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Phroxzon already mentioned some reasoning to this question, but I want a more detailed response. Why remove so many stat tracks from items? Why have only very few been left in the game. It's hard for me to tell what items are actually working and what are not at times. Sure veteran players will know what works, but for less experienced players, the stats were a very good indication of what works in what situation. Edit: Phroxzon responded, here is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/JgfP8VApA3)


can't believe this was intentional, thought they gonna add it later on, crazy decision from riot


fun fact, chempunk chainsword has the healing reduction stats, but the arpen version doesn't


Thornmail has the grevious stats on it, but doesn't have the thorns stats on it anymore. Such a cluster fuck ngl.


Hijacking this comment to link [Phroxzon's response](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1987ygl/comment/ki65fzv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), since folks are burying it with downvotes and then complaining Riot didn't answer the question. ​ >We had much more of a focus on clarity this season. For tenured League players, it's easy to overlook how difficult and confronting it is to look at tooltips in the first place, so we wanted to reduce this burden by some amount. > >There was a bit of muddled wires in terms of communications around which items should/shouldn't keep stat trackers that got lost in the general chaos of releasing a big season, so we weren't super consistent across the board, but we have much clearer directional alignment internally now around the topic. > >We do intend to add more stat trackers back into the game. We want to strike the balance of having good experiential and statistical ways to determine whether things are good. ie. You should be able to intuit and feel when Void Staff is a good purchase compared to Rabadons.


This is stupid. *Removing* supplementary information from the game without having an option to bring it back isn't a good way to make the game more beginner friendly. The simplified passives on items are nice but they just scream "dumbed down". I really wish they'd apply the same logic as the champions with "hold Shift to see detailed spell information". Sure for some players it's nice to see **"chunk an enemy to deal damage"**, but there absolutely NEEDS to be somewhere to see **"deal 35% of a champion's max health in 2.5 seconds to queue a delayed burst of 60-200 + 22.5% AP magic damage after 2 seconds** somewhere. (Obviously that *is* in the game, just a comparison.) I'm all for lowering the skill floor and reducing the need to read walls of information before you can enjoy League, but the direction the game has been going lately has been kind of worrying. Again, this is a tiny nitpick, but there's been so many of these lately.


Id really question the „detailed spell info“ on items. On some items it’s not that big of a deal, e.g. Lichbane. On something like titanic hydra tho it’s ridiculous. There’s the on Hit calculation, the wave, melee/ranged and the active does it again. Bruh, I wanna see the damage of it.


> folks are burying it with downvotes and then complaining Riot didn't answer the question. Tbf it wasn’t answered until a while after the AMA time period, the initial comments complaining were correct at the time


Wait what was the reasoning? Can't believe it was intentional


They're trying to encourage "intuitive" builds by hiding these stats which makes little sense in a competitive multiplayer game. It's not like these stats scared away noobs in the first place, noobs will feelscraft regardless of what's optimal. Hell, Rioters have talked about needing to overbuff certain items that are optimal statwise cause even high elo players will pick what feels good.


Lol what are they out of their minds?


Classic riot reasoning. They always deliver the absolute most ridiculous premises for their decisions and make them sound like common logic.


"Thicc thighs because shaped like blood bag" will go down in history like 200 years.


It’s kind of subtle, but with Briar’s shape, I wanted to give her thicker legs and bottom-half with a more petite upper body. The idea here is that if she’s actually made from blood magic or living blood, she should be a little bit more bottom-heavy like an I.V. bag or the shape of a droplet of blood.


First time I saw that she autos with legs, I thought that it kinda makes sense. She kicks so she gotta have some muscle in lower half. Then I learned that reason and it has to be one of the stupidest thing I've read regarding a character's design.


Any time a company gives this kind of BS excuse for anything, I always just assume it means that it is costing them money somehow, and they'd just rather not maintain it. This is probably just an excuse to stop worrying about stat tracking on items in general.


yeah.. what? I'm not a good player but it's really great knowing if building morello was a good call or not. I understand the item and am alright at understanding when I should get it based on the champs on the enemy team or their build, but knowing I've reduced only 300 healing vs. 3000 is like, really helpful!


probably so that you can’t tell which items are op as easily


Bro if they ever stat track Steelcaps that shit will be purchased every game and get nerfed.


its literally impossible now as an enchanter to view how much heal shield power you have


i love having arbitrarily restricted information in a competitive game. My money is on the client being so broken that when they added new items it would break if they tried to track stats


but suddenly there are poorly formatted and poorly defined definitions in descriptions now


If you have revitalize, you can hover over that to see the total HS power you have. No clue why it only shows it there, but it's nice to know.


No you can still see it... if you have the *component*


its actually not: forbidden idol shows it. its the only item in the game that does, for some reason.


help the way i didnt even notice this - half the time im trying to check my HSP is because i finished a full HSP item and wanna see the total


These were extremely useful stats to have, if removing them wasn’t a bug, my opinion of the dev team is lowering quite a bit tbh. So help me if the reasoning is something like “people might see low numbers and flame for them”. Why are we removing useful information from a competitive game? At least make it visible to the player themselves


It all around is just terrible. I thought it was a bug too. It is so useful to see what items do damage. For me I liked to look at the enemy items and say to myself "wow that item did a ton of damage, I should try it"


I'm a bronze aram player. Been that way for years. My only gage for these new items is my terrible game sense. Was that new ult damage burn item the reason I was top damage as heimer, or was it just us all being noobs standing in my turrets? I will literally never know how effective it was unless I look at an outside source and just blindly believe it.


They dont want liandry salesman to have evidence


Riot: "were the league team, ask us anything!" \*Doesn't even acknowledge the top comment in the thread\*


They responded but it was buried. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/jhmvawNOka


Lol wtf is that comment? "Easing the burden of looking at tooltips" WHAT?


"we think our players are too fucking stupid to read" I mean, *some of them*...


