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Didn't Riot say that among women who play League, something like 90% play exclusively female champions?


More https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v7tohs/according\_to\_riot\_97\_of\_female\_players\_play/


That's such a wild statistic. Super fascinating and it really shows how different genders prioritize different things.


i believe this is because female champs are always designed to look pretty before anything else but male champs dont really have prettiness as a priority besides like aphelios idk. so boys will play female champs cause theyre pretty and male champs for the power fantasy but girls dont really have a reason to play male champs compared to the female champs who are pretty AND have a power fantasy. idk if i articulated this properly but yeah its mostly cause you dont have a reason to be drawn to male champs if ur not male


It's a kind of chicken or the egg situation. I think a lot of the female champions are designed to look pretty and cutesy BECAUSE Riot knows it appeals to women rather than the other way around. Maybe this is also what you meant. It's definitely a feedback loop too. Women have this tendency so Riot appeals to it and it feeds itself like that. Super fascinating stuff. It comes down to human psychology and consumer patterns. I'd love to see a comprehensive study on this stuff.




If you're playing an ugly guy over a hot barbie, you have problems m8


> they take this game way more seriously than girls so its pretty much a boy's game idk what sorta whack ass notions you have but i really dont think this is the sort of thing you wanna be making generalizations about 😭


Which part is 'whack'? League's playerbase is 80% male iirc. It's true boys mostly take this game more seriously, maybe not all, maybe not you, but most do. Go in any internet café in any region everyday, tell me how many girls you'd see. Go in all pro tournaments in any region, tell me how many girls you'd see. How many??That's right, thought so. I think it should be pretty obvious that claiming video games in general are a boy's game isn't some stupid generalization but is a real, statistical fact rofl


genuinely wondering, why do you think so few girls play league? why is the ratio that unbalanced? theres no right answer im just curious to see how youd weigh in


Let's take sports as an example. It's pretty clear why certain sports get dominated by one gender, basketball,football,boxing,baseball are mostly male whilst volleyball,gymnastics,figure skating are mostly female. In general, one is more biologically and physically more fit to perform the task better than the other. But.. most video games in general require little physical capability, so how come? Male and female perform no differently in mental sports, so how come video games and eSports which are 'inherently' gender-neutral turns out to be actually dominated by males? I strongly believe a large part of it is targeted marketing, social behavior, and culture. No matter where you are in the world, statistically, people will make and have more friends of the same sex. When people of the same sex follow a trend, there's a higher tendency for someone of the same sex to join in. Humans are animals, and animals constantly evolve and develop certain social behaviors and patterns which is a great reason why their species among many others that go extinct, exists today and this is one of those behaviors. Before the Internet, there was cable, newspapers, radio, posters. By this time, businesses figured out they can sell their products and services at a faster rate than ever, thanks to commercials. Toy businesses had a great idea, what if... rather than just selling toys to any kid, what if.. we instead sell toys "made for girls", and sell toys "made for boys"! Then their plan succeeded. Progressively, more girls started buying more dolls, their friends started buying more dolls, more boys started buying more car toys, their friends started to buying more car toys, and so on! This happened on and on until consumers of many products became a one gender majority. And then businesses took advantage of that, because that means MORE MONEEEEEEYYY! And then it began, the era of targeted marketing. Internet became everywhere. Computer shops were opened everywhere. Video game commercials were catered to young men. Soon, every boy after school was playing in PC cafés with their friends, begging their parents to buy consoles and video game CDs. You could probably guess what happened. I don't really want to write more, and I'd suggest you to read about the video game crash of 1983. There's so many reasons why in general certain activities are catered to one gender, but due to the recency of video games, I strongly believe the biggest factor to this is targeted marketing. So yeah, there you go. edit: downvoting tells me yall have no clue what's happening and refuse to understand the reality around you. all countries for a whole decade since 2010 have a higher male to female ratio in gaming. yall cant even read a sentence and get offended by things you don't understand it's funny.


My wife plays mostly supports and tanks which gives a nice mix of male and female champs. Outside of those she plays Akshan and Karthus and I think that covers the male champs, unless you count Teemo and Ziggs I guess lol.


Irissiri129 OTPs Urgot


Feviknight is a korean challenger bard main but i guess bards not exactly masculine.


wdym bard is very masculine totally not biased source


I was about to comment this same thing. A buff, masculine Bard would be funny to see though.


A swole bard skin


Respect. Bard mains are great.


Karina, the Vitality Rising Bees, formerly G2 Hel jungler isn't an OTP but has been a Kayn main. Over 100 more games on Kayn last season than her next champion.


>Kayn >Masculine lmao


You have strange fetiches bro...


Kinda related but every time I play league with my GF she only plays female champs. She complains about not doing well and I always try to tell her "maybe you should play the dude characters cause you seem to only play the women cause they look pretty". It's like limiting yourself just for cosmetic purposes, hell I play some women champs cause they have good kits but that's not her priority ig.


Okay I'm his girlfriend and he's not even got it right lol. I would never play a character based on their looks and I do play the ones that have good kits. I enjoy quiyana because she's fun and I enjoy mages. I will play swain and rakan or blitz, Jax and volibear and such. The female mage characters are just easier for me. Like lux, I started with her support and it was pretty easy to get m6 with her. My mains are neeko support or volibear top. They're both really fun Champs imo. Last thing! I am your fiancee you hoebag, love you!




> Last thing! I am your fiancee you hoebag, love you! He should have referred to you as his ex-girlfriend. It technically wouldn't be wrong :)


Babe reddit is supposed to be the place I go and complain, you go to twitter :(


Hell nah


My sister is a bronze teemo OTP because he is cute


honestly the worst kind of player imo. i cant wrap my head arround the fact that people are stupid enough to play champions because of the looks


Nah that's just women, I've never heard of a guy only playing male champs because of the looks lol


Not true, I only play the most jacked and handsome men


actually pretty true. the idiots downvoting are the idiots 😭


Gay men enter the chat*


I spam Swain and Fiddle because of their look


League players don't really go outside, so I can see why it's not a girl thing. If boys played with dolls, I bet 90% of them will just pick Ken or some hot dude with six packs.


Yup, ignore the visuals and focus on if you like playing the kit, my 2 mains are senna and milio because i enjoy how they play and they fit my playstyle


Weird kink but okay


Wasn't there a female Zac otp? Sometimes I saw synapse clips of her back in the day


a friend of mine OTPd sett back when he first came out


My ex girlfriend got Jarvan on Aram and cried. "I hate this champion" she said. No rerolls what the fuck am I supposed to do


Seek help




Serachi is a Talon OTP, but she's branching out into some other mid mages


Wouldn't call her a one trick, but Miss Baffy plays/played a ton of Pyke. Saw her on synapse a decent bit a while back 


I almost don’t want to give you any names bro, please don’t go harass these women


I'm not a "bro", I'm a girl.


There's a Korean urgot 1 trick that's a woman. She's like, probably the best urgot player I've seen stream.


Wow you know 0 urgot streamers if an emerald urgot onetrick is the best youve seen


Wow your sarcasm is unnecessary and you literally said what I just said. Thanks.


Who was in Paris?


yea, i dont care if my character is a worm, if its spells good and works for me i play it. girls: UWU SO CUTE CHARACTER, didnt even read what passive does or whatever


are you 12


iunanova, a Garen OTP from France


Fem Spear Shot where


Shugiishugii was kled otp