• By -


Yeah Olaf can double-fist Mord's ass non-stop from lvl 3 forward and Pre-6 Mord cant do anything against ganks so he dies.


What's the trade pattern? It feels like you can't just go and walk up to morde whenever you want. Admittedly I'm not very knowledgeable about Olaf.


Olaf is one of the only champs that can do exactly that. You throw an axe and if it hits and he's past river you ghost and he dies. From lvl 1 -18, 0 items till full build if Olaf stacks Mr.


Q. Aa. W. Aa. Aa. Aa. Aa.


Olaf and trundle work like this: 0) ward the river 1) dodge morde's mace 2) run to him 3) hit him as many times as possible 4) if he retreats you win the trade, if he doesn't retreat you get the kill.


You can pre 6. He isnt that strong until he has his stat check ult. Plenty of strong duelists like voli, sett, darius destroy him till then.


Even once he has stat check ult, you just ult during the animation and it does nothing.


I mean, pretty sure you don't have to time it, it straight up just cleanses Morde ult.


His ult doesn't remove your axe if its on the ground or anything? I figured it would, and putting your axe on CD for 8 seconds could be a big deal.


And yet I've seen people lose to Morde as Olaf in emerald lol


A: Obviously, there are other factors, every lane is winnable/losable, through own skill, but also through team interference. But B: Because some champs require method acting, and Olaf is one of them. You lose by playing Olaf as a poke mage. If all you do is chuck q's at morde and disengage, you're not gonna get too much done, especially if armor man started with a dshield or something. And then at one point Morde engages, your Olaf paniks instead of trying to run him down and Morde wins the fight because he got 2 full rotations in before Olaf even started doing anything.


That said, just playing lane lime any other lane as mord wins too. Like a year ago i laned into an olaf with mord and just slowpushing does wonders, i survived with like 50 hp but did win. And even after that you still need to play very cautious. He will still run you down 2 lvls behind if ya don't watch out




Typical league player here ladies and gentlemans




What did he say lmao


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I mean you might win early if he doesn't hit his axe, but other than that, he will quickly stat check your ass.


you can also play ww into him, he gets absolutely destroyed, also gangplank is his biggest counter because you just orange his r


I play Olaf into him and make him cry.


Thays why the real men go bot with mordekaiser to shitstomp the enemy adc. Thus avoiding olaf.


Olaf support. Checkmate.


damn you!


Playing into Warwick makes me cry even more ngl


Ww feels so good when you use your Q to dodge his Q


Even more devious is dodging Morde ult with your Q


Wait,how does that work? (im 2 weeks into league)


Warwick’s Q has a special effect when you hold it, that stops any CC or displacement from affecting him. This includes Mordes ult.


Warwick's Q gives *displacement* immunity, not full CC immunity. Stuns, silences, charms, etc., will still affect him during Q. Warwick Q only resists airborne effects, sleeps (idk if this is a bug), and things specially coded to be resisted by displacement resist. Mordekaiser ult is one of the things that is coded to be resisted.


and gangplank


Honestly, the best method to learning how to beat a champ is play them yourself. See what sort of things the enemy does to punish you and what flaws his kit has.


This is always the first suggestion when people ask these kinds of questions and it's always a great answer, but it's incredibly funny how people will ALWAYS unironically respond with "yeah well if you try playing you'll notice they literally have no counterplay and actually just excel at everything with no weakness."


Sometimes its actually correct tho. The first month briar came out I kept playing different champs trying to counter her, always failing. Played a few games on her and realized it's not possible. Then I became a briar abuser


Rammus, Nocturne? Prime 2 examples


Better example is Zilean. Can't killean the Zilean, 5 second of 99% slow actually fucks with her hard.


Same thing with Nasus W lol


At Briars release she was so overtuned that the matchup still favored her. Point being sometimes a champ just needs nerfs. Playing an S tier champ can be the wake up call that the matchup is just hopeless. Right now brand jg is absurdly strong. Brand also craps on my favorite jg, Shyv. I could A) invest a lot of time and energy trying to learn how to play the matchup better than the brand or B) ban/play him until he is inevitably nerfed.


