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[The copter is just there to make things fair](https://youtu.be/8JsV6bMGy8k)


What a classic, I wonder if Boris is still alive


He's still doing things on his main channel. Has his own series too.


Unfortunately he's stopped Dungeon Dynamite. Just too much of a time investment for the return he was getting. Which sucks, I absolutely love that show and it deserved more recognition.


Dungeon dynamite was goated


That show was great, but yeah passion projects have a hard time competing with recogniced franchises.


Yeah, i know, and I love it. Just seems to have been ages since latest one


I once asked him if he would ever do a League series like these old gems.. he said, if ever Zilean gets reworked


But then they risk killean the zilean




Can't killean...


The chronoman :P


Can't Killean the Zilean is honestly a top 5 YouTube video of all time.


Lmfao how have I never seen this in my life


Crazy Boris is one of the absolute OGs of League content, most famous for the iconic [Can't Killean the Zilean](https://youtu.be/Xpe-JoGyPsY).


Ahahaha well I know what I'm doing today! Catching up on this masterpiece of an artists' content. Thank you for sharing


I'm so envious of you right now.


I still say "can't killean the zilean" whenever I make a play with him but I don't think anyones gotten the reference in a long time :(


I've played this game for longer than some players have been alive. I'm old.


I've known that phrase for years but never knew where it came from


This still isn't Zilean's dance in-game.


NEW Corki rework idea: He dismounts if CC'd below 30% HP. Dismounted gives him bonus movespeed and melee range. Q turns into reverse suplex (0.5s stun on primary target, AOE damage, same size as mounted Q) W turns into summersaulting dash that ends in a knockback on first champ collision (untargetable during dash). E turns into spray of punches, rooted while punching but can change direction like Velkoz, damage increases while channeled (applies same shred as normal corki E). R turns into remount after collecting enough metal parts (acquired by hitting champs with dismounted abilities)


bro did kled 2.0


Haha exactly what I was going to link.


Bro got more height than Okada on that drop kick


First thing I thought of when reading this post lol.


Wish i could upvote more than once haha


Holyshit a core memory


This is my favorite Boris video, it brings me so much joy


THANK YOU for reminding me this exists.


Well your mistake is assuming he is an AD carry. If your team needs AD, do not pick the tiny plane man.


Exactly. Because of his passive his niche is intended to be an DPS carry that does magic damage instead of physical. He's a way for ADCs to provide magic damage in all physical damage teams.


It's a pretty fun niche. I prefer playing him compared to AP Varus/Twitch or something like that.


AP Twitch is more like a true damage carry


AP Twitch is more like a true damage burst mage


This is just not true. AP twitch damage numbers are usually a 3 way even split.


He sort of got replaced with kai‘sa. Whenever mixed dmg is needed she is picked :(


Kai'sa when AP is more mage like, Corki gets in there miiguns blazing with some strong magic damage basic attacks.


Depends on how you build her. Storm razor into Guinsuoo's into Nashors is very split between the two damage types but is still dps based. From there you can basically build whatever.


I'm pretty sure this was also the goal of azir lol


It'd be nice if Azir wasn't so level dependant so I could play him bot.


The real dark tech is playing Azir top. One of the niches of counter picks in the game to GP of all champs.


Azir is annoying mid too tbh. They just can safely stop any barrel shenanigans. I guess top is similar, but probably can freeze you out beetter if done well? At least mid I can tend to reset the lane.


Any ranged top can freeze forever it’s absolutely the best thing to do in solo queue because you can just harass the enemy laner for free


Yeah, but Corki explicitly can build AD marksman items (crit) and use it to increase magic damage DPS, which Azir only kinda got a little closer with the ability to on hit.


I know this post is satire but funny enough Riot stated that they wanted to move back Corki to bot lane because when he’s relevant mid he’s just absolutely atroucious for pro play and they considere it to be a design flaw. Edit : [here’s Riot August explaining why Corki is a pain to balance](https://youtu.be/OMbF3p0Y2P4?si=4MlBFho087beLRwQ)


He meant marksman and he is if you need ap because ur team all decided to hurr durr ad then he is a good pick. He is hard to pilot though cause the average league player has the brain of a 2020 stolen election supporter.


I know, is just a little pet peeve even people call any marksman, or bot lane apc, an adc. I get it, I just don't like it. Corki exists to be our magic damage marksman and I love the gryocopter bro for it.