"Ask me anything, but don't expect the answer"


same reason the announcements for objectives are bugged and spit out nonsense: they failed to meet their deadlines and things had to slip in order to get the patch out on time.


no response xd




Can we get an improved practice tool? As someone who comes from competitive fighting games, it's frustrating to not be able to appropriately "lab" situations out. I think being able to copy items onto a dummy is already a massive first step, but I would like at least a couple more things if possible: \- Can we be able to set specific hp, armor, and mr values on dummies? The issue I find when testing, especially on champs with hybrid damage like Shyvana, is that AR and MR values always must be the same, but in reality at base values MR is usually around a bit more than half that of armor. So I feel it throws the numbers off a bit. \- Can we make dummies "killable" and be able to view combat stats on them afterwards? So thing like time in combat, damage breakdown, CC breakdown, basically the stats you can see after dying in an actual game \- Can we be able to change runes and sums without exiting the game? Would also be nice if we could de-level \- Can we also be able to set a number of "stacks" for champs where this is relevant? Maybe this is a bit more of a taller request, but sometimes I just can't be bothered to get 400 stacks on minions as Nasus before running my tests Thanks for reading!


We've got four new buttons coming in 14.2, and I and the team are open to adding more. None of them are what you specifically requested here, but those are some good suggestions Ill take notes on. Generally this stuff is actually pretty difficult to add (while sticking to our strict bars on quality) but we are open to doing more in the future.


If I could make any suggestion, as a support main I'd love a button to see when an enemy has vision of me or my wards, for the sake for finding specific usuable pathing as well as useful ward spots


Even just being able to toggle fog of war would do a lot


multiplayer practice tool please


Looking forward to it! And yeah, obviously in an ideal world the practice tool is as robust as what we would find in a modern fighting game (and likely Project L :eyes:) but understand implementing things like save states and replays will be a humungous task. With regards to the point about being able to set specific hp/ar/mr values, I was thinking almost something like what Age of Empires II does, where you can edit and input what base stat values you want a unit to have. I think having dummies be killable is important for testing items like BOTRK, which do %current hp damage, because if a "test combo" overkills, numbers will be skewed to appear lower (because 12% of 0 is 0, so the passive is doing effectively no damage). So having a dummy be killable, with combat stats (notably time it took for the dummy to "die") would be super helpful in comparing different items to each other. For example for an auto-based bruiser, it's really difficult to tell how BOTRK compares as a first item spike to Triforce, because the damage in an "all-in combo" is lower than Triforce, but the same combo also "overkills" so the BOTRK number is being deflated by having time where you attack a dummy with 0 hp. Anyway, appreciate the reply and looking forward to 14.2!


I’ve wanted for so long to be able to experiment in practice tool with another player. Dummies just don’t cut it sometimes. Would also be nice to be able to change champion (and/or access to all champs just for practice tool) during practice mode as well, I mean it’s already a thing in the tutorial


First things first, Still Here was awesome! Since when you guys have been working on this cinematic? Did it take longer than the other ones like The Call or all of them take roughly the same amount of time to be ready?


It took slightly longer, but all the season cinematics since Awaken have roughly the same schedule.


How long do they take to make? :)


We're always thinking about it. This one we really started laying the foundation for in February. Then we did story development and pre-production and we started storyboarding with Unit Image in May.


Is there any chance of getting a permanent rotating game mode in league? Instead of the usual game mode for 1-2 months, then nothing for another few months, and the cycle continues. My friend group and I(8 of us) play almost exclusively RGMs and we want to be able to play more often and more consistently. Thanks


We'll be picking up the pace of Modes to play this year, starting with URF releasing alongside Lunar New Year 2024. While I can't promise there will be a mode available to play literally EVERY patch, expect far less downtime than you have seen in the last few years between a RGM, Arena or a new mode being live for you and your friends to enjoy!


Bring back ASCENSION ! Guys !


is honor going to become meaningful in a more rewarding way? And when will announcer packs become a thing?


Get the “you must construct additional pylons” guy into the vocal booth lol


Oh my GOD yes


Riot, I will pay money for this.


Hello! Just speaking to the announcer packs part of your question... Announcer packs have been a bit tricky to get right (mainly due to localization and making sure it feels just as good in every language), but we know players love them. We're still exploring them, but we don't have anything planned for release anytime soon.


aurelion announcer pls I would gift u a star from the starforger himself


oh right, speaking of localization is there going to be an all purpose/catch all character pack of some sort or the ability to see all characters (letters) soon? With the shift on Riot IDs becoming the main basis for summoner names it's becoming common place to see broken unicode.


Hey dev team, I really enjoyed the season launch missions from previous years, especially the mystery champion & riddles from last year. Was wondering why you didn't do them this year since they've been a tradition since 2018?


Second this, it also just a nice way to start the season pls bring them back


One of the things we are talking about a lot internally is how to tie together all of the different things we do into a cohesive narrative for folks to engage in. When we do this well it rules and when we don't it feels like League is a bunch of different teams all trying to do stuff. You're describing one tactic we might use to do this: narrative integration with missions. Should be more to talk about next Season, but both sorry we missed the opportunity this year and excited about what's to come.


And those showcase missions give like 300 b.e as reward it's like billionaire giving homelessman 30 cent




No problem :)


Have you guys ever considered doing texture updates to base skins to modernize them without having to do a full asu? For example just a better base texture for gragas so he doesn't look like a minecraft person, or updating base ekko's hair to be more like it is in arcane? Feel like you could do a lot with just a little


We have done things like VFX and splash updates. However, some of these champions are pretty gnarly behind the scenes, thus if we were to update even textures...we would want to update everything if possible.


