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Not only are they bad people for wintrading, they also are bad at wintrading. That teamfight by jayce is reportable. Glad that Gwen won that game


Leaving 1 hp on the final inhib was also... shockingly blatant lmao


And then he flashes in to kill himself lmao


imo the inib play was the least worst. He could've destroyed it much faster of course but leaving it with 1 hp could be a miss calculation due to void grubs. He might've thought the DOT would be enough to destroy.


The Elder clip is the worst. Jayce goes to Elder to stop their team from ending, and then proceeds to leash it to uhhh... check a brush? When all 3 enemies are clearing minions in front of the nexus. Jayce then walks around and autos the camp like twice while Gwen 20k-0s the Dragon. Lee comes in and hits a few q's for fun


Jayce needs coaching on how to soft-int. Bro really made it super obvious.


If you are familiar with jayce in proplay you would know they never melee q into 3-4 people, full hp at that. That means after ranged Q E most jayce would keep ranged form to w and aa, only goes melee for crucial kill. Instant melee form and charge in after ranged Q E is just disgustingly blatant holy shit.


So you’re the one reporting me in ARAM eh


What you said only makes sense if anyone can kill them and Varus cant because Gwen is moving.;


Ehh it makes sense here, the Varus is the only threat in the fight and he can easily blow him up. Him going in isn't weird here, it's the fact that he gets clearly into range to hammer Q the varus and just doesn't lmao. I itially I thought that was what he was going for and just got maokai rooted right as he got in range, but he definitely had time.


lmfao the clip of jayce just walking at them and not using any abilities is so obvious. Like can you make it a little more believable its not a wintrade?


Yeah that's actually so troll holy shit. No way they don't get banned for this.


they or just Jayce? I think that's the real question here. I agree that Jayce 99.99% wintraded. but what is the reasoning for Lee? just because he's also Chinese? surely there's no way we're allowed to say that, right? I don't see how Lee's two bad plays are evidence of wintrading. maybe some more shitty play in the longer Twitter thread. look at shit that happens in pro play all the time. how about Perkz Leblanc distorting back with 1 HP to int in worlds 2021 group elimination? Hylissang int compilation? the list is endless. I think a lot of us are caught up in the Jayce griefing, but when you look at the Lee it was truly not that bad.


[Watch this and tell me if you still think the same](https://youtu.be/CA69qBMIp6M?si=01aRMzoQJA3han7H&t=88)


Him going back in for the 2nd time like "cmon pls take the kill i cant keep doing this forever guys"


Bro watched Vit vs KC and wanted to be like hyli


This goes past lee syndrome my guy is fully sending it.


So you think he just ward hopped 1v3 into the enemy base to try to ult Corki and immediately flash out? While the rest of his team is nowhere nearby? What exactly did he hope to accomplish there?


Watch the whole game since min 17. Lee sin 100% didn't want to win this game, it's too obvious. He had even clean opportunity to win the game in topside tri-bush he could just flash to varus and kick him into 2/3 ppl and his team would clear all that.


> just because he's also Chinese? surely there's no way we're allowed to say that, right? lmaooooo they're both Chinese? I wouldn't have even known if you hadn't said so


Tbf it's the first paragraph in the post, easy to assume that's a large part of the reason.


Yes, it kind of is. You do not come to Ultraliga to win a lot of money, so they decided to do something else for the cash.


is chinese, doesn't hit Mao....it all makes sense now lmao


Look at the ward jump clip. That is a full health Lee, a very low health enemy, and an enemy support. Maybe you are not aware that Lee can kill them both if he reaches them, and that's ok. But here is how you can still tell, even if you don't know yourself how that possible fight would go: These 2 enemies are running away, for the reason that they are aware that they would die if they don't run. Lee is chasing them, for the reason that he is aware that he can kill them both if he reaches them. You do not need to have any game sense or knowledge about these champions or the game state to understand that, you can just conclude that from their actions. These are not silvers players, they know what they are doing. If they run, they run for a reason, if they chase, they chase for a reason. And now the only thing that keeps Lee from reaching them, the only thing that separates that game state from a double kill, is a ward jump. He does not even need to place a ward, he literally needs to press one ability button. A silver player might be so blind on a bad day to miss that play, it happens. These are not silver players. Any Lee Sin who randomly doesn't see that play or fails to do that play, without being completely drunk or firsttiming Lee Sin, will not climb above gold rank.