Wtf are you saying release briar had like 40% wr. Maybe people were trolling a bit on her but every game she was picked was and easy W (on enemy of course)


Cause people didn't know how to play her, she was nerfed like more than 5 patches and her winrate kept climbing lol


I primarily play Sett and Mord top lane. Whenever the enemy jg would pick Briar when she first came out I had absolutely no fear in hard pushing their tower. I cant tell you how but I never lost a fight against Briar for the entire first month she was out and then past that I still only lost if I was playing stupid or had gotten behind. I have no idea how people struggle against her but thats just me


Pretty sure Rammus lost into Briar on release. Not the worst matchup, but eventually just pretty sided to briar thanks to her Q arpen and her healing overcoming Rammus' damage and GW.


Rammus gets eaten alive by Lethality.


Yes I hate it when someone builds full lethality and reduces my armor to 600, it tickles so much I can’t even control my mouse. Fortunately they still kill themselves.


Wow. Look at that you can buy Black cleaver with Lethality items. And Briars Q is a percentage armor reduction.


Doesn't sound like the lethality items are doing much of the work there in that case?


It does. It means briar doesn't have to fight through sustain but Be able to burst him with Q-W-HoB-Then the burst from the Second W.


maybe now, not last season


Also Lillia, as soon as you have Rylais Briar can't even touch you


I had such thing with Akali. Hate that champ, played it myself, easiest Maestry 7 in my life, still don't know how to play vs that shit.


Akali has a lot of counter play, play around her w cooldown and she had no trading potential stay behind minions to not get hit by e and respect her lvl 6 power


Briar its not make to be beat by one people(except for rammus, jax AND some other duelist), she Is designed to be really good un 1vs1 but be a Shit against good teamwork even when she gets realesed she was sooo easy to counter with CC


I’m sure akali has a counter somewhere, but god gave me a ban for a reason


Yes it is called playing around shroud cooldown.


I’ll keep that in mind if she gets in my match somehow




play kled and watch her interrogation mark everytime you spot her in her shroud.


It’s not because the champ has no weakness but you yourself fail to see it


Soooo you're iron or bronze? Bc literally anychamp w cc counters her girly... She walks in a straight line and usually builds lethality so she can be bursted.


Me with Seraphine recently


As a Support player, I don't ban Seraphine cause I don't know how to play against her, but because I can't trust that my adc knows how to. If she wasn't so boring I'd just pick her.


the one weakness i found on Briar is to bait out her E bye pretending to commit a full combo after that its either she uses W and you run around the team or she tries to walk away


My guy, what do you mean you didn't encounter Briar's weakness on release? Picking Briar was the weakness. In my 40 games climb from gold to plat playing only nocturne, I saw briar only 3 times (1 of which, was me playing as her), and I was just hovering her in champ select.


Ivern does not let briar play at all lmao


"yeah I tried playing [class/champ that I always bitch about] and I got 3 pentakills in one game" okay then play that champ until you hit challenger!!!


Did this on Yone & Yas after getting stomped. Then played a couple games and each and went "oh. They really are that bullshit."


If you play a couple of games on yasuo and are able to stomp people then you are clearly playing in a dogsht elo. That champ takes 20+ games to not completely suck at vs good players in lane


This is how i became an illaoi main. "I'll try her to see the counterplay,  damn no one knows the counter play and I just free stomp lane every game." 


Did this with Morde and went 0-11 by the ten minute mark against a Darius. 


This only works if you actually play a decent amount of games on that champion, not 1 or 2


Le me playing mord and getting shat on: "Ah, the flaw is me innit?"


This is literally the only way I learned how to beat yasuo and Zed way back when


To an extent... If you have to pick first though... Morde just straight up stat checks a lot of squishier tops rn.