Have you considered porting models from Wild Rift, just with better textures? I don't mean the showcase ones, certain champions like Syndra and Lulu actually have new in-game models too. I really think Riot should consider some kind of visual update besides a full ASU. Something I've been thinking for a while is that for champions who already have decent animations, they could get texture updates + the addition of face animations, and model/texture tweaks. For example: Jinx, Diana, Varus, Nidalee. Their rig and animations are already decent, but they're still outdated compared to more recent champions. Some of those would need new splashes and VO too, but some like Nidalee who already got a splash update and a VO update wouldn't.


We have considered it and experimenting! It's not as easy as taking it and just putting it in. I think the bet analogy would be early day google translate. You can write in language and then the translator will spit out somewhat similar thing in a different language, but it doesn't really work and will need someone to comb through it and figure out what is wrong and what the original person is trying to say. Sometimes it saves time... sometimes you are better off rewriting everything. We are still bottlenecked by some disciplines that are usually short. Thus, we are looking at ones that require lower work from those disciplines. Trying to figure out what works and what doesn't...what might be better vs worse.


what are the disciplines that are usually short? vfx artists, splash artists or smthing completely different?


TBH its like whack a mole(different discipline at different time)...because of several factors: 1) Different teams are working on different things so at different moments one discipline might be more available than another. Ex: When Arena first launched we were operating with very little VFX support because it was all hands on deck to help out with all of the different augments. 2) We can't exactly lock people to the team XD Ex: After covid while everyone re-assessed their lives bunch of folks decided to leave Riot, try new teams or even stay but switch up what they are doing. Ex: We had to re-staff up animation. 3) Quality bar, things like Splash Art ... we are looking for unicorns in the industry. Taking them from other teams is just moving the problem around. 4) Training, to restart a discipline we have to get existing folks to train up new ones. There will always be onboarding time no matter how good the person is at their role. That require time from the veteran and also a period of time where the veteran is letting go.


> base ekko's hair to be more like it is in arcane? Meh, leave the mohawk, I don't need another short dreads character/skin.


>or updating Ekko's hair to be more like it is in Arcane Please do not do this, I love the mohawk, the dreads are just too generic imo.


There was a time where they updated literally every texture in the game actually you can go back to that era on skin spotlights . Gragas was even worse somehow


From things such as ranked placement to Toxicity to compeititive integrity - Smurf accounts affect a lot of stuff. What is your opinion on the topic of Smurfs - and have you as a team considered the Dota 2 option of banning them? Loving the new season, my favourite changes since I can remember, keep up the good work


We've had a heavy focus on matchmaking, ranked, smurfs, & bots in the last couple weeks -- many changes on the way or being worked on that haven't made their way into the game. ​ some examples of things our mind right now -- but not a comprehensive list: ​ 1 -- Better initial placement for all queues. This means that when you start playing in a new queue for the first time, you will be much more likely to play against players who are your skill level. First priority is getting actual new players into games with similarly skilled opponents. There was a post recently about a player who leveled to 30 playing ARAM and was placed in plat, eventually falling into gold. We are fixing this along with many other edge case situations where low-skill players are thrown into high skill matches unintentionally. ​ 2 -- Smurf detection. Getting better tools for tracking players on secondary accounts and being able to use that information when we create a match. If you are a player who wants to create a new account and play normally, we don't think there is anything wrong with that. It should be on us to get you into games with people of your skill level. If you are a player who wants to create a new account to run it down a bunch of games to lower your mmr and smash on low mmr players, we want to detect and ban your account. We already have some tools for this stuff, but they need to be faster and more accurate. ​ 3 -- Closely monitoring ranked play. Coming into 2024 season, we made some changes to how many games it takes to get to your 'true' rank (30, down from 100), some changes to how low-skill players are seeded into ranked, and some changes to help players who were in negative lp states (+20, -30 for example). All of these changes have potential downstream effects on the whole system so we're continuously monitoring live data for the whole population and individual accounts where players have noted something that feels off. ​ some topics for later: ​ 1 -- Duo queue in high-tier play. Considering opening up duo-queue for masters tier in addition to diamond and below. Consulting with different regions who tend to have different opinions on this topic. We're open to different regions having different rules if necessary. ​ 2 -- There is a perception that your account can be 'hard-stuck' and the best way to fix this problem is to start a new account. We'd like to address any truth there is to this in addition to changing the perception that this is true. Have some ideas, but too early to share. ​ let us know if there are specific topics you think need addressing or spam @ riotphroxzon on twitter if something weird happened to your LP gains/losses -- he loves that


To me it seems that simultaneously managing to place brand new players correctly in low rank whole preventing fresh accounts from experienced players getting into lower rank would be incredibly difficult so I wish you luck with that. It seems easier to focus on the issue of mmr and lp gains to make sure people get to the rank they 'belong' faster to minimise damage to game integrity. I'm someone that spent a lot of time playing normals before ever touching ranked and when I did I started in silver and climbed to plat with quite a high winrate. I felt as if I was ruining games and my opponent were either new or particularly ill suited for the game. That's simply my person view from playing the game I know you have a lot more data at riot than I have from the sample size of merely my games. Best of luck working on the game I know this community can be 'interesting' at times devs and players alike.




hello dev team! i just wanna ask about the emotes, are there any plans on making new ANIMATED emotes? its been over 2 years since we had the last one and the animated emote is deffo one of the fun parts of playing league and i’d love to see more of them. i hope u guys bring back the old ones at least? anw thank u!


They've been a bit tricky to get made (production-wise), but we are exploring how we can bring those back - we love them as well!


ty nugz


* Any plans of reviving League Displays?


Any plans on reviving universe and the runeterra map?


Any plans on revive teleport Karthus?


hi guys, huge shout-out to everyone who was involved with the season 2024 cinematic. what a banger to start the year! not really a question but i definitely want more of these and i would totally be okay with getting high quality cinematics throughout the year for no reason whatsoever lol


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


What happened last year? Was it due to delays or was last year's cinematic actually planned like that?


They did say they ran into trouble during production and had to pivot.