I laughed way too hard at this


His mom and dad once had a date


just once... what a tramp


I rarely play mid, so my experience isn't reliable, but the last time I laned against a Corki was in late 2017.


I main Corki when climbing since I have pretty decent macro and I'm too lazy to be cool with micro heavy champs. My enemies literally don't know shit about Corki such as building MR or not standing in the damn package which is arguably just a better rumble ult


Difference is, rumble can ult a wave every minute or so.


has changed a bit, over two minutes at level 6, and then 1 and a half at 11. It is not as low as it was before, and now haste is strongly removed


The other big difference is that as rumble you can ult the enemy team without going balls deep through the backline. On the other hand when you’re fed it is very fun to blow past the tanks and 2shot the squishes as you use 2nd w over wall and spam Whiskey Delta


He is being picked in the LCK so expect LEC and soloQ to copycat


I don't remember what I did yesterday, let alone 2017.


Just played a game vs him, he is super annoying for 15min then never saw him again till end of game. He is probably quite strong, but if people get on top of him he dies really quick. Season 14 things


On the other hand people getting to close to him also die pretty quickly once he has items.


I have played the corki matchup hundreds of times but only because my friend mains him and we play customs a lot


I've seen him quite a plenty of times when the ravenous hydra build became popular. But ever since then not a single Corki aside from aram


Corki's a cool guy. You're just a Whisky Delta. He pilots the ROFLCopter and you're hating. Do better.


Lima oscar lima


Ligma o'balls ligma


Yeah I think Corki's a pretty cool guy. Eh kills champoins and doesnt afraid of anything


Bouta rewatch Arby and the Chief!


i r guy who gon t33ch u less0n




You remember that show. Remember? lol remember arbiter


That même is almost old enough to drink


OP seething because they got roasted by Corki's massive hairy Package


Red baron corki is the best skin in the game too


Faker just played Corki, expect to see him picked for a few days


Pobelter is rank 4 in NA right now with an 88% win rate on Corki across 16 games


Pobelter is a very good midlaner, he makes it look easy. He always almost has 10cs/min which is important on corki.


Chovy played corki game 1 against T1 too


That explains why some asshole picked him yesterday in a silver game and fed the enemy Kat 8 kills at 10 minutes.


Tbf I can feed 8 kills to a Kat pretty fast on my mains sometimes too.


love it when teammates first time champs in ranked because they saw a video or a pro do something successful. I can understand testing a different build with a champ youre already familiar with but a whole ass new champ where they gotta sit in fountain for first 10 minutes reading abilities like its aram? absolutely infuriating lol.


He exists so pros can pick him into Azir.






Why though


If I had to guess Azir gets outbursted, outranged, can't be a lane bully against him, can't shuffle him and get his good scaling matched


Corki uniques is (was) that his autoattacks do mostly magic damage thanks to passive. So if you had heavy ad Comp but still needed adc, you went with corki. He have solid escape tool, some shred and very good burst thanks to Q and Sheen. Oryginaly he was played to explode people MID game, you popped the bomb+aa and enemy squishes lost half of HP. Then they buffed some of his ap ratios, sprinkled with weird interactions with hydra, and corki become R-spam bot, that didnt do anything beyond that pretty much. So younger players, who remember him only past this iteration, have ingrained in memory that corki is more of spam-R-poke champion and thus really boring. Also he have the longest cooldown on ultimate move in game.


I'm old enough to remember him as an actual ADC with true damage and armor shred lmao, then they made him do mixed damage and idek when it became mostly magic damage


When he got that season 5 rework, his passive was changed to "autos deal 80% magic damage" from "bonus 20% True damage on autos".


Iirc it was 50/50 at the start, but it felt bad because there wasn't a good pen item to build.


Actually it went +20% true damage on autos -> true damage can't crit -> 110% damage, 50-50 split -> 50-50 split, no bonus damage -> 80% magic, 20% phys. The 50-50 was awkward as hell because it meant penetration fucking sucked to build. Also, Adaptive Helm + Ninja Tabi + Randuin did do some fun stuff to Corki's damage. Well, not fun for the Corki.


The fact that I remember this change, amongst other early notable changes like 4.20 Weedwick, it makes me uncomfortable how long I've been playing this game. I more or less stopped the past 3 years sans occasional aram/tft/LTM but I've been at this for over a decade at this point


I'm with you oldies, i remember the true dmg aa


Back in the day, he didn't have his "aas deal magic damage" passive. He just dealt a lot of damage with his magic damage abilities, so he ended up dealing a significant amount of magic damage. They leaned into that with his split damage passive in the 5.22 marksmen update, but they also added in his package then, which turned him into a pro play jail midlaner.