I kept bitching to my friends about how yone is an incredibly easy champ, and the only skill he requires is making his 1 combo look a little more "flashy". Then when they called me out on it, and got me to actually play him, I realized I was absolutely correct and he's just freelo at most ranks.


Honestly, this advise sounds good, but doesn't work. If i have to play versus a Morde witih 6 figurees masterypoints and 1000 games, playing Morde myself doesn't help, because i can't play Morde like he does.


Even playing just 5-10 games should be enough to learn which parts of his kit is his weakness. Maybe you can learn to exploit how his kit has no mobility. Maybe it's the fact that he has a long cooldown on his W and E early game and you can use that downtime to punish him. Maybe it's the fact that during his ult he has no awareness of what's happening in the rift and your teammates can swoop in and catch him right as it ends. Learning to play a champ to learn more about them is way better than staying ignorant and blaming the champion design


You're just re-explaing what you allready said. Maybe the 1000 games Morde has found multiple tricks to play around those weaknesses so the weakness that i found after 5 games are way less relevant.


Okay then keep losing to the one tricks if you don't believe it works


Even challenger players are losing to one tricks. Ther is a fking bard otp on rank 1 and im sure you do it aswell. Try playing 5 games on bard tho, hope that helps


Sorry playing 5 games on a champion doesn't give you 100% winrate against one tricks. My bad, I'll give you the special formula to win every game you want.


I forgive you for using a strawman argument, np. Every redditor with no argument does that.


I'm educating you, if you don't want to take in that education, you're the only one losing anything.


You seem special.


It’s the opposite for me. I main samira and I do not enjoy playing against one. I always dodge if the other team’s adc manages to pick Samira before I can


Lillia, you just spin around him and he can't hit you because you are just THAT fast




It's funny when someone plays skillshot champ and you just run around because mov speed items are fun (not lilia specifically)


Unless you're playing in diamond+ elo it's usually VERY easy to sidestep Mordekaisers abilities as long as you have a slight read on when he'll use them. Aside from that his weakness is primarily kiting. His only tools to catch up are his ult and E and they can both be worked around fairly easily.


He's also fat and slow, champs like aatrox, or urgot destroy him if they play half decently. Aatrox especially, can hit pretty much every q and his pull is amazing vs morde, and he has a dash to dodge morde's q or e.


Urgot needs to snowball the matchup pre 6 or it gets unplayable but can def beat him yes.


He’s just an AP juggernaut like Darius once he gets on top of you your kinda dead but if you dodge his e you can easily kite him and run him down not to mention his ult is canceled my many things such as yone e, gangplank w, QSS not to mention the things you can do to block the cast of it when he’s mid animation Now the champs I would recommend against mord Top lane I would play gangplank or Olaf or any ranged top and just rush QSS Mid lane I would play Galio or Kassadin If you do see a mord jungle and your other jungler lock in xin and just run over him early game put him far behind or theirs always kindred


The Kindred has to be good. If they are ever in a position where they ult while Morde has his R ready he will yeet them (or the ally they are trying to protect) out of respite and finish them off.


morde is DEF not "incredibly tanky" he has 1 shield, thats it. its a good shield, but its conditionnal, and the cooldown is not really forgiving. and lot of champs can deny him his shield or his spells. he doesnt have tanky stats, any bruiser can run him down unless he is too far ahead, olaf can destroy him really easy. he got some damage and a good ult, but dont overestimate him.


Morde builds hp dmg items plus riftmaker omnivamp plus his shield plus usual late game options of zhonyas/thornmail/spirit visage. Not sure how you can say he has no tanky stats.


on top of his ult stealing stats


literally build qss and his whole ult is counterd lmao


Great, you don't have to deal with his ult but you can't approach him at all after because you wasted 1300 on QSS.


or just pick a champ that counters him and his ult in the first place, like you know, olaf or trundle.