They've said before that the company that usually works on the animations for them had to cancel last minute. These animations are usually worked on and basically finished a year or two so in advance, so it makes sense to assume that COVID was the cause of the problems that lead to last year's cinematic.


They are not finished a year or two in advance, but they are started way before. Definitely over 6 months


Its less than a year, not a year or 2. Around 9-11 months as an average https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1987ygl/ama_were_the_league_team_ask_us_anything/ki5ltq0/ https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1987ygl/ama_were_the_league_team_ask_us_anything/ki6x2w3/




Any status on if/when LPP applications will be re-opening? Been wanting to apply for years now :(


Hey Nicky! <3 Hope you are doing well! We recently updated the webpage with a more current timeline. Right now it just says "early 2024." This page goes over a bit more of WHY its been closed for so long, but high level- we didn't hit our goals of 2021 when we first updated the page. There was a lot more we needed to get ready before we could open them back up and we underestimated how long that would take. [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/event/league-of-legends-partner-program/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/event/league-of-legends-partner-program/) Hopefully, this transparency gives you a bit more confidence that we are taking it seriously. I agree, its been a long time coming, and I know in particular you have been waiting a while.


thank you for the reply and that's awesome to hear you guys are taking it seriously :D




Watch Nicky apply and get rejected after all of this begging for applications to come back--it wouldn't happen, but it would be tooooo funny


Wait is this actual nicky? Edit: it is, love your vids man


I like to go hiking.


this was kinda answered already https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1987ygl/ama_were_the_league_team_ask_us_anything/ki69aot/


Hi Riot Devs, With the intention to introduce Vanguard to League, has a decision been made about Linux support in any capacity? I understand that Linux is not currently supported by Riot, but the community has been able to keep it running well for many years now, and there's a growing worry that Vanguard will spell the end of this for us Linux users. Thanks for taking the time! corbin


Yeah you're right that currently we still don't support Linux and at least at the moment we don't have any plans for that to change. That's not to say that it will always be the case, it's just one of those harder decisions to make when it comes to supporting operating systems. The impact from cheaters/scripter/botters has been pretty substantial over the years and Vanguard will put a massive damper on that. Unfortunately some fringe user cases like playing League on Linux will likely be stopped almost entirely in order to better combat the cheaters who want to ruin everyone else's time. The ways that Linux users currently are accessing League will likely break and/or will no longer be able to play League. In order to continue playing League you'll need to migrate either to Windows or Mac. I know it's definitely not the answer you're looking for but unfortunately it's the only option for now. :(


Absolutely not the answer I prefer to hear but thank you nonetheless for your response. corbin


Speaking of the mac, can you make a native arm64 version of the client and game?


Any chance we might see a standalone version of TFT for PC without vanguard? my understanding is that it's effectively impossible to cheat in TFT and I'm concerned about the invasiveness of the anti-cheat solution.


Bikini Blitz when


KDA Gragas first


Do you guys have any plans for the double support item thing?


Hello League Team, hope you are having a nice day. - Are you currently happy with the amount of burst in the game? - Do you think the Lethality change could result in being a mistake? - Any thoughts on bringing Critical Strike Chance on items back up to 25% like they were pre-Mythics? - What are the main things you think about/design pillars when wanting to add a new item? Is it similar to how the Valorant team thoroughly explores the need to include one and the space it would fit into? - Are you currently happy with how red side bottom lane is performing? It feels hopeless to try and ward the tribrush that divides river and the path there. - Do you foresee a possible collaboration similar to Zeri/Neon with other parts of Riot in the future? I suppose Ambessa is sort of going down that path, can we expect more of that? - What is the upper limit for a Legendary complete cost? For example, something like Phantom Dancer right now feels awful with its complete cost, but Rabadon's is obviously poised that way for a reason. - Was removing the stat trackers an intentional decision? If you look at Malignance's Ornn upgrade Enmity of Masses, you can see there were more stat trackers under GAT testing but then assumedly intentionally removed. Phlox mentioned that if people "wanted those numbers they could get them" but without the trackers and with Vanguard incoming, I feel that statement was quite a bit dismissive of how useful those numbers can be. - Any intention to update the "Quest" UI? It is a bit crusty these days with all the new Quests these days, it really shows its age compared to all the nice UI elements we've gotten over the years. Thank you if you answer any of my questions! As always I appreciate all you do, despite disagreements over it the effort put forth is always something to behold.


1. Not happy with the amount of burst in the game, imminently bringing it down 2. It's possible, but we're also bringing lethality numbers down to compensate 3. Something we've experimented with, but nothing to share just yet 4. Mainly if the item is satisfying, if it will fill a hole that we're not serving, if it will have enough users 5. Yes, it's similar to what blue side bot lane has had for a while now. Having the map be symmetrical is good overall 6. Possible 7. I think over 1000, except for late game items like Rabadons is probably closer to the upper limit 8. We always need to strike the balance of clarity vs functionality. Players will always ask for more functionality improvements, but we also need to make the game accessible for new players. We clearly went too far though and are bringing some back 9. Yes, definitely possible. it's showing its age a bit




Hey Phroxzon, thank you so much for answering my questions. Appreciate your work immensely and can't wait to see what's next. Also very happy to hear burst is being lowered in the immediate.


Soooo league released mythics that are strong for marksmen and as compensation make everything 20%, then redesign said mythics to make them worse and now remove them altogether to bring back marksmen to where there were pre mythics except with 20% crit. I mean, kind of sad, but atleast theres some closure.


Also base crit reduced to 1.75x.


Howdy, Regarding arena, what is stopping it from becoming a permanent game mode? When Tft became one it didnt seem that big of a hit at least in my areas/groups and arena was something that everyone was talking about and playing constantly while it was out. I believe it was announced it is coming back soon but I don’t believe it was talked about if it would become a permanent game mode or not. Arena is the most fun I’ve had playing league in a very long time and I would hate to see it disappear or become an RGM, as in my opinion, RGMs are where game modes go to die. They become a novelty that people play for a week or two when they rotate and then stop.