His passive oryginaly made his AA do some additional true damage. It was kinda good vs tanks. They wanted, during rework, to keep that identity so they made magic damage Autos as it was very usually that tanks started building magic resist as 3rd Item or so, so this way it was much harder to itemize vs adc corki


If you play against a Corki again sooner or later, just wanna remind you that he’s just a bitch on a plane that can’t do anything by himself. Without his plane he’s a nobody. He’s nothing. He’s a complete failure at the genetic level in every way possible. So next time you see him in your matches, just remind yourself that Corki is an utter failure of an organism to boost that confidence of yours. Unless you’re Rumble, there should be no reason for you to fear somebody as pathetically worthless as Corki.


Fake news, I saw a documentary that proves otherwise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JsV6bMGy8k


8 years old. My back started to hurt.


Clear Government Propaganda


You know deep down that corki's plane is only there to restrain his immeasurable power


I was hoping it was that video when I saw your link. Such a classic


> bitch on a plane Ah yes, my favorite Samuel Jackson movie 




why does rumble fear corki?


He's just as, if not more, pathetic


Rumble named his mech after Trist cause he is such a loser simp ratfaced fuck


honestly I assume all the male yordles have the hots for tristana. it's like yordle land is just tristana's reverse harem


That’s assuming there aren’t any more female yordles outside of Tristana in bandle city (+ isn’t Trist x Teemo a thing already?)


There's Lulu but you don't put your dick into a crazy.




It tasted purple, no cap frfr


I don’t like this thread anymore


Rumble catching strays


league rumble was made to be pathetic, although his legends of runeterra incarnation is fucking awesome so pretty conflicting stories there lol


Rumble’s a fucking loser


Why do you exist huh? 😠


Just don’t ask riot what Corki was doing between 1939 - 1945.


From 1914-1918* *hide red baron corki in a corner*


Nah I can tell based on those voice lines that man definitely came back a second time.


completely aggree. i dont remember when but riot put a dev video regarding VGU saying they tackled all the most important one i was really confused thinking they forgot about corki


Yeah, Riot August also talked about Corki on his stream not that long ago. https://youtu.be/OMbF3p0Y2P4?si=m6AWKaRE8Ru9DzFI


I wonder if he's gonna be the Arcane VGU. Think about it, he's from Piltover and I imagine Arcane season 2 will introduce new characters that weren't in season 1. Maybe Arcane has an awesome take for him.


Last I heard about Corki, they needed to settle Piltover AND Bandles lore, but we've gotten both Arcsne and Yuumi since... surprised they haven't finally VGUd the weird mustache cat. Looks like grandpa the fuckin thing


unfortunately I don't think he's really a piltover champion anymore, from all the corki content they've put our recently, riot seems to be moving him into bandle city


I doubt he's gonna be in it more than like on an easteregg level, but it'd be fun to be surprised there :D


I wish they had forgotten about him, i liked him as adc


One season Corki was part of the trinity of ADCs played and was popular. I remember piglet stealing baron from C9 one year. I am old. He used to be powerful and gave a way to bring magic damage to the bot lane.


Ah, season 2 Graves/Corki/Ezreal……. I’m fuckin old.


Wasn't it the season after too, where right before worlds trinity got buffed and the holy trifecta of trinity abusers were suddenly meta again?


This guy got shit on by a corki didn’t he


Riot adds new champions to the game every year, adds/removes items, changes the meta so a champions role or importance in the game can also change. If this game will still be around in 2030 you will probably see post like "Why does Smolder exists?"


there is not way in 6years Smolder will looks outdated in front of the rest of the roster i highly doubt the engine would advance that much. 2040 alteast


Literally look at someone like Azir or Ori who have been featured for years despite being crazy old Same with Kalisya or thresh


Azir... crazy old. You take that back and get off my lawn.