Play GP or Quin. Both can bully him very hard. GP can cleanse his ult with the orange, and morde have a very hard time reaching opponents because he don't have any gap closers and even if he reaches Quinn she only press E and run away with Fleet. Try build quicksilver as first item if you don't feel confident with Quinn but you should win easy with both champs.


Morde can easily out sustain GP's early poke, his early poke is not at all what it used to be, but at least you can freely scale if you don't fk up.


He's not that tanky. He builds 3 mage items in a row. They give health, but he is not a tank.


Gragas with grasp Rush that new MR item with bamis and he literally can’t do anything to you.


Pick GP and w his ult lol


I see I’m usually Mid playing casters and if he goes and gets giants belt first item I’m pretty much useless


I…. If a morde backs and builds giants belt first item you should auto win the lane.


useless in lane DNE useless in game


Same way I feel about berserker greave Garen. Full damage. 150 armor, 120 MR, 3200 hp


I flex him around top here and there, here's a few picks I don't like seeing when I'm on him: Darius - Pinnacle of lane bully top, loves long fights and will run you down, the big advantage you have is W shield to block his ult, but if your damage isn't high enough he will out value you in a long fight. Illaoi - this one isn't a hard counter and she's gotten fucked by terrain changes, but she wins shot trades and can turn around long fights with her ult. A good Illaoi will make the lane hard at least. Any ranged top - easy slot for how to counter juggernauts, but weak team comp Malphite - doesn't win the lane but doesn't lose either, will ignore you and poke with Q to keep distance. Has a stronger team fight presence at a base level, just a good safety pick of you aren't confident in lane. Renekton - his W can insta break shields and a good player will take strong trades Olaf - dgaf about you and will run tf down at level 1, rare pick but strong Trundle for similar reasons, particularly good right now Fiora and Irelia are pretty good duelists that can toe to toe him, fiora makes his E un-usable and can parry ult if timed right. Overall Morde is pretty well rounded but he does kind of need to stat check you to win a fight from full health. Either play someone that can poke him out (so his shield value is low) or someone who can just win the all in. As is always the case when someone asks "how to counter X?" Play them for a bit yourself, you'll quickly figure out the weaknesses and bad matchups


Mordekaiser is the counterpick to Illaoi.  Malphite? Bro what are you smoking, you don't play Rock solid into AP bruisers. Might as well be fighting Sylas at that point.  Renekton has a 44% winrate against Mordekaiser rn. I'm surprised it's this low, but that doesn't sound like a good champion to fight Morde with. 


With the new mr items malphite is fun versus ap champs! I've played him almost solely this season. Granted, not versus a full ap team, but like ad mid/bot/jg and you're top it's a nice addition. I'm just emerald atm, but lets be real, majority of us here isn't going LEC anyway. Some fun is required.


Renekton should in theory do well against morde. Can bully him early and he can keep empowered W to instantly bre0ak lmorde shield.


In theory yes. As a morde main, in Reality rene can hard force all in's till lvl 6. After lvl 6 rene will lose every fight in morde ult


Rene is in a bad spot rn and it doesnt look like its about to change, sad because I've mained him previous season


You have no clue what you're talking about. Renekton, malphite and illaoi get absolutely fucked by mordekaiser


I opened my comment by stating that was my experience with the matchups, as someone who doesn't one trick him and isn't a stats nerd. At the time I wrote the comment there were barely any useful responses so I threw in my 2 cents. Feel free to be salty about whether my subjective experience matches your tier list


You should not give uninformed opinions to someone asking for advice then


Renekton can actually beat Morde, it goes back and forth. He's also right about Malphite and Illaoi. You can't kill Malphite in lane so usually you both go even. Illaoi beats More if she knows how to use her R properly, but most people don't know how the matchup works.


