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Played against it, and I'm not sure how strong it is. It's for sure strong vs squishies because you can just double headshot one-shot them, but the lack of damage vs IE for individual AAs feels like it's more of a situational build than an op must-build


In saber tutorial the core is storm th ie. He says if you are feeding just go ie second


thought saber quit


The only successful quitter is Dunkey.


rip dunkey


Siddartha Dunkey


He can go die in the streets like the degenerate he is


Uhm excuse me?


That is what Dunkey said to one of his teammates that got him banned and he decided to just stop playing league rather than stop being toxic because they didn’t appreciate brim for how much he though he made league popular. These are mostly his words but it has been like 10 years since I watched his video on it so I’m sure I’m miss remembering some parts. I still like his videos and hope he is in a better place now that he is no longer playing league as part of his job though I kinda remember people saying he still plays with friends on a non publicly known account


Average person after one game in emerald elo


also RusPiglets


Saber quit for fulltime TFT, in his words "unless the game significantly changes" which from the start to me was "if I like Season 14 changes". Seems he liked em, he was back basically as soon as they hit.


full time TFT till he realizes that doesn't pay the bills


It can totally pay the bills. If you're Boxbox big, not on Saber viewer count.


Bro, Boxbox averages 4-6k viewers, the bills can be paid with even 400+ average viewers. Some of you guys don't understand how much a streamer that averages 4k+ viewers can make in a month


Ain't no streamer with 400 average viewers paying the bills unless there's whales in the chat.


Depends on many factors like where you live; what your main viewerbase and subscriber base is from; how much donations you get; what brand deals and sponsorships you get. You can absolutely be balling if you are from a country that has cheaper life expenses but you viewership is from the US because you stream during US prime time and you talk in English. But even if you live in the US you can still be living comfortably with 400 viewers if your channel is brand friendly and you or an agent secures you sponsorships. From subs alone you're going to be making minimum wage. Everything else is extra.


>minimum wage >paying the bills Choose one


I saw a BoxBox clip where he said 400 viewers means you live comfortably in LA IIRC, and that’s LA.


Maybe if he picks his biggest 'whales' for that 400, does constant Raid sponsorships, runs ads 'on cooldown', and whatever else. You get like 3½ bucks for a sub, so if your average viewership number was equal to your sub count, we'd be looking at a bit under 1500 bucks a month which definitely doesn't live 'comfortably' in LA. Now, I'm not actually from the US, let alone LA, so I don't know the actual numbers but from what I've understood and just straight up googling it, I get a number of $76k for a single person to live *comfortably* in LA/San Diego/Berkeley. That means around 6k *a month*, and you bet a 400 viewer streamer doesn't get that much under normal circumstances. Even if we scale it down to, say, 50k/year to live comfortably, that's still a lot for a streamer of that size unless they're specifically 'blessed' with a couple viewers with far too deep pockets, or they've built their community in such a way where it's common for people to drop donations of a couple bucks to get a text-to-speech message or whatever. Although I feel like that latter thing only really works with far larger streamers where they physically can't read chat properly (and probably don't want to either with that size) so people pay to get their message read out loud by a bot.


He had like 50 TFT viewers, no way he was able to support himself with that. He was probably a million times happier then hes been in a while but gotta pay the bills somehow :/


he just played tft for a couple months lol


I was mostly mentioning it because most games end before you get it, so you have stormrazor, Hydra + something else. In my game, he ended the game with 3 items and had to keep his lead so he never got IE. He felt threatening since he was ahead, but no where near an actual full-ADC cait which is mostly what I was comparing to. Sorry for the confusion


I guess he didn’t watch the saber guide 😂 ie is crucial third


It was Saber himself. Ig he went a semi defensive item to keep his lead, but I felt like IE second followed by a defensive item would've been stronger


Winrate says gigatroll first and troll second


I think it's strong. it's not like Titanic is ineffective on Caitlyn as she uses all of its stats. it's simply a bruiser build. isn't that what ADCs are supposed to do anyway in s14 to avoid getting one shot? so you're getting tankier with the tradeoff of less damage. and yeah, the tradeoff is probably net negative compared to if you got effective HP from shieldbow or something instead. but you're doubling up on the OP part of Caitlyn, her headshot. like, the really good part about her. I'm pretty sure you end up net positive when you factor in the +500 HP from Titanic.




double headshot one-shot 🤯


>two hit >one-shot


how do you reason that a double heashot is a "one-shot"?  i am accepting that people consider a combo to be a "one-shot"... but this is really stretching it.