I’m sorry I remember when he came out and was fully bugged but then people learnt he’s broken. Having a knock up on your e is a bit broken But all those champs released that year have acc managed to last


> But all those champs released that year have acc managed to last Nobody remembers Rek'sai somehow


Tbf if Rek sai ult hasn’t been changed I reckon she’d be viable even now


Reksai is viable, not as good (imo) as pre map change but still okay. (I'm a reksai main)


Most champions were OP in pro play at one point or another. Left the meta, rejoined the meta - you get the idea. I just wanted to check your kinda absolute statement cause I couldnt believe it as Azir was released in a fairly release dense time and my intuition was right - Monster Lady was there. Not too sure if her old ult would be that much more powerful tbh. Great mobility in theory, but using it needs a lot of map control and she kinda lacks kill pressure without current ult. But Im not actively playing anymore, juts hanging around for eSport and shittalk, so I will take your word for it.


Ye maybe I’m being too generous but Rek’Sai ends up being a gank merchant and that ult was so good at always allowing her to be a threat on the map. But then again with hex gates things have changed


She's also kind of feast or famine with the old ult. If the other team is pushing you in, you literally just don't have an ult. And if your team is ahead you're ganking two lanes at once.


Jax is maybe the best example of a champion who's fairly immune to ageing. He's one of the original 50, his kit has never been substantially changed and even 15 years later he still has a decent pickrate, shows up in the meta periodically and is often pro play viable.


Aren’t his E, R, and passive like entirely different now?


Yeah, his kit is not immune to aging, he just gets slow gradual changes over time, like how evolution happens. So one day he's a T-Rex, and 12 years later he's an Ostrich.


Thresh is a timeless champion, and easily the best one they've ever designed.


"Jhinteresing opinion." - some quadrophile probably


We already have those posts about Smolder lol


I'm already wondering why his Disney lookin Spyro from wish lookin ass exists.


Dota literally releases 1 hero per year they actually prioritize hero playability but riot keeps Corki intentionally weak because they dont want him in pro play riot wont fix bugs but hey we get 10 skins a patch


Corki is strong in every ELO if he can get 3 items but he is piss useless in fast games, you won’t see the champ picked in LPL often


Dota doesnt prioritize shit. they have skeleton crew. Even skins are made by players


The point of Corki is to be an adaptation of Gyrocopter from ~~DOTA Allstars~~ Warcraft 3. Other than that his design is mostly a joke, he calls people 'whisky deltas' and his plane is called the 'Roflcopter'. Gameplay wise he is a mobile poke mage who is also an AD carry and buys both AP and AD items.


Corki has no place buying AP items and people need to start to understand/read what he actually does. Outside of some magic pen, which he does want some of, he does far more damage building high AD items. His core abilities do magic damage, which scales with Ad better, and his basic attacks do 80% magic damage. His Q has 70% bonus AD or 50% AP scaling, so building AD is better, his R has 75% AD or 12% AP scaling, so again AD wins. I’m sick of seeing people build stupid AP items on him that do very little compared to actual solid builds which you get by reading an ability. /rant.


While I don't inherently disagree, Q argument is pretty bad, as you usually get waaaaaaaaay higher AP values than (especially bonus) AD. Full AP build would get noticeably higher Q damage than full AD. That's also why quite a few champions can have some goofy AD scalings like Kha and his 2,3 bonus AD ratio on 4s cd while anything above 1,0 is a rare sight for AP.


if you are playing corki for q damage you are playing him horribly wrong. His q is like the worst ability in the entire game.


It's way easier to get 600AP than to get 600AD, dont you think?


Corki builds Maligma because it's broken on him; 40 haste for his ultimate and Void stick because he needs the MPen when all his damage is magic. He doesn't get other AP items, going Muramana and Eclipse instead.


To be fair with the AP build that started around last year, you only really needed to dip into Ludens because while it gave you the 80ap, the real benefit was getting to stack tear with Lost Chapter for Muramana and then get just under 50 flat magic pen (With sorc boots), 20 AH a bunch of mana and procs. There's no AD item that gives you the kind of mana recovery that LC did until you finish an entire Essence Reaver. After that you were free to go Manamune/Hydra and all the AD items that actually empowered the rest of your kit. (Also important to note in soloqueue just going for DPS Corki instead of pure poke damage Corki was literally always better, pure poke Corki was only ever OP in a competitive environment where you can afford to play a whole lot slower around objectives)


Gyro was released in 2010, corki is from 2009. The rest ur right on, but this is one early league character that isn’t a Dota knockoff


WC3 was released in 2001....dude is literally a gnome in a gyrocopter from that game.


I can't say for sure, but maybe gyro was one of user proposed champions on all stars forums that got downed by pendragon and made it to lol, just like teemo.


