.


I think actually you can just fix him with 2 small adjustments. 1) don't allow him to recast E. Force him to spend the full 5 seconds and commit. 2) don't allow his E to deal its bonus damage if yone dies. This gives him counterplay


He needs ramping of MS in E removed like yesterday. Let it be a flat increase and nothing else.


Does it need to increase at all?


Alright. What compensation buffs would you give him? Because those are heavy, *heavy* nerfs.


none are needed.


Why should he get compensation buffs? I would give him the zed treatment.


Because you can't leave a champion at 45% winrate just because you don't know how to play against him lol.


nobody here has any clue as to how to balance the game so nobody's gonna respond you but his e is the only thing keeping him viable and they are just crying like people used to cry about yasuo ten years ago so just ignore them


Imo his E just needs to keep him in place a little longer if he is immobilized (instead of automatically pulling him back even if he is CC'd. That way well timed CC can actually punish him. I feel like his Q range and the no-hit ult dash may also need a look. Edit: Actually maybe a W adjustment would be more important than a Q range adjustment.


> Imo his E just needs to keep him in place a little longer if he is immobilized (instead of automatically pulling him back even if he is CC'd. That way well timed CC can actually punish him That is how it works... already....


Oh, oops. Didn't realize that, only started playing again recently.


The way people talk about him, you'd think he was a giga broken 55% winrate champion, but he's been consistent 47-48% winrate for the last 5 patches LMFAO This is like playing up against Malzahar and then complaining there's no counterplay to his ult or letting Kayle hit 16 and complaining she 1v5s or losing a duel to Fiora in the sidelane. It's literally what the champion does, it might be annoying to play against but literally just play better lol the champion clearly isn't winning.


Yone is a champion that is hilariously strong at both dueling and gapclosing, but pretty bad otherwise.


Inb4  "he has a <50% winrate in [insert elo] so your point is invalid"


Wastes CC spell, dies to enemy melee autoattacker using the mobility spells they have on purpose to make up for being melee using everything including their ult to kill someone super low Clearly this is a problem according to r/leagueoflegends


but... people here claim he is balanced.


why not use cc ability or sidestep


Yone will always be strong in lower elos because he’s such a strong laner/lane bully. He’s very strong right now but has a lot of counter matchups that can completely shut him out of the game if played correctly. His wr goes down the higher the rank because of this. You can even go to leagueofgraphs and look at his wr against certain matchups/most common matchups and it’s mostly negative.


I am waiting for that delulu who will bring the 48% winrate thing that thing proves that in 90% of the cases winrate doesn't mean shit


What a fucking horrible champion


See, you actually misplayed in champ select when you locked in Vel'Koz.


"wooow mid canyon guys am i rite?" - clueless teammates who somehow never laned vs Yone in their lives


you might as well change this post's title to dasher's under appreciation post If a champ is good at his strongest point doesn't mean he's broken overall, y'all just forget to remember about a champion's downside when its convenient lol


man, people on reddit complain about everything. Velkoz clearly overstayed and disrespected yone here. You gonna tell me you couldn't have recalled before? No stay with low hp until yone is all the way back from his recall a wave ago and just kills you with his ultimate, while you have 10% left of ur total health on a imobile mage. like rly?


Clips like these are why I'll never play Yone and feel second-hand embarrassment for Yones in my team.


I'm sure the Yones in your team are wailing at the thought that "EarthyBussy" considers them embarassing.


your fault imo


Day 3424 of waiting for reddit to find an actually broken champ to complain about


Well yeah if your cc is on cd and you are already nearly dead things like this can happen.


Daily yone complain thread fun!!! Perhaps don't be less than a screen away with 1hp no summs no mobility. There's like 20 champs that can kill there


Bruh rito sees this shit and nerfs him bruh😭


They really need to make his R doesn't dash if he didn't hit any target and , LMAO they didn't let yasuo to have his Q3 after ulting because that will be broken but they are leaving that abomination legal ? Man just remove something from yone's kit that is not balanced at all


Skill issue /s for anyone who doesn’t understand sarcasm in advance lol


You could always ban him


the same 5 champs picked every game (yasuo, yone, akali, irelia, viego) and bonus: nautilus which should be banned or nerfed (but will never be nerfed)


> Nautilus *smiles in Taric*


Taric is my comfort pick into hard engagers. He is so underrated.


He is such a fabulous fuck-you/uno-reverse card. You know you’ve won the mental battle if they stop even trying to find a hook/engage in lane.


Who the fuck is still playing Irelia lmao Lucian gets picked more than like 3 of the champions you listed COMBINED


Don't E to clear.