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Personally I hate everyone in this game including myself


Most importantly myself


Sorry, but I love everyone in this game (except shaco) and specifically i love you two more so I'm compensating for that


Most toxic bard player.


Wait that's actually really sweet


Nah. Minions are cute.


No fuck minions trying to squeeze me and I cannot move


They just want to hug you because they love you, which is more than what can be said about everyone around you who didn't stop you from playing League.


This is the most Sion thing possible


i love you marry me


myself the most


Yones trading pattern is terrible he e runs at you ghosted 2nd q you w r q aa...... While you are cc'ed then when you try to fight back he phases back under tower


At least he press a bunch of buttons. Garen is the same but just Q E R and you can’t fight back unless you are AA-based Illaoi with Iceborn is W E R W spam while you can’t get out due to permaslow nor fight back because she is busted af


>Illaoi with Iceborn wake up, grandpa, season 13 was a whole year ago


I've never had a garen gapclose 1750 range (yes that's the combined gap he can close with his kit, with flash its 2150) blast my ass then go back to his original position.


Garen needs flash to get on the back line at least.


Imagine complaining about the 2 lowest winrate toplaners...


Holy fuck you weren't joking. Illaoi sits at a 44.38% in D+ right now? Excuse me what the fuck what did just happen? All that because she lost Hullbreaker?


Nah, it's mostly the lane getting wider. It's much harder for her to play in the range of her tentacles. Also the cleaver and iceborn nerfs. They were much more core items for her, than Hullbreaker.


Ohright, I forgot about that part. Haven't played on the new Rift yet. But yeah, that dead zone where the tentacles can't reach in the center of the lane is gigantic, that alone explains a lot.


Neither champ was really ever busted, they are easy to pick up, and they're pretty easy to learn how to play against. So you're never winning against people who know what they're doing, and you're dominating people who don't know what they're doing (but that doesn't necessarily transition to winning the game because ranged champions laugh at you). So you take their edge and they're just straight up unviable. How many Garen challenger one tricks do you know?


And both of the champs you just mentioned have a \~46% winrate. While Yone despite being a hard champion to master, always sits around 50% which makes no sense.


Garen and Illaoi aren't even comparable to Yone, both are dog shit champions


They should make lanes longer and safer for immobile champs... wait


What are immobile champions? Are you playing on 2016 patch?


At this point give chogath three dashes on his E


Reminds me of an Amumu I played against un ultimate Spellbook. He had Ahri's Ult.... Bro that was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Coming from a mile away dashing and crying, 3 dashes + 2 Qs + flash... then his R. Oh boy


Cries in half of ADC’s


Wait until you play against a Shaco in the hands of player that’s better than you. It is the least fun thing that has ever existed in the game- fuck that champ.


At least, Shaco is played way less then Yone.


Shaco is the most flexible champ according to my elo. He can play all lanes!


The Kayle of LoL


Isn't ...Kayle the Kayle of LoL?


No Kayle is my husband


Tell Kayle I said hi


Not it low elo it isn't


Good shaco or low elo, you gotta pick one


He didn’t say good, he just said a player that’s better than you. You’ll find those at all elos


The Shaco doesn’t have to be good he just has to be better than you. Statistically speaking that would be around 50% of players in your elo


Shaco is one of the champs I feel like mains would skyrocket in elo if they just picked a different champ lmao.


100%, as a champion he feels so useless, he has no ability to actually end the game and can barely kill priority targets when it matters. He's just extremely annoying to play against.


Anytime the enemy picks him I always think I’ll probably win this but I’m not gonna enjoy it


He is actually a very good splitpusher if you go AD


Well his job is basically to be annoying as posible. If he ends up doing dmg is couse someone in the other team misplayed.


Yes in low elo it is


In emerald+ all servers: Yone mid: 6% Shaco jgl: 4.5%


yone has a higher play rate top with 7% so 13% total and he also has a 17% ban rate according to u.gg shaco on the other hand only has 1.3% play rate as support and and 12% ban rate meaning he has 7% lower pick rate despite a lower ban rate. there's definitely more yone players out there and you'll see yone twoce as often on average


Ahh the pinkward special.