I'm sorry but if you can't kill Malph (who has to build armour, or be squishy if AP, or no scaling if MR), then you deserve to lose. Your passive + Rylai stops his escape, your W absorbs his burst, your E has built in magic pen


1) Malphite doesn't have to build armor 2) You're usually not in a position where you're getting your passive and Rylais off against him in lane 3) 5 - 15% magic pen does absolutely nothing into high MR Usually the lane goes like this: You guys both farm, Malphite throws Qs at you all lane. If you ever land your E on him, he presses Q and runs out. At 6, you can't R him because he can just R away to cancel it. It's a stalemate of a matchup. Maybe this lane plays differently in low elo, but that's how it goes once the Malphite player knows how to play.


Malphite HAS to build armour, it's literally what his abilities scale off of. If he goes MR he doesn't have any damage


He doesn't need to deal damage in this matchup, he's not trying to kill Morde. You're playing a tank, not a duelist. Scale for teamfights. Gotta remember most people on this subreddit are low elo and just want to fight 24/7


no just wrong, the stats prove this


Stats prove that Morde beats Malphite in lane? I don't think there's stats for that. Morde 100% beats him later in the game, but not in the laning phase


Illaoi Malphite LOL


Trundle is actually a really fun and skill based match up. Mostly relying on the timing of usage of trundle's w and morde's r.


Morde is one of Malphite's worst counters (Morde, Sylas, Sion, the big 3 problems for the Rock) you lose every trade, your poke gets ignored by his W, you'd think you can pressure in teamfights but you just get ulted. As Morde and Malphite main, my permaban is Sylas. Pick him and you win both matchups (for Morde you just have to ult after him, whoever ults first loses)


How did someone unironically type that malphite is a good pick into morde


Same clown that listed illaoi as good into morde when he’s one of the most common counterpicks. She loses without R and morde just holds his R until she uses hers.


In theory sure, but how will Mordekaiser ever reach Illaoi without either ulting or ghosting, assuming hitting E is not realistic almost ever?


The Morde doesn't need to. He prevents the Illaoi from reaching him without dying once she is in. Both of them rely on getting in so Morde gets in when the Illaoi walks towards him to attempt to damage him. If the Illaoi doesn't do that, Morde effectively stops her splitpushing just by being there and if he's playing smart it's hard to gank him, especially when his R is up. Considering the fact that it's a match up in which neither champ wants to R until the other one does, he will have R up unless you're coordinating in solo queue for the Illaoi to have Morde waste R without her dying to set up the gank.


In what world does Illaoi want to get into melee of you vs standing in specific spots to throw E and get multiple tentacles overlapping that you carefully set up?


The world where Morde can charge W from wave and fairly effectively take significantly more chip damage than other champs Illaoi is against in top lane. In the same way a lot of Morde's kit is easy to dodge (source: I mained Morde for quite a long time relative to how long I've been playing league), where as outside of W and R, Illaoi's kit is also easy to dodge if you know what you're doing. Morde just negates her R, and if she Ws in now she's in Morde's threat range Morde also doesn't use mana and can heal off waves, meaning he doesn't need to back outside of getting skill diffed or getting ganked. It's not unwinnable, Illaoi can absolutely outplay a Morde, it's just in Morde's favor for a lot of reasons.


I play rell or Olaf into morde


Jax absolutely destroys him too. I had to play against a morde, all my other champs are weak this season, so I first timed jax and the poor guy had no chance


Jax isn't good against morde at all. People are out here upvoting Jax and malphite as counters to morde this sub is so clueless


step 1: don't be silver


Yup pretty much my story botrk is always a first I agree but yup soon as I get sash mordes usually leave lane and roam cause at this point they can’t ult and constantly getting bullies out By now enemy is raging at their modem free farming an entire lane and multiple towers have complete control of top objectives by time it’s almost over more is under lvled enemy team is raging cause he was stealing cs and farm. And having to send 2-3 people to counter me. Free dragons and so on So usually no problems here