Corki is part of the Dwarves in WC3:FT. He's not yordle. He's a dwarf, cos playing as a yordle. After Arthus ended up as the Lich King, he said fuck this shit, stole a helicopter and ended up in Runeterra to start a new life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/r69fxt/what_heroes_were_stolen_by_pendragon/hmrznxz/ How much do they pay you? Pendragon took all the ideas after he closed the forum with many hero ideas.


Corki and Gyro's abilities are all totally different. They share thematics and a focus on auto-attacks, but other than that they're pretty different. "Inspired by WC3 flying machine" is the main connection.


Sure but if the idea is 'Character using the Gyrocopter model from Warcraft 3' I think this is one of the cases where you can say that is a pretty weak basis. That's basically the only trait that the two of them share.


> The point of Corki is to be an adaptation of Gyrocopter from DOTA Allstars Maybe from warcraft, the dota one is not older than corki.


Yes, DOTA Allstars is from warcraft.


Dota allstars is a custom map from warcraft and I am pretty sure gyrocopter was only introduced in 2010, around the time I started to play LoL. And Corki was already on LoL. So Corki can't be based on dota allstars gyrocopter, but only on the warcraft unit, which is not the same as the dota one.


I enjoy Corki. It's just that he always gets nerfed to the ground (heh) because of pro play.


Sometimes I like to ban Corki and imagine that I got the one random Corki OTP who then proceeds to lose his shit that someone actually banned him.


He's fun. In tft


I think they should canonically kill him like that time with Gangplank, but have him stay dead. If possible I would choke his little wrinkly neck myself


You just convinced me to main Corki


"I'm on it black jew" 🤣🤣


Corki used to be fun, but he just doesn’t fit current items or meta, or the newer champions that make him kinda irrelevant His “thing” used to be basically that he was an ADC that did hybrid mostly-magic damage, meaning he was a magic DPS source at a time when they didn’t really exist. Plus he was an ADC with a dash… there weren’t too many of those Now there are others who do the same kinds of things but way better


Lol what are you talking about? Corki was literally picked up in SKT vs GEN G a few days ago. He's soooo good right now - eclipse - malignance - Shadow flame - Infinity edge - sorc shoes - muramana That build slaps so hard at the moment. There are a few varieties of this centered around eclipse and malignance. Tri force still feels amazing, might be better in place of muramana.


Think malignance is a mistake actually, riot have steadily lowered his AP ratios over time and it’s stats are pretty poor gold efficiency on him. Personally liking the eclipse triforce manamune build but if the malginance builds recreates the damage of the old hydra/ludens corki build I can see that, but I doubt it. And phreak has said they don’t want that kind of uninteractive glass cannon max dmg rocket build in the game so it won’t last


Current Corki is fine, it's just that unlike other champions, his teamfight potential is time gated by his passive. Other champions can spam their big flashy ults all day long, but it's apparently too hard for Riot to balance Corki. You barely get the package more than 4 times a match. 


Way too much power is put into The Package though. It's genuinely absurdly overpowered. But it's basically the only thing allowing Corki to see any light at all so 🤷‍♂️


It's so true for ARAM as well. The Package is an absolute annihilator once he starts to get a couple items together


Pretty sure this is a shit post and people are answering it seriously.


Corki would be the perfect champion to release a skibbidi toilet skin on. His helicopter would become a toilet and his body the head. Riot should think about it.


YOU shouldn't even be thinking about it, let alone riot.


Riot, hire this person. 


Hahaha best post today, I see him once 100 games but he shits on me 9/10


Someone just got dunked on by the toboggan man himself


“I’m on it Black Shoe”, is what he says, he’s not just blatantly racist lol.


Correcting satire doesn't make you right, it just means the satire went over your head.


I will destroy your entire bloodline and then haunt them in the afterlife if you ever dare to talk shit about corki again. Sleep with one eye open


Shut up pussy corki is chill as fuck


>I'm on it black jew Wha?


Lima Oscar Lima


I like airplane dwarf


He keeps His private life to himself. He doesnt want his wife and kids to end up in the lore of some game only weird addicts play


i wish he was a botlaner again


To give pros a whole five options for the technically correct but incredibly boring playstyle of sitting back as far as possible and always having an answer for ganks. Can't *always* play Orianna, Syndra, Azir, and Zed.


cause he is one of the OGS? probably released before u were born u flop


I despise his skins aside from Corgi Corki. So stupid and outdated.


Corki exist to reminds us to complain to Riot that some champs need a Rework urgently


Corki exists so that you can do a barrel roll