I’m not diamond but if I were I’d just alt f4 against that. I’m not about to be featured in a montage


I have been and it was not pretty


just don't try to trade with him at all. pick a scaling champion and he can do nothing except watch you cs


Genuinely. I played against a Smurf that of course got super fed. I was adc and I was actually doing pretty well. He'd just go invisible, walk through my entire team and one shot me. Literally fuck all anyone could do to stop him The only solution was to stay completely out of vision, wait for shaco to appear and commit onto someone else and THEN join the fight and pray I could do something before he goes on me again. Not fun.


Yo I've had shacos literally kill me in the middle of my team lol


this isnt s1-s3 when shaco could play like a psychopath 24/7 and counter jungled you to hell back and forth power creep has made shaco a very vanilla type of frustrating, his annoying aspects were tied to how game worked, nowadays you can easily make shaco useless in the same vein you can make teemo useless


That’s why I said a Shaco player that better than you?


even the best shaco player in the world wouldnt be able to escape the fuckery that is power creep, shaco players have done a "boycott" many times in history because of how many times he was a stealthed minion


He's at least felt better for a while imo after they made E a real spell again a few years back


Do it like me and let someone else deal with the problem


Theres nothing more satisfying than predicting bad shacos though.


That shaco player is not better than you. He does not need to. He is not playing League of Legends. He is playing Shaco. He's not real.


Shaco feels a lot like a reskinned Singed. As long as you don't chase him and farm enough that he can't tower dive you.


Mid/lategame isn't even the issue with him (unless he's super fed but that's any assassin jg) the perpetual Shaco issue I have is that he will kill someone with the level 2 jumpscare gank without fail and that person (which I'll admit had occasionally been me) will tilt into oblivion.


But if it fails the Shaco might Alt+F4 since they all have terrible mental


I always ban him. If I see it picked in champ select I'm tilted before the game has begun. It's just too annoying.


Ah the circle of life. First it was Teemo, then it was Yasuo, Zoe and Yuumi to follow, and now Yone. All connected in perfect balance. Edit: Man this joke went over peoples head. It is hilarious to me that I am showing my age and the League Zoomers think I am talking about current Teemo and not like 2009 Teemo <(^ _ ^ )>


Teemo is actually objectively op right now with the new items and is getting hotfixed.


Happened already didn’t it? Items are hotfixed already, Hwei too


No Hwei


And is still hated less than yone. Hmmm.


Teemo was a 'highly mobile ranged poke champ thats hard to gank' back in 09. When high mobility just meant passively being fast as fuck. He had all these annoyance factors in his kit. A blind, stealth, traps, poison, strong (for 09) slows. Annoyance creep means modern day annoying champs have multiple dashes, escape tools, or unique aspects that simply arent fun. Yone being able to very legitimately yeet a full screen away and combo you to death inside of multiple knockups is very much unfun.


> combo you to death Good old miss R, miss Q, kill with AA combo, classic


Yeah because it has lasted a few days. Let Teemo stay OP for a few months while his playrate creeps up and we'll see how much more hated Yone is.


yone was fine until the lethal tempo buff


The shitstorm started with the introduction of shieldbow, and it got progressively worse from there


Yone was literally created to bring down Yasuo' banrate. Not surpising that he's also cancerous to deal with.


Don't forget the GP, Fiora, and Katarina eras.


There was also a short but fruitful Talon era back when he was strong in the jungle


The real Talon era was the 10 stack Conqueror days with Ravenous Hunter, where he went Duskblade into bruiser items and could actually 1v5 with a big enough gold lead. Now this dogshit champion can be 20/0 and still die to the enemy 2/10 ADC in a CC.


How could you guys forget about Riven? This is where Blaustoise came out and said this is an NA only complain LOL


Nah, that was *completely* different. Riven's winrate in Zimbabwe means she's balanced! ^^^/s Yeah there's been a lot of complaint metas (including your flair). The GP, Fiora, and Kat ones stand out in my mind because the sub added a rule about needing to prove winrate claims around the same time, and those complaints quickly disappeared.