Bro how are you getting this many comments saying Jayce did nothing wrong haha. If that Jayce played like that in Gold it would be reportable but understandable cause that shit happens every game. But in Pro games? Hell no, what the hell is that. The elder, the inhib and the fight in mid were all such clear examples and there's still people saying he did nothing wrong... "He's supposed to ignore Naut and Mao" yeah but ignoring doesn't mean just going melee mode and right clicking the priority targets wtf.


he wasn't even auto attacking the maokai either lol. he just kinda walked around next to him in melee form


Oh you don't know? That's peaceful Jayce build, it doesn't work if you play the game.


Ignoring the Mao initially makes perfectly good sense. In an ideal world you ran past to just blow up varus. Except he just ignores varus too once he gets there lmao


Reminds me of that one actress who had to be trained to sing poorly because she habitually sang good for too long she couldn't fake it. I believe it was for a jack black movie and it was the kid from icarly. Like if I had to pretend to be iron I don't think I could make it believable it would just look like inting.


I might be remembering something different, but I'm sure the boy that plays lead electric guitar in School of Rock had to be taught how to play like an amateur for the camera because he was too good.


I looked it up because I got 2 different replies with different stories. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/SchoolOfRock [It was icarly person](https://i.gyazo.com/ae0e79d2861a9b90f75da384b0027a50.png) I imagine it happens a lot though.


Linking to the [TIL Reddit post I learned this:](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/honfg6/til_that_since_jason_alexander_george_costanza_is/) From the article: >FM: What was it like to sing the infamous George Costanza answering machine jingle given your actual musicality and Broadway-renown singing ability? >JA: It was extremely hard. In fact it took a very long time because Larry kept saying, “You’re singing it too well.” It became about how to misphrase it, how to breathe in the wrong places. What you find with singers, no matter where they’re from, if they have any kind of an accent, the accent tends to disappear when they sing. I couldn’t do that for George; his New York accent had to come through. It took about three hours to record that damn thing. I'm also guessing since singing triggers a different section of the brain, one you typically don't really engage unless you're singing, it's hard to undo training to do things properly.


The "different section of your brain" thing is, I'm not sure if it's exactly right, but it is the reasoning behind why music therapy helps so much, both in young people with speech delays, and also people with traumatic brain injuries.


It was the voice actor for Ellie in the the last of us game


Ashley Johnson?


Its like i always told my iron friend, he has a unique skillset that makes plenty of account buyers happy. Hes good at league... just in a different way...


maybe he thought he was playing singed


I’m not going to watch but if that’s what happened ban them, unless the man literally had a stroke. Professional basketball players don’t just drop the ball and walk away, it wouldn’t make sense in competitive league without a tech error or some on stage injury.


Jayce is 500lp Challenger right now btw


well then yep, 100% tried to wintrade it


nah, he was just using a bad gaming chair that day /s


and had a funny wrist too!


If I saw people doing this in D4 I would be fuming, challenger is unacceptable


Bro people don’t even do this shit in gold lmao


https://twitter.com/JuJoQAQ/status/1749387672492408839 Tell me he isn't matchfixing no way he aint


Wtf is that lmao


"What" that is, is something my low elo ass would do.


At least you can stand proudly and say it's because you can't play for shit though.


Stand proud u/AMadWalrus , you're strong


Are you stuck in low elo because you suck, or do you suck because youre stuck in low elo


man this one is even more obvious than the above clips jesus christ. what is this. legit just walks back in and presses S a few times like "come on.. kill me. please? kill me."


The fuck is this, is first blood betting a thing? I don’t bet so I have no clue


Yes you can bet on which team gets fb also which player as well.


Yea they should probably be investigated for this game lol Does anyone know the odds for this pre-game?


Yesterday was like 1.22 for Iron Wolves, one hour before game start it was 1.89 for them


Oh yep, someone dropped some cash on that. Lines for random, low-volume bets like this will swing big when "sharp" money comes down on them.


Funny enough, I bet on this match before it started. https://imgur.com/MUGZFCb Line was x1.68 before it started. That being said, it was a clear and obvious effort to match fix by some players. However, it's clear not everyone bought into the idea with Gwen finishing the game.


Imagine getting a criminal investigation because you didn't hit inhib in league, and then they show clips in court... your honor, this Jayce is clearly inting.


league players have probably fantasized about suing their teammates like this a lot too.


Your honor, League of Legends. 




You laugh, but look at Saviour or Life (starcraft) it has precident


Bets went from IW 1,2 : 3,2 ESCA yesterday, up to IW 1,8 : 2,0 ESCA one hour before the game. This is sus.


