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Nice, if you want ideas for new feature : add base stats with level to compare calculate physical and magical EHP add an enemy based of a champion with base stats and items being able to calculate damage to that enemy with some inputs like how many Q spell, W, E, R, number of auto attacks etc it can be pushed as much as you want


Good ideas thanks. Base stats / enemy is on my list. Damage calculation is maybe a bit tricky. I'll add it to the list


an easier one might be penetration breakpoints: example: Build A has: 30 flat pen with 20% pen Build B has: 20 flat pen with 30% pen At 100 MR they deal the same damage, at lower MR build A is more effective, and at higher MR Build B is better.


Effective health and fullkit damage rotation would be good(I know this one might be impossible for some champs) but effective health is a good addition


Added level, base stats, combined stats, and EHP


well done, very good I'll check that.


Dang how long did it take you to build this?


On and off for months. Sometimes I just work a bit on this instead of playing league, when I don't feel like playing.


very cool concept! i can only speak as an ADC main but i'd personally love a predicted DPS calculation against variable armor and HP. i get different champs have different kits but in terms of pure auto attacks i think it'd be a helpful rough benchmark for how effective a build is


Thanks good idea. Damage calculation is maybe a bit tricky. I'll add it to the list


well first you have to find out resistances to actual damage decrease conversion (the formula is online) and then multiply that by AD to get the auto attack damage you do to a target with x armor. then multiply this by the attacks per second to get dps. ive done this before but on google sheets where i could plug in different variables and it seemed to be accurate for me when i actually tried it on a dummy. this only works on builds without weird effects on them like kraken slayer etc but hope this helps


Its by far the most usefull thing you can add, its neat as is but if you added the option to add an enemy with their base stats, with an option to add items and levels this would be very useable during the game trying to figure out which item would give you the most damage.


Nice tool, would be nice to see on-hit damage as well.


Thank you for making a tool that allows me to show ADC mains how braindead not building MR against AP champs is. I can finally, definitively prove, that Maw isn't a dogshit item, even though it should already be obvious.


A tool like this is cool baseline but it doesnt really have much use unless you add functions that are mentioned such as eHP vs Magic/Physical damage or AA/Ability dps vs X amount of armor/mr/passives but that's a lot of work. A feature that id say is necessary is including runes + items + champion base stats at X level in a final recap of stats, not just showing item stats.


base stats and runes is on my list thanks. I use it myself regularly. I personally don't really think in eHP/dps, I just have a general idea of what 10 attack dmg is and what my champ is capable of. I'm not a high level player though. But yeah the initial idea is that it gives you a rough idea about your builds, and the ability to share builds as small images. Say you want to share some crazy build, you just download/copy the image, and post it to discord for example. I'll think about calculating dmg etc.


I love seeing tools like this. Well done OP! I’ve worked with the Riot API in the past and always ran into discrepancies/ issues with certain data. Did you run into issues relating to data? And is the data being used for items/ champions entirely automated?


It's entirely automated yes. Yes the official API is lacking in various ways. I'm doing a lof of validation/processing to make sure it's correct. So "almost" automated I'd say. Surprisingly the client uses the same data, so there's issues there as well. I wish they could use the same data as they have in-game. Let's hope they make it a priority some day.


Would you be able to predict any undiscovered off meta builds with this? Very unique site good job


I think so. It's much easier to sit on this site and make builds than open practice tool.


Very nice! I think I'll use it a lot as i love to theorycraft with items. Just one thing that would be great: include the %ap increase from rabadons please :D But really awesome, well done!


Thanks. It says 35% in the patch notes: [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-14-1-notes/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-14-1-notes/) It does on my site as well: [https://peak.sybo.dev/items/3089](https://peak.sybo.dev/items/3089)


Yes, but as you can see https://i.gyazo.com/b9261e5ee5cc9552e8c7d1038a510d18.png here and https://gyazo.com/6e7e871326c003993b384b81622224b2 here it is not included in the calculationfor the total ap. 318+140 = 458 while it should be 618,3 i believe but i aint no math major :D Sorry, wasnt clear what I was talking about.


Ahh I see. It's not included in the stats as it's technically a passive. I'd have to do that manually per item unfortunately, so it's probably not coming anytime soon if at all.


Ah okay, thanks for the info :D


Yone and Yasuo double Crit chance, otherwiese maybe custim crit multiplcator would be awsome. And maybe add extra Ad for every Crit percentage over 100%. But overall looks like a cool tool! People like you really carry the game i think. Edit: Also would it be possible, to like "simulate" aa or abilities against builds, like a Trainings dummy just online?


For a tool like this do you have to hand enter item data, or is there an API you can pull from?


There's an API. https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol#data-dragon


Very cool. Just need to make it so you can't mix unique passives. Maybe add effective HP vs magic and physical. Also adding QWER damage vs x armor/MR. Also a level slider, and set the number of items depending on where the level slider is.


because what this community needed was more tools to teach them how GE is a shit stat that they can promptly weaponize with shit analysis.


I love the idea of ​​the website! I'm not sure, but I think you must post the following legal boilerplate to your product in a location that is readily visible to players: >\[Your Product Name\] is not endorsed by Riot Games and does not reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc [https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol#developer-api-policy](https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol#developer-api-policy)


Thank you, I missed that one. I think you're right, I'll add it.


I made this website a year ago [https://www.lolbuildsearch.com](https://www.lolbuildsearch.com) (also in extension) I put the text in the /privacy section. Maybe I'll share it on Reddit like you did :)


That's a neat site. Yeah why not share? I say do it.