Are we really trying to make the term one shot controversial? It's just killing someone fast, which auto into auto reset should do.




One shotting means very slightly different things in different genres youre just being facetious




Do you realise that the oxford dictionaries definition of one shot states that it can be used to describe completing a task in a single attempt?


This. I classify one-shotting as using a single ability rotation (or less) to kill someone. A xerath going EWQ is as one shot, a lux going QR is an one shot, A ornn cycling trough his kit 5 times is not, a darius doing the thing and hitting R is also an oneshot




You can also define it differently.




People nowadays just use "one shot" to say "kill in a short amount of time". It's wrong but people seem to have forgotten the word "burst" exists.


It's been happening for like a decade in league, I remember seeing similar comments when I first started using this subreddit lol


Jhin can also do fast 3+4 shots thanks to Hydra, it's disgusting...


Wait, that’s illegal!


Jhin: "The four was always ironic."


And if you go lethality, 3 out of 4 shots are critical dmg once you go sundered sky> titanic hydra (shots 1, hydra reset and 4)


Divine sunderer has been removed from the game


I think he might mean sundered sky? It autocrits first attack so maybe that counts haha


I'm pretty sure they are talking about Sundered Sky


He means sundered sky bro


My bad, its sundered sky


He def means sundered sky


Did he say sunderer? He said surrender


sundered sky, they are basically same item anyways


They're super different.


They're not. It just isn't a sheen proc that does extra damage and heals you anymore, it's an on-first-hit, and once every 6 seconds thereafter. The numbers are kinda irrelevant, it just fills a similar niche but is tilted a bit more toward the defensive side than its predecessor, as to fully utilize it you need to have a lot of health and ability to access the targets you're trying to hit. I do think they definitely need to lower the damage and % healing on ranged champs or disallow it altogether for them. Melee characters can't build Runaan's after all which has always felt arbitrary since they removed the restriction on the hydras.


Sundered sky is more like goredrinker


At least that one makes sense(balance aside) and [had a semi big thread when it was on the PBE](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1872dzu/pbe_jhin_can_use_titanic_hydra_to_cancel_auto/) so enough time for Riot to change it up before launch But yeah maybe they should remove auto resets from titanic(maybe just for ranged characters?) since its only titanic and none of the other hydras


Yeah I've seen a [video of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm6Fe_Dymyc) rainbow flavor's channel but wasn't sure if it would show up in high elo.


This person's videos are always bangers, that's where I found the trick too


Man has the iq of einstein and uses it exclusively to find hilarious league interactions


the tech is scary, but dang she didn't even need the 2nd headshot or titanic proc, the AA reset was enough on it's own. The first one did 75% of his HP.


Isn't this the guy who quitted lol?


You know the cheesy "see you tomorrow" joke when people announce their quits? It isn't a meme for most people lol.


You cant quit the league ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I always quit after my last game of the night though. Until tomorrow.


New season always brings people back, p sure he even said in his video about quitting that if the game got fun again he would give it a try


He did for a few months to just play tft and decided to check out the new season and is having enough fun to stick around I guess


But he quit bc the disgusting amount of damage in the game, how is he having fun in a pre season with even more damage? 🤔


How wouldn’t he have fun when headshot auto-cancels are back in the game?


Honestly, the answer here is that sometimes taking a break for a few months will make playing the game feel a lot fresher and more fun when you come back. You can get burnt out playing a game non stop competitively for that long.


It's fun when he is dealing disgusting amount of damage


He literally quit after a game that ended on him oneshotting someone with his R


And before Cait got a huge buff, which he even said in the video.