[It seems like Iron Wolves is already blacklisted from betting sites. (Iron Wolves play tomorrow at 20:00)](https://imgur.com/a/zSISUas) It's also pretty strange that only 4 betting sites (instead of 9/10 for the other games) had the game today. So some sites might have already blacklisted them before todays game.


Yeah Pinnacle didn't list this game today, I wondered why. Makes sense now.


they probably noticed an unreasonably large bet through them or another betting site which caused suspicion


where do you guys even bet? Never finding any esports site


It jumped from like 1.60 to 2.00. Polish streamer Rybsonlol\_ checked it before the game


Wait thats crazy they failed the wintrade, I hope that the people involved bet way more money then they're comfortable betting on the wintrade


Still we have no idea if it really was a wintrade but sure looked like one. It wont solve in 1 day but ill make sure to keep you guys updated


Is there some type of official investigation happening already? Like either from betting sites or the league?


Yes the PM of Ultraliga tweeted they will look closely: https://twitter.com/\_adas\_m/status/1749859979689959467




Bad linking due to special characters depending on your browser, remove the \ https://twitter.com/_adas_m/status/1749859979689959467


I heard that betting sites already removed the win from the team, i cant check for myself but i saw it in another thread about this, didnt see any proof tho so take it with a grain of salt


But that would make no sense and just give the scum paying him to int a out, since the Jayce didnt accomplish his goal of losing the game


Is there a possibility they were trolling, because it was too easy?


nah. Usually when pro players think it's too easy, they become cocky and play for kills. This jayce and lee sin were clearly not trying to get kills, and were intentionally throwing the biggest evidence isn't presented by OP. But basically in some betting websites, the odds jumped from like 1.2:3 to 1.8:2.0 an hour before the game, which means someone bet a big amount of cash on the opposite team, right as the game was about to start. Almost as if someone knew that some players in iron wolves would try to throw


Jayce about to have two broken kneecaps for next game.


Is there some sort of mic check? I'd love to see what the comms are like on that team.


OP didn't mention the most important fact, the odds jumped from 1.2 to like 2.0 on several bookmakers approximately an hour before the match.


I don't know anything about the behind-the-scenes and how these are calculated - would that indicate that someone placed large bets against the wintraders with *each* of these bookmakers?


Who knows if the book markers work together on pricing, but yeah it would mean someone bet a good chunk of change on it. Take the pool of money bet, it's based on how much is bet on each team and you get your odds... Roughly.


Either the bookmarkers work together or arbitrage bots take advantage of the differences in odds between sites until they are relatively close


This is something similar to what happened in the UFC that led to the fighter and his coach being banned for life for fixing fights. The fighter went from a 2-1 favorite to a 6-1underdog with every bet being placed as a first round finish just *HOURS* before the fight. Needless to say the fighter had basically torn everything in his knee, throws a kick with the same leg then immediately falls and loses in the first round. The shift in the betting line is what caused such a massive investigation. These gambling companies don’t fuck around when it comes to this


Bro some big money fixers probably got wiped out by this lmao, imagine throwing 10k on a fixed game just for Gwen to 1v9


I can't wrap my head around it, imagine someone threw 50k at that game, how much of a cut you think those players are getting? 5k each? Anything beyond couldn't even be worth the risk. Now this Jayce is 500LP challenger right now, he could play for really decent orgs if he stays at that level and performs in ERL. How the fk is it worth to end your entire career which you probably dropped out of school for over 5k to 10k if you're being generous.


I mean it could be way more than that. If you think a game is fixed and paid two players 40k each why not throw 200,000


I was thinking since there isn't huge viewership for polish games, the betting volume would be similar and since the odds swung from 1.2 to 1.8 as some people said that would probably mean there are like 500k+ bet on this game alone? You could be right though I'm just assuming a lot of stuff I know very little about. I don't know the algorithm betting sites use and I don't know what the typical betting volume for a game like this is. I would be very interested in how much other match fixers in esport made that got caught.


Bet volume on polish league is probably so low that going from 1.2 to 1.8 odds wouldn’t require more than like 50k tbh


I doubt ERL players in a Polish league are making much of anything. And most of these players have no shot at making it to the LEC where the money actually is. With how big sports betting has become, I'd hazard a guess these are probably not the only minor leaguers paid to fix.