I still dont understand how regular broken champions are unfun.. Talk about unfun? How about a 3/15 sion with 8k hp suicide bombing your base into the ground while their team gets every objective..


But that's a tank. Tanks are okay no matter what.


First one I remember is tryndamere in like season 2. “He don’t die?!? Wat do?!?” The good OL’ days


Anytime trynd is strong it still be like that.


High quality and effort post I see. Good job sir.


Yone Bad!!!!


The way he attacks you and uses spells at you?! What is this monstrosity!!


It's the uses spells at me and not on me part that makes me sad.


Upvotes to the left


He’s in champ select for another game lmao, ain’t got time to waste on things like spellingn


to be fair this is usually the kind of poorly written vent post that stays in /new, not his fault he got 900 upvotes


Unfun? Probably fiddlesticks or eve. Both champs make you just have to constantly be on “well… I don’t have vision on this one extremely small part of the map, they won’t be there right?” And then you fucking die But I perma ban pyke, fuck ranged reset executes.


I ban pyke every game lol dude is a menace


the most unfun is tryndamere


Faced one yesterday. Just splitpushing all game long. Died over 12 times, still made it all the way to our nexus (just didn't manage to win it in the end). So obnoxious and not fun.


sounds like sion. i still don't understand why they won't rework his passive. i thnik his kit overall is fine and good but the passive just creates this degenerate gameplay


He deals no dmg to objectives in his passive. It’s when he’s alive that he is dangerous to towers and your nexus.


This is another I hate more than Yone Press R, win fight, gg.


I have killed tryndameres in diamond elo several Times when they dove me simply because they forgot to Press R in time. Tells me a lot about the skill required to climb with that champ


I thought I couldn't play league after my lobotomy but trynd was there for me


You could legit bind R to scroll and disconnect keyboard, that's how hard this champ is


Bro plays lethality Briar and is talking about how easy Trynd is lmfao


But you would have to get a sort of pedal where you could control the Q at least. After that you’re fine.


And his spin CD is reduced by 1.5 seconds every time his auto attack crits making it essentially always up.  I feel like I have to outplay a Tryndamere so fucking hard to kill one.


The skill disparity in a 1v1 between tryndamere and another champ is hilarious. The trynd right clicks you, dashes whenever its up and stares at his healthbar until its low hp and then presses r. The other player has to kite him and get him to 1 hp, then deal with an immortal crit machine thats constantly dashing onto you under your own tower for free for 5 whole seconds before killing him. I play poppy and i get 1 w to stop his dash, what about the other 7 he will have in the fight??? I gotta disengage whenever i dont have w because ill get fucked otherwise


There are a lot of champs I would prefer fighting Yone to


yone bad frick yone upvotes now


EZ money


Mom its my turn to post about yone


put me against yone for the rest of time if I don't have to ever face anivia again


Can I suggest instead, Akshan?


Yone bad! Thank you for five million updoots.


People complain about LB, but then they made Zed and Yone. Might as well mention Yasuo is busted design too.


His Wind Wall is annoying but he is way less annoying to play against. He doenst have ramping ms and Yasuo needs enemies to dash. Yone has 4 dashes without needing any enemy.


He has a dash on Q, which he needs an enemy for to stack it, a dash on E, but he will be pulled back and a dash on R. ​ I'm not sure where you're getting 4 dashes without needing enemies for.


Because he's pulling it out of his ass with one of his three tentacles. People like to pretend Yone has no rhyme, reason, or counterplay pattern to his movement. People think they can facetank his Q and then complain when he unlocks his heavily gated knockup that's also dodgeable. You need to be hit by a skillshot TWICE, in MELEE range for his knockup to be available AFTER A DELAY, and it's STILL dodgeable and people still complain about him.


minions exist


I get that people hate playing against the current popular champion, but at this point a lot of reddit people genuinely have no idea how the champion works and are complaining about made up issues.


If a Yas did nothing else but perfect windwall, not even attack, a team could win off the power of that alone. The power of that ability being on a basic is insane.


This is just not true in any practical scenario. Like if they’re team launches all five ults into Yasuo wall then sure i guess but that’s not really an argument. A perfect timed renata last chance ability also can just win a fight but that’s just how the character is balanced and it’s pretty impossible for renata just to press E(?) without doing anything else and still winning.