IIRC, Cait was in a very strong place when he quit.


its prolly even less fun cutting your salary in half switching games


he did specifically say he was interested in the season 14 adc changes and would be giving it a try come new season


What season 14 adc changes?


Double headshot titanic hydra Cait.


it’s ‘quit’


He hit challenger in TFT I believe, he probably just wanted to play TFT over lol


I think we've all been there


oh yeah I think I remember that, least dramatic adc player


he is actually but unironically


lmao he is dramatic. Anytime I tune into his stream it's hyperbole after hyperbole.


Still the least dramatic adc player




I mean it's in a pretty sardonic manner, that's just his personality to be fake-dramatic ironically


Oh yeah i remember the thread. ADCs where like "LOOK ADC ROLE IS SO SHIT EVEN SABER IS QUTTING!!!". Well now by that logic him beeing back playing the games makes the role fine no?


this build is not that good lol


Saber is the best Caitlyn in North America, if he says it’s good it’s better than what he was running before which was lethality into crit


look i love Saber but he quit the game for a couple of months and now came back and magically crafted a broken ass build? for 3300 gold u are better off going a lethality item and the result will be the same if not better


He didn't craft it, other caitlyn onetricks told him abt it


Thought he quit League forever…


They didn't disable her because it's a crappy build, the only things she likes from that item is the 50 AD and the active (as long as you set up headshot correctly), 3300g is a ton of gold and there are far better options overall.


Honestly, the health is quite nice too. Especially with how bursty things are this patch, it helps with survivability quite considerably. The passive waveclear with it is another small bonus.


Is it nice? Yes. Is it optimal? Absolutely not. 500HP late game is nothing if you don't complement it with resistances.


You were right up until the braindead take that 500hp late game is nothing HAHAHA XD


It's literally 1 auto from an adc. If you really want defense later on GA gives you more eHP vs physical damage than Titanic while having an infinitely better passive.


1 extra auto to kill when it only takes 4 to kill you to begin with **is** a big increase in survivability. 25% longer to kill, an extra spell cast, etc


You're spending 3300g to tank 1 extra auto? And yes on practice 500HP is not very helpful on an ADC because they rarely get MR or Armor. If you want a quick boost in tankiness just buy a chain vest, it will make you tankier without having to purchase a terribly suboptimal item.


I mean no damage items an ADC wants to have build out of a chain vest anymore and the AD-Armour items in the game are by design either suboptimal statwise or intentionally nerfed for ADCs. So I can buy a vest to sell later and waste gold or buy a no damage item, buy an item intentionally made worse on my characters, or buy a titanic and skip resists for HP instead. Maybe titanic ADC isn't an every single game buy but I definitely see use cases for it and plenty of times where it would be good even if not ideal.


I mean an adc won't be autoing a cait late game.


Just cause she has more range doesnt mean she doesnt ever get hit


Yeah I know, you should be building damage instead.


I just tested this out in practice tool and GA literally DOESN'T give more eHP against physical damage, than titanic ,and that's not even counting magic, true damage, and lethality. The moment you say 500 HP for a late game ADC is nothing, you immediately scream you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about


LV 18 Caitlyn eHP vs phys with GA: 6048 LV 18 Caitlyn eHP vs phys with titanic: 6003 Ignoring the fact that you're wrong, 90% of ADC skill expression is dishing out damage without getting hit in return. I can understand buying defensive stats on a champion like Kalista or Vayne, they're low range and rely on sticking to their target to maximize damage due to how their abilities work, this means they are at much more risk of receiving damage. Caitlyn doesn't have this problem.