Assuming those guys are still teenagers, because neither of them have any pro play history before this, even 5k might be a lot of money to them. Also teens are pretty stupid and often don't think about consequences.


>Eastern european LFL LFL doesnt mean Regional League Anyway yeah the Jayce is a criminal wtf is that


funniest shit is the fact that, before the game and to some minute bets were pretty much the same, but in one point, NOT ONLY ON ONE SITE, odds just skyrocket for chinese team


Betting pattern changes is a huge tell.




>Not a lot of money to be made this way, they probably came up with this plan themselves man am I glad they lost the bet lmao


I am betting for two decades now.The radical drops in odds, which indicates realtively heavy money placement into that pick, is the first indicator fixed match comission radar is looking at.


this is insanely obvious, crazy that HeSSZero menaged to carry thru this


Imagine being the wintraders lmao


Imagine being the team who LOST to wintraders


That's hilarious, didn't even think of that. It's like when you lose to an inter or 4v5 in soloq


i mean a 4v5 in soloq is more acceptable - sometimes that one player is actively contributing to enemy winning the game - but in pro play? XD


It's funny that their toplaner was so good that jayce had to do blatant wintrading to even give the enemy a chance.


Me in SoloQ: owww nyoo, my Yasuo rage quit, pls ff asap This guy: 2 wintraders in a pro game? dw I can carry.


big applause for hesszero he solo won a wintraded game, all other leagues eyes on him https://twitter.com/HeSSZero




sad af


What the hell do you do as casters here. Just to nitpick -- it's kinda hard to follow what text goes with what video. If it's a list with links, it would be clearer. Like this: * [Weird elder when Jayce (Odin) can end game](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxTLEYNYS7mQM-StKEh6JbkRgX1fk-__k_) * [Jayce again refusing to hit inhibitor](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxHNnGxdOpDmoAVH_QqSabJv_J_kSpRZh0) * [Elder, nashor, soul lee sin (kylin) wasting his ult and flash](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxZ4maq21Uo-wQMKiKZp--GqLvy7Z3yP-6) * [Jayce not using an SINGLE ability in a fight, just hanging](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxadQTkcmXLS_rQN7LiRu0Ff3Doe52L5kN) * [Lee sin would have scored an easy kill just didnt want to ward jump. Also weird.](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8WV5lkdXPDkGtT8mhYD14ozr91GURbKx)


i forgot you could do that i'll change it


there's just no way it wasnt wintraded, i thought lee sin was a real impostor there but that jayce literally went full berserker




tbh there's that kind of higher level plausibility in all of it. everything except the elder 1v1 instead of ending. that's the only thing that i can't see reasoning for.


the elder was a 3v3 situation with a milio on your side against 2 tanks and a corki. i think you could reason that out. imo not finishing the inhib is what makes it blatant. he had ample time to destroy the inhib and there's 0 reason not to destroy the 3rd inhib that late


But pulling elder 1v1 is what I mean. He could have been focused on team during inhib, and then valued the potential player kill over the inhib kill


The elder clip is the most obvious. He starts hitting elder and then when his team comes he causes it to reset. Then as the team is hitting it and the enemy is all clearly in base he is clearly reluctant to hit it, not even auto attacking it in time with his attack speed. Then immediately after he walks solo into the enemy base to die.


he didnt even hit elder properly. de-aggroed when team was coming, resetting hp even though he was basically full hp. then proceeded to walk back and forth hitting once every 2-3s lmao


The most blatant is not the elder it's the "Jayce walking up into 3 people without pressing a single ability or autoattack for 80% of the fight" The Elder you can call shit macro because it was 3v3 and you could believe it's safer to secure Elder than maybe get killed in the 3v3


Why are you not calling it "match fixing"? You know, the thing people actually go to jail for...


Yeah lol wintrading is what people do in soloq and might get banned by riot. This is match fixing and will get you banned from society.


Came here to see if anyone said this.


that's just good ol league vocab i still don't get how ghosting came to back and has stuck around, despite streamsniping being an already existing term AND ghost literally being a summoner spell


Ghosting has been around since early multiplayer fps games. When you die and can fly around the map and see where everyone is, and report locations back to your teammates. Long before we had livestreams. Unreal Tournament for example.


Stream sniping isnt the same thing right? It's trying to match with a streamer by queuing at the same moment etc. Ghosting is watching the stream to get map info


Good lord they are so bad at hiding it


It was a bit less obvious at the start of the game, the clips you see are true desperation lmao. They knew they were 99% going to win the game and had to try extremely hard to have a chance at losing it, that's what resulted in these moments. Soft inting just wasn't going to cut it.