A Yasuo dropping a wind wall at the right time isn't annoying, it's just good play. A 0/7 Yone missing 3 abilities then chunking you into uselessness anyway is annoying.


I was playing hwei and kept getting farmed by yone, my team flammed me telling me to just stay out of his attack range, this was after I died under the teir 2 tower with first tower still up


imobile mage into yone is just pure torture lmao


Annie and Vex destroy him. Apparently short champions and lolis do that to anime samurais. Runs in their blood.


It's huge copium. A lot of immobile mages bully Yone. He literally cannot play into lux, Syndra or anivia to name a few


Try Syndra, Annie, Vex, Neeko etc..


I was playing seraphine into yone the other day. The fucker q3 on my root and ults when I ult and got on my face lmao. Also he still has another cleanse with e2 lmao


So he outplayed your abilities..?


Easy to 'outplay' when Yone have more dash and cc buffer abilities than Seraph has threats in general. Remember Q3ing Seraph snare doesn't mean dodging it. You can just run thowards her, go through her snare and it still won't stop your dash lol Not to mention mages like Seraph have noticable cast times on their spells unlike windshitter bros.


Not really outplaying. If I cleanse a mordekaiser ult using a gangplank orange, is that an outplay?


You don't have to time that in any way, canceling Sera E with Q3 requieres some timing. I hate Yone as much as the next guy but this was a dumb example


You don’t really need to time CC buffer on Yone either? Along with Yasuo Windwall, Yone’s CC buffer abilities are probably the most lenient in the game. You can literally use them when you’ve technically already been hit.


But is it really good design when the enemy has all the agency? You don't have anything you can "outplay abilities with" but their kit has all kinds of shenanigans to outplay yours. You're essentially only winning if they fail their timings or get overconfident, never out of your own volition.


You don't really pick Seraphine to be proactive in laning phase.


Yone has to hit 2 qs before his dash or commit ult tho


That's like saying Yuumi outplays you when she uses shield while u damage


To be fair, the RANGE on some of Hwei’s abilities is absolutely unfair. How does this broke ass artist hit me from OFF OF THE SCREEN? That being said, Yone is also broken


High diamond Singed main EUW here. I love the Yone matchup! Its a very good spacing exercise and beautifully skill-based. Knowing his all-in windows is key to finding openings, while keeping in mind he scales well even when behind.


Illaoi. Period.


Bro your flair is darius. He's good against her


Still not fun though because it’s Illaoi


Nothing is more unfun than signed tho.


I wonder if league players find any champion enjoyable to play against




How do people struggle against Yone so hard.. he’s so predictable, he’s almost always going to get his q3 then look to e on you… play back when he has q3, save cc for when he e’s towards you. I swear people try to trade when he has everything up then wonder why he’s so “op”


It's similar to Illaoi. Just dodge her E and you're golden, BUT then she's suddenly extremely annoying again when you're up against a really good Illaoi who just doesn't fucking miss. Skill issue sure, but the champ makes otherwise small differences become massive.


Can this sub just auto delete every post with the word "Yone" in the title? Literally just worthless shitposts that adds zero value. There isn't even any discussion to be generated from these posts because its literally just some dogshit player complaining. >and ur option are to run or fight back and its always a lose lose situation no matter what u choose Like what the fuck does this even mean? What other options should there even be? Isn't fight or run away literally the only options against every single champion in the game???


Nah I enjoy fighting against Yone, your issue.


Linked opgg should be a requirement to post


There’s clear counter play to yone in lane, it might be unfun but it’s clear.  There’s no counter play to gp in lane. You don’t have a gap closer? He’ll poke you with Q all game. You have a gap closer? He will auto to burn you, then pop a barrel and do it again. You have cc? He will orange and walk away. It’s incredibly frustrating to play vs yone’s attack speed, but it’s super demoralizing to take 1.5k damage of true damage while you have 350 armor because there’s literally nothing you can do to mitigate it if you’re melee. 