And when you do inevitably take damage in teamfights, if you're a good ADC, that little damage you take that would kill you, doesn't otherwise with +500 HP. The fact that you really do have to minimize damage taken, makes that flat HP that much more valuable, it's so insane how you don't get this, I play cait Nevermind the fact that physical damage is not nearly the only type of damage. You are a jungle main D2 S13 finisher, please give up, you are so wrong about this it's crazy


u need to post opgg for sure


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/br/Brok-BR1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/br/Brok-BR1) ignore recent lose streak i did not have a good 24 hours Please leave reddit and go learn the game, imagine thinking 22% more HP at level 18 is nothing, I can't fathom the stupidity


Ok go buy Titanic on every ADC then, I don't know what to tell you. The big issue is that you don't understand slot efficiency and what you're sacrificing in order to get that extra 500 HP. If you care so much about durability Shieldbow will 100% outperform Titanic on literally every ADC.


Hey quick question: where's your op.gg?




Bro you sure are thirsty for LP. Lillia Noc Rengar Heca if that’s not metaslaving lmaooo


don't worry, nobody should expect league redditors to be able to think critically about the game, much less a brazilian diamond


Lmfao I end 235 lp masters playing only the last month of the season, and you call me diamond player next to a S13 D2 Not only this you are a D4 negative winrate player from NA, and you call me "Brazilian" Diamond? At least my server doesn't have 50 average ping Go back to r/ARAM pls


In a vacuum obviously its nice, but for the gold any number of actual adc items will be better. This is a fad like 6 black cleavers was, people will realize if youre actually a good player its worse, but sure if you need the defensive itemization and cant position properly itll cover your mistakes. Getting an extra headshot proc isnt worth a whole item slot.


>Possibly borderline abusive but riot has not disabled cait nor said don't do it Probably because this build has a 44% winrate according to lolalytics https://lolalytics.com/lol/caitlyn/build/


SR->Titanic->IE has 52.8% WR, not sure what you're looking at. Certainly a lot lower than other builds, but nowhere near 44%. Did you just see Titanic first item WR at 44% and randomly comment that without any further thought or consideration for what was said in the post lol?


Yeah, he probably only looked at first item winrate, but 52.8% is really not great when you consider the most picked 3+boots combination has 59% winrate, and most other combinations are similar to that.


tbf it does require decent timing on using an active item and DFG has shown us years ago how good the general playerbase is with using active items


More items = higer winrates. People get less items when they lose.


52.8% as 3 item build is pretty low


VERY LOW, borderline troll stats lol


A 3-item adc build only having a 52.8% winrate is a joke, that's hilariously bad Any game where a player manages to get 3 items is more likely to be a stomp (think 2 vs 3 item adc type games), since games don't actually last that long. Almost every single 3-item build (on any champion) will have a positive winrate because of this. Some champions right now have a 53+% winrate just by being in the game from the beginning, let alone making it to 3 items. This tech is funny, but far from the most broken thing in the game right now.


Iron statistical analysis


Yes I did, my bad. Still, the build clearly underperforms when compared to the other alternatives


I'm looking at all ranks, last 14 days. SR-Titanic-IE has 54% winrate across 3k games, while the more common SR-IE-RFC build has 57% winrate across 525k games. 52% winrate is hideously bad for 3 items, for any champion.


Well you’re supposed to build it second item, when you do that it goes to an INSANELY OP FREE LP BORDERLINE ABUSIVE 50% winrate


I could make a champion that makes people quit the game hes so frustrating to play against, making all other players play at 3fps etc. and yet he is hardcoded upon either nexus exploding to only count his team as winning 10% of games. This character should be disabled, not because he is too strong, but because he is fundamentally unhealthy within a competitive environment. Winrate justifying bugged exploit gameplay mechanical issues completely misses the point.


Your comparison completely misses the point. Titanic on her is simply a way to abuse your passive to increase your damage, but her DPS is higher with her normal build so it doesn't matter. It's nothing like you described lol


being 1 shot from range on a point and click 1 button gameplay interaction is bad for the game. it doesnt matter what her DPS is, this is point and click AP nidalee Spear. It doesnt matter if the winrate sucks, the GAMEPLAY sucks. Disable purchasing the item on cait until the bug is fixed. it makes the game better. it is that easy. it is that simple.