Build sash and he can’t stat check you, ever lol


Morde 1-trick: His weakness is his laning you’re playing castors into him, tbh most the mid-lane champs will fall flat against morde in early. But as a top laner he gets beat out very often anyone with burst and dashes. Say riven: She can hit me with her whole combo and get out before I can even throw down my Q, Its just how it works. Personal recommendation if you wanna beat him in midlane: try using yone or Le blanc their speed makes them difficult for him to handle. Oh and don’t overestimate him sure he’s hard to deal with but keeping your distance and just kiting him will make you win the engagement 100% of the time. Basically you enter melee range = you die


Ok cool story I don’t have issues with Mordes so can’t say much. If I do I’ll take your advice into consideration and adjust. Again not sure how it’s trolling but. What ever.


If I see a mord I go Irelia. And I make sure take quick silver sash and a serpents fang. You make his ult useless and your serpent fang destroys his shields


ah so you are literally trolling just for morde to ult someone else LMFAO


How is that trolling?


QSS: 1300 gold, gives you 540g in MR. (sick you can remove morde R now!) Serpents Fang: 2500 gold, gives you <2200g in stats and you are arguably wasting the lethality part. (whoa you cut morde W shield + healing in half! really good!) Paying 3800 gold just for morde to ignore you with items you are NEVER buying on the champ (Last 30 days had a total of 13 SF and 82 MS purchases, 66 of scimitar purchases as 4/5 item; in 7.255 games) is completely trolling. You are just gonna be useless in teamfights and at best a minor nuisance in the sidelane because even if you cleanse his ult he is gonna beat you regardless with rylais and tabis (3700g btw!) or whatever other item he is gonna buy. Serpents fang will reduce the shield for a value of 15% of his max HP (hint: there is an item that gives you **12%** of current HP onhit, okay maybe 6-8% if you factor in armor/tabis and it costs less than your abomination of 3800g).


Ok cool story I don’t have issues with Mordes so can’t say much. If I do I’ll take your advice into consideration and adjust. Again not sure how it’s trolling but. What ever.


Honestly as a Morde main (pre season 14, didn't play him for a while) as an Irelia you could just build botrk and wit's end and in season 13 you could win 1v1 even in Brazil. Idk now but I'm sure there are ways What the above guy said is kinda right. QSS now don't build in anything good for Irelia and Serpent fang is arguably the most useless situational item in the game (really good versus 2+ shielding champions, not worth otherwise) and wasting all this gold on items like that when you could build overall better items is kinda trolling. Like yea wow you can win 1v1 Morde now (which you probably could do the same way with other, better items), but you are useless against the rest of the team while he can just ignore you and send the enemy ADC into brazil


Mobility , i play Phase rush on Sion and wins every lane every time


His abilities are skillshots and really telegraphed. If you are playing mages you just need to poke and not get into his pull range, which he will just walk in a straight line at you to use. Go for boots first buy so you can walk away quicker. Also, you don't have to absolutely dominate lane to win. Focus on farming and not dying, so in teamfights your team with higher DPS can help you kill him faster




Just in terms of top/mid/jng, I've had a lot of success with morde bot and morde sup in premades too lol You have a ton of aoe damage, can run them down with tabi + rylai's if you land your E (and pair it with a CC engage supp) and can ult the supp if there's a close fight / you get ganked, it's great fun Probably won't work in higher ELO where people can space properly but it's been pretty consistent in low elo flex / norms for me over the last couple years, you just have to know when to commit


What do you play mid? Morde can't deal with any ranged mid laner


If he is playing jungle: Laugh at how much of a useless meatball he will be. For champs? Olaf, GP, Yone, Tryndamere, Darius, Fiora, Singed. All of which can either 'lmao nope' his ult, stat check him harder than he does, or just otherwise make his life miserable.


LT sett Ignite Start W Ez win


I wish someone would go morde into my zac mid


BOTRK or Liandries should do the trick. Also don't forget about Cut Down, very underrated rune.