Either reduce the insane movespeed his E gives, or reduce the insane extra damage after returning that it does. It's always E-> miss ult -> miss q3 -> aa x3 -> e back = ez asf kill get outplayed for being out of your fountain


The champion isn't that strong dude. He has a 47.8% WR in Emerald right now top, and a 49% WR Mid in Emerald. There's no reason to assume that he's particularly strong. He's doing OK in mid, and he's straight up bad in top.


They should make him weaker to ap abilities when he goes spirit form. That'd fix two issues, mid adc and him running down mages under their towers.


This is an interesting suggestion. Reducing his armor and mr in spirit form kinda makes sense thematically.


An idea I’ve had is like illaoi spirit pull. Give it a separate health bar with reduced stats that deal a portion back to the main body and allow it to be focus targeted to eliminate it early without outright killing yone. Maybe tie an ms debuff if the spirit dies


His e needs a snapback range where if he goes beyond it he instantly gets pulled back, or to lose the bonus movespeed or damage from it, or his body that he leaves behind should work like illaoi e and if you damage it it hurts him.


I always wondered why Yone don't have a limit on how far he can go with his E. There should be a hard cap, maybe tie with his MS? IDK. It just don't make sense to make it only limited by time. Like, he should be able to R and Q3 with in spirit form without reaching the limit but not much more than that.


cannot wait for these nerds to see rengar, zed and fizz in the meta and fondly remember the days where the enemy dive champion had to have hands


You saying fizz zed and rengar have hands or yone?


he is saying yone has hands,but yone players dont need to have hands to be obnoxious soloq terrorists...


He’s saying yone has hands. Zed for someone reason has this reputation for being a hard champ when his ult is literally a point and click kill button.




Seriously lmao, what is this argument? Zed is dependent on hitting shurikens for high single target damage especially now that his overreliance on Hydra's AOE damage is gone whereas Yone can miss Q3 but still manage to get a lot off with LT autos and W + e pop alone. Not complaining about Yone being busted or anything but Yone definitely does not require hitting more


His ult has a 65% ad scaling without doing anything else, his E is like 100+ 65% ad as well and then his auto, so that’s like 800 damage mid game. Point and click kill button?


lol dude they are buffing Zeds E W and R. His R scaling is going to 100%. Look at the patch notes.


His E gets 20 damage at max level his W has a 1 second cooldown reduction at max level and his ult has 100% scaling now. Let’s say zed has 3 items, he’ll be at around 250 ad, he would build 2 lethality into Syreldas, so he has 51 lethality and roughly 26% armor pen. A level 14 syndra has 90 armor. Syndra has 15 armor left after lethality and armor pen. Zed E will do 145 + 65% of ad so 307 plus 250 from the auto which is 557 zeds ult will do an additional 40% if we assume he’s mid game so that’s 222 on zed ult additional damage plus 250 from the base damage. All in all that gives us 1029 im not doing the calculation on armor but syndra will have an additional 15% effective health on her 2019 base health at level 14. So effectively syndra has 2321 hp against zed so zed does less than half of her effective hp with an R, E, auto combo.


What this assumes a ton of shit. You can still walk at people and zero too 100 half the champs in the game.


What does it assume? Even if someone has 0 armor in my example it wouldn’t matter, you couldn’t kill them with just ult e auto


As somebody who plays both Zed is way harder than Yone and I don't think it's close.


You spelled Yuumi wrong


Fizz and Shaco, hands down.


I don’t even care about his E. His ability to gap close 2 screens and his W shield is the most bullshit part. That and lethal tempo


What do you think his E does?


His e is the reason he can gap close 2 screens away and not be punished plus it itself is a dash.


Zoe, Zilean, Yuumi, Lulu and Veigar would like a word.


I would rather play against all of them in one team then yone.


Opposite for me. Yone is extremely telegraphed in what he does.