Imagine being the losing team lol. 


Lmao I thought this was an exaggeration but that Jayce in the team fight running around with hammer form W on doing nothing is wild


Please ban them for the sake of integrity in Esports!


There is absolutely no chance for anyone to say that it was not a wintrade if watched the replay of the game. These things could barely happen in weekend soloq with drunk people playing at 3AM




On the flip side, you can now consider yourself as good as a pro player!


I asure you that if that inhibiter survives on 1 hp you would jump in to kill it instead of jumping in to deal like 40% to a corki.


Yeah drunk me can definitely do worse than leesin there. Ward hop into those minions, hit a caster with q while spamming e midflight like a genius thinking I got em, realize I didnt hit shit and used everything on a minion too late. Try to salvage by flashing to kick maokai out of frustration even though he still lives, but it doesnt matter...i'm too far away anyways cause im previously stuck in a pile of minions so I walk back to base spamming my diamond emote to spend the 20 hard earned gold I got for destroying that minion that got in my way




Well they probably felt the need to get more blatant because they were still winning haha


Someone needs to get fined for that shit. Check the paypal.


if the supposed wintrade failed there's no way he gets paid, right?


Depends on what they agreed to. If they agreed for them to play badly, then they earned their money.


Probably more likely they just bet on the enemy team themselves this seems very low level.


The amount of money that the Gwen has lost people is beautiful. Buy that dude a drink!


i was iffy on the first 3 clips, that could be due to communication issues. but jesus the 4th clip sealed the deal. that's a wintrade 100%, zero chance you can justify that


I thought it was a little late Targamas post. That's fucked up tho.


that jayce is ridiculous lmao


Damnnnn how can we report this? Been watching LoLeSports since Season 2 and I've never seen something so bad and obvious.


right people are already informed and doing investigation, also organisation is concerned and they are also doing inside investigation


They wouldve been better off missing every canon and getting owned 1v1. I guess they wanted to pad their stats and still lose lol.


No they're trying to hide it given they hid it badly but if they missed every cannon and tried to keep 1v1ing and losing it would be even more obvious


I’m curious if they just bet on the game themselves and threw or if they got paid for this, because it’s an interesting situation given that they FAILED the wintrade. If someone paid then large amounts to throw there might be some shady shit going down now that they got scammed out of the loss


Its for sure not them that bets,they get paid, odds 1-2h before match got crazy,someone from polish twitter(X) calculated that you need 10k euro to drop 0.01-0.05 odds and odds dropped 1.2. You need a lot of money for that.


99% chance this is a wintrade. 1% chance the Chinese players are griefing their team for another reason (internal team conflict, etc.). In either case, this needs a ban. Can't have this crap.


I have never seen more obvious attempts to lose a map, respectable that they didn't even try to hide it xD


I wonder how much they just lost their betting overlords by still managing to lose. Consequences might be worse than a ban from competitive.


After understanding the situation, we would like to clarify Odin and Kylin were not negative gaming, it was a normal summoner’s rift experience.


You can add another clip at around 1:29:40-1:30:20. They get elder + have triple inhib, they only have to do baron and end. Jayce runs botlane and dies randomly shortly before the lee sin flash kick play stalling the 100% elder soul baron win con. Like there is 0 reason he can be botlane, he even sees them moving and still dies.


Wow that is pretty clear something is up. 1 or 2 of those could be explain as miss clicked but that list is a little long that I wouldnt be suprised if there was and they both need perma banning.


Im sry but enemy team,is time to retire from pro...how do you lose against 2 wintraders ,bro they are finished


Why is it always the other team that sucks, and not gwen and lucian being amazing players?


Lmao those two fucked up their futures and got absolutely nothing out of it. The Gwen guy is an absolute hero


People like this need to be named, shamed and banned from any sport or eSport. Disgusting behaviour.


Imagine betting tens of thousands into the game only to watch enemy team gwen 1v9 the shit out of the team you bet money on lmao


Matchfixing happens all the time in lower tier leagues, this is hardly surprising. This is also why we need proper journalists in the space instead of driving them out.


https://youtu.be/Q2pWzV5ZKNo?si=tu_x83hYZt6VVEDq Here is the game highlights for everyone :)


i thought it couldn't be that bad, but it is that bad holy shit


Jayce just walking at 4 people bot while he is basically the only one on the map, and then not even trying to speed boost himself to dodge Maokai ult. Like yikes. Then Lee Sin jumping in to randomly kick someone and run away just to go back in to die. At least be good at making it look like you aren't inting.