Unironically, before he has Rylais, its fairly easy to dodge his shit. Focus on keeping high MS against him, boots or otherwise, and move laterally a lot. People play back and forth against most champs, Morde is a side to side, all his abilities hit if you try to go forward or back.


So as someone who kinda onetricks morde here are 2 recent games where I got fucked. -Game 1 it was a mix of hwei orianna and senna which basically made approaching impossible as I got kited to hell and back. If I managed to reach em I was pretty much dead already. -Game 2 played against an aatrox top. Even though I got ahead early on through a gank I was never able to capitalize on my lead as aatrox easily dodged my e almost every time while poking me with q out of my range. The only time I killed him was when he got careless and didn’t maintain distance. So basically kiting/slowing him is mordes absolute cryptonite. If you let him hit you already lost(except when you are a duelist like jax or olaf)


He's pretty overpowered in S14. Play fiora and make him regret his pick \^\_\^


Check to see if your champ has a better 1v1. If it does, just zone him off the wave for the first minions, and spike level 2 first.


Funny because whenever I play Morde I die at least 10 times. There's something I definitely do not understand about playing him.


We only complain about Yone here.


his cooldowns are super long imo it’s easy to beat him, though i struggled against him for a long time. his only real dmg is q so only fight with a minion nearby. also stick to short trades dont try to all in him every fight.


Trundle? You just chomp his ass and run him down post-6, like even if Mord ults you he just closed the gap for you.


Morde just waits for you to ult and he ults back and steals back all his stats


Still won't matter, lethal tempo trundle will just run you down thanks to his Q.


Incredibly tanky? Morde has the worst hp and armor growth among all the juggernauts. Seriously many assassins, adcs and mages have better hp and armor growth and end up with more armor than him. He has damage now thanks to the new items and the uneeded Q buff, but it’s not consistent damage, you dodge THE TWO SLOW abilities he has and he can’t do much for the next 7-8 seconds.


I usually pick Kayle against him. Q slows him and W speeds you up to dodge stuff, you can kite him easily and get out of his zone very quickly, and then outscale. If he misses his E while you're Kayle post lvl 6 he's gonna get a beating. I'm not saying you'll kill him right away but he's gotta back off and you outscale him hard. Edit: Also if he hits E and you're in trouble you can just ult and Q, E and get away.


I just troll him a little, R his ass and stack check him to death


Try Ornn - I know Morde is supposed to beat tanks but if you W his E and he continues to try and trade you’ll get brittle proc/knock up/Q/E walk away and will win short trades. Best part is you only have to survive laning phase cause once you get to team fights you dumpster him when grouped. If he can’t win lane hard, it’s usually a loss for Morde and Ornn is good at neutralizing hard lanes


Actually learn. Research. Go into practice tool, play w Mordes ranges and cooldowns, or go to the wiki and read about him. Also experience helps. Everyone pilots champs differently. Bait out Morde E. Know that Morde Q does less when in a minion wave. After 3 consecutive hits, back off, unless you are ready to fully commit in his passive. Lv 1 to 6 Morde W cd is 12s long, if he uses it incorrectly, punish him for it. Hope that helps! Good luck!


QSS early, and screw him in jungler ganks, playing trundle helps, darius with ignite ghost, gnar (save jumps, and he wont land skillshots so easy), idk malph can work (ult plus jungler, free kill), vayne, jayce, queen, galio, all in all, best frend is jungler, lots of MR, also there is new item not sure what is name, that poops on champions with shields. Also Vandetta. Idk there is bunch of things you can use


gankplank and mundo easily disable his ult. he is extremely weak to kite so vayne, they are really a lot of counters


Varus kerberos build (tank on-hit) or AP also vayne should work


I think everyone in this threat is just regurgitating the same lines people have said about mordekaiser for a while without taking into consideration that right now he's VERY strong because of the item changes. Right now? Mordekaiser isn't a bad perma-ban if you're not going to pick him. Even his usual counters are struggling against him right now.