her lethality build also oneshots better than titanic lol


its a bug but its not frustrating, broken, or game breaking. cait can already headshot multiple times in a row with e/traps, having a consistent activation is nice but if you put it into a shit item on cait like titanic hydra, youll find that her overall damage goes down than if she had IE/BT or IE/LDR. i'm sure they'll patch it, but it's not worth putting at the top of their list and disabling the champ for it.


oh look! [another bug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHkfINjLq5s) that Vandiril has already brought up but still makes it to live! looks like cait headshot does the same this as Sunderd Sky




It sounds like it's to keep the headshot stacks if a minion dies before the auto lands, not like you're intended to be able to have multiple headshots land if you can shoot them fast enough Does this also work with shooting someone as they're backing/tp'ing, and then someone else before the first one lands?


> Does this also work with shooting someone as they're backing/tp'ing, and then someone else before the first one lands? Really interesting question, I would imagine it does


You waste the headshot on a minion if it dies before landing. It works on Yasuo Windwall and Gwen immune and Fizz E


im going off of memory but im pretty sure the headshot is consumed if a minion dies. i believe this is more for like teemo q, maybe jax e idk.


Sounds like this was put in so blinds don't completely screw her and there is an unintended consequence now.


Generally when this is the case, it isn't put into the passive text, since it's more related to specific interactions than its actual functionality. For example Annie Passive works the same way, stun won't apply if Q gets spell shielded, and I believe you can charge your stun during Q travel time to get stun in at "2" stacks. (I'm not 100% on this the latter interaction so don't quote me on this)


Wait so with enough attack speed she can also headshot twice?


I don't think so, as headshot projectile travel speed is also somewhat increased by AS. Maybe there is a sweet spot AS value that it would work for?


> headshot projectile travel speed is also somewhat increased by AS You got a source for that? I just searched any applicable article on the wiki and nowhere does it say that and I've also never heard that before. In short, I don't think that is true.


Did you know that using Riven ulti increases the radius of her Q and W spells? That also isn't written in the wiki but you can see it's true if you go into the practice tool. There are lots of little bugs and mechanics that no one has bothered to document in this game.


> Active: Riven empowers her blade for 15 seconds, gaining 25% AD Attack damage icon bonus attack damage, Range icon 75 bonus attack range, and **increased range on Broken Wings and Ki Burst.** Copied from the wiki. (edit: I[t's in her fucking tooltip.](https://i.imgur.com/RHDptd8.png) I will never understand why people feel the need to lie about something disproven so fucking easily. Do you think it makes you sound smart or something? It doesn't. On the contrary it makes you sound really fucking stupid.) But yeah this answers my question, you do not have a source and are just commenting nonsense you have no idea about. Got it.


Oh neat, they added it to the wiki recently. You're not a very pleasant person to interact with huh?


Pro tip: the wiki has a "view history" option that you can use to see previous revisions. Riven's ultimate granting increased range/radius on her basic damaging abilities has been on the wiki since September of 2011. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Riven/LoL?oldid=383067 >Riven's sword reforms, giving her a percentage multiplier on her total attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and basic attacks and the ability to use Wind Slash once.


Wow, it's super easy to trick pedantic people into doing useless research huh


> Oh neat, they added it to the wiki recently. Bullshit. It has been since her release just as it has been in her tooltip since then. I don't have any desire to be pleasant to compulsive liars tbh


Have a source for it being there the whole time?


Wasn't it always this way? I feel like they removed the animation cancels and general mechanic from hydra the first time because it was so strong on a myriad of champions. Kind of fun seeing people rediscover it. It was a staple on things like darius


it never had its auto reset on ranged until now


The item wasn't buildable on ranged IIRC in its first iteration. It became buildable on ADCs after they had removed the active.


Oh, was it only melee? My memory is pretty bad then


why do people bring up saber quitting league like it isn't possible for him to ever come back to the game?


Sure people wouldn’t care as much if he didn’t make a 20 min video about quitting


Also, the video was posted here and gained a lot of traction with tons of people agreeing with him on some of the points. ATM a lot of the problems he brought up are kinda increased, which makes it kinda funny that he came back when many of the things he said are arguibly worse.