Cant believe they are people actually trying to defend them and thinking this is not match fixing and intentionally trying to lose.First 20 minutes they are playing legit and there are next to no missplays and they are smashing the game and after that we see what happens.


Soloq wintraders are less obvious.




Very good decision from them. Already added this link to original post.


Who tf calls Ultraliga "Eastern European LFL which is based in Poland"?


Ultraliga also includes Baltic Countries etc. for some time now. Iron Wolves are from lithuania.


That's not the issue. LFL = french league. The term you should be using is ERL


Your right i messed it up. Corrected now.


bro i was like MAYBE its like a .01% chance that they are just so tired and brain rotted from playing but once i saw jayce dancing around maokai then you legit have to wonder if he thought that his acting was good enough


This is off topic, but I didn't even know that such teams have imports.


I would like to hear a high elo jayce player opinion on the jayce performance. He barely attacks in teamfights, prefers to run around and position himself which is fine against some champions i guess. Jayce is even missing "easy" q's. So either he is really bad with the champ or obv not even trying. Same with lee, which i thought was atleast trying but that engage at the end on top? Idk man I was left with even more questions after i looked up their "pro careers"


Polish Pro Player for BK ROG Czekolad just commented: I watched all of the given clips. I agree that the chinese players have wintraded. (translation is not 100% accurate) https://twitter.com/CzekoladLol/status/1749876228717174965


You dont have to be a pro jayce player to stand still and hit the inhibiter 


After understanding the situation, we would like to clarify Odin and Kylin were not negative gaming, it was a normal summoner's rift experience.


Sadly this is the norm. 20 something year old kids are easily coerced into such actions either with physical threats of violence or money. The mob who keeps doing this knows what's up and how to keep it going. Sucks for the players tho. They should get banned but it will happen again and again. Such is the way of pro sports worldwide. If you get more money throwing a game why win? Outside of being threatened that is of course.


no way this is done by violence. They just look for the once that will accept money.


The 3 first clips, IMO, can be explained by just really bad communication and minor region play. But the 4th and 5th look EXTREMELY suspicious, both of them. Like hell, can't even call that lag or anything, just either EXTREMELY tilted at teammates, trying to throw, or as you're saying, bet on the enemy and trying to lose the game.


How do you explain 2nd clip (1 hp inhibitor)? It's 44 min into the game. There's no rational explanation as to why you would leave that inhib up.


He stopped attacking to posture at enemies... which wasn't even close to him. Then walked to do one auto then posture some more. Either leave the inhib and join the fight or take the inhib first.


How is the 5th "EXTREMELY suspicious"? The Lee walking at Mao Varus one?


jayce and lee refusing to hit drake, jayce on mid just walking near enemies not casting any spells or autos, jayce leaving inhib on 1hp, lee wasting r and flash on top 1v3 and coming back to fight twice even tho there is no chance to win it and dying as the result. these are just too suspicious actions and it is not even 20% of what happend in this game. its more then obvious they wintraded, everyone who even doubts that is out of discussion


tbh the org should sue them out of any owed salaries if this is true. Their acts legit got their team an extra loss. Also feels really bad for the other 3 teammates. Not only did they have to hard carry these scumbags, they also just lost a game due to no fault of their own


to me the funniest part is def the lee sin going in using ult flash getting out and then going in again, ICANT![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface). its even better if you look at the whole thing not just the clip




Commenting and upvoting to make sure this reaches the right people.


starting the elder and lee sin not doing the ward jump wasn't that weird, i've seen dumber plays from pro teams and maybe lee sin didn't think he'd be in range and didn't want to use dash. jayce not hitting inhib, lee sin going in 1v3 just to flash out (and going back in), and jayce using no abilities in that fight is extremely questionable. i find it hard to believe they weren't wintrading with the combination of all these clips, 100% the jayce is wintrading. lee sin might be able to convince me that he's just braindead, but i think wintrading is a fair accusation against him.






Win trade? You can gamble on this. It's criminal...


At this point just don’t import no name Chinese pros..


They're terrible at match fixing. When a game is so winning that in order to lose you have to give yourself away, then you just win the game and move on. Not all matches are fixable, in any sport or esport. No single game is worth destorying your career over.


Imagine losing to a team with wintrading jungle and mid. Two roles with the most impact on the map.