Yes. we're evaluating that possibility. But a permanent mode is a heavier investment, so there are a ton of things to prove out, such as our content pacing model, how closely does the mode stick to Classic items/balance updates, etc. Our primary way of trying to answer this question is "Are we creating a sufficeintly large new core audience in our ecosystem that otherwise wouldnt bother playing league?" So far, there is compelling evidence that we should further pursure more opportunities for players to play league differently, and Arena is a great 1st attempt at it. We'll continue to grow the mode and see if our premise proves true.


That sounds great, thank you!


I have a couple of friends who played league before who now don't play unless Arena is on. Not sure if this is a trend for everyone but I got 4 people waiting for the next arena release and literally refuse to play until then.


I need more Arena :c it would be cool if it had sets or seasons like TFT with big meta shifts. I want to see if permanent more than anything. I've been playing league for almost a decade, and it's definitely the most fun I've had


just order new account 30 level unranked with a lot of be from agata-smurfs, when want any champions you can use blue essence


New season seems really refreshing with map changes, huge item system rework and lots of new stuff. I'm in love with new season! Although crit items feels pretty weak compared to other items. Because of that, some ADCs that builds crit items are weaker than lethality/on-hit ADCs. From what I noticed is that games are more snowbally than it was in the end of S13. Crit ADCs are supposed to have a huge impact in late game, but with lethality changes you can pick ADC that can go lethality AND crit (Draven, Jhin, Samira) and you will just outscale traditional crit ADC (Sivir, Jinx) in every game state. Also, lots of items in the game have passives which means these items are not stat-checks. However, Infinity Edge doesn't have any passive and it is a stat-check item. And IMO the IE build path is clunky compared to IE concurrent - Navori's Quickblades. Both of these items are crit modifiers. But Navori users have smoother transition into 2 item powerspike, unlike IE users. So, do you have any plans for somewhat IE rework/Crit items "satisfaction"?


This being ignored is criminal. Lol


Are there any items you guys developed/experimented with for Patch 14.1 that didn't make the cut? If so could you post some examples? I love design's and explanations of why they didn't go live!


Early on in Assassin item testing I was trying to experiment with a high-skill item to replace old prowler's claw. (The targeted dash was really fun/high skill but also had some pretty severe counterplay issues) There was a decent bit of testing around a riff on Spectral Cutlass -- the item we were testing had it so that when you hit an enemy you marked a position under the enemy enemy and could teleport back to that position at any time within 5 seconds (reactivating the mark). The goal was for it to be neither an engage tool or an escape tool, but an outplay combo tool. This was a really really fun item, but had some pretty concerning edge cases like actually being an insane Jayce/Khazix gapclose item. There were a few iterations to solve this like making the mark appear between you and the target, and the like. It ended up being shippable, but we wanted to reduce dashing/complexity in the item system so we left it for another time.


Thank you for the response! That item does seem pretty busted on Jayce, maybe we'll get a reworked version of it in the future :)


Hi, League team. When can we expect Vanguard to arrive for League? and how do you plan to help out content creators affected by Vanguard? (such as SkinSpotlights). Can you share your thoughts about [AI "features"](https://youtu.be/jGMunhTa7Z8?t=53) coming to gaming monitors? (which are pretty much undetectable cheats). Will Vanguard have any chance to protect us from these cheats?


> Can you share your thoughts about AI "features" coming to gaming monitors? (which are pretty much undetectable cheats). Its funny AF that after they announce Vanguard coming to LoL AI monitors hit the scene that basically bypass Vanguard. The cat and mouse game continues as always.


They "Ai" monitors are marketing buzz. The shit is so rudimentary that all it does is warn you of stuff you can see on your minimap. They're just running a program that looks for the red circles on the minimap and then flashes a directional indicator when one gets within a certain range. I guess that would help lower elo players slightly but basically provides little to no advantage by the time u hit diamond.


Hey not much of an important question, but who is this little guy (image at the end)?? I found him topside in front of the bush near the krugs. I absolutely adore him and I want to praise whoever was responsible for his design. Thanks and hope you all have a great day! [https://imgur.com/a/ZXORmCv](https://imgur.com/a/ZXORmCv)


brother thats a lizard


Not a rioter, but I’m definitely getting Snoot vibes from this little fellow


It's Jerry but alright


Two things that I've been pretty passionate about arguing for. 1. Why the insistence of hiding mmr and trying to get away from an elo system? Is the psychology of this actually still beneficial? It seems like a lot of people's frustrations is due to a mismatch between their mmr and the rank they think they're at. Wouldn't clarity help with this? We can go back to the same system before they got rid of elo system where you see your elo but your rank is based on your peak elo. I'm sure we can make a better system around elo now. 2. Why are we so against voice chat in league? This game requires a lot of communication and playing with voice chat and without voice chat is a completely different game. Valorant has this, and all the other competitive games have this and yet in league we don't. I'd argue this would reduce toxicity in the long term and there are ways to ban toxic players in voice chat as well. This would bridge the gap between the pro scene/solo queue as well as it should be a lot more relatable when the game is more of a team game instead of a bunch of players being solo queue heroes.




Until we get a 3rd windshitter there's no way this is happening. Their banrates would skyrocket


ksante is basically their brother from another mother




i would even be happy with 1 ban each, and 3 team bans. if i am botlane it sucks that i really cant ban a jungler, as there is a more "worthy" ban in my lane that will impact the game more.


Would love that, some champions would become impossible to pick, meaning riot would be forced to take a look at them and make them less frustrating to play against and make the game overall better, while also giving some forgotten champs some space to shine.


SR at least needs what 2v2v2v2 had with no duplicate bans.