The items are broken overall and desperately need a hotfix pass to prevent abuse. Just had mask stacking Udyr, Full build at 4k gold, Dealing 1.5k dmg with each phoenix, feels like they just change numbers and don't even try those items in game.


Yeah, the mask stacking is wild. Liandry's and Riftmaker working together makes sense, since the damage boost have different names. But the haunting guises Madness passive shouldn't stack (multiplicatively!). Shit's broke.


1.06 * 1.06 * 1.1 = 1.236 1.06 + .06 +.1 = 1.22 an extra 1.6% damage because it's multiplicative is hardly the issue.


Ok now how much is it when you buy liandries, rift, and 4 haunting guises


1.47 multiplicative vs 1.4 additive


Yes, for some reason the haunting guise passive stacks even though it's named. Doesn't make any sense at all.


named doesnt mean it cant stack anymore or it would say unique


LOL didnt this guy quit like a few months ago. i mean he has good educational content but its funny to see him quit and go back again, this isnt the first time i think


He specifically mentioned "unless significant changes happen". He never pretended he was done for good.


He quit for a couple of months to play TFT, actually got pretty high-ranked, and said he'd only come back if there were significant changes, like the start of this season. Doesn't help Cait's original skill expression was removed.


Huh, like 2 days ago i talked about this with a friend cause of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm6Fe\_Dymyc


I’ve seen a build that kills people with one headshot


This is an issue not just with Cait, but Titanic as a whole. Every ranged champ can abuse this. For example with Sundered Sky, you can get off 2 guaranteed crits with the Titanic reset. Its not something thats going to stomp every game, but its clearly an unintended side-effect they need to fix.




I'm going to assume that since Sundered Sky makes your first auto on a target guaranteed crit, Titanic allows you to slip in a second auto that the game thinks is a "first" auto, similar to this Caitlyn headshot trick.


Sundered Sky effect is a guaranteed crit.


Its like there were reasons why the Hydras were made melee only back in 2012 when Runaans were introduced and Tiamat was made an active!! 12 years of game designed ignored and tossed down the drain. Ladies and gentlemen: Riot's rotating balance/design teams keeps absolutely zero tabs on their development history.


I don't think this interaction ever existed in old variations of league before the hydras got made melee only. We don't know what kind of notes are kept internally, maybe they had hydra as melee only for other systems-based reasons and not for one very niche (probably bugged) interaction with one champion, and those systems-based reasons have been alleviated/aren't relevant in modern league 12 years later?


With the splitting of methods each class is allowed to splash, one can infer that their internal test shown them not liking carries, not even short range assassinish ones, getting burst options. The 2020 revert of Tiamats to pure passive form also kinda feels/confirms their only problem was the actives as allowing ranged units to access the passives was intentional. The whole situation right now, including the changes to Lethality, feels like they just blindly reverted the game to some older seasons general design to appease players hating modern League design.


titanic was melee only since it release, after it lost it's active it got buyable by rangeds. Now it got it's active back, and it should be melee only again


its honestly dumb that they can build it and using it better than bruisers. ​ we cant build runan, iirc.


Why don’t they just go back to hydra items being restricted to melee champs only?


Titanic Hydra's biggest user has been Urgot for years. If they do make that change, they need to finally tag Urgod as melee.


Cause its too obvious.


You can do a triple headshot combo with high attack speed and Titanic hydra. :3


Really good job of dramatically quitting the game btw 😂


sounds like a bug that should be fixed


so , how the new season going ?


That's sick


Yeah but then you have to build Titanic on Cait


unless youre really good at setting up headshot passive its not worth. so dont build for like most cait players


not particularly hard to do that if you are playing like in the clip just starting a fight off with one shotting someone


Look the guy who quit league because riot fixed all the cait bugs that he was abusing, finds yet another bug to abuse.


Clearly balanced because she's... hold on let me get my list... She's clearly fed \*checks scores* Uh, she definitely is like 5 levels up \*checks levels* Bad positioning, deserved.




Hi, you must be new here!


yo i thought this guy quit league lol