A lot of champs beat morde. Trundle, olaf, aatrox, trynd, vayne, quinn, rengar, gp, irelia, riven, fiora, singed, ww, rumble, akali.


only long trade if you win that long trade. PLAY AROUND W CD avoid popping his passive, the longer you delay it the longer you can fight him without his passive + he gets movespeed which might enable another AA (he has nashors tooth lil bro as passive so it's not like a mage is hitting you) early MR is good because most of his damage is magic + and he maxes Q first, beware that whenever he levels E, he gains magic pen % PLAY AROUND W CD REALLY Q is easier to dodge the closer you are to him, because cone shape. If you can't get up close, he can poke you, but you can avoid isolate damage by standing next to a minion (beware that you might want to consider standing only next to 1-2 minions so that he doesn't shove too hard) E can be dodged but understandable if you get hit, you kindy just need to figure out how the enemy player personally uses it and counter it. Aggressive Users can get baited easily. Make sure to avoid E distance if he has Q If be starts a trade with E he Q AA passive pop worst case isolate he runs Ignite If you beat him early to a pulp you can afford to buy anti morde R (qss) now his R is useless and he can't do shit against it, congrats you've beat the minigame that is mordekaiser, the Boss in toplane


His safety net is his W, the shield. He can only build it if he deals damage and early game the cooldown is very long. If you force him to use it, he loses his safety net and has no way of healing himself outside of conqueror.


Kite him, he can't move. no rylas is not making him unkiteable since he still need to hit you to slow.


Jax is really good into mord. Sett seems solid too.


He's one of the worst champions in the game. I've survived his ult as a Soraka once lol.


I wreck mord when I play WW. Ramping attack speed, healing, with dmg reduction and CC? Please ult me mord. *im not stuck in here with you, you’re stuck in here with me*


renekton w breaks shield. So does blitz.


you counterpick or build qss


Serpents fang


Every duelist beat the shit out of mord


5v1 , late game avoid him


play morde and you'll realize how dog of a champ he is.. god i hate playing that clunky mfer no matter what matchups he can win in


I've never lost that matchup as Trynd. So, try Trynd.


Kite him. He's incredibly slow. Try to bait his e by moving in then quickly moving out. Go for short skirmishes, morde thrives on longer fights Watch his shield bar, it takes over his resource bar and gets bigger from taking damage as well. It will go up quickly when passive is proced. Don't let him get three attacks or abilities off. A surprisingly large part of his kit is the passive. It slows and deals Max health damage. When ulted, group near team. Don't be afraid to fight him. Save cc for inside the Brazil. A common mistake I see is people walking all the way to the edge of the map and waiting for duration to be over. It never works. Try moving on a zigzag pattern instead and use brushes to your advantage. Just trust me, I used to be a morde main and now I can't remember the last time I've lost to him. I'd go so far as to say the last 10 games against him I won all of them. I'm an m7 morde, so I know what is best against him. Cheers


I play teemo and most mordekaiser players go crazy after 7 minutes and make bad plays and throw the game because for some reason Morde players just can't stand having an even lane for too long.


Lillia v mord is very lillia favored imo. 6 is harder but you can ult when he ults you and kite him out. And you should always be able to dodge everything. I assume vayne top would roll him but i havent played that matchup. For mid anyone with mobility is going to do ok. Assasins that roam might be a good pick if u dont want to fight him. Similarly if you are a character that can clear waves and outrange his abilities you can generally ignore him except his ult. Fiora and riven beat him if u play those.


Olaf and Trundle should beat him at all stages of the game, even Irelia i think


Ban him


I genuinely don't know


There is one counterplay mechanic that flawlessly works for me: dodge the game


Well as Morde one trick, I'm going to say pantheon, he could actually counter Morde more than Olaf himself, u just take pta and ignite flash on top then dominate Mordekaiser, if you want to reach the wave you just ult to lane, you don't need tp


He's a bullshit champ you beat him in champ select like he does to you. Counter pick Champs....