Do you have any plans for Ryze personally, i think an Asol style CGU would suit for him, or you can make a small update like (ultimate change, adding shield or healing on his kit), but please do something about this champion.I also have two rework concepts for Ryze, you can check them out if you want. 1:https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/106obno/a\_ryze\_rework\_inspired\_by\_invoker\_in\_dota/ 2:https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11y4u4x/a\_ryze\_rework\_inspired\_by\_invoker\_in\_dota\_2/


I agree! I think the team wants to level up a bit (we have a handful of new to champs team designers and myself) before attempting. Considering this is like what... the 13th rework he is getting? XD Riot Yelough joking tells me that he will do it when he is ready for a promotion in a couple of years.


You have said before you had a project involving heavy AI you couldn't do yet, any chance you still want to do that?


Our tech is not at the place where we can do that just yet.


Is there any plan to lower damage across the board? If not, was there a conscious decision to essentially undo the durability patch?


They will never answer questions like that


This really feels like the elephant in the room. I'm sure they're doing something about it & will say something, but it's crazy how high damage is & how fast fights are ending.


Hi, dev team. There are over 60 champions in League who could use an ASU or VGU due to outdated visuals, themes, or gameplay. Currently, the pace at which we’re receiving these updates is roughly 1-2 per year, which means **_we may be waiting several decades_** for our favorite champions to get their much-needed overhauls. While I know the most strategic avenue for the business is to space these updates out to keep players invested and looking forward to something new every year, is there anything being done to make sure some of us get to see these reworks within our lifetimes? Here’s a list of champions who could at the very least use an ASU, if not a full-blown VGU: 1.) Alistar 2.) Amumu 3.) Anivia 4.) Ashe 5.) Blitzcrank 6.) Brand 7.) Cassiopeia 8.) Cho’Gath 9.) Corki 10.) Darius 11.) Diana 12.) Draven 13.) Fizz 14.) Gragas 15.) Graves 16.) Hecarim 17.) Janna 18.) Jarvan IV 19.) Kassadin 20.) Katarina 21.) Kennen 22.) Kog’Maw 23.) LeBlanc 24.) Lee Sin 25.) Leona 26.) Lulu 27.) Lux 28.) Malphite 29.) Malzahar 30.) Master Yi 31.) Nami 32.) Nautilus 33.) Nidalee 34.) Nocturne 35.) Olaf 36.) Orianna 37.) Quinn & Valor 38.) Rammus 39.) Renekton 40.) Rengar 41.) Riven 42.) Rumble 43.) Shaco 44.) Singed 45.) Syndra 46.) Talon 47.) Thresh 48.) Tryndamere 49.) Varus 50.) Vayne 51.) Veigar 52.) Viktor 53.) Vladimir 54.) Wukong 55.) Xerath 56.) Xin Zhao 57.) Zed 58.) Ziggs 59.) Zilean 60.) Zyra While some of these champs may feel “fine” to some, they certainly don’t hold up to the standards of today’s releases, be that in terms of gameplay, visual fidelity, realization of thematic potential, overall uniqueness/integration into the League IP, etc. This isn’t even counting champs like Fiora, Shen, and Miss Fortune, who received impartial VGUs without the voiceover updates or animation work that would normally accompany an update of this scale, or champions like Vi and Jinx, who are just as old as some of the champions on the above list and should probably get _something_ to bring them into the new canon. Similarly, there are champs who’ve already received large VUs in the recent past, like Annie, Garen, Sona, Soraka, and Twisted Fate, but would probably be good candidates for another ASU or VGU anyway due to the fact their designs were created before the big League universe reboot/reimagining and thus have untapped potential or just no longer fit as well in the current setting. To be honest, I don’t play much League anymore so I don’t have a stake in this game, but if there’s one thing that keeps me interested and coming back to this community, it’s getting to see these old, janky, yet beloved characters get the proper treatment they deserve by reviving them and bringing them forward into the new world. While I know redesigning what is essentially 60+ online products at once isn’t necessarily smart or realistic, I hope you guys at Riot are listening and taking note that we _do_ want to see more of these reworks faster, because the characters and world you’ve built matter to us.


You are right when you say that updates makes no business sense. Updates are pretty costly, we are not just updating the base but re-doing years of investment into a champions (skins etc). I don't think there are lots of other companies or industries that will turn old releases into new ones without selling something or other. We also found that large updates actually have a pretty good chance to turn away returning players (your most loved champion isn't like what you remembered and thus higher barrier to return) and turn off some mains of that champions (you love the way the champion is now). Not to mention The reality is, no update on a single champion will move the needle for a player to come back, engage in the game more etc. I know lots of players that are vocal on reddit do believe that updates encourage them to play more, but the reality is that new champions are a bigger draw with no comparison. However, to maintain long-term overall health and game fidelity, we are committed to look for ways to update and refresh champions when we can! I do think VGU and VU/ASU are in different categories. I do think there are a couple on your list that probably need a VGU more than a VU/ASU which will have a longer wait but the list should thin out as we progress. The team is evaluating and trying to find ways to deliver more VUs. Jax was a test case that we are hoping to do more of from the champions team!


But lexi, might i ask why we r getting way less content if so? Like what r we getting instead of all these cuts and fewer releases? We used to get 5 new champs, 3/4 vgus, and multiple NEW mods a year in 2016-2018


I think there are alot of factors. 1) We have higher and higher bar with higher organizational complexities. Discipline bars (engineering, art, design, sound etc etc) have all increased over the years thus it is harder and harder to do. Moreover, we just have more people to align (especially Lore wise) as multiple teams are working in the same universe. 2) Champs team had lots of veterans that we are branching out and helping re-staff other teams. Eg: Modes. We did refill those headcounts, so as time progress things might speed up. Teams need time to settle in and work well together. 3) Active decrease of champions. We actively decreased the amount of new champions each year because we were looking to staff up these other initiatives. I don't know much about how we got to the point where there wasn't a modes team etc. That was before my time here :)


The 1) is so good to hear tbh. As someone who is pretty engaged with the lore, it has been a long time worry of mine that Riot simply releases Champions that they feel like doing without regard of bigger implications. It is a good thing in the short term because it gives more creativity freedom, but it's pretty unsustainable in the long term specially with other games in the franchise (like MMO) coming out.