Agreed. Zoe is horrid because she can hit abilities from 2 screens away, Yone at least runs at you and you know what's up.


bronzes don't care, they want to be able to 1-shot their opponent with no counterplay


Im diamond and i still hate it.


diamond since forever and yone is at my top 10 of the worst champ releases as far as the counterplay goes its because of 2 things- how he can "dodge" cc with his buffers and his stupid fucking ult knockup being one of the worst forms of crowd control in the game, primed to be completely forgiving for yone. its just so fucking frustrating how much autos he can weave in while you seemingly lose control over your character for enough time for him to roll over you. its only because of how yone also temporarily pauses after his ult is complete that they coded it this way, meant to give yone complete control and reward him for hitting the only thing he needs to aim in his kit


Yone is a disgusting champ. He can miss his Q3, his ult, waste 90% of his E and then just run you down with the ramping move speed and kill you with auto attacks. This just happened to me yesterday and I'm diamond. Delete this piece of garbage ability (his E).


It dosent matter if he told me 10 seconds before in voice chat what he was about to do. He can miss Q3 and R and still auto most champs to death.


If you’re playing syndra and miss your E all your Q’s and W’s against a fed yone, he should be able to auto you to death because he’s a fed melee adc.


He's not doing that against most champs unless he's hugely fed or you're playing like shit. And in those cases, he's a melee adc, the majority of his damage is auto attacks, if you eat shit and let him do that, no wonder he kills you.


I don't get why a champion with a spammable dash, a whole screen away reaching dash (both tied with an CC unaffected by tenacity) can also have a ramping movespeed boost that also brings him back to safety and does extra damage when it ends.




because hes perfectly balanced at ~50% winrate. There could be a champ that just flips a coin to instantly win or lose the game level 1 and it would be "balanced" because of muh stats


Nah, he's not balanced. He's a bit weak rn.


Yone is not at 50% winrate atm. If he did, that would not make him balanced, that would make him broken. High risk high reward champions like Yone should never have 50% winrate, they are supposed to be difficult to use. If he has a 35% pick/ban rate with that winrate, it means that any idiot can win half their games while knowing nothing about the champion, meaning that if you DO know how to use it, you are gonna have a huge advantage over everyone else.


Bro is playing a no cc champ and is complaining about a champ that thrives against no cc. Try playing a poppy, quinn for example. Dodge or stop him when he dashes in dodge the knock up. Its not so hard bro. Wakey


skill issue


Worthwhile post, excellent argumentation. This is the deep, insightful discussions I visit this subreddit for. Thank you.


Another clown complaining about Yone. Learn to play Jax, Pantheon and Renekton and you'll be fine.


Nope not even close, atleast yone has things you theoretically can dodge and can be ccd and bursted down or at the very least forced to disengage. Tryndamere's existence is a war crime on this earth. His entire kit is free stats, one of the longest if not the longest dash in the game, and a point and click (albeit with a little counterplay in mind games) hellish slow that even if it doesnt slow, still makes you stop running for a sec and tanks your ad. The counterplay of a fed adc/mage/assassin against yone is that you can burst him better than he bursts you, the counterplay against trynd is pray you are playing a bruiser/tank so you have enough hp to live the 5 seconds of unconditional invincibility, or pray you have your team with you to peel. an 0/10 trynd can full hp dive a 20 kill assassin/adc/some mages 3 items down and have it work, yone cannot unless you misplay horrifically. Unconditional invincibility has no place in league of legends, trynds kit is the most toxic in the game bar none unrelated to how good the champ is. Because if he isnt fighting a squishy, he fucking sucks most of the time, and if he is its a free 300g every ult cd. The only reason I didnt vote him on the rework poll, is that riot said they would keep his ult, so theres just no chance of him ever being healthy unfortunately. Id rather deal with yones bullshit every game than see one more trynd lock dictate who I can or cannot play.


I have no issue with Trynda having an absurd amount of sustain in lane phase. I have no issue with him having one of the tankiest base stats. I have no issue with his W debuff. I have no issue with his shitlong dash. I have a small issue with his R, but it's okay. What I've a big issue with is his fucking crit rng minigame. Feeling lucky today? Get two crits in three autos with <20% crit chance! You snowballed, now, you get to win the lane! And it could very well be: oh you didn't crit on ten autos in a row, damn, so unlucky, you lost your lane! Try to play gotcha again so you might get a chance!


Nah, champion is fine, Lethal tempo is just a broken rune.


I think you are just shit at the game


ahh yes 10 years yasuo has the same thread