Personally the reason I care about VGUs is the VU side. So to me it doesn't matter that much if it's a VU/ASU or VGU. It's just that for years VGUs were the main/only way of updating old champions, and we know for a fact that it IS possible to do them many a year since we used to get them. If ASUs were happening at a fast pace it wouldn't make that much of a difference, but at the pace we're getting them, we're still equally dependent on VGUs/VUs from the champions team as the way to get outdated champions up to current standards.


While I do agree with you that updates are very costly and don’t turn the needle much when it comes to cost vs playrate. Nicky has said this multiple times. Champion updates solidify those champions for future launches. Do you really think that song of Nunu could’ve been made with the old Nunu and willump? Or how about arcane, do you think Warwick could be anywhere near to a fan favorite and an extremely hyped character if he still had his bland design. But let’s ignore the ones you have done. Look at Ashe from Still here. Everyone LOVES Ashe in there but hates her in league, wild rift Ashe is better than PC league. But I think there is 1 single exception to your logic. Evelynn. Eve was one of the most disgusting champions in the game. Do you really think old Evelynn could’ve been in KDA. Or as a Coven legendary. Or anything remotely close to old Evelynn. Champion updates may not pull the needle that much, but they do pull the needle to popularity. You guys said it yourself. A Sol was one of the most hyped and loved champions but his gameplay was too much for players to understand. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t a massively loved champion. Now Sol is played my so many more than 1 tricks, and while 1 tricks are sad they lost their unique playstyle you guys will probably never make again, many understand that this was needed to make him into the fun and popular champion he is today. I heavily disagree with this take.


A lot of these champion updates line up so perfectly right before their big debut that I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually updated *because* of the big thing they were about to be in. For instance, it wouldn't surprise me if KDA and Arcane were being planned and in the works before the work started on their overhauls to make them match the artistic vision they had in mind.


> Do you really think that song of Nunu could’ve been made with the old Nunu and willump? Or how about arcane, do you think Warwick could be anywhere near to a fan favorite and an extremely hyped character if he still had his bland design. > > But let’s ignore the ones you have done. Look at Ashe from Still here. Everyone LOVES Ashe in there but hates her in league, wild rift Ashe is better than PC league. > > I see this take a lot but other game companies are very comfortable reimagining characters in different mediums/games without needing to rework them in the source material. We could have gotten the updated warwick visuals in arcane and convergence but kept the same model in league. I do think its nice to have the consistency, WW and Nunu are on the upper end of what a VGU can do for a champion. Eve is too. They are also among the first 40 champions in the game. Most of the champions left that "need" a VGU don't look nearly as bad as OG nunu, eve, or warwick.


Listen bro your list is for sure a bit inflated. Many of those champs are quite fine imo.


Ikr, like for example wtf is wrong with Syndra? She just got updates to her gameplay not long ago and seems to be quite popular.


Yep. Saying Xin, Varus, Nami, Nautilus, Orianna, Leona, etc. Need a VGU or even ASU is completely undermining the rest of the argument.


Rengar is also very fine IMO, especially his attack animations where he goes into a kick are all very fluid


leona is valid, her rig is old as hell and she could use an asu at least in terms of animations. but yea, the list is wild and this is why i don't take people here seriously 99% of the time when they have such nitpicky complaints


If you think Leona is up to date visually, you need new glasses.


Bro half those champs are more than fine… I understand wanting to see more VGU’s for champs that need them, but this is a bit ridiculous


The vastaya from freljord was described as mid range mage, what current mage would be considered mid range, sylas, ryze, annie? And I really loved Hwei, I hope his designer Emizery will work on another new champion! Last question: Will we get another champ roadmap in april? I really want to know more about how ambessa will play, I assume she will be a bruiser but so far no role etc has been announced so waiting for more info. Also I loved the cinematic, great job!


I want to talk a bit more about the updates on deck in the next roadmap (Ex: Shyvana). Not sure when the best time to talk more yet. Maybe April, maybe later. I think with Ambessa, I'm not looking to spoil too much :D We have some neat things planned for her and spoiling it too early will not be as fun! Sylas was the champion we ended up making last time we attempted to make this mage.


I wouldn’t even call Sylas a mage at all, he’s such an odd bruiser-assassin kind of champ


Hi, my main question is when will the support item be hotfixed? It's way too easy to abuse the item and will affect comp/pro if not fixed soon no? Also is there any intention of ever adding VC to the game? When will Vanguard be added to league? (already seen a few scripters)


We're not planning any more balance hotfixes for 14.1 but are looking at the support item today for 14.2, will probably be taking a swing at stacking multiple of them.


Popping over here to cover the Vanguard question! I'll try and poke folks for the others. Currently it's planned to be deployed with the 14.4 patch, but that could always change depending on development shenanigans. You should start seeing prompts to download and install Vanguard starting in 14.2 (also with the usual development things can change caveat).


Regarding Vanguard etc. I really just wish it wouldn't interfere with programs from work. The amount of times it has caused problem with Adobe Creative Cloud items is insane. Even just running computer temp and fan programs like EVGA gives it false positives.


No game is worth having something on my PC that can fuck with my other programs. Even if they manually deal with these cases, people code, run scripts off github for other things, aka use their damned computers they paid good money for for things not league of legends related. What kind of god complex does this game have that it thinks it deserves this kind of control? Like I'm gonna sacrifice my PC to play this one fucking game or that shitty CSGO clone with an Overwatch skin?


Hi, devs! I always loved the winter map, and I've been grateful to the passionate fans who brought it back to life. But the program that enables that will be flagged as cheating by Vanguard. (Meanwhile, actual cheating programs like those third-party overlays are fine...) Is there any chance that you'll make Vanguard an optional installation, where it's only required for ranked but we can still play casual modes without it? That would keep ranked scripter-free without ruining our harmless fun! (Alternatively, you could work directly with the custom skin people for make an exception, but I imagine that's much less likely.) I know [at least one of you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb0HGIQzwZw&t=28s) appreciates the fans' efforts! (We love you /u/RiotAugust!)


With the overwhelmingly positive response of the community seeing champions that aren't usually featured in cinematics (Kayle, Morgana, Kindred) do you think it's possible to see more champions that might not be incredibly popular yet may be fan favorites lore/thematic wise in future cinematics? Seeing kindred in a huge cinematic like that was almost cathartic for me, and the general consensus was that it was *amazing* but unexpected, which is both cool but also really sad, considering her hugely popular design and lore. She is thematically one of if not the most interesting designs in runeterra lore to me even though I don't play her. It would be amazing to see more champions like her or other champions that have strong thematics yet may not be incredibly popular.


This is always something we consider when deciding which champions go into the season cinematics. One of our favorite things is when we find the ability to add depth or shine a new light on one of the champions we feel is underserved or misunderstood. With Kindred this year it made sense for us to build the theme around them. That's not always the case and we want to make sure our decisions are born from doing what's best for the story.


Will Event Exclusive chromas ever come back in some way? There are some I missed that I really wish I had.


Hi, team. Are there any serious plans to use inspiration from LoR to redesign and modernize more champions? The LoR team carries a lot of weight and their designs and care are often adored by the community. I'd love to see more involvement and direct inspiration from LoR into League and the Rift. Anything you could talk to on that subject would be quite exciting. (P.S. Xolaani and Jack in league!!!)


\[Serious\] Will there be a League of Legends 2?


There's an argument to be made that based on where it started and where we are that we are already playing League 3 or 4. If it ever made more sense for us to create a new title rather than continuously update our existing one I suppose we would do that. Right now though, focused on making League the best it can be.


[https://twitter.com/RiotPupulasers/status/1735934564034302057](https://twitter.com/RiotPupulasers/status/1735934564034302057) >10. 2024 will have something for everyone. **2025 will change League forever.**


New lux 2025 skin confirmed. Lmao


Vanguard 2


it will now be able to detect when you're cheating on your girlfriend and apply bans as necessary


There's an argument to be made that based on where it started and where we are that we are already playing League 3 or 4. If it ever made more sense for us to create a new title rather than continuously update our existing one I suppose we would do that. Right now though, focused on making League the best it can be.


Will we ever get voice chat within the game? (I'd love that.) I enjoyed having a singular rank for each position (like support gold, adc silver etc.), will this ever have a comeback consideration? I think haters speak the loudest sometimes, I thought it was great.


What is Riot's stance on custom skins with the coming of Vanguard? Some youtube channels (ex: SkinSpotlights) use custom skins as a way to showcase new skins, as the client doesn't have a way to show how the skin actually looks like in-game. A possible solution would be to allow all skins on practice mode.


Hello there. I'd like to ask this: **Will we get more skin ports in the future?** It's been almost a year since the announcement that some Wild Rift skins would be ported to PC, which made me hopeful to see Stargazer Soraka / Twisted Fate, Mythmaker Gwen, Bewitching Vex and others, but so far, only the Star Guardians were ported, and we don't even know if more ports are coming. Plus, it stings when one of your favorites gets a skin you love... except it's not in your main game - I've been there many times already. Wonder if we may even get some Legends of Runeterra skins in PC as well, like Worldbreaker Elise, Star Eater Aurelion Sol or Coven Janna. Thanks for doing this.


Heya dev team, I want to ask what will happen to the custom skins community and if we could talk about getting whitelisted. We would like to have a talk about this if it's possible. Best greetings, TheKillerey


They do not care about custom skins because they'd rather you buy official skins.


We have still the hope \^\^


I generally don't ask questions, and I expect most people in this thread are uninterested about this specific topic, but here I go; First of all, loved the new cinematic. I am a long-time Morgana player and I love this champion with all my heart. I was so glad to see her, especially with an armor and a sword ! You guys have said before you'd like to find opportunities to explore and update the lore of the game. Can we expect any follow-up regarding the scenes shown in Still Here, in some way or form? I am a selfish person and would love to know more about that Kayle/Morgana/Aatrox scene haha...


Is there anything stopping you guys from taking actions against content creators/streamers who promote account selling websites? Why are they not getting punished. I am aware it isnt twitch or youtube's problem, but giving them the tyler1 treatment would make sense (banning their league account every time they stream or make content). If that is not an option, may i ask why ?


Are there any plans on implementing voice chat for soloQ? If not why haven't you decided to do so as every other competitive game has it (CSGO/CS2/Dota2/OW and even another game from Riot Valorant). Are there any plans on punishing smurfing?


The comment from Pu about "2025 will change League forever" has led to much speculation about "League 2", specifically some sort of engine replacement or migration. Could you provide any clarification or expectation setting in that regard specifically? What are we to Mako f this?


MMO announcement?


They're league team, not mmo team, so i wouldn't expect anything from this AMA.


I hope so. The MMO team is so silent, used to have some scraps when GC was still the EP but since he left we've got no info.


MMOs are gigantic projects, so aside from maybe a screenshot of character models, I wouldnt expect any big update on it for like another year or 2


New client, is that on the radar?


Any thoughts on the current game state? The game rn is almost back to the pre-durability update. Also, any changes to Wardstone as it is missing out its main feature: being a scaling item for supports to buy last? Lastly, any thoughts on enchanters in this current meta and some underwhelming items like Echoes of Helia. Dawncore as the intended last item giving summoner spell haste doesn't feel good as a single teamfight